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CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT  Supply chain management and tendering -

manages all procurement activities for

Nina kyrah S. Samson
products and services required by the
Cj Macapagal organization to ensure optimal, safe and
cost-effective procurement.
• Construction Management

- is the Organizing, scheduling, mobilizing, and  Construction risk management, including

directing equipment, material, and Health and Safety - is essential to the safety
personnel in performance of a construction of the construction work and to the success
contract. “ of the building project.

Why do we need Construction Management?

 Quality Management – is the act of
Buildings and their construction have become
overseeing all activities and tasks needed to
increasingly complex. New innovations in methods,
maintain a desired level of excellence.
designs and materials mean that the management of
construction projects requires professionals with the
Quality management on a construction site
knowledge and skills to deliver on time and on
will include a:
budget in a demanding and rapidly changing industry.

What does construction management involve?  quality system - is a construction

organizations, standards, processes and
Construction Management a combine a wide range methods used to manage quality.
of techniques and knowledge. Including:
 quality assurance - function is often
 Budgets and cash flow - Monitoring and performed by independent bodies that own
control of construction budgets and cash the quality system and monitor the use of
flow are crucial if a construction project is to the system
be completed on time. Experts like quantity  quality planning - the meaning of quality and
surveyors will provide cost estimates but the how it will be achieved
task of monitoring progress against budget
 quality control - is a mechanism to check
will fall under the remit of the Construction
that construction products and construction
materials meet their quality criteria

 Construction law - is understood to be the The 4 M’s of Construction Management

whole field of law that affects the
 Man power
construction industry. Depending on the
country different laws will affect  Machines
construction projects.  Materials
 Construction Planning - Construction  Money
planning or programming uses formal
techniques to schedule activities, identify
dependencies between tasks, and allocate 7 Types of Construction
 Procurement - is the purchasing of good and
or services of the right quality at the best
total cost of ownership. This can be repeat  Agricultural: Typically, economical buildings, and
purchasing at favorable rates or longer-term other improvements, for agricultural purposes.
 Residential: Residential construction includes - assigned to a construction project during the design
houses, apartments, townhouses, and other or once the design has been completed by a licensed
smaller, low-rise housing, small office types. architect or a licensed civil engineer.
 Commercial: This refers to construction for the
needs of private commerce, trade, and services.
Examples include office buildings, "big box" The functions of construction management typically
stores, shopping centers and malls, warehouses, include the following:
banks, theaters, casinos, resorts, golf courses,
and larger residential structures such as high- 1. Specifying project objectives and plans
rise hotels and condominiums. including delineation of scope, budgeting,
 Institutional: This category is for the needs of scheduling, setting performance
government and other public organizations. requirements, and selecting project
 Industrial: Buildings and other constructed items participants.
used for storage and product production, 2. Maximizing the resource efficiency
including chemical and power plants, steel mills, through procurement of labor, materials and
oil refineries and platforms, manufacturing equipment.
plants, pipelines, and seaports. 3. Implementing various operations through
 Heavy civil: The construction of proper coordination and control of planning,
transportation infrastructure such as roads, design, estimating, contracting and
bridges, railroads, tunnels, airports, and fortified construction in the entire process.
military facilities. Dams are also included, but 4. Developing effective communications and
most other water-related infrastructure is mechanisms for resolving conflicts.
considered environmental. Bids
 Environmental: Environmental construction was
- is given to the owner by construction managers that
part of heavy civil, but is now separate, dealing
are willing to complete their construction project. A
with projects that improve the environment.
bid tells the owner how much money they should
Some examples are water and wastewater
expect to pay the construction management
treatment plants, sanitary and storm sewers,
company in order for them to complete the project.
solid waste management, and air pollution
 Open bid: An open bid is used for public
projects. Any and all contractors are allowed to
The role of a Construction Manager submit their bid due to public advertising.
 Closed bid: A closed bid is used for private
- A construction manager should have the ability to projects. A selection of contractors is sent an
handle public safety, time management, cost invitation for bid so only they can submit a bid
management, quality management, decision making, for the specified project.
mathematics, working drawings, and human Selection methods:

