STD 152
STD 152
STD 152
Second Edition
Prepared by:
The Co-ordinator,
Committee on
“Process Instrumentation, Maintenance & Inspection”
Oil Industry Safety Directorate,
NEW DELHI - 110 001.
Name Designation / Organisation Status
Name Designation / Organisation Status
N.Rajkhowa General Manager (POSD), EIL Leader
3.10 SAFETY INSTRUMENTED SYSTEM (SIS) 3.15 LEAK: The accidental release of liquid
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) is and/or gaseous substances to
composed of software & hardware which atmosphere from a process system.
takes the process to a safe state when
predetermined conditions, as set on control 3.16 LOW FLOW: Flow in a process system
parameters like pressure, temperature, less than the minimum set operating flow
levels, flow etc, are violated, So, SIS rate.
protects against the possibility of a process
excursion developing into an incident and
3.17 LOW LIQUID LEVEL: Liquid level in a 4) Audio-visual alarms on trips.
process system below the lowest set 5) Voting logic configuration for trip
operating level. actuation on critical parameters to avert
spurious shutdowns.
3.18 LOW PRESSURE: Pressure in a process 3.23 Shall: indicates provisions that are
system less than the minimum set mandatory in nature.
operating pressure. 3.24 Should: indicates that provision is
recommendatory as per good engineering
3.19 SAFETY DEVICE: An instrument of practices.
control or mechanism used for the safety 3.25 May: indicates provisions that are
of the system. optional.
3.20 SENSOR : A device that measures the 4.0 SAFETY INSTRUMENTATION FOR
3.21 MACHINE SAFETY FEATURES: These 4.1 General Philosophy
are in-built safety provisions or those (i) In order to assess the adequacy of
additionally advised by the OEM (Original protection for a process function, PHA
Equipment Manufacturer)/vendor for (HAZOP study) is done first. HAZOP
protection of the process equipment in tables list out Deviations, Causes,
emergencies. It includes alarms and trip Consequences, Safeguards and
signals required to be integrated with the Recommendations. The details so
trip logic system of the equipment and the compiled include estimates of
process system. For example an frequency for each cause and severity
automatically operated shutdown valve for each consequence. The HAZOP
(SDV) used for the protection of process information is utilised for development
equipment is suitably configured for of Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA),
identified emergency scenarios. as shown in the Fig. 1. LOPA is a
simplified semi-quantitative technique
3.22 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN SYSTEM of risk analysis. It helps to assess what
(ESD): A system (confirming to a certain independent protection layers (IPL)
SIL level as per IEC 61508) of manual/ already exist or what are required for
automatic interventions depending on process safety. Please refer Annexure-
process criticality, when activated brings 2 for details on LOPA.
the equipment / facility to a safe and non-
operating mode without following the (ii) The LOPA team recommends use of
predefined sequence /procedures. An an SIS, only if, other design changes
Automatic Safety Shutdown for inherent (built-in) safety, cannot
System(ASSS) is a prevention safety reduce the mitigated event likelihood to
layer, which takes automatic and less than the target.
independent action following predefined
operating & safety logic to prevent a (iii)Wherever level, temperature and flow
hazardous incidents from occurring and to switches are mentioned, independent
protect personnel, plant and equipment. transmitters (for level, temperature and
An auto or manual trip system required flow as applicable) shall be used for
under SIS should cater minimum actuation of trip.
requirement as under:
(iv) 2/3 voting logic for ESD systems
1) PHA study based identification of should be implemented based on the
critical parameters for system trip. SIL study.
