Seeds For Celebration 2013
Seeds For Celebration 2013
Seeds For Celebration 2013
Seeds for Celebration
for the
Asheville, North Carolina
Via Negativa
- What Part of “No” Do You Not
Autumn, 2013
You can have no time to lose, you can lose no time or even get there in no time.
You can feel no pain, be up to no good, cut no ice, cut no slack, cut no cheese and make no
bones about it. You can gather no moss, be all work and no play, be close but no cigar in
no uncertain terms, make no mistake about it and come to no good end. You can leave no
stone un turned, be long time no see, say, “No, no, a thousand times no,” to the point of no
return and by no means will you have said it all. So many ways to say, “No;” so little time.
NoPeople, however, can bring you down. Way down. You know who they are.
Nopeople tend to be the cynics, the pessimists, the detractors and doubters. Whereas Yes
People tend to look naïve or stupid, NoPeople tend to look like a wise guy, a knowitall or
a smartass. Nopeople appear to like doing the superior dance and “No” is the tune they
dance to. As they boogie they seem to assume that by putting down everything and
everyone, they build themselves up. NoPeople can tell you what’s wrong with anyone or
anything at anytime and look as if they enjoy it. NoPeople make a good case for Prozac in
the drinking water.
But then again, ain’t no one likes a YesMan. Always saying “yes” to everyone and
everything. YesMen and yes, there are YesWomen tend to be part Pollyanna, part suck
up, part smarmy and sometimes, flatout stupid. In the Jim Carey movie, “Yes Man,” a
guru convinces a guy who’s down on life to say “yes” to everything. The man (played by
Carey) does; and it leads to bumpy and hilarious ride. But, finally, anyone who says
nothing but “yes” to anything and everything in life, you figure has got be either fully
stoned, wellschnockered or a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
But, is it wise to never say “Yes” to life? Hell No!!! And are there times when “No”
must be said? Hell, Yes!!! And, it must be that Life figures that’s a good plan; because Life
has a way of saying a whoopdedoo “Yes” to us one day and big fat “No” to us the next.
So, just maybe we’re all in this yesandno business together. Maybe that’s what stirs the
chowder and butters the bread.
- “No” can be one of the most freeing words in the dictionary: No, I will not pack my
schedule so full that I have no time for a hike, hot bath or drink with a friend.
- “No” can offer forgiveness and compassion: No, I will hold no grudge or lay no
- “No” can be used as a weapon: No, I don’t love you. Never have and never will.
- “No” can be a signal of integrity: No, I will not support a business that abuses its
- “No” can be a indicator of moral weakness: No, I care about civil rights but am not
willing to make a stand.
- “No” can be a sign of sadness: No hope, no love, no faith.
- “No” can be a sign of joy: No worry, no anxiety, no pressure.
Likewise, when Life says “No” to us, it can have manifold meanings and
repercussions. “No” is a big and multifaceted word. And when we get slapped down with
a “No,” it may not always be a negative thing.
The Taoist might say that without a “No” there can be no “Yes.” And Hebrew
scriptures remind us that God sends rain on the just and the unjust. Nothing we can do or
say can keep Life from saying “No” to us. Or insure that Life will say, “Yes.”
But, we also, have the power to say, “No.” Perhaps that power is a sign that we are
made in God’s image. And when we use that holy power wisely, it can truly make a world
of difference in the world.
Numbers 11: 415
I am not able to carry all this people alone.
Mark 9: 3850
Everyone will be salted with fire… Have salt in yourselves and be at peace.
You can say NO to your kids, you can say NO to your parents. You can say NO to
your waiter, NO to your spouse and NO to the Jehovah’s Witnesses on your front porch.
You can say NO to the hottie who wants a kiss, NO to the beggar on the street and NO to
the weirdo who wants to friend you on FaceBook. You can NO to the telephone marketer,
NO to your best friend or NO to the cute kid selling Girl Scout cookies. No wait! You can’t
say NO to that.
You can say NO to just about anything and everything. Except maybe God. Or the
IRS. Saying NO to the IRS can send you to jail and NO to God could send you to hell. Or
so we’ve been told.
But, saying NO to God isn’t just for atheists. Saying NO to God has a long and
respected tradition. Don’t know who started it. Probably long before any scriptures were
recorded. But we do know that Moses was a naysayer, along with most of the prophets
and even Adultery David. And, the cool thing is: it didn’t always get them in trouble. In
fact, sometimes, God even changed Her mind.
