Impact of Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring On Hemodynamic Fluctuation During General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Study
Impact of Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring On Hemodynamic Fluctuation During General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Study
Impact of Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring On Hemodynamic Fluctuation During General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Study
This study assessed the ability of a continuous non-invasive blood pressure (BP) monitoring system to reduce intra-anesthetic
hemodynamic fluctuation compared with intermittent BP cuff measurement. Forty patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty
under general anesthesia were enrolled and randomly divided into two groups (Control and CS group). BP management
was performed using the same protocol with BP measured by intermittent BP cuff in the Control and that by continuous
non-invasive BP monitoring in the CS group. We assessed the accuracy and precision of the continuous non-invasive BP
monitoring compared with BP cuff measurement using Bland–Altman, four-quadrant plot, and polar-plot analyses. Addition-
ally, the occurrence of hypotension and hypertention during general anesthesia was compared between the two groups. The
continuous non-invasive BP monitoring showed excellent accuracy of − 1.1 ± 8.1 mmHg during surgery and an acceptable
trending ability with a concordance rate of 95.1% according to the four-quadrant plot analysis and an angular concordance
rate of 86.7% by polar-plot analysis. Hypotension was less common in the CS group during induction of anesthesia (p = 0.002)
and surgery (p = 0.008). Hypertension occurred more frequently in the Control group during emergence from anesthesia
(p = 0.037). The duration of hemodynamic stability (systolic BP 80–110% of baseline) intraoperatively was longer in the CS
group than in the Control group (87.7 vs. 61.9%; p < 0.001). Accuracy and trending ability of the continuous non-invasive
BP monitoring was clinically acceptable, and lead to hemodynamic stability and reduction of intra-anesthetic hypotension
and hypertension intraoperatively.
Keywords Continuous blood pressure monitoring · Cuff measurement · General anesthesia · Hemodynamic fluctuation ·
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
American Society of Anesthesiologists [18]. Anesthesi- non-invasive BP cuff (IntelliVue MP70; Philips Electron-
ologists make decisions about hemodynamic management ics Japan Corp., Tokyo, Japan) measurement were attached.
including administration of vasopressors and fluid loading In the CS group, the ClearSight device was attached to an
based on the values obtained using a non-invasive BP cuff. index finger. Patients rested in a supine position and kept
Detection of hypertension and hypotension would be more calm in the operating theatre for 5 min. Non-invasive BP
difficult when BP was measured intermittently compared cuff measurement was then started in both groups. Systolic
with an arterial line. However, intra-arterial catheterization BP (SBPcuff), diastolic BP (DBPcuff), and mean BP (MBPcuff)
can cause complications, including hematoma, nerve injury, were measured on three occasions separated by 1-min inter-
and pseudo-aneurysm [18]. The ClearSight system (Edwards vals, and baseline value was calculated as the average of
Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA) is a monitoring system that three values. In the CS group, BP measurement by the con-
allows for continuous non-invasive BP measurement. This tinuous non-invasive BP monitoring was started simultane-
system was developed using Wesseling’s Finapres method. ously, and systolic BP ( SBPCS), diastolic BP (DBPCS), and
The Finapres system utilizes the “Physiocal” (physiologic mean BP (MBPCS) were recorded as the baseline values.
calibration) algorithm for vascular unloading. The Physiocal An intravenous line was inserted after the baseline BP
algorithm induces stepwise and intermittent BP changes, and measurements were completed. Administration of fluid was
simultaneously repeats the analysis of the photoplethysmo- initiated at 10 ml/min using Ringer’s solution containing
gram waveforms. When alternate pressure settings produce bicarbonate (Bicanate®, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.,
larger photoplethysmogram amplitudes, the feedback is used Tokyo, Japan). Five minutes after initiation of fluid adminis-
to achieve an unloaded state of the finger artery [18]. We tration, induction of anesthesia was performed using propo-
hypothesized that this continuous non-invasive BP monitor- fol 1.5 mg/kg, remifentanil 0.3 µg/kg/min, and rocuronium
ing could allow for reduced hemodynamic fluctuation during 0.9 mg/kg. Bag-mask ventilation was then performed at
general anesthesia when compared with standard intermit- around 8 ml/kg tidal volume with 100% oxygen and 4% des-
tent BP cuff measurement. flurane, and the patients were intubated after 5 min. Anesthe-
This study aimed to investigate: (1) the accuracy and sia was maintained using desflurane and remifentanil. The
precision of BP measured with the continuous non-invasive attending anesthesiologists were responsible for intraopera-
BP monitoring compared with intermittent BP cuff meas- tive administration of fluids. The depth of anesthesia was
urement during general anesthesia including induction and controlled to maintain bispectral index values (v4.0, Aspect
emergence and (2) the efficacy of the continuous non-inva- Medical System Inc, Natick, MA, USA) between 45 and 60.