2) Independent Sensing element of each
trip initiating parameter (preferably (v) Alarm Management system should be
direct mounted). in line with the best practices followed
3) Direct Type switch or Microprocessor internationally, some of which are
based SMART Transmitters for Trip mentioned at item 6.6
4.2 CRITICAL PROCESS EQUIPMENT & Separators for downstream
PROCESS FUNCTIONS: SIS critical services in Refineries/
requirements for critical equipment and Gas Processing & Petrochemical
process functions have been covered Plants
which includes Separators, Main line
pumps, Gas Hydrators, Distillation The following safety instrumentation
Columns, Process Heaters, Reactors, shall be provided. (See Fig.4)
Process Gas Compressor, Storage Tanks,
Fluidised Catalytic Cracking, (i) High level alarm and High-High
hydrocracking, delayed coking etc., level interlock on separator (e.g.
described as under: suction KOD of compressor etc.)
to cut-off the compressor for
4.2.1 SEPARATORS preventing liquid ingress into it
Description: They serve to separate
gas, oil and water in refineries, Gas (ii) Low level alarms for hydrocarbon
Processing & Petrochemical plants. (HC) level & water interphase
Separators for upstream (onshore) level. In cases, where the
and for downstream processing have downstream equipment is not
been described separately as under: equipped to handle gas
breakthrough resulting from loss Separator for upstream (onshore) of liquid level, provision of Shut
Following safety instrumentation off valve should be made on the
should be provided for oil hydrator HC liquid outlet and water outlet
(Refer Fig. 3) and to be configured on Low-Low
(i) High pressure transmitter shall be (iii) Two independent level tapings &
provided to shut off inflow to the transmitters, in case of
vessel. congealing fluid or dirty service
like sour water.
(ii) High-pressure alarm.
(xi) For variable speed or fixed (viii) There shall be two sets
speed drives of FD fan, push button emergency trip,
speed of fan and motor one located in the control
contact should be used for room and another near the
heater trip interlock. furnace.
(ix) Arrangement for positive High temperature alarms for
isolation of fuel gas supply the beds shall be provided.
line to heater is necessary.
Block-&-Bleed to flare/ safe (ii) Reactor inlet and outlet
venting should be provided. temperature high
temperature alarms using
(x) FO firing cut off interlock separate sensors for
shall be provided to actuate recorders and alarms.
at low-low differential
pressure of atomising steam (iii) Reactor inlet temperature
and fuel oil control to be incorporated in
the furnace outlet
(xi) SIL based system as per temperature control scheme.
IEC 61508 for furnace
safety instrumentation or (iv) Safety interlock shall be
Burner Management provided for low hydrogen
System is recommended. flow, low feed, high reactor
4.2.7 HDS REACTOR (HYDRO (v) Feed pump and heater shall
DESULPHURISATION) trip on low recycle gas flow
Description to the reactor.
Hydro de-sulphurisation of
Petroleum products like naphtha, 4.2.8 HYDROCRACKER UNIT:
kero, diesel etc is carried out in Description:
presence of catalyst in the HDS Hydrocracking process is catalytic
Reactor. The high sulphur operation performed at relatively
petroleum feed alongwith hydrogen high hydrogen pressure and
is heated in a furnace to the elevated temperature to convert a
required temp. Outlet stream from heavy oil fraction into products of
furnace at controlled temperature is lowers molecular weight. It is a
fed to the reactor for flexible process to produce widely
Desulphurisation reaction. The different fuels from same or different
sulphur present in the Petroleum feedstocks. Generally,
products reacts with H2 to form hydrocrackers use fixed beds of
H2S. The reaction products go to catalyst with downflow of reactants.
the separator where the H2S rich During the process with severity
gas is separated from the liquid increasing, the first reaction leads to
product. saturation of any olefinic matter
present in feedstock. Next follow the HDS Reactor treating steps involving reactions of
desulphurisation, de-nitrogenation
The following safety instrumentation and de-oxygenation, wherein only
shall be provided for HDS unit. limited cracking takes place. Finally,
Please refer Fig: 9. on further increase in severity,
hydrocracking reaction is initiated,
(i) Reactor thermocouple which proceeds at various rates,
assembly consisting of with the formation of intermediate
number of thermocouples of products (e.g. saturation of
different lengths to measure aromatics), which are subsequently
and record reactor bed cracked into lighter products. In the
temperature at different Single-stage hydrocracking process
heights. Hydrogen quench the treating step combines with
should be provided in cracking reaction to occur in one
between the beds for reactor. However, Two-Stage or
controlling bed temperature. Series Flow hydrocrackers are
employed for high/ full conversion
by an additional reactor. Please
refer Fig.10. The compressors shall be provided
with the following instrumentation. SIS in Hydrocracker unit shall be in Please refer Fig.12. Additional
line with the process licensor’s instrumentation shall be provided as
design guidelines and taking into per manufacturer’s
consideration the following safety recommendations.
