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Eight Semester B.E.

Degree Examination,
CBCS - Model Question Paper - 3
FiBer oPTiCS and neTworkS
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80
Note : Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each module.

Module - 01
1. a. Briefly discuss modified chemical vapour deposition (MCVD) process of
fabrication of optical fiber, with neat diagrams. (06 Marks)
Ans. Modified chemical vapour deposition (MCVD)
● The MCVD process involves depositing ultra fine, vapourized raw materials into
premade silica tube. A hollow silica tube is heated to about 1500oc and a mixture
of oxygen and metal halide gasses is passed through it.
● A chemical reaction occurs within the gas and glass 500 temperature is formed
and deposited on the inner side of the tube, the soot that develops from this
deposition is consolidated by heating.

● The tube is rotated while the heater is moved to and along the tube and the forms
a thin layer if silica glass.
● The rotation and heater movement ensure that the layer is of constant thickness.
● The first layer that is deposited forms the cladding and by changing the constituents
of the incoming gas the refractive index can modified to produce the core. Graded
index fiber is produced by careful continuous control of the constituents.
● The temperature is now increased to about 1800oc and the tube is collapsed to
form a solid rod called a perform, the perform is about 25mm in diameter and 1m
in length, this will produce 25km of fiber.
● The perform is placed at a height called a pulling tower and its temperature is

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increased to about 2100oc. To prevent contamination, the atmosphere is kept dry
and clean.
● The fiber is then pulled as a fine strand from the bottom, the core and cladding
following towards the pulling point. Laser gauges continually monitor the
thickness of the fiber and automatically adjust the puling rate to maintain required
thickness, after sufficient cooling the primary buffer is applied and the fiber is
1. b. Discuss briefly the inherent advantages of optical fibers over conventional
copper systems. (06 Marks)
Ans. Advantages of optical fiber copper systems.
i) Greater Bandwidth
● Copper cables were originally designed for voice transmission and have a limited
● Fiber optic cables provide more bandwidth for carrying more data than copper
cables of the same diameter.
ii) Faster speeds
● Fiber optic cables have a core that carries light to transmit data this allows fiber
optic cables to carry signals at speeds that are only about 31 percent slower
than the speed of light faster than cat 5 or cat 6 copper cables, also less signal
degradation with fiber cables.
iii) Longer distance
● Fiber optic cables can carry signals much farther than the typical 328 foot
limitation for copper cables.
Eg; some 10Gbps single mode fiber cables can carry signals almost 25 miles, the
actual distance depends on the type of cable, the wavelength and the network.
iv) Better reliability
● Fiber is immune to temperature changes, severe weather and moisture all of
which can hamper the connectivity of copper cable.
● Fiber does not carry electric current, so its not bothered by detromagnative
Interference (EMI) that can interrupt data transmission.
v) Thinner and sturdier
● Compared to copper cables, fiber optic cables are thinner and lighter in weight.
Fiber can withstand more pull pressure than copper and is less prone to damage
the breakage.
vi) More flexibility for the future
● Media converts make it possible to incorporate fiber into existing networks, the
converts extend UTP Ethernet connections over fiber optic cable.
vii) Lower total cost of ownership
● Some fiber optic cables may have a higher initial cost than copper the durability
and reliability of fiber can make the total cost of ownership lower and costs
continue to decrease for fiber optic cables and related components as technology

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1. c.A GRIN fiber with parabolic refractive index profile core has a refractive index
at the core axis of 1.5 and relative index difference at 1%. Calculate maximum
possible core diameter that allows singe mode operation at  m.
(04 Marks)
Ans. Given
For a GRIN 
Maximum value of normalized frequency for single mode operation is given by
 2
1/ 2

V  2.4 1  
 
 2
1/ 2

V  2.4 1  
 2
V  2.4 2
Maximum core radius is given by expression
a V
2n  2 1/ 2
2.4 2 1.3106

21.5  0.02 
1/ 2

a  3.3m
Maximum core diameter which allows single mode operation is 6.6m.
2. a. Distinguish between
i) Single mode versus multi mode fibers.
ii) Step index and graded index fibers. (08 Marks)
Ans. i) Single mode fiber and multi mode fiber
Single mode fiber Multi mode fiber
(i) Core diameter 2 to 10m which is (i) Core diameter 50m or grater
(ii) Allows only one transverses EM (ii) Allows many hence considerable
mode of propagation. dispersion due to differing group
velocity of propagating modes.

