Construction Management
Construction Management
Construction Management
Construction project management (CM) is a profes- 4. Developing eective communications and mecha-
sional service that uses specialized, project management nisms for resolving conicts.:[4]
techniques to oversee the planning, design, and construc-
tion of a project, from its beginning to its end. The The Construction Management Association of America
purpose of CM is to control a projects time, cost and (CMAA) says the 120 most common responsibilities of a
quality.[1] CM is compatible with all project delivery sys- Construction Manager fall into the following 7 categories:
tems, including design-bid-build, design-build, CM At- Project Management Planning, Cost Management, Time
Risk and Public Private Partnerships. Every construction Management, Quality Management, Contract Adminis-
project features some amount of CM. However, profes- tration, Safety Management, and CM Professional Prac-
sional construction managers, or CMs, are typically re- tice. CM professional practice includes specic activ-
served for lengthy, large-scale, high budget undertakings ities, such as dening the responsibilities and manage-
(commercial real estate, transportation infrastructure, in- ment structure of the project management team, organiz-
dustrial facilities, military infrastructure, etc...), called ing and leading by implementing project controls, den-
capital projects. No matter the setting, a CMs respon- ing roles and responsibilities, developing communication
sibility is to the owner, and to a successful project.[2] protocols, and identifying elements of project design and
construction likely to give rise to disputes and claims.[5]
1. Specifying project objectives and plans including Institutional: This category is for the needs of gov-
delineation of scope, budgeting, scheduling, setting ernment and other public organizations. Examples
performance requirements, and selecting project include schools, re and police stations, libraries,
participants. museums, dormitories, research buildings, hospi-
tals, transportation terminals, some military facili-
2. Maximizing the resource eciency through ties, and governmental buildings.
procurement of labor, materials and equipment.
Industrial: Buildings and other constructed items
3. Implementing various operations through proper co- used for storage and product production, including
ordination and control of planning, design, estimat- chemical and power plants, steel mills, oil reneries
ing, contracting and construction in the entire pro- and platforms, manufacturing plants, pipelines, and
cess. seaports.
Heavy civil: The construction of transportation Closed bid: A closed bid is used for private projects.
infrastructure such as roads, bridges, railroads, tun- A selection of contractors are sent an invitation for
nels, airports, and fortied military facilities.[3] bid so only they can submit a bid for the specied
Dams are also included, but most other water- project.[3]
related infrastructure is considered environmental.
5.1 Bids Cost plus fee: This contract provides payment for
the contractor including the total cost of the project
A bid is given to the owner by construction managers that as well as a xed fee or percentage of the total cost.
are willing to complete their construction project. A bid This contract is benecial to the contractor since any
tells the owner how much money they should expect to additional costs will be paid for, even though they
pay the construction management company in order for were unexpected for the owner.[3]
them to complete the project.[3]
Guaranteed maximum price: This contract is the
Open bid: An open bid is used for public projects. same as the cost-plus-fee contract although there is
Any and all contractors are allowed to submit their a set price that the overall cost and fee do not go
bid due to public advertising. above.[3]
6.3 Procurement 3
Unitprice: This contract is used when the cost can- team which includes the project manager (PM), contract
not be determined ahead of time. The owner pro- administrator, superintendent, and eld engineer.[3]
vides materials with a specic unit price to limit
spending.[3] Project manager: The project manager is in charge
of the project team.
6.4 Construction
6.2 Pre-construction
The construction stage begins with a pre-construction
The pre-construction stage begins when the owner gives a meeting brought together by the superintendent. The pre-
notice to proceed to the contractor that they have chosen construction meeting is meant to make decisions dealing
through the bidding process. A notice to proceed is when with work hours, material storage, quality control, and
the owner gives permission to the contractor to begin their site access. The next step is to move everything onto the
work on the project. The rst step is to assign the project construction site and set it all up.[3]
A Contractor progress payment schedule is a sched- has been assessed, the contractor makes the appro-
ule of when (according to project milestones or specied priate accommodations to not disturb the species.
dates) contractors and suppliers will be paid for the cur-
rent progress of installed work. Vegetation: There may often be particular trees or
other vegetation that must be protected on the job
Progress payments are partial payments for work com-
site. This may require fences or security tape to warn
pleted during a portion, usually a month, during a con-
builders that they must not be harmed.
struction period. Progress payments are made to general
contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers as construc-
Wetlands: The contractor must make accommoda-
tion projects progress. Payments are typically made on a
tions so that erosion and water ow are not aected
monthly basis but could be modied to meet certain mile-
by construction. Any liquid spills must be main-
stones. Progress payments are an important part of con-
tained due to contaminants that may enter the wet-
tract administration for the contractor. Proper prepara-
tion of the information necessary for payment processing
can help the contractor nancially complete the project.
