2008 Article 4 PDF
2008 Article 4 PDF
2008 Article 4 PDF
Received: 25 August 2007 / Final revision: 12 March 2008 / Accepted: 12 March 2008
36 Indian J. Microbiol. (March 2007) 48:35–40
environment is also required because soil has unique bind- An alternative method for analysis with high precision
ing potential for variety of pesticides or metabolites. It is and accuracy requires the use of radiolabelled pesticide.
also necessary to understand the physiology and genetics The use of 14C-radiolabelled/specific radiolabelled pesticide
of degradation of a particular pollutant before using any allows very sensitive and specific measurements i.e. the rate
bacterium for its biodegradation. of degradation of pesticide, metabolites or mineralization as
There are three possible regions where pesticide con- CO2 evolution. The technique provides the actual image of
tamination can occur in terrestrial ecosystem (i) surface microbial degradation of pesticide.
soil, (ii) vadose zone and (iii) ground water or saturated
zone. The biodegradation in surface is primarily aerobic Different approaches for biodegradation
and rapid because the surface soils have large number of
aerobic microorganisms and their number usually decreases Complete biodegradation of a pesticide involves the oxida-
with the depth. Biodegradation is slow in other two zones tion of parent compound to form carbon dioxide and wa-
i.e. vadose and ground water. Therefore, different biore- ter. This process provides both carbon and energy for the
mediation technologies are required to deal with different growth and reproduction of microbes. Each degradation
regions of terrestrial ecosystem. step is catalyzed by specific enzyme produced by a degrad-
ing cell or enzyme found external to the cell. Degradation of
pesticide by either external or internal enzyme will stop at
any step if an appropriate enzyme is not present. Absence of
an appropriate enzyme is one of the common reason for per-
Soil sampling, storage and residue analysis sistence of any pesticide. If an appropriate microorganism
is absent in soil or if biodegrading microbial population has
To study, the microbial degradation of pesticide, random been reduced due to toxicity of pesticide in that case a spe-
soil sampling with utmost precision is required. Depend- cific microorganism can be added or introduced in soil to
ing on experimental design or analysis, the soil sampling enhance the activity of the existing population. The micro-
requires a precision to reduce the uncertainty and variability organisms could be either natural or genetically engineered.
in results. ISO Geneva, Switzerland has developed stan- "Super strains" are also developed that can degrade the
dards for adequate soil sampling, which has been described pesticide at a fast rate. The problem is that the introduction
in a series of ISO norms. Soil samples should be processed of microorganism to contaminated site may fail because
and analysed immediately or stored only for a very limited they are unable to survive in a new environment more than
period. Microbial analysis must be performed as soon as a few days or weeks. Another strategy is to add a specific
possible to minimize the effects of storage on microbial genes that can confer specific degradation capability to in-
population and their biochemical activities. Reduced mi- digenous microorganism. The addition of degradative genes
crobial activity has been reported when soil samples were relies on delivery and uptake of genetic material by a indig-
stored in field moist condition at 4oC for three months [1]. enous microorganism. There are two possible approaches
Similarly, pesticide residue analysis needs to be performed that can be taken i.e. (i) the use of microbial cells to deliver
in a short time to avoid the changes during the storage. gene via conjugation, (ii) to add naked gene in soil and al-
Sampling, sample processing, sampling constant, matrix low its uptake via transformation. However, a good deal of
effect, extraction and cleanup are very important steps in work has not been done on these aspects and requires more
pesticide residue analysis. Residue analyses are influenced studies to develop it as a part of the technology.
by uncertainty and variability during sample processing.
Uncertainty of sample processing depends on the degree Microcosm and field trials
of inhomogeneity of the pesticide residues in the sample,
which significantly influences the results. Other parameters The soil is heterogeneous with respect to biological niche,
need to be known before analysis can be carried out i.e. spatial distribution and availability of contaminant. Here,
(i) limit of detection of the compound, (ii) repeatability of a variety of complex biodegradation patterns will appear
method (s) and (iii) stability of compound once the sample if the microbe of interest is present or introduced in soil,
has been taken. These all points must be taken care during because of physical and biological interaction between
the quantification of residues. Residues can be quantified contaminant and the microbe of interest. To understand the
by using GLC, HPLC and GCMS. Validation of pesticide contaminant and microbial interactions, a closed system
residue method is required to quantify the biodegradation has been adopted as microcosm. Burn [2] reviewed the
of pesticide by microbes. literature on microcosm studies. These are used by several
Indian J. Microbiol. (March 2008) 48:35–40 37
workers to understand how the soil system works in the diation organisms) and landfarming (use of farming, tilling
field. Hong et al [3] have reported the microcosm study on and soil amendment techniques to encourage the growth of
bioremediation of fenitrothion using Bukholderia sp. FDS- bioremediation organism at contaminated site).
