Readings - Class 1
Readings - Class 1
Readings - Class 1
ratify (approve/agree to/give formal consent) the new United States Constitution.
1. The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection, No.9 - is an essay
by Alexander Hamilton. – argument against anti-federalist government based on theories
on montesquie. Believes that states shouldn’t be abolished or made smaller.
Hamilton's response to the common Anti-Federalist argument based on the
theories of Montesquieu, who wrote famously in his The Spirit of the Laws that
"it is natural to a republic to have only a small territory, otherwise it cannot long
Key terms were defined. confederate republic as a “convention by which several
smaller states agree to become members of a larger one.”
Hamilton responds to the Antifederalist charge of “consolidation,” a frequently-
used disparagement at the time that invoked images of a distant, tyrannical, and
out-of-touch centralized government and of destruction of state-level authority.
The proposed constitution, Hamilton responds, does not abolish the states, but,
rather, makes them a constituent part of the national sovereignty and leaves with
them certain exclusive and very important aspects of sovereign power.
Hamilton responded that if Montesquieu were taken literally, then since he was
thinking of dimensions far smaller even than those of the states, the Americans
would have to split themselves into "an infinity of little, jealous, clashing
tumultuous commonwealths."
Hamilton contends that the confederated federal system described in the proposed
Constitution would not suffer as Montesquieu predicted because of its de-
centralized design. He further argues that Montesquieu himself proposed a
confederation of republics as the solution.
Establish the precedent so that in the case of uprising and rebellion, the military
has more force to suppress the uprisings.
Hamilton's idea of federalism stems from his belief that there should be ways of
solving all problems that the government may have. This is seen through the
checks and balances and the distribution of power that Hamilton suggests should
be present in the U.S.
2. Federalist No. 10 is an essay written by James Madison as the tenth of The Federalist
Papers and continues a theme begun in Federalist No. 9 – the destructive nature of
factions and methods to eliminate the negative effects of faction.
Hamilton there addressed the destructive role of a faction in breaking apart the
republic. The question Madison answers, then, is how to eliminate the negative
effects of faction.
He identifies the most serious source of faction to be the diversity of opinion in
political life which leads to dispute over fundamental issues such as what regime
or religion should be preferred.
Madison's fears about factions was the unequal distribution of property in society.
He felt that people would form different factions that pursued different interests.
argued that the unequal distribution of property led to the creation of different
classes that formed different factions and pursued different class interests.
Recognizing that the country's wealthiest property owners formed a minority and
that the country's unpropertied classes formed a majority. feared that a majority
faction of the unpropertied classes might emerge to redistribute wealth and
property in a way that benefited the majority of the population at the expense of
the country's richest and wealthiest people.
Madison first assessed that there are two ways to limit the damage caused by
faction: either remove the causes of faction or control its effects.
Two methods to removing the causes of faction: first, destroying liberty, which
would work because is impossible to perform because liberty is essential to
political life and Americans fought for it during the American Revolution.
Creating a society homogeneous in opinions and interests, is impracticable. The
diversity of the people's ability is what makes them succeed more or less.
concludes that the damage caused by faction can be limited only by controlling its
small democracy cannot avoid the dangers of majority faction because small size
means that undesirable passions can very easily spread to a majority of the people
how this is not possible in a pure democracy but possible in a republic
argument in favor of a large republic against a small republic
In a large republic, where the number of voters and candidates is greater, the
probability to elect competent representatives is broader.
While in a large republic the variety of interests will be greater so to make it
harder to find a majority. Even if there is a majority, it would be harder for them
to work together because of the large number of people and the fact they are
spread out in a wider territory.
Though Madison argued for a large and diverse republic, the writers of the
Federalist Papers recognized the need for a balance. They wanted a republic
diverse enough to prevent faction but with enough commonality to maintain
cohesion among the states.
3. "The Particular Structure of the New Government and the Distribution of Power
Among Its Different Parts". Federalist No. 47 is written by James Madison. –
analyzed the importance of separation of power for the preservation of liberty through
quoting works of Montesquieu.
This paper examines the separation of powers among the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches of government under the proposed United States
Constitution due to the confusion of the concept at the citizen level.
Madison agrees with those who place great importance on the separation of
powers, especially on the point that an unequal division of power could result in
the loss of liberty.Too much power in one branch of government "is the very
definition of tyranny." Madison considers their separation essential to the
preservation of liberty.
Madison explains his use of separation of powers utilizing a prodigious amount of
support from the philosopher Montesquieu.
Montesquieu, the French political writer, formulated this principle of government.
He took the British constitution as his model, which he called "the mirror of
political liberty."
Madison continues by showing that the branches of the British government are
not completely separate and distinct. Madison shows how each branch is, in some
way, interconnected with one another.
