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My Little Island – Where the adventure begins!
Welcome to My Little Island, a three-level pre-primary course that
starts children on their journey of learning English! Children will
be inspired to learn with engaging characters and fun activities.
For pupils
• Pupil’s Book with stickers & CD-ROM
• Activity Book with Songs & Chants CD
For the teacher
• Teacher’s Book
• Active Teach interactive whiteboard software
• Class Audio CD • Big Book ISBN 978-1-4082-8670-8

• Picture cards • Squirrel puppet

• Posters

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Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM20 2JE
and Associated Companies throughout the world.

© Pearson Education Limited 2012

The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise
without the prior written permission of the Publishers.

First published 2012

ISBN: 978-1-4082-8670-8

Set in Heinemann Roman

Printed in Slovakia by Neografia

Illustrated by Abraham Balcázar, José Luis Briseño

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Course and Philosophy ..................................................................................................................................................................................iv
Digital Tools: CD-ROM and ActiveTeach ....................................................................................................................................................x
Course Highlights..........................................................................................................................................................................................xii
Scope and Sequence ....................................................................................................................................................................................xiv
Time Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................................................xvi
Map ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................xvii

1 Welcome ...........................................................................................................................................................................................T1A
2 My School ........................................................................................................................................................................................ T2A
3 Family ................................................................................................................................................................................................T3A
4 Play Time! .........................................................................................................................................................................................T4A
5 My House ..........................................................................................................................................................................................T5A
6 My Body ............................................................................................................................................................................................T6A
7 Time to Eat!......................................................................................................................................................................................T7A
8 On the Farm .................................................................................................................................................................................... T8A
9 The Weather ....................................................................................................................................................................................T9A
Phonics and Extra Practice: Units 2–9 .............................................................................................................................................. T86
Festivals .................................................................................................................................................................................................. T102
Cutouts and Stickers ............................................................................................................................................................................ T105
Resources................................................................................................................................................................................................ T107
Activity Book Pages with Answers ................................................................................................................................................ T108
Letters Home: General Letter Home ..............................................................................................................................................T127
Flashcard Index ................................................................................................................................................................................T128
Video Scripts .....................................................................................................................................................................................T129
Graphic Organizer: T-Chart ........................................................................................................................................................... T138

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Course and Philosophy This unique and engaging course takes children on an exciting
fantasy-island adventure with characters their own age,
My Little Island is a three-level course for teaching English to 3 to introducing two new characters at each level. Each level has nine
5-year-old children whose first language is not English. It is based units. After an introductory or review welcome unit, there are
on four over-arching beliefs: eight thematic units which are recycled and build on each other
1. Realities of the child’s world must be at each level of the course. In this level’s Welcome unit, children
at the core of the course and the basis meet Lilly and Billy, and learn some greetings and actions to use.
for materials chosen. They also are reacquainted with Sammy the Squirrel, the course’s
mascot, who appears throughout the course and supports
2. A learner who is engaged will learn
children as they learn (when he isn’t getting into mischief!). The
welcome unit also reviews target language and vocabulary from
3. Each child is unique in personality, the previous level.
interests, and learning styles and will
The course is designed to help children learn to communicate
benefi t from materials that reflect this.
in English through a four-skills-based approach that builds
4. Successful learning only occurs when increasing language proficiency through prereading/reading,
skills presented build on each other prewriting, listening, and speaking lessons and activities. Children
and are reviewed meaningfully. begin the course looking at and listening to picture stories. In
Sammy the Squirrel this second book, children continue to enjoy stories and songs.
Listening and speaking skills, which are critical for language
learning, are developed throughout the course, with increasing
emphasis beginning at this level.

Kimmy Timmy Billy Lilly Lou Sue

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

iv Course and Philosophy

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The course uses a natural approach to teaching language JOIN US AT THE GREAT TEACHERS PRIMARY PLACE!
through TPR® (Total Physical Response). Associating gestures Find inspiring ideas for your primary classroom, discover new
with vocabulary and language structures builds a positive techniques and solutions that work, connect with other primary
attitude and confidence, while at the same time, helps children teachers, and share your own stories and creativity.
attach meaning to the language they are learning. The opening The Great Teachers Primary Place is the place to go for free
scene in each unit shows characters engaged in activities and classroom resources and countless activities for primary teachers
includes a song about what they are doing, along with suggested everywhere.
actions for children to do. Lessons build, using a kinesthetic
Go to and register for
approach. Throughout the course, children learn English through
a wide range of activity types to accommodate all learning
styles, and learners get to experience all mediums. Children Members of The Great Teachers Primary Place will receive
do traditional activities in their books and Activity Books. They exclusive access to:
participate in class activities and projects, as well as engage with ✓ free articles on current trends in the primary classroom!
the course’s digital tools as they interact with their classmates on ✓ free reproducible activity sheets to download and use in
the interactive whiteboard (ActiveTeach) and on the CD-ROM. your classroom!
My Little Island equips young learners for the technological, ✓ free Teacher Primary Packs filled with posters, story cards,
global world of the 21st century not only by teaching them and games to use in your classroom!
English and digital literacy, but also by fostering critical skills to
help them become successful, contributing members of society.
✓ exclusive access to professional development via print
materials and web conferences!
Skills most helpful for the future include: flexibility,
adaptability to constant change, critical and
analytical thinking, communication, collaboration,
creativity, and problem solving. By nurturing
these critical skills and abilities in children, the
course ensures that children develop into more
autonomous primary-age learners and beyond.
By addressing these preprimary objectives and
developing skills and strategies for communicating
in a global community, My Little Island prepares
children to meet expectations of the Starter level of
CYLET (Cambridge Young Learners English Tests)
and ensures that they will continue to be successful
and enjoy their learning experiences in English.

