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AS PER UHS PATTERN Ph# 0308-4448538
Total MCQs: 220
Max. Marks: 1100 Time Allowed: 150 Minute
Q.1 Study of movement of blood through different chambers of heart is called:
A) Morphology C) Histology
B) Anatomy D) Physiology
Q.2 Which of the following is a blood borne disease?
A) Hepatitis C) Influenza
B) Cholera D) Candidiasis
Q.3 The control of pests has traditionally meant regulation by natural enemies,
predators, parasites and pathogens. This type of control is known as:
A) Cultural control C) Pesticide control
B) Biological control D) Insecticide control
Q.4 Study of distribution of different species occupying different geographical areas is called:
A) Ecology C) Biogeography
B) Evolution D) Genetics
Q.5 Which of the following organelles are exclusively present in plant cells?
A) Lysosomes C) Glyoxisomes
B) Ribosomes D) Peroxisomes
Q.6 Which of the following organelles are involved in ATP synthesis by oxidative
A) Golgi bodies C) Ribosomes
B) Mitochondria D) Chloroplast
Q.7 Which of the followings type of cell division exclusively present in diploid cells?
A) Mitosis C) Nuclear mitosis
B) Meiosis D) Binary fission
Q.8 Which of the following condition arises due to non-dysjunction of autosomes?
A) Turner’s syndrome C) Mongolism
B) Klinefelter’s syndrome D) Jacob’s syndrome
Q.9 In which phase of the cell cycle, the metabolic activity of the nucleus is high?
A) Mitosis C) Meiosis
B) Interphase D) G0 phase
Q.10 Which of the followings is/are not characters of cancer cell?
A) Large and prominent nuclei C) High cytoplasm to nucleus ratio
B) Rapidly dividing cells D) Less differentiated cells
Q.11 Which of the following pairs of structures present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
A) DNA and Cytoplasm C) Cytochrome and plasma membrane
B) RNA and Ribosomes D) All of these
Q.12 In Which of the following phase of meiosis primary oocyte is arrested at the time of
A) Prophase I C) Prophase II
B) Metaphase II D) Pachytene
Q.13 In which of the following type of transport across plasma membrane ATP molecule may utilize:
A) Active transport C) Diffusion
B) Passive transport D) Osmosis
Q.14 Separation of sister chromatids start during:
A) Metaphase I C) Metaphase II
B) Anaphase I D) Anaphase II
Q.15 The bond formed between glucose and fructose to form sucrose is:
A) 1,4 glycosidic linkage C) 1,6 glycosidic linkage
B) 1,2 glycosidic linkage D) 1,3 glycosidic linkage
Q.16 Which of the following is not function of proteins?
A) Component of cellular membranes C) Defend the body against foreign pathogens
B) Transport of oxygen, lipids and metal ions D) Primary source of energy
Q.17 How much solar energy will be required for the synthesis of 1g of glucose?
A) 717.6 J C) 71.76 Kcal
B) 71.76 J D) 717.6 Kcal
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Q.18 Composition of phosphatidic acid is:
A) 1 glycerol, 1 phosphoric acid and 1 fatty acid
B) 1 glycerol, 1 phosphoric acid and 2 fatty acid
C) 3 glycerol, 1 phosphoric acid and 1 fatty acid
D) 3 glycerol, 1 phosphoric acid and 3 fatty acid
Q.19 A protein with 100 amino acids is encoded by:
A) 1000 nucleotides C) 300 nucleotides
B) 3000 nucleotides D) 100 nucleotides
Q.20 If Adenine is present 20% in DNA then concentration of Pyrimidine in DNA would be:
A) 80% C) 50%
B) 20% D) 70%
Q.21 An enzyme is working above its optimum temperature then slight decrease in temperature
A) Decrease rate of reaction
B) Increase rate of reaction
C) Will not effect on rate of reaction
D) Reaction rate will decrease on arrival optimum temperature
Q.22 Which of the following organic cofactor binds with enzyme covalently?
A) Activator C) Coenzyme
B) Prosthetic Group D) Holoenzyme
Q.23 pH of Arginase is:
A) 2 C) 9.7
B) 4.5 D) 7.6
Q.24 The structure which contain the gene for drug resistance in bacteria are:
A) Nucleoids C) Chromatin bodies
B) Mesosomes D) Plasmids
Q.25 Antibiotics that kill microbes immediately are called:
A) Microbistatic C) Biostatic
B) Microbicidal D) Chemotheurapeutic
Q.26 Which of the following is not present in HIV virus?
