Emergence - Book Excerpt

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Copyright 2015 by Derek Rydall
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Foviwovu v
Pvii:ci The End of Self Improvement vii
I1vouUc1io The Radical Path Home xvii
FoUu:1io The Law of Emergence xxix
S1:ci Oi See the Completed Vision 3
S1:ci Two Cultivate Congruent Conditions 25
S1:ci Tuvii Create the Quantum Plan 53
S1:ci FoUv Give What Appears Missing 75
S1:ci Fivi Act As If Youre It 95
S1:ci Six Embrace What Appears Broken 125
S1:ci Sivi Wait on the Law 155
Livic o 1ui Emivcic Euci 173
Acxowiiucimi1s 189
No1is 191
Gioss:vv 197
RisoUvcis 201
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From the ideological halls of academia, the frontiers of scientific
research, and the hallowed walls of houses of worship echo the theo-
ries of philosophers, scientists, spiritual teachers, agnostics, atheists,
pundits, and pathfinders. On a global level you may also add to that
list everyday people who are just as passionate about exploring the
dynamics of human transformation, about diving into the depths
of the evolutionary process and birthing their ultimate potential.
Collectively, we ask the big questions about that which evolves the
potentiality within galaxies, and you and me.
The theory of emergence has a venerable history and has
been debated at least since the time of Aristotle. In our twenty-
first century, what is now called the Law of Emergence describes
the architecture of the evolutionary process. Operative within the
human being, it is the emergence of the ultimate state of conscious-
ness that is our inborn birthright, which some call enlightenment,
satori, moksha, or illumination. Imagine the planetary smile that
would illuminate the spheres if the global family collectively came
into harmony with the Law of Emergence. In truth, this is what has
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been happening since the big bang, which evolved from stardust to
us, for as Carl Sagan wrote, We are all made of star stuff.
So how does emergence emerge? As organically as the oak tree
emerges from the acorn seed when the conditions are right. While
we do not cause the Law of Emergence to emerge in our lives, we do
create the conditions by which it can. When consciousness is suf-
ficiently fertile, the lotus flower of enlightened awareness blooms
within us. This fertilization process is the spiritual technology
Derek Rydall teaches in his seven stages for creating the right condi-
tions for our emergability to be activated.
When, for example, you practice what Rydall calls cultivat-
ing congruent conditions, a new way of relating and responding to
inner and outer circumstances that occur on any given day appears
on our mental, emotional, and spiritual menu. Instead of launching
a volley of mental or verbal napalm on others or ourselves, com-
passionate patience and forgiveness become new options. He also
shows us how to put an end to outer spiritual pretense and make
our practice as applicable at the kitchen sink, driving on the freeway,
walking our dog, or brushing our teeth as it is on the meditation
cushion or yoga mat. Without hesitation, he makes it abundantly
clear that we dont have to swap the joys of being human for the
attainment of enlightenment, that we are already fine-tuned to serve
the emergence of our inherently enlightened selves.
In the laboratory of his own consciousness and through con-
ducting test-trials in his life, Rydalls Seven Stages of Emergineering
provided him factual evidence of their practical and transformative
results. You may be confident that whether you are a new or experi-
enced practitioner, the book you hold in your hands is a trustworthy
guide to the glorious potentials seeking to emerge in, through, and
as your life.
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Los Angeles, California
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More tears are shed over answered prayers
than unanswered ones.
Close your eyes for a moment and picture a one-month-old baby
in a yellow onesie with rabbits embroidered on it. The baby is sleep-
ing, perhaps being cradled softly to someones chest. Hold that image
in your mind and notice what youre thinking about it. How do you
feel toward this child?
Are you thinking, Shes so weak, so incapable, and really
needs to lose a couple inches around the thighs . . . Or, His hair
is thinning, he doesnt even have any teeth yet, all he does is eat and
sleep, when is he going to makes something of himself, hes such a
burden . . .
Sounds ridiculous, huh?
Yet thats how we view ourselves as we grow up and become
hypnotized by the cultural beliefs about what constitutes worth,
value, and success. We begin to compare ourselves (and others) to
everyone else until we have all but lost this awareness of our inher-
ent innocence and perfection.
But theres a place within you that has never stopped seeing
yourself through the eyes of love, just as parents see their newborn
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children. This is the divine within, the presence that eternally holds
you in its arms and knows the truth of your perfection. Reconnect-
ing to this original truth is the foundation of Emergence. Without
this innate perfection as our starting premise, nothing we do will
ever bring us the freedom and fulfillment we seek, but will put us on
a never-ending treadmill trying to fix, change, or improve what we
think is wrong or lacking in order to finally be enough.
My client Bonnie understood this never-ending struggle. A little
dynamo, Bonnie was always in motion: a do-gooder, a go-getter, and
a caretaker all at once. Dont get me wrong, she is a great personbut
a lot of her drive was motivated by the belief that she wasnt enough,
and that if she could just be more or do more, she would finally
become a successful version of herself.
I just need to figure out how to get this business going, Bon-
nie said to me in one of our initial phone sessions. Im about to
lose my house and, if I do, I dont know where on earth me and my
kids will go. Ive tried so many things, Ive spent so much money
money I didnt haveand my life still isnt working out. I dont
know why I get myself into these messeswhat am I missing that
everyone else seems to understand?
