CPG English Grade 7 (1st-2nd Quarter)

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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique




Subject Description:
This subject tackles the eight competencies (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, viewing comprehension, vocabulary development, literature, writing and
composition, oral language and fluency, and grammar) to develop communicative competence through the understanding of literature and other texts of Philippine Culture. The
first quarter focuses on deeper appreciation of Philippine literature in the Pre-Colonial period. The second quarter focuses on the Philippine during the Period of Apprenticeship.
The third quarter tackles Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence, and the fourth quarter deals with Contemporary literature. Integrated in this subject are the three core
values of Spirituality, Academic Excellence and Community Service.

Subject Learning Outcome:

At the end of Grade 7, the students will be able to demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of the Philippine Literature and other text types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine culture.

Prepared by: ______________________________ Checked by: _________________________ Approved by: _________________________

Teacher Principal VP for Academic Affairs

Date: June 5, 2017 Revision version: ____________

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Week 1 Students manifest understanding of I. Subject Orientation Discussion Student Handbook
1 hour the coverage of the subject, the School rules
competencies to be acquired and its School’s VMO Question and answer Oral or written recall of School’s VMO and
relation to the school’s VMO and the Department’s Objectives information acquired department
department’s objectives. Scope of the Subject from the orientation objectives
Grading system Subject’s
Curriculum Pacing

First Quarter Period

Content Standard: Students demonstrate understanding of: Pre-Colonial literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining
word meaning; sounds of English and prosodic features; and correct subject-verb agreement

Performance Standard: Students transfer learning by: showing appreciation of the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions; using English sounds correctly and using the prosodic
features of speech effectively in various situations; and using correct subject-verb agreement.

LT 1a.1. Literature
Students discover literature as a I. Nature of Literature Discussion Paper and Pen Test Aranzamendez,
means of connecting to a significant 1. Means of connecting June Abigail P.,
past. to the past et.al. English
II. Literatures in the Pre- Learning Portals 7.
LT 1a.2. Colonial Period Quezon City: The
Week 1 Students describe the different literary 1. Genres Think-Pair-Share T-P-S Output Inteligente
genres during the pre-colonial period. Proverbs Publishing, Inc.
4 hours Myths 2017. p. 1-8
LT 1a.2.1. Legends
Students identify the distinguishing Film showing: “The Creation” Reaction paper
features of proverbs, myths, and

Academic Excellence:
Students manifest learning about
people and literature.

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

Oral Language and Fluency

F 1a.3.1. 1. Vowel sounds Individual and Group
Students observe the correct 2. Consonant sound Media Assisted Speech Drills Drills
production of vowel and consonant 3. Diphthongs, Aranzamendez,
sounds, diphthong, blends, glides. 4. Blends and glides June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
F 1a.3.1.1. Learning Portals 7.
Students read words, phrases, clauses, Quezon City: The
sentences and paragraphs using Reading Exercises Inteligente
correct production of vowel and Reading Performance Publishing, Inc.
consonant sounds, diphthong, blends, 2017. p. 32-35

WC 1a.4. Writing and Composition

Students distinguish between oral and 1. Written language vs Discussion
written language use oral language Paper and Pen Test
2. Purposes for writing Writing paragraphs
WC 1a.4.1.
Students recognize the common Written Output
purposes for writing Aranzamendez,
June Abigail P.,
Listening Comprehension et.al. English
LC1a.5. 1. Prosodic features and Group Discussion Learning Portals 7.
Students recognize prosodic features: its functions to Group Discussion Quezon City: The
volume, projection, pitch, stress, convey meaning Output Inteligente
intonation, juncture, and speech rate  Volume Publishing, Inc.
that serve as carriers of meaning.  Pitch 2017. p. 79-86
 Stress
LC 1a.5.1.  Intonation Listening Activities Aranzamendez,
Students listen to important points  Juncture June Abigail P.,
signaled by volume, pitch, stress,  Rate Reaction Paper on a et.al. English
intonation, juncture, and speech rate Text listened to Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
LC 1a.5.1. Inteligente
Students note the changes in the Publishing, Inc.
volume, pitch, stress, intonation, 2017
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
juncture and rate of speech that affect
meaning Reading Comprehension