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Advantages Advantages
(a)Low inter modal dispersion (a)Separately in coherent optical source
(b)B.W is more (LED‟s) can be efficiently coupled.
(c)Less efficient (b) Larger NA, core diameter, easier to
(d)Small NA, core diameter hence couple optical sources.
coupling is difficult.
ii) Single mode and graded index fibers
Parameter Step index fiber Graded index fiber
1 Data rate Slow Higher
Coupling efficiency with
2 Coupling efficiency Lower coupling efficiency
fiber is higher
By total internal Light ray travels in
3 Ray path
reflection oscillatory fashion
n1  n2 n12  n 22
4 Index variation  
n1 2n12

Changes continuously with

5 Numerical Aperture NA remains same
distance from fiber axis
Normally plastic or glass
6 Material used Only glass is preferred
is preferred
7 Bandwidth efficiency 10-20 MHz/km 1GHz/km
Pulse spreading by fiber
8 Pulse spreading Pulse spreading is less
length is more
Less typically 0.34 dB/ More 0.6 to 1dB/ km at
9 Attenuation of light
km at 1.3m 1.3m
10 Typical light source LED LED, lasers
Subscriber local network Local and wide area
11 Applications
communication networks
2. b. Derive necessary mathematical condition that the angle of incidence “” must
satisfy for the optical skew ray to propagate in step index fiber. (08 Marks)

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● Skew ray is incident at point “A” ∟s normal at the fiber end face.
● At point „A‟ ray is refracted at air-core interface and propagate to point „B‟ in the
same plane.
● At point „B‟, Angle of incident and reflection are  (> c) and it is equal to cos 
because both are in same plane.
● Resolve the direction of ray path A,B at point B to the core radius.
● At point B the incident and reflected rays are in same plane this is simply cos
● However of the two perpendicular plane through which ray AB is traverses then 
is the angel between the radius and the projection of ray on to a plane BRS normal
to the core-axis.
●  is the angle between ray Ab and lene At drawn parallel to core-axis.
● Resolving the ray path AB relative to radius BR in two perpendicular planes
requires multiplication of cos and sin.
At point „B‟ reflection of ray at an angle  is given by,
cos  sin  cos
 sin2 
Considering limiting case for TIR c for core- cladding interface
Sin  2

Eq1becomes cos sin   n  n 22 

2 1/ 2

Using snell‟s law at point „A‟, no sin a=n 1sin 
a→Maximum acceptance angle / axial angle for meridional rays
→Internal axial angle.
Substituting for sin, gives,
n cosc n
sin as  n 1 cos   1ncos  1 2 n
n 2 
2 1/ 2

0 0  1 

Where as = max input acceptance angle for skew rays

Inequality equation not exists
now the above expression has all limiting cases
● Thus acceptance angle for skew rays
 2 n 2 
1/ 2
n 0 sin as cos   2
1 NA
for air n0=1 NA= sin ascos 
● Skew rays are accepted at large angles than meridional rays depending on cos
● If  = and cos=1 than NA= sin ~ meridional rays minimum angle for skew
as a a
rays which travel near outer surface of core.
● Which do not fully utilize core as transmission medium.

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Module -02
3. a. Explain the different types of bending losses in optical fiber. (06 Marks)
Ans. a. Bending loss
● Losses due to curvature and losses caused by an abrupt change in radius of
curvature are referred to as bending losses.
● The sharp bend of a fiber causes significant radiative losses and there is also
possibility of mechanical failure this is shown in figure below,

Core Normal
Escaped ray
Light ray

Fig Bending loss

● As the core bends the normal will follow it and the ray will now find itself on the
wrong side of critical angle and will escape the sharp bends are therefore avoided.
● The radiation loss from a bent fiber depends on
(i) Field strength of certain critical distance from fiber axis where power is lost
through radiation.
(ii) The radius of curvature R
● The higher order modes are less tightly bound to the fiber core, the higher order
modes radiate out of fiber firstly.
● For multi mode fiber, the effective number of modes that can be guided by curved
fiber is given expression.
 