She was near tears as she spoke. I could hear the history in
her voice; the subtext was thick, every word weighted down by a
story of struggle. Before she finished her sentence, I knew where it
was going. Ive worked with many people in this situation, and the
request is always some version of the same thing: Can you help me
figure out how to bring more money in? But Ill let you in on a little
secret: money is rarely, if ever, the issueeven when it is.
My life doesnt work was the real issue. Which was a euphe-
mism for I dont work. Im broken. Something is wrong with me.
And Im afraid its not fixable, that Im not good enough or wor-
thy enough to get what I really want and need. Bonnie is a strong
woman with a gentle soul, who had been beaten down by circum-
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stances. Its a place we can all recognize, a place weve all livedmany
of us still keep a change of clothes there. She just wanted to get out
from under the pain, to get a little ahead of the game, to have some
assurance that her children would be okayand, for the love of
God, to finally be able to sleep through a single night.
First, Im really sorry youre going through this, I said. It
sounds like youve been working really hard. Youre obviously a
good mother.
She held her breath. Then her breathing became shallow, more
labored. After thousands of hours listening to clients on the phone,
Ive developed an ability to read not only the story in their voice but
the meaning in their breathing. Words are powerful clues, but the
spaces between the words are often even more potent. It was obvi-
ous she didnt think that highly of herself. But it was deeper than
that. I could sense the guilt and shame she carried; she felt like a fail-
ure as a mother. Her whole lifes struggle was depicted in those few
moments of breathing; the staccato bursts of panic followed by the
anxious attempt to catch a breath that seemed always to elude her.
She had no idea just how deep her struggle was; she was lost in it.
As much as Ive been trained to make space for people, my heart
breaks a little every time I feel their suffering and Im unable to fix it
for them on the spot. I just want to end it. I wanted to reach through
the phone and give her a well-deserved hugI wanted to give her
back to herself. But we cant do that for someone else. We must each
reach for ourselves.
Sometimes my work is to comfort the afflicted, but often it is
to afflict the comfortableto shake up the familiar, albeit limited,
Bonnie wasnt going to like what I had to say.
The problem is, no matter what you try, as long as youre com-
ing from a place of fear and a feeling that you dont already have
what you need, nothing you do will ever get you what you want.
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I let that sink in, expecting a mini-rebellion. Instead I got silence.
I think she was waiting for the punch line. I continued: Whats
worse, all of your efforts to improve things will just burn you out.
Arent you exhausted by all of these attempts to make something
happen in your life?
Oh, god, you have no idea.
Believe me, I do. I nearly killed myself twice trying to improve
That got a laugh. The ice was broken. She breathed a sigh.
The thing is, I continued, the life youve been trying to make
happen is already happening inside of you, but it needs you to be
conscious of it and congruent with it. You dont get what you want
in life, you get who you are in consciousness. Like Gandhi said, you
must become the change you want to see in the world. Of course, in
truth you already are the change you want to see . . . you just need
to know it.
Ive done so much work on myself! She was exasperated, at
her wits end, and the last thing she wanted from me was a lecture.
Clearly Im doing something wrong. She lapsed back into beating
herself up; she had become a pro at that. Many of us have. Thats
what happens when we believe that were not good enough, and that
we need something or someone else to make us better.
You didnt do it wrong. You did what youve been taught. Its
not your fault. Those words can be a lifeline. Grab hold of them and
they can stop a downward spiral. The problem is youre stuck on
this idea of what you think your life should look like and how you
think things should work outbut the truth is, you have no idea
how things should work out.
That got another laugh. You got that right!
But there is something inside you that does. A perfect pattern
and a divine intelligence that knows how to bring it into expression.
So will this bring some money in?
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No. I paused. A pause is a wonderful thing. It allows things to
sink in, or things to rise up. This source within you doesnt bring
more into your life; it pulls more life out of you. The result is what
appears to be more things coming to you, but is really more of you
So will that get my business working? She seemed embar-
rassed to ask again.
I dont know. I paused again. I knew she wanted to hear a defi-
nite yes, and in my heart I wanted to give it to her. But I also knew
shed been given the right answer by many people before, trying
to placate her fears or sell her the next get-rich-quick program. She
needed to dig deeper if she was going to experience lasting change.
What do you know? She was frustrated again but also apolo-
getic. She wasnt the type to express anger (something she needed to
access her power, which I later helped her do, and will talk about in
Stage Six).
What I know is that, when you make the connection to this
seed of potential within you and become aligned with it, whatever
you need for your life to emerge to the next level will show up. If
thats your business, thats what youll get.
So, how do I do that?
The Missing Link
Like the thousands of people Ive worked with over the years, Bonnie
had looked to many modalities for self-improvement, manifestation,
and success, in order to bring things into her life she believed she was
lacking. For her, she attached it all to having a successful business, or
more accurately, money. She didnt really care about the business; it
was a means to an end.
For others, its a new mate, a promotion, a car, a house, or a heal-
ing. And, in some cases, it works initially. Even Bonnie had some
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early success with these other approaches, getting a great deal on
the house she was now on the verge of losing.