The Creator either gave us free will or not. If the gift is for real, wouldn’t you think
the Old Boy would enjoy us using it every now and then? Saying an honest NO to God
could be one of the most lifeaffirming things you can do. But, you probably shouldn’t try
it with the IRS.
Genesis 2: 1824
The man and woman were both naked and not ashamed.
Mark 10:29, 1316
Let the children come to me… to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.
“Growing up is a trap,” wrote The EveryNowAndThen Reverend Tom Robbins.
“When they tell you to shut up, they mean stop talking. When they tell you to grow up,
they mean stop growing.”
There have been more studies than you could shake a grant application at, which
have concluded that a child’s creativity takes a plunge as soon as he or she start going to
school. Sitting in a square chair in a square room looking at a square book and writing on
square paper can square the bejesus out of any kid’s brain and heart. And though no one
really knows the shape of the soul, we can be pretty certain that it’s not square.
The good news is that being an adult doesn’t necessary mean being plagued with
adultism. You can still be mature and pure, in your prime and dancing through time.
Moving through your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and beyond, childlike joy, wonder and creativity can
still continue to blossom.
Childlike play is doable well into your socalled “senior” years. There are those who
contend that no valuable discovery in human society was ever made without a childlike
sense of curiosity and limitless possibility. It may well be that with most of the ills that
plague our human society: poverty, war, greed, pollution, political atrophy and religious
insensitivity, you can find adultism at the root.
Amos 5: 1015
They hate the one who reproves in the gate.
Mark 10: 1727
How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God.
From childhood on, we all get reminded of certain “life lessons” over and over
again. We hear them from parents, teachers, therapists, ministers and friends. Two of
them are, “Take care of yourself.” And “Don’t be greedy.”
So the question might well be: When do you cross the line between taking care of
yourself and getting greedy? When is enough, enough? How do you know that your body,
mind and soul are taken care of and don’t need any more stuff? Don’t need any more
vacation time? Don’t need any more money spent trying to make and keep ourselves
Many would agree that a good bed with a roof over your head and 3 meals a day is
enough. But, then how good can a good bed be? And how big does that roof need to be
in order to have a fine kitchen, a bedroom or three and enough bathrooms not to be
crowded and, of course, a room for that TV the size of Montana? And, how bout the work
out room? Jacuzzi? Isn’t that all about taking care of yourself?
No one has the final answer, of course. But, it is pretty clear that greed can be a
stresser. When you feel as if you never have enough, it can put a strain on more than your
bank account. So, maybe if we listened a little more carefully to our body, mind and soul,
we might know better when it’s time to say NO.
Isaiah 53: 1012
Out of his anguish, he shall see the light.
Mark 10: 3545
The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.
Any recovering alcoholic can tell you that saying NO to drugs and booze is a great
way of saying YES to life. Anyone who has ever said NO to a stifling and oppressive
relationship has said YES to life. Anyone who has ever said NO to their boss and walked
away from a miserable job has said YES to life. And anyone who has stood up and said NO
to social mores and political shenanigans which rob others of integrity and rights is saying
a loud and clear YES to life.
NO can be one of the most affirming and freeing words in the English language.
NO, when properly used, can move you from the darkness of insufficiency and hopelessness
to a realization of your power and capability in this world. NO can shift your way of
thinking about the world, about your place in the world, about what your worry about,
about yourself. When you’re feeling like a hairball in the bathtub drain of life, NO can lift
your sweet butt out of that tub and plop you right on top of the world.
But like any good medicine, NO should only be used in certain situations. If you
use it constantly, you can get hooked on it and that will put you right back in the drain.
But, a wellplaced NO can serve you and world around you a great big honkin’ YES.
Jeremiah 31: 79
Sing aloud with gladness
Mark 10: 4652
Many ordered him to be quiet; but he cried out even more loudly.
“No, No, a thousand times No,” sang Betty Boop to the villain who wanted to carry
her away. “No, No, a thousand times no. You cannot buy my caress! No, no, a thousand
times no. I’d rather die than say yes.”
And sometimes, if we do not say no, something does, indeed, die within us. If we
do not say no to some negative behavior, some destructive thought… if we do not say no to
personal grudges, vengeance, hatred, bitterness and anger… if we do not say no to sweat
shops, oil spills, income disparity, hunger, homelessness, greed and violence… then, little
by little, we poison our souls and pollute our hearts.