Scanning and its uses for Discussion

RC 1a.5.2. reading
Students scan for specific information
Scanning Exercises Paper and Pen Test
RC 1a.7.
Students use scanning for one’s
purpose. Scanning Exercise
Vocabulary Development Output
VC1a.8. 1. Features of colloquial Discussion
Use structural analysis to determine and slang language Aranzamendez,
the meaning of unfamiliar words, 2. Determining Language Drills June Abigail P.,
expressions and from the materials meanings of Paper and Pen Test et.al. English
viewed. colloquial and slang Learning Portals 7.
expressions Quezon City: The
VC 1a.22 Language Analysis Inteligente
Distinguish between slang and Publishing, Inc.
colloquial expressions in 2017. p.21
conversations. Language Drill Output
VC 1a.22.1. June Abigail P.,
Distinguish features of colloquial et.al. English
language (fillers, contractions, etc.) Language Analysis Learning Portals 7.
and slang. Output Quezon City: The
Academic Excellence: Publishing, Inc.
Students communicate ideas and 2017. p.9-11
opinions effectively.
Grammar Awareness
G 1a.11. Correct subject-verb Grammar Drills
Observe correct-subject-verb agreement on the use of Rules
agreement. no. 1-6
Paper and Pen Test

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. p.47-49

LT 1b 1. Identifying the theme in a Reading Exercises Story Analysis Aranzamendez,

Discover literature as a means of literary selection Worksheets June Abigail P.,
connecting to the past.  Myth et.al. English
 Legend Story Analysis Learning Portals 7.
LT 1b 2.2  Epic Quezon City: The
Explain how the elements specific to Inteligente
a genre contribute to the theme of a Publishing, Inc.
particular literary selection. 2017. p. 12-14

Week 2 Oral Language and Fluency

F 1b 1.14
Use appropriate prosodic features of
speech like pitch, stress, juncture, Role Playing based on current events Role Play Performance
stress, intonation, volume, and Pitch Levels and its Uses
projection and rate/speed of speech in Speech Drills
5 hours differing oral communication Score Cards

F 1b 1.14.2
Observe the correct pitch levels (high,
medium, low) when reading lines of
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
poetry, sample sentences and

Writing and Composition Text Analysis

WC 1b 4.2 Literary Writing vs. Paper and Pen Test
Differentiate literary writing from Academic Writing
academic writing Aranzamendez,
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
LC 1b.5.1. Listening Comprehension Speech Drills Learning Portals 7.
Students listen to important points 2. Prosodic features and Score Cards Quezon City: The
signaled by volume, projection, pitch, its functions to Inteligente
stress, intonation, juncture, and convey meaning Publishing, Inc.
speech rate  Volume 2017. p.34

LC 1b.5.2.  Projection
Students note the changes in the  Pitch
volume, projection, pitch, stress,  Stress
intonation, juncture and rate of speech  Intonation
that affect meaning  Juncture Aranzamendez,
June Abigail P.,
 Rate
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
RC 1b 1.5.1 Skimming Exercises Quezon City: The
Reading Comprehension
Skim for major ideas using headings Skimming Worksheets Inteligente
Skimming and its uses in
as guide Publishing, Inc.
reading a selection
2017. p.79

Sentence Analysis and Construction June Abigail P.,
G 1b 11 Sentence Worksheets et.al. English
Grammar Awareness
Observe correct-subject-verb Learning Portals 7.
Correct subject-verb
agreement Quezon City: The
agreement on the use of Rules
no. 7-13
Publishing, Inc.
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Academic Excellence 2017. p.15
2.c.1 Students demonstrate skills and
competencies required in their work.
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. p.76-77

Gabriel, Josefina P.
Literature and
Arts 7. Quezon
City: St. Bernadette
Publishing House
p. 20-23

LT 1e 1. Literature
Discover literature as a means of
connecting to a significant past

LT 1e 2.2.3
Express appreciation for sensory Sensory images in selections Imagery Matrix Scored Matrix Aranzamendez,
images used June Abigail P.,
Week 3 et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
F 1c 1.14.2 Oral Language and Fluency Quezon City: The
Observe the correct pitch levels (high, Levels of Pitch Inteligente
5 hours medium, low) when reading lines of Publishing, Inc.
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
poetry, sample sentences and 2017. p. 45-46

WC 1c 4.2 Writing and Composition

Differentiate literary writing from Features of:
academic writing  Literary writing Text Analysis Text Analysis
 Academic writing Compare and Contrast Worksheets
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
LC 1c.5.1. Listening Comprehension Quezon City: The
Students listen to important points Prosodic features and its Inteligente
signaled by volume, projection, pitch, functions to convey Publishing, Inc.
stress, intonation, juncture, and meaning 2017. p. 34
speech rate  Volume
 Projection p. 141-142
 Pitch
LC 1c.5.2.  Stress
Students note the changes in the
 Intonation
volume, projection, pitch, stress,
 Juncture
intonation, juncture and rate of speech
that affect meaning  Rate

RC 1c 7.1 Reading Comprehension Reading Worksheets

Read intensively to find answers to Reading Strategy: Reading Exercises
specific questions Intensive Reading and its