N  N  1    2  2a   2 2 / 3 

2 R
 

2n k

 
    s R   
 is graded index profile
∆ is core cladding index difference
n2 is refractive index of cladding 2 
k is wave propagation constant  
  
N∞ is total number of modes in straight fiber N   n1Ka  

Micro bending

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Fig Micro bending
● Micro bending is a loss due to small bending or distortions this small micro
bending is not visible the losses due to this are temperature related, tensile related
or crush related.
● The effects of micro bending on multi mode fiber can result in increasing
attenuation (depending on wavelength) to a series of periodic peaks and troughs
on the spectral attenuation curve.
● These effects can be minimized during installations and testing figure above
illustrates the micro bending.
Macro bending
● The change in spectral attenuation caused by macro bending is different to micro
bending. Usually there are no peaks and troughs because in a macro bending no
light is coupled back into the core from the cladding as can happen in the case to
micro bends.
● The macro bending losses are cause by large scale bending of fiber the losses are
eliminated when the bends are straightened the losses can be minimized by not
exceeding the long term bend radii.
● Figure below illustrates the macro bending.



Fig Macro bending

3. b. Discuss different typer of non-linear scattering losses. (06 Marks)
Ans. Non - linear scattering losses
● Wave guide of optical do not always behave as completely linear channel out put
power proportional to input power.
● Several non linear effects causes disproportionate scattering (attenuation) at high
optical power levels.
● This causes optical power to transfer from one mode to another either of same or

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different modes either in forward or backward direction.
Two types of non linear scatterings
(i) Stimulated brill down scatterings
(ii) Raman scattering.
Stimulated Brillown scattering(SBS)
● Modulation of light through thermal molecular vibrations within the fiber the
scattering light appears as upper and lower side bands separated from incident
● Incident photon in this scattering process a photon of acoustic frequency as well
as scattering photon.
● This produces optical frequency shift which varies with the scattering angle
because sound wave varies with acoustic wavelength the frequency shift is
maximum in the background direction, reducing to zero in forward direction
making SBS a mainly backward process.
● With minimum threshold power density, the stimulated Brillown scattering
PB= 4.4×10-3 d22d B V watts
Where d and  → diameter and operating  (m)
dB→ fiber attenuation in dB/km
V= source bandwidth (GHz)
Stimulated Raman scattering(SRS)
● Similar to SBS except high frequency optical phonon rather than acoustic phonon
generated in the scattering process.
● SRS can occur both in forward and backward directions optical power
threshold=3* optical power threshold of Brillian threshold.
P =5.9×10-2d2d  watts
Eg; problem;-
● A long single mode optical fiber has an attenuation of 0.5 dB/km at =1.3m
diameter of core is 6m and laser source B.W is 600MHz compare threshold
optical powers for Brillown and Raman scattering.
P  4.4 103 d2 2 d V

PB  80.3mw
P  5.9 102 d2d

PR  1.38 watt

3. c. Briefly explain the Chromatic dispersion in optical waveguides. (04 Marks)

Ans. Chromatic dispersion
● The combination of material dispersion and wave guide dispersion is called
chromatic dispersion these losses primarily concern the spectral width of
transmitter and choice of correct wavelength.
● A graph of effective refractive index against wavelength illustrated the effects of

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material chromatic and wavelength dispersion.

1.47 Chromatic dispersion
Effective 1.46
refractive Waveguide dispersion
Material dispersion

500 1000 1500 2000

Wavelength (m)
Fig: Graph of effective refractive index against wavelength showing effects of
chromatic, waveguide, and material dispersion.
● Material dispersion and waveguide dispersion effects vary in opposite sense as the
wavelength increased, but an optimum wavelength around 1300 nm, two effects
almost cancel each other and chromatic dispersion is at minimum. Attenuation
is therefore also at minimum and makes 1300nm a highly attractive operating
4. a. Name the requirements of a good connector design. Explain the different types
of optical fiber connection used. (08 Marks)
Ans. Requirements of good connector design
(i) Low coupling loss
(ii) Inter changeability - No variation is loss whenever a connector is applied to a
(iii) Ease of assembly
(iv) Low environmental sensitivity
(v) Low cost - The connector should be in expensive also the tooling required for
(vi) Reliability operation.
(vii) Ease of connection
(viii) repeatability - connection and reconnection many times without an increase in
Connector types
● Connectors use variety of techniques for coupling such as screw on, bayonet
mount, push-pull configurations, butt joint and expanded beam fiber connectors.
Butt joint connectors
● Fiber is epoxied into precision hole and ferrules are used for each fiber the fibers
are secured in a precision alignment sleeve, but joints are used for single mode as
well as for multi mode fiber systems.
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Two commonly used butt joint alignment designs are
(i) Straight - sleeve
(ii) Tapered - sleeve / Biconical
● In straight sleeve mechanism, the length of the sleeve and guided ferrules
determines the end separation of two fibers.
● Figure below shows straight sleeve alignment mechanism of fiber optic connectors.
Guide ring

