Manual Flomag3000 EN - H

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HM 1702
Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20
Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80
Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS (Stockholm) Magnetic Flowmeter

Installation and Operation

FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Principle of measurement
An magnetic flowmeter is used
for volume flow measurement of
electrically conductive liquids.
Measurement principle is based
on Faraday law on electromag-
netic induction. A sensor con-
sists of a non-magnetic tube
with non-conductive lining,
measuring electrodes and two
coils generating electromag-
netic field. Flowing liquid forms
a conductor. Magnetic field in-
duces voltage U in this conduc-
tor that is proportional to mag-
netic induction B, distance be-
tween electrodes d and flow
velocity v.
As magnetic induction and dis-
tance between electrodes are
constant, induced voltage is
proportional to velocity of liquid
flow in the tube. Volume flow
rate is product of flow velocity
and tube cross section.
Q=vxS Fig.1 - Principle of measurement

Technical solution
The magnetic flowmeter itself generated with alternating po- Voltage induced in measuring
consists of two basic parts – a larity to avoid permanent mag- electrodes is measured always
flow sensor and a converter. netization of the sensor. Excita- on the end of excitation pulse
The converter can be either an tion pulse frequency can be when magnetic field is steady.
integral part of the sensor chosen from six values – 25 Hz, Each excitation pulse is fol-
(compact version) or separated, 12,5 Hz, 8,33 Hz, 6,25 Hz, lowed by refreshing period. Sig-
connected with the sensor us- 3,125 Hz and 1,56 Hz. Excita- nal processing and parameter
ing a cable (remote version). tion current of 250 mA with ex- setting are performed digitally
The sensor consists of a non- citation frequency 3,125 Hz is and the converter contains no
magnetic tube with non- suitable for all standard applica- setting controls or other moving
conductive lining, measuring tions. Other settings can be parts what ensures its high reli-
electrodes, excitation coils and used for specific applications. ability and long-term stability.
cables. There are various sen- Excitation current and fre-
sor versions available enabling quency are factory set before
connection to adjacent tubes sensor calibration and their later
with flanges (type P) and fittings modifications are not allowed.
(gas fitting type G or food indus-
try fitting type V) or wafer which T
are installed between flanges m
using clamps (type B). Non- +I
conductive lining can be made
of technical rubber (types TG, 1/8T
MG or NG) or Teflon (type T). I
The converter is used for gener-
ating excitation current in coils, 0
processing of signal from meas- t
uring electrodes, displaying of 1/8T 3/8T
measured data and generating
output signals. Current in exci-
tation coils has constant value -I
250 mA or 125 mA and is pulse Fig. 2 - Excitation pulse form 3

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Installation instructions
The flowmeter will give the best least 25DN is required between
results when flow of liquid is the pump and the sensor.
steady. Therefore a few basic
recommendations should be
observed for its locating in a
pipeline. There should be no
transitions between the sensor
and the adjacent pipeline that Fig. 6 - A water pump
could be a source of turbulence.
Correct axial alignment should For the same reason, never
locate stop valves behind the Fig.10 - Danger of air lock
be observed during installation.
A gasket should not exceed sensor.
internal edges of tubes. If permanent flooding of whole
pipeline cross section cannot be
ensured, it is possible to locate
Fig. 7 - Stop valves the sensor in a low water trap
so that it can be always com-
The sensor can work both in pletely flooded. Free water dis-
x x horizontal and vertical positions; charge should be located 2DN
only axis of measuring elec- higher than the sensor.
trodes inside the sensor must
Fig. 3 - Overlaps always remain in horizontal po-
sition and tapping of the sensor min 2 x DN

Minimum straight steady should be directed upwards at

lengths of pipeline are required horizontal installations.
on both sides of the flow sen- Fig.11 - Permanent flooding
sor. Their lengths have to be
proportional to pipeline internal To avoid vibrations that could
diameter. damage the sensor, ensure that
the adjacent pipeline is always
min 5 x DN min 3 x DN supported as near to the sensor
as possible.


Fig. 8 - Electrode axis

Fig.4 - Steady lengths
For vertical installations, liquid
If more interfering elements are should flow upwards.
present near the sensor (e.g.
bends, fittings), required steady Fig.12 - Danger of vibrations
length should be multiplied by
number of these interfering ele- Where continuous flow of fluid
ments. is required and removal of the
Reductions with slopes up to 8° sensor is impossible, a bypass
can be included in steady should be installed. The same
lengths. applies for locations where sen-
ax sor removal would require
° m draining of too long part of the
Fig. 9 - Vertical installation

Fig.5 - Reduction To ensure correct measurement

and to avoid air lock, whole
If water in the pipeline is sensor cross section should be
pumped by a water pump, the flooded. Therefore never locate
sensor should be always lo- the sensor in upper parts of the
cated behind the pump to avoid pipeline or in vertical positions Fig. 13 - A bypass
low pressure that can damage with liquid flowing downwards.
4 the sensor. Steady length of at
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Sensor grounding
Correct function of the magnetic used to connect measured fluid connection of sensor clamping
flowmeter requires perfect elec- electrical potential with ground. flanges with grounding point of
trical connection between the the sensor.
sensor and the adjacent pipe-
line, grounding potential and the
power supply protective wire.
For the flanged sensor with the
adjacent conducting pipeline,
flanges should be electrically
connected and the pipeline
Fig.16: Grounding rings
For the wafer sensor, grounding
Fig.18: Cathodic protection
can be provided by electrical
If electric current flows through
the pipeline, e.g. for pipeline
cathodic protection against cor-
rosion, the sensor should be
electrically isolated from the
adjacent pipeline. The sensor
Fig.15: Grounding of flanges should be bridged over using a
wire and galvanic isolation of
the flowmeter power supply
If the adjacent pipeline is should be provided so that the
non-conductive, grounding rings flowmeter can be isolated from
should be inserted in it or all other devices.
equivalent method should be Fig.17. The wafer sensor

Selection of suitable sensor lining and electrode material

Linings perature 100 °C can be ex- trodes are characterized by in-
Sensors have a non-conductive ceeded, Teflon (PTFE) lining is creased resistance against ac-
lining from various materials. recommended. ids and caustics and usually are
Choice of material depends on suitable for most of industrial
measured fluid characteristics. · Teflone or Hallar applications.
Type “T” is the most universal
· Technical rubber lining for aggressive fluids with · Titanium - „Ti“
Technical rubber is suitable for operational temperatures from - Suitable for some acids,
low aggressive fluids with op- 20 °C to 150 °C. It is suitable for lyes, chlorine, urea and sew-
erational temperatures from 0.1 chemical and food industry ap- age.
°C to 70 °C. It fits for most wa- plications.
ter management and sewage · Platinum – “Pt”
treatment applications. It is Electrodes
For particularly aggressive flu-
manufactured in two variants Choice of material of measuring
ids like concentrated acids and
“TG” – with hard structure and electrodes also depends on
caustics, chemically extremely
“MG” – with soft structure. Soft measured fluid characteristics.
resistant material should be
structure is used for fluids with
chosen – platinum. However,
higher content of abrasive parti- · Stainless steel – “Ss” high cost of this material is its
cles (e.g. sand). It is not suit- Standard electrodes are made essential drawback.
able for drinking water. of stainless steel AISI 316Ti.
They are suitable for all usual * Note – We can recommend
· Resistant rubber water based fluids and for lower suitable lining and electrode
Type “NG” is suitable for me- concentrations of acids and materials for your particular ap-
dium aggressive fluids with op- caustics. plication.
erational temperatures from 0.1
°C to 90 °C. It can be used for · Hastelloy C-22 – “Ha”
measurement of hot service For some special applications,
water, condensate etc., as well material of higher quality should
as for drinking water. If tem- be used. Hastelloy C-276 elec- 5
Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]
Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Correct sensor size selection