1. Results indicated that the strain FDS-1 has potential for The degradation of endosulfan [4] by mixed bacterial
use in bioremediation of fenitrothion at contaminated field. culture was studied in aerobic and facultative anaerobic con-
ditions via batch experiments with an initial endosulfan con-
Development of bioremediation technology centration of 50 mgL–1. After 3 weeks of incubation, mixed
bacterial culture was able to degrade 71.58 ± 0.2% and
Bioremediation works either by transforming or degrading 75.88 ± 0.2% of endosulfan in aerobic and facultative an-
the contaminant or by both ways in the field. The goal of aerobic conditions, respectively. Endosulfan biodegradation
the process technologist in these projects is to create most in soil was evaluated by miniature and bench scale soil reac-
favourable growth condition for the microorganisms. Bio- tors. The soils used for the biodegradation experiments were
remediation treatment includes land farming, bioreactors, identified as clayey soil (CL, lean clay with sand), red soil
biologically enhanced soil washing, composting and solid (GM, silty gravel with sand), sandy soil (SM, silty sand with
– phase bioremediation. In situ bioremediation requires ma- gravel) and composted soil (PT, peat). Endosulfan degrada-
nipulation of aqueous constituents and bioventing. Geneti- tion efficiency in miniature soil reactors were in the order of
cally modified microbes are used to enhance the capability sandy soil followed by red soil, composted soil and clayey
of degradation. Yet, the use of genetically – engineering soil in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In bench scale
technology for the use in environment is still controversial soil reactors, endosulfan degradation was observed more in
because an adverse genotype can be readily mobilized in the bottom layers. After 4 weeks, maximum endosulfan
the environment. degradation efficiency of 95.48 ± 0.17% was observed in
In a development of technology following points should red soil reactor where as in composted soil-I (moisture 38 ±
be taken care i.e. (i) heterogeneity of contaminant. (ii) con- 1%) and composted soil-II (moisture 45 ± 1%) it was 96.03
centration of contaminant and its effect on biodegradative ± 0.23% and 94.84 ± 0.19%, respectively. The high moisture
microbe, (iii) persistence and toxicity of contaminant, (iv) content in compost soil reactor-II increased the endosulfan
behaviour of contaminant in soil environment and (v) con- concentration in the leachate. Known intermediate metabo-
ditions favourable for biodegradative microbe or microbial lites of endosulfan were absent in all the above degradation
population. studies. In another study by Hernandez-Rodriguez et al [5]
the rate and extent of endosulfan reduction from a grass sub-
Use of technology at actual site strate that was either composted or sterilized by autoclaving
was observed. The removal of endosulfan from substrate
The use of technology at actual site requires (i) the knowl- colonized with Pleurotus pulmonary was also determined.
edge of natural bioprocess at contaminated site, (ii) detail During composting in the presence of Ca(OH)2 for 120
and valid data of microbial biodegradation developed in h, the concentrations of α and β endosulfan were reduced
laboratory, (iii) monitoring onsite biodegradation process. by 61.4% and 45.5% respectively, significantly higher
Studies on microbial population, activities and soil en- compared with the control (without Ca(OH)2) in which the
zymes will provide the mirror image about the functional reduction was 38.5%. After sterilization the concentration
status of the soil. of α and β endosulfan were reduced by 84.8% and 87.5%
Most of the bioremediation technologies for the field respectively. After colonization of the substrate with Pleu-
are designed to remove the pollutant once it is generated rotus pulmonarius α and β endosulfan were reduced by 99%
or released into environment. Usually, these technologies (35 days after spawning).
includes, bioaugmentation (addition of organism or en- Kumar and Philip [6] studied the degradation of endo-
zyme to the contaminant), biostimulation (use of nutrients sulfan by three bacterial species namely Staphylococcus
to stimulate to naturally occurring organisms), biofilters sp., Bacillus circulans-I, and Bacillus circulans-II, both
(removal of organic gasses by passing air through compost in mixed culture and pure culture. In mixed culture,
or soil containing microorganism), bioreacters (treatment after four weeks of incubation degradation of 71.82 ±
of contaminant in a large tank containing organism or en- 0.2% and 76.04 ± 0.2% of endosulfan in aerobic and fac-
zyme), bioventing ( involves the venting of oxygen through ultative anaerobic conditions, respectively was observed.
soil to stimulate the growth of natural microorganisms In pure culture a degradation potential of 93.3 ± 0.15%,
capable of degrading contaminant), composting (involves 93.4 ± 0.15% and 89.95% of α endosulfan and 75.96 ±
mixing of contaminant with compost containing bioreme- 0.05%, 76.73 ± 0.05% and 82.9 ± 0.05% of β endosulfan
38 Indian J. Microbiol. (March 2007) 48:35–40
by strains Bacillus circulans-I, Bacillus circulans-II and dehydrochlorination of γ-HCH . To develop bioremedia-
Staphylococcus sp respectively was observed after 14 days tion technology with precision for HCH, understanding of
of incubation. Addition of dextrose to the system amplified molecular genetics, diversity and distribution of lin gene
the endosulfan degradation efficiency by 13.36 ± 0.6% in will help.
