Isograph RASWG Presentation

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The document discusses reliability analysis tools and methods available in Isograph including FMECA, fault tree analysis, prediction methods, and IEC 61508 compliance calculations.

Modules available in Isograph include prediction methods, FMECA, reliability block diagrams, fault tree analysis, event tree analysis, Markov analysis, Weibull analysis, reliability growth, and reliability allocation.

SFF is calculated in the FMECA module by taking the ratio of safe and dangerous detected failures to the total failure rate for a component or subsystem.

Lesson learnt from the Isograph

Training Course
Winterthur 24th to 26th of July 2017

Miriam Blumenschein, Saskia Hurst and Estrella Vergara

- RAS Working Group Meeting -
31st of August 2017

1. Isograph for beginners
Estrella Vergara

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Reliability Workbench During installation…

Available in CMF Packages: Isograph – RelWorkbench 13.01

Password needed for installation: cernvflxn07

Modules available
• Prediction Methods
• Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
CERN licenses

• Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD)

• Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
• Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
• Markov Analysis
• Weibull
• Reliability Growth
• Reliability Allocation

Tutorials for each module:

Help  Getting Started  Tutorial
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Prediction module
Provide consistent methods of estimating failure rates using Handbooks and standards

CERN license: Only 1 license:

• Telecordia TR/SR • 217 Plus Prediction
• MIL-217 Prediction • FIDES Prediction
• NSWC Prediction

Project Hierarchy Diagram Block Systems and Components Properties

CPU 2 Properties

Simplified Computer System Schematic

Parameters for the component type

(defined by Handbook or Standard)
- External Category: entering data manually

• Entering prediction data manually or using libraries (Project and Library must follow the same Standard or Handbook)
• Possibility to associate maintenance tasks in the prediction hierarchy
• Option to specify the phases if the ambient conditions change during the lifetime of the system

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Prediction module MEM 3


Results DISK 2 CPU 2


Simplified Computer System Schematic


Failure rate (FITS)

MTTF (Ghrs)


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Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) • Show interaction to failures
• Creation of fault trees manually


Symbol Name Meaning Inputs Symbol Name Meaning

TRUE if any input is TRUE ≥2 Basic event

AND UNDEVELOPED A system event which is yet to be

TRUE if all inputs are TRUE ≥2

VOTE CONDITIONAL Conditional event connected to an

m TRUE if m inputs are TRUE ≥3
inhibit gate
EXCLUSIVE TRUE if one and only one HOUSE Definitely operating or definitely not
OR 2
inputs is TRUE operating

INHIBIT TRUE if all inputs are TRUE; DORMANT Failure not immediately revealed;
one input is conditional latent/ hidden failure

PRIORITY TRUE if inputs occur in left to

AND ≥2
right order

TRUE if inputs is FALSE 1

Transfer In Inputs appear elsewhere on

same page or on another page

Transfer Output appears elsewhere on

Out same page or another page

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Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) • Show interaction to failures
• Creation of fault trees manually thought gates

Simple Cooling System

TOP event

• No limit of gates or events (“Page” checkbox)

• Special Function: Multiple Project option:
̵ ID must be coherent
̵ Connection between gates (no events)
̵ Minimal Cut Set:
̵ Minimum combination of events which cause TOP event
̵ First step of Analysis
̵ Produced using Boolean algebra

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Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)
• Used to predict the reliability of entire systems
• Similar to FTA:
• RBD  Process (availability) / FTA  Hazards





Simplified Computer System Schematic

• Flow from left to right – easy to read

• Blocks connected in series/ parallel
• Option to Copy-Paste to duplicate a block (e.g. “MEM 3”)
• Special functions: RBD to FTA, Prediction to RBD and FMECA to RBD

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Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)

• Failure and repair date is entered in a failure model

̵ Local Failure Model: attached to one block only
̵ Generic Failure Model: can be attached to multiple blocks
• Applicable for FTA as well

Generic Failure Models

Assigning Generic
Failure Model to a

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Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)

Summary Cut Sets: Combination of component block

failures that will cause system failure

Importance: Block’s contribution to the unavailability of the system

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Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
• Identifies outcomes of initiating event
• ETA & FTA closely linked:
̵ FTA can be used to quantify events in ETA sequence
̵ Use cut sets and same quantitative methodology

Fault Tree created in FTA module Event Tree Analysis

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Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
• Rates failure modes by danger

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2. Compendium of useful features
Miriam Blumenschein

Prediction – FMECA – Fault Tree

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1. Component library
• Construct a project from a library:
• File ►Attach Library
• Drag and drop parts or structures to system structure
• No automatic update if library is modified
• Build a library: create components in prediction (blue fields)
• Common CERN library?

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2. Import of bill of material:
• Easy to import: blue fields (component properties) part number, ID, quantity, description
and category
• ► Manual chapter “Importing a Bill of Materials”
• Not (yet) easy to import: black fields (operating environment), filled in manually
• Common Excel format of BOM ?