Converter is capable to detect Range marking
flow rates as low as 0.1 m/s. S10 A25 B25 C25 C50 D25 D50 D100
Upper limit is determined by Range Q3/Q1
capability of liquid to maintain
DN R10 R25 R25 R25 R50 R25 R50 R100
10 1 0.63 1 1.6 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.5
continuous flow at higher veloci- 15 2.5 1.6 2.5 4 4 6.3 6.3 6.3
ties. This is usually true for flow 20 4 2.5 4 6.3 6.3 10 10 10
rates up to 12 m/s. 25 6.3 4 6.3 10 10 16 16 16
Measurement error rapidly 32 10 6.3 10 16 16 25 25 25
40 16 10 16 25 25 40 40 40
increases for too low flow rates, 25 16 40 40 63 63 63
50 25
as can be seen in the diagram. 65 40 25 40 63 63 100 100 100
It shows limits of maximum rela- 80 63 40 63 100 100 160 160 160
tive measurement error as func- 100 100 63 100 160 160 250 250 250
tion of liquid flow rate. 125 160 100 160 250 250 400 400 400
On the other side, too high 150 250 160 250 400 400 630 630 630
200 400 250 400 630 630 1000 1000 1000
flow rate causes discontinuity of 250 630 400 630 1000 1000 1600 1600 1600
flow and results in chaotic tur- 300 1000 630 1000 1600 1600 2500 2500 2500
bulence and vacuum traps. This 350 1000 630 1000 1600 1600 2500 2500 2500
results in instable measurement 400 1600 1000 1600 2500 2500 4000 4000 4000
and too high drift of flow rate 450 1600 1000 1600 2500 2500 4000 4000 4000
500 2500 1600 2500 4000 4000 6300 6300 6300
600 2500 4000 6300 6300 10000 10000 10000
Ideal operational range of the 700 2500 4000 6300 6300 10000 10000 10000
sensor is in range from 0.5 to 5 800 4000 6300 10000 10000
m/s. This range is highlighted in 900 4000 6300 10000 10000
the diagram for correct size se- 1000 6300 10000
lection. 1200 6300 10000
Flow rate ranges for individual
sizes are chosen to meet EN Tab. Sensor ranges in m3/h according to their sizes

3 14154 standard and they are

shown in table. Preferred
2.5 DN400..1200 ranges are highlighted in bold.
DN10..25, 250..350 For non-specified working me-
±F 2 ters, other range can be also
[%] DN32..200 specified on request.
If range is not specified in a
1 purchase order, the sensor will
0.5 be calibrated in preferred range
in accordance with the table
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 9 10 11 12
v [ m/s ]

Fig. Limit of maximum relative error of measurement

N 00

N 0


N 0















D 35








Flow velocity [ m/s ]

[ l/s ] 10 -2 2 3 4 5 10 -1 2 3 4 5 10 0 2 3 4 5 10 2 3 4 5 10 2 2 3 4 5 10 3 2 3 4 5 10
[ m3/h ] 4 5 10 -1 2 3 4 5 10 2 3 4 5 10 2 3 4 5 10 2 2 3 4 5 10 3 2 3 4 5 10 4 2 3
Volume flow rate
6 Diagram for correct sensor size selection.
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Volba diagram
Block výstelky snímače
of the flowmeter
Main advantage of the mag-
netic flowmeter FLOMAG3000 85 - 265 VAC Power
is its significant variability. Flow-
meter converter in basic version
(24V, 12V, AC/DC) supply
consists only of power supply,
microcomputer and sensor in- module V1

module 7 A3
put module (module 1). Display, Analog. output
outputs and other optional fea-
tures are available as plug-in
module 1 S1 module 6 C1
modules. Thus, customer pays Sensor input RS 232 interface
only for features that he really
uses. Plug-in modules contain
memories where all configura- module 2 F1 module 5 B1
tion data is stored. In this way, Sensor Electrode cleaning Binary output

optional features can be added

or modified as required anytime module 3 M1 module 4 B1
during the service life of the Data logger Binary output
There are 4 free positions
Fig. 19: Block diagram of the flowmeter
available (module 4, 5, 6 and 7)
for binary and analog output tively, they can serve for indica- the serial communication mod-
modules. Their signals are usu- tion of flowmeter limit condi- ule. RS 232, RS 485 or M-
ally processed by connected tions. Galvanic isolation is en- Bus interface can be plugged
technological devices. All output sured by an optoelement or a in.
modules have galvanic isola- relay. One position (module 7) Position (module 2) is for the
tion. At the same time, up to 4 is dedicated for the active ana- electrochemical electrodes
binary output modules can be log output module. Modules cleaning module.
fitted. These can operate either with various accuracy and
as pulse or frequency outputs ranges are available. One posi-
for flow rate indication. Alterna- tion (module 6) is designed for

Terminal connections
The converter is integrated in a supply. Terminals A, B, C, D nals 1 to 16 are used for con-
rugged aluminium box. After and E are used for the sensor. nection of inputs and outputs of
opening the box you will gain For compact version, the sen- optional modules (binary out-
access to terminals. Terminals sor is connected internally and puts, current output, RS232,
17, 18 and 19 are for power terminals remain free. Termi- RS485 etc.)
A Module 1
B Sensor connection
C Connected
D internally 250V

E for compact version

1 module 2 F2 - F3
3 Not connected
T0,5A / 250V

A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L N PE
+ -
50 - 60 Hz
85 - 240 V

Analog output
Relay output


6 module 4
RS 232

7 A4, B1-B5, E1
8 module 5 Sensor
S1 connection - - B1 B5 C1 A1 Power
9 A4, B1-B5, E1
V1 Display Magnetic flowmeter
10 module 6
11 A4, B1-B5, C1, D1, D2, E1
12 module 7
13 A1 - A5, B1-B5, E1
15 Not connected
17 L
18 N Power supply
19 PE

Tab. Converter terminals Fig. 20 Converter – location of terminals 7

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

For the remote sensor, there cable. You can use our special shielded cable Lapp UNI-
is a terminal box in its tapping sensor cable PAAR-LiYCY-CY TRONIC Cy PiDy 2x2x0.25 or
(see figure 21). The sensor [1X(2X0,25 LiYCY)+1X(2X0,75 Alpha 1243/2C (length up to 50
should be connected to the con- LiYCY)+1X0,75]CY (length up m).
verter using a double shielded to 200 m) or standard double

Cable Cable
[1X(2X0,25 LiYCY) Cy PiDy 2x2x0.25
+1X(2X0,75 LiYCY) or
+1X0,75]CY Alpha 1243/2C
Sensor Sensor





17 18 19

T0,5A / 250V
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
+ - L N PE

85 - 265 V
48 - 63 Hz
Analog. output
RS 232
S1 input F1 M1 B1 B1 C1 A3
V1 Display Magnetic flowmwter

Fig. 21: Sensor terminal box Fig. 22: Remote sensor connection
Maximum length of the cable signal wires is highly inappropri- able.
between evaluation unit and the ate; especially in case of the For connection of mains volt-
sensor is significantly limited by cable that connects the sensor age, a standard three-core ca-
conductivity of measured fluid, with the remote converter. If the ble, e.g. CYKY 3x1,5 (wire) or
as shown in Figure 23. instrument is used in environ- VM03VQ-F 3x1 (wire strand) is
Remote version should be used ment with strong electromag- recommended. The instrument
when measured fluid is too hot netic interference, cables has no switch so it should be
to avoid heat transfer to con- should be rather as short as fused and switched using other
verter. See Figure 24 for as- possible. device.
sessment of remote version For connection of electronic
utilization. converter input and output ter-
Parallel running of power and minals, shielded cables are suit-
200 60
Fluid conduc tivity [ mS/cm ]

Ambient temperature [ °C ]

Remote version

Remote or
100 20 compact
50 0
25 -10
0 Heating
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 80 100 120 140 160
Maximum length of cable [ m ] Fluid temperature [ °C ]
Fig. 23: Maximum length of the cable and conduc- Fig. 24: Selection of version according to temperature
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Displayed data
The instrument is equipped with
a high quality backlit two-line
alphanumerical display with
character height 9.6 mm (2x16
characters) providing good
readability even from longer
distances. Backlight function
works in energy saving mode.
Backlight time is limited to 254
seconds after last pressing of
any key. If backlight is off,
pressing of any key will switch it
on again. Backlight time can be
set in menu from 20 seconds to
254 seconds. Setting to 0
switches backlight permanently
off; setting to 255 switches it
permanently on.