A) Proteins C) DNA
B) RNA D) Lipids
Q.27 Lovastatin is use to:
A) Lowering blood glucose level C) Transplant rejection
B) In treatment of migrain D) Lowering blood cholesterol
Q.28 Which of the following is not true about nematodes?
A) Coelomate C) Endoparasites
B) Round worms D) Bilateral symmetry
Q.29 This insect can be economically beneficial to humans:
A) Mosquito C) Honey bee
B) Tse-tse fly D) Locust
Q.30 Endosperm is formed as a result of:
A) Pollination C) Double fertilization
B) Self pollination D) Cross pollination
Q.31 Which of the following family is main source of food for man?
A) Family solanaceae C) Family poaceae
B) Family fabaceae D) family mimosaceae
Q.32 Potato belongs to:
A) Family solanaceae C) Family poaceae
B) Family fabaceae D) Family mimosaceae
Q.33 Digestion of which component of food in our alimentary canal starts from intestine:
A) Proteins C) Carbohydrates
B) Lipids D) Vitamins
Q.34 Digestion of proteins in stomach takes place in:
A) Slightly acidic medium C) Alkaline medium
B) Highly acidic medium D) Neutral medium
Q.35 Absorption of food takes place from:
A) Duodenum C) Ileum
B) Jejunum D) Caecum
Q.36 Sublingual glands release:
A) Water and mucus C) Water, ptyalin and salts
B) Water and Ptyalin D) Mucus, ptyalin and salts

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Q.37 Space of chest cavity increases due to:
A) Contraction of diaphragm C) Relaxation of intercostals
B) Relaxation of diaphragm D) Contraction of trachea
Q.38 When temperature of body increases then affinity of hemoglobin to bind with oxygen:
A) Decrease C) Remains constant
B) Increase D) Initially decrease then increase
Q.39 During ventricular systole:
A) Atrioventricular valves open C) Semilunar valves close
B) Atrioventricular valves close D) All valves will be open
Q.40 95% of cytoplasm of RBCs contains a protein called:
A) Myoglobin C) Antibodies
B) Haemoglobin D) Albumin
Q.41 Type of kidney stone having highest incidence rate is:
A) Calcium oxalate C) Uric acid
B) Calcium phosphate D) Cholesterol
Q.42 Maximum reabsorption of water from glomerular filtrate occurs at:
A) Proximal convoluted tubule C) Distal convoluted tubule
B) Loop of Henle D) Collecting duct
Q.43 Homeostasis refers:
A) Normal body physiology C) Sick condition
B) Abnormal body physiology D) Shrinkage of cell
Q.44 All substances are filtered through glomerulus except:
A) Water C) Proteins
B) Salts D) Glucose
Q.45 Antidiuretic hormone helps in reabsorption of water by changing permeability of:
A) Proximal tubule C) Collecting tubule
B) Distal tubule D) Loop of Henle
Q.46 Which structures respond when they are stimulated by impulse coming through
motor neuron?
A) Receptors C) Effectors
B) Responses D) Transducers
Q.47 Over-activity of sympathetic nervous system causes:
A) Disturbance of vision C) Decrease in blood pressure
B) Constipation D) Increase in heart rate
Q.48 Speed of nerve impulse is greatest in:
A) Myelinated neuron C) Neuroglia
B) Non-myelinated neuron D) All have same speed
Q.49 Part of neuron that transfers impulses to muscle fibres for contraction:
A) Dendrite C) Cell body
B) Axon D) Dendron
Q.50 It is measurement of electrical activity of brain:
Q.51 One spermatid differentiates into:
A) One sperm C) 3 Sperm
B) Two sperm D) 4 Sperm
Q.52 Breakdown of endometrium during menstruation is due to:
A) Increase in level of LH C) Increase in level of progesteron
B) Decrease in level of progesterone D) Increase in level of estrogen
Q.53 How many secondary oocyte ovulate from a non-pregnant human female in six month
A) 6 C) 4
B) 12 D) 10
Q.54 Leutinizing hormone triggers:
A) Cessation of oogenesis C) Ovulation
B) Breakdown of oocyte D) Development of zygote
Q.55 Which of the followings hormone is/are responsible to vascularize endometrium?
