Very Important Question
Very Important Question
Very Important Question
Answer all are digital signals,hence DO Process Liquid Density / 1* Displacer height
or DI = mm of H2O.
HH Trip Point: Y in mm
On an interface leveltrol there are two liquid
of two different specific gravities. Question; how can we caliberate
interface level troll
1. The level will be zero when it is full of
lighter liquid. Answer Level troll calibration
Zero :
100 % level = H X D.
Transmitter O/P
Length of Displacer 35.56 centimeter (14
inch) (PSI)
For each 25% step subtract 405 Gram weight W = Displacer weight in 2400Gram (2.4 kg)
from hang weight.1620/4=405.
Specific gravity of process liquid. Oil= 0.7
Note: Compensate specific gravity difference
V = Volume of displacer. 1620.84
of water & process liquid.
Check function two three times for data to all the terminals regardless of
Transmitter O/P
0 1266 3
Question what is RPI and NUT in
25 1145.5 6 controlnet networx. what happen if we
are increase the NUT of controlnet
50 1023 9
MMI turm was out due to its sexiest AND DIFFERENT B/W SMART SENSOR AND
Unit of level: Meters, mm, cm, percentage. 3. increase the speed of wobulator (TK3)
3. your out put is measured from multi shutdown sequence .....PLC cannot have a
meter at HZ range HART compitable I/O ...where HART signls
are used for Asset management..DCS you
Question what difeerent between
can have all features such as asset man..
Answer The Basic difference between
Answer HART & BRAIN both are
the PLC and the DCS is PLC is Programmable
nothing but calibraters. rose mount make
Logic Controller in an n/w it control program
used HART protocol. yokogawa make used
logically.DCS is Distributed Control System it
BRAIN to calibrate transmitters.
will distripute and control the system in a
Answer if pressure pump is hydrolic Answer First do the 0 trime and span
then oil or water is used and if pressure trim, In this it self problem will solve....ealse
pump is penumetic teen only air. use hand pump in point(In HP or LP side it's
deponds up on the usage) applay the
Question why thermocouple called pressure check the reading
Answer Probably HART communicator
Answer bcz here 2 matals are couple used for online & onfield calibration.As per
together my experience,I always used to do
calibration by step given bellow:
Question what is the different between
plc and dcs ? 1.First,put transmitter loop in CAL mode.In
CAL mode controller the hold last PV for
Answer The major difference between
reference.causes without stop or disturb
PLC and DCS is networking...and most often
PLC is used for ESD applications..for
process we can do calibration my experience,I always used to do
earlier(depends on process) calibration by step given bellow:
2.Connect HART to the transmitter +ve & -ve 1.First,put transmitter loop in CAL mode.In
terminal.observed parameter on HART CAL mode controller the hold last PV for
display.e.g.pressure,dp,current output reference.causes without stop or disturb
singnal.& note down. process we can do calibration
earlier(depends on process)
3.Then close the isolation valve of both HP &
LP tapping & loose the both HP & LP side 2.Connect HART to the transmitter +ve & -ve
vent plug.In this condition transmitter shoud terminal.observed parameter on HART
show zero dp because same atmospheric display.e.g.pressure,dp,current output
pressure actig both side.If transmitter singnal.& note down.
showing zero dp transmitter is normal & If it
3.Then close the isolation valve of both HP &
is not showing zero,then there is some error
LP tapping & loose the both HP & LP side
in dp.
vent plug.In this condition transmitter shoud
4.If transimtter showing error in dp then on show zero dp because same atmospheric
HART go to diagnosis-calibration-sensor pressure acting both side.If transmitter
calibration-dp trim.enter the zero dp at showing zero dp transmitter is normal & If it
atmospheric condition and come back on is not showing zero,then there is some error
basic setup display,transmitter will showing 4 in dp.
mA current output.means calibration is
4.If transimtter showing error in dp then on
ok.then u can take transmitter on line.and
HART go to diagnosis-calibration-sensor
don't forget to checked leakage from
calibration-dp trim.enter the zero dp at
impulse tubing & vent plug. Another
atmospheric condition and come back on
procedure is Bench calibration.Using
basic setup display,transmitter will showing 4
pressure & calibrator we can check
mA current output.means calibration is
transmitter.even without HART we
ok.then u can take transmitter on line.and
Question can do bench calibration. don't forget to checked leakage from
impulse tubing & vent plug. Another
Answer Probably HART communi cator
procedure is Bench calibration.Using
used for online & onfield calibration.As per
pressure & calibrator we can check
transmitter.even without HART we can do line there is less posibilities of flamable &
bench calibration. explosive source but as per NFPA standard
you must use Eex type instruments.
Answer first of all connect the 250
ohm resistence in series while connecting Question If mVolts can drop by
the HART to DPT for communication tnen resistance of wire as compare to mA, then
close all tabs and adjust zero.we can also how thermocouple mV reaches in CCR as
adjust the range,unit by using HART accurate value?
Answer It depends on quqlity of cable
Question Dear friends, I have a and generally it is specified by the cable
question: manufacturer that for a perticular distance
what will be the loses and we add that
We work on a project which has some
quantity in our logic for accurate value
boilers to provide steam for desalination
unit. The boiler area is safe and the only Answer thats why we use single stand
hazard source is the fuel lines of boilers. I not multi core cable for thermocouple
want to know according to NFPA standard measurement
which type of instrument should be selected
Answer Each type of themocouple
on the fuel line: Eex Type or
different types of metals winding are used
Non-Eex type? Example k-type of thermo couple used
cromium aluminium metals are used, like
j,s,t ect. This metals used as per thermo
Question how to test rotor &stator
Protection panel.
c. Indication at Annunciation Panel.
Answer Logically Zero milli amps 1. Bare Thermocouple wire is without any
means no current in the circuit .if we have an insulation. normally it is sold on a spool and
initial value to be measured , we cant ordered as a pair. usage is typically for
measureit as zero milli amps . It means no making a small thermocouple in applications
current in the circuit or the circuit is open . requiring special considerations.
so we go for the span of 4 to 20 mA. this is
coz we can easily split 4- 20 as multiples of 2.Duplex Insulated Thermocouple Wire
Answer logic zero is show no current common type of thermocouple wire. The
in circuit but we use 4 mili amp for type of thermocouple, insulation, and size
instrument is on and ready for use and lower are all some of the parameters considered
4 mili amp current relation with non linear .. for the application.
length and size of impulse line for steam sheathed Thermocouple wire is
flow orifice and feed water orifice? thermocouple wire that is surrounded by
insulation material, typical magnesium oxid,
Answer Impels line is minimum length and enclosed in a metal sheath. A key
and size because of length is maximum feature of this type of wire includes the
water is condansate and abnormaltiys in ability to withstand vibration, high
steam flow orifice plate temperatures and pressures.
Answer There are there types of Answer we are using the 4.7 10.based
cables is in the Thermocouple. on the configuration like 4 to 20 ma.if 4 ma
means 0 and 20 ma means 10.when we e=a1t1+a2t^2+a3t^^n
using the ph 10 it will get 20 ma..
Answer when two different metals
Answer Phosphates buffer solution is wire are connected it form two junction and
used when this two junction are kept in different
tempreture then the emf is produced
Question whats the working of
between them.
principal thermocouple
Answer thermocouple works on the
Answer thermocouple works on
principle of seeback & peltiar effect if any
seeback effect i.e when any two different
two metals are placed at two different places
metals are connected together,an
having junction j1 & j2 normally hot junction
e.m.f.generates, this e.m.f is a function of
& cold junction .heat is transferred from hot
the temperature The general form of this
junction to cold and an emf is produced. this
relationship is:
produced emf is equal to the temperature at
e.m.f.generates, this e.m.f is a function of orific plat in flow path dp tranmitter have
the temperature The general form of this low and high side cannect high pressure and
and other process equipments and supply for its working. Then it generates the
Pneumatic Hook-ups covers all instruments signal according to the Process parameter.
which require instrument air to operate This may have either 2 wires, 3 wires or 4
wires.Active Loop: There is no need to give
Question what is start up vent valve ? external power supply for the transducer.
why it is used in boiler?
The sensor itself generates signal without 1250KiloWatts(KW), since as above VA = W.
giving power supply. This will have only 2
KVA = Kilo (Volts X Amps) = Kilo (Watts)
Question what's meanning of 1250KVA
and how to calculate with Volttage and 1000Watts = 1 Kilo Watt
Current. answer give with example.