Apathy and ennui may be two of the heart’s biggest killers. When we don’t give a
damn enough to spread a little love on this planet, to forgive a little more, to pour out a bit
more compassion, to work more steadily for justice, our hearts bleed. Our souls rupture.
And sometimes, saying NO is one of the best ways to allow love to enter the picture.
No to lovelessness can, indeed, open the door to love. No to injustice can open the
door to fairness. No to the chip on your shoulder can open the door to forgiveness. No to
a hardness of heart can open the door to your heart’s song.
Deuteronomy 6: 19
Keep these words… in your heart
Mark 12: 2834
There is no commandment greater than these.
“There is always some madness in love,” quoth Frederick Nietzsche, “but there is
always some reason in madness.”
We’ve all been in situations that feel anything but loving – situations when the love
gene is simply not kicking in. Estranged couples, political rivals, religious adversaries,
roadrage warriors and the likes usually don’t got that lovin’ feelin’. There are times a
plenty when the love bug seems to have abandoned ship or maybe been tossed overboard.
And, more often than not, our usual response to situations like that is to a) take a
Xanax, b) have a drink, or c) get the hell out of there. But as the Tshirt wisdom reminds
us: If you’re in a place without love, add some. In other words, if you find yourself in a
loveless state of affairs (as we all do from time to time), rather than giving it a, “WTF,” give
it a little love.
Maybe it’s just a kind word. Maybe a simple compliment or a sympathetic ear.
Maybe a little humor or finding some neutral topic everyone likes to talk about. Whatever
it might be, tossing a little love in the fire might be just what everyone was hoping for.
And, if it doesn’t work, go have that drink.
(Daylight Savings Time ends – Islamic New Year, Nov 4)
1 Kings 17: 816
The jar of meal was not emptied, neither did the jug of oil fail.
Mark 12: 4144
A poor widow put in two small copper coins worth a penny.
You can give a flip or give a damn. Give your word or give an opinion. You can
give up, give back, give in, give way or give over. You can give a recital, give a cold, give
offense, give approval, give an excuse, give a spanking, give and take or give up the ghost.
You can give your time, give your money, give your thoughts, give your strength or give
your attention. You can even give your life. Or, you can sit back and say, “What gives?”
Giving especially giving of the heart – has a way of turning things around. For
the giver and the receiver, something magical happens when a gift is given. Maybe it’s an
exchange of energy, maybe it’s a refocusing from the self to the gift. Or maybe, it’s simply
an unspoken way of reminding ourselves that giving and receiving is the way life works. A
reminder that we are each and all – plants, animals, humans, oceans, air and rivers utterly
There’s something about giving that disperses anxiety, breaks up clots of fretfulness
and crumbles walls of despair or loneliness. Giving might well be the antidote to many of
the struggles that send us to therapists or to our knees in prayer. Maybe it really is more
blessed to give than receive. And maybe on of generosity’s blessings is how it says NO to
Daniel 12: 13
Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky.
Mark 13: 113
This but the beginning of the birth pangs.
“I got fired,” she said. “I got dumped from my freaking job. They said it was a
money thing. Said they had to downsize. But of all the other employees, I was the only
one picked for the downsizing. They simply didn’t want me or want what I offered.” She
breathed deeply, drew finger circles on the table next to her coffee.
“I’ve never been dumped before. Never. And I thought I was doing a good job.
Thought I was living up to their expectations. I have felt so rejected. So unwanted. I felt
like a castoff – something that was tossed away because it was weighing them down and
now they think they can fly better.”
The waiter came by. “More coffee?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. “But I don’t want more coffee in this cup. I want a fresh cup. With
fresh, hot coffee. Can you do that?”
“Of course,” he said, lifting her cup from the table.
“You know what?” she said. “Maybe that’s what a need: a new cup. A new cup for
my. With something fresh and hot in it. How’s that sound? Maybe it works both ways.
Maybe that stupid outfit can fly better without me; and maybe, just maybe I can fly better
now as well. Waiter!” she called, “bring me something hot and sweet with that coffee. I
just might be getting ready to fly.”
Daniel 7: 910
An ancient one took his throne. A stream of fire flowed out from his presence.