Course and Philosophy v

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A welcome unit opens the Pupil’s Book and serves as a review of the course’s first book.
Eight thematic units follow, and include presentation and practice of the new lexical
sets of vocabulary and language structures. Vocabulary builds throughout the course,
from basic greetings, classroom objects and the family, to words used to talk about
community workers and places, school activities, and feelings. Children listen to stories
with target language; sing songs and say chants; colour, match, and draw; and play
games, collaborate, and communicate with partners, in small groups, and with the
whole class.

The first lesson presents The vocabulary

the unit’s target lesson presents target
vocabulary in a scene, vocabulary with
along with a thematic photographs. There are
song accompanied by six new words per unit.
meaningful gestures
and actions.

Next, children listen to Stories are included on

and act out a story that the Class Audio CDs,
presents new language on the CD-ROM, and
structures. ActiveTeach.

vi Components

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This lesson develops This lesson develops
listening skills. Children speaking skills. Children
listen to and follow ask and answer
directions that include questions using a
target vocabulary and conversation model
language. on the page. An Extra
Practice icon directs
children to a practice
lesson at the back of the

The next lesson helps This lesson prompts

children develop skill in children to choose the
numeracy and maths right course of action
concepts. In this one, in a given situation,
children trace and count helping them develop
the stars. good values.

The Review lessons The review section

include a sticker activity covers the preceding two
for children to check units, allowing pupils a
their comprehension chance to think back and
of vocabulary and review what they have
language, and a cross- learned.
curricular project.

Components vii

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The interleaved Teacher’s Book has full-size Pupil’s Class Audio CDs contain
Book pages next to the teaching lessons. Simple four- all of the level’s songs,
step lesson plans include Getting Ready activities, a chants, stories, and listening
Working in the Book section, Consolidating activities, comprehension activities. The
and an Optional: Using Digital Components section. Teacher’s Book indicates when
Icons signal when to use components. A two- and how to use these. Audio
page Unit Overview maps each unit’s content and icons with track numbers on
objectives. It also provides notice board ideas and the Pupil’s Book pages also
story summaries, and shows how curriculum and provide cues for which songs,
home-school connections are made. chants, and listening exercises
to use with the activities.


The Activity Book provides practice and
reinforcement of Pupil’s Book lessons. Children
practise developing fine motor skills as they trace,
match, and colour theme-related pictures. The
level’s characters, Lilly and Billy, and the course’s
mascot, Sammy the Squirrel, appear throughout
for continuity and fun. An Audio CD with songs
and chants is included. Annotated pages, with
answers, can be found in the Teacher’s Edition.

viii Components

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Three colourful posters The CD-ROM features
motivate children as they course stories, as well
set off to learn English. as matching, sorting,
The My Little Island map concentration, and
gives children a bird’s- multiple-choice games and
eye view of the island. activities. An animation
Meet Your New Friends! rewards children at the
introduces each Pupil’s end of each activity. Stories
Book’s main characters. are also accessible word-
Shapes and Colours by-word. Live-action videos
presents a reference for are included, and scripts
important concepts. are available on pages
T129–T132 of this book.

Student Book pages can be
projected onto the big screen, using
FLASHCARDS this interactive whiteboard program
Forty-eight colourful photographs of the target vocabulary with tools. Audio for songs, chants,
appear on Flashcards for presentation, review, and games. instructions, listening activities,
These also appear in ActiveTeach. An index of the cards is videos, and Flashcards is included.
available on page T128 of this book.


The companion website has The My Little Island Big
complete product information, Book engages children in a
component descriptions, a shared reading experience.
sample unit, scope and sequences, Children will feel at ease
letters home, the theme song, as their teacher turns the
and videos. The link is: pages and models reading the selections aloud,
encouraging them to join in
when they are comfortable.
The large, over-sized pages
allow children to easily
point to words and to
picture details.

Components ix

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Computer activities should be age-appropriate and foster
Digital Tools: CD-ROM and ActiveTeach instruction in ways that increase learning, motivation, personal
productivity, and creativity. For example, Perry (2009) noted
YOUNG LEARNERS AND TECHNOLOGY that “Children three to five years old are natural ‘manipulators’
Research shows that appropriate use of computer technology of the world – they learn through controlling the movement
in education is beneficial for learners (Clements and Sarama, and interactions between objects in their world – dolls, blocks,
2003; Waxman, Connell, and Gray, 2002; Byram and Bingham, toy cars, and their own bodies.” Children are naturally curious
2001). Broadly speaking, children can learn from computers and willing to interact with computers, and they enjoy their
and with computers. Children learn from computers when the ability to control the type, pace, and repetition of an activity. In
computer assumes the role of a tutor, with the goal of importing some cases, children have even managed to learn how to use a
and increasing basic knowledge and skills. Children learn with computer with no instruction at all, through their own curiosity,
computers when the computers serve as a facilitating tool, with fearlessness, and persistence (Mitra, 1999).
the goal of developing critical thinking skills, research skills, and
the creative imagination (Ringstaff and Kelley, 2002).

x Digital Tools: CD-ROM and ActiveTeach

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Byram, E., and Bingham, M. (2001). “Factors Influencing the Effective Children in the My Little Island course become familiar with
Use of Technology for Teaching and Learning: Lessons Learned from digital learning activities through ActiveTeach and the CD-ROMs.
SEIR-TEC Intensive Site Schools, 2nd Edition.” Greensboro: NC: SERVE. These components prepare them for more intensive digital tool
and computer- and game-based courses like Our Discovery
Clements, D.H., and Sarama, J. (2003). “Strip Mining for Gold: Research
Island. The CD-ROM offers a variety of fun-filled games for each
and Policy in Educational Technology—A Response to ‘Fool’s Gold.’”
thematic unit, with each level’s games increasing in difficulty.
Educational Technology Review, 11 (1), 7-69.
At the end of each unit, children also play “Look and Find” – a
Kneas, K. M., and Perry, B. D. (2009). “Using Technology in the Early Quest-like activity in which children must find unit-related items
Childhood Classroom.” Early Childhood Today. (Retrieved November 5, in scenes. The children can take the CD-ROM home and share
2009, from the World Wide Web.) Scholastic. what they are learning with caregivers and even play the games
Mitra, S. (1999). “Hole in the wall—can kids learn computer literacy by and view the course’s videos together.
themselves?” Generation YES Blog. (Retrieved November 5, 2009, from ActiveTeach provides access to the entire My Little Island Pupil’s
the World Wide Web.) Book and allows teachers to project pages up on the big screen,
Ringstaff C., and Kelley, L. (2002). “The Learning Return on Our using interactive tools like a pen, highlighter, and rubber, so that
Educational Technology Investment.” San Francisco, CA: WestEd. all the children become involved with a page at the same time.
Waxman, H.C., Connell, M. L., and Gray, J. (2002). “A Quantitative Teachers can demonstrate how to do activities, highlight target
Synthesis of Recent Research on the Effects of Teaching and Learning vocabulary and language, show children how to trace, and
with Technology on Student Outcomes.” Naperville, IL: North Central focus their attention on story characters and lesson features. In
Regional Educational Laboratory. addition, the Flashcard images, story cards, the songs and chants,
and the unit videos make this an invaluable teaching aid.