Id PartNumber Quantity Description Category

1 0-1 1 OPL-Repeater_HW02 MIL-BK
2 0-2 1 OPL-Trans_1414_HW02 MIL-BK
3 0-3 1 OPL-REC-2418_HW02 MIL-BK
1.1 C-EUC0805_1000nF 1 MIL-CR
1.2 C-EUC0805_100nF 1 MIL-CR
1.3 C-EUC0805_100nF 1 MIL-CR
1.4 AFBR-2418 1 MIL-LB
1.5 C-EUC0805_100nF 1 MIL-CR

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3. Rename option
• Objects under the current tree control selection will be renamed based on the name of their
• Select parent block ► Tools ► Rename ► Blocks under selection

4. View option:
• Determination of the data which is displayed in the project tree control
• Project Options ► View ► check “Show category”; “Show component part; … number”

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5. Help option in dialog boxes
• “?” on the top right in each dialog opens corresponding chapter of the manual

6. Part number
Several Functions are linked to the part number
• Blue fields = component properties: same properties for same part number
• Black fields = operating environment: independent of part number
• Part Selection facility, Auto search project, auto search library, Auto Add Apportioned Failure Modes,
Linked block, …

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7. Unit of failure rate
• Project Options ► General ► Units

8. Change component parameters

• Temperature, Environment, …
• Select section in tree control ► Special Functions ►
change temperature/ MIL-217 environment
• Export block properties to Excel (table PDBlocks; columns
PartNumber, ParamValuesKey), find and replace
properties in Excel, import Excel file

9. Project Options, Special Functions and Tools

change from one module to the other, always worth
having a look at
10. Recommendation: Always create system structure
in the prediction module, even if no prediction is

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From one module to another
1. Data conversion
• prediction hierarchy to FMECA, RBD, fault tree
• FMECA hierarchy to RBD, fault tree
• RBD to fault tree
• Common way: Prediction to FMECA to Fault Tree
• Special Functions ►Convert pull-down menu
2. Data links
• Needs to be defined before the data conversion!
• Data links will be automatically created between objects when copying between modules
• Customize data conversion: Project options ► Data links ► check “ Assign data link on
inter-module copy within project”
• Prediction to FMECA: Edit ►Transfer linked data ►run the FMECA simulation
• FMECA to Fault Tree: Run the FMECA simulation Edit ►Transfer linked data ►run the
Fault Tree simulation
3. Update of system structure
• Failure modes remain
• Prediction to FMECA: Special Functions ►Convert pull-down menu

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1. Apportionment table
• Lists a component type (defined by the part number) and its failure modes and %
• Apportionment table can be imported from excel
• Add failure modes to existing blocks: Add ► Auto Add Apportioned Failure Modes
• Add apportioned block
• Common CERN apportionment table?

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2. Severity matrix
• Tabulates the number of failure mode contributors in each severity category for each block
in the system
• Exported as excel file
• If severity categories are defined as system failure modes: number of root contributors per
system failure mode
• Special Functions ► Export ► Severity Matrix
3. Criticality matrix
• Tabulates the severity category and criticality for each failure mode
• Special Functions ► Export ► Criticality Matrix

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Fault Tree
1. System lifetime
• Unit of system lifetime corresponds to unit of failure
• Project Options ► Calculation
2. Failure and repair models
• 17 model types with different failure and repair characteristics
• Rate models: Constant failure and repair rate
• Input Rate Model: failure rate λ and repair rate µ
µ = 0: non-repairable components
• Input Rate/MTTR: failure rate λ and MTTR
MTTR = 0: failures are immediately repaired
• Dormant failure model: non repairable components between inspections
• Three methods: mean (default), max (worst case), IEC 61508
• Local failure model (for one event): Primary Event Properties ► Local Failure Model ►
Failure Model Properties
• Generic failure model (for any event): Add ► Failure model ► Failure Model Properties

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Fault Tree
3. Calculation methods:
• Cross Product, Esary-Proschan (Bertsche), Rare, Optimum Upper Bound (default), Lower
• Project Options ► Set Generations ► Custom Options

4. Result Summary
• CFI: Conditional Failure Intensity corresponds to λ (t) (Bertsche):
• probability per unit time that the component or system experiences a failure at time t, (operating, or was repaired
to be as good as new, at time zero and operating at time t).
• Unconditional Failure Intensity or Failure Frequency ω(t) Frequency:
• probability per unit time that the component or system experiences a failure at time t, (operating at time zero).
 CFI-λ(t), ω(t) Difference: the CFI has an additional condition that the component or
system has survived to time t.

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Fault Tree
5. Quantity of gates
• Specifying a quantity of n is equivalent to including n identical gates underneath an gate,
with no common cause failures, in the fault tree diagram.
• Quantity values may only be specified for gates that have Modularization set to “Forced
on” (default = automatic).