Up to 8 basic readings can be

read from the converter display.
You can alternate them using
1 key. Additional information
accessible via 2 key is avail-
able for some displayed data.

Flow rate
- Flow rate value treated by
floating averaging. Number of Fig. 25: Displayed data
averaging steps can be Percent. flow rate in direction and in opposite di-
changed in range from 1 to 256. rection of arrow on the sensor.
Flow rate units can be changed - Flow rate information indicated
as required. by horizontal bar (its width cor-
responds to flow rate) and as Temporary time
Number of displayed decimal numeric value in per cents of - User resettable value of vol-
places can be set in range from chosen maximum value. ume flowed in direction of arrow
0 to 4. on the sensor.
Last error Values of temporary counters
Total volume (+) - Abbreviated text of the last can be reset by holding 3 key
error message. and simultaneous pressing 4
- Total volume of liquid flowed
in direction of arrow on the sen- key. This will reset all counters
Current flow rate at the same time – both vol-
sor from start of measurement.
umes and time.
- Flow rate value untreated by
Total volume (-) floating averaging.
- Total volume of liquid flowed
in opposite direction of arrow on Temporary volume +
the sensor from start of meas- - Shows information about the
- User resettable value of vol-
urement. running batch. Detailed informa-
ume flowed in direction of arrow
tion is given in chapter Batch-
on the sensor.
Volume difference
- Difference between positive Temporary volume -
and negative volumes flowed - User resettable value of vol-
from start of measurement. ume flowed in opposite direc-
tion of arrow on the sensor.
Operation time
- Total time of operation from Temporary difference
initial switching instrument on in - User resettable value of differ-
hours and minutes. ence between volumes flowed 9

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Electromagnetic flowmeter Ok - without power off ples from the previous hour,
FLOMAG3000 automatically -#s - power off time in secunds totally 192 hours back.
saves in fixed time intervals , -#m - power off time in minutes By repeated pushing of key
-#h - power off time in hours
the value of the flowed volume.
-#d - power off time in days
3, in the daily archive you can
There are three archives. see gradually the saved sam-
Fig. Legend
about the last 12 months.
Upper line shows always time
Fig. Hour archive interval of the item in the ar-
Hour archive where it is possi- chive. Second line shows the
ble to find the flowed volumes flowed volume in the fixed time
about the last 192 hours (8 interval and the power off time
days). in the fixed time interval (the
flowmeter was without power Fig. Daily archive moving
supply). ples from the previous day, to-
tally 192 days back.
Listing in archive By repeated pushing of key
Fig. Daily archive
Pushing key 1, roll to item 3, in the month archive you
Total volume+. By repeated can see gradually the saved
Daily archive where it is pos-
samples from the previous
sible to find the flowed volumes pushing of key 2 you can find
about the last 192 days (more gradually Flow rate +, hour ar-
than half year). chive, day archive and month
By repeated pushing of key
3, in the hour archive you can
Fig. Month archive see gradually the saved sam-

Month archive where it is pos-

sible to find the flowed volumes Fig. Month archive moving

month, totally 12 months back.

If you want to go back to the
last saved sample, please push
and hold key 3 and together
Fig. Hour archive moving with it push key 4.

Error messages
In case of a fault, an error and at the same time the er- again
message with short de- ror message is saved to last E2: Stack overflow
scription of the fault is error register. During the indi- For module „B“ in pulse
shown immediately at the cation of the error message, mode - the time constants
LCD. the flowmeter is measuring. are too long, the flow rate is
In case of error E-7, E-8 and E higher than it is possible to
-13, the flowmeter indicates 0 send pulses, stack overflow
if the mentioned error mes- of un-sent pulses - change
sage is not forbidden in the pulse length and space
Fig. Error messages menu. length or volume for 1 pulse
The error message begins E3: Frequency limit ex-
with character E followed Error messages are listed ceeded
by error's number. If the below together with recom- For module „B“ in fre-
error is connected with a mendation how to repair. quency mode, it is required
defect of a module than it is E0: No error higher output frequency than
followed also by character E1: EEPROM Checksum the module is able to send,
M and the number of the error flow rate is higher than it
module. After pushing but- Checksum error saved in was assumed - set higher
ton 1 the flowmeter re- the module - re-check data flow rate value for 1kHz.
10 turns to value display mode in the module and save E4: Power fail
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Appears for short after For modules F2 and F3, than it was assumed – set
power fail indicates that the controlling higher flow rate value for
E5: Old software electrode is not submerged Imax
For proper operation of the E9: Low medium conductiv- E12: Serial line fail -
module is required newer ity communication error
firmware version than it is For modules F1 and F3 in Communication module
installed in the convertor – electrodes cleaning mode, C1 or Dx sends data but
upgrade firmware. no current in the electrodes, does not receive confirma-
E6: Can't use this mode sensor is not submerged, tion for receipt of data –
For module B placed in electrodes are furred or low check cables, could be
position 6 and 7 is not possi- medium conductivity - clean caused also by external in-
ble to use frequence mode the sensor terference, high capacity of
(it is possible only in position E10: MBus conflict the cables or too long ca-
4 and 5) – change the posi- Module D3 – exist two sta- bles.
tion of the module or change tions M-Bus with same ad- E13: Sensor signal over-
the mode to pulse. dress – change the setting of range
E7: Sensor loop discon- module D3 Signal from the sensor is
nected E11: Current output overrange of the convertor -
No current to the coils – for overrange electrodes are not sub-
remote version check cables For module A it is required merged or there is short cir-
and terminals higher output current than cuit of the cables – check
E8: Empty pipe 20mA, flowrate is higher the sensor and the cables

User outputs – plug-in modules

Flowmeter converter in basic this concept allows using of
configuration contains the various types of inputs and out- Po- Modules Terminals
power supply and boards re- puts tailored to customer needs. sitio
quired for measurement func- Following table and figure 1 S1 sensor input A, B, C,
tions. All other inputs, outputs indicate positions and functions module, always D, E
and display units can be added of individual modules. plugged in
as plug-in modules. Customer 2 F1-F3 module for 1, 2, 3,
sensor full pipe 4,
pays only for features that he 5,
checking and elec-
really uses. At the same time, trode cleaning
3 M1 extended memory -
module of measured
T0,5A 4 A4,A7 passive cur- 6, 7
250V rent output 4 - 20 mA
B1-B5 binary outputs
incl. frequency up to
12 kHz
E1 binary input
5 A4, A7 passive cur- 8, 9
rent output 4 - 20 mA
position 3

position 4

position 5

position 6

position 7
position 1

position 2

B1-B5 binary outputs

incl. frequency up to
position 8

1,2 kHz
E1 binary input
6 A4, A7 passive c.o. 10, 11
B1-B5 except for
C1, D1, D2, D3, G1,
H1 data communica-
E1 binary input
7 A1-A3, A5, A6 active 12, 13
current output
A4, A7 passive c.o.
B1-B5 except for
Fig. Module positions E1 binary input
8 V1 display and key- 10 pin
pad connec-
Tab. Module positions 11