Digital Tools: CD-ROM and ActiveTeach xi

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Course Highlights Science
Simple science activities engage the children in the fascinating
CROSS-CURRICULAR CONNECTIONS world of science and provide opportunities for the children to
Research shows language courses that help young learners to communicate about it.
make curriculum connections among school subjects have more
successful learning outcomes. My Little Island offers integrated,
Social Studies
level-appropriate curriculum connections in every unit through
engaging activities. Colourful icons help teachers find these As young children find out about the culture on the island, they
activities easily. are reminded of the social structures that make up their own
world, such as family, school, and friends, as well as town and
country life.
A wide range of art activities helps young children develop fine
Each unit has a culminating cross-curricular project. These are
motor skills, recognize and reproduce patterns, learn about
integrated into the Review sections, which come after each block
colours, and create pictures that have meaning for them.
of two units.
In addition, the art course develops visual literacy through
illustrations that help young learners construct meaning and
develop related language and communication skills. HOME-SCHOOL CONNECTIONS AND VALUES
Support from family and others at home is very important to a
Maths child’s total learning experience. Research shows that language
acquisition is enhanced through parental interest, involvement,
Maths and shapes lessons (CLIL) expose children to basic
and support. My Little Island encourages strong home-school
concepts that help them build skill in numeracy and other maths
connections. A general letter about the course and then letters
skills. Games on the CD-ROM and other activities also help young
for each unit, along with activities and tips, serve to involve
children develop basic understandings in maths.
families. Unit projects can be taken home and shared. Children
should be encouraged to take home the CD-ROM and Songs and
Music and Movement Chants CD and share the course’s songs, chants, and stories with
Each unit opens with a song, accompanied by TPR. Other songs, their families.
as well as chants, appear throughout the units and provide Each thematic unit includes a values lesson, with a short, catchy
opportunities for the children to move and gesture along with chant. The children look at two photographs in their Pupil’s
the music. Book and choose the right thing to do in a given situation.
These values lessons encourage young children to think about
themselves and how they interact with their family members,
friends, and others.

xii Course Highlights

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Phonics Before children read the printed word, they learn basic literacy
concepts, such as left-to-right directionality and holding a
Young children in the My Little Island course are probably just
book in the appropriate orientation. Literacy activities appear
beginning to discover sound-symbol relationships in their first
throughout the Teacher’s Book, providing teachers with
language. Since sounds in English may have multiple spellings
suggestions for developing young children’s reading skills.
and a child’s first language may be more straightforward, the
Children progress from looking at and listening to picture stories
My Little Island course takes a gradual approach to phonics,
without words to experiencing stories with words at Level 3.
beginning with phonemic awareness (becoming aware of the
sounds in words) and gradually introducing sound-symbol ASSESSMENT
correspondences. Because some teachers may not wish to teach As children enjoy their learning experiences in My Little Island,
phonics at this early level, the phonics lessons are placed at the it is important to assess their progress at regular intervals.
back of the Pupil’s Book and the Teacher’s Book. Children are The review of each unit after Units 3, 5, 7 and 9 provides
introduced to sound-symbol correspondences for consonant opportunities to review and evaluate what children have
letters and sounds as they begin to understand that letters stand understood and retained. The Review lesson is also a great way
for sounds. to help children recall songs, stories, concepts, and vocabulary
Later in the course, children review these sound-symbol that they particularly like or remember, and to stimulate class
correspondences for consonant letters and sounds, and go on to discussions. The culminating unit project serves as another
learn vowel letters and short vowel sounds. The course guides demonstration of what children have learned. Children build self-
children from receptive language development to language esteem as their efforts are rewarded with Good Job! stickers and
production as they move from phonemic awareness to reading as they are praised and commended for their achievements.
simple words. The course presents common words that do My Little Island endorses portfolios as an excellent way to keep
not follow spelling rules (sight words) in environmental print track of children’s progress. Portfolios for My Little Island should
throughout the course. include samples of children’s work collected throughout the
Prewriting year and notes that include the children’s own reflections and
opinions about what they are learning. Children can decorate
My Little Island reinforces the development of prewriting skills
their portfolios and should be encouraged to take pride in
as an important part of a child’s early learning development.
them as they share them with one another at school. Children’s
In preparing for primary school, children need to develop the
portfolios can also be shown to parents and family during
cognitive and physical skills they need for writing as well as the
meetings to highlight progress or be sent home at the completion
necessary skills for reading. The course helps children develop
of units as well as at the end of the term.
gross motor skills through movement, songs with accompanying
actions, and games; and fine motor skills, as well as hand-eye Informal assessment is ongoing. Watching and listening to
coordination, through a variety of activities. The Pupil’s Book children as they do their work and learn English, recording
and Activity Book offer a wide range of opportunities to develop progress and problems, checking comprehension, and having
these skills through activities such as: colouring, painting, informal conversations to keep track of how a child is doing are
drawing, connecting dots, tracing, matching, manipulating all important. Encouraging children to check one another’s work
cutouts and stickers, and making unit projects. also helps in this process.