Answer as we all known that p.f=
Answer This is really a basic electrical kw/kva
question but anyway,Power is measured in
Watts and the symbol for power is "P" then kw= kva*p.f. or kw = vicos@ where kva
= vi
and for watts "W"
and p.f. = cos@
The formula to calculate Power is Volts X
Amps Answer It might be better in the
future to ask electrical questions in the
So this can also be written in short as P = V X electrical section, rather that trying to find
A someone in instrumentation that can give
you answers on electrical problems you are
Since as you have learned in basic
struggling to understand.
mathematics that if there is no sign between
two symbols that means multiply, Here's what you need anyway,
so the above can also be written as P = VA Since watts is volts times amps, what is VA?
and the answer
VA (or volt-amps) is also volts times amps,
will be in Watts. the concept
The electrical people have different ways to however has been extended to AC power.
refer to Power
For DC current:
but it is all exactly the same thing.
VA = Watts (DC current).
They could either call it 1250KVA or say it
out fully like In AC if the volts and amps are in phase (for
example a
resistive load) then the equation is also: Or kilovolt-amps times power factor equals
VA = Watts (resistive load)
When you want to know how much the
where V is the RMS voltage and A the RMS
electricity is costing
you, you use watts. When you are specifying
In AC the volts and amps are not always in
equipment loads,
phase (meaning
fuses, and wiring sizes you use the VA, or the
that the peak of the voltage curve is does
rms voltage
not happen at the
and rms amperage. This is because VA
peak of the current curve). So in AC, if the
considers the peak of
volts and amps
both current and voltage, without taking into
are not precisely in phase you have to
account if
calculate the watts
they happen at the same time or not.
by multiplying the volts times the amps at
each moment in Finding the Power Factor:
time and take the average over time. How do you find the power factor? This isn’t
easy. For
The ratio between the VA (i.e. rms volts time
rms amps) and computer power supplies and other supplies
that are power
Watts is called the power factor PF.
factor corrected, the power factor is usually
VA•PF = Watts (any load, including inductive
over 90%. For
high power motors under heavy load the
In other words, volt-amps x power factor =
power factor can be
as low as 35%. Industry standard rule-of-
Similarly, KVA*PF = KW,
thumb is that you
plan for a power factor of 60%, which KVA•PF = KW (any load, including inductive
somebody came up with loads)
Converting VA to Volts
How to convert VA to volts? Use the The Following equations can be used to
following formula: convert between amps,
Amps = VA•PF/Volts)
What is KVA?
For example 12 VA•0.6/(12 volts) = 0.6 amp
KVA is just kilovolt-amps, or volts times amps
divided by 1000:
Converting KVA to KW (Kilovolt-amps to
Converting Amps to KVA (voltage fixed)
The conversion of KVA to KW is governed by
The conversion of Amps to KVA is governed
the equation:
by the equation:
KVA = Amps • Volts/(1000•PF)
For example, if the power factor is 0.6
For example 100 amp * 110 volts/(1000*0.6)
120 KVA•0.6 = 72 Kilowatts = 18.3 KVA
VA = Amps • Volts/PF
Volts = VA•PF/Amps
increased a small amount of current can turn
Answer You can install the PT total main power failure. In your 3 wire
anywhere on the pipe. It is best to install on system the supply to your TX will be from
top in crude and slurry application but to this external power source, and the loop
power for your 4 to 20 ma will be generated
measure water you can install any where, by the same TX and will not come from the
even under the pipe.If you install on the side PLC or DCS as with a loop power 2-wire
or under the pipe fill theimpulse line with
systems. Since the external power to your TX points for steam & condensible vapor flow
is the same as the 24VDC measurement application?
power it generates for the signal, you can Answer Unfortunately I don't have a
use the negative as a common. This explanation for this one, sinceI cannot see
common(OV) and the 4 to 20mA(24VDC) the reason for it either.The standard on
signal is then connected to the PLC as for a steam flow is to use condensation pots as
normal 2-wire loop well, which are to me a bit of a waste of
money, time and effort since these pots have
powered TX. This common from your TX is
to be certified pressure vessels, the same as
0V and is the same as the 0V of
any other pressure vessel on the plant.I am
the PLC or DCS since they are all from the not sure how many people realize this.On
same UPS.The PLC or DCS will only get the wet leg levels, and in a case like this, I would
archimedes theory while it's not immersed we can make a programm as per our
manufacturer's manual and select a valve satisfied. During running of the machine if
with the next bigger cv that the one you any one fails then the machine must be
deluge main control valves, most probably deaerator level transmitter range is in
capillary type DPT, you will get this negative and their
mmH2O readings.
have already
look at done a writeup on this so go transmitters or monitors are in a different
thethe deaerator
same wet there is a vacuum but again Answer Well, transducer convert the
leg physical parameter like
done. I have already done a writeup on
concern. Split range control is done by that was in there. You therefore only have
installing two two cables
valves in parallel in the SAME line, and NOT available to work four signals. One cable
two different from the CCR for
lines. The easiest to do this modification is to the control and another one for the
built a feedback signal back to
also assume the original valve is one of the Based on this you need to replace this VR
valves you have with a smaller or
uses and we will call that the small valve. The bigger VR in order to get only half or double
second valve the resistance
which should be a bigger valve is installed in of the original full stroke value.
a bypass line
In other words if the resistance value in the
in parallel with the original valve in the same original valve
line, and we
changed from 0 to 1000 Ohm during a full, 0
will call that the big valve. to 100%, stroke
resistor(VR). Movement of the valve stem Assuming the resistance value increases with
will turn this VR upward movement
and the resistance will change of this VR. you need to change to VR with a 50% smaller
This resistance VR (0 to 500
is then converted by the electronics of the ohm) and install a identical VR in the big
FB positioner valve as well. If
into the 4 to 20 mA signal back to the CCR you now connect them in series they will
controller. You give you a total of
need to measure this resistance and also see 1000 Ohm which is the same as your
if it increases original feedback
positioner resistance when you used only Small original valve:
one valve. Assuming
Install the original FB positioner on the valve
the calibration of this FB positioner is still as and connect
it was in
feedback signal cable to CCR as per normal
the original valve, at 100% stroke the FB for a one valve
positioner will
installation. Do a calibration on it as normal.
only see 500 Ohm and the output to the CCR Stroke it up
will only be
and down and measure the VR’s resistance
12Ma. As the big valve starts to open up the change and then
resistance of
disconnect the variable resistor and remove
the VR in the big valve will start to add itself it completely.
to the now
Replace it with the newly calculated VR.
fully open small valve’s resistance and the
mA out to the
Valve Big:
CCR will change accordingly until both valves
are fully Either install a new small JB on the valve,
with the newly
open. In which case the total resistance will
be as per your calculated variable resistor in it or a
complete new FB
original valve’s resistance, 1000 Ohm, and
therefore your mA positioner, if available. If you install a new FB
small valve FB positioner electronics. To use only one positioner and try and do
split range
Suggestion how to do this:
control is NOT possible. I think you are more
about pulling in new cables and it is not a Ok to summarize, your two positioners will
matter of that be controlled
you do not have any more positioners from a single controller in the CCR. During
available. I am sure normal
you can get another one from your stores. operations, the small valve will control the
process and the
Ok so to do the split range control you need
to get another operator will see a feedback in the CCR of
below 50%. This
positioner and install one positioner on each
valve. is in relation to both valves and not just one
valve, so you
Make use of the second gland opening in the
small valve’s need to explain this to the operator before
you sign this
positioner and just daisy-chain( connect in
parallel) the mod off as complete.
wires to the big valve from the small valve's If the process changes and the small valve
positioner. cannot handle the
Both valve positioners will now receive the process, the bigger valve will starts to open
full 4 to 20 mA up and the
signal from the controller in the CCR operator will see a feedback of more than
simultaneously, and 50% in the CCR.
that’s what you want. Calibrate the Again explain and train the CCR operator on
positioner on the small this control
valve for 4 to 12mA = 0 to 100% stroke and system and the way it works.
the big valve 12
to 20 mA = 0 to 100% stroke.
You might find it difficult to find a PID tuning remote mounting of the I/P, was heat. The
set that electronics don’t
will suit both valves, due to the size like too much heat so in very hot areas,
difference, but you rather use a
In other words neither will give perfect a bit cooler. You can do this for the feedback
control but you as well by
will get them to control good enough with a installing the VR’s in small JB’s on the valves
average PID set. and mount
Above is just one way to do this and it will the electronics where it is a bit cooler.
depend on what
Question in split range control system
you use out there and what is available. we are using two control valves,but we
have only one positioner and one feed back
Some basic rules of thumb about how we use this one feed back link
installations and positioner
for two control valves Answer one
positioner, disconnect the original variable exp = 500 Ohm) and connect them in series
resistor inside and then to the
calculated VR.