The problem was that she manifested the bigger home, but
didnt develop bigger home consciousness. Meaning, she changed
the world outside but remained the same inside. She was bumping
up against a primary problem with many personal development
strategies: When theyre not applied in the larger context of Emer-
gencein the realization that everything is already within usthey
often become just metaphysical versions of physical actions. In other
words, instead of struggling physically to manipulate circumstances,
the individual struggles mentally and emotionally to achieve the
same results.
It might be a step up from manual labortheres definitely more
leverage when we use our mind over matterbut theres rarely much
transformational value in it. And because its still based on a sense
of being separate and needing something you dont already have, it
can feel just as exhausting as trying to chop down a tree with a hand
ax. Even some sincere spiritual teachings, still rooted in a dualistic
perception of life, teach followers to use this great power within to
get more stuff out there, which often leads to spiritual materialism
(where we use the spirit to attain more materially, instead of using
our material experience to grow spiritually) and perpetuates the
very problems theyre trying to heal.
When you practice any goal-achieving technique that starts
from a premise that youre broken, lacking, or something is missing,
your growth is determined by the level of your current self-image
that picture you have of yourself that is made up of your perceptions,
fears and past traumas, as well as the stories you tell yourself and the
characters you play in those stories. At best, this creates superficial
What we create will always be congruent with our current self-
image, so any improvement we attempt will still carry the underlying
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fears and limited beliefs we have about ourselves, which can only
lead to the same stress and struggle. At worst, these efforts can actu-
ally magnify our underlying issues and create even bigger problems
down the road.
In contrast, when we recognize that everything we need is
already within us, and begin to reconnect to that feeling of innate
wholeness and perfectionthe way we felt toward that babywe lay
the foundation for the Law of Emergence to operate a process that
is about becoming (or rather, revealing) more of who you truly are,
unleashing your infinite, often imprisoned, potential. On this path,
there is never a danger of going the wrong way or hitting a dead end,
because, rather than trying to fix, correct, or fill in something that is
missing, the Law of Emergence holds that, when you cultivate your
inner conditions, your next evolutionary stage will unfold organi-
cally. And because your next stage is already within you, it will arrive
whole, bringing with it everything needed for its fulfillment.
This isnt to say you should do away with all your success
strategies or personal development tools. As larger paradigms are
discovered, previous ideas are often folded into them. After all, we
didnt do away with the wheel when our preferred mode of transpor-
tation evolved from the horse and buggy to the automobile. We still
use wheels, only now, instead of being pulled by something outside
our vehicle, were powered by the engine under our hood. Likewise,
the Law of Emergence contains the principles of planning, action,
attraction, self-awareness, spiritual connection, and all the other
elements necessary to creating the life you deeply desire. But as you
activate your Emergence, you wont have to work these other laws;
as you realize youre already who youre meant to be and you already
have the thing you want, your process will become more about
Self-realization. As a byproduct, the universal laws will continue to
operate to draw to youor, more accurately, from youeverything
you need to achieve your true potential.
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Its also important to understand that Self-realization is not a
straight line; its like the oak with its far-reaching root system and
outstretched branches as it grows from sapling to mature tree. Were
all at different developmental stages in various areas of our life, and
you might still need to work with other practices to stabilize your
human structures (those core areas that make up a complete person,
such as health, wealth, relationships, work, spirituality, and so on).
Just as a tree may need additional support to hold it upright while it
grows through certain stages, so do we.
So, if youre struggling to meet your basic monetary needs, you
may need to learn more about wealth, abundance, and fiscal respon-
sibility until that area is strong enough that it doesnt siphon off your
energy. If youre battling to maintain basic health, you may need a
gym membership, a trainer, or a new diet so your physical issues
dont take you out of the game. If youre dealing with deep-seated
trauma, seeing a therapist is not a bad idea.
Every stage of our development serves a purpose in getting us
to the next level. Babies crawl before they walk, cry before they talk,
and play with blocks before constructing a building. Were always in
the act of Emergence and, if we dont interfere with the process, well
keep evolving to the next stage. The key is to not become attached to
or overly identified with any practice or condition. Just keep ascend-
ing higher. Because the Law of Emergence is about tapping into the
Self that is already whole, complete, and infinite in scope, practicing
its principles while youre strengthening any of the areas mentioned
above will ensure that you remain on the emerging edge no mat-
ter what conditions you find yourself in. For now, just consider that
many of the ways youve learned to manifest, attract, or create your
life are part of an old evolutionary paradigm, and be prepared for a
quantum leap up the evolutionary ladder. A growth spurt, if you will.
The main purpose of this chapter (and book) is to give you a
deeper knowledge of the core psychological and spiritual principles
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and practices that make up and support the Law of Emergenceto
help you navigate your own emergence with an understanding of
whats happening inside, a solid grasp on how it works, and the con-
fidence to know its working. Emergence works whether or not you
know how or why, but having this foundation tends to make it work
better, faster, and more consistently. There may be times when you
become confused or frustrated with the ideas being presented. Take
heart. This is not only normal, its necessary. It means that a new,
higher idea is trying to emerge through old conditioned thinking.
I invite you to use this as an opportunity to dig your roots deeper
through journaling and further contemplation. Often, this results in
breakthrough insights, life-changing paradigm shifts, and new ways
of seeing and being in the world.