Fiber Ferrule

Fig Straight sleeve connector

● In tapered sleeve or biconical connector mechanisms, a tapered sleeve is used to
accommodate tapered ferrules the fiber and separations are determined by sleeve
length and guide rings.
● Figure shows tapered sleeve fiber connectors

Alignment ring
Guide ring


Fig Tapered Sleeve connector

4. b. With the help of neat diagram discuss the structure of multi mode step index
fibers with appropriate mathematical equations. (08 Marks)
Ans. Multi mode step index fibers
● Multi mode fibers may be fabricated from either multicomponent glass compounds
or doped silica these fibers can have reasonably large core diameters and large
numerical aperture to facilitate efficient coupling to incoherent light source such
as LED‟s.
● The performance characteristics of this fiber type may vary considerably fibers
exibit the best performance.
● Multicomponent glass and doped silica fibers are often referred to as

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multicomponent glass/ glass and silica, respectively.
● A typical structure for glass multi mode step index fiber is shown in figure below,

Core diameter : 100 to 300m
Cladding diameter : 140 to 400m
Buffer jacket diameter : 400 to 1000m
Numerical aperture : 0.16 to 0.5
Performance characteristics
Attenuation : 2.6 to 50dB km-1 at a wavelength of 0.85 m.
Bandwidth : 6 to 50MHz km
Applications : These fibers are best suited for short haul, limited bandwidth and
relatively low cost applications.
● The light ray is propagated using the principle of total internal reflection (TIR)
since the core index of refraction is higher than the cladding index of refraction
the light enters at less than critical angle is guided along the fiber.
● Light rays passing through the fiber are continuously reflected off the glass
cladding towards the centre of the core at different angles and length, limiting
overall bandwidth.
Module - 03
5. a. Give comparison between laser diode and light emitting diode. Considering the
various parameters. (06 Marks)
SL No Parameter LED LDC laser diode
1 Principle of operation Spontaneous emission Stimulated emission
2 Output beam Non- coherent Coherent
Board spectrum (20nm-
3 Spectral width Much narrow (1-5nm)
4 Data rate Low Very high
5 Transmission distance Smaller Grater
6 Temperature sensitivity Less sensitive More temperature sensitive
7 Coupling efficiency Very low High
Multi mode step index Single mode SI multi mode
8 Compatible fibers
multimode GRIN GRIN

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9 Circuit complexity Simple Complex

10 Life time 105 hours 104 hours
11 Cost Low High
Linearly proportional to Proportional to current
12 Output power
drive current above threshold
Drive current 50 to Threshold current 5 to 40
13 Current required
100mA peak mA
14 Wavelength available 0.66 to 1.65m 0.78 to 1.65m
Moderate distance low Long distance high data
15 Applications
data rate rates
5. b. Explain the three factors which affects the response time of a photodiode.
(06 Marks)
Ans. The response time of photo diode together with its output circuit depends mainly on
the following three factors.
(i) The transit time of the photon carries in the depletion region.
The transit time td depends on the carrier drift velocity Vd and the depletion layer
width W, and is given by,
td 
(ii) The diffusion time of the photo carriers generated outside the depletion region.
(iii) RC time constant of the circuit the circuit after the photo detector acts like RC
low pass filter with a passband given by
2R T C T
RT  Rs RL and CT  Ca  cd
● The photo diode parameters responsible for these three factor [transient time,
diffusion time, RC time constant] are
(i) Absorption co-efficient 
(ii) Depletion region width
(iii) Photo diode junction and package capacitance
(iv) Amplifier capacitance
(v) Detector load resistor
(vi) Amplifier input resistance
(vii) Photon diode series resistance.