- is a central role in any construction project  Low-bid selection: This selection focuses on the
price of a project. Multiple construction
-will be responsible for developing a programmed of management companies submit a bid to the
work for the project. owner that is the lowest amount they are willing
to do the job for. Then the owner usually
- On a day to day basis they will supervise the chooses the company with the lowest bid to
building work, managing the hiring and firing of complete the job for them.
employees or managing subcontractors and partners.  Best-value selection: This selection focuses on
both the price and qualifications of the
- may also be responsible for or delegate the task of
contractors submitting bids. This means that the
obtaining licenses and permits for the site.
owner chooses the contractor with the best
The role of a Contractor price and the best qualifications. The owner
decides by using a request for proposal (RFP), as feasibility, design, construction and operation, each
which provides the owner with the contractor's
exact form of scheduling and budgeting that the stage relating to the project life cycle.
contractor expects to use for the project.
1. Feasibility and design
 Qualifications-based selection: This selection is
used when the owner decides to choose the Feasibility and design involve four steps:
contractor only on the basis of their programming and feasibility, schematic design,
qualifications. The owner then uses a request for design development, and contract documents. It is
qualifications (RFQ), which provides the owner the responsibility of the design team to ensure that
with the contractor's experience, management the design meets all building codes and regulations. It
plans, project organization, and budget and is during the design stage that the bidding process
schedule performance. The owner may also ask takes place.
for safety records and individual credentials of
their members. This method is most often used  Conceptual/Programming and feasibility: The
when the contractor is hired early during the needs, goals, and objectives must be determined
design process so that the contractor can for the building. Decisions must be made on the
provide input and cost estimates as the design building size, number of rooms, how the space
develops. will be used, and who will be using the space.
Payment contracts This must all be considered to begin the actual
designing of the building. This phase is normally
a written list of each room or space, the critical
 Lump sum: This is the most common type of
information about those spaces, and the
contract. The construction manager and the
approximate square footage of each area.
owner agree on the overall cost of the
construction project and the owner is  Schematic design: Schematic designs are
responsible for paying that amount whether the sketches used to identify spaces, shapes, and
construction project exceeds or falls below the patterns. Materials, sizes, colors, and textures
agreed price of payment. must be considered in the sketches. This phase
usually involves developing the floor plan,
 Cost plus fee: This contract provides payment for
elevations, a site plan, and possibly a few details.
the contractor including the total cost of the
project as well as a fixed fee or percentage of  Design development (DD): This step requires
the total cost. This contract is beneficial to the research and investigation into what materials
contractor since any additional costs will be paid and equipment will be used as well as their cost.
for, even though they were unexpected for the During this phase, the drawings are refined with
owner. information from structural, plumbing,
mechanical, and electrical engineers. It also
 Guaranteed maximum price: This contract is the
involves a more rigorous evaluation how the
same as the cost-plus-fee contract although
applicable building codes will impact the project.
there is a set price that the overall cost and fee
do not go above.  Contract documents (CDs): Contract documents
are the final drawings and specifications of the
 Unit price: This contract is used when the cost
construction project. They are used by
cannot be determined ahead of time. The owner
contractors to determine their bid while builders
provides materials with a specific unit price to
use them for the construction process. Contract
limit spending.
documents can also be called working drawings.
2. Pre-construction
Project Stages The pre-construction stage begins when the owner
gives a notice to proceed to the contractor that they
Characteristics of construction project stages of have chosen through the bidding process. A notice to
various project management approaches the stages proceed is when the owner gives permission to the
contractor to begin their work on the project. The
of a typical construction project have been defined first step is to assign the project team which includes
the project manager (PM), contract 4. Construction
administrator, superintendent, and field engineer.]
The construction stage begins with a pre-
construction meeting brought together by the
 Project manager: The project manager is in superintendent (on an American project). The pre-
charge of the project team. construction meeting is meant to make decisions
 Contract administrator: The contract dealing with work hours, material storage, quality
administrator assists the project manager as well control, and site access. The next step is to move
as the superintendent with the details of the everything onto the construction site and set it all up.
construction contract.
A Contractor progress payment schedule is a schedule
 Superintendent: It is the superintendent's job to
make sure everything is on schedule including of when (according to project milestones or specified
dates) contractors and suppliers will be paid for the
flow of materials, deliveries, and equipment.
current progress of installed work.
They are also in charge of coordinating on-site
construction activities. Progress payments are partial payments for work
 Field engineer: A field engineer is considered an completed during a portion, usually a month, during
entry-level position and is responsible for a construction period. Progress payments are made
paperwork. to general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers
as construction projects progress. Payments are
During the pre-construction stage, a site investigation
typically made on a monthly basis but could be
must take place. A site investigation takes place to
modified to meet certain milestones. Progress
discover if any steps need to be implemented on the
payments are an important part of contract
job site. This is in order to get the site ready before
administration for the contractor. Proper preparation
the actual construction begins. This also includes any
of the information necessary for payment processing
unforeseen conditions such as historical artifacts or
can help the contractor financially complete the
environment problems. A soil test must be done to
determine if the soil is in good condition to be built
upon. 5. Owner occupancy
3. Procurement Once the owner moves into the building, a warranty
period begins. This is to ensure that all materials,
The procurement stage is when labor, materials and
equipment, and quality meet the expectations of the
equipment needed to complete the project are
owner that are included within the contract.
purchased. This can be done by the general
contractor if the company does all their own
construction work. If the contractor does not do their REFERENCES:
own work, they obtain it through subcontractors.
Subcontractors are contractors who specialize in one
particular aspect of the construction work such as management/construction-
concrete, welding, glass, or carpentry. management.html?fbclid=IwAR2_zMBkUB8M7C3NX
Subcontractors are hired the same way a general GSH0k8VMskrGkbN5oI55Edu4C5rORAr5nNHsMOJYeI
contractor would be, which is through the bidding
process. Purchase orders are also part of the
procurement stage. ruction-management-1st-
 Purchase orders: A purchase order is used in SW2phQ92CEuyo6pGkNBcjw4JNfn9mSAWMQ
various types of businesses. In this case, a
purchase order is an agreement between a
buyer and seller that the products purchased
meet the required specifications for the agreed 5Sn9sKghALDzoerjWJZK96blaE
price. file:///C:/Users/Samson/Desktop/NINA%202019/Con

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