sive BP monitoring allowing for reduction of hypotension Before closing the incision, the surgeon injected a steroid-
and hypertension during general anesthesia when compared containing local anesthetic periarticularly into all the soft
with BP cuff measurement was evaluated. tissues surrounding the knee. Fentanyl 2–4 µg/kg and aceta-
minophen 15 mg/kg were administered at the end of surgery
for analgesia. After the operation, sugammadex (2–4 mg/
2 Methods kg) was administered, and then the patients were extubated.
2.1 Anesthetic management
2.2 Blood pressure management
The study protocol was approved by the institutional review
board. Written informed consent was obtained from all In both groups, BP measurement by non-invasive cuff was
patients. Patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty for performed at 1-min intervals during anesthetic induction and
knee osteoarthritis under general anesthesia were enrolled. emergence from anesthesia, and with 5-min intervals dur-
The exclusion criteria were arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation, ing surgery. The investigators treating the CS group were
frequent ventricular or supraventricular premature beats); blinded to the BP values from the cuff. The BP in the CS
decreased cardiac function (preoperative ejection frac- group was controlled using the values measured by the sys-
tion < 50%); and valvular heart disease [significant (at least tem, whereas that in the Control group was managed using
moderate) regurgitation or stenosis of the aortic, mitral, or the non-invasive BP cuff values. In both groups, BP man-
tricuspid valve]. Patients were randomly divided into a Con- agement was performed using the same protocol (Fig. 1).
trol group and a CS group preoperatively. During induction of and emergence from anesthesia, BP
No premedication or intravenous infusions were adminis- was controlled to maintain S BPcuff in the Control group,
tered preoperatively, and all patients were able to take clear and SBPCS in the CS group within 90–110% of the baseline
liquids until 3 h before surgery. On arrival in the operating value. During surgery, the remifentanil infusion rate was
room, each patient was laid on the operating table and moni- controlled to maintain SBP within 80–110% of the baseline
toring devices, for pulse oximetry, electrocardiography, and value. Vasopressors or vasodilators were administered in the
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
criteria (Control group, n = 20; CS group, n = 20). There We investigated the accuracy and precision of BP
were no exclusions after randomization. As shown in measured by the continuous non-invasive BP monitoring
Table 1, there were no significant preoperative differences system. The results of Bland–Altman analysis are shown
between the two groups. in Fig. 3 and Table 2. The bias was − 3.9 ± 10.3 mmHg
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
during the procedure. The continuous non-invasive BP induction of and emergence from anesthesia (angular CR:
monitoring showed excellent accuracy and precision of 54.5 and 72.7%, respectively).
− 1.1 ± 8.1 mmHg intraoperatively but poor accuracy and Table 3 shows the intraoperative data for both groups. The
precision during induction of and emergence from anesthe- patients in the CS group had a larger urine output; despite for
sia. The trending ability of the continuous non-invasive BP the volumes of fluid administered were not different between
monitoring was also evaluated using four-quadrant and polar the two study groups. The intraoperative dose of phenyle-
plot-analyses, shown in Fig. 4 and Table 2. In the four-quad- phrine was greater in the CS group, whereas ephedrine was
rant analysis, the continuous non-invasive BP monitoring more likely to be used in the Control group (p < 0.05). The
showed excellent trending ability throughout the procedure incidence of hypotension was lower in the CS group during
(CR, 87.9% during induction of anesthesia, 97.7% intraoper- induction of anesthesia and during surgery (p = 0.002 and
atively, 90.9% during emergence from anesthesia, and 95.1% p = 0.008, respectively). Hypertension during emergence
for total operating time). In the polar-plot analysis, the angu- from anesthesia was more common in the Control group
lar bias and CR was − 9.3 ± 21.4° and 79.2%, respectively, (p = 0.037). Further, the hemodynamic stability time was
during the procedure. The continuous non-invasive BP mon- longer in the CS group than in the Control group (87.7 vs.