Suggestion how to do this:
Use other gland entry on the small valve FB About the “only one” control positioner
positioner and
signal from the controller in the CCR process, the bigger valve will starts to open
simultaneously, and up and the
that’s what you want. Calibrate the operator will see a feedback of more than
positioner on the small 50% in the CCR.
valve for 4 to 12mA = 0 to 100% stroke and Again explain and train the CCR operator on
the big valve 12 this control
Ok to summarize, your two positioners will You might find it difficult to find a PID tuning
be controlled set that
from a single controller in the CCR. During will suit both valves, due to the size
normal difference, but you
operations, the small valve will control the might be able to do it if you compromise a
process and the little on both.
operator will see a feedback in the CCR of In other words neither will give perfect
below 50%. This control but you
is in relation to both valves and not just one will get them to control good enough with a
valve, so you average PID set.
On all the split range installations I have to DCS/PLC. For Valves,you have to simulate
mounted I/P converter. The reason for the Question what is different betwen
pneumatic Process zero and atm zero?
a bit cooler. You can do this for the feedback pressure you need to apply 100bar on both
Question how to define range of dp it falls within the range or capability of the
level xmeter in open tank transmitter.
Answer The question can be a bit You cannot in this case calibrate it for -400 to
confusing in that the word "range" +100UOM
sometimes seems to mean different things even though the top value is still withing the
to different people. range the
So let's just first of all clarify what we are bottom value is below the negative
referring to capability of the
when we use the words "range", "span" and transmitter. The area that you have
"zero" calibrated is called the
Range is the size or capability of the calibrated span. In other words the value
transmitter. This from zero to span
means that if the specs on the transmitter is also called the span.
says "range =
a Bit confusing in that we also refer to the
-300 to +300UOM (units of measure) it 100% value as
means you can
the span value and then we call the area
calibrate the transmitter for a total span of from zero to full
600UOM and not
scale the calibrated span as well. On Smart
more. It also means you can calibrate the transmitter it
transmitter for
is less confusing since we here refer to the correct range for a DP transmitter for a level
LRV and URV application.
instead of the zero and span values. Anyway Obviously very important to be able to do
the main thing but keep in mind
is to understand the difference between the this procedure below is ONLY for a dry leg or
range and span open tank
Ok so back to the above question. Looking at or two extra things you want to consider. It is
it again I must always
assume this person is trying to find out how better to install any DPT below the bottom
to select the tap off point in
a close or open tank and you also need to want to measure and the answer will be the
think about the maximum
Instrument Tech that needs to do the calibrated span that can ever be done on a
installation or do instalation like
maintenance on it later on. Try and install this. So in this case say the liquid is diesel
the transmitter with a sg of
in a place that is easy accessible on a 2" pipe 0,85. The calculation will be 3500 x 0,85 =
or something 2975mmH2O
like that. Also look at where the tubing or Now you can convert this final mmH2O into
capillaries will any value you
run, cable rack and details like this. prefer to work in. Sometimes the
manufacturer might indicate
So finally if you have all the information you
can now make the range of the transmitter in Kpa or PSI so
all you need
a small calculation to see what the maximum
calibrated span to do is convert you calculated mmH2O into
that type of UOM
might be on a installation like this.
and you can then see how big your
Measure the distance from the transmitter
transmitter needs to be.
to the bottom of
This maximum calculated value should fall in
your vessel and add this value to the total
between 60 to
height of your
80% of the maximum positive capability of
vessel. Let's say in total this distance is
the transmitter
3500mm. You
you select. If your transmitter is to big it will
then miltiply this 3500mm with the density
be very
of the liquid you
insensitive and if it is to small you will not be Question how to calibrate the radar
able to transmitter for measuring the exact tank
level if tank is having agitator moving
calibrate the correct span on it.
continiously because due to agitator tank
on open tanks or when you do a dry leg stabilize the output, even if the local display
used at all.
3 wire = 1 wire Pos 24VDC (Instrument vessel looks like, know what type of tap-off
supply V) points is
1 wire 0V (Common for supply and available and so on so I will give you a
signal) generic rule of
1 wire Pos 24VDC (4 - 20mA signal) thumb explanation on interface levels and
tell you what is
4 wire = 1 wire Pos 24VDC (Instrument
supply V) the perfect solution to all interface level
problems. I will
1 wire 0V (for supply)
also tell you what you must not do.
1 wire Pos 24VDC (4 - 20mA signal)
Since this is a very confusing subject to a lot
1 wire 0V (for signal)
supply V)
so it might be worth the effort to do a detail
useless as well.
But even if they do, you still sit with a
problem of
Don’t trust your sight classes either since blockage when working with crude and
with interface other high viscous
levels most sight glasses do not work products and big vessels where the level
accurately all the changes very
time. These sight glasses were designed to slowly. Is this now a accurate level indication
measure a single or is the
product and not the variance of two sight glass blocked again?
products in a vessel.
same vessel for control and ESD) perfectly The CCR is normally interested in both these
according to the readings. These
design specs and then calibrate the radars are not influenced by density
capacitance probes to changes, temperature
the same zero and span positions as the changes, pressure changes or condensation
radars. This or vapor changes.
eventually resolved the whole problem. If I They even still work perfectly after the
had my way I product have
would have thrown them out and installed a attached itself and started building up on the
TDR in their probes after
they do occur it takes two minutes to make a specially designed to resolve the decades of
adjustment on problems of
one of the parameters and it will be accurate measuring interface levels and they work like
again. a charm if you
The negative side of these radars is that set them up properly. I would recommend
most technicians you go this way as
build up, but this might be possibility if you you study it for a while you will see that it is
have a clean not that
product. Definitely not suitable for crude. difficult, and once you have actually done it
Keep in mind in the field,
these are also density dependent you will find it is actually quite easy to do.
instruments but they will The main
not be as unstable as a DPT. If the products thing is to do it the way I have described
have a lot of below. The
turbulence, you can also install them inside a manuals is sometimes a bit confusing so I
round damping have developed my
standpipe opened to the product, this will own way to set them up and this is much
make the readings easier to understand
a bit more readable and stable. I would also than the procedures in the books. The ones I
not consider have worked on
them for critical applications only for more is the Khrone BM100A (2x S/S rods probe
or less low type) as well as the
priority applications and just for indication. BM100C (coaxial probe type)
up and not from zero position up. So if you individual span. Both Spans are setup in
can see where reference to actual
the design engineer have said zero should be vessel level %. Interface is also a actual level
and you can see measurement
in exactly what position your probe is in in relation to the whole vessel and not to
relation to those just half the
points it is a matter of calculating how high vessel where for instance to where your weir
you need to plate is. If
measure up from probe bottom to get to you do this it will have the effect that you
those Z/S points have a very
marked by the design engineer. It takes a bit sensitive interface measurement to a slow
of level measurement
trigonometry to do but is easy enough. making your control very difficult. We have
done it at one
Look strange I know but we have found it is In this example the 150mm might be the mm
better to set you need to
measure from the probe bottom up to get to experimentally by valve manufactures. It is
the Zero position expressed as the
of the actual vessel as indicated by the flow rate of water in m3/h for a pressure
design drawing and drop of 1 bar
the same with the 2500mm. Obviously just across a flow passage.
examples. This is
Cv = Imperial
Kv = Metric
Also make sure you have the right probe
length in the "tank Selecting the correct size control valve:
Height" parameter and not the real vessel When the flow coefficient is calculated for
height. the required
This probe length is normally stamped on flow rate and known pressure drop, the
the little spec selection of a proper
plate on the head by the supplier. control valve is normally done by selecting a
control valve
will give a volumetric flow rate of 23m3/h With a control valve with a cv of 27 in a clean
and a fluid water line
will give a volumetric flow rate of 23m3/h With a control valve with a cv of 27 in a clean
and a fluid water line
With a control valve with a cv of 27 in a clean with a 300mm pipe dia size, a DP across the
water line valve of 2Bar
with a 200mm pipe dia size, a DP across the will give a volumetric flow rate of 33m3/h
valve of 2Bar and a fluid
With a control valve with a cv of 27 in a clean with a 300mm pipe dia size, a DP across the
water line valve of 3Bar
with a 200mm pipe dia size, a DP across the will give a volumetric flow rate of 40m3/h
valve of 3Bar and a fluid
Keep in mind the perfect control position for So unless you ask a sensible question with
any control accurate and
valve is between 40 to 60% valve opening. detail information with it, and look at what
You need to select you write
a valve with a cv that will allow control to be before you post the question, no one can or
in that area would want to
put in a chance proposal with a safety Find out from the liquid supplier what type
justification and a of material is
proposal for a new instrument that will make resistant to the liquid and ask you Tx supplier
the application to supply
someone to do it, you need to satisfy The supplier will ask you the length capillary
yourself that the length
inhalation is safe, reliable and accurate, not needed. The capillary lengths should always
someone else. be as short as
If it is not, it is your right, duty and possible to prevent drifting, so look at the
responsibility to installation
do something about it. and decide where you are going to install the
new cap DPT
In your case the liquid you are working with
is corrosive, and double the distance from the
transmitter to the top tap
hazardous, flammable and will causes violent
chemical off point on your vessel to get the right
capillary lengths.