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Parameter setting
The magnetic flowmeter con- system returns to the first avail- » En te r p a s s w o r d
verter can be configured in two able character.
ways, as required: either using Fig. Enter value
Character set is always se-
a PC connected via serial inter- lected with regard to possibility
face, or using keys. When you enter the value and
of character occurrence in text:
Press 4 to switch the display [0..9] for integers, [0..9,- , .] for press 4, a status message will
to programming mode. Pro- decimals and complete alpha- be displayed.
gramming mode is password bet for text variables (including If the value entered is ac-
protected against unauthorized Czech characters). cepted, press any key to return
access. Correct password (4- to previous menu or to edit next
digit number) must be entered item.
to obtain access to main menu. If the value entered is out of
Password of a new instrument range, an error message will be
is always set to 0000. displayed; press any key to edit
Fig. Status message the value.
In some cases, one of listed
Confirm your selection by 4 values has to be selected.
key to finish editing.
A status message will be dis-
played. If your password is not ○ 125 mA
Fig. Enter password
accepted, program returns to ● 250 mA
This is also initial value dis- editing mode. If correct pass-
word was entered, you will get Fig. Selection of one value
played as default. Simply con-
firm it to enter in menu. to main menu. Use 3 to select required item.
Password can be changed as When the required value is in
required before you leave the the upper line, press 4 to con-
programming mode. firm your selection. A status
Warning! You can switch the message will be displayed to
instrument to data display mode confirm that your selection has
anytime by pressing 1 and been accepted. Press any key
check current parameter set- to return to previous menu or to
tings. However, the instrument Fig. Movement in menu edit next item.
is not password protected In some cases, more of listed
against unauthorized access Use 3 to move in menu. This values can be selected.
until you enter EXIT command. key moves the lower line item to
Programming runs in back- upper line. In all menus, the + Nois e f ilter
ground and with only a few ex- upper line with blinking first + Dy namic f ilter
ceptions has no influence to character is always the active
measurement. line. Fig. Selection of more items
Press 4 to enter in submenu
There is a sign “+” (indicating
or to edit item. Pressing 2 that the item is selected) or “-
in submenu brings you always “ (indicating that the item is not
back to previous menu selected) before each of items.
(“Escape” function). If you are in
main menu, pressing of this key
Fig. Cursor movement will offer exit from programming
2 key moves cursor to the
right. When the utmost right
position is reached, the cursor Menu legend
Fig. Selection of more items
returns to the left. Some menu items can be
used only for viewing and do Press 2 to change selection
not allow change of values. for the item displayed in the
upper line. Press 4 to finish
¤ Pr o d u c tio n d a te
your selection. A status mes-
sage will be displayed to con-
Fig. Read only
firm that your selection has
Fig. Character changing
Press 4 to return to previous been accepted. Press any key
3 key changes character at menu. to return to previous menu.
cursor position. When the last Other menu items can be
12 available character is reached, used to enter value directly.
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Flowmeter menu
» Enter passw ord

0.Production data → Production date → ¤ Production date
Serial number → ¤ Serial number
Sof tw are → ¤ Sof tw are
Meter's type → ¤ Meter's type
Modules used → ¤ Embeded modules
Date setting → » Date
Time setting → » Time
Permit upgrade → » Upgrade PIN
Delete history → » Delete PIN
Reset volumes → » Reset PIN

1.Sensor → Sensor constants → Constatnt 1 → » Sensor constant1

Constant 2 → » Sensor constant2
Excitation f req. → ○ 2.775 Hz
● 3.125 Hz
○ 5.55 Hz
○ 6.66 Hz
○ 12.5 Hz
○ 25 Hz
Excitation curr. → ○ 125 mA
● 250 mA
Supressed f low → » Do not meas. Q<
Samples → » Samples
Filters → √ Noise f ilter
√ Dynamic f ilter
Zero setting → » Autozero PIN

2.Module 2 → Specif ic settings for individual modules

7.Module 7 → Specif ic settings for individual modules

8.Display → Language → ● [CZ] Česky

○ [D] Deutsch
○ [GB] English
○ [PL] Polski
○ [I] Italiano
○ [NL] Nederlands
○ [S] Svenska
○ [E] Espanol
○ [F] Francais
100 per cent → » 100 per cent
Flow rate units → ● l/s

○ m3/h

○ User's → » Flow rate multipl
» Unit's name
Decimal places → » Decimal places
Backlight → » Backlight time
Display select → √ Flow rate
√ Total volume +
√ Total volume +
√ Total dif f erence
√ Operation time
√ Percent f low rate
√ Last error
√ Real time
Error messages → √ E1
√ …
√ E13

9.Exit → Exit menu Exit m enu

New passw ord → » Access passw ord

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

0. Production data causes delayed reaction to used only for percentage

This submenu relates to the flow rate changes. bar diagram display; it is not
flowmeter converter. ·Filters meant as range of the me-
·Production date – of con- ¨Noise filter partially re- ter.
verter duces jump changes but ·Flow rate units – You can
·Serial number – of con- mainly removes lower peri- select from 12 preset units
verter odical interference. Tran- or add your own user de-
·Software – current soft- sient edges are rounded as fined unit. In such case you
ware version can be seen in figure of re- have to enter multiple of
·Type of meter – type num- sponse to unit jump. The flow rate in l/s and a unit
ber of flowmeter converter filter is applied already on name.
·Modules used – types of input and thus influences ·Decimal places – Number
currently used modules immediate flow rate value of decimal places of dis-
(Above listed items are only for and cumulated volume cal- played flow rate. You can
information and user cannot culated from it. The noise enter 0-4 decimal places. If
change them) filter introduces only negligi- 5 places are entered, num-
ber of decimal places will be
·Date setting – setting of
dynamically changed to 4
current date
valid decimal places.
·Time setting – setting of
·Time of backlight – Time
current time
of display backlight in sec-
·Upgrade enabled – a new
onds. When you press any
firmware version can be
key, backlight of display
uploaded after entering PIN Fig. Noise filter
goes on. When time period
·Delete history – archives set in seconds expires since
will be deleted after entering ble delay (about 0.3 sec) you pressed the last key,
PIN and can be used almost at the backlight goes off. You
·Reset volumes – All total- all circumstances. can set time period from 1
izers will be reset after en- ¨Dynamic filter reduces to 254 seconds. If you set 0,
tering PIN rapid jump changes of flow backlight will never be on. If
rate. It protects very effec- you set 255, the display will
1. Sensor tively against high short be permanently backlit.
This submenu relates to the peaks caused by interfer- ·Displayed values – De-
sensor. ence. Unlike averaging, dy- fines what items will be dis-
·Sensor constants – sen- namic filter cuts input signal played. You can select any
sor calibration constants and interference is not in- of available items. These
·Excitation frequency – of cluded in cumulated vol- will be alternately displayed
sensor coils ume. It can however cause on the flowmeter display.
·Excitation current – of delay of flow rate jump Press 1 to alternate dis-
sensor coils change indication. This fact played values.
·Suppressed flow rate – should be considered if the ·Error messages – Enable
when flow rate is lower than flowmeter is used for dosing or disable displaying of indi-
this value, it is considered applications. Response to vidual error messages.
for zero. This setting is used unit jump can be seen in
to suppress creeping flows. 9. Exit
·Number of samples – for ·Exit menu – When you
floating averaging that filters finish editing, you have to
measured flow rate value.
exit menu because only af-
Higher number of samples
ter that settings are perma-
nently stored in module
Current flow rate
memories. If you will not exit
the menu and power failure
Fig. Dynamic filter occurs, previously entered
Flow rate