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Slow carrier
Output Fast carrier response

0 10 102 103
5. c. Explain with the help of neat diagram, distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode.
(04 Marks)
● Cleaved facts are not required for optical feed back.
● This device is similar to the fabry - perot type except lasing action is obtained
from brag reflectors (gratings) a variations of R.I along diode.
Laser mode
● Optical radiation in resonance cavity of a laser diode sets up a pattern of electric
and magnetic field lines called the modes of the cavity.
Modes TE and TM are two independent set of modes
Each set of mode can be described in terms of
(i) Longitudinal modes
● Are related to L of the cavity and determines optical radiation. Since L > lasing
wavelength  ~ 1m many longitudinal modes can exist.
Lateral modes
● Lies in the plane of p-n junction.
● These modes depend on the side wall preparation and the width of the cavity and
distance the lateral profile of the laser beam.

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Transverse mode
● These mode are associated with electro magnetic field and beam profile in the
direction perpendicular to the plane of p-n junction.
● These modes are of grate importance, since they largely determines such laser
characteristics as the radiation pattern and threshold current density.
6. a. Explain the receiver sensitivity of an optical receiver. Derive an expression for
receiver sensitivity. (06 Marks)
Ans. a. Receiver sensitivity
● Optical communication system uses BER to specify receiver performance.
● To achieve a desired BER at a given data rate, a specific minimum average optical
power level at photo detector input is required.
● This minimum power level is called receiver sensitivity.
● Receiver sensitivity gives a measure of minimum average power necessary to
maintain a maximum (worst case BER) at specific data rate.
Analysis as follows
Signal currents from 1 and 0 pulses are I1 and I0 respectively and their noise current
variation  and  respectively and no optical power for zero pulses yields
I I I
Q 1 0  1
1  0 1  0
Ip q Im b  boff
but R   and M  Q  m
Pin  Ip
m  off
● The receiver sensitivity
Ip Im
But R  Ip Ip and
 
Pin  P1  R PR

P1 I1
Psensitivity   Q     / 2Rm  A
1 0
2 2Rm
Where R= unity gain transmission and M is the gain of photo diode.
● If no amplifier in transmission link, then only thermal noise and shot noise.
● Thermal noise is the noise in the receiver and incoming optical signal power but
shot noise depends on the receiver pulse the noise variances for 0 and 1 are

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20  2Tand2 1 2 T 2 shot

0  T and 1   2T  2shot 

1/ 2
wehave2shot  2qIp Be M2 FM 
 2qRp 1Be M FM

  2Psen   Be M F  M 
 2q R 2}electrical B.W Be
 4q R Psensitivity M FM.B/ 2

4K T B
 2  B
RL 2
Solving for P sensitivity by substituting
1   2shot  2T  and 0  0
1/ 2

Psensitivity   Q  q MFMBQ 
 R  M    
    
 
1/ 2
  2     

 shot T 
Psensitivity  T

2 RM

Q 2qR Psensi M2 FM  T2   T

1/ 2

 
Psensitivity 
 2RM Psen 2  2q R Psensi M2 FM  2

 
T  T
 
After simlification weget
Q qQB MF  M  
Psensi    T 
RM 2 
 

6. b. Discuss the operation of detector with appropriate diagrams. (06 Marks)
Ans. PIN photo diode
● PIN diode consists of an intrinsic semiconductor sand witched between two
heavily doped p-type and n-type semiconductor as shown in fig below.

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Intrinsic layer

P + – n

Bias V0
voltage nv photons

● Sufficient reverse voltage is applied so as to keep intrinsic region free from

carrier, so its resistance is high, most of diode voltage appears across it and the
electrical forces are strong within it the incident photons give up their energy and
excite an electron from valance to conduction band thus a free electron hole pair
is generated, these are called as photo carriers. These carriers are collected across
the reverse biased junction resulting in rise in current in external circuit called
photo current.
● In the absence of light, PIN photo diodes behave electrically just like an ordinary,
rectifier diode, If forward biased, they conduct large amount of current.
● PIN detectors can be operated in two modes Photo voltaic and photo conductive.
In photo voltaic mode, no bias is applied to the detector. In this case the detector
works very slow, and output is approximately logarithmic to the input light load,
real word fiber optic receivers never use the photo voltaic mode.
● In photo conductive mode, the detector is reverse biased the output in this case is
a current that is very linear with the input light power
● The Intrinsic region some what improves the sensitivity of the device. It does
provide internal gain the combination of different semiconductors operating at
different wavelength allows the selection of material capable of responding to the
desired operating wavelength.
6. c. Briefly explain the “Quantum limit”. (04 Marks)
Ans. Quantum limit
The minimum received power level required for a specific B.E.R performance with
all system parameters are assumed to be ideal is called Quantum limit.
● The received power is found for an ideal photo detector, when quantum =1 and
which does not produce dark current.
If an optical pulse of energy E falls on photo detector in time internal  and if no
e-hole pairs are generated, then the probability that =0 e are emitted in a time
interval t is Pr 0 e