(i) Low–Low suction and High-High
(i) Automatic depressurization discharge pressure shall be
through the dump valve actuated configured to trip the compressor.
at high-high temperature with
any two of the temperature (ii) Gas detection and fire detection
indications provided on the top devices shall be provided if the
bed of the reactor. Please refer compressor is located inside
Fig: 11. enclosed buildings totally covered
on all the sides. The protection
(ii) Reactor thermocouple assembly shall also include turbine
consisting of number of enclosures.
thermocouples of different
lengths to measure and record (iii) Devices to monitor and trip in case
reactor bed temperature at of excessive vibration, speed, low
different heights. Hydrogen lube oil pressure, seal oil low
quench should be ensured in differential pressure, high bearing
between the beds for controlling temperature and high discharge
bed temperature. High temperature, low governor oil pr etc.
temperature alarms for the beds in line with manufacturers
shall be provided. recommendations.
(iii) Reactor inlet and outlet (iv) High-High level on the suction
temperature high alarms. knockout drum shall trip the
(iv) Reactor inlet temperature
control incorporated in the Note: Compressor trip shall mean shutting
furnace outlet temperature down the drive unit.
control scheme.
(v) Safety interlock shall be provided CRACKING (FCC) UNIT -
for low hydrogen flow, low feed, REACTOR/ REGENERATOR
high reactor temperature.
(vi) Feed pump and heater shall trip Description
on low recycle gas flow to the Lighter products are obtained from
reactor Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) by Catalytic
cracking in FCCU. The catalyst is
4.2.9 PROCESS GAS heated to a temperature of about
COMPRESSORS 650 degree C and is then allowed to
Description flow with the feed in the riser pipe of
Process gas compressors are used the reactor. Carbon particles are
in the petroleum processing and gas deposited on the catalyst when the
pipeline systems to increase the feed cracks into lighter ends like
pressure of gas for specific use and Fuel Gas, LPG, Naphtha, diesel and
handling & transportation. The heavy oil. The carbonized catalyst
safety interlocks shall be in line with known as spent catalyst is then
OEM’s recommendations and follow taken into the regenerator for
minimum provisions as under: regeneration. In the regenerator
controlled air is blown through the (vi) Steam Low flow alarm and
hot catalyst to convert the carbon emergency cut in for steam and
into carbon monoxide, thereby bypassing feed to reactor may be
releasing equilibrium catalyst for use considered.
in the next cycle.
(vii) Regenerator dilute phase high
FCC Reactor contains hydrocarbon temperature alarm should be provided.
vapour and regenerator contains hot
air. Air should not enter the reactor (viii) Plant shutdown shall be provided on
and hydrocarbon vapour should not low air flow to regenerator
find entry into the regenerator.
Regenerator is kept at higher 4.2.11 FLARE GAS SYSTEM
pressure (by 0.5 Kg/CM2) compared
to the reactor. Additionally, static Description
head due to spent catalyst level in Gas to be flared is routed through a
the reactor aids the transfer of spent knock out (K.O.) drum. From the
catalyst from reactor to regenerator. K.O. drum the liquid is pumped back
During normal operation spent to Recovery System and the gas
catalyst slide valve operation is goes to flare stack through a water
dependent on the level in the seal drum. Flare flame failure alarm
reactor through its level controller may be considered. T.V. monitoring
(LRC). The reactor is maintained at of the flame may be considered.
a temp around 490o.C by the
transfer of hot regenerated catalyst Following safety instrumentation
from regenerator. During normal shall be provided. Please refer Fig.
operation regenerator catalyst slide 14.
valve opening is controlled by (i) K.O.D. liquid level High and Low
reactor temperature controller alarms for auto start / stop of the
(TRC). Please refer Fig. 13. pump.
