Response of A Continuous Guideway On Equally Spaced Supports Traversed by A Moving Vehicle
Response of A Continuous Guideway On Equally Spaced Supports Traversed by A Moving Vehicle
Response of A Continuous Guideway On Equally Spaced Supports Traversed by A Moving Vehicle
study is intended primarily for a high speed ground transportation system, there are many
other applications for the analysis contained herein.
The vehicle and its suspension system are modeled in Figure 2. For greater flexibility in
the resulting study the vehicle is assumed to have sprung and unsprung masses with a
primary and secondary suspension system. In terms of the quantities shown in Figure 2
the equations of motion for the vehicle are
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a vehicle model.
where c(x, t) is the influence function for the particular guideway model being in-
vestigated. A derivation of the influence function for an infinite beam on periodic supports
is omitted here, for brevity.
The loading function f(t) contains the vehicle dynamic force, which includes the inertial
loading as well as the static force : that is,
f(t) = (M,+M,,)g - MS d2y3/dt2 - Mu d2y2/dt2. (5)
The weighting function in equation (4), w(x, t), describes the time varying distribution of
the vehicle loading over the guideway. Hence, the complete interaction between the
vehicle and the guideway is contained in the foregoing formulation.
In order to facilitate the analysis, we shall now non-dimensionalize all the parameters
and variables as follows :
It obviously is not practical to carry out the integration over an infinite range. The
method of approximation employed here consists of neglecting the inertia force of the
spans remote from the vehicle. This is reasonable since one is basically interested in the
guideway response near the vehicle and, equally important, the interference between any
two spans diminishes as the distance between the two spans increases. In that it causes no
computational inconvenience, the influence function will be used in its exact form.
For the numerical computations each span is divided into N intervals of length rc/N,
and the time is similarly divided. Thus, the integration is reduced to the summation of
values at discrete node points [6]
where the fk’s are the weighting coefficients whose values depend on the choice of method
for numerical integration. For the numerical differentiation of the time variable we chose
a backward difference scheme. Specifically,
The application of the numerical schemes (10) and (11) to equations (6H9) yields
+ h,,"{J3(Tj)-~2(zj)) = O, (12)
Equations (12), (13) and (14) may be transformed into recursion relations by solving for
jj(tj, zj), jj2(rj) and jj3 (rj) in terms of other variables. Thus one obtains
+ n42i;Iv"2c"ij
In the foregoing the 5;s and zis indicate the jth nodal points of the position and time
co-ordinates, respectively. Also Jij, JjN+ 2,j ) yN + 3,j and Zij have been used as abbreviations
for jj(ti, rj), j2(rj), y3(zj) and E(ci, <j). s,(Zj) has been expressed as Jjj.
For convenience in the computer programming, the recursion relations (1% (16) and
(17) may be represented by the single matrix equation
Aj~ = Gj + C B,~_,,
A,, = Z +
I-! _ijN+
9N + 2,j
A,, =.41&2(~~b,Q,
... ...
[ 0
... s”i,” . . . 0
0 0 1’
A 22 =
; ‘b,, + fi,z (l-14
0 ‘b,
+X,% (!)a,
(1-p) ; ‘b,
In the foregoing Z is the identity matrix and the other matrices are defined as follows:
h,fl .* PLc”lj C1-P121j
p= ; *. ; i .
In the computations, the trapezoidal rule and a second order backward difference
scheme were used for the numerical integration and differentiation, respectively. The
number of increments in each span determines the amount of computation time required
as well as the accuracy of the solution. Since the computing time increases roughly by the
order of N3.5 where N is the number of increments selected, the choice of an acceptable
number of increments is important for an effective analysis. In our study each span was
divided into seven segments and the results displayed reasonable accuracy when com-
pared to those obtained by using a liner division.
I I I 1 I
0 0.5 I.0 1.5
Vehicle speed, i;
Figure 3. Guideway maximum deflection versus vehicle speed for varying mass ratios.
Figure 3 shows a graph of guideway maximum deflection with respect to the vehicle
speed for four values of mass ratio. A mass ratio of zero amounts to the pure force
approximation. Note that an increase in vehicle mass tends to lower the critical speed.
It is of interest to compare the behavior of the guideway structure analyzed here to that
of a continuous guideway resting on an elastic foundation.
For the guideway analyzed here the speed at which a transverse wave can propagate along
the guideway can be obtained as follows. If a wave form y = sin a(x - ut) is substituted into
the Bernoulli-Euler beam equation
El a4y/ih4 + m a2ypt2 = 0
one obtains EIa4-ma2v2 = 0, or v = am. Then, noting that a = n/l, 241, . . . , one
arrives at D,,,~”
= (n/1) m. In terms of a non-dimensional speed, U”,in= 1.0.
In a subsequent study we showed that this critical speed of the traversing vehicle is
largely dictated by the vehicle’s speed and the natural frequency of the guideway. The
vehicle configuration has little effect on the onset of the critical condition. Hence, the
design of a high speed continuous guideway may require that special attention be given to
this phenomenon.
0.001 / / I 1
0.01 0.1 I.0
Vehicle speed, 7
Figure 4. Passenger car heave acceleration versus vehicle speed for (a) a continuous guideway and (b) a simply
supported guideway. fi = 0.5, Jo= 0.1, [ = 0.3, R = 0.6, r = 0.2.
With the foregoing analysis in mind, another important performance criterion to look
at for the vehicle-guideway system is the heave acceleration of the passenger compart-
ment of the vehicle. Figure 4 compares the performance of a continuous guideway model
with that of a multi-span simply supported guideway model, analyzed in reference [l]. As
expected, the continuous guideway has greater rigidity than that of a simply supported
guideway except for the speed range near the critical speed.
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