Module - 04
7. a. Explain the operation of a polarization independent isolator with neat diagram.
(08 Marks)
Ans. Refer Model Q.P II Q.No 7a

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7. b. Write a note on MEMS technology. (08 Marks)
● A MEMS (micro electro mechanical system) is a miniature machine that has both
mechanical and electronic components the physical dimension of MEMS can
range from several milimeters to less than one micro meter a dimension many
times smaller than the width of a human air.
● The label MEMS being used to describe both a category of micro mechanic
device and the processes used when manufacturing them. Some MEMS don‟t
even have mechanical ports yet they are classified as MEMS, because they
miniaturize structures used in conventional machinery such as springs, chands,
cavities, holes and membranes.
● Some MEMS device convert a measured mechanical signal into an electrical or
optical signal, they also referred to as transducers.
● Unlike conventional mechantronic devices MEMS are often manufactured with
the some batch fabrication techniques used to create integrated circuits (IC‟s)
and many commercial MEMS product are integrated and packaged together with
● MEMS was an emerging technology a few years ago, but today most people
interact with MEMS on a daily basis. Each new auto mobile that rolls off an
assembly line has at least 50 MEMS, they are important components in various
mandated safety systems, including sir bags, electronic stability control (ESC)
and tire pressure monitoring system(TPMS).
● Other commercial applications MEMS include,
(i) Sensor driven heating and cooling systems for building management systems.
(ii) Micro mirror arrays for high definition projection systems
(iii) Smart dust for the detection of environmental changes in molecular manufacturing
(nanotechnology) clean rooms.
(iv) Micro nozzles to control the flow of link in inkjet printers.
(v) Tiny gyroslopes, barometers, accelerometers and micro phones to support mobile
(vi) Disposable pressure sensors for use in heath care.
(vii) Optical switching devices that all one optical signal to control another optical
8. a. Explain with help of relevant diagrams various application of fiber Bragg
gratings. (08 Marks)
● A grating is an important element in WDM systems for combining and separating
individual wavelengths.
● A Bragg gratting constructed with an optical fiber constitutes a high - performance
device for accessing individual wavelength in the closely spaced spectrum device
WDM systems.

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● Since this fiber bragg grating (FBG) is an all fiber device, its main advantages are
low cost, low loss (around 0.3 dB), ease of coupling with other fibers, polarization
insensitivity, low temperature co- efficient and simple packaging.
● Figure below shows a simple concept of a demultiplexing function using a fiber
bragg grating.
Fiber Bragg grating
    1 2   

 Throughout
3  wavelength
Fig Simple Concept of Demultiplexing function using fiber grating of an
optical circulator
● To extract the desired wavelength, a circulator is used in conjunction with the
grating. Here the four wavelength enter through port 1 of the circulator and leave
from port 2.
● All wavelengths except 2 pass through the grating, since  2 satisfies the bragg
conditions of the grating it gets reflected, enters port 2 of the circulator, and exists
at port 3.
● To create a device for combining or separating N wavelengths; one needs to
cascade N-1 FBG‟s and N-1 circulators.
● Figure below illustrates a multiplexing function for the four wavelengths  
  using three FBGs and three circulators (Labeled c2, c3, and c4).
● The fiber grating filters labeled FBG2, FBG3 and FBG4 are constructed to reflect
wavelengths   and  respectively and to pass all others.

FBG2  1 2
C2 
 
 3

 
 ports
  

FBG4    
   
C3 C4

  
● First consider the combination of circular c2 and fiber FBG2. Here filter FBG2
reflects wavelength  and allows wavelength  to pass through. After wavelength
 passes through FBG2 it enters port 2 of circulator c2 and exist from port 3.