[6] Historical or cultural artifacts: Artifacts may in-
clude arrowheads, pottery shards, and bones. All
work comes to a halt if any artifacts are found and
6.5 Owner occupancy will not resume until they can be properly examined
and removed from the area.[3]
Once the owner moves into the building, a warranty pe-
riod begins. This is to ensure that all materials, equip-
ment, and quality meet the expectations of the owner that 8 Construction activity documen-
are included within the contract.[3]
7 Issues resulting from construc- Project meetings take place at scheduled intervals to dis-
cuss the progress on the construction site and any con-
tion cerns or issues. The discussion and any decisions made at
the meeting must be documented.[3]
7.1 Dust and mud Diaries, logs, and daily eld reports keep track of the daily
activities on a job site each day.
When construction vehicles are driving around a site or
moving earth, a lot of dust is created, especially during the
dryer months. This may cause disruption for surrounding Diaries: Each member of the project team is ex-
businesses or homes. A popular method of dust control pected to keep a project diary. The diary contains
is to have a water truck driving through the site spraying summaries of the days events in the members own
water on the dry dirt to minimize the movement of dust words. They are used to keep track of any daily
within and out of the construction site. When water is work activity, conversations, observations, or any
introduced mud is created. This mud sticks to the tires other relevant information regarding the construc-
of the construction vehicles and is often lead out to the tion activities. Diaries can be referred to when dis-
surrounding roads. A good practice is to have a street putes arise and a diary happens to contain informa-
sweeper clean the roads at least once a day to minimize tion connected with the disagreement. Diaries that
dirty road conditions. April 2015 are handwritten can be used as evidence in court.
12 Software
Capital project management software (CPMS) refers to
the systems that are currently available that help capi-
tal project owner/operators, program managers, and con-
struction managers, control and manage the vast amount
of information that capital construction projects create. A
collection, or portfolio of projects only makes this a big-
ger challenge. These systems go by dierent names: cap-
ital project management software, computer construc-
tion software, construction management software, project
management information systems. Usually Construction Skyscrapers under construction in Panama City, Panama
Management can be referred as subset of CPMS where
the scope of CPMS is not limited to construction phases
of project. Among main construction management soft- The construction industry typically includes three parties:
ware can be mentioned Procore, PlanGrid etc... an owner, a licensed designer (architect or engineer) and a
builder (usually known as a general contractor). There are
traditionally two contracts between these parties as they
work together to plan, design and construct the project.[12]
13 Required knowledge The rst contract is the owner-designer contract, which
involves planning, design, and construction contract ad-
Construction and building ministration. The second contract is the owner-contractor
contract, which involves construction. An indirect third-
Technology party relationship exists between the designer and the
contractor, due to these two contracts.
Public safety
An owner may also contract with a construction project
Customer service management company as an adviser, creating a third con-
tract relationship in the project. The construction man-
Human resources agers role is to provide construction advice to the de-
signer, design advice to the constructor on the owners
Mathematics behalf and other advice as necessary.
15.3 Planning and scheduling 7
The phrase design, bid, build describes the prevailing Project-management methodology is as follows:
model of construction management, in which the general
contractor is engaged through a tender process after de- Work breakdown structure
signs have been completed by the architect or engineer.
Project network of activities
scope creep), helping the owner stay within a predeter- compensate by reducing the scope of the work to t
mined budget with value engineering, cost-benet analy- the GMP
sis and best-value comparisons. The software-application
eld of construction collaboration technology has been Since the GMP is settled before design begins, it is
developed to apply information technology to construc- dicult for owners to know whether they received
tion management. the best possible bid [14]
17 References
[1] 3rd Forum International Construction Project Manage-
ment 26th/27 June 2003 in Berlin
[7] New York Times article on the problems with the new
Berlin Brandenburg Airport
[8] Hammond, p. 10
18 Further reading
Halpin, Daniel W., Construction Management, Wi-
ley, Third Edition.
Rawlinsons Australian Construction Handbook, an-
nual editions
19.2 Images
File:Ambox_important.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work, based o of Image:Ambox scales.svg Original artist: Dsmurat (talk contribs)
File:BBI_2010-07-23_5.JPG Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Michael F. Mehnert
File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
File:Folder_Hexagonal_Icon.svg Source: License: Cc-by-
sa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Merge-arrows.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Panam_Construction.JPG Source:
License: GFDL Contributors: Own work Original artist: 123Hollic
File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Symbol_book_class2.svg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Mad by Lokal_Prol by combining: Original artist: Lokal_Prol