reactions with various other liquids. I would
recommend you Do the calibration as normal for a capability
type DPT and
forget about the vacuum inside since it is To do the process zero you might need to
irrelevant in install a piece of
cause big inaccuracies if you do not work Use the displayed value as your process zero
from your a reference and
process zero. (yes, similar thing to the old just add your measured mm, multiply by
pneumatic DPT 1,08(sg for acetic
to the variance in vacuum and you might Below is a previous discussion on a similar
find it difficult to application but
read. I had similar experiences before on a for non hazardous liquid and no way to
FPSO where the modify the piped DPT
whole vessel moves all the time and installation to a better type of instrument.
therefore the process You can have a
zero keeps on changing all the time. I have look at it for information but again, in your
compensated for case you
that by standing there and watch the reading should not use a piped DP transmitter.
fluctuating for
First of all there is no difference between a this is a capillary type, but according to your
vessel with a question it
process pressure of 10 or 50Bar or a vessel seems you already have a piped transmitter
with a vacuum. in place. This
These pressures cancel each other across the makes it a bit more troublesome to do, but
LP and HP legs by working
on our tx's, and are therefore not taken into carefully and accurately you can achieve
account in our accurate and
To explain in more detail: Take your time, this is one of the MOST
If there is 100Bar on the LP side there is also
100Bar on setup's you will ever came across in any
the HP side so the DP across the tx is still
zero. It is always better to use a wet-leg since
condensation will
If there is 750mmHg vacuum on the LP side
there is also a cause your DP to chance in time. If I look at
the sg of the
750mmHg vacuum on the HP side so the DP
across the tx is product you most probably are working with
still zero.
condensate, so you would want to install a
So work with the transmitter as if there is no
wet leg in a
pressure or
application like this.
vacuum in the vessel.
Process zero with LP leg filled:
The best transmitter to use in a vacuum
application like
1st open both legs to atm and do zero trim. start closing needle valve slowly and keep
Even better if filling
you know how to do a factory reset and then to make sure lp leg is filled properly. Playing
do a zero trim. with the
Connect a 1/2" T-piece to top of LP leg just main LP isolation valve and the needle valve
on the bend will give best
before it goes to the top tap-off point with a results to get the LP leg filled to max.
needle valve
This should put you in the situation that your
pointing upwards. tx has been
With main process isolation valves still close, zeroed at atmospheric pressure, so the
fill LP leg vacuum pulled
to max and close needle valve. on both sides of diaphragm now and LP leg
filled to max,
Try to use glycol since it's density is higher
than water's, should now give a accurate process zero to
work from.
and will prevent contamination of the wet
leg. Write down this displayed value.
Close 5-way manifold equalization valve and What ever this value is is not important you
open main will use this
process isolation valves and then only open reading as your process zero reference point
both isolation to work from
again and open it up to atm again not position and the top tap-off point is 100%
draining the LP leg.
You should now have something like (+/-)
It should still give a zero indication with both -750mmH2o on the tx
sides open
to atm.
Let's say the value is exactly -750mmH2o.
Put it back on line and make sure the LP leg
Measure from the middle of the tx's
is still filled
diaphragm to the bottom
to max by making use of the needle valve
tap-off point. We make this say 300mm
and LP main
values every time. Only then can you be sure LRV is -750 + 300 = -450mm x .95 = -427,5
that your mmH2o
process zero value is reliable and accurate. URV is -750 + 300 + 500 = +50mmH2o x .95 =
+47,5 mmH2o
To calculate the LRV and URV:
Since it is such a small span the level might Transmitter is any device that can take a
be to generated signal
sensitive so you might want to increase the and transmit that signal via any means, be it
damping as well via cable or
energy into another type of energy. In a signal is what we work on and not the cell or
pressure measuring transducer area.
instrument the transducer is the actual If you talk about your car do you talk about
pressure cell that your 4 cylinder
converts the measured pressure energy into or do you talk about your Toyota Corolla?
a proportional
Answer pressure transducer sences
electrical energy. pressure and gives output in
This pressure cell is connected via a ribbon electrical form if using active transducer
cable to the
pressure transmitter transmits the pressure
measured in
electrical form but after amplifying for Answer because of getting the
sending this data to accurate results we using 0-20ma in
instrumentation instead of voltage
remote(far distance from workstation)
location. Answer Please let us know where you
have seen this in a instrument in the field.
Answer Pressure Transducer is a
The normal standard signal is 4 to 20mA.
device that converts one form of
Question Foe selecting control valve if i
energy(pressure) into elctrical signal.
have the min,normal & max data of flow
flow, dp and sg
converts nonelectrical energy to electrical
energy. Cv = 11.7 q (SG / dp)1/2
Example: Example:
5 to the power of 4 ------- press 5 then x^y 5000 = Gas flow (Cu. ft./h) (f.a.d)
then 4 then =
100 = Inlet Gas Absolute Pressure (psia)
1 = Specific gravity of the
60 = Gas Temperature (oF from the control valve is greater than 53% of
the inlet
Do manual calculation:
pressure - pi. The flow coefficient can be
Cv = q [SG (T + 460)]1/2/ 660 pi
expressed as:
1) 60 + 460 = 520
Cv = q [SG (T + 460)]1/2/ [1360 (dp po)1/2]
2) 520 x 1 = 520
3) ½ = 1/2 = 0.5
dp = (pi - po)
11) 136821,051 / 78126,05199 = 1,75 not " bracket times 1/2 as it is displayed"
So a valve with a cv of 1,75 is needed to do a Cannot seem to get it displayed like that on
30PSIA absolute press where the "power of" is used and you will
understand what I
Look at manufacturer valve manual for
available valves and mean.
leakage classification in valve,means for
liquid or gas
there is any standard for selecting leakage valve have repaired and overhauled the
classification valve, we had to do
or its depend upon valve size or any any the final testing and acceptance with them.
other parameter. They would
Answer I cannot remember to much supply us with the specs on the valve so that
about this but I remember that the we can see
leakage rate is dependent on the valve what class valve it was and what the
classification. a acceptable leakage
Class 6 valve is a tight shutoff valve with not tolerance was. After this we would witness
leakage the testing of
tolerance at all. a Class 5 is classified as a the valve and sign a acceptance certificate.
I suggest you get hold of your valve shop or
valve and have a tolerances of a small the original
amount of droplets
manufacturer to supply you with a list of the
per minute and so on. The lower the class
classifications of the valves you are currently
valve the higher
using or
the acceptable leakage rate. This leakage
want to use as well as the various
rate is tested in
acceptable leakage rate
a valve shop either by the manufacturer or
for each class.
on your own site
Answer This means that your You can also calibrate the tx for any span in
transmitter is capable of measuring a between this
LRV = 0 = 0%
Answer Potential free contacts are
motor contactor often has auxiliary contacts in his system as he pleases,the contact is said
that are to
circuit to indicate the status of the starter
without being Answer SMART transmitter will uses
the ,HART communicator for the
powered by the motor supply they would be
considered purpose of Tx-calibration,while the other
normal transmitter
potential free contacts.
and level had been done by the old and controllers to give this output of 20 to
Egyptians that build the 100Kpa. You
pyramids already. They had use for instants a really had to know instrumentation when
stick with you worked with
marks on it to see what the level was in one these pneumatic stuff. We even had
of their tanks pneumatic relays and
and various other simple measuring and pneumatic chart recorders back then.
control devices as well.
Later we moved on to electromechanical
We normally are not to concerned with the instruments and some
type of
very simple electronic indicators and chart
instrumentation that was used that long ago. recorder.
We normally say
adjustments with a small screwdriver to a positioners that can accurately detect the
zero and span pot erosion of it's
to calibrate the transmitter. Very advanced control valve's plug and seat and send a
to what we were alarm signal to the
use to. These were called the electronic 4 to CCR that a overhaul on the valve is needed.
20 mA All just
standard signal, even today, is still the 20 to Not to worry they will never be as smart as a
100Kpa signal. instrument tech.
Since then we have moved on to the smart Question i have one tank of 500mm
instrumentation era height, which is in under vacuum of
where we calibrate the transmitters with a 735 mmHg, I want measure level of the
HART communicator same using DPT , SO WHAT
and the transmitter itself is actually a small WILL BE THE URV & LRV, DENSITY OF THE
computer that TANK FLUID IS 0.95. is
can even detect a error on itself or tell you if there necessary to fill the LP side with fluid.
These pressures cancel each other across the seems you already have a piped transmitter
LP and HP legs in place. This
on our tx's, and are therefore not taken into makes it a bit more troublesome to do, but
account in our by working
the HP side so the DP across the tx is still Take your time, this is one of the MOST
zero. DIFFICULT DP level
If there is 750mmHg vacuum on the LP side setup's you will ever came across in any
there is also a industry.