6. House event
• Used for “what if”: switches branches on (Q = 1) and off (Q = 0)
• Primary event properties ► Type ► House; logic mode True or False

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Fault Tree
7. Event symbols dormant
• Option to visualize the failure model
• Primary event properties ► Type ► Dormant

8. Append facility
• Alternative to library
• Batch append: transfer all the fault tree structures from a group of projects in one go
• Partial append: append parts of a single project by selecting individual gates
• If branches need to be combined in different fault trees and the event ID needs to remain
• Special Functions ► Append

• By default not calculated
• Calculation requires numerical integration methods to be employed and may be time
consuming for large numbers of minimal cut sets
• Project Options ► Calculation ► MTTF/MTBF/MTTR calculations ► Method ► Standard

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Fault Tree
10. Importance analysis
• Helps determine:
• Event contribution to TOP event
• TOP event sensitivity to event changes
• Weak areas in the system
• 6 different importance measures, most useful (?) Fussell-Vesely Importance (contribution
to system Q)
11. Confidence analysis
• Introduces uncertainty in component Q
• Project Options ► Confidence

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3. Isograph and the IEC 61508 Standard
Saskia Hurst

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IEC 61508 - General SIL Verification
Three Barriers:
PFH/PFD Compliance

2. Architectural 3. Systematic
Constraints Capability/
SFF/HFT Integrity

 Barrier 1 and barrier 2 can be calculated in Isograph

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IEC 61508 - SIL Quantitative Calculation
Reliability Prediction Prediction module

FMEDA Analysis FMECA module

λ𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒,λ𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑠, DC

FMECA module
FTA/ RBD module

SIL Evaluation IEC 61508

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FMEDA (Failure Modes, Effects and Detectability Analysis)
• Takes into account:
• Failure rates of components,
• Failure mode probabilities,
• Failure effect of each failure mode,
• Diagnostic coverage:
𝑆𝐶 𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = λ ; 𝐷𝐶 (𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒) = λ ,

• Division into safe λ𝑆 and dangerous λ𝐷 and detectable and

undetectable failure rates (λ𝑆𝐷 , λ𝑆𝑈 , λ𝐷𝐷 , λ𝐷𝑈 )

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IEC 61508 - SFF Calculation
• Calculation in the FMECA module of Isograph by doing a FMEDA
• SFF is the ratio of safe and dangerous detected failures to the total
failure rate
• Safe Failure Fraction (SFF) for a component:
λ𝑆𝐷 + λ𝑆𝑈 +λ𝐷𝐷
λ𝑆𝐷 +λ𝑆𝑈 +λ𝐷𝐷 +λ𝐷𝑈
• Safe Failure Fraction (SFF) for a subsystem (safety function):
σ λ𝑆𝐷 + σ λ𝑆𝑈 + σ λ𝐷𝐷
σ λ𝑆𝐷 + σ λ𝑆𝑈 + σ λ𝐷𝐷 + σ λ𝐷𝑈

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IEC 61508 - HFT Calculation
• Calculation in the Fault Tree module of Isograph

• Hardware Fault Tolerance (HFT) is the maximum number of faults

that can be tolerated before the loss of the safety function
• i.e. HFT = N means that N + 1 faults will cause a loss of the function
• Isograph selects HFT by calculating SFF and cross referencing it
against the SIL target for the gate (tables 2 and 3 from IEC 61508-2)

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IEC 61508 - PFH/PFD Calculation
• Calculation in the Fault Tree module or RBD module in Isograph
• Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour PFH (continuous or high
demand mode)
 Frequency ω in Isograph
• Probability of dangerous Failure on Demand PFD (low demand
 Unavailability Q in Isograph


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Important Settings in Isograph
• Set IEC 61508 requirement by either defining
• Required SIL or
• Required risk reduction factor

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Important Settings in Isograph
• Dormant failure model  IEC 61508

• Logic for average: 1. Product of the function (Fault Tree Logic)

2. Average of the result

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Important Settings in Isograph
• Default setting: calculation of PFD/PFH with dangerous failure rate λ𝐷𝑈

• “Only model spurious trip failure”: calculation of PFH/PFD with λ𝑆

• “Only model spurious trip failure” and “Include DD failures for spurious trip”:
calculation of PFH/PFD with λ𝑆 and λ𝐷𝐷

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Important Settings in Isograph
• For continuous or high demand functions (PFH): “Exclude DD failures in frequency”

 Calculation of the frequency (PFH) with only dangerous undetectable failures λ𝐷𝑈
according to IEC 61508 standard

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Important Settings in Isograph
• Model type: IEC 61508

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Common Cause Failures
• β Factor Model (used in IEC 61508)

• Calculates the proportion of event failures due to common cause

𝑄1 = 1 − β ∙ 𝑄𝑇 ; QCCF = β ∙ 𝑄𝑇
𝑄1: Q due to independant failure, 𝑄𝑇: Total Q, 𝑄𝐶𝐶𝐹 : Q due to common cause failure

• β-factor can be determined by “Apply IEC model” with a

questionnaire which is implemented in Isograph

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