In any case, dont let yourself become bogged down by the paral-
ysis of over-analysis. Let the seeds of these ideas fall upon the fertile
soil of your soul, water them with your willingness to grow, and keep
plowing forward. This is a path of revelation; you will be revealed to
yourself. I can tell you from my own journey and from my experiences
of being a guide for many others that theres nothing more amazing
and fulfilling than discovering who you really are and the world of
possibility waiting for you. Its also a path of revolution; it will help you
overthrow the old, entrenched ways of being that have oppressed your
potential, and will liberate you in ways beyond your imagination.
So what happened to Bonnie? Well, as she began to walk her
own path of Emergence, she discovered who she really waswho
she had always been but had forgotten. The thing she thought she
neededimproving her businessdid not happen. Instead, she got
a job that paid the bills, which gave her enough relief to get back in
touch with one of her true lovesmusic. This led to her joining a
band, where she fell in love with one of the members and embarked
on a whole new adventure of romance, passion, and possibility that
she hadnt dreamed of before.
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The Acorn Principle
Because many of us hold a belief that our fate is determined by
external conditions and that the things we need are out therethe
reverse of how life really workswe constantly struggle against the
natural order of the universe.
The basic false belief goes something like this:
We are born blank slates, empty shells, and must make something
of ourselvesinternally and externally. The knowledge, resources, and
support systems we need to achieve this are outside us, in other people,
other placesor higher powersthat are hard to get to, requiring us
to conform to cultural, societal, or religious norms to get them, often
demanding that we work really hard at something we dont love for
most of our life and engage in a religious practice that gives us more
guilt than good, all so we can save enough money to start living our
life and accrue enough karmic credits to survive our afterlife, only to
die before we get to really live.
Whether or not you consciously buy into that B.S. (belief sys-
tem), youre probably living it to some degree because its part of
the collective consciousness of much of the Westernized world and
is rapidly being adopted by developing countries in an effort to
achieve social stability and economic freedom. Meeting our expand-
ing needs is a necessary and even noble goal, but if the underlying
beliefs and value systems guiding it are in opposition to the funda-
mental harmony of the universe, it will ultimately result in more
suffering and limitation.
So, what does the acorn principle have to do with this? For one, it
reveals how to harness the power of the universe rather than oppose
it. By understanding this aspect of Mother Nature, you will discover
a vital clue to your own nature and how you were designed to grow.
As weve touched upon, the acorn already contains the perfect pat-
tern and potential to become an oak. Its not an empty shell that has
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to struggle, figure out how life works, gather a bunch of informa-
tion to fill itself with, and, finally, decide what it wants to be when
it grows up. No matter the opinion of other trees in the forest, the
acorn will never become anything but whats inside of itan oak.
Even if its parent oak wants it to grow up to be an apple tree, its not
going to happen. It might fail to thrive or reach its potential if the
right conditions arent created, but the acorns destiny is to become an
oak. The big questions of life, such as Who am I? and What is my
purpose? were answered before the seed was planted in the ground.
The Principle of Correspondence, a Hermetic law, states: As
above so below; as within so without.
This means that whatever
happens on one level of reality, also happens on every other level,
or the microcosm and the macrocosm. Therefore, by understand-
ing the deeper nature of something you can observe, you can infer
the nature of a parallel something you cant as easily observe. In
other words, there is really only one ultimate realityits just being
perceived from different levels and angles. Michael Coleman Tal-
bot described this point of view as the Holographic Universe
The identification of this principle, along with other
correlations in interdisciplinary studies, led some scientists and phi-
losophers, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Albert Einstein, to
the conclusion that the same processes which occur in natureand
their underlying principlescan be found in other areas of life.
For many natural laws, there is often a parallel moral, scientific,
and spiritual law that mirrors it. For example, the positive and nega-
tive charge required to conduct an electric current can be correlated
to the masculine and feminine energy that must come together to
create new life; the masculine and feminine is correlated to the left
and right hemispheres of the brain and its functions; and the concept
of yin-yang in Chinese philosophy, medicine, and science reflects a
multitude of contradictory yet also interdependent dualities found in
naturefire and water, light and dark, the sun and the moon.
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To put it poetically, William Blake wrote in his poem Auguries
of Innocence, To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in
a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity
in an hour.
Einstein, who coined the term unified field theory
(also called the theory of everything) in an attempt to create a the-
ory that included and explained all the major principles of physics,
believed that if we could fully comprehend the laws of the universe,
we could know the mind of God.
From this fundamental idea of balance and unity that persists
wherever we look closely enough, we could reason that the basic
laws governing the acornor any seedapply to the seed of our
own being, which already contains the blueprint and mechanics for
its perfect materialization. Just as the oak is already in the acorn
before the acorn is planted in the ground, everything you need to
fulfill your destiny was already in you before you were planted in
your mothers womb.