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● Wavelength  enters port 1 of circulator c2 and exist from port 3 together with
wavelength 
● Next at circulator c3 wavelength  enters port 3 of circulator c3 and exists from
port 1 travels FBG3. After being reflected from FBG3 it enters port 1 of circular c3
and exist from port 2 together with wavelength  and 
● After a similar process takes place at circular c4 and filter FBG4 to insert
wavelength . The four wavelengths all exit together from port 2 of circular c 4
and can be coupled easily into a fiber.
8. b. What are the optical amplifiers? Describe with the help of a sketch the
semiconductor optical amplifier. (08 Marks)
Ans. Optical Amplifier
● Most optical amplifiers amplify incident light through stimulated emission. An
optical amplifier is nothing but a laser without feedback optical gain is achieved
when the amplifier is pumped optically or electrically to achieve population
● Optical amplification depends on (i) Frequency (wavelength) of incident signal
(ii) Local beam intensity.
● Figure below shows basic operation of optical amplifier.
● The external pump source energy is absorbed by the electrons in the active
medium. The electrons shifts to the higher energy level producing population
inversion photons of incoming signal triggers these excited electrons to lower
level through a stimulated emission process, producing amplified optical signal.

Optical Active Amplified

input Coupler Coupler optical


Semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA)

● SOA is a laser diode without end mirrors and with anti reflection coating coupled
to both fiber ends.
● Light coming in either fiber is amplified by a single pass through the laser diode.
SOA is an alternative of EDFA.
● Active medium consists of alloy semiconductor (P, Ga, In, As).
● SOA works in both low attenuation windows  1300nm and 1550nm.
● The 3dB bandwidth is about 70nm becuase of very broad gain spectrum.
● SOA consumes less power and has fewer components.
● Two major types of SOA are (i) Fabry - perot amplifier (FPA) (ii) Traveling
wave amplifier(TWA).
● SOA has rapid gain response 1ps to 0.1ns.

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VIII Sem (CSE/ISE) Fiber optics and networks

Module - 05
9. a. Briefly, explain the basic structure of optical network and also four network
terminology with diagram. (08 Marks)
Ans. A networks utilizing optical fiber as a transmission medium provides a connection
between many users to enable them to communicate with each other by transporting
information from a source to a destination.
● It may also require an intermediate stage to process the data for control operation,
thus each stage of information transfer is required to follow the fundamentals of
optical networking.
● These fundamentals essentially involve the methodology for the inter connection
of various optical signals between the source and the destination nodes.
Optical node 
 Light paths (Logical links)


Optical fiber link
(Physical link)

Fig Optical network structure
● Figure above shows the structure of a simple optional network. It consist of
optical nodes inter connected with optical fiber links.
● An optical node is a multifunctional element which basically acts as a transceiver
unit capable of receiving, transmitting and processing the optic signal.
Commonly used topologies for distributed networks are

(a) Bus (b) Ring (c) Ring (d) Mesh

● Linear bus configuration is similar to Ethernet topology using co - axial.
● A single fiber cable carries the multi channel optical signal through the area of
service distribution is done by using optical taps which divert a small fraction of
optical power to each situation.
● In the ring configuration the data usually circulates unidirectionally, being looped
through the nodes at each coupling point and hence it is repeatedly regenerated
in phase and amplitude.

20 SVCE, Bengaluru
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● The full mesh topology, however, although complex, is often preferred for
the provision of either a logical or virtual topology due to it flexibility and
interconnectivity features.
9. b. Explain the following
i) Wavelength division multiplexed networks
ii) Public telecommunication network. (08 Marks)
Ans. (i) Wavelength division multiplexed networks;
● Optical fiber networks using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) techniques,
can be classified as either broad cast - and - select network or wavelength routing

Fixed Transmitter Tunable receivers

TX  Star coupler RX

TX  RX
TX   RX
 n
● A broadcast and select networks strategy based on a star coupler is shown in
above figure.
● The optical transmission is broadcast to all other node using fixed transmitters
and tunable receiver at the destination node extracts the desired signal from the
entire group of wavelength multiplexed transmitted signals ( n)
● It should be noted that all transmissions are broadcast to all the networks nodes
and hence most of the transmitted power is depleted on the receivers which do
not use it.
● Consequently, as the number of nodes increases, each station receivers a small
fraction of the overall transmitted power.
(ii) Public telecommunications network

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● The telecommunications network providing services in the public domain is

known as the public telecommunications network, where the service providers
offer a variety of service for the provision of voice, data and video transmission.
● A simple block hierarchy for the optical public telecommunication network is
illustrated in above figure.
● Figure above which is divided into three tiers; Long-haul, metropolitan, and
access networks.
● The long-haul network, also known as the core or something the backbone
network, provides national or global coverage with a reach of thousands of
● Inter connection between optical nodes is generally accomplished by means of
opto electrical conversion and optical switches employing oxc‟s.
● At the next lower hierarchical level resides the metropolitan area network(MAN)
often called the metro or sometimes the back haul network, these networks offer
a multi service via platform and may be confined to a region spreading to tens of
● The Lowest tier in the hierarchy is the local access network which may be
extended from a few hundreds of meters to 20km or so. Hence the access network
provides the initial interface to the telecommunications network for residential
and business customers.
● The users are connected to a branching node known as a remote node (RN) which
interconnects the users with the local office / telephone exchange.
● In order to provide large interconnectivity, several local offices exchanges are
connected using a metropolitan area network.

