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Mathematics –III(Integral Transform & Discrete Maths)

(To be offered to CE and Allied Branches)

Subject Code KAS402

Category Basic Science Course

Subject Name MATHEMATICS-III (Integral Transform & Discrete Maths)
Theory Sessional
L-T-P Total Credit
Scheme and Credits Marks Test Assig/Att.
3—1—0 100 30 20 150 4
Pre- requisites (if any) Knowledge of Mathematics I and II of B. Tech or equivalent

Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with Laplace
Transform, Fourier Transform, their application, logic group, sets, lattices,
Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps. It aims to present the students with
standard concepts and tools at B.Tech first year to superior level that will
provide them well towards undertaking a variety of problems in the concern

The students will learn:

 The idea of Laplace transform of functions and their application
 The idea of Fourier transform of functions and their applications
 The basic ideas of logic and Group and uses.
 The idea s of sets, relation, function and counting techniques.
 The idea of lattices, Boolean algebra, Tables and Karnaugh maps.

Laplace Transform (8)

Laplace transform, Existence theorem, Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals, Initial
and final value theorems, Unit step function, Dirac- delta function, Laplace transform of periodic
function, Inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem, Application to solve simple linear
and simultaneous differential equations.


Integral Transforms (9)

Fourier integral, Fourier Transform , Complex Fourier transform, Inverse Transforms,

Convolution Theorems, Fourier sine and cosine transform, Applications of Fourier transform to
simple one dimensional heat transfer equations, wave equations and Laplace equations,
Z- Transform and its application to solve difference equations.
Module- III (8)
Formal Logic ,Group, Ring and Field: Introduction to First order logic, Proposition, Algebra
of Proposition, Logical connectives, Tautologies, contradictions and contingency, Logical
implication, Argument, Normal form, Rules of inferences, semi group, Monoid Group, Group,
Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem , Congruence relation , Cyclic and permutation groups, Properties
of groups, Rings and Fields (definition, examples and standard results only)

Module- IV (10)

Set, Relation, function and Counting Techniques - Introduction of Sets, Relation and
Function, Methods of Proof, Mathematical Induction, Strong Mathematical Induction, Discrete
numeric function and Generating functions, recurrence relations and their solution , Pigeonhole

Module- V (10)

Lattices and Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Partially ordered sets, Hasse Diagram, Maximal
and Minimal element, Upper and Lower bounds, Isomorphic ordered sets, Lattices, Bounded
Lattices and , Distributive Lattices.

Duality, Boolean Algebras as Lattices, Minimization of Boolean Expressions, prime Implicants,

Logic Gates and Circuits, Truth Table, Boolean Functions, Karnaugh Maps.

Text Books

1. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics; John Wiley & Sons.

2. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger: Adnanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing
3. C.L.Liu: Elements of Discrete Mathematics; Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi.
4. S. Lipschutz, M.L. Lipson and Varsha H. Patil: Discrete Mathematics; Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi
5. B. Kolman , Robert C. Busby & S. C. Ross: Discrete Mathematical Structures’ 5th
Edition, Perason Education ( Singapore), Delhi, India.

Reference Books

1. B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

2. B.V. Ramana: Higher Engineering Mathematics; Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi.
3. Peter V.O’ Neil. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomas ( Cengage) Learning.
4. Kenneth H. Rosem: Discrete Mathematics its Application, with Combinatorics and Graph
Theory; Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
5. K.D. Joshi: Foundation of Discrete Mathematics; New Age International (P) Limited,
Publisher, New Delhi.


Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s

Level (KL)
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
Remember the concept of Laplace transform and apply in solving
CO 1 K1 & K3
real life problems.
Understand the concept of Fourier and Z – transform to evaluate
CO 2 K2 & K4
engineering problems
Remember the concept of Formal Logic ,Group and Rings to
CO 3 K1 & K5
evaluate real life problems
Apply the concept of Set, Relation, function and Counting
CO 4 K3
Apply the concept of Lattices and Boolean Algebra to create
CO 5 Logic Gates and Circuits, Truth Table, Boolean Functions, K3 & K6
Karnaugh Maps
K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analyze, K5 – Evaluate, K6 – Create
Evaluation methodology to be followed:
The evaluation and assessment plan consists of the following components:
a. Class attendance and participation in class discussions etc.
b. Quiz.
c. Tutorials and assignments.
d. Sessional examination.
e. Final examination.

Award of Internal/External Marks:

Assessment procedure will be as follows:
1. These will be comprehensive examinations held on-campus (Sessionals).
2. Quiz.
a. Quiz will be of type multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks or match the columns.
b. Quiz will be held periodically.
3. Tutorials and assignments
a. The assignments/home-work may be of multiple choice type or comprehensive type at
least one assignment from each Module/Unit.
b. The grades and detailed solutions of assignments (of both types) will be accessible online
after the submission deadline.
4. Final examinations.
These will be comprehensive external examinations held on-campus or off campus (External
examination) on dates fixed by the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.

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