James Hillman, in his book The Souls Code,
discusses the idea
of the acorn as a metaphor for how our destiny unfolds, although the
concept of a destiny, calling, or governing image in our soul has
been articulated throughout the agesin the Kabbalah, Buddhism,
Hinduism, Platos Republic and in many indigenous cultures. In the
context of Emergence, however, the acorn analogy is taken to the next
level: Locked up in the seed of your soul is not just an image, call-
ing, or pattern of potentialit is the fully realized Self, formed in the
invisible dimension of your being. And, while it makes use of the raw
materials of your life to take shape, it is not dependent on anything
outside of you for its existence, as it already possesses the power and
substance to manifest whatever it needs
As Hillman points out, you can see signs of this pattern of poten-
tial in children who, without any external conditioningor despite
itbecome interested in things that dont reflect their parents, sib-
lings, or cultural influences. Theres something unique unfolding
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that seems to come from within them. Why do two children grow-
ing up in the same home with largely the same experiences go on to
pursue such different professions as a priest and a plumber, or a cop
and a crook? Can the nurture argument really explain that? Can it
explain a Da Vinci, whose parents had nothing to do with the arts,
or a Mozart, who became a master pianist and violinist at age four
and created his first symphony at age five?
Hillman even suggestsand I agreethat many seemingly
aberrant behaviors of children (and some adults) are actually evi-
dence of inner conflict between the seed of their calling and their
undeveloped conscious mind. On some level, these children sense
this great destiny within them but dont have the psychologi-
cal or emotional facility to deal with itresulting in what we call
behavioral issues. Traditional psychology often attempts to heal
children of these perceived behavioral problems instead of working
to recognize them as possible expressions of a childs inner destiny,
and, in turn, an underdeveloped psyche trying to comprehend these
expressions. However sincere the intentions of doctors, teachers,
and parents may be, we must ask ourselves: How many geniuses
have been suppressed because what was trying to emerge was not
understood? How many masterpieces, inventions, and innovations
are we repressing with our societal pressure to conform to certain
norms of being good boys and girls?
Maybe, while growing up, you had tendencies that were misun-
derstood and were wrongly judged as being problematic or weird.
Because of this, you may have developed guilt or shame around
your unique thoughts, feelings, and actions. Maybe you even
repressed them out of fear, confusion, or a desire to fit in, be loved
and accepted, or not rock the boat.
As a kid, I had a strong desire to create, whether pinging out
the boogie-woogie on our baby grand piano, shooting sci-fi movies
on my Sears super-8 reflex camera, or lying under my covers with a
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flashlight, filling a sketchpad with utopian worlds. One might have
described me as a hyperactive child (which they did), or a dreamer
with my head in the clouds (which they did), and attributed no other
significance to those activities (which they didnt). In my teens, I
developed a strong desire to learn about my friends religions:
Christianity, Judaism, Buddhismyou name it, I was fascinated by
it. I also had a strong urge to see and affirm the good in people,
which one friend referred to as the love bomb, because I would
spontaneously compliment him for no reason. My friends thought I
was weird, and I didnt entirely disagree. After all, it wasnt the typi-
cal behavior of any normal teenagers I knew. I didnt understand
where all of this was coming from or where it was goingit was just
who I was.
As I learned to honor these impulses, even when I didnt under-
stand them, and to cultivate conditions that supported them, the
seeds that had once seemed so strange grew into the strong trunk
and deep roots of a rewarding and varied life. Likewise, you have a
unique chance to revisit the aspects of your character that have been
present since childhood and discover who you really are. The signs
of your true Self were there from the beginning. Look at the things
you were, or still are, interested inthe activities that made you lose
track of time, your daydreams, your favorite movies, reading mate-
rials, or people you admired or idolizedand youll see numerous
clues pointing to your purpose. Well go deeper into this in Stage
One: See the Completed Vision.
The truthas the great spiritual masters have taughtis that
all of life is conspiring for our awakening and fulfillment. Just as
there are certain plants that require rough soil to activate chemicals
that make them heartier and better able to thrive in their environ-
ment, the challenges I faced created the perfect conditions for my
growth, compelling me to push my roots deeper and strengthen
my inner structures. Like certain seeds that need a forest fire to ger-
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minate, those early childhood experiences sparked a fire within me
that cracked open the seed of my potential and allowed it to grow.
What I can now see is that all of these powerful promptings were my
acorn (or true Self) guiding and directing me, creating opportuni-
ties for me to cultivate the inner and outer conditions necessary for
its emergence. The same process is true for you.
Indigenous vs. Endogenous
If, like an acorn, you needed the right conditions to grow, we would
be back to the problem of existing at the whim of external forces
but heres where human nature has been given a capacity beyond
Mother Nature. Whereas the acorn is indigenous (originating or
occurring naturally in a particular place) and, therefore, can only
thrive in certain external conditions not within its control, human
beings are endogenous (having an internal cause of origin), which
means that your conditions are internally derived or generated. It
doesnt matter what external conditions youre planted in. Your soul
is your soil, and if you generate the right inner conditionsmentally,
emotionally, and spirituallyyour seed will have the right nutrients
to thrive. Whats more, whereas most seeds require external light to
grow, human beings are self-effulgent, meaning we generate light
from within. This is not only a spiritual fact discernable through
meditation; scientists have detected that human beings actually
glimmer with measurable light via photon emission.
No matter
how thick the clouds may be outside or how dark the night, the light
is always shining within, ready to illuminate the seed of your true
Self and nourish its growth.