VC 1c 3.1.3 Viewing Comprehension

Score Cards
Give the meaning of given signs and Importance of Signs and Guessing Games
symbols (road signs, prohibited signs, Symbols
etc.)  Road Signs
 Prohibited Signs Aranzamendez,
 Signs and Symbols in June Abigail P.,
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
School, Malls, and et.al. English
other establishments Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
V 1c 10.2 Vocabulary Development Word Game: Where’s My Match? Points Index 2017. p. 53
Use appropriate idiomatic expressions  Commonly used
in a variety of basic interpersonal Idioms
communicative situations  Idioms in everyday
 conversation

Academic Excellence Aranzamendez,

4.a.2 Students communicate ideas June Abigail P.,
opinions effectively. et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. p.41, 43-44

Week 4 LT 1d 1
5 hours Discover literature as a means of
connecting to the past.

LT 1d 2.2.2 Importance of literary devices Character Sketch Sketch And Map Aranzamendez,
Explain the literary devices used. (imagery, flashback, Worksheets June Abigail P.,
figurative language, etc.) Concept Mapping et.al. English
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Learning Portals 7.
F 1d 1.14.3 Quezon City: The
Use the correct stress (primary, Inteligente
secondary, tertiaty, and weak) when Publishing, Inc.
reading passages. 2017. p. 34, 45-46

WC 1d 4.3 Features and characteristics Discussion Paper and Pen Test

Identify basic features and kinds of of a simple paragraph Paragraph Analysis Paragraph Analysis
paragraph. Worksheets Aranzamendez,
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
LC 1d.5.1. Inteligente
Listen to important points signaled by Levels of Stress Speech Drills Score Cards Publishing, Inc.
volume, projection, pitch, stress, 2017. p. 87
intonation, juncture, and speech rate

LC 1d.5.2.
Note the changes in the volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture and rate of speech that affect

VC 1d 6
Identify the genre of a material Viewing Comprehension Film viewing on the different literary Comparison and
viewed (such as movie clip, trailer, Literary genres (movie clip, genres Contrast Charting
news flash, internet-based program, trailer, news flash,
documentary, video, etc.) documentary, video, etc.)

Week 5 LT 1e 1 Literature
5 hours Discover literature as a means of
connecting to the past.

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
LT 1e 2.2.2
Explain the literary devices used. Literary devices Story Analysis Story Analysis Output

F 1e 1.14.3 Oral Language and Fluency

Use the correct stress (primary,
secondary, tertiary, and weak) when Levels of Stress Speech Drills Graded Oral Recitation
reading passages.

WC 1e 4.3 Writing and Composition

Identify basic features and kinds of Parts of a Paragraph Aranzamendez,
paragraph.  topic sentence Discussion Paper and pen Test June Abigail P.,
 supporting details et.al. English
WC 1e 2.8.1  concluding sentences Paragraph Analysis Paragraph Analysis Learning Portals 7.
Recognize the parts of a simple Output Quezon City: The
paragraph Types of paragraph Inteligente
Development Publishing, Inc.
2017. p.62-64

LC 1e.5.1. Listening Comprehension

Listen to important points signaled by
volume, projection, pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture, and speech rate

LC 1e.5.2.
Note the changes in the volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture and rate of speech that affect

VC 1e 6 Viewing Comprehension
Identify the genre of a material
viewed (such as movie clip, trailer, Genres of Materials Viewed Film viewing Film Viewing Analysis
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
news flash, internet-based program, Output
documentary, video, etc.) Short films, movie
V 1e 22.2 Vocabulary Development
Select an appropriate colloquial or Using colloquial or idiomatic Idiom worksheets Accomplished
idiomatic word or expression as a expressions Sentence Construction Worksheets
substitute for another word or

RC 1e 2.15
Use non-linear visuals as Reading Comprehension
comprehensive aids in content texts

RC 1e 1.2
Transcode orally and in writing the Interpreting diagrams and Diagram and Chart Transcoding Accomplished
information presented in diagrams, charts Activity/Worksheets Worksheets
charts, tables, graphs, etc.

Week 6 LT 1f 1 Literature
5 hours Discover literature as a means of
connecting to the past.

