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This logbook has been developed by the CCAA - Croatian Civil Aviation Agency in its current format as the preferred means of recording maintenance experience in order to demonstrate six months
of maintenance experience in the preceding two years to enable aircraft maintenance licence holder to exercise certification privileges. This logbook is one of acceptable ways to demonstrate such

This document provides evidence of maintenance experience gained on the aircraft. It does not amend or supersede information contained in the applicable Flight Operations, Maintenance,
Overhaul Manuals or related documentation.

CCAA can ask for demonstration of evidence that the licence holder can exercise certification privileges according to 66.A.20. (Anex III, Part-66), lack of such evidence may result in such way that
CCAA will not accept performed maintenance as valid.

CCAA reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the submitted data.

Referent regulation
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1149/2011

ANNEX III (Part-66)

66.A.20 Privileges

(b) The holder of an aircraft maintenance licence may not exercise certification privileges unless:

2. in the preceding two-year period he/she has, either had six months of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges granted
by the aircraft maintenance licence or, met the provision for the issue of the appropriate privileges.

AMC 66.A.20(b)2 Privileges

The 6 months maintenance experience in 2 years should be understood as consisting of two elements: duration and nature of the experience.
The minimum to meet the requirements for these elements may vary depending on the size and complexity of the aircraft and type of
operation and maintenance.

1. Duration:
Within an approved maintenance organisation:
- 6 months working within the same organisation; or

- 6 months split up into different blocks, working within the same or in different organisations.

The 6-month period can be replaced by 100 days of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges, whether they have been
performed within an approved organisation, or as independent certifying staff according to M.A.801(b)2, or as a combination thereof.
When the licence holder maintains and releases aircraft in accordance with M.A.801(b)2, in certain circumstances this number of days may
even be reduced by 50 % when agreed in advance by the competent authority. These circumstances consider the cases where the licence
holder happens to be the owner of an aircraft and carries out maintenance on his own aircraft, or where a licence holder maintains an aircraft
operated for low utilisation, that does not allow the licence holder to accumulate the required experience. This reduction should not be
combined with the 20 % reduction permitted when carrying out technical support, or maintenance planning, continuing airworthiness
management or engineering activities. To avoid a too long period without experience, the working days should be spread over the intended 6-
month period.

2. Nature of the experience:

Depending on the category of the aircraft maintenance licence, the following activities are considered relevant for maintenance experience:
- Servicing;
- Inspection;
- Operational and functional testing;
- Troubleshooting;
- Repairing;
- Modifying;
- Changing component;
- Supervising these activities;
- Releasing aircraft to service.

The experience should be documented in an individual logbook or in any other recording system (which may be an automated one) containing the following data:
- Date;
- Aircraft type;
- Aircraft identification, i.e. registration;
- ATA Chapter (optional);
- Operation performed i.e. 100 FH check, MLG wheel change, engine oil check and complement, SB embodiment, troubleshooting, structural repair, STC embodiment
- Type of maintenance, i.e. base, line;
- Type of activity, i.e. perform, supervise, release;
- Category used: A, B1, B2, B3 or C;
- Duration in days or partial-days.


Osobni podaci (popuniti velikim tiskanim slovima)

Personal Data (please complete in block letters)

Ime i Prezime (Name & Family name): _________________________________________________________ Potpis (Signature):

Adresa (Full Address):

Datum i mjesto rođenja (Date and Place of Birth): _______________________________________ Državljanstvo (Nationality):

Broj dozvole (Licence No): Kategorija (Category):

Odobrene organizacije za održavanje ( Approved Maintenance Organisation’s)

Odobrena organizacija za održavanje i broj odobrenja ( Approved Maintenance Organisation & Organisation Approval No.):

1. Adresa (Adress):

Odobrena organizacija za održavanje i broj odobrenja ( Approved Maintenance Organisation & Organisation Approval No.):

2. Adresa (Adress):

Odobrena organizacija za održavanje i broj odobrenja ( Approved Maintenance Organisation & Organisation Approval No.):

3. Adresa (Adress):

Odobrena organizacija za održavanje i broj odobrenja ( Approved Maintenance Organisation & Organisation Approval No.):

4. Adresa (Adress):

Odobrena organizacija za održavanje i broj odobrenja ( Approved Maintenance Organisation & Organisation Approval No.):

5. Adresa (Adress):


General Information
1. All entries in this logbook shall be made in ink.
2. When used in support of an application for a licence amendment, any false entry in the logbook will constitute a legal offence.
3. Entries in the logbook shall be made personally by the logbook holder and confirmed/certified by an authorised person.
4. Logbook should be kept as whole, no missing pages are allowed.

Completion of the Log pages

The log pages of this book have the following general format:

Performed/ Duration in Days

Base/ CAT.
Date A/C Registration ATA Operation Performed/Task Detail Supervise/
Line Used Work Pack No.

The following information and instruction for each column shall be observed :

Aircraft Type: Aircraft on which work is performed.

Date: Indicates the date of closure/certifying by the authorised person (Supervisor).
A/C Registration: Aircraft registration.
ATA: Reference to ATA 100 classification
Operation Performed/Task Detail: Describes the task performed or competence obtained (Short description of task).
Base/Line: Type of maintenance
Performed/Supervise/Release: Type of work
CAT. Used: Category used: A, B1, B2, B3 or C
Duration in Days: Duration in days or partial-days
Work Pack No.: The entries made in this column state Workorder or Workorder task that has been performed, to allow traceability. In case of extensive work, it may be useful to
add a detailed work report to the logbook folder.

Aircraft Type: .............................................................................................. Organisation Approval No.: ..........................................................................
(Aircraft/Engine combination)

Performed/ Duration in Days

Base/ CAT.
Date A/C Registration ATA Operation Performed/Task Detail Supervise/
Line Used Work Pack No.

Logbook Owner’s Name: Licence No.: Signature:

Organisation Verification: Name:................................................................................................................. Signature:……………………………

Position:..................................................................................................... Stamp:. Page: __ of __

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