Idea that each branch would stand alone to solely deal with its own
responsibilities is one that Madison believes is impractical and non-beneficial.
Analyzes the importance, and controversy over the separation of powers, and
checks in balances in the new constitution. By identifying the issue, analyzing
Montesquieu's philosophy of law, and connecting it to that of the states'
governments, Madison is able to fabricate a powerful, and effective essay that
persuades the citizens of the United States to look at the proposed constitution
more favorably.
4. Federalist No. 51, titled: "The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the
Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments", is an essay
by James Madison - addresses means by which appropriate checks and balances can be
created in government and also advocates a separation of powers within the national
Madison's key point is that the members of each department should have as little
dependence as possible on the members of the other departments. Each branch
should have as little influence as possible in the appointment of members of other
branches, and should also retain financial independence from one another to
prevent corruption
the legislative branch is the strongest, and therefore must be divided into different
branches and He stresses the need for the checks and balances – each state
government is divided into branches, each with separate and independent powers.
Because of the division of power, a "double security arises to the rights of the
people. The governments will control each other, at the same time that each will
be controlled by itself
Madison discusses at great length the issue of political factions and their ability to
allow the oppression of the minority opinion by the majority. He recognizes the
only way to counteract the effects of factions is to either have a "community will"
or to have a greater diversity of interest groups so that no singular faction can
become the majority. He recognizes that this first option can also lead to
injustices, so the best solution is for society to have a multitude of different
groups and classes to prevent tyranny.
Source 2: newspaper article - What's the Answer to Political Polarization in the U.S.?
Discusses factors that are causing and contributing to the political polarization in U.S and the
possible policies and solutions that can solve this problem.
While it is true that political polarization isn’t the worst right now and has been worst in
the past, it’s a low standard for a first world country with abundance of resources
Cause : Is congress the cause of polarization – it’s the founders of the party who are to be
blamed for the way and there are flays in the constitutions design.
Solution 1 – non-partisan redistricting commissions – a way to keep the politicians from
picking their voters. The efficiency of the policy is yet to be determined.
Cause: the parties have too much influence over elections.
Solution 2: nonpartisan elections. Nebraska is an example of a successful implementation
of this policy. This can be an effective solution but hasn’t gained support in congress.
Solution 3: automatic voter registration like Australia. Would more engagement reduce
polarization? Republicans however argue that voters shouldn’t be forced to vote, and this
could me a way for democrats to increase their voting amongst minority and youth.
Cause: is money the root cause of all political problems? It definitely is. Elections for
governor, senator or for the house are heavily influenced by billionaires and their money.
Conclusion: no simple solution
With the election of Donald trump, polarization is rampant and there is a strong divide
and even a sort of hatred between republicans and democrats
Source 3: how is congress coping with the reduction in congressional committee staff.
Why have the staff reduced: due to polarization, staff at home and personal officed have
been increased to handle constituent requests, power has shifted from committees to party
leaders and committees role reduced, limited federal discretionary spending makes
committees lose.
Executive agencies loan congress civil servants
Detailees are civil servants with expertise in certain fields. Agencies may feel political
pressure to supply their staff.
Congress benefits because the executives bring deep knowledge and expertise that is not
traditional. Execs can help oversee federal agencies and get in touch with branch staffers
for input on legislation or info. Congress increases its institutional capacity.
Agencies get direct insight into congressional decision-making. Detailees can represent
the agencies interests and persepctives.
Detailes can however influence polticial decision making towards the executive side and
the staff can be critical in legislation, unearthing info and investigating their own
FB – privacy – BIP
January 29, 2019
What can you do with public policy - Lobbying, government, journalists, private sector – public
policy teams (privacy, internally change the policy, etc)
Public policy sprang out of Vietnam war. John F. Kennedy was the first president to have staff.
Public policy took off in 60’s – foreign policy of the Johnson administration was a disaster, so
they focused domestically.
February 5, 2019
The executive branch – while the legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch can
determine how to interpret the law – Obama and trump administration have different methods of
understanding the same law set by legislative branch.
The chief of staff is a gatekeeper – head of EOP and WHO. It’s a management and protection
position. Chief of staff organize info, structure the staff system and prepare issues so president
can decide, control the flow into and out of the oval office, seeks advice and opinions from all
across the white house.
White house press secretary – answer question from press and communicate president’s agenda,
Executives orders: a directive that manages operations of the federal government. They have the
force of law, but only in the executive branch. They have significant influence over the internal
affairs of government. They are only issues by the president and can be rescinded or amended by
congress or another executive.
Judicial branch is the third branch of the government. It has a system of courts that interprets the
law and the organization that applies the law.
Forum shopping
There is a lot of room to interpret jurisdiction, you often see a lot of forum shopping –
particularly for people or businesses with a lot of money.
It’s the idea that you want your case heard in a court that’s going to be favorable to you