Average flow rate

8. Display settings will be loaded. Also
N N access to menu is password
This submenu relates to data protected only when you
Time t shown on the display.
Sampling moments exit menu.
Fig. Averaging ·New password – You can
·Language – language of change the access pass-
displayed data. You can word before you finish your
provides more stable flow select from 9 languages.
rate value, however it in- editing.
·100 per cent – 100 % flow
creases time constant and rate for bar diagram. It is
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Current output modules A1 – A4
Modules A – analog current Depending on flow rate (see
output – are used for flow data diagrams), output can work in 5
transmission. There are 4 differ- modes:
ent types available with various 0..+Q output
ranges, accuracy and functions. 0..-Q output
Outputs of A1 to A3, A5 and IQI output
A6 modules are active (forced -Q..+Q output
current) and are galvanically Fixed current 0..20
isolated from other flowmeter The first four modes generate Fig. IQI output
parts. Outputs can be loaded up output current dependent on
to 1000 Ω. They can be plugged flow rate, the fifth mode enables
only in position 7. direct entering of current. Fol-
Range 0(4)..20 mA lowing 4 ranges can be se-
Resolution 12 bit lected for all modes (except for
A1 Accuracy ± 0.2%, ± 0.2mA the fixed current mode):
Active - replaced by A5 0..20mA output
4..20mA output
Range 0(4)..20 mA 0..10mA output Fig. -Q..+Q output
Resolution 16 bit 0..5mA output
A2 Accuracy ± 0.1%, ± 0.1mA Modules A6 and A7 enables
Active - replaced by A5 A3, A4, A6 and A7 modules can with module H1 (Bell 202 mo-
work only with range 4..20 mA. dem) to communicate through
Range 4..20 mA current loop with a protocol
Resolution 16 bit compatable with HART (only
A3 Accuracy ± 0.1%, ± 0.1mA Universal Commands)
Active - replaced by A6
Range 4..20 mA
Resolution 16 bit
A4 Accuracy ± 0.1%, ± 0.1mA
A + -
A +

Passive - replaced by A7
Range 0(4)..20 mA
Resolution 16 bit Fig. 0..+Q output 12 13 10 11
A5 Accuracy ± 0.1%, ± 0.1mA - + + -
Range 4..20 mA res. 16 bit
Current output

Current output
Accuracy ± 0.1%, ± 0.1mA
0..20 mA

4..20 mA

Active - compatible with

module H1 ( HART )
Range 4..20 mA res. 16 bit
A5 A7
Accuracy ± 0.1%, ± 0.1mA
A7 Passive - compatible with
module H1 ( HART ) Fig. 0..+Q output

A4 and A7 modules have pas-

sive current output (it has to be Range 0..20mA 4..20mA 0..10mA 0..5mA
Flow rate / current -Qmax 0 Qmax -Qmax 0 Qmax -Qmax 0 Qmax -Qmax 0 Qmax
powered externally) and are
0..+Q output 0 0 20 4 4 20 0 0 10 0 0 5
also galvanically isolated. 0..-Q output 20 0 0 20 4 4 10 0 0 5 0 0
Unlike A1-A3, A5, A6 modules, 0..IQI output 20 0 20 20 4 20 10 0 10 5 0 5
it can be plugged in positions 4, -Q.+Q output 0 10 20 4 12 20 0 5 10 0 2,5 5
5 and 6.

7.Current output → ● 0..+Q output ○ 0..20mA output »Imax flow rate

○ 0..-Q output ● 4..20mA output
○ 0..|Q| output ○ 0..10mA output
○ -Q..+Q output ○ 0..5 mA output
○ Fixed current »Fixed current [mA]

Fig. Menu structure of A modules 15

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FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Binary output modules B1 - B5

Flowmeter converter can con- mal delay between two pulses
trol up to 4 multifunctional bi- “tD” and volume per pulse “V”.
nary outputs in positions 4 – 7. Flow rate values are time inte-
Following table indicates differ- grated. Immediately after preset
ences between individual mod- volume per pulse has flowed,
ules: the pulse of length tu is gener-
ated. After the pulse, there is a
Passive (max 4 kHz) delay of length at least tD. If the
Max. voltage 350 Vp-p delay expires and the preset Fig. Q- pulses
B1 Max. perm. current 120 mA volume has not flowed again,
Max. pulse current 300 mA the output remains inactive; ·Frequency outputs
Resistance 27 Ω otherwise, another pulse and In this mode of operation, fre-
Passive (max 12 kHz) delay are generated immedi- quency is generated on output
Max. voltage 60 Vp-p ately. If the preset volume flows modules. Pulse to delay ratio is
B2 Max. perm. current 300 mA through sooner than the previ- always 1:1. Warning! Only two
Max. pulse current 500 mA ous pulse is finished, the unsent frequency generators in posi-
Resistance 5 Ω pulse will be stored in a buffer tions 4 and 5 are available for
with maximum capacity of 255 the converter. This function is
Active pulses. If buffer overflow oc- blocked in positions 6 and 7.
Voltage 5 V curs, an error message will be Maximum frequency in position
B3 Max. current 10 mA generated. It follows from above 4 is 12 kHz and in position 5
Max. frequency 12 kHz mentioned that parameters of only 1.2 kHz. If these limit fre-
Active pulse output should be set such quencies are exceeded, output
Voltage 24 V that expected pulse frequency frequency will be limited and an
B4 Max. current 40 mA cannot exceed limit frequency error message will be gener-
Max. frequency 12 kHz determined by pulse length and ated.
delay. Frequency outputs can work in
Relay contacts It applies: Maximum pulse three modes of frequency de-
B5 Max. voltage 250 VAC frequency [s-1] = 1 / (tu + tD) pendence on flow rate.
Max. current 1 A Volume per pulse can be set in
range from 1 to 109 ml with 1 ml
Tab. Binary output modules step, i.e. from 1 ml to 1000 m3.
Outputs can work as pulse, Delay and pulse lengths can be
frequency or status outputs. set in range form 10 ms to 2550
Individual functions are ex- ms with 10 ms step. It follows
plained in detail in following from above mentioned that the
section. maximum pulse frequency is 50
Binary module func- s-1. Fig. Q+ frequency
tions Pulses can be generated in
three modes depending on flow
·Normally closed/open
rate, and pulse polarity can be
These modes are used for ser-
set (output is closed during
vice purposes.
pulse or open in not modes).
·Pulse outputs (not)
In this mode, a pulse is gener-
ated immediately after preset
volume has flowed. Pulse gen-
eration is determined by three
Fig. Q- frequency
factors: pulse length “tu”, mini-

Fig. IQI pulses

Fig. IQI frequency

Setting is done by selecting of

flow rate corresponding to 1
16 Fig. Pulse generation Fig. Q+ pulses kHz output frequency.
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Fixed frequency mode is used
for service purposes. Required
frequency is set directly in Hz in
range 1-120000 Hz in position 4
and 1-1200 Hz in position 5.
Fig. IQI < Qlimit
· Negative/non-negative
flow rate works in four modes of depend-
This mode is used for flow di- ence on flow rate with output
rection differentiation. Output is polarity differentiation.
closed/open for negative flow · Electrode cleaning/no
Fig. Q > Qlimit cleaning
· Failure occurred/not oc- The output is closed/open dur-
curred ing cleaning.
If failure with mode set to active · Batch Opened
(see error messages) occurs, · Batch /Opened
the output closes/opens for at Output is switched on /
least 5 seconds. If failure per- switched off during the batch
sists, output is closed/open for running. It is possible to set the
whole period of failure duration. advance of the output before
· Limit flow rate exceeded/ batch ending. Advance could be
undergone (not) set by time or volume. Detailed
If flow rate is higher/lower than Fig. Q < Qlimit information is given in chapter
limit value set, the output closes Batching.
(opens). When flow rate returns · Batch Stop pulse
to limits, the output opens · Batch Stop /pulse
(closes) again taking in account Output generates pulse for
preset hysteresis. This function ending of the batch. It is possi-
Fig. IQI > Qlimit ble to set pulse length (10ms -
2,5s) and pulse advance before
4.Binary output ─► ● Permanently open batch ending. Advance could be
○ Perm. Closed set by time or volume. Detailed
○ IQI pulses » Pulse length [10ms] information is given in chapter
○ IQI not pulses » Pause length [10ms] Batching.
○ Q+ pulses » Vol./ pulse [ml]
○ Q+ not pulses
○ Q- pulses
○ Q- not pulses
○ Q+ frequency » Flow rate at 1 kHz 6 7 8 9
8 9

○ Q- frequency
○ IQI frequency
active 5V/100mA
OptoMOS 350V

○ Fixed frequency » Fixed frequency [ Hz ]