Course Highlights xiii

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Scope and Sequence My Little Island 2

New New Language Phonics Lesson
Unit TPR Actions Values Curricular Maths
Vocabulary Structures (vocabulary and & Prewriting
Billy, Lilly; black, What’s your clap (“Goodbye Hello. Hi. I’m (Billy).
grey, white name? Song”), climb, 1–5; animals,
1 My name is colour, jump, look classroom objects,
(Billy). around, look up, colours, family
make a circle, members, food items,
Welcome point, run, show (3) parts of the face,
fingers, touch knee, prepositions (in, on,
wave (“Hello Song”) under), room objects,
shapes, toys

backpack, This is my carry, clap, cut, classroom objects, Put things Art: Decorated Phonics: initial p Counting 1–5
computer, (computer). draw, stamp, colours, shapes, toys; away. notebook and t sounds (rectangles)
2 markers, Is it (a) (pen)? stretch arms, trace a circle, pencil, tree,
notebook, pen, Is it (an) animal? rectangle in the air, turtle Prewriting:
scissors No, it isn’t. type, wiggle hands, directionality
My School Yes, it is. write, write letters
It’s (Sammy). in the air

aunt, cousin, Who’s (she)? clap, dance, giggle, colours, shapes; Help your Art: Star badge Phonics: initial m Counting 1–5
grandma, (She)’s my hop, stamp, stop, mum, sun family. to honour a and s sounds (stars)
3 grandpa, pet, (grandma). stretch arms, tap, family member
uncle Who’s (the trace a star in the Prewriting:
baby)? air, wiggle, wiggle directionality
Family It’s (me). hands, write letters
in the air

bike, boat, car, Is it (yellow)? clap, kick, painting What is it? Please share. Science: A boat Phonics: initial r and Counting 1–6
paints, puppet, Yes, it is. action, show (3) It’s (yellow). that floats b sounds
4 train No, it isn’t. fingers, stamp, colours, toys; book,
stretch arms, talk rain Prewriting:
with hands, touch a directionality
Play Time! knee, wave, wiggle
hands, write letters
in the air

xiv Scope and Sequence

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New New Language Phonics Lesson
Unit TPR Actions Values Curricular Maths
Vocabulary Structures (vocabulary and & Prewriting
bathroom, Where’s (Mum)? kick, play piano, family members, food Be careful. Social Studies: Phonics: initial l and Counting 1–7
bedroom, dining (She)’s in the point, pretend items; bird, book, Houses poster k sounds
5 room, house, (kitchen). to clap, show (3) cake, chair, dog,
kitchen, living (She)’s in (your fingers, stamp, doll, in, kite, lamp, Prewriting:
room, with bedroom). stretch arms, touch puppet, teddy bear, directionality
My House a knee, wiggle turtle, under
hands, write letters
in the air

arms, body, feet, Where’s your clap, dance, kick, This is my (head). Wash your Science: Fitness Phonics: initial n Counting 1–8
hands, head, (head)? nod, pull strings, Thank you. hands. poster and f sounds
6 legs Where are your shake arms, show They’re (blue).
(arms)? (3) fingers, stamp, colours, parts of the Prewriting:
Where are your straighten leg, face; cat, flower, nest, directionality
My Body (legs)? stretch arms, tap, nose
These are my touch a knee,
(arms). wiggle, wiggle
hands, write letters
in the air

apples, bread, Do you like clap, hand on Thank you. Eat properly. Science: Phonics: initial w Counting 1–9
chicken, cookies, (pasta)? heart, kick, point to I don’t like (cookies). Healthy foods and y sounds
7 pasta, salad Do you like tummy, rub tummy, cake, cheese, water, poster
(cookies)? show (3) fingers, yellow, yogurt Prewriting:
Yes, I do. stamp, stretch arms, directionality
Time to No, I don’t. thumbs up, touch a
Eat! knee, wiggle hands,
write letters in the

cow, duck, goat, Can you see the animal actions, ball, cat, dog, doll, Do your Science: Poster Phonics: initial d Counting 1–10
hen, horse, (horse)? clap, kick, show grass, turtle chores. about what and g sounds
8 sheep Can you see the (3) fingers, stamp, animals eat
(duck)? stretch arms, Prewriting:
Yes, I can. thumbs up, touch a directionality
On the No, I can’t. knee, wiggle hands,
Farm write letters in the

cold, hot, rainy, How’s the clap, fan yourself, kite, lamp, tree Dress for the Maths: Phonics: initial Counting 1–10
snowy, sunny, weather? flap arms, fly kite, weather. Snowflakes sounds b, d, g, k,
9 windy It’s (windy). hold umbrella, made out l, p, t
It’s (sunny). shiver, trace shapes of circle and
in the air, write triangle shapes Prewriting:
The letters in the air directionality

Scope and Sequence xv

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Time Guidelines The actual time it may take for teachers to cover a Pupil’s Book
unit depends on many factors, such as: how much time is needed
My Little Island is flexibly designed to suit individual teacher’s for review or for presentation of new material, how many
specific classroom needs and scheduling requirements. It is optional components are used, and how many times features
estimated that teaching materials for the Pupil’s Book and are revisited. Approximate time frames are given for optional
related practice in the Activity Book may take up to 30–60 activities. The degree to which teachers integrate the digital
minutes of classroom time. By using the digital components, components, the posters, the Flashcards, and so on, will also
the optional activities in the Teacher’s Book, and other course affect planning. Additionally, the makeup and needs of any given
resources, teachers can plan to add 15–30 minutes a lesson. For class, as well as how well the children co-operate as a group
classes meeting three to five hours a week, this means covering and how engaged and well-behaved they are, are all factors for
approximately two to three Pupil’s Book pages and other teachers to consider in planning time.
component segments per week. This adds up to about one unit Teachers can choose whether to review each unit at the end, or
per month. Below is a chart with recommendations for pacing to set aside time for a ‘Review lesson’ and go over the block of
one thematic unit, along with optional course suggestions. two units together.