Mark 13: 2431
They will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power & glory.
“I’m sick of following my dreams,” goes the FaceBook post. “I’m just going to ask
them where they’re going and hook up with them later.”
Dreams and visions can be pesky little boogers. Always nagging at you. Always
pestering you when you’re trying to go to sleep or watching some mindless television
hoohah. And the big problem with dreams and visions, is that they are always an inside
job. They don’t come from your friends or therapist or minister or internet or Dear Abby.
They come from inside your own stupid head. Unlike an irritating mosquito that
you can slap and be done with, dreams and visions bug you from the inside out.
Which is one reason some folks become workaholics. Or alcoholics. If you throttle
your brain with enough activity, distractions or drugs, you can sometimes put those
irksome dreams and visions to rest.
And, sometimes, they’ll up and leave you. Sometimes they’ll give up on your nappy
ass. And that’s always unfortunate. Sometimes tragic. When your dreams and vision
have left the building, it could lose you the ball game.
So when a dream or vision comes knocking at your soul’s door, let ‘em in. Entertain
them. Give them some attention. They just night take you where you want to go.
(Thanksgiving Sunday – Hanukkah begins Nov 27)
Psalm 65: 913
The meadows clothe themselves… the valleys deck themselves… they shout and sing together
Matthew 6: 2534
Look at the birds of the air… Consider the lilies…
“If the only prayer you ever prayed was ‘thank you,’” sang out Meister Eckhart,
“that would suffice.”
What if it all boils down to that? What if when you shuffle off this mortal coil…
when the fat lady has finally sung… when you go permanently offline… when you become
the worm banquet… what if at that time, when you’re trying to figure out what the hell
just happened, God shows up, looks you straight in the face and says, “I just want to know
one thing: Were you grateful?”
What if that’s finally what it all boils down to? What if gratitude is the springboard
for all good stuff that happens in this life? Gratitude, the sperm that fertilizes the seed of
goodness. All acts of love, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, joy and peace what if
they are all somehow spurred, sparked, sprouted and spiked by gratitude?
The argument could be made that Thanksgiving is the holiest day on the year. It’s
the one time when friends and families are brought together simply to say, “Thank you.”
Simply to humbly accept the gifts that have been given to us. And there’s really no religion
needed, thank you.
December 1, 2013: What Do You Expect? (Advent begins – Hanukkah ends Dec. 5)
Isaiah 2: 24
They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks…
Matthew 21: 111
L0ok, your king is coming to you, humble and mounted on a donkey.
When you think of an angel, what image comes to mind? A beautiful, ethereal greeting
cardlooking woman with wings? A benevolent guardian watching over someone? A visitor from
heaven or some otherworldly realm? A naked boybaby with wings and a bow and arrow? And
anyway, how come all baby angels are boys and all adult angels are women? Do angels go through
some gender changes as they grow up, or is that just an Asheville thing?
Angels have gotten good press for the past 200 years or so. These days, everybody wants an
angel fluttering around closeby. But for our longago ancestors, angels weren’t such welcome
visitors. Never made the guest list. Angelica nongrata.
The reason that our ancient peeps dissed angels was because they never knew what an
angel might do. Back then, angels didn’t go to charm school. Didn’t necessarily develop their social
skills. Didn’t work for Disney. All angels had going for them was otherwordly magic. And they
could use it anyway they wanted.
An angel might show up in a storm and help a sailor get home. Another angel might show
up and get the sailor totally lost or even sink her boat. In some of the old stories, angels spread
plagues, deliver Divine messages, kill firstborn children, destroy the enemy and get young teen girls
pregnant. When an angel showed up back then, you never knew what might happen. Might lower
anxiety or raise hell. So, you can bet that if the angel’s opening line to you was, “Be not afraid,” you
might not have to change your pants.
Whether or not you believe in angels or magic or the supernatural, you gotta admit that life
is full of surprises: good and bad. And how you live in a world that is filled with the unknown, has
less to do with what might happen and more to do with what you expect.
December 8, 2013: What Do You Hope For?
Isaiah 11: 111
The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as waters that cover the sea.
Matthew 3: 112
The kingdom of heaven has come near.