So work with the transmitter as if there is no cause your DP to chance in time. If I look at
pressure or the sg of the
vacuum in the vessel. product you most probably are working with
pointing upwards. This should put you in the situation that your
tx has been
With main process isolation valves still close,
fill LP leg zeroed at atmospheric pressure, so the
vacuum pulled
to max and close needle valve.
on both sides of diaphragm now and LP leg
Try to use glycol since it's density is higher
filled to max,
than water's,
should now give a accurate process zero to
and will prevent contamination of the wet
work from.
Write down this displayed value.
You can also use glycerin or diesel.
What ever this value is is not important you
Close 5-way manifold equalization valve and
will use this
open main
reading as your process zero reference point
process isolation valves and then only open
to work from
both isolation
so it can be anything as long as you are sure
valves on manifold.
this is a
accurate and reliable process zero. I am also assuming that the bottom tap-off
point is zero
To double check if the process zero is good,
isolate the tx position and the top tap-off point is 100%
again and open it up to atm again not You should now have something like (+/-)
draining the LP leg. -750mmH2o on the tx
sensitive so you might want to increase the end with your finger and try and suck the
damping as well on the Tx. Coke out.(please use a metal tube and not a
plastic straw, LOL)
[email protected]
Answer i agree the above answe in
case of wher vacum is not 0 Sam
present if we r disussing about the vaccum Question what is absolute pressure and
,,the vaccum will not allow tha fluid to come where use in process?
Answer Have to agree with Naman instrumentation.Air have weight. This can be
that this is not the best way to do it and proven by a simple primary school
there are other devices that will work better experiment of taking a balancing beam and
if the current instillation can be modified to attached two balloons to it. With the two
accommodate a different type of instrument balloons deflated the balancing beam hangs
like a capillary type of DP Txor a level troll. exactly horizontal and the weight is
According to question, the DPT is already in obviously equal on both sides of the beam. If
place and needs to be used so above is the you now inflate one balloon the balancing
way to do it, and yes it is possible to do since beam will drop down on the inflated end
I have done it myself on a d-aerator column proving that air have a definite and specific
under constant 0,98Bar vacuum and a span weight, since the volume of air on the one
of only 300mm. My situation was the same side is now more than on the deflated side
in that I could not just modify the installation and therefore the weight is more. Pressure is
and had to work with what was installed. measured on the surface of the earth as the
weight of the air from space pushing down
on the surface of the earth. The reason air the same. This atmospheric air weight is the
and any other body have a weight is due to reason why we have a measurable amount
the earth's gravity. Since the gravity of the of air pressure and is therefore referred to as
earth pull less the further you move away the atmospheric air pressure pushing down
from the earth's surface, the atmospheric onto the surface of the earth. This
pressure changes as well and become less atmospheric pressure is a specific amount of
since the weight of air from that point to pressure and is the same all over the world
space is less. Therefore on top of the at sea level. The amount is 101,3 Kpa (a) or
Himalayas the atmospheric pressure is much 14,7 PSI.(a) or 760mmHg(a). You should
less than at sea level. It takes a lot of years to memorize these values. These values is also
get use to the low density of the air up there refer to as the ABSOLUTE pressure or 1
and us normal people that are use to higher atmosphere. Note the (a) on the end? If you
density air find it difficult to breath up there. write atmospheric pressures down you have
The reason is the lower atmospheric to add the (a) to indicate to other people
pressure or the lower density of the air due that you are referring to atmospheric
to the shorter distance from space to that pressure and not gauge pressure.
height. We all know that water is always at
Gauge pressure is very simply what we call
the same level due to the earth's gravity
zero pressure at 1 atmospheric pressure at
being the same all over the world, so
sea level. Just makes life a bit easier to work
therefore if we look at the level of the sea it
in gauge pressure than trying to work in
will be at the same level in Canada as it is in
atmospheric pressure all the time. So to
Africa and the same at the coast in China. It
summarize, zero gauge pressure is equal to 1
is therefore accurate to use the sea as our
atmosphere or 14,7 PSI atmospheric or
reference point when we measure the
absolute pressure. Be aware you will find
atmospheric pressure. So we therefore
that some people will also write it like this:
always refer to world standard atmospheric
14,7PSIA or 101,3KpaA. NB!! Zero pressure
pressure as it is at sea level and is therefore
absolute, is a complete vacuum and a
a standard throughout the world. In simple
complete vacuum is impossible to achieve on
terms the distance from sea level to space at
earth. The closest you will ever get is
any place on the surface of the earth is
-0,99999Bar but never -1,013bar. Where
exactly the same. Therefore the atmospheric
most of the confusion comes in is to find out
pressure at sea level any place on earth is
from what platform someone is refering to and the specs refer to absolute pressure,
when they talk about absolute pressures. your pressure switch will not trip your
What you are suppose to do is to always stay application on 200mmHg(a) but only
on the platform of gauge pressure, since this
on 560mmHg(a). The same when you work
is the world standard we work on in
on a absolute pressure
instrumentation, and then refer to absolute
pressure from there. This means you will transmitter. Try to stay on the gauge platform
refer to absolute pressure in the negative like where
- 30Kpa or -200mmHg. In this case it is in
reference to gauge pressure so you do not possible since it makes life a bit easier and
add the (a). Should you put yourself on the less confusion
200mmHg(a) is equal to -560mmHg(g) and = -1Bar and URV = 0Bar, or LRV = -760mmHg
Question Explain Split Range Control In like this the two valves will have to be
Answer The distance of vibretion Answer Plc stands for programmable
sensor and the piont where the vibretion is logic controller. Its a solid state device which
to be measured is should be 1.5 mm. works on boolean algebra.\Dcs is distributed
control system which consists of associated
Answer The philosophy is different for
plc's and remote i/o devices
Axial and Radial measurment. For radial
measurement the AC component voltage is Question which is the best type to
directly proportional to the magniture of measure level of a Tank(water). Displacer or
vibration so the gap is fixed based on the Differential Pressure method?
probe linearity (usually
Answer If you have the money buy a
10vdc for bently nevada probes).For axial DP Transmitter, they are much easier to work
measurement the AC component voltage is with and more accurate, Dis placers are old
not important and only the DC component is technology get rid of it. If you are measuring
considered which varies proportional to the clean water you can use stainless steel
distance between the probe and the shaft. tubing and a 5-way manifold. Here are some
Conversely, the shaft is centered and the more info to do the calibration. We use
probe voltage is adjujsted to 10Vdc and the these configurations during the calibration of
same voltage is also referenced in the system a Differential Pressure Transmitter (in short
for shaft zero position. While the DP Cell) in a level calibration of a closed
unit/turbine is running the position of the pressurized vessel. This can only be used
shaft is proportional to the dc component when you are making use of a Diff Press
measured. Transmitter that is piped to the high and low
tap off points on the vessel with stainless
Question what is the principle of
steel piping. You cannot use it on any other
type of level measurement device, even if it
Answer it works on the principle of is also a Diff Press Transmitter with capillary
electro-magnetic flux tubes and pad cells installed on the H/L tap
off points and not stainless steel piping.
Question what is the difference When you use capillaries you need to do the
between dcs & plc calibration completely differently from
normal, so be careful when using capillaries
in level applications. Ok back to wet and dry
leg calibrations. The dry leg is the most filling up with condensate and there goes
common and the easiest to do. This is much your calibration because the calibrated diff
the same as the basic open tank level press (your calculated Zero and 100% values)
calibration. The transmitter is mounted begins to chance. To resolve this problem we
anywhere below the HP (bottom) tap off fill the LP leg with a buffer solution like
point and it's HP leg is connected via S/S diesel,glycerin, glycol or even the same liquid
tubing to the HP (Bottom) tap off point on you have in your vessel can work as well, in
the vessel. The LP side of the transmitter is non critical applications. I prefer glycol since
connected to the LP (Top) tap off point on it's density is higher than water so if the gas
the vessel. The HP side will always be in starts to condensate it will just lie on top of
contact with the liquid in the vessel and the the glycol buffer solution and run back into
LP side will always be in contact with gas the vessel from the LP leg and not mix with
since it's is tapped of from the top of the it. The mixing of the wet leg liquid with the
vessel. You obviously can only achieve this if gas condensate could also cause problems
you have a 5-way manifold (isolation, vent and inaccuracies, since this could chance the
and equalization valve piece)installed on the buffer density over a period of time. To
transmitter. You will start your calibration by calibrate the transmitter will depend on the
opening up the transmitter to atmosphere type and era of transmitter you are using.