(ii) Low water level in the seal pot alarm Following safety instrumentation (iii) Pilot FG header Pressure low alarm
shall be provided in FCC (iv) Gas detector near the flare KOD
(v) H2S detector near the H2S KOD
(i) The spent catalyst slide valve
(SCSV) shall be automatically shut
off in the event of low differential 4.2.12 STORAGE TANKS
pressure across the SCSV. Following safety instrumentation
shall be provided in line with OISD-
(ii) The regenerated catalyst slide STD-108:
valve (RCSV) shall be automatically (i) Tanks shall be provided with at
shut off in the event of low least two numbers of level
differential pressure across the instruments working on different
RCSV principles and one level indicator
shall be Radar gauge type for at
(iii) Reactor high temperature alarm least class A Storage tanks. One
shall be provided. of the above shall be used for
High-High and Low level alarms.
(iv) Emergency feed by pass provision (ii) Automatic isolation of tank
to divert feed from the reactor. receipt line based on High-High
Level sensing device should be
(v) Hand jack provision for all slide considered for tanks receiving at
valves for manual operation. In high flow rates (unloading from
addition, local electrical / hydraulic / ship/ pipeline receipt etc.).
pneumatic operation shall also be (iii)Low-low level switch from the
provided. primary level instrument to stop
transfer pump (optional)
(iv) High temperature alarm should (ix) Exhaust hood high
be provided wherever required temperature alarm.
(x) Bearing temperature high trip
(xi) FG pressure low trip.
4.2.13 AIR COMPRESSORS (xii) Exhaust temp.(average of 3
Description thermocouples in exhaust)
Air compressors are used in high trip.
hydrocarbon industry for supplying (xiii) Lube oil temp. high trip
air to pneumatic instruments and as (xiv) K.O drum level high trip
well as for process requirements. (xv) Lube oil tank level alarms &
The compressors considered here trip
are reciprocating type. SIS Specific features for Gas
Following safety instrumentation Turbines
shall be provided for Air (i) Flame failure trip
Compressor - Reciprocating: (ii) Gas detection in turbine
(i) Cooling water low flow trip. (iii) L.O. Pr low
(ii) Discharge temp high trip. (iv) Exhaust Pr high
(iii) Frame oil low pressure trip. (v) Exhaust temp high trip
(iv) Discharge pressure high trip. (vi) Lube Oil tank level alarms and
(v) Automatic loading/unloading trip.
system to be considered
wherever possible. 4.2.15 LPG - PRESSURE STORAGE AND
(vi) Additional instrumentation be BULK LOADING
provided as per manufacturer’s
recommendations . Description
LPG is received from the plant
4.2.14 TURBINES through pipelines. It is stored under
Description pressure at atmospheric
temperatures in spheres or bullets
Turbines are steam/gas driven drive or mounded storage. The LPG is
units used in hydrocarbon industry pumped to a loading gantry from
for driving compressors, blowers where it is loaded through loading
and alternators in the process units arms into truck tankers or rail
and captive thermal power station. tankers.