Other Components:
Week Day Pupil’s Book Activity Book
add 15–30 minutes
Day 1 Song and vocabulary presentation Activity practising vocabulary* Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
1 Days 2–3 Story (two pages) with new Activity supporting story* Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
structure presentation ActiveTeach
Day 4 Listening/speaking practice Two activities supporting Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
2 speaking* ActiveTeach
Day 5 Phonics Activity supporting phonics Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
3 Day 6 Shapes or maths introduced with Activity supporting shapes or Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
chant maths ActiveTeach
Day 7 Values activity and chant Activity supporting values Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
4 Day 8 Review/Assessment, project and Activity for review/personalization Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
sticker activity ActiveTeach
Anytime Optional lessons for extra practice Class Audio CD, Flashcards, ActiveTeach
with phonics, speaking and for
festivals in back section

*Note that there are eight Activity Book pages for each ten-page Pupil’s Book unit. While generally there is one Activity Book page for each Pupil’s Book page,
there are a few exceptions: The vocabulary practice page in the Activity Book is designed to be used with the second vocabulary lesson in the Pupil’s Book. There is
one practice page in the Activity Book for the two-page story in the Pupil’s Book. And for the listening/speaking lessons, there are two practice pages in the Activity
Book for the speaking lesson in the Pupil’s Book instead of one for listening and one for speaking.

xvi Time Guidelines

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Map xvii

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1 Welcome
Objectives Vocabulary
✓ To meet characters New: Billy, Lilly; black, grey, white
Review: Sammy; circle, square, triangle;
✓ To learn basic classroom
numbers 1–5; blue, brown, green,
instructions Materials
orange, pink, purple, red, yellow; book,
Pupil’s Book pages 4–13; Activity
✓ To learn greetings chair, crayon, pencil, table; bed, clock,
Book pages 4–11; Class Audio CD A:
door, lamp, toy box, window; ball,
✓ To sing songs and chant blocks, doll, kite, puzzle, teddy bear; Tracks 3–19; Course Posters: Meet Your
ears, eyes, face, hair, mouth, nose; New Friends!, My Little Island Map,
✓ To do new TPR movements
cake, cheese, juice, milk, water, yogurt; Shapes and Colours; stickers (back of
✓ To practise fine and gross motor baby, brother, dad, mum, sister; bird, Pupil’s Book and shown on page T106)
skills cat, dog, fish, mouse, turtle Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
Sammy the Squirrel puppet
✓ To review the language structure
Hello. Hi. I’m (Billy).

✓ To learn and practise the new

language structures What’s your
name? / My name is (Billy).

✓ To learn the colours black, grey, Songs and Chants

and white
✓ What’s Your Name? (Class Audio
✓ To review colours, numbers, and CD A: Tracks 7 and 8)
✓ In The Playground Chant (Class
✓ To review the prepositions of Audio CD A: Tracks 9 and 10)
location in, on, and under
✓ The Duck Is White Chant (Class
✓ To practise new language by Audio CD A: Tracks 11 and 12)
listening and speaking
Home-School Connections ✓ Count to 5 Chant (Class Audio
✓ To review vocabulary from Level 1 CD A: Tracks 13 and 14)
Copy the General Letter Home on
✓ To learn and review unit page T127 for children to bring ✓ Look at the Colours (Class Audio
vocabulary and structures home to introduce the second level CD A: Tracks 17 and 18
of My Little Island. The Unit 1 Letter
Home is available online at

T1A Welcome

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Pop-up Hello!
review numbers and shapes from ✓ clap, climb, colour, jump, look around, ✓ Make a notice board to welcome
Level 1, count to 5, take a survey look up, make a circle, point, run, children to the class.
show fingers, touch knee
sing, chant, and move to music Materials
make a shape mobile, draw a room, • photos from home or hand-drawn
trace pictures, colour pictures, create Prereading and Prewriting self-portraits
a self-portrait • coloured paper
✓ Talk about the characters.
• teacher-made labels of children’s names
✓ Practise fine motor skills.
• card
Preschool Learning Outcomes ✓ Draw, colour, and trace. • scissors
✓ Understand basic classroom • sticky tape
✓ Understand vocabulary, language
1. Before class, write each child’s name
structures, and prepositions from Encourage
Level 1. on a separate piece of coloured paper.
children to participate
only when they feel 2. Cut strips of stiff card; each strip should
✓ Understand basic TPR movements.
comfortable. be about an inch wide and four inches
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR. long.
✓ Join in games and interact with other 3. Cut one strip for each name label.
4. Fold each strip four times, like an
✓ Share information about themselves. accordion.
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards 5. Tape one end to the notice board, and
the English language. one end to the name label.
6. Ask the children to bring in a photo
from home or to draw self-portraits.
Digital Practice
7. Help the children find their pop-up
Encourage the children to use the names and tape their pictures next to
CD-ROM for vocabulary practice or them.
for review.
8. Cue them to point and say: Hi, I’m
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s (Mina).
Book pages together as a class.