LT 1f 2.2.3
Determine the tone, mood, technique, Story Analysis of “The Epic Graphic Organizers on Mood, Tone, Accomplished Graphic p. 74-75
and purpose of the author of Labaw Dongon” and Purpose organizers

F 1f 1.14.4 Oral Language and Fluency

Use the rising intonation pattern with
yes-no and tag questions; the rising- Intonation Patterns Speech Drills on Intonation patterns Graded Oral Recitation p. 81-82
falling intonation with information-  Rising intonation
seeking questions, option questions (Yes-No and Tag Sentence Analysis/Construction
and with statements. questions Sentence
 Falling Intonation Analysis/Construction
(statements) Output

WC 1f 2.8.1 Writing and Composition Paragraph Analysis

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Recognize the parts of a simple
paragraph Parts of a Simple Paragraph Paragraph Analysis Aranzamendez,
Output June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
LC 1f.5.1. Listening Comprehension Speech Drills Quezon City: The
Listen to important points signaled by Read-Aloud Activities Inteligente
volume, projection, pitch, stress, Juncture in Speech Graded Recitation Publishing, Inc.
intonation, juncture, and speech rate 2017. p. 62-63

LC 1f.5.2.
Note the changes in the volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture and rate of speech that affect

VC 1f 9
Organize information from a material

Sentence Analysis/Construction
V 1e 22.2 Vocabulary
Select an appropriate colloquial or Sentence
idiomatic word or expression as a Using idioms in sentences Analysis/Construction
substitute for another word or Output

Tables and Graphs Transcoding Internet

RC 1e 1.2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Transcode orally and in writing the
information presented in diagrams, Interpreting Tables and Accomplished
charts, tables, graphs, etc. Graphs Worksheets

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Gabriel, Josefina P.
Literature and
Arts 7. Quezon
City: St. Bernadette
Publishing House
Corp.2016. p. 553-
Week 7 LT 1g 1 Literature
5 hours Discover literature as a means of
connecting to the past.

LT 1g 2.3
Draw similarities and differences of Identifying themes in literary Story/Text Analysis Story/Text Analysis
the featured selections in relation to texts Output
the theme

F 1g 1.14.4
Use the rising intonation pattern with
yes-no and tag questions; the rising-
falling intonation with information-
seeking questions, option questions
and with statements.

WC 1g 4.4 Writing and Composition

Sequence steps in writing a simple Arranging/Sequencing Sequencing Exercises Sequencing Exercises Aranzamendez,
paragraph Sentences in a Paragraph Output June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
LC 1g.5.1. Learning Portals 7.
Listen to important points signaled by Quezon City: The
volume, projection, pitch, stress, Inteligente
intonation, juncture, and speech rate Publishing, Inc.
2017. p. 319-321
LC 1f.5.2.
Note the changes in the volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
juncture and rate of speech that affect

VC 1g 9
Organize information from a material

V 1g 22.3
Explain the predominance of
colloquial and idiomatic expressions
in oral communication

RC 1g 1.2 Reading Comprehension

Give the meaning of given signs and
symbols (road signs, prohibited signs, Signs and Symbols Along the Tell Me What I Am, Tell Me What I Game Results
etc.) Road Mean – a game about identifying
signs and symbols and their meanings Gabriel, Josefina P.
Literature and
Arts 7. Quezon
City: St. Bernadette
Publishing House
Corp.2016. p. 551-
Week 8 LT 1h 1 Literature
5 hours Discover literature as a means of
connecting to the past.

LT 1h 2.3
Draw similarities and differences of Theme in narratives Narrative Analysis Narrative Analysis
the featured selections in relation to Output
the theme

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

F 1h 1.14.5
Observe and use correct
juncture/phrasing and rate of speech
when reading simple passages (prose
or poetry)

WC 1h 2.2 Writing and Composition

Retell a chosen myth or legend in a
series of simple paragraphs Writing series of paragraphs Writing Activity in groups Presentation of Output
to be shared in class

LC 1h.5.1. Listening Comprehension

Listen to important points signaled by
volume, projection, pitch, stress, Using elements of spoken Listening Activities Listening Activities and
intonation, juncture, and speech rate language in listening to a text Worksheets Output

LC 1h.5.2.
Note the changes in the volume, Listening Worksheets
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture and rate of speech that affect

VC 1h 10 Vocabulary
Determine the truthfulness and
accuracy of the material viewed

V 1h 22.3
Explain the predominance of
colloquial and idiomatic expressions
in oral communication

RC 1h 1.2 Reading Comprehension

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Give the meaning of given signs and Prohibited Signs and Symbols Tell Me Where I Belong – a game on Game Results Gabriel, Josefina P.
symbols (road signs, prohibited signs, in Roads, School and other identifying to which establishment a Philippine
etc.) Public Establishments sign or symbol belongs Literature and
Arts 7. Quezon
City: St. Bernadette
Publishing House
p. 551-552

LT 1i 1
Week 9 Discover literature as a means of - Enrichment Activity
connecting to the past.