Binary output

Binar y out put

Binar y out put

○ Negative flow
○ Non-neg. flow

○ 'Error occured √ E1
○ 'No error occured √… B1 B2 B5
√ E13
Fig. Terminal connection
○ Q>Qlim. » Flow limit
○ Q>Qlim. not » Hysteresis
○ Q<Qlim.
○ Q<Qlim. not
○ IQI>Qlim.
○ IQI>Qlim. not
○ IQI<Qlim.
○ IQI<Qlim. not
○ Cleaning
○ Not cleanig
○ Batch Opened » Volume Advance [ml]
○ Batch Opened not » Time Advance [ms]

○ Batch Stop puls » Pulse length [10ms]

○ Batch Stop /puls » Volume Advance [ml]
» Time Advance [ms]
Fig. Menu structure of B modules 17

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

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FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

C1, D1, D2 and D3 modules

Modules C1, D1, D2 and D3 necting of up to 31 stations in a trial environment. Individual sta-
are used for data communica- communication network using a tions are connected in series.
tion. All these modules are gal- twisted pair link cable with total Disadvantage of this configura-
vanically isolated from flow- length of 1200 meters. Number tion is that if one station fails,
meter circuits. They can be in- of stations and length of cables then whole network breaks
stalled only in position 6 and can be increased by using re- down.
their signals are output to termi-
nals 10 and 11. Interface
RS232 is the only exception, as
it needs 3 wires.
C1 RS232
D2 0/20mA data current loop
G1 GSM modem Fig. RS485 network connection
peaters. Stations are connected Fig.Data current loop 0/20 mA
H1 HART modem (with A6,7) network connection
to the link in parallel. The most
C1 – RS232 inter- distant ends of line have to be
D3 – M-BUS interface
face equipped with terminating resis-
tors 120 Ω. Standard M-Bus (Meter-Bus)
It is used primarily for 10 11 When setting stations, be is designed for applications of
service purposes, be- sure to set the same baud rate data acquisition from various
cause maximum cable for all of them and to set a media consumption meters. It
length from the converter unique address for each of enables connecting of many
to a computer is 15 me- them. MASTER address is al- devices (hundreds of them) on
ters and only one con- RS 232 ways set to “0” and addresses distance of several kilometers.
verter can be connected of individual stations can be set M-BUS
to a single link. C1 in range 1-254.
Connection to the com- MASTER

puter equipped with RS232 in- D2 – Data current loop

terface is done using an in- interface 0/20 mA
cluded cable. Thread one end It is used for permanent con-
of the cable through a cable nection of multiple converters to
bushing and connect it to 3-pin the computer. It enables con- 10 11 10 11 10 11
connector behind terminals 10- necting of multiple stations on
11. The other end of the cable long distances. Data transfer
is equipped with CANON 9M via current coding 0/20 mA is M-BUS M-BUS M-BUS
connector. This ensures leading highly resistant against interfer- DEVICE 1 DEVICE 2 DEVICE 3
of RS232 interface signals out ence and is suitable for indus- Fig. M-Bus network connection
of converter box while protec-
tion level IP66 is maintained. 6.RS232 ─► Baudrate ─► ○ 300 Bd
○ 600 Bd
CANON 9F CANON 9M ○ 1200 Bd
9 8 7 6
○ 2400 Bd
9 8 7 6
○ 4800 Bd
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
● 9600 Bd
○ 19200 Bd
○ 38400 Bd
○ 57600 Bd
○ 76800 Bd
Fig.RS232 cable connection ○ 115200 Bd

The interface is connected to Adress ─► »Ow n adress

the computer using a crosslink Protocol ─► ● FLOMAG

cable Laplink 9F-9F. ○ MODBUS-RTU
D1 – RS485 interface
Parity ─► ● No parity
It is used for permanent con- ○ Odd parity
nection of multiple converters to ○ Even parity

the computer. It enables con- Word order ─► ● Low w ord f irst

18 ○ High w ord f irst
Fig. Communication module menu
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Modul E1
Module E1 is galvanically Batching). batch volume (see section
separated active binary input for · Batch Hold Batching).
nonvolatile contacts or open · Reset Volumes
collector. Input has SW tran- Stops and holds the batch.
sient immunity. It is necessary Counted batch can be contin- Enables reset of the chosen
min pulse length of 60 ms for ued after restarting it (see sec- totalizers and working time.
switching . tion Batching). · Cleaning Start
· Batch Stop Starts electrochemical elec-
Functions of the binary
Asynchronously finishes the trodes cleaning in modules F1
input batch and sets again the preset or F3 (requires plug-in modules
· Switch Off
· Batch Start
4. Binary input ─► ● Off
Starts the batch (see section ○ Batch Start
○ Batch Hold
○ Batch Stop
○ Reset Counters ─► √ Total volume +
○ Cleaning Start √ Total volume -
√ Operational time
√ Temp. volume +
√ Temp. volume -
√ Temporary time

Fig. Terminal connection Fig Menu of module E1

F1, F2 and F3 modules

F1 – F3 modules are used for cally. is switched on. Option PERI-
full pipe check and for electro- The cleaning cycle takes 1 ODIC starts cleaning in regular
chemical cleaning of electrodes. minute. During cleaning, no real intervals that can be set by user
measurement is performed. in range from 1 to 255 hours.
F1-Electrochemical Flow rate measured before start Timer starts counting after time
electrode cleaning mod- of cleaning is simulated. Clean- value is entered. Starting time
ing cycle duration can be indi- of cleaning can be set to match
Electrochemical elec- cated using binary outputs. to real time. It makes sense
F1 trode cleaning module Running cleaning process is only if cleaning period is set in
indicated on display by moving multiples of 24 hours. Then
Empty pipe detection full character on upper line. cleaning will be performed al-
F2 module
The instrument offers several ways in preset time. F1 module
Module with combined possibilities of cleaning cycle has no wires connected to the
F3 functions F1+F2 start: terminal block.
If ONCE is selected, a single F2 - Full pipe check
cleaning cycle is immediately
ule performed and then the instru- module
During operation of the flow- ment returns to Off mode. Correct measurement of flow
meter, a non-conductive layer If AFTER SWITCH-ON is se- rate by the magnetic flowmeter
can be formed on sensor elec- lected, the cleaning cycle will be is conditioned by full flooding of
trodes. This layer increases always started if power supply the whole sensor cross section
contact resistance between by measured liquid. If flooding
electrodes and measured fluid OFF is only partial, the magnetic
and results in lower measure- Only once flowmeter will indicate flow rate
ment accuracy. During power ON higher than real. However, if
F1 module enables measur- Periodically both electrodes are not im-
ing electrode cleaning without mersed in liquid, interfering volt-
need of sensor deinstallation. age can be generated on elec-
The method is based on elec-
2. Electrode cleaning ─► ● OFF
trochemical effect. Alternating
voltage is connected to elec- ○ Only once
trodes and the deposited layer ○ During Pow er ON
dissolves in liquid. This cleaning ○ Periodiccally ─► »Clean every x [h]
should be performed periodi- »Time of start [h:m]
Fig. F1 module menu

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FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

trode wires and the flowmeter is immersed in liquid. If it is not, indicated. The checking elec-
can indicate totally random val- an error message will be dis- trode is connected to terminal 1.
ues. To avoid this situation, the played and zero flow rate will be This electrode cannot be retro-
sensor can be equipped with fitted and should be con-
checking electrode and con- 2. Full pipe check ─► √ ON sidered on initial order.
verter with full pipe check mod-
ule. The module continuously
checks if the checking electrode Fig. F2 module menu

F3 - Electrode cleaning This module combines func- above mentioned information

tions of modules F1 and F2. applies for this module.
and full pipe check module
Besides different menu, all

2. Clean/Full pipe ─► Electrode cleaning ─► ● Off

○ Once
○ During Pow er ON
○ Periodiccally ─► »Clean every x [h]
»Time of start [h:m]
Fig. F3 module menu Full pipe check ─► √ ON