Stipulations of OISD-STD-121
should be followed for Steam When LPG is received through road
turbines’ operations, Inspection and or rail tankers, it is transferred by
maintenance practices. unloading pumps into the bullets or
Following safety instrumentation
shall be provided for Turbines - in Following safety instrumentation
line with manufacturer’s shall be provided for LPG Sphere.
recommendation: Please refer Fig. 15:
(i) Lube Oil pressure low trip. (i) Fire detection and protection
(ii) Governor oil to pressure low system
(iii) Turbine exhaust pressure In line with OISD-STD-144 and
high trip. OISD-STD-150 as applicable, LPG
(iv) Over speed trip. storage, LPG pumps, compressor
(v) Axial displacement trip. house etc. shall be protected
(vi) Vibration high trip. through automatic fire detection
(vii) Emergency trip. and/or protection (Fixed) system
(viii) Condensate level high alarm. based on smoke/heat detection
through thermal fuses/ quartz bulbs/ #1 LPG spheres shall be provided
EP detectors. Sensors shall be with two independent indicators as a
installed at all critical locations e.g. minimum.
near ROV.
(iv) Level switches
On detecting LPG concentration A separate high level switch shall be
beyond the set limit, following auto provided for alarm in the control
actions shall be initiated: room.
1) SIL, also termed as SIL rating, it helps in defining the extent of process safety performance
expected from SIS to bring the process to safe state, when the specific process control
(BPCS) provided fails to cope with the upset conditions. Based on the SIL rating, each
specific process function is optimized for risk protection by selecting components rated
appropriately in line with IEC 61508. SIL is the discrete level (1 out of a possible 4) for
specifying safety integrity requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to the
electrical/ electronic/ programmable electronic safety related systems. SIL 4 stands for the
highest level of safety integrity and SIL 1 the lowest. SIL concept helps the safety system
designers and developers in making systems “acceptably safe” for their intended use in
the safety function with an understanding of the risks and defined safety requirements for
the risks needing reduction. Main objective of SIL is to provide a consistent, auditable result
of performance of SIS present in the process facilities. SIL should be assessed and
determined in terms of both hazards and consequences associated with specific installation.
Accordingly, it should be considered essential to assign and verify SIL level of various SIS
2) SIL & related Measures for low demand mode operation
¾ Step 3: Safety Integrity Functions (SIFs) shall be defined for each identified SIS LOP.
¾ Step 4: Then, for each SIF, the SIL rating shall be defined based on the desired level of
risk reduction. A sample exercise of SIF with SIL assignment is reproduced to
conceptualise the SIS architecture.
SIL Rating for SIF Listing – a sample matrix
SIF SIF Description Hazard Inputs Outputs SIL Reason Risk
ID Reduction
1 Main Pump high Potential P,T 2 Potential 1000
discharge for fatal times
Pressure rupture impact
demands of main
emergency line due
shutdown of the high
facility through pressure
activating ESD
Note: This simplified matrix is intended to illustrate in broad sense the methodology
for SIL assessment and does not provide a model solution. A case specific
assessment will be required for each process safety function.
¾ Step 5: The SIS conceptualised at step-4, shall then be Safety certified by TUV, FM or
¾ Step 6: During commissioning and thereafter once every five years, the SIS shall be
functionally validated. OISD-STD- 153 provides the minimum re-calibration intervals for
SIS instruments.
¾ Step 7: Whenever, any retrofitting to the plant is done, new processes are added,
major repairs are done, a major modification to the plant or in operation philosophy is
done, a detailed review should be done by following above procedure from steps from 1
to 7.
¾ Step 8: During design of SIS, useful design life of the system shall be evaluated. Due
consideration to be taken for de-rating the reliability due to ageing as well as availability
constraints of maintenance spares. The entire SIS shall be replaced upon completion of
the design life. During replacement, the above procedure shall be followed.
¾ Step 9: If is decided to extend the operation of the SIS beyond the design life, approval
shall be obtained from the head of the plant and documented. Upon completion of the
extension period, the replacement shall be ensured as per procedure step 9. (There has
to be rare instance where from Engineering Estimation, Maintenance Data and other
evidences, it is decided to extend the operation of the SIS)
Reference: IEC 61511 is an application specific adaptation of IEC 61508 for the
Process Industry sector. This standard is used in the petrochemical and
hazardous chemical industries.
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