LT 1i 3
Explain how a selection may be
influenced by culture, history,
5 hours environment, or other factors

F 1i 1.14.5
Observe and use correct - Enrichment Activity
juncture/phrasing and rate of speech
when reading simple passages (prose
or poetry)

WC 1i 2.2
Retell a chosen myth or legend in a - Polishing and
series of simple paragraphs Finalizing Output

LC 1i.5.1.
Listen to important points signaled by - Enrichment Activity/
volume, projection, pitch, stress, Speech Drills
intonation, juncture, and speech rate

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
LC 1i.5.2.
Note the changes in the volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture and rate of speech that affect

VC 1i 10
Determine the truthfulness and - Enrichment Activity
accuracy of the material viewed

V 1i 22.3
Explain the predominance of
colloquial and idiomatic expressions
in oral communication

RC 1i 14
Follow directions using a map - Enrichment Activity

Week 10
Completion of Requirements and Performing Culminating Tasks
4 hours

Week 10 First Quarter Examination

1 hour

Second Quarter Period

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful
listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal
cues in oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.

Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources;
extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and figurative language and verbal and
non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

Week 1 LT IIa 4 Philippine Literature: Period Class Discussion Paper and Pen Test Aranzamendez,
4 hours Discover the conflicts presented in of Apprenticeship (1910- June Abigail P.,
literary selections and the need to 1935) et.al. English
resolve those conflicts in non-violent Learning Portals 7.
ways. Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
LT IIa 4.1 2017. p. 91
Identify the distinguishing features of
literature during the Period of

Oral Language and Fluency

L IIa 4
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in Verbal and Non-verbal Cues Simulation Games Simulation and Role
conversations, dialogs, and interviews Play Performance
Output http://classroom.sy
L IIa 4.1 nonym.com/verbal-
Use appropriate verbal and non- Role Play nonverbal-
verbal cues when developing, communications-
maintaining and ending conversations classroom-
and dialogs 7669805.html
Writing and Composition
WC IIa 5
Extract information from a text using Writing a Summary Activity Sheets on Summarizing
a summary, précis, and paraphrase Accomplished Activity
Listening Comprehension Aranzamendez,
LC IIa 6.1 June Abigail P.,
Use listening strategies based on et.al. English
purpose, familiarity with the topic and Learning Portals 7.
levels of difficulty of short texts Quezon City: The
listened to Inteligente
Publishing, Inc.
LC IIb 6.1 2017. pp.116-117
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Extract information from the text
listened to

RC IIa 1 Reading Comprehension

Use appropriate mechanisms/tools in Discussion
the library for locating resources Library Orientation (by the Library Tour
School Librarian) Paper and Pen test

SS IIa 1.5.3
Use the card catalog, the online Discussion
public access catalog, or electronic The Card Catalog
search engine to locate specific Paper and Pen Test Hand-outs given by
resources the librarian.

V IIa 10.1 Vocabulary Development Aranzamendez,

Discriminate between literal and Sentence Analysis June Abigail P.,
figurative language Literal language vs. et.al. English
Figurative lamguage Accomplished Learning Portals 7.
V IIa 10.1.1 Worksheet Quezon City: The
Classify sample texts into literal or Classification Inteligente
figurative Publishing, Inc.
2017. p. 112
G IIa 1
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences Grammar Awareness Discussion
appropriately and meaningfully Phrases and its Types: Aranzamendez,
 Noun phrase Grammar Worksheets June Abigail P.,
 Verb phrase Paper and pen test et.al. English
 Prepositional phrase Learning Portals 7.
 Infinitive phrase Accomplished Quezon City: The
 Participial phrase Worksheets Inteligente
 Gerund phrase Publishing, Inc.
2017. p. 101-102,
 Appositive phrase
VC IIa ½ 115
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Note details, sequence events, and
relationships of ideas and events
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. p. 105-109
Week 2 LT IIb 4 Conflicts and its Types: Discussion Paper and pen test Aranzamendez,
4 hours Discover the conflicts presented in  Man vs. man June Abigail P.,
literary selections and the need to  Man vs. self et.al. English
resolve those conflicts in non-violent  Man vs. society Learning Portals 7.
ways.  Man vs. nature Quezon City: The
Identifying Conflicts: Publishing, Inc.
“ A Night in the Hills” by Paz Story Analysis Graphic Organizer: 2017. p. 136-138
Marquez-Benitez Problem-Solution
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
LT IIb 4.2 Distinct Features of: Poem Appreciation and Analysis Poem Analysis Output Inteligente
Identify the distinguishing features of  Poems Publishing, Inc.
poems and short stories --elements 2017. p. 125-133
--speaker and
persona Aranzamendez,
Story Appreciation and Analysis June Abigail P.,
 Short Stories Story Analysis Output et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
L IIb 4.1 Inteligente
Use appropriate verbal and non- Publishing, Inc.
verbal cues when developing, 2017. p.225-229
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
maintaining and ending conversations
and dialogs