22 SVCE, Bengaluru
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10. a. Briefly, explain the wavelength routing networks with a neat diagram.
(08 Marks)
Ans. Wavelength routing networks
● The optical layer is based on wavelength dependent concepts when it lies directly
above the physical layer, hence the entire physical interconnected network
provides wavelength signal service among the nodes using either single or
● This situation is illustrated in figure below.

  
Wavelength in use
 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
Available Wavelength
 

 
Node 2
Node 1 Node 3
 
Fig : Wavelength - dependent interconnection
(a) Fixed wavelength nodes
(b) Wavelength convertible nodes
● Three network nodes are interconnection using two wavelength channels ( and
 where the solid line connecting the nodes represents the available wavelength
channel and the dashed line identifies that the wavelength channel is in use.
● If the network node 1 is required to connect with establish a light path between
them when a light path cannot be established on a link using a single wavelength
channel it is referred to as wavelength continuity constraint.
● A methodology to reduce this wavelength continuity constraint is to switch the
wavelength channel at node 2 by converting the incoming wavelength  to  to
enable a link between node 2 and 3 to be established.
● This process is shown in figure above.
● Wavelength conversion is required to convert from  to a compliant wavelength
(  at the output port of network node 2 in oder to provide a path. Hence
the newly set up path uses two wavelength stages to interconnect nodes 1 and
3 such networks which employ wavelength conversion devices are known as
wavelength convertible networks.
10. b.Write a short note on i) Local area network ii) Routing and Wavelength
assignment. (08 Marks)
Ans. (i) Local area networks
● Many applications of fiber optic communication technology require networks in
which a large number of users within local campus are inter connected in such a
way that any user can access the networks are called local area networks (LAN‟s).

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VIII Sem (CSE/ISE) Fiber optics and networks
● Fiber optic cables are used in implementation of networks since the transmission
distance is relatively short (less than 10km) fiber losses are not at much concern
for LAN applications.
● Use of fiber optic offers a large bandwidth.


● The functions of the data link layer, however, are separated into two layers namely
● Logical link control(LLC) layer which assembles / disassembles data frames or
packets and provides the appropriate address and error checking fields.
● The medium access control (MAC) layer which organizes communications over
the link.
● The MAC layer embodies the set of logical rules or the access prate which allow
nodes to access the common communication channel and several MAC options
may therefore be provided for the same LLC layer.
(ii) Routing and wavelength assignment
The implementation of RWA can be static or dynamic depending upon the traffic
patterns in the network.
● Static RWA techniques are employed to provide a set of semi permanent
connections, which remain active for a relatively longer time.
● The traffic patterns in this case are reasonably well known in advance and the
variation in traffic pattern is not frequent therefore it is useful to optimize the way
in which network resources will be assigned to each connection.
● Moreover the static RWA problem is often referred to as the virtual topology
design problem.
→Dynamic RWA deals with establishing the light path in frequently varying traffic
● In this case the traffic patterns are not known and therefore the connection
requests are initiated in a random fashion depending on the network state at the
time of request.
● A five node network with fixed connections where node 1 requested to establish
a link with node 5 is illustrated in figure below.

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Network node
Fixed connection
1 2 3 Single hop via node 2
Two hops via node 4 & 2
Two hops via nodes 2 & 3
Three hops via nodes 4, 2 & 3
4 Virtual paths 5

● Although there is o direct physical connection or path available there are four
possibilities to establish the link between node 1 and 5 depending on the available
or assigned wavelengths between each of the network nodes.
● These are via node 2 using a single hop; nodes 4 and 2 comprising two hops
nodes 2 and 3 with two hops and the longest possible route stretching over three
hops via nodes 4, 2 and 3 considering these four routes, the single hop remains
the shortest path between nodes 1 and 5.

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