In Genesis 1:27 it says, God created man in His own image.
This principle is stated in different ways by most religions, and its
sometimes interpreted to mean that we have the same physical fea-
tures as God. Its like the metaphysical joke: God made man in His
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own image, and man has been trying to return the favor ever since!
In other words, we keep trying to understand God in human, mate-
rial terms, like some anthropomorphic being sitting on a cloud. But
this is an overly literal interpretation of ancient teachings. In John
4:24, it is said that God is spirit, and those who worship Him must
worship in spirit and truth. Or, from the Tao Te Ching, The Tao
that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is
not the eternal Name. Mystically understood, being created in His
own image doesnt mean we look like God; it means we posses
the same constituent qualities, which have been described as spirit,
truth, love, beauty, power, and intelligence, among othersjust as
the wave contains the same elements as the ocean. Psalms 82:6 says,
You are gods, children of the Most High. Essentially, were just
chips off the Old Block.
This divine inheritance includes our ability to decide what we
focus our awareness on (i.e., free will) and the creative power of
our consciousness. And because our focus determines whats in our
consciousness, and our consciousness determines our experience,
we ultimately have a godlike power over our world. As the powerful
poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley states, you are the mas-
ter of [your] fate, the captain of [your] soul.
No matter what side
of the tracks you were born on, what kind of childhood you had,
what current challenges youre slogging through, or what race, color,
orientation, creed, or age you are, when you create the right inner
conditions, the great purpose for which you were born must emerge.
The Self vs. the self
We have been born under a case of mistaken identity. And almost
everything we see, hear, and experiencealmost everything pro-
duced by societykeeps us in the dark about who and what we
truly are. Our mistaken identity is that we are merely human beings
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having an occasional spiritual experience; that we are born in sin,
circumscribed by our personality, a product of our culture and fam-
ily, conceived on a certain date, destined to die. But our true nature
is exactly the opposite. Philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
expressed the truth when he said, We are not human beings hav-
ing a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human
When we peel away the dogma and doctrine of all great spiri-
tual teachings, we discover that they have been trying to wake us up
from the illusion, or maya, as its called in some schools of Hindu-
ism. Sin, as it turns out, is not some demonic quality of our soul;
the word is an archery term that means to miss the mark. The only
original sin we were born with is this false belief about who we are.
The fact that this human self we perceive isnt who we really are
doesnt mean its bad or that we should subjugate it (as some extreme
religious practices have concluded). This human incarnation is a
magnificent thing, like a work of art, with the potential to reveal
great beauty and meaning. But its a pale reflection of the truth, just
as a painting of your beloved pales in comparison to being with
them. Your true Self is, as Genesis 1:27 puts it, made in the image
and likeness of Godeternal, changeless, and infinitewhereas
your human self is made in the image and likeness of your history,
culture, and the many changes that arise out of the Self and dissolve
back into it. Everything you need for your total fulfillment is already
within you, constituted as a part of this essential Self. And when you
are more identified with your true Selfand learn to depend on it
for everythingall your needs will emerge without the effort and
struggle so common to the human experience.
I remember the first time this principle became real for me. It
was before I stood on that stage I spoke about in the beginning of
this book, and before I had the words to explain it. It was an ini-
tiation, something we all have at a certain pointoften many
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pointson the path of personal growth. Such an experience forces
us to move beyond mere intellectual understanding or belief and
prove the truth of the principles were trying to live bytransform-
ing our theoretical knowledge into working wisdom.
I had quit acting, stopped watching television and reading
newspapers, and had pretty much cloistered myself in my small
North Hollywood apartment (decorated like some bad 70s show
with a pea green fridge and Formica counters), meditating, praying,
and journaling about the inner journey I was making. At a certain
point, I had gone through my savings, had no work or future pros-
pects, and had exhausted all external means of support. I was left
with nothing but my spiritual insightsliterally living on a prayer.
I was also, to be honest, pretty pissed off at God. I mean, here I was
dedicating my life to spiritual practice, trying to be a light in the
world, and I couldnt even pay my light bill!
One day, after groveling for another rent extension from my
landlord, I sat in my worn faux-leather meditation chair and laid
down the gauntlet: God, either there really is a true Self with every-
thing it needs to fulfill its purpose, or this is all a bunch of bull. Either
way, Im gonna find out today, because Im not getting up until I have
my answer. I like to think of this as my Gary Sinise moment from
Forrest Gump, where Lieutenant Dan is on top of the ships mast
in the raging storm, railing against the Almighty, basically saying
Bring it on! So there I sat, and sat, as daylight turned into dark
and the choir of crickets began their nightly chorus. I meditated
and prayed and beseeched and surrendered, trying to reconnect to
this essential Self I had touched in my brush-with-death experience
in that coral reef. Wave after wave of emotion rolled through me,
threatening to drown me again, with no end in sight.
Then, at some point in the middle of the night, after wrestling
with my demons and feeling pinned to the mat, it was as if a voice
spoke to me and said, You made your savings account your source,
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your god, and whenever you make something outside of you the
source of your security or supply, the universe is set up to betray
youso that youll turn within and find your real Source again.