and make sure that when equal press is The following calibration is for smart
applied to HP and LP side the transmitter transmitters only. The smart transmitters
shows zero and 4 mA. After this zero check it that we use today can measure in the
is a simple matter of measuring where your negative (-1Bar) and you can do your
Zero and 100% positions are on the vessel in calibration as normal. The final result will be
relation to the transmitter and multiply something like this, LRV = -1230mmH2o
these with the density of the liquid you are (4mA), URV = +125mmH2o (20mA). I know it
measuring and and install these Z AND 100% looks a bit strange when you see it for the
values in the transmitter. Ok this is very easy first time but here is how it works. Before
so far but what happens when the liquid is you can do this calibration you need to know
hotter than the ambient temperature and it's the ATM value for the installation. The
vapor in the top half of the vessel starts to atmospheric value (ATM) can be read
condense and run into the dry LP leg? In a directly from the transmitter by
very short time this dry leg is going to start disconnecting the HP side(Bottom) and open
it up to atmosphere, so the only pressure on transmitters cannot measure in the negative
the transmitter is on the LP side and this will so you need to change the HP and LP sides
obviously push the transmitter into the around so that the HP side goes to the top of
negative. Maximum negative differential the vessel and the LP side goes to the
pressure for a instalation = ATM pressure. bottom tap off point on the vessel.You now
Make sure the LP line is filled to the position need to do you calibration in the reverse as
where it will start to run back into the vessel, well. Again find the ATM value first, in other
then read off the displayed value on the words max positive differential (HP wet leg
transmitter. This is your ATM value. In this filled and LP open to atmosphere) on the
example it might be something like transmitter will now be your ATM value. Will
-1350mmH2o. This value is determined by, be say +1350mmH2o.Actual zero will now
where you have installed the transmitter and be 20mA and not 4mA and will be
what you use for a buffer solution. To determined by makind use of the ATM value
calculate the actual zero and 100% positions minus the actual zero measured value,
on the vessel you do the same as before and multiplied by the liquid density. The actual
just measure from the transmitter to you 100% value will be determined by making
zero and 100% positions on the vessel, use of the ATM value minus the actual 100%
multiply them with the density of the liquid measured value, multiplied by the density.
you are measuring and add them to the ATM You should end up with something like this,
value. You can then input these values to this zero = +1250mmH3o = 20mA and 100% =
transmitter's LRV and URV and the +150mmH20 = 4mA. Finally the display on
calibration is done. So assuming you have you remote level indicator needs to be
installed the transmitter slightly below the changed as well otherwise it will read in the
lower tap off point the above LRV and URV is reverse. If you use a pneumatic DP
about right in relation to the ATM value in Transmitter just substitute 4 and 20 mA with
this example. Be sure to understand the 20 to 100Kps or 3 to 15 Psi the principle stays
difference between the ATM value and the the same. There you have it, wet and dry leg
LRV it will in most cases not be the same. calibrations used ONLY in PIPED DP Cell level
The more accurately you can determine your calibrations.
ATM value the more accurate the calibration
Answer differential pressure method
will be. Now the calibration of the 4to20mA
and the pneumatic DP transmitters. These
Question What is DCS and PLC scanning Answer Instrumentation is the branch
time? of engineering that deals with measurement
and control of process paramiters.
Answer Scan time is time required for
checking i/p,to executive program and give Answer Instrumentation is the branch
out put.generally 5msecfor plc of engineering that deals with measurement
and control.
Question What unit is used for
measuring comp. outlet flow. it is Answer Instrumentation is a branch of
engineering which deals with the application
CFM, M3/hr or NM3/hr. ?
of other Engineering subjects. In a broader
Answer BY SEEING BODY SIZE AND Question what is dry leg and wet leg in
NAME PLATE transmeter calibration?
Answer we can seeing valve size and Answer We use these configurations
valve tubing and valve colour during the calibration of a Differential
Pressure Transmitter (in short DP Cell) in a
Question what is instrumentation?
level calibration of a closed pressurized
vessel. This can only be used when you are
Answer The shortest answer would be
making use of a Diff Press Transmitter that is
measurement, control and monitoring of
piped to the high and low tap off points on
various control processes and machinery.
the vessel with stainless steel piping. You
engineering which deals with measurement measurement device, even if it is also a Diff
and control of process variables like Press Transmitter with capillary tubes and
pressure, temperature, flow and level. pad cells installed on the H/L tap off points
and not stainless steel piping. When you use
capillaries you need to do the calibration
completely differently from normal, so be the top half of the vessel starts to condense
careful when using capillaries in level and run into the dry LP leg? In a very short
applications. Ok back to wet and dry leg time this dry leg is going to start filling up
calibrations. The dry leg is the most common with condensate and there goes your
and the easiest to do. This is much the same calibration because the calibrated diff press
as the basic open tank level calibration. The (your calculated Zero and 100% values)
transmitter is mounted anywhere below the begins to chance. To resolve this problem we
HP (bottom) tap off point and it's HP leg is fill the LP leg with a buffer solution like
connected via S/S tubing to the HP (Bottom) diesel,glycerin, glycol or even the same liquid
tap off point on the vessel. The LP side of the you have in your vessel can work as well, in
transmitter is connected to the LP (Top) tap non critical applications. I prefer glycol since
off point on the vessel. The HP side will it's density is higher than water so if the gas
always be in contact with the liquid in the starts to condensate it will just lie on top of
vessel and the LP side will always be in the glycol buffer solution and run back into
contact with gas since it's is tapped of from the vessel from the LP leg and not mix with
the top of the vessel. You obviously can only it. The mixing of the wet leg liquid with the
achieve this if you have a 5-way manifold gas condensate could also cause problems
(isolation, vent and equalization valve and inaccuracies, since this could chance the
piece)installed on the transmitter. You will buffer density over a period of time. To
start your calibration by opening up the calibrate the transmitter will depend on the
transmitter to atmosphere and make sure type and era of transmitter you are using.
that when equal press is applied to HP and The following calibration is for smart
LP side the transmitter shows zero and 4 mA. transmitters only. The smart transmitters
After this zero check it is a simple matter of that we use today can measure in the
measuring where your Zero and 100% negative (-1Bar) and you can do your
positions are on the vessel in relation to the calibration as normal. The final result will be
transmitter and multiply these with the something like this, LRV = -1230mmH2o
density of the liquid you are measuring and (4mA), URV = +125mmH2o (20mA). I know it
and install these Z AND 100% values in the looks a bit strange when you see it for the
transmitter. Ok this is very easy so far but first time but here is
what happens when the liquid is hotter than
the ambient temperature and it's vapor in
how it works. Before you can do this difference between the ATM value and the
calibration you need to know the ATM value LRV it will in most cases not be the same.
for the installation. The atmospheric value The more accurately you can determine your
(ATM) can be read directly from the ATM value the more accurate the calibration
transmitter by disconnecting the will be. Now the calibration of the 4to20mA
HPside(Bottom) and open it up to and the pneumatic DPtransmitters. These
atmosphere, so the only pressure on the transmitters cannot measure in thenegative
transmitter is on the LP side and this will so you need to change the HP and LP sides
obviously push the transmitter into the around so that the HP side goes to the top of
negative. Maximum negative differential the vessel and the LP side goes to the
pressure for a instalation = ATM pressure. bottom tap off point on the vessel. You now
Make sure the LP line is filled to the position need to do you calibration in the reverse as
where it will start to run back into the vessel, well. Again find the ATM value first, in other
then read off the displayed value on the words max positive differential (HP wet leg
transmitter. This is your ATM value. In this filled and LP open to atmosphere) on the
example it might be something like transmitter will now be your ATM value. Will
-1350mmH2o. This value is determined by, be say +1350mmH2o. Actual zero will now
where you have installed the transmitter and be 20mA and not 4mA and will be
what you use for a buffer solution. To determined by makind use of the ATM value
calculate the actual zero and 100% positions minus the actual zero measured value,
on the vessel you do the same as before and multiplied by the liquid density. The actual
just measure from the transmitter to you 100% value will be determined by making
zero and 100% positions on the vessel, use of the ATM value minus the actual 100%
multiply them with the density of the liquid measured value, multiplied by the density.
you are measuring and add them to the ATM You should end up with something like this,
value. You can then input these values to this zero = +1250mmH3o = 20mA and 100% =
transmitter's LRV and URV and the +150mmH20 = 4mA. Finally the display on
calibration is done. So assuming you have you remote level indicator needs to be
installed the transmitter slightly below the changed as well otherwise it will read in the
lower tap off point the above LRV and URV is reverse. If you use a pneumatic DP
about right in relation to the ATM value in Transmitter just substitute 4 and 20 mA with
this example. Be sure to understand the 20 to 100Kps or 3 to 15 Psi the principle stays
the same. There you have it, wet and dry leg Question why flow transmitter showing
calibrations used ONLY in PIPED DP Cell level 2.2ma?
