Survey Questionnaire
Survey Questionnaire
Survey Questionnaire
3. Type of transport for item number 2. (bus, jeep, van, tricy, banka, motorized boat, etc.)
a. If travelling by land: ____________________________________________________
b. If travelling by water: ___________________________________________________
c. If travelling by air: ______________________________________________________
d. Other types of transport: (e.g. human or animal powered, two-wheeled motorized vehicle, etc.)
5. For purposes of delivery of procured school supplies and materials, is the school accessible by a four-
wheeled vehicle? Y/N: _______. If no, what is the best substitute? _____________
6. What is the lead time for delivery of school supplies from regional center to school premises? (approximate
number of hours/days) ___________________________________
8. Are special kind of transport required for its delivery? Y/N _______. If yes, what kind of transport is
required? _________________________________________________________
9. Please narrate a brief description on what is the itinerary/route for the delivery of school supplies if it comes
from regional center to school.
Office of the Director (ORDir), tel. Nos.: (032) 231-1433; 414-7399 Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 414-7324
Office of the Assistant Director (OARDir), tel. Nos.: (032) 255-4542 Finance Division (FD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061, 414-7321
Administrative Service Division (ASD), Tel. Nos.: 414-7326, 414-4367, 414-7322; 414-4367 Human Resource Development Division (HRDD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 255-5239
Education Support Services Division (ESSD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 254-7062 Policy, Planning, and Research Division (PPRD), Tel. Nos. (032) 233-9030; 414-7063
Curriculum Learning Management Division (CLMD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 414-7323 Quality Assurance Division (QAD), Tel. Nos.: (032) 231-1071