Module G1
Module G1 is a GSM modem quest) inforamtion about the tions is given in a separate
enabling sending by SMS mes- status of the flowmeter and the document.
sages on preset numbers, in measured values. Detailed de-
preselect intervals (or on re- scription of the module func-

Module H1
Module H1 is Bell 202 mo- tocol compatible with HART PV - Flow rate [ l/s ]
dem, extensioning the function (only Universal Command). As- SV - Current flow rate [ l/s ]
of modules A6 and A7. It en- signing the variables of the TV - Total volume + [ m3/h ]
ables data communication flowmeter is following: QV - Total volume - [ m3/h ]
through current loop with a pro-

Batching mode is used for batch. Bottom line shows help terruption. Outputs give signal
control of external equipment for manual batch control. for interruption of the batch
( valves, pumps) in order to (close valve, switch off pump).
measure repeatedly the preset Phase 0 - Stop Counted batch could ve contin-
volume (batch). It is not recom- ued again by manual start
During phase 0 outputs are
mended for batching of very choosing Restart or from out-
inactive, no batching runs, wait-
small volumes. The period of side with the help of module E
ing for start of the batching
one batch has to be min 30 s. in Batch Start mode. It is possi-
process. Manual start is real-
Electromagnetic flowmeter ble also to abort the batch by
ized by holding button 3 and choosing Reset or from outside
FLOMAG3000 has very sophis-
simultaneous pushing of button with the help of module E in
ticated batching functions. It
enables simple batching with 4 or from outside with the help Batch Stop mode.
manual starting but also fully of module E in Batch Start
automatic batching by remote mode. During that phase the
control. batch volume is set. To enter
Batching process is divided edit mode it is necessary to
hold button 2 and simultane- Fig. Batching phase 2
into 4 phases. Single phases
are distinguished on LCD by a ously push button 4. Phase 2 - Run
symbol in square brackets. Up- During that phase runs the
per line shows remaining vol- measuring of the batch (valve is
ume in ml to the end of the open, pump is running). This
mode can be interrupted using
Fig. Batching phase 1 Phase 1 (Hold) activated manu-
Phase 1 - Hold ally or with the help of module E
Phase 1 temporary batch in- in Batch Stop mode. It is possi-
20 Fig. Batching phase 0 ble also to abort it choosing Re-
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
set or from outside with the event which first takes place. can indicate condition when
help of module E in Batch Stop The advantage is that you can runs the batch (phase 2) or to
mode. During this phase there set different advance for each sent a pulse for batch finish/
is no reaction to external signal output. This way it is possible to interuption. Pulse length can be
Batch Start. If there is no any switch off a pump and later set from 10 ms up to 2550 ms,
preset outputs' advance, after close the valve. step 10 ms. Both output modes
flowing of the set batch volume Binary outputs have 4 options can work in both polarities.
comes switching to phase 0 for setting in batch mode. They
(Stop). Outputs will send signal
for batch stop (switch off pump, start
close valve). Because of the
late reaction to the output signal
a partial overflow of the set hold
batch volume will take place
and display will show negative volume of batch
volume. That's why it is suitable volume - advance 1
to send a signal for batch stop volume - advance 2
in advance as it is described


Phase 3 - Finish
In practice we need to send a
signal for batch stop in ad- output 1
vance. It is mainly because of
the inertia of the technical
equipment (valves, pumps).
output 2
Phase 3 represents time when
one of the outputs have sent in
advance signal for batch stop. output 1 (puls)
According to the ability to fore-
cast exactly the advance, the
batch can slightly overflow output 2 (puls)
which means to go to phase 0
or the batch will not finish and Fig. Batch running
will go to phase 3. In this case it
is possible to go to phase 0 by module B
choosing Reset or from outside
with the help of module E in
Batch Stop mode. In the same
time takes place presetting of FLOMAG3000
the volume batch accroding to Flowmeter
the preset value. Second possi-
bility is to start new batch
choosing restart or from outside Electrically
with the help of module E in controled
Batch Start mode.

Fig. Minimum batching option

Fig. Batching phase 3

The binary outputs in batch module B
module B
mode enable setting of the ad- Start
module E
vance by volume when the out- module E Hold
put is activated, if the remaining
batch volume is smaller than FLOMAG3000
the preset volume advance. Flowmeter
Second possibility is to set time
advance when the flowmeter's
Pump Electrically
logic calculates what time re- controled
mains to the end of the batch valve
according to the actual flow.
Both possibilites can be com-
bined. Output reacts to the Fig. More complex batching option 21

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Flowmeter dimensions – flanged versions “P”, “PDIN” and “PANSI”

160 136
114 100
80 75


l DN

DN PN D d A L* l Weight**
ISO 13359 Optional
EN 14154
[mm] [inches] [Bar] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [ kg ]
15 1/2 16 95 62 164 200 138 66 3.5
20 3/4 16 105 62 170 200 138 66 3.5
25 1 16 115 72 180 200 215 96 3.5
32 1 1/4 16 135 82 199 200 215 96 6
40 1 1/2 16 145 92 209 200 215 96 7
50 2 16 160 107 223 200 215 96 8
65 2 1/2 16 180 127 244 200 215 96 10
80 3 16 195 142 260 200 215 96 12
100 4 16 215 162 280 250 215 96 16
125 5 16 245 192 310 250 305 126 21
150 6 16 280 218 340 300 305 126 28
200 8 16 335 274 398 350 380 211 35
250 10 10 405 370 480 450 380 211 42.5
300 12 10 440 420 535 500 515 320 55
350 14 10 500 480 584 550 515 320 65
400 16 10 565 530 642 600 515 320 94
450 18 10 565 530 642 600 515 320 94
500 20 10 670 640 752 600 515 320 122
600 24 10 780 760 870 600 615 320 158
700 28 10 895 880 990 700 715 420 230
800 32 6 1010 980 1100 800 815 420 325
900 36 6 1115 1040 1185 900 815 520 420
1000 40 6 1220 1140 1290 1000 1015 520 510
1200 48 6 1455 1340 1510 1200 1015 520 680

* Standard construction length meets ISO 13359, different construction lengths should be indicated, e.g.
Construction length tolerance for DN£200: +0/-2 mm
DN³200: +0/-3 mm
** Weight of PDIN sensor without converter and terminal box
- weight of terminal box has to be added for remote version – 0.25 kg
- weight of converter has to be added for compact version – 0.9 kg
Type acc. to Flance DN PN Flange dimensions meet
PDIN 15..1200 2.5, 6, 10, 16, 25, 40, 63 EN 1092-1
BS 4504
PANSI 1/2“..40“ 150lb, 300lb ASA / ANSI B 16.5

Protection: compact version IP66, remote version IP67 (optionally IP68)

Electrodes: Ss – stainless steel AISI316Ti, Ha - Hastelloy C22, Ti - Titanium, Pt – platinum
Lining: TG – hard rubber, MG – soft rubber, NG – resistant rubber, PTFE – Teflon
Accessories: optional for a surcharge – grounding rings or grounding electrodes for nonconductive tube
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Flowmeter dimensions – wafer version “B”
160 136
114 100
80 75




DN D A L* Weight**
lining lining lining
[mm] [inches] [mm [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [ kg ]
10 3/8 62 145 - - 62 0.8
15 1/2 62 145 74 72 70 0.9
20 3/4 62 145 74 72 70 1.1
25 1 72 158 104 102 100 1.5
32 1 1/4 82 168 104 102 100 1.8
40 1 1/2 92 179 104 102 100 2.2
50 2 107 192 104 102 100 2.8
65 2 1/2 127 212 104 102 100 3.2
80 3 142 227 104 102 100 3.5
100 4 162 247 104 102 100 4
125 5 192 277 134 132 130 6
150 6 218 303 134 132 130 8
* Standard construction length meets ISO 13359, different construction lengths should be indicated, e.g.
Construction length tolerance: +0/-2 mm
** Weight of the sensor without converter and terminal box
- weight of terminal box has to be added for remote version – 0.25 kg
- weight of converter has to be added for compact version – 0.9 kg

The sensor is designed for installation between flanges and for fastening by clamps (not included in
delivery). For sensor sizes DN20..DN120, flanges with corresponding dimensions are used. For sensor
sizes DN10..D15 the flange DN20 has to be used, because the sensor body is bigger than space
between openings of corresponding flanges.