I half expected Moses to be standing there, looking a lot like Charl-
ton Heston, waving one of his tablets: Thou shalt have no other
gods before me! That commandment suddenly thundered with a
new mystical meaning. And in that moment, it was like a pressure
valve opened inside my body, draining me of all anxiety. A peace
washed over me, a peace that passeth all understanding, as Philip-
pians 4:7 puts it. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
For the next few days, I went about my business, actually forget-
ting that I had a problem. When I remembered, Oh, yeah, I have all
these bills due and not a damn clue how to pay them, there wasnt the
usual fear or frustration gripping me, but instead an inner feeling that
things would be okay, like I was now being held by something bigger
than my personal capacity to manage things.
And then the phone rang.
It was my former acting agent, calling me with an audition. He
said he knew I was too spiritual to do commercials anymore (I
was, lets just say, a little out there back then), but a casting direc-
tor had called out of the blue, requesting me. I immediately knew it
was my answer and accepted the audition. I booked the commercial,
and in two days I earned enough money to pay for a years worth of
living expenses.
There are a few key elements to this experience that I want
to highlight. First, I didnt have any plan. I didnt create a vision
board, or visualize a particular desired outcome. I just reconnected
to that part of me that was already whole, had a feeling of my innate
completeness, and then surrendered my control of the outcome. By
making this connection, I cultivated the conditions in conscious-
ness that allowed it to naturally emerge. Had I tried to visualize the
outcome, I might have fantasized a variety of things, from getting
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a job as a spiritual teacher or writer (for which I was unqualified),
to winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance from a long-lost
uncle (one can always dream). But I never would have imagined
my ex-agent calling me and booking a commercial because that
idea was outside of my known self as a spiritual guy who didnt act
Im not saying you shouldnt create a plan or use visualization
and affirmationsthose tools have a place in cultivating the con-
scious conditions for your Emergence. But in order to allow your
greatest good to express itself in the most powerful way, you must
identify less as a limited human self that is trapped in time, and
instead tune into the boundless, eternal Self within. At first, as in
my case, doing so might help you pay your rent and put food on the
tablemeeting your basic survival needs is often one of the initial
results of making this connection. But the underlying principle has
more profound implications. The realization of your essential Self,
and the resulting activation of the Law of Emergence, can transform
every aspect of your lifeand those lives that touch youending
conflict, dissolving fear, and creating a world that works for the
highest good of everyone. Once we know were already whole and
everything we need is within usincluding love, respect, validation,
power, wealth, and healthwe realize theres no reason to demand,
fight for, or fear the loss of any of this.
We spin our wheels trying to come up with solutions to all of
our social, political, personal, and professional problems. We create
new policies, more restrictive laws, bigger prisons, and more power-
ful weapons to attack the issuesor just twist ourselves into knots
trying to solve things. But no matter what new invention or theory
we come up with, or practice we engage in, if it doesnt arise out of
our true Self-realizationout of an awareness of our innate whole-
nessit will never create lasting peace, abundance, or fulfillment in
our lives or on the planet.
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Besides these broader implications, an understanding of our
true Self versus our human self is a primary condition in the success-
ful activation of the Law of Emergence. To the extent you identify
with the part of you that is changingthe human selfyou create
resistance to the part of you that is emergingthe true Selfmuch
the way an acorn would if it identified with its shell instead of the
oak. Whats more, to the extent that you identify with the self that
changes, the self that appears lacking, you come under the human
laws of limitation and perpetuate them in your experience. This pre-
vents our evolution. We keep trying to solve the problems created by
the human mind and its limited or distorted perceptionsproblems
such as separation, self-preservation, competition, and conflict
using the same mind-set that created them. But you can never solve
a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.
When, however, you identify more with your changeless,
boundless Self, you stay rooted in your core, even as your human
incarnation and external world continue to change form and reveal
your ever-expanding good. You no longer live from the level on
which the problems were created. You stop doing the same thing
over and over, expecting different results. You enter into a peace and
fulfillment no longer dependent on external conditions, but sup-
ported and fueled by the whole universe.
From Cause and Effect to Grace
Many of the worlds religions, when interpreted from a more literal
perspective, sometimes teach that were at the whim of an external
God who rewards or punishes us for good and bad deeds, like Santas
naughty-or-nice listor who just acts in capricious, mysterious ways
that were not intended to understand. But a more spiritual or mystical
interpretation of the Christian teaching as you sow so shall you reap,
the Buddhist teaching of karma, or the metaphysical law of attraction,
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suggests that there is no external power; it is the seeds we sow in our
own heart and mindthe overall quality of our consciousnessthat
cause us to reap the rewards and punishment we experience.
While this is a liberating truth and a great step up the evolu-
tionary ladder, it can also be an overwhelming realization. If all the
things weve thought, said, and done in the past (or past lifetimes)
are creating our present and, ultimately, our future, wont it take the
rest of our lives (or many more lifetimes) to undo the mess weve
created? A lot of causes have been set in motionhow will we ever
reverse all their effects?
Mercifully, there is a higher law: Grace. The law of Grace says
that no matter what has come before, no matter what youve set in
motion, when you reconnect with the truth of your beingthis
perfect seed pattern the world has never touched and can never
destroythe innate wholeness, wisdom, and power you need will
emerge again. From this consciousness, your past does not deter-
mine your futureneither past mistakes nor past lives. The bad
seeds youve sown are uprooted no matter how deeply theyve dug
in, and the good seeds youve failed to tend take root and bear fruit.