Answer If there is zero error, the
Answer Dry leg pertain to the impulse output will be minimum peak of 3.1 mA. If it
line tubing of the transmitter which does not like 2.2mA, the transmitter electronics may
have any filled fluid, and the wet leg has. be problem. Interchange with good
transmitter and check.
Question How Control valve sizing is
done? Answer it might have given the over
range pressure at the time of
Answer Cv=q/[[change in
measurement /calibration, hence due to this
pressure/specific gravity]^0.5]
it has moved to the some different
value ,,,,,,,,,,,
Question when the instrument tapping Question in pressure gauge inside why
on pipe line is located below and we are using the glasarin oil?
Answer The internal screen is always instrumentation clean earth. The dirty earth
floating at the instrument. This means we is used only for electrical equipment.
Answer The internal screen is always instrumentation clean earth. The dirty earth
floating at the instrument.This means we just is used only for electrical equipment.
system,they have to test how its working ? In circuit integrity and continue to work for a
the FAT shop they will do configuration specified time under defined conditions. Fire
setting for all instrumet loops. according to rated cables continue to operate in the
configuration the system providor will do presence of a fire and are commonly
function test by simulating signals.but during referred to as circuit integrity cables. The
the SAT they will check all function with real differences between the two ratings are
Answer Thickness of the pipe is For butt welded and socket welded end
normally spelled in Schedule valve, schedule is important. For other no
need.But while connecting a pipe and a
example 1/2" Sch 40S,
flange, schedule is needed.For joining any
two components (a pipe with a valve)
Generally, ID (Inside diameter) of the pipe through butt welding, ID of both should be
will vary by varying the thickness but OD match.Pipe is designated by a "Nominal Pipe
(Outside Diameter) remains constant. But it Size" based upon the ID (inside diameter) of
is vice versa when we speak about tube, the most common wall thickness. Tubing is
3)prsee ok.
Answer Normally a control valve is
4)it will show all the transmitter data ,such refer to by it's fail position.This means "what
why thermocouple used and RTD is not positioner since it will only give a single
used. Both RTD and Thermocouple have in action to the actuator, the reverse action will
flow. caliberate dptx to that value. select common shared use withe other two
output sqrt in dptx. if its out of range of blocks.i.e transducer block and analog input
1)check continuity between the sensor Answer Flow Rate is usually used in
cables industries working on hydraulic and
pneumatic areas to specify the amount of
2)tight the cables properly
working fluid passed across a fixed cross-
3)check the transmitter supply (24vdc) section areas in fixed time. Mostly, we
describe flow rate in Litre Per Minute means
if it is not ok, then check the DCS analog i/p
how much litres of working fluid has been
passed through a given cross-section area in
One minute.Flow Rate is independent of
pressure in hydraulic i.e liquid. but is
Answer check wiring in i/o dependent on pressure in gases as gases are
compressible at pressure. Hydraulic is also 4. S type. (platinium/10%platinium,aradium)
compressible but at higher pressure. upto 1700c
0.1°C or °F
-4 to 3182°F
Refer to ASME PTC
1°C or °F
Question what is relation between
pid consistes of
kp proportional
ki integrative
Answer by the help of P we calculate
P=How Much(present)
I=How Long(past)
Answer I/P is basiclly working on the the parameter and selected trim type and
Answer I/P Converter , converts 4-20 Answer radar is the non contact type
mA signal from controller to .2 to 1.0 Kg/cm2 level transmitter which works on the
pneumatic signal.Positioner consist of air principle of electro-magnetic waves of
supply port , signal input port, out put frequncy in the range of 3Ghz to 25 Ghz.Hart
port.When positioner get in put signal ,it is the protocol for digital
compare with stem position and output is communication.Radar is available with HART
generated and signal boosted sufficiently to protocol.
operate the valve . It uses force balance
Answer Radar type level transmitter
works on the principle of FMCG (frequency
Question can any one tell leakage class modulated continious wave system) & hart
in control valve depend on transmitter works on the principle highway
adressable remote transducer the data is
which parameter and there is any specific
transmitted from the sensor to the requred
table or chart for
system through the hart adress
Answer ambient temperature means instaed of this can we use 4-16, or 4-24 or 3-
generally we r called room temp. ok 15 or any
approx.25-27degree centigrade
other range
Answer Ambient temperature is
Answer 4-20 mA signals are possible
nothing but the atmospheric temperature
to divide equally, 0-4 mA as close loop
which surrounds us.Ambient temperature
Answer We use 4-20 mA range as a to give a calibration points for 0-25-50-75-
standard bcoz we know very well when there 100%. Because the start point is 4 the steps
is no input i.e. output must be 4 mA are 4mA.
otherwise instrument is giving wrong
Answer First the question is why can't
output(i.e. instrument not having proper
we use 3~15mA or other range, here also we
can check live zero and also we can go step
Answer There are basically 2 reasons current like 3,6,9,12,15(i.e
of using 4-20ma 0%,25%,50%,75%,100%).ok The reason is
the transmitter voltage is 24Vdc , here we
1. we can know whether the instrument is
can load max of 600 ohms, for this voltage &
working properly or not. we can distinguish
load better
"live zero" and "dead band". if there is
problem in instrument then also it is going to range is 4~20. Why 4 ~ 20 is better since we
show zero and if there is no supply then also can convert easily 1~5Vdc by put 250
it will show zero so we can differentiate this ohms.All the controllers and DCS , PLCs are
two. operated by the input of 1~5Vdc (external or
Internal convertion)
2. 4-20ma is linear with 3-15psi .
Answer Answers 5 & 6 are totally
correct.. just adding another point. 20 mA as
standard bcoz we know very well when there components intrinsically safe at hazardous
Answer the 4mA zero is termed a "live just want 2 add that why cant we use 3 mA
zero". If 0mA was the zero point there would current as lower value. The reason is that
be no way of telling if the transducer was there are many small noise signals that can
reading zero or in a fault condition eg. an be picked up by our signal wire which has
open loop. with a 4mA zero an open loop the potential of providing upto 3 mA current.
would drive the indicator eg. a recorder into So to be on the safe side to distinguish
a minus figure (-25%). The 4 - 20mA scale is between our proper field signal and the
noise pick-ups we use 4 mA as our lower HART is a digital device, so this digital signal
value will superimpose on the analog transmiiter
signal without disturbing it.
Answer ans. 5,6,7 & 8 r correct.only
two points add. Answer HART Communicator - is a
device used to communicate with the HART / ancient time,niddle type galvanometers
SMART family transmitters, used in the
are used,only if we pass 4mA current it
process control.
shows deflection.therefore 4mA.
* To monitor the PV, Current mA value,
2.if 21mA current will pass through our
Sensor Temperature,
body,man can goes dead.therefore 20mA. &
4-20 mA can divided into 5 equal %. * It is used to re-range the transmitter,
current signal which is propotional to one is the 4-20mA normal signal for the
valve close i want 20ma output and at full Question What is instrumentation
open 4ma.for the amplifier?
Answer first of all u study basics of the level of a closed system like drum
strain gauge is depends on the principle of CONTAINER X HIEGHT WILL BE TOAL FLUID
Answer in general RtD and thermister Answer Suresh has given right answer
is passive transducer and thermocouple is but it must be total Fluid as flow will depend
active transducer on velocity of fluid.
Question what is the difference Where as DC stands for Direct Current.It has
between DELTA-V & FOUNDATION FIELD zero frequency and has one positive and one
BUS? negative.Infact Dc is much powerful than AC.
if u do zero trim by opening the valves with operations,there wont be any problem in
Answer In a tank with high Pressure turbin? what's the output of viberation
and high temperature the best suited liquid sensor?
level measurement technique is using a DPT.