WC IIb 5 Writing and Composition Text Analysis Paper and Pen Test
Extract information from a text using
a summary, précis, and paraphrase  Characteristics of a Précis Writing of a Given Text Text Analysis Output
Good Précis
Written Output

LC IIb 3.3  How to Write a Précis June Abigail P.,
Recognize the key/main ideas et.al. English
Reading Comprehension Discussion Learning Portals 7.
Hands-on activity Quezon City: The
SS IIb 1.5.3 The Online Public Access Inteligente
Use the card catalog, the online Catalog (OPAC) Paper and Pen Test Publishing, Inc.
public access catalog, or electronic 2017. p. 117-120
search engine to locate specific

V IIb 10.1.1
Classify sample texts into literal or
figurative Identifying Clauses from Selection Aranzamendez,
Discussed June Abigail P.,
G IIb 1 Clause and its Two Major et.al. English
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences Types: Sentence Analysis Accomplished Learning Portals 7.
appropriately and meaningfully  Main or Independent Worksheet Quezon City: The
 Subordinate or Inteligente
VC IIb 1/2 Dependent Publishing, Inc.
Note details, sequence events, and Sentence Analysis 2017. p. 120
relationships of ideas and events Output

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. p. 138-140

Week 3 LT IIc 2.2

4 hours Explain how the elements specific to
a genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection

Oral Language Fluency

OL IIc 2.7
Employ correct turn-taking, turn- Turn-taking, Turn-giving, and Dialogs, Conversation Simulation Score Cards Aranzamendez,
giving and topic control strategies in Topic Control Strategies June Abigail P.,
conversations and dialogs et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Writing and Composition Inteligente
WC IIc 5 Paraphrasing Exercises Publishing, Inc.
Extract information from a text using Paraphrasing Paraphrasing Exercises 2017. p. 163-165
a summary, précis, and paraphrase Output with Rubric
Academic Excellence June Abigail P.,
Students demonstrate skills and et.al. English
competencies required in their work. Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
LC IIc 2.1/3.1 Publishing, Inc.
Note specific details/elements of the 2017. p. 172-174
text listened to Hands-on Activity Using the
Electronic Search Engine Research Output (print
SS IIc 1.5.3 out)
Use the card catalog, the online The Electronic Search Engine Researching Activity (Students are
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
public access catalog, or electronic given topics to research on.)
search engine to locate specific https://www.aol.co
resources Identifying Similes in a story m/video/view/what
Using a Matrix -is-a-search-
Graded Matrix of engine/210072409
V IIc 10.1.2 Similes
Identify figures of speech that show Figure of Speech
comparison (simile, metaphor, (comparison) Sentence Analysis
personification)  The Simile
Sentence Construction http://www.teach-
G IIc 1 Accomplished Activity nology.com/worksh
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences Sentences and its Kinds sheets eets/language_arts/s
appropriately and meaningfully imiles/sim2.pdf

Film viewing Aranzamendez,

June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
VC IIc 11 Accomplished Activity Learning Portals 7.
Narrate events chronologically/ Narrating Events Activity Sheet based on the video Sheets Quezon City: The
Arrange ideas logically based on a Chronologically watched Inteligente
material viewed Publishing, Inc.
2017. P160-162.


June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. P.198

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

Week 4 LT IId 2.2.1

4 hours Express appreciation for sensory Sensory Images Identifying and interpreting sensory Accomplished Activity Comprehension
images used Senses: images. Sheets Strategies: Sensory
 Sight Images
OL IId 2.7  Smell http://www.readingl
Employ correct turn-taking, turn-  Hearing ady.com/Comprehe
giving and topic control strategies in  Touch nsion/Sensory_Ima
conversations and dialogs  Taste ges/sensory_images
Academic Excellence

Identifying key ideas Reading Activity to identify key ideas

WC IId 5.1 Identifying Key
Identify key ideas Ideas and
Supporting Details
Part One: The
Identifying the parts of a book http://www.adlit.or
The Book and Its Parts (Pick a book of your interest and Graded recitation g/articles/watch_an
SS IId 1.3/1.4  Title page identify its parts following the format Accomplished Activity d_learn/55494
Get information from the different on page 144 of the English textbook Sheet
 Copyright page
parts of a book and from general
 Preface
references in the library Aranzamendez,
 Table of Contents June Abigail P.,
 Body et.al. English
 Appendix Learning Portals 7.
 Glossary Quezon City: The
 Index Inteligente
 Bibliography Publishing, Inc.
Identifying Metaphors in a Text 2017. P.143

