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SWBAT round multi-digit whole numbers to the nearest 1,000 and 10,000.
Big Idea
Being able to understand and explain numbers will help students make sense
of multi-digit computation and problem solving.

Today's Number Talk
For a detailed description of the Number Talk procedure, please refer to
the Number Talk Explanation. For this Number Talk, I am encouraging
students to represent their thinking using an array model.
Task 1: 9 x 12
For the first task, 9 x 12, students experimented with decomposing the
multiplicands: 9 x 12 = (3x3)x(2+5+5) and 9 x 12 = (10+2) x (5+4). Other
students experimented with doubling and halving: 9 x 12 = 18 x 6. This
student doubled and halved twice: 9 x 12 = 6 x 18 = 3 x 36.

Task 2: 18 x 12
During the next task, we discussed 18 x 12. Here, a student decomposes: 18
x 12 = (10+4x2) x (10+2). Another student decomposed by dividing the 18 and
12 by three: 18 x 12 =(3x6)x(4x3).

Number Talk Explanation.pdf

9 x 12 = (3x3)x(2+5+5).JPG

9 x 12 = (10+2) x (5+4).JPG

To begin today's lesson, I reviewed this unit's goal: I can round multi-digit
whole numbers. Pointing to the Rounding Anchor Chart, I revisited key
concepts (rounding, benchmark numbers, midpoint, and "going to the nearest
gas station when out of gas") that were covered in previous lessons. For each
concept, I asked students to turn and talk: What is a benchmark number
again? Then, we reviewed the Rounding Song to help students remember the
rounding procedures.

At this point, we moved on to guided practice with rounding.

Rounding Anchor Chart.jpg


Guided Practice
I began by asking each student to get out the Student Bent Number Line that
they created yesterday. Today, I wanted to introduce students to a vertical
number line model. I asked, Do number lines always have to be horizontal?
Can a number line also be vertical? Later on in the lesson, we will discuss this
further. I passed out a plain sheet of paper and modeled how to make
a Student Vertical Number Line. Students then placed the vertical number line
inside their sheet protectors so that a bent number line from yesterday was on
one side and the vertical number line was on the other side.
Rounding in the Real World
Once students were ready to go, I used a powerpoint presentation (Rounding
to the Nearest 1,000) to model actual circumstances in which rounding would
be helpful. I also wanted to engage students in Math Practice 4: Model with
I explained: Let's say that our principal was interested in buying some
new playground equipment and she wanted us to make some
recommendations and provide estimated costs. For the first part of
this presentation, we will be shopping for new playground equipment.
Rounding to the Nearest 1,000
For the first rounding task, I showed students a Playground Ant $2,143 and
modeled how to use the Bent Number Line and the Vertical Number Line to
round 2,143 to the nearest thousand. At first, some students thought we
should round to 2,140. Others thought we should round to 2,100. This was a
great opportunity to discuss how we should determine the closest thousands
to 2,140. I pulled out play money to model 2,000 and 3,000. I then asked, Can
we count by thousands and land on 2,140? Would we land on 2,100? How
about 2,000? Students immediately began discussing these ideas with peers
while naturally engaging in Math Practice 3: Construct Viable Arguments.
Next, we moved onto rounding $4,390 to the nearest thousand. Here, a
student is Rounding 4,390 using both a bent number line and a vertical
number line. After each new task (including 6,439, 7,581, and 9,877) students
rounded the number to the nearest thousand using both the bent and vertical
number lines. Then students volunteered to model their thinking on the
board: Rounding 9,877.
Rounding to the Nearest 10,000
Next, we moved on to rounding to the nearest 10,000. In order to provide
students with real-life examples of products that cost even larger amounts, I
researched and presented the costs of vehicles using the second half of
the Rounding to the Nearest 10,000. I explained: Let's say that we did just a
good job recommending playground equipment to our principal that she now
wants our help finding the estimated costs of new vehicles!
I showed students the first slide, Chevrolet Cruze Sedan and we discussed
how we would round to the nearest ten thousand using the Bent Number
Line and Vertical Number Line. Again, students modeled using their own
number lines (Student Model A and Studnet Model B) and volunteered to

Rounding Whole Numbers Third Grade Math 65 minutes Standards: 3.NBT.A.1 by Emily
Wakabi It's rounding time. Help young mathematicians learn to round to the nearest ten and
hundred with this teacher-approved lesson. Learning Objectives Students will be able to round
whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred using a number line as a tool. Materials and
Preparation Rounding to the Nearest 10 or 100 worksheet Sticky notes Key Terms: rounding
Attachments Rounding to the Nearest 10 or 100 PDF © 2007 - 2019 Find
worksheets, games, lessons & more at Get more lesson plans at Lesson Introduction (5 minutes) Explain that today, the class
is going to be talking about rounding numbers. Tell students, "We round numbers all the time.
For example, your family might ask you how many students are in your class. You might
respond by saying there are about 20 students in your classroom. There may be 19 or 21, but you
know there are about 20 students in your classroom, so you round to the nearest ten. Explain that
rounding just means figuring out which 10 or 100 is closer to a number. Ask your students to
share other examples of rounding. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (10 minutes) Draw a
simple number line on the board with intervals of 10 from 0 to 50. Place a dot on 43 and write 43
above the dot. Explain that you can use a number line to help you figure out which ten the
number you're trying to round is closer to. Ask, "Which ten is 43 closer to, 40 or 50? How do
you know?" Draw another simple number line on the board with intervals of 100 from 100 to
500. Explain that a number line doesn’t always have to start at 0. It can start at any number, but
the jumps have to be the same. Place a star on 189 and write 189 above the star. Ask, "What 100
is closer to 189? How do you know?" Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (15 minutes)
Distribute the Rounding to the Nearest 10 or 100 worksheet. Go over the worksheet's
instructions. Work through questions 1-4 as a class. Independent Working Time (20 minutes)
Have students complete the rest of their worksheets independently. © 2007 - 2019 Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at Get more
lesson plans at Extend Differentiation Enrichment: Students
who finish early or need an extra challenge can draw their own number line on the back of the
worksheet. Challenge them to draw their own intervals, place a dot on the number line, and
round it to the nearest ten or hundred. Support: Some students may find it difficult to place a dot
in the correct place on the number line during Independent Working Time. It may be helpful to
have the dots already placed for them so they can focus more on rounding. Review Assessment
(10 minutes) Give each student a sticky note. Give students the following problems to solve: 1.
Round the number 157 to the nearest ten. 2. Round the number 84 to the nearest hundred. Have
students write down their answers on their sticky notes. Collect the notes and review them later
to assess students' understand of the lesson content. Review and Closing (5 minutes) Ask
students some closing questions: Why is it helpful to know how to round numbers? How can we
use a number line to help us round to the nearest ten or hundred? Copyright © 2006 - 2015, Inc. All rights reserved.

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