aerobic system and 12.33 ± 0.6% in facultative anaerobic
system. They also reported the degradation of endosulfan Limitations of Bioremediation
metabolites i.e., endosulfan sulfate, endosulfan ether and
endosulfan lactone in aerobic conditions. Degradation of There are several limitations on the way to bioremediation
enodulfan ether and endosulfan lactone was promising with technology. One major limitation is the nature of the organ-
Bacillus circulans I and II whereas no endosulfan sulfate isms. The removal of pollutants by organisms is not a be-
was degraded by any of these strains. Endosulfan ether was nevolent gesture. Rather, it is a strategy for survival. Most
reported to be converted to endosulfan lactone and some bioremediation organisms do their job under environmental
other intermediate compounds [7]. In another study using conditions that suit their needs. Consequently, some type
mixed culture isolated from a pesticide contaminated soil, of environmental modification is needed to encourage the
a degradation of about 73% and 81% of α and β endosulfan organisms to degrade or take up the pollutant at an accept-
respectively was observed. Endosulfan diol was identified able rate. In many instances the organism must be presented
as the degradation intermediate. Two cultures identified by with low levels of the pollutant over a period of time. This
16S rRNA as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Rhodo- induces the organism to produce the metabolic pathways
coccus erythropolis were found to be responsible for major- needed to digest the pollutant. When using bacteria and
ity of the degradation by the mixed culture 8 . fungi, it is usually necessary to add fertilizer or oxygen to
the material containing the pollutant. This can be disruptive
Recent developments in pesticide biodegradation to other organisms when done in situ. In situations where
simple compounds and metals are being taken up it is likely
Microbes, their catabolic gene and respective enzymes have that these pollutants are at toxic levels for the organisms.
been isolated and identified by several workers capable of Overall, the organisms do not always live as well on the
degrading the pesticides. Several bacteria competent of pollutant diet as on other nutrients found more commonly
degrading either carbofuran, carbarly, baygon or aldicarb in their environment. This causes problem when doing in
have been isolated and characterized [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, situ remediation.
15, 16, 17]. In another example i.e. lindane [18], endosulfan Other limitations of immediate concern are cost/benefit
[19, 20], DDT[21] and monocrotophos [22, 23], the mi- ratios i.e. cost versus overall environmental impact. Neither
crobes and/or enzymes were isolated and identified. Genetic the government nor industry wants to spend large amounts
studies of microbial degradation indicates that the plasmids of money to clean up pollution. Industry in particular always
are the main place for the gene of interest usually spread likes to keep their costs of products and services down for
throughout the microbial community. Sutherland et al [19] gain in the market. The petroleum industries are embroiled
had reported Esd gene that had same sequence homology currently in a battle with the EPA about the added costs of
to monooygenase family that use reduced flavin, provided maintaining new Clean Air Act standards. Bioremediation is
by a separate flavin reductase enzyme, as cosubstrates in generally very costly, labor intensive, and can take several
Mycobacterium smegmatis. Esd catalyzes the oxygenation months for the remediation to achieve acceptable levels. Air
of β-endosulfan to endosulfan monoaldehyde to endosulfan bioremediation in particular is very inefficient, considering
hydroxyether. Esd did not degrade either α-endosulfan or the volume of polluted air generated by industry. Another
the metabolites of endosulfan and endosulfan sulphate. Wier problem is that both ex situ and in situ technologies can
et al [24] have reported the gene Ese encoding enzyme from cause environmental disruption beyond the damage done by
monooxygenase family capable of degrading both endosul- the pollution. The long-term effects of introducing naturally
fan α and β from Arthrobacter sp. After, understanding the occurring non-native bioremediation organisms into an area
gene of interest and enzyme involved, the Superbugs can be are not fully understood. The impact of genetically altered
created to achieve the desired result at fast rate in short time bioremediation organisms is even less understood.
frame. Lal et al [25] has reviewed the degradation of HCH Bioremediation has been proven to work effectively un-
and distribution of lin gene in Sphingomonads. S. indicum der laboratory conditions. Short-term studies show that it also
B90A was found to contain two non-identical linA genes works under several field conditions. Like many technolo-
(designated as linA1 and linA2). The linA-encoded HCH gies with good scientific foundations its merits are marred by
dehydrochlorinase (LinA) mediates the first two steps of over-optimistic speculations and fraudulent claims. In spite
Indian J. Microbiol. (March 2008) 48:35–40 39
of its limitations, bioremediation is benefiting from the rush for Microbial Ecosystems (J W T Wimpeny ed). CRC Press
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3. Hong Q, Zhang Z, Hong Y and Li S (2007) A microcosum
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study on bioremediation of fenitrothion-contaminated soil
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enhanced because it is perceived as being more “green” than 4. Kumar M and Philip L (2006) Bioremediation of endosulfan
other remediation technologies. Companies and individuals contaminated soil and water-optimization of operating con-
are investing in biotechnology futures in spite of the high ditions in laboratory scale reactors. J Hazardous Materials
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risks. As a result bioremediation companies have a viable
5. Henry L and Kishimba MA (2006) Pesticide residues in
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