V IId 10.1.2 Figure of Speech: Accomplished

Identify figures of speech that show  The Metaphor Worksheets

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
comparison (simile, metaphor,

G IId 1 June Abigail P.,
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences et.al. English
appropriately and meaningfully Film viewing Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Activity Sheet based on the video Inteligente
VC IId 11 watched Publishing, Inc.
Narrate events chronologically/ Arranging ideas logically 2017. P. 134-135
Arrange ideas logically based on a Accomplished
material viewed Worksheets

Week 5 LT II0 2.2.2

4 hours Explain the literary devices used Literary Devices Identifying literary devices in a story Accomplished http://study.com/ac
 Sensory images Worksheets ademy/lesson/litera
 Figures of Speech ry-devices-used-in-

F IIe 3.7 Simulation games

Use appropriate techniques and Techniques and Strategies in Score cards
strategies when asking questions and Asking Questions and Role Playing Asking and
eliciting answers Eliciting Answers (Students will be given a situation to Answering
simulate using the strategies in asking Questions
WC IIe 5.1 and answering questions) http://www.unl.edu/
Identify key ideas gtahandbook/asking
LC IIe 4
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Recognize signals/cues to determine
the order of ideas/events
Class Discussion
RC IIe 1.3/1.4
Get information from the different General references in the Paper and Pen Test
parts of a book and from general library
references in the library
Identifying Metaphors in a Text http://www.answers
V IIe 10.1.2 (From the text given identify the .com/Q/General_ref
Identify figures of speech that show Figure of Speech metaphors used and give its meaning. Accomplished Matrix erences_found_in_t
comparison (simile, metaphor,  The Metaphor Accomplish this using a matrix.) he_library#slide=1

June Abigail P.,
G IIe 1 et.al. English
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences Learning Portals 7.
appropriately and meaningfully Quezon City: The
VC IIe 11 Publishing, Inc.
Narrate events chronologically/ 2017. p. 134-135
Arrange ideas logically based on a
material viewed

Week 6 LT IIf 2.2.3

4 hours Determine the tone, mood, technique, Tone and Mood in The Love Story Analysis Oral Recitation Aranzamendez,
and purpose of the author of Virgil and Cely (Answering Comprehension June Abigail P.,
Questions) et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Story Mapping Accomplished Story Quezon City: The
F IIf 3.7 (Students read the story and identify map Inteligente
Use appropriate techniques and elements focusing on the mood and Publishing, Inc.
strategies when asking questions and tone portrayed in it.) 2017. p. 209-210
eliciting answers

Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

WC IIf 5.2 Text Analysis

Identify supporting details Supporting Details in a text (From a text given, students identify
the main idea and supporting details) Accomplished
Worksheet Lesson: Supporting
Main Idea with
Details from the
Character Analysis Diagram https://betterlesson.
LC IIf 2.13 (Students accomplish the diagram on com/community/les
Determine the tone and mood of the Determining Tone and mood p. 104 of the English book) son/26923/supporti
speaker or characters in the narrative of speaker/character in a text ng-main-idea-with-
listened to Accomplished Character details-from-the-
Analysis Diagram text

June Abigail P.,
et.al. English
Learning Portals 7.
Quezon City: The
Publishing, Inc.
2017. p. 104-105
Week 7 RC IIg 2.1
4 hours Gather current information from The Newspaper and its Parts Discussion Paper and Pen Test Main Parts of a
newspapers and other print and non- Newspaper
print media https://www.youtub
LC IIg 2.8.3
Infer the purpose of the text listened Inferring Purpose of a Text Listening Activity Paper and Pen test
to (A recorded text will be given to Audios, CDs
students. They jot down important
VC IIg 1.3 details while listening)
Predict the gist of the material viewed
based on the title, pictures, and
excerpts of the material viewed
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation

V IIg 10.1.3 Finding Oxymoron in a Text

Identify figures of speech that show Figure of Speech: (Given the text, students identify the Accomplished
contrast ( irony, oxymoron, paradox) Oxymoron oxymoron find in it. They do this with Worksheet Definition and
a pair) Examples of
Literary Terms
LT IIg 4 es.net/oxymoron/
Draw similarities and differences of
the featured selections in relation to
the theme

WC IIg 5.2 Text Analysis

Identify supporting details Identifying Supporting
Details Graded Activity Sheet

F IIg 2.6.2 Discussion

Observe and use the appropriate Hand-Body Gestures Demonstration
gestures (hand-body) that accompany Graded Recitation
oral language 13 Revealing Body
Language Hand