Welcome T1B

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Presentation • Point to each character and say: This is (Billy
/ Lilly).
A7 Act It Out (10 minutes)
Objectives: to introduce the book and • Each time, prompt the children to say: Hi,
the new characters, to learn and practise (Billy / Lilly)! • Divide the class into two groups (girls and
greetings, to sing a song boys, if possible) so that one group can be
• Follow a similar procedure with the Meet
Lilly and the other can be Billy.
New Structure: What’s your name? / My Your New Friends! poster to make sure the
name is (Billy). children know the characters. • Ask them to cut out and make stick puppets
for Lilly and Billy on Student Book page 109
Review: Hello. Hi. I’m (Billy).
A7 1. Listen and sing. Move. (and shown on page T105 of this book).
TPR: climb, run Practise the song. Encourage each group to
• Talk about what is happening in the picture.
Materials: Class Audio CD A sing their part, using the stick puppets for
Use gestures and TPR to help clarify meaning.
Optional Materials: My Little Island Map introductions, and do the actions.
poster, Meet Your New Friends! poster; Sammy • Point to the picture as you describe it:
• Invite individuals to sing the last two lines by
the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach – The children are at a playground. themselves.
– Billy is climbing on the climbing frame.
GETTING READY A8 Karaoke (10 minutes)
– Lilly is running toward Billy.
Look at the Poster (5 minutes) • Play the karaoke version of the song.
• Introduce the actions run and climb. Say
• Display the My Little Island Map poster. the word for each action, pretend to do the • Invite three volunteers at a time to sing and
Ask the children if they remember any of action, and let the children repeat it. act out the song, using their own names.
the places. Let volunteers speak about their • Play the song and invite the children to
favourite ones. pretend to run and climb with you. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Invite the children to guess where they will CD-ROM
visit next. Audio Script
Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
What’s Your Name? home to show their families what they are
A3 Play the “Hello Song” Lilly: Hi. Hello. What’s your name? doing in class. The CD-ROMs include games
Teach the children the “Hello Song,” using the
Billy: My name is Billy. I’m Billy! Watch me and activities and the images from the
Sammy the Squirrel puppet, and then use the
climb. (pretend to climb) Flashcards.
song as a warm up for every class.
I climb here.
Audio Script I climb there.
I climb everywhere! ActiveTeach is a fun and engaging way to
Hello Song share the Pupil’s Book with the class, using
Hi. Hello. What’s your name?
Hello. Hello (wave, wave), children. a large digital format. Children enjoy seeing
Are you ready to play? Lilly: My name is Lilly. the book on the big screen, and teachers
Hello. Hello (wave, wave), children. I’m Lilly! appreciate how easy it is to focus children’s
Let’s learn English today. Watch me run. (run in place) attention on details on a page.
I run here.
Hello. Hello (wave, wave), teacher.
I run there.
We’re ready to play.
I run everywhere!
Hello. Hello (wave, wave), teacher.
We speak English—HOORAY! Both: Hi. Hello. What’s your name?
Child: My name is ____. (personalize) I’m ____!
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 4 (personalize)
Meet the Characters
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 4.
Welcome T4

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Colours • Point out the merry-go-round and the duck.
For each item, ask: What colour is it?

Objectives: to learn and review colours, to

A9 Pass the Crayon (10 minutes)
• Ask the children to point to each item and
practice TPR say the colour(s). • Tell the children to sit in a circle. Give out
New Vocabulary: black, grey, white different colour crayons.
• Play the chant and act it out. Help the
TPR: make a circle, colour children listen and colour. • Play “In the Playground Chant” and let the
children pass the crayons around.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book • Play it again. Invite the children to join in.
• Stop the music and say: Show me grey!
Optional Materials: Sammy the Squirrel
puppet, Shapes and Colours poster, crayons, Audio Script • Tell the children with the grey crayons to
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach In the Playground Chant hold them up. Then call out a TPR action
See the slide. (climb, run, make a circle) and ask the
It’s grey, grey, grey. children to do it.
Get your crayon. • Continue in this way.
Play a Hello Game with TPR (10 minutes) And colour it grey. (pretend to colour)
• Reinforce the TPR actions (climb and run) It’s grey. A5 Goodbye Song (5 minutes)
and the target language for greetings. It’s grey. • Teach the children the “Goodbye Song,”
• Approach a child in the class. Clap three Colour it today. using the Sammy the Squirrel puppet, and
times and say: What’s your name? The tyre’s black. then use the song to end every class.
Black and round. (make a circle with your arms)
• Prompt the child to answer: My name is
Colour it black. (pretend to colour) Audio Script
All around. Goodbye Song
• Say: Hello (Kim). (Run / Climb), (Kim). Say It’s black. Goodbye, children. (clap, clap, wave)
hello. It’s black. Goodbye. Goodbye.
• Let the children do the action and say hello. Black and round. (make a circle with your arms) Have a nice day!
• Repeat several times with other children.
Goodbye, teacher. (clap, clap, wave)
A11 3. Point and say.
Shapes and Colours Poster Goodbye. Goodbye.
• Play “The Duck Is White Chant.” Have a nice day!
(10 minutes)
• Ask the children to point to the picture as Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye! (wave)
• Display the poster.
they chant with the audio.
• Invite one child at a time to come up to the Activity Book Page 4
poster and point to a colour or shape that he Audio Script
/ she knows and then say: It’s (red / a circle). Ask the children to trace and colour the cat,
The Duck Is White Chant bird, mouse, and tyre swing. Partners talk
• Then invite volunteers to find things in The duck is white, about the colours they used.
the classroom that are the same colour or White, white, white.
• Use the poster to introduce the new colours: It’s white.
black, grey, white. Point to the item, say the It’s white. CD-ROM
colour, and let the children repeat. Yes, you’re right. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
The duck is white. home to show their families the colours they
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 5 know from class.
• Ask the children to point to other colours
A9 2. Listen and colour. they see on the page and identify them: It’s ActiveTeach
• Tell the children to open their books at (yellow). Use ActiveTeach to focus on the different
page 5. Say: Look at the playground. colours of the playground equipment. Model
colouring the slide and the swing.
T5 Welcome