Answer proximeter type based on
But in this case density compensation is a
eddy current principal and its o/p in milli
must. Because
with the increase of Temperature and
Answer The answer No 1 given by
pressure in a closed tank, the density varies
Mr.Amit is absolutely correct. You may need
for every liquid.For level measurement of
some more details.The vibration sensors
solids in tanks with high pressure and
used in turbine, generator etc are all same
temperature the best way of level
type i.e proximity type of sensors. The
measurement is using a ultrasonic level
sensor are mounted at the proximity of the
transmitter. Though in case of solids,
Turbine and generator rotor.
temperature and pressure does not hamper
much in the readings. From the sensors one coaxial cable runs to
the proximiter,which is mounted in a
Answer RADAR Type Also Ok
seperate JB nearby. From TSI Monitors,this
Question calculate the rane of level use Vibration probes gets +24 Volts DC. The
of this values, h=3 meter proximeter gives a signal 0 to -22.4 Volts DC
depending upon the vibration measured by
density=0.9 , whats the rang?
the sensor. Generally the diatance between
the probe tip and the rotor is maintained
such that it gives -10 Volts DC when the Answer As the Generator output
turbine is not running. frequency remains constant usually 50Hz, so
we have to control the speed of the turbine
The sensor works on eddy current principle.
in constant speed. Govorner takes the signal
As the rotor vibration increases, the eddy
from Magnetic
current generation remains contant, but the
absorption of power in terms of eddy Pickup Unit (MPU) and operates the
current increaes. This loss of power is sensed govorning valve so that the turbine rotates in
by the proximeter and DC voltage signal is constant speed.
transmitter to TSI monitor for Measurement,
The magnetic pickup unit is mounted on
Controlling & Indication purpose.
turbine front, facing the gears of the gear
Question what r all the closed loop wheel. Generally there remains 2 or 3 nos of
used in boiler? sensors which measure the speed
simultaneously. As the turbine rotor rotates,
Answer drum level control system,
the number of gear teeth cutting by the
Master pressure control system, de aerator
sensor increases. This is counted at the
level control system r imp closed loops
sensor itself. According to this the sensor
Answer The following are the closed sends an mA signal to the govorner. And thus
Answer PLC-- PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC control device. Means PLC is sub part of DCS.
tags) quantity can be used in DCS are control system.DCS comes with its graphis
the linkage between elastic element and the 6.obviously LP side , more pressure acts and
gauge movement. current goes below 4mA. So elevate the Zero
Potentiometer to 4 mA(this is for analog
standard dp transmitter).
Answer 1.close the both HP and LP time increases due to much rungs in ladder
rootvalves diagram the both HP and LP drain valves to Answer A timer that monitors how
drain the service completely. long it takes the CPU to complete a scan.It
output an error message if the CPU scan
3.Close the drain valves. takes long.
Answer it watches the timing of the Answer We can use 0-10 volt also for
scan cycle(fetch, decode and execute)of the signal. But while signal transmission voltage
cpu, if it is out of the predefined time limit it drop will occur on lead wires. Also voltage
give the error message,, will have noise due to this we may loose
signals at receiving end. To overcome this we
are using current (4-20mA) for signals.
characteristics. Beyond this cut in voltage the using the buffer solutions,with the one
char. of transistor is linear. This nonlinear probe i,e the reference electrode and the
time.basicly this is the rotation of the phase.) viewed by the computer attached to the
main panel.
2.Voltage has to be equal.(but in practical
case votlage difference not more than 2%) Answer no BMS mean burner
managment system specially this system
3.Frequency has to be equal .(but in practical using in boiler & furnace
case Frequency difference not more than
2%) Question what will be the output of a
temperature transmitter if temperature is
4.Phase angel difference must be zero(but in 120 degree celcius?
practical case phase angel difference not
more than 7*) Answer Hi mydear friend,Transmitter
output depends on the transmitter
so we required in Synchronization Panel.2 calibrated range.With out knowing the
volt meter,2 frequency meter,Phase angel transmitter calibrated range diffucalty to tell
check Relay(CSQ) the output of the transmitter.If u calibrated
the transmitter 0-120deg.The transmitter
in case you dont have the csq you can use
ouput will be 20ma at actual temp 120 deg.If
the dark lamp mathod.
u calibrated the transmitter 0-480deg,the
Question What is BMS (Building transmitter ouput will be 8ma at 120deg
Managment System)& is AHU / HVAC are actual temp.
amount of voltage is required for turning it am not so sure about EP, but E can be used
Answer I am not sure why the range of signal to operate control valve. It's all
16mA i.e 20 - 4, but the 4mA starting is so depends on legends we are going to use in a
Answer starting with 4ma is to know and closing of a control valve and e/p have
0 Xyz
Answer earlier answer was just the full
positioner i.e. the o/p pf E/P is directaly monitoring information system used in
given to the valve actuator.And in the case of thermal pwer plants to centrally control all
I/p 4-20ma is given to it & output of I/P is the functions without going to the location.
Answer orifice is variable restriction
flow meter,it has two tapings befor Answer bi-directional Averaging Pitot
restriction and after restriction connect to Tube,Transit Time Ultrasonic Flow Meters.
differntial manometer this pressure head is
propotional to the flow rate,it is based on Question what is meant by calibration
Question what are the levels of
3. What is the first step to commission a motor). Open loop does not have controlling
plc ???
their specification?
cables. These Cables facilitate smooth output is 0 to 10 mV. There will be 4-20MA
Level Signal from Electronic for transmission? the main reason behind it
Transmitters.Hence they are speciliasied and because of electro magnetic interference the
the specificiation are voltage can get interfered very easily and we
can't get our desired o/p value.when we are
1.Triad using 4-20 mamp this problem is solved but
since, PLC is a digital device it can
understand mainly High=5V or low so we
design the sink to have a resistance as high etc.)of analog and digital I/O used in
to get the desired voltage, the 4 mamp is process control
also helpful to power the electronics at the
transmitter end. to have a 4-20 mv instead
can firstly : cause em interference and Answer all types and levels are 4-
secondly we need to have a continuous level 20ma and 0-10mv v pule etc because in
monitoring for different voltages...which can industries somthing we assume in 0mA so
increase the size of PLC . Also because of the control room is not understand outbut
change of impedance at the transmission on the panel is not display so any signal are
line the voltage can drop below 4 volt come in panel and out put is uderstand so
ocassionaly then loop powering of field 4ma any signal and it understand this
instrument will not be possible. procees is any problem .so analo and digital
I/O used in process controle application are
Answer There will be a Convector for
levels 4-20mA and 0-10v,mV
mv to ma what ever the temperature Sens
by the t/c that will convert to the ma and Answer 4-20 mA is used to
signal goes to DCS. discriminate between process 0 and
instrument 0.
Answer Voltage to current converter
using op-amp Question what is lead lag compensator
and for wat v using that???
Answer There is different module in a
PLC . Out of which one is T/C module if you Answer THe lead compasator is
connect the o/p of T/C directly to this suitable for systems having unsatisfactory
module of PLC , then the PLC will recognise transient response but it provides only a
it. limited improvment in steady state response
lag compasator is suitable for systems having
T/C module is not inbuilt we have to select it
unsatisfactory transisnt response but it
seperately. There are many modules like this
provides only a limited improvment in steady
such as RTD module, 0-10 volt module etc.
state response.lead lag compensator is used
Question Describe all types and levels in unstable system to convert the stable
(4-20mA, 0-10V, mV, pulse, system .
Answer A lead-lag compensator is a Answer In boiler Drum level
component in a control system that transmitter or level transmitter range always
improves undesirable frequency response in put -600 to 0 other -900 to 0.Because the
a feedback and control system. It is a pressur of LP side is always high aginst
fundamental building block in classical pressure of the HP side in closed tank.
control theory. We are using it in varied
Question what r the different types of
discipline such as robotics,satellite control,
instrumentation cables? give their
automobile diagnostics, laser frequency
stabilization and many more. It can also be
used in digital control. Answer Instrumentation cables such
as Pair,Tried,Individual etc.All made up of
Question Give me best instrumentation
Aluminium polyester tape and ATC drain
Books name..Ple...
having Tin-copper bridging, these wires are
Answer Instrumentation Engineering available in armoured as well as unarmoured
by A.K Shaney cables. These Cables facilitate smooth
communication of Low Level Signal from
Electronics transmitters.
Answer hook-up drgs provides CONNECTION AND IN Tx. ALSO DEFINED THE
detialed information about how to install an LSV AND USV IN Tx. IT WILL GIVE U 4 MA AT
the details of Bill Of Materials..It is necessary LEVEL.NOW THE SAME THING U CAN DO
document for project engineering as well as FOR THE COMP. MOISTURE LEVEL. TO
about the hook up including slops. calculator after downloading will get
ready made flow calculator for that .You just
Question i have 80cm water have to put input pressure ,Differnatial
can i use DPT as level mesurment.pls give pressure ,fluid viscocity and other data and
specs for that..?We have air comp.from that calculator will give you the flow at that DP
moisture comeout to one tank.i want to Pressure....http://www.flowmeterdirectory.c
mesure level of water in that tank and then om/flowmeter_orif
Question what is the difference It also isolates the dcs panel from feild
between servo valve & proportional valve? control panel..
Answer marshalling panels are used as required normal voltage between earth and
control panel..
Answer jasmeet is true but in case of Question what is meant by calibration
sensitivity like PLC application, this
diffetrence MUST be less then 0.3V Answer Calibration means a
comparison of two certain components
Answer through earth current goes to
between the standard and the components
earth, but through neutralv current goes to
to be calibrated.
neutral point of supplier. voltage diff. is zero
Answer Out put is Mv and its DC
Answer instru.....
Answer its output is mV DC
Answer t/c o/p is dc and range is mv