itoring demonstrated an acceptable tracking ability during 61.9%, p < 0.001) (Fig. 5).
surgery of − 10.7 ± 17.1° and 86.7% in angular bias and CR,
respectively. However, the trending ability worsened during
4 Discussion
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Fig. 4 Polar-plot analysis to
assess the trending ability of
changes of mean blood pressure
measured by the continuous
non-invasive BP monitoring
compared with intermittent cuff
for all measurements. The dis-
tance from the center of the plot
shows the mean percent changes
in mean blood pressure, and the
angle with the horizontal axis
means disagreement. The data
inside the limits of agreement
(i.e. ± 30° shown by dotted
lines) represents good trending
ability. ΔMBP mean percentage
changes in mean blood pressure
but worsened in patients with edema and those in whom first year after surgery (relative risk 1.036/min; p = 0.0125).
noradrenaline was administered (r2 = 0.40 and r2 = 0.28, In another study [17], intraoperative hypotension increases
respectively). Chen et al. [27] compared SBP recorded the risk of 30-day postoperative mortality. Even short dura-
by the continuous non-invasive BP monitoring with that tions of an intraoperative MBP less than 55 mmHg can cause
measured by an intermittent BP cuff in surgical patients, acute kidney and myocardial injury [31]. In vascular sur-
and report a bias of − 1.0 ± 12.6 mmHg. They also assessed gery, intraoperative hypotension defined as a 40% decrease
the trending ability for BP measurement and reported an from the preoperative MBP with a duration for > 30 min is
angular CR of 81.3% by polar-plot analysis. In the meta- associated with postoperative myocardial injury [32]. When
analysis by Kim et al. [21], the accuracy was good with using the surgical Apgar score, the lowest MBP was useful
a bias of − 2 ± 8, 5 ± 6.5, and 4 ± 7 mmHg for SBP, DBP, for predicting an outcome after surgery [33]. A continuous
and MBP, respectively. Furthermore, intraoperative cardiac recording allows the anesthesiologist to intervene soon so
output (CO) measurement using the continuous non-invasive that the patient is stable in regard to blood pressure, which
BP monitoring had a strong correlation to CO measured by could lead to a decrease in postoperative morbidity and mor-
esophageal Doppler even after phenylephrine administra- tality as well as improved long-term outcomes. As indicated
tion [29]. Therefore, the impact of acute changes in vascular in Fig. 5, the risk of intra-anesthetic hypotension was lower
resistance may not be so large in this system, which may lead in the CS group than in the Control group, particularly dur-
to acceptable trending ability of this system for BP measure- ing induction of anesthesia (90 vs. 45%, p = 0.002). It is
ment. Except in critically ill patients, the accuracy and trend- important to be able to deal with hypotension quickly during
ing ability of the continuous non-invasive BP monitoring induction of anesthesia by using the continuous blood pres-
was clinically acceptable, which can lead to intraoperative sure monitoring, because anesthesiologists may be distracted
hemodynamic stability and reduction of the incidence of during mask-ventilation and subsequent tracheal intubation.
intra-anesthetic hypotension and hypertension. Moreover, patients in the CS group were exposed to less
Perioperative morbidity and mortality as well as the hypertension during emergence from anesthesia. Although
long-term outcomes after surgery may be influenced by there were no significant differences in infusion and blood
anesthetic management, especially management of arterial loss between the two groups, the amount of urine output
BP. Intraoperative hypotension is a risk factor for periopera- was larger in the CS group due to maintenance of the renal
tive morbidity and mortality [17, 30–33]. Monk et al. [30] blood flow.
reported that every minute of hypotension in the operating As shown by Meidert et al. [34], continuous intraopera-
room increased the risk of postoperative mortality in the tive BP measurement by the ClearSight system decreased
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Fig. 5 Duration of hemody-
namic stability and incidence
of hypotension in the control
group and the CS group
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
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