Under the law of Grace, the things youre struggling with lose their
power; cause and effect, karma, even Newtonian physics, which
once operated as absolute, immutable laws and masters of your fate,
become the servants of your destiny.
The relative nature of cause and effect has been investigated
through subjects such as quantum entanglement, a phenomenon
where two or more objects, once linked together, remain con-
nected and responsive to each other even when theyre separated by
vast expanses in space, and nonlocal healing, which has explored
through randomized, double-blind studies the power of prayer to
heal patients at a distance.
These and other discoveries are beginning to reveal how, rather
than living in a linear material world that reacts in a logical cause-
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and-effect fashion (as provided in Newtons third law of motion,
which says that for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction), we exist in an indivisible unified field, out of which all
creation arises. On the surface, things appear separate and solid
and at that relative level, there appears to be cause and effectbut
as we dive deeper, we discover that the solid world is in fact com-
pletely made up of invisible energy and information; the atom, once
believed to be the building block of all material reality is in fact 99.9
percent empty space.
At this deeper level, reality doesnt operate the way it does at the
grosser material level. Things are not linear or bound by space and
time. This underlying intelligence seems to be simultaneously every-
where (omnipresent), with a knowledge of everything (omniscient),
and is the only power there is (omnipotent). In short, it could be
described as an omni-active intelligence with infinite organizing
power in a field of unbounded potentiality. That also happens to be
how many mystics, prophets, and, to some extent, religions have
described Godand how many cutting-edge scientists are describ-
ing consciousness. Rather than there being interactivity among all
thingsthe basis of cause and effectthere is an omni-activity. One
action. At the deepest level, something is emergingan infinite
idea unfoldingand as it breaks into time and space, it appears as
if certain things are interacting and in turn causing other things to
happen, but thats a trick of the senses.
Here we arrive back at our central idea: inside the seed of
youindeed the seed of the whole worldthere is a design for its
fulfillment. Things are not unfolding by chance. You are not at the
mercy of other causesthings are not happening to you; they are
happening through you. There is an underlying order or pattern that
is already perfect and is seeking to emerge from within your soul,
just waiting for the right conditions. And everything is conspiring
to create those conditions, regardless of what youve been through
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or where you currently are. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, The
dice of God are always loaded.
The entire universe is rigged in
your favor.
And this is where Grace comes in.
Grace is the realization that no matter what appears on the sur-
face of lifeno matter what has come before, or what appears to be
lost, when you tap back into this perfect seed pattern, it will emerge
again, fresh, vital, overflowing with new possibilities. Whereas the
rules of karma say youre destined to live out the effects of your pre-
vious causes, the realization of Grace is that, in a Holy Instant,

your life can be made new and though your sins are as scarlet, they
will be as white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18)
Furthermore, whereas traditional thinking often dictates that
the effects you experience are limited by the causes you can person-
ally set in motion at a human levelusually determined by external
conditions seemingly beyond your controlwhen you align with
the perfect pattern seeking to emerge from within, it will not only
move you personally into right action, but move your entire world
if necessary to reveal your greater purpose. As my example about
paying the rent demonstrated, my seeming lack of human solu-
tions didnt matter; the moment I connected with this higher Self, it
moved people and events beyond the limits of my personal sphere
of influence and delivered exactly what I needed. A familiar Old
Testament passage in Isaiah 40:4 sums up this all-powerful emer-
gence of grace: Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain
and hill shall be made low; and the uneven shall be made level, and
the rough places a plain.(Isiah 40:4)
As we consider how Grace works, we arrive at an inescapable
conclusion: if we can affect this unified field with our conscious-
ness, and this field is omnipresent and indivisible, then we must
be it and it must be us. There can be no separate selfno subject/
object relationshipin an omnipresence. Here, the deeper esoteric
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meaning behind two rarely understood Biblical statements reveals
itselfThe Kingdom of Heaven is within you(Luke 17:20-21) and
You are the Light of the world.(Matthew 5:14) Or to reference
Hindu philosophy, ones true self, Atman, is identical with the tran-
scendent self, Brahman.
In other words, you are this infinite, omnipresent something
that is forever unfolding. Not the human youwho was born, has
a history, and will eventually dissolve back into dustbut the real
you, the true Self that is always emerging. This is the ultimate truth
illuminated by all great religions, spiritual masters, and, in many
ways, the laws of the physical world in which we live, but which has
often, even with good intentions, been obscured by an overly literal,
materialistic interpretation of these ancient teachings.
With this understanding of your true Self and the power of
Grace, you are no longer beholden to external powers or authority;
you are no longer a prisoner of past experience or present condi-
tions. Combined with an understanding that you are not a limited,
physical person, but part of the larger fabric of existencelike a
wave upon the ocean, never separateyou are now equipped with
a bold new picture of how reality works. You can release the strug-
gle of self-improvement, manifestation, and attraction. Instead,
you can surrender to this deeper sense of harmony and order, and
begin to consciously activate the Law of Emergence in powerful,
life-changing ways.
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