A) FSH C) Estrogen
B) LH D) Testosterone
Q.56 Total number of paired bones in skull is:
A) 6 C) 10
B) 8 D) 12

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Q.57 A tendon is:
A) Muscular tissue C) Inelastic tissue
B) Elastic tissue D) Cartilaginous tissue
Q.58 Tongue contains:
A) Smooth muscles C) Skeletal muscles
B) Cardiac muscles D) All of these
Q.59 Some part of ____________ may be modified to form distinct ligament:
A) Corpus Luteum C) Annulus Fibrosis
B) Fibrous Capsule D) Nucleus Pulpous
Q.60 Type of muscle cell that is always multinucleated:
A) Smooth C) Cardiac
B) Skeletal D) Visceral
Q.61 Overproduction of which hormone can cause kidney stone formation:
A) Calcitonin C) Aldosterone
B) Parathormone D) Oxytocin
Q.62 Neurosecretory cells which produce hormones are present in which part of brain:
A) Hypothalamus C) Pons
B) Hindbrain D) Cerebellum
Q.63 A hormone that increases blood glucose level by breaking down proteins is:
A) Insulin C) Cortisol
B) Glucagon D) Adrenalin
Q.64 A hormone that causes milk ejection from mammary glands:
A) Prolactin C) Oxytocin
B) Lactogen D) Estrogen
Q.65 Secretion of adrenal medulla is direct under the control of:
A) ACTH C) Sympathetic nervous system
B) Brain D) Somatic nervous system
Q.66 Which of the following is the main component of immune system?
A) Neutrophils C) Basophils
B) Eosinophils D) Lymphocytes
Q.67 An injection of dead virus or bacteria to initiate specific immune response is called:
A) Active immunity C) Humoral immunity
B) Cell mediated immunity D) Passive immunity
Q.68 Antibodies are synthesized in response to infection of:
A) Bacteria C) Toxins
B) Viruses D) All A,B,C
Q.69 Properties of immune system include:
A) Defense against pathogens C) Memory of the antigen
B) Neutralization of toxins D) All A,B,C
Q.70 It is not lymphoid organ:
A) Tonsils C) Adenoids
B) Lymphoctye D) Thymus
Q.71 ETC is located on:
A) Smooth membrane of mitochondria C) Membrane of ribosomes
B) Outer Membrane of Chloroplast D) Cristae of mitochondria
Q.72 Which of the followings is two carbon compounds:
A) Oxaloacetate C) Glyceraldehyde
B) Citrate D) Acetate
Q.73 How many pyrrol rings are present in one molecule of chlorophyll?
A) 4 B) 2
C) 1 D) 3
Q.74 Oxidative decarboxylation occurs when:
A) Citrate changes to isocitrate C) α-ketogularate to succinate
B) Fumarate into malate D) Succinate to fumarate
Q.75 It is a respiratory protein present in all aerobic organisms:
A) Cytochrome b C) Cytochrome a
B) Cytochrome c D) Cytochrome a3
Q.76 Plasmid and foreign gene combine to form:
A) Recombinant DNA C) Ribosomal DNA
B) Transgenic DNA D) Chromosomal DNA

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Q.77 The bacterial cells are more permeable to take up recombinant plasmid if they are
treated with:
A) Calcium chloride C) Calcium sulphate
B) Calcium carbonate D) Cesium chloride
Q.78 Study of gene sequencing and DNA analysis comes under:
A) Genetics C) Biotechnology
B) Inheritance D) Molecular genetics
Q.79 TAQ polymerase is:
A) RNA polymerase C) Thermo-sensitive
B) DNA polymerase D) Thermo-unstable
Q.80 Bacteriophages are used as vectors to introduce gene into:
A) Virus C) Plant
B) Bacteria D) Animal
Q.81 It is a type of interaction in which one organism is benefited and other is harmed:
A) Parasitism C) Mutualism
B) Commensalism D) Symbiosis
Q.82 A food chain having _______ trophic levels will be more stable:
A) 3 C) 4
B) 5 D) 6
Q.83 Change in community structure of an ecosystem over a period of time is called:
A) Succession B) Progression
C) Evolution D) Mutation
Q.84 Which of the followings is biotic components?
A) Humus C) Land
B) Scavenger D) Gravity
Q.85 Who proposed idea of evolution first time with evidences?
A) Linnaeus C) Malthus
B) Aristotle D) Darwin
Q.86 Natural selection directly acts on:
A) Phenotype C) Serotype
B) Genotype D) Karyotype
Q.87 Sum of all the genes present in breeding population is called:
A) Genotype C) Genome
B) Gene pool D) Phenotype
Q.88 Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by:
A) Aristotle C) Darwin
B) Lamarck D) Wallace

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