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Objectives: to review numbers 1–5 and shapes A15 5. Trace, count, and say. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
TPR: jump, show (3) fingers, touch knee • Point to the number 1, count the shape, and CD-ROM
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book say the number. Model tracing the number.
Let the children do the same. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
Optional Materials: crayons, ball, five empty home to show their families what they know
plastic bottles, food colouring, hangers, • Repeat with 2, 3, 4, and 5. about shapes and numbers.
shapes cut out from different coloured paper,
string, decorative items (glitter and glue, CONSOLIDATING ActiveTeach
markers, stickers), hole punch; Sammy the Use ActiveTeach to model tracing the numbers
Squirrel puppet; Shapes and Colours poster; Bowling (5 minutes) on the page. Use the pointer to help the
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach
• Have a ball and five empty plastic bottles children count the shapes on each of the balls.
available. (Put a little water in each bottle
GETTING READY to help it stand upright. Then add a few
Shapes and Colours Poster (5 minutes) drops of food colouring to the water so each
bottle is a different colour, and put the lid
• Use the poster to review colours and shapes.
back on.)
• Invite children to point to and name the
• Place the plastic bottles with one at the
shapes and colours.
front, then two and two (similar to a
• Ask volunteers to find items in the houses bowling alley).
that are the shape or colour you say.
• Let the children take turns rolling the ball
and trying to knock over the bottles. Each
Review Numbers (5 minutes)
time, ask them to count the number of
• Begin a review of the numbers 1–5 by writing bottles that they knock over and say their
them on the board. Point and say: 1, 2, 3, 4, colours.
5. Ask the children to repeat.
• Hold up fingers, groups of crayons, or Shape Mobiles (15 minutes)
gesture to the children as you count (1, 2, 3, • Have available: hangers, shapes cut out
4, 5). Ask the children to count with you. from different coloured paper, string,
decorative items (glitter and glue, markers,
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 6 stickers), and a hole punch.
A13 4. Listen and sing. • Punch a hole at the top of each shape.
• Tell the children to open their books at • Tell the children they are going to make
page 6. shape mobiles to decorate the classroom.
• Play the audio and do the actions. • After a child decorates a shape, thread
string through the hole and tie it. Tie the
• Play it again. Invite the children to join in
other end to a hanger.
when they’re ready.
Activity Book Page 5
Audio Script
Let the children work in pairs or independently
Count to 5 Chant to trace and colour the shapes. Let partners
Are you ready? point to the circle, triangle, and square shapes
Count with me: 1, 2, 3, (show 3 fingers) and say which colour they used.
Touch your knee. (touch knee)
4 and 5 (show 4th and 5th fingers)
Jump and jive! (jump)
Welcome T6

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Objectives: to review classroom objects WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 7 • Point to your eye and gesture to clarify
and colours meaning as you say: I spy with my little eye
TPR: clap, look around, look up, point
A17 6. Listen, sing, and colour. Say. something blue. Sammy, look around.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book • Tell the children to open their books at • Make Sammy look around and guess: The
page 7. chair? (No.) The marker? (No.) The table?
Optional Materials: crayons or coloured
paper, classroom objects; Sammy the Squirrel • Say: Look at the balloons. Show me the (Yes!)
puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach (yellow) balloon. • Repeat the game. Make Sammy lead the
• Repeat with the other colours. game and let the children guess.
GETTING READY • Point to each classroom object on the page.
Ask: What’s this? Invite volunteers to answer. Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down
Touch (Green)! (5 minutes) (10 minutes)
• Play the song and do the TPR actions.
• Use crayons or coloured paper to review • Review all the TPR actions the children have
• Play it again. Invite the children to point to
colours quickly. learned so far in Unit 1: clap, climb, jump,
the colours on the page and do the actions
• Explain that you will play some music and look around, look up, point, pretend to
with you. Point out the white and grey
as the children hear the music playing, colour, run, show fingers, touch knee, wave.
clouds, and the black fence.
they should march around the room until Tell the children they will use them in a
• Encourage the children to sing along when game.
the music stops, and then everyone should
they are ready.
freeze. • Demonstrate with Sammy. Say: Sammy,
• When you stop the music, call out: Touch Audio Script look around. Make Sammy pretend to look
(green)! Explain that everyone has to touch around and then give him a thumbs-up. Say:
Look at the Colours Sammy, clap. Make Sammy point to the sky
something green with their own hands or by Look around. (look around)
holding hands with someone else who is. and then give him a thumbs-down.
Look at the sky. (look up)
• Tell the children that the goal of the game is Look at the colours with your eyes. (point to • Continue the game, but invite the children to
to have everyone connected in each round. eyes) give Sammy thumbs-up or thumbs-down.
• To make the entire group connect, call out Yellow, red, and blue, • Extend the game by making Sammy point to
a specific object: Touch the (green table)! Brown, green, and orange, too. specific classroom objects or colours.
Demonstrate the chain by positioning the Here’s white, black, and grey.
We love colours – Hooray! (clap)
Activity Book Page 6
children so they are holding hands in a chain
and are all connected to the one child who’s Tell the children to match and colour the
touching the table. • Tell the children to colour the classroom classroom objects. Encourage partners to tell
objects to match their balloons. (Colour the each other which items they matched.
• Play a few times.
pencil yellow, and so on.)
Review Classroom Objects (5 minutes) OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Hold up a finished page. Point and say: It’s
• For each word, point to the item in your a (pencil). It’s (yellow). CD-ROM
classroom and ask Sammy the Squirrel: • Invite the children to share their own Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
What’s this? Make Sammy think about it and finished pages this way. home to show their families the colours they
answer: It’s a (pencil). know.
• Prompt the class to repeat: It’s a (pencil). CONSOLIDATING
• Ask volunteers to find and point to other of I Spy (10 minutes)
the same items in the room. Use ActiveTeach to make the connection
• Play “I Spy” with colours and classroom between the object and the colour of the
objects. balloon to make sure the children understand
• Model the game with Sammy the Squirrel. the directions.