Blessed is she who hopes for nothing; for she shall not be disappointed. True. If you never
set your sights further than the end of your nose – if you never hope for anything at all, you’ll never
feel let down, saddened, betrayed, disillusioned or dissatisfied. And maybe that’s what it means to
live totally in the present. No hopes = no broken dreams. No anticipation = no remorse. To live
without hope might well mean a blithe – if bland – existence. Carefree, casual and unconcerned?
Yes. Spicy, rich and vibrant? No.
Hope can set you up to be taken down. But hopelessness has its own downside, as well.
Hopelessness makes you sedentary. Rather than allowing you to sit in a corner contemplating your
navel while waiting for the next thing to happen, hope whispers, “Something might be happening
out there. Let’s go see. Something surprising is just round the bend. Run with me.” Hope can even
get you up and working for something worth working for. Hope can give you direction, put you on
a path. Hope takes you out of the shadows and onto the dance floor where you can bump your
bootie to the beat and look around for what you’re looking for.
Hope never stops babbling her mantra, “What if?” She’s always lighting candles in the dark,
whistling when she’s scared and turning the feeling of being lost into the feeling of being
Some say she’s crazy; and maybe she is. But, for all the broken dreams she has set us up
for, she has continued to give us something to live for – and a reminder that goofs and glories,
successes and failures, triumph and shattered dreams are all part of the dance.
December 15, 2013: What’s Inconceivably Compelling?
Isaiah 35: 110
Waters shall break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
Matthew 1: 1825
An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.
The PeePee Dance is an ancient, international dance that has been practiced and performed
by humans from the time we first began to live in what we strangely call, “civilization.” Prompted by
a full bladder and no immediate access to a toilet, the dance gets more and more energetic with
each passion moment. No matter what nationality, religion, gender or social class, the dance is
played out in the marketplace, in church, in business offices, in restaurants and quite often in cars
stuck in traffic.
The dance can be done either standing or sitting; and though all adults do the dance on a
regular basis, it is generally young children who are the most proficient. The classic PeePee Dance
involves legs being crossed, one hand on the crotch and a sidetoside rocking motion causing the
dancer to look very much like a metronome swaying to a polka beat.
There are things other than urine, of course, that get us dancing. Reuniting with a longlost
friend can start the music. A fullmoon night after a big snow can set up the rhythm. Friends and
whiskey around a fiery hearth can certainly call out the dancers. Offering kindness or a simply
embrace to another person can begin the boogey within. And, of course, there’s nothing like a look
into the eyes of a loved one or a deep, Christmas kiss under the mistletoe to gets the heels and
hearts clicking.
The message here is simple: when you feel absolutely compelled by something or someone
to do your dance, don’t miss a beat.
December 22, 2013: What’s Real? (Winter Solstice, Dec 21, at 12:11 p.m.)
Jeremiah 31: 1014
Their life shall become like a watered garden.
John 1: 15, 14, 16
From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace.
All of my favorite stories are true and a few of them might have actually happened. Or as
Mark Twain put it, “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually
Truth, Fact and The Way Things Are, sometimes appear together on the same stage as
characters in the same play. Sometimes. But, when they take their show on the road and appear in
our minds, their lines and the plot, itself, can get pretty confusing. Truth can titillate, Facts can
fluctuate and The Way Things Are depends on where you’re sitting to see the show.
Now, you needn’t descend into a pit of philosophical babble to simply be aware that
sometimes Facts don’t substantiate what we deem as Truth. And often, we adjust Facts to fit our
idea of Truth. And every now and then, The Way Things Are marches onto the stage and disputes
both Fact and Truth.
And that’s just in our daily life.
Then, there’s our dream world in which Truth, Fact and the Way Things Are seem to have
done some mushrooms before the show; and they end up switching the plot around and saying each
other’s lines.
Suffice it to say that reality is, at best, a moving target. Neither logic nor prayer can nail it
down. And maybe that’s the reason faith, hope and love continue to operate behind the scenes in
almost everything we do. And maybe that’s the reason we make such a big hubbub at Christmas
time over Santa Claus and angels and peace on earth and a young virgin giving birth to a Spirit
conceived baby whose entire reality would be love.
December 24, 2013: Shazam! (Christmas Eve)
Genesis 1: 15
And God said, “Let there be light;” and there was light.
Luke 2: 120
And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host…
Maybe it’s the movies we’ve seen. Maybe it’s the books we’ve read. Maybe it’s the way
CNN covers the news. Maybe it’s simply our dramatic nature; but there’s something within us that
makes us expect important things to be announced in a big way.