Week 8 RC IIh 2.1 Types of Newspaper Articles Article Reading and Analysis Accomplished Aranzamendez,
4 hours Gather current information from  Local news (Grab a copy of the most recent Worksheet June Abigail P.,
newspapers and other print and non-  National news broadsheet of your choice. Pick and et.al. English
print media  International news read a sample article for all the types Learning Portals 7.
 Feature article discussed above then answer the Quezon City: The
Academic Excellence  Editorial activity given on p.168) Inteligente
Students work proficiently and Publishing, Inc.
efficiently. 2017. P. 167-171

LC IIh 2.5
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Make predictions about the contents
of the text listened to

VC IIh 1.3
Raise questions about a material

V IIh 10.1.3 Discussion

Identify figures of speech that show Figure of Speech: Pair Work: Accomplish the given
contrast ( irony, oxymoron, paradox)  The Paradox worksheet on Identifying Paradoxes Paradox Matrix
and its Meaning using the matrix Definition and
Academic Excellence Examples of
Students perform tasks according to Literary Terms
the prescribed norms. https://literarydevic

LT IIh 3
Explain how a selection may be Paraphrasing Activity:
influenced by culture, history, Students will be given Wise Sayings
environment, or other factors Simplifying ideas: or Quotations to interpret.
Paraphrasing Graded Recitation
WC IIh 5.3
Simplify ideas 5 Keys to
Simplifying Any
Concept By Tina
Simulation Su
F IIh 1.14 ow.com/clarity/5-
Use the correct pitch, juncture, stress, Using the elements of keys-to-
volume and projection and rate/speed speaking correctly Graded Oral Recitation simplifying-any-
of speech in conversations and concept/
dialogs Mastery Exercises;
Worksheets and Activity Sheets
G IIh 1
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences Using correct Phrase,
appropriately and meaningfully Clauses, Sentences Unit Test on Phrases,
Clauses, Sentences




Week 9 RC IIi 2.1

Gather current information from Print and Non print Media Discussion Paper and Pen Test Print vs. Non Print
4 hours newspapers and other print and non- http://thelasallian.c
print media om/2011/11/29/prin
LC IIi 6.2
Infer thoughts and feelings expressed Inferring Listening Activity Constructed Questions
in the text listened to based on a text listened Documentary
to Films: Jessica Sojo
VC IIi 12
Raise questions about a material Asking Questions Film viewing
Time Standards of Learning Content Learning Experiences Assessment/ Resources
Frame Evaluation
viewed Unit Test Activity Sheets
V IIi 10.1.3 ngworksheets.com/
Identify figures of speech that show Identifying Figures of speech Text Analysis figurative-
contrast ( irony, oxymoron, paradox) that show contrast language/figurative

Week 10
3 hours Culminating Task
Completion of Requirement

Week 10
1 hour Second Quarter Examination



Aranzamendez, June Abigail P., et.al. English Learning Portals 7. Quezon City: The Inteligente Publishing, Inc. 2017.

Gabriel, Josefina P. Philippine Literature and Communication Arts 7. Quezon City: St. Bernadette Publishing House Corp.2016.

Electronic Sources:


Comprehension Strategies: Sensory Images. http://www.readinglady.com/Comprehension/Sensory_Images/sensory_images.html

Asking and Answering Questions. http://www.unl.edu/gtahandbook/asking-and-answering-questions


Supporting Main Idea with Details from the Text. https://betterlesson.com/community/lesson/26923/supporting-main-idea-with-details-from-the-text

Main Parts of a Newspaper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsRP0V80ecE

Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. https://literarydevices.net/oxymoron/

13 Revealing Body Language Hand Gestures. http://www.nicolasfradet.com/hand-body-language/

Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. https://literarydevices.net/paradox/

5 Keys to Simplifying Any Concept By Tina Su. http://thinksimplenow.com/clarity/5-keys-to-simplifying-any-concept/


Sentence-structure-worksheets. https://www.ereadingworksheets.com/languageartsworksheets/sentence-structure/

Print vs. Non Print. http://thelasallian.com/2011/11/29/print-vs-non-print/

Activity Sheets on Figurative Language. https://www.ereadingworksheets.com/figurative-language/figurative-language-worksheets/

Grading System: Highest Grade – 100%

Passing Grade – 75%
Failing Grade – 74% and below

Components of the Grade:

Written Work (Quizzes, Long Test, Group work, Seatwork) - 25%
Performance – Written Output, Simulation - 50%
Quarterly Assessment – Examination - 25%

Subject Requirements: First Quarter – Role Play performance, Text Analysis, Story Analysis
Second Quarter – Story Analysis, Poem Analysis, Character Analysis



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