Protection: compact version IP66, remote version IP67 (optionally IP68)

Electrodes: Ss – stainless steel AISI316Ti, Ha - Hastelloy C22, Ti - Titanium, Pt – platinum
Lining: TG – hard rubber, MG – soft rubber, NG – resistant rubber, PTFE – Teflon
Pressure: PN16, PN25, PN40, PN63
Accessories: optional for a surcharge – grounding rings or grounding electrodes for nonconductive

Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]
Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Flowmeter dimensions – version with aseptic screwed fitting “B” (DIN 11851)
160 136
114 100
80 75


l DN

DN d l A* L* Weight**
ISO 13359 Optional
EN 14154
[mm] [inches] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [ kg ]
15 1/2 62 66 145 200 134 0.9
20 3/4 62 66 145 200 150 1.1
25 1 72 96 158 200 213 1.5
32 1 1/4 82 96 168 200 213 1.8
40 1 1/2 92 96 179 200 213 2.2
50 2 107 96 192 200 213 2.8
65 2 1/2 127 96 212 200 213 3.2
80 3 142 96 227 200 213 3.5
100 4 162 96 247 250 213 4
125 5 192 126 277 250 301 6
150 6 218 126 303 300 301 8

* Standard construction length meets ISO 13359, different construction lengths should be indicated,
e.g. “l=213”
Construction length tolerance: +0/-2 mm
** Weight of the sensor without converter and terminal box
- weight of terminal box has to be added for remote version – 0.25 kg
- weight of converter has to be added for compact version – 0.9 kg

The sensor is connected to the pipeline using an aseptic screwed fitting that meets DIN 11 851 stan-
dard. Part of the fitting with cap nut is firmly fixed to the sensor. Welded counterpart with male thread
and sealing are part of delivery. This sensor version is suitable for foodstuff flow. Non-conducting lining
of the sensor extends over its edges to avoid both leakage and depositing of measured fluid on edges.
Due to cap nuts, the sensor can be easily deinstalled and comfortably cleaned.

Screwed fitting: DIN 11 851

Protection: compact version IP66, remote version IP67 (optionally IP68)
Electrodes: Ss – stainless steel AISI316Ti, Ha - Hastelloy C22, Ti - Titanium, Pt – platinum
Lining: NG – resistant rubber (for drinking water), PTFE – Teflon (for foodstuff)
Pressure: PN16, PN25, PN40, PN63
Accessories: optional for a surcharge – grounding electrodes for nonconductive tube

FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Flowmeter dimensions – version with tube thread “G” (DIN ISO 228 )
160 136
114 100
80 75




DN G d l A L* Weight**
thread ISO 13359 Optional
EN 14154
[mm] [inches] [inches] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [ kg ]
15 1/2 1“ 62 66 145 200 134 0.9
20 3/4 1 1/4“ 62 66 145 200 150 1.1
25 1 1 1/2“ 72 96 158 200 213 1.5
32 1 1/4 2“ 82 96 168 200 213 1.8
40 1 1/2 2 1/2“ 92 96 179 200 213 2.2
50 2 3“ 107 96 192 200 213 2.8
65 2 1/2 3 1/2“ 127 96 212 200 213 3.2
80 3 4“ 142 96 227 200 213 3.5
* Standard construction length meets ISO 13359, different construction lengths should be indicated, e.g.
Construction length tolerance: +0/-2 mm
** Weight of the sensor without converter and terminal box
- weight of terminal box has to be added for remote version – 0.25 kg
- weight of converter has to be added for compact version – 0.9 kg

The sensor is connected to the pipeline using a fitting with a cap nut and a gasket. Both ends of meas-
uring tube are equipped with male tube thread. Adjacent tubes have to be equipped with fitting with cap
nut (not included in delivery) and sealed using gasket (not included in delivery).

Protection: compact version IP66, remote version IP67 (optionally IP68)

Electrodes: Ss – stainless steel AISI316Ti, Ha - Hastelloy C22, Ti - Titanium, Pt – platinum
Lining: TG – hard rubber, MG – soft rubber, NG – resistant rubber, PTFE – Teflon
Pressure: PN16, PN25, PN40, PN63
Accessories: optional for a surcharge – grounding electrodes for nonconductive tube


Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual

Sensor – marking and label

PDIN 50 16 TG Ss Ge Fe Cv
Cv compact version
Rvx remote version (x = cable length in m)
_ without full pipe check electrode
Fe optional full pipe check electrode
_ without grounding electrode
Ge optional grounding electrode
Ss stainless steel electrodes
Ha Hastelloy electrodes
Ti Titanium electrodes
Pt platinum electrodes
TG hard rubber lining
MG soft rubber lining
NG resistant rubber lining
PTFE Teflon lining
6, 10, 16, 25, 40 nominal pressure [bars]
150lb, 300lb nominal pressure [lb]
10..1200 nominal bore diameter [mm]
3/8"..50" nominal bore diameter [inches]
PDIN flanged version – flanges according to DIN
PANSI flanged version – flanges according to ANSI
B wafer version
V version with aseptic fittings for food industry
G threaded version
Tab. Sensor marking

Fig. Sensor label

FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual
Converter – marking and label

FLOMAG 3 0 0 0 S1 F1 -- B1 B1 C1 A1 V1
-- module not fitted
V1 display and keypad
-- module not fitted
A1 active output module 0(4)..20 mA (12 bit) - replaced by A5
A2 active output module 0(4)..20 mA (16 bit) - replaced by A5
A3 active output module 4..20 mA (16 bit) - replaced by A6
A4 passive output module 4..20 mA (16 bit) - replaced by A7
A5 active output module 0(4)..20 mA (16 bit)
A6 active output module 4..20 mA (16 bit) (HART w. mod.H1)
A7 passive output module 4..20 mA (16 bit) (HART w. mod.H1)
B1..B5, E1
-- module not fitted
A7 pasive output module 4..20 mA (16 bit)
C1 RS232 module
D1 RS485 module
D2 communication loop module 0/20 mA
D3 M-Bus
H1 Bell 202 modem HART compatible (only with module A6 or A7)
B1..B5, E1
-- module not fitted
A7, B1..B5, E1
-- module not fitted
A7 pasive output module 4..20 mA (16 bit)
B1 binary output – passive optoMOS 250V(AD,DC) max.120mA max.4kHz
B2 binary output – passive optoMOS 60V(AD,DC) max.300mA max.10kHz
B3 binary output – active 5 VDC max.10mA max.12kHz
B4 binary output – active 24 VDC max.40mA max.12kHz
B5 binary output – relay 250VAC/1A
E1 binary input - active (for nonvolatile contacts or open collector)
-- module not fitted
M1 memory module for data archiving
-- module not fitted
F1 electrochemical electrode cleaning module
F2 Full pipe check module
F3 module with F1+F2 functionality
S1 sensor signal input amplifier module (allways included)
0 Power supply 85-265 VAC
1 Power supply 24 V (18-36 VDC, 18-26 VAC)
2 Power supply 12 V (9-18 VDC, 9-14 VAC)
0 Compact version
1 Remote version
0 Unspecified (working) meter
1 Specified meter

Tab. Converter marking

Converter in remote version should be always completed with sensor with

the same serial number!

Fig. Converter label


Länna, S-142 50 SKOGÅS Ordertel 08-771 00 04 Växel 08-771 02 20 Email [email protected]

Stockholm, Sweden Orderfax 08-771 62 00 Teknisk 08-771 35 80 Internet
FLOMAG 3000 - Installation and Operation Manual


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