When some significant comes on the scene, we don’t want it to sneak in the back door
unannounced. No. We want huge headlines. We want lights, fireworks, timpani, trumpets,
bagpipes (OK, maybe hold the bagpipes), drums and cymbals. We want dancing girls and
celebrities. Laser lights, strobes and smoke machines. If we are to truly believe something essential
has taken place, we want a lot of hooplah.
Angels, stars, shepherds, wise men to the contrary, the chances are that when Jesus was
born, he came into the world just like you and me: one or two people standing around, maybe
offering assistance, a mother’s and cries and a baby’s howling, sounds of the nearby city muffled by
the night. Stars, moon and clouds arching over the scene.
No spotlights. No drum roll. No men in tuxedoes or women in designer dresses. No red
carpet, no programs, no souvenirs. No booming offstage voice saying, “Heeeeeerrrrrrre’s JESUS!”
No. Chances are that the baby slipped into the world without the world ever noticing.
More often than not, it’s the way love enters the arena. Or forgiveness. Or compassion. Or
healing. These gifts of the Spirit are not showgirls. Nor are they even showstoppers. But, when
they happen to or through you, they inevitably make the show worthwhile.
December 29, 2013: It’s in Your Genes!
Isaiah 61: 10 62: 14
You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord.
Luke 2: 4152
After 3 days they found him sitting among the teachers, listening and asking questions.
Jimmy Buffett sings: It takes more than DNA to tell us who we are,
It’s method and it’s magic. We are of the stars.
But even listening to Jimmy with a topshelf Margarita in our hands, can’t convince us
sometimes: Can’t convince us that we are more than flesh and blood. More than the sum of our
experiences. Can’t convince us that we are more than our genes and chromosomes. More than our
grades in school. More than our ex’s memories of us, or our pile of regrets and broken dreams that
we carry around in our emotional bag of tricks.
We hear motivational speakers and newage preachers babble about how we are all stardust
– how we are all offspring of light. We read inspirational posters that exhort us to “Believe and
Succeed,” or “Fly With the Eagles;” but, there are many days when life seems ohso mundane.
Routine. Dreary and tedious. And we feel far more like pasture patties than light and stardust.
If we are – in any way – connected with magic and the stars, then it would naturally
behoove us to spend a bit more time in their company. And maybe, that’s the problem: When we
pass more of our hours in front of the television than under the moon… when we bumble through
our days wondering about money rather than simply wondering… when our idea of fun is to get
wasted rather than to waste an evening with a good friend, then we may unsurprisingly feel
disconnected from our magical heritage.
And, if all else fails, spend a moment or two remembering a time when you felt fully and
unconditionally loved, either by another person, or by a sunrise, or by the taste of a mango or by
your own sweet self.
Maybe Jimmy’s song would be a good Christmas song. Maybe reminding us of our magical
love connection is what Christmas is all about.
January 5, 2013: How I Wonder What You Are! (Epiphany)
Isaiah 60: 16
Then you shall see and be radiant.
Matthew 2: 112
When they saw the star, they were overwhelmed with joy.
How many things we are! How many roles we play. On a given day, you can be walker, a
breather, a urinator and a defecator. A toothbrusher, a facewasher, a hairbrusher, a bodydresser,
a phone answerer and a shoetier – all before breakfast. Following your role as a breakfasteater,
you can be a newspaper reader, a televisionwatcher, a car driver, a radio player, analongwiththe
radiosinger, a rudeandrecklessdriverflipperoffer, a nosepicker, a phonecaller, and a latecomer
at work. And, with all of these roles in process, you can simultaneously be a worrier, a dreamer, a
fantasizer, a fidgeter, a forgetter, a formulater, a flirter, a fumbler and a farter. So many things to
be; so little time.
“How I wonder what you are,” might be more than a line from a children’s song. It might
be something you say to yourself when you look in the mirror each morning. It might be something
you hear in your head when you look a tree or a sunrise or a page in your daily planner or a picture
of a loved one.
“How I wonder what you are,” might also be what others say when they see you or interact
with you. As far as we know, it could be what that tree or that sunrise or that page in your daily
planner might be saying as it looks at you, as well.
It’s very clear that we can be many things. ‘Twouldn’t necessarily be a bad idea to spend a
little time each day wondering what we are. And what we might be.