Observation Checklist For Annie and Kiersten

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Observation Checklist

Teachers: Annie Laderoute & Kiersten Rutherford

Observer: Carrie Di EAL Director of ISNS
Date: March 7th, 2019

Rating Scale: NE= Not Evident, SE= Somewhat Evident, CE=Clearly Evident
NE SE CE Comment

Co-teachers have planned x The lesson was well organized and planned
together. with explicit learning goals in mind. Clearly,
both teachers planned the lesson together and
shared the responsibilities through the lesson.

Spontaneous planning x The pace of the lesson was appropriate, and

occurs when needed the format was changed regularly enough so
throughout the lesson. that students did not become disengaged.
Based on the students engagement and the
pace of how the lesson ran, both teachers
planned to cut the section of Sample Letters. It
automatically happened without anyone’s
notice. Obviously, they both planned the
lesson delicately and modified it according to
the students’ needs with flexibility.

Non-verbal and verbal x Both Ms. laderoute and Ms. Rutherford are
communication is observed very good presenters. They have clear voice,
between the teachers. strong projection and proper enunciation. Two
teachers took turns to support each other and
the students with nonverbal and verbal
communication. When the students said they
learned “body of letter” in grade one. Ms.
Rutherford asked them if they could make any
connection from what they learned last year.
Annie let the students inquire what’s after
“body” and gave clues about key vocabulary.

Both teachers are actively x Ms. Laderoute and Ms. Rutherford are fair and
involved during instruction impartial to everyone and give students
and activities. feedback right away during the Turn and Talk
section. They walked around the classroom
during independent writing/conferencing.
Sometimes, their conversation is full of humor
which created a fun, warm and comfortable
learning climate. Two teachers showed a good
example in front of the students by
encouraging each other during the instruction.

Both teachers take stage x Both teachers had clear roles while planning
and present during the and during the actual instruction. Kiersten
lesson. gave the introduction and the anchor chart,
while Annie put together a partial letter using
what students have written and linked it to the
independent writing section. At the end,
Kiersten took the lead of sharing. While one
teacher was taking the lead, the other teacher
always provided supplementary explanation
and support to the students. I’m so impressed
by the inquiry-based learning and student-
centered learning in grade 2R.

Both teachers appear x A variety of teaching methods are

familiar with the methods implemented with balance including individual
and materials taught and are work and group discussions. The teaching
confident with the content. materials are appropriate and effective in
order to assist the teaching objectives. All
teaching materials were very well prepared
and utilized by both teachers during the entire
instruction. If they choose a bigger poster to
create the anchor chart and the partial letter,
that will be great!

Both teachers follow the x Both teachers follow the writers’ workshop
writer’s workshop model and model. They designed the mini lesson with
attempt a mini-lesson. clear timing in each section. Together, they
established a positive and respectful academic
environment. They took a bit longer time
during the mini lesson. That could be an area
that they could work on.

Behaviour management is x Both Ms. Laderoute and Ms.Rutherford

shared between both demonstrated strong leadership ability. They
teachers. took turns to remind the students in terms of
the classroom disciplines. Ms. Rutherford is
good at using the short songs to draw
students’ attention, while Ms. Laderoute is
good at giving the students hints. Both
teachers Indicated the rules before sending
the students to independent work. They both
know when the best transition time is in order
to keep the students on task. All students
behaved pretty well through all the time.
Students are engaged and x Students were pretty engaged in the
participating in learning. discussions and tasks. Ms. Laderoute and Ms.
Rutherford encouraged the students to share a
variety of ideas. They used the example of
writing a letter to Mr. Swanson to attract the
students’ interest. They empowered the
students in the decision making process, which
potentially stimulates their interest in learning.

Both teachers work with all x Both teachers actively worked with all the
students. students. During the Turn and Talk, they both
listened to the students and gave appropriate
guidance. During the conferencing period,
they walked around the classroom, patiently
listened to the students’ ideas about their
writing topic. Encourage them to discover
strong reasons. They tried to conference each
student once a week.

Teachers move freely about x Both teachers walked freely during group
the room. discussion and independent

Students appear to accept x Through the entire lesson, students always

and seek out both teachers seek for both teachers’ comments in a natural
for help. way. While working on their own writing, they
automatically seek the teachers’ comments
with polite manners. During the circle time,
when the students shared their writings, both
teachers gave comments from different

Other/ comments:
Ms. Laderoute and Ms. Rutherford are positive and important teachers in ISNS. They both conduct
themselves in a professional manner and are willing to help out each other.
The collaboration between Ms. Laderoute and Ms. Rutherford happened every moment since the
class started. While, Ms. Rutherford was working on the morning message about “Math”, Ms.
Laderoute talked with the students to keep them focus. They friendly reminded the students about
the video tape and visitors. While, Ms. Annie provided excellent comments about their great
performances from the previous lessons.

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