Elephant Project - Sayakha Gujarat

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Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)

Risk Level

Risk Level


1 Manpower 1. Incompetent to Human Injury 1 2 L Y 1.1. Trained and competent

mobilization work assessment of workers engage in
2. Unsafe behavior the task.
3. Horseplay 2.1. Explaining of Do’s and Don’ts for
4. Unattended particular activity
safety induction
3.1. No horseplay at site.
4.1. Ensure safety induction training
shall be attended prior to start work.

2 Preparation 1.Non-compliance of Body injury 1 2 L Y 1.1. Obtain safe work permit before 1 1 L
PTW procedures execute the work.
2.Unauthorized 1.2. Conducted tool box talk
personnel 2.1. Hard barricade & signage shall
3.Defective be provided to prevent
tools/equipment unauthorized entry
4.Lack of 2.2 No other activity shall be
communication allowed nearby the hydro test
5.Lack of training area. minimum 30mtr.
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)
3.1. Ensure the equipment / tools
has to be inspected prior to use
for hydro test (Such as hose,
pump, coupling, pressure gauge,
safety valve etc.) free from
defect and suitable for the
4.1. Communication shall be
done between other
agencies who are working
5.1. Training shall be provided
prior to activity.
3 Check all valves are 1. Fall of person Human injury 3 3 H Y 1.1. Safe working platform shall be 1 1 L
open and flanges are 2. Hand injury provided.
tightened properly. 3. Water spillage 2.1. Use proper hand gloves
Connect the water 4. Wet surface 3.1. Keep water collecting drum,
hose, 5. Tripping hazards whipping cloth, and buckets
Start water filling 6. Restricted entry ready. If the water gets spilled
from the vent & from any other
place, an immediate bucket shall
be placed below the leakage
point, and spilled water shall be
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)
whipped off.
4.1. Stop water filling by closing the
valves & tight the flange joints
with a spanner to stop any
4.2. Ensure no water leakage and
5.1. Ensure the area should be tidy
and clean to avoid tripping hazards.
6.1. Unauthorized persons are not
allowed to fill water tanks to prevent
falls into the water.
4 Fixing of pressure 1. Improper access Human Injury 3 3 H Y 1.1. Proper access provide to the 1 1 L
gauge at the vent 2. Unauthorized entry hydro test area
point 3. Improper barricade 2.1. Only authorized person entry.
Fix the pressure 4. Improper fixing 3.1. Proper barricading and signage
gauge with the gauge. shall be displayed on the
Hydraulic/ manual 5. Man fall from location.
pump height 3.2. Tight the gauge with a spanner
6. Incorrect tools & to check the gauge is fixed
equipment properly
7. Slip, trip hazards 5.1. Safety belt wear while working
8. Hand Injuries at height
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)
9. Lack of inspection 6.1. Hydraulic /Manual pump
should be certified by
competent person
6.2. Pressure gauge should be
6.3. Pump calibration certificate
7.1. Area should not be slippery
7.2. Area should be dry and clean
8.1. Use cut resistance hand gloves
9.1. Pump and other equipment are
need to be inspected.
5 Pressurizing the line 1. Hitting of a person Human Injury 3 3 H Y 1.1. Hydraulic pump must be 1 1 L
slowly up to the test if hose comes out certified by a competent person.
pressure. during pressurizing 1.2. All pressure gauges should be
2. Exceeding of calibration.
maximum 1.3. Tie the hose with pipe nipple
allowable pressure and pump with binding jubilee
3. Failure to free the
1.4. Whiplash arrestor shall be
safe distance provided.
1.5. Monitor the pressure constantly
at pump end and pressure
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)
1.6. While working at height use full-
body harness
1.7. Use mandatory PPE,S
1.8. Ensure the pressure the reliever
devices set at maximum
allowable pressure from the
weakest portion of the segment
to be pressure tested
1.9. Only trained person involved in
Hydro testing.
1.10. All rotating equipment shall
be secured
2.1. Keep the device is in pressure &
ensure allowable pressure & to be
tested monitor the pressure gauge
3.1. Ensure to identify the proper
safe distance from the testing
6 Check all the joints 1. Fall of Person Human Injury 3 3 H Y 1.1. While working at height use a 1 1 L
for leakage over the 2. Bolt can come out full-body harness
pipeline. and can injure the 1.2. Tie the harness with the existing
person in the area structure
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)
1.3. Ladder should be erection at a
right angle (1/4) and one person
2.1. Carefully proper work
Isolate the equipment from all
source of energy when not in use
7 Keep the water 1. Spillage of water Human Injury 3 3 H Y 1.1. Keep water collecting drum, 1 1 L
collecting drum 2. Slippery hazards whipping cloth and buckets
below the vent line 3. Accumulated water ready. If water get spilled from
and open the vent vent & from any other place,
slowly. immediately bucket shall be
Drain the water placed below the leakage point
and spilled water shall be
whipped off.
2.1. Do not leave the pressurized
hose unattended when the pressure
test is going on.
3.1. Contaminated water shall be
8 In case of During emergency 1 1 L Y 1.1. Follow site emergency plan 1 1 L
emergency 1.2. Active and trained ERT team
1.3. Available of first Aider And first
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)
AID kit & Stretcher
1.4. Emergency vehicle.
1.5. Call to Emergency Contact
1.6. Make sure approved emergency
plan by APG
Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By Reviewed By Approved By
Area Engineer Area HSE HSEM RCM APG
Name Rehmat Vijay Sahani Ranjeet Nair Joseph Stephine
Designation Engineer HSE HSEM RCM
Elephant Project – Sayakha Gujarat

Company Name : Trimurti Fabricators Pvt. Ltd. Document Number : TFPL/APG/RA-16

Project Number : 506111-2041 Revision Number : 00
Location Applicable : Pipe Rack Revision Date : 25-05-2022
Activity/Event : Hydro-test of Pipe line.
Risk A Risk Assessment & Control Measure Worksheet (RA Sheet)
Consequence / If high risk, can
Sr. Steps in Activity Initial risk level Residual
Hazard / Aspect (2) Impact the hazard be Control measures (6)
No. (1) (4) risk level (7)
(3) avoided? (5)

Guidelines on how to complete the HSRA

1. Record the hazard or aspect, e.g. exposure to noise, entering a confined space, etc.
2. Identify the worst-case effect of the hazard
3. Identify who could be affected by the risk, e.g. Project Team, Sub-consultants/contractors, Members of the public, etc.
4. Evaluate the level of risk for each hazard, by identifying its severity of harm and likelihood, using the risk matrix shown below
5. Ascertain if high risk, can hazard be avoided?
6. Identify control measures, noting that each hazard may require more than one control measure in order to reduce the level of risk to an acceptable level
7. Evaluate the level of risk for each hazard, taking into account the effect of the control measure(s)
8. Identify who is responsible for implementing or ensuring that the control measures have been implemented
9. Record the date the actions completed or due
Risk Level
Probability Severity
Severity of Harm Severity Index Likelihood Probability Index
Index Index
1 2 3

Death or major injury 3 Harm is certain or near certain to occur 3 1 L L M

Lost time injury or illness 2 Harm is likely to occur 2 2 L M H

All other injuries or
1 Harm is unlikely 1 3 M H H

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