T7 Welcome

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Objective: to review room objects Review Room Objects with TPR • If possible, have available: magazine
Materials: Activity Book, Class Audio CD A (5 minutes) cutouts of bedrooms and photos of
children’s own bedrooms.
Optional Materials: coloured paper; My Little • Make Sammy point to a clock and ask: What
Island Map poster; classroom clock; pictures is it? Help the children answer: It’s a clock. • Ask the children to create drawings of their
illustrating the words door, window, lamp, bedrooms. Invite them to talk about their
• Hold up pictures for door, window, lamp, toy
toy box, and bed; markers or crayons, white pictures. Model language they can use: It’s
box, and bed.
paper, magazine cutouts, photos from home, my bedroom. It’s (green). This is the (door).
glue; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; • Each time, make Sammy ask: What is it?
ActiveTeach • To answer, help the children do TPR and say: Guess the Word (5 minutes)
It’s a (door). Then pretend to open a door. • Review actions the children know.
GETTING READY • For window, pretend to open a window and • Explain that you will do an action and that
look outside. For lamp, pretend to turn on a the children will guess it.
A17 Review the Song (5 minutes) lamp. For toy box, pretend to open one and • Do the action for door. Invite volunteers to
• Play the song “Look at the Colours.” (See put toys away. For bed, rest your head on guess which word you are thinking of.
page T7). folded hands as though sleeping. For clock,
• Continue in this way.
• Ask the children to do the actions as they move your arms around as though they are
listen and sing along. clock hands. Activity Book Page 7
• Give sheets of different coloured paper to • Ask the children to copy the action and say Ask the children to trace the lines to complete
pairs of children. each word with you. each object on the page. After they trace an
• Play the song. Tell partners that when they object, let them tell a partner what it is and
hear their colour, they should lift their paper WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 8 then colour it.
in the air. 7. Match and say. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Share What You Know (5 minutes) • Tell the children to open their books at
page 8. Talk about Lilly’s bedroom with CD-ROM
• Show the My Little Island Map poster and them. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
point to Lilly’s house.
• Invite the children to name any furniture, home and play the games with family
• Explain that one room in Lilly’s house is her toys, colours, and shapes they recognize. members to reinforce what they are learning
bedroom. about in class.
• Direct the children to the items along the
• Ask the children to talk about and describe bottom of the page. Ask them to point and
things in their own bedrooms. Encourage ActiveTeach
say: It’s a clock. Then call their attention to
them to use words they know in English Use ActiveTeach to highlight the room objects.
the outlines of the items in Lilly’s bedroom.
(colours, shapes, numbers, and vocabulary Use the pointer to connect the pictures at the
Ask: Where’s the clock?
from Level 1). bottom of the page to the outlines of the same
• Follow a similar procedure for the lamp, toy ones in the room.
• Tell the children that they are going to box, and window.
review words people use to talk about
rooms and things in them.
Draw Your Room (15 minutes)
• Gather art supplies, such as white paper,
markers, and crayons.

Welcome T8

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Objectives: to review counting 1–5 and toys • Continue in this way so that all children • Do one of the actions associated with a toy
Materials: Activity Book have a chance to play. (reviewed in this lesson’s activity “Review
Toys with TPR”). Ask: What’s this?
Optional Materials: toys or pictures of toys;
unlined index cards with different numbers WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 9 • Let the child guess what toy you’re
of circles drawn on them; ball, beanbag, pretending to play with.
8. Count and match.
or other item to toss; Sammy the Squirrel • Then tell the child to throw the ball to
puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Tell the children to open their books at
another child and continue the game.
page 9. Say: Look at the toys! It’s a toy
shop! Activity Book Page 8
• Invite the children to talk about each toy. Ask the children to trace the numbers at the
Review Toys with TPR (5 minutes) Ask: What is it? What colour is it? How many top of the page. Then ask them to match the
• Hold up a ball. Ask: What’s this? are there? numbers to the correct toy or group of toys.
• If necessary, make Sammy answer: It’s a • Ask the children to count the toys and say Encourage partners to say each number and
ball. the numbers. the name of each toy (one, one kite).
• Gently throw the ball to different children • Show the children that the first item in the
and ask: What’s this? Prompt the children to activity is done as an example and say: Balls.
answer: It’s a ball and then throw it back to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Five balls. CD-ROM
you. • Model tracing the matching line on the Invite the children to practise numbers using
• Hold up real objects or pictures of a doll, board. the games on the CD-ROM. Encourage the
teddy bear, kite, and toy box. • Encourage the children to complete the children to count toys, school supplies, and
• Make Sammy ask: What’s this? page on their own. other objects at home with their families and
• To answer, do TPR and say: It’s a (doll), and then share what they find out in class.
pretend to (rock a baby in your arms). For CONSOLIDATING ActiveTeach
a teddy bear, pretend to hug it close. For a
Get in Order (10 minutes) Use ActiveTeach to model tracing the numbers
kite, pretend to hold a kite string and fly a
• Prepare cards with one, two, three, four, or at the side of the page and let the children
kite. For a toy box, pretend to open it and
five circles on each one. do the same. Help the children check the
put toys away.
completed pages together, using the big
• Ask the children to say the word and copy • Divide the class into groups of five.
the action with you. • Distribute the cards so that each group has
one of each.
1, 2, Clap, 4, 5 (5 minutes) • Tell the children to line up in order at your
• Tell the children to sit in a circle. signal, according to the number of circles on
• Go around the circle. Ask the children to their card (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
count in turn: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and • Race to see which group lines up first.
so on. • Mix up the cards and the groups and play
• Explain that to play the game, the children again.
will count the same way, but the children
who are “3” will clap instead of saying 3. Circle Game (5 minutes)
• Go around the circle once this way. • Tell the children to sit in a circle.
• Then repeat, but this time, ask the children • Throw a ball, beanbag, or other item to a
who are “5” to clap instead of saying 5. child.

T9 Welcome

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Objective: to review parts of the face WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 10 • Explain that you are going to try to trick
Materials: Activity Book the children by saying one thing, but doing
9. Trace and colour. Say.
something else. Explain that the children
Optional Materials: crayons, paper, glue, • Tell the children to open their books at
cutouts (white, black, and coloured circles have to do what you say, not what you do.
page 10.
for eyes; triangles for noses; crescents • Model with a volunteer. Shake your head,
for mouths), different coloured string for • Point to the face. Say: Show me the girl’s but say: Point to your nose.
hair; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; (nose).
• If the volunteer shakes his or her head, say:
ActiveTeach • Prompt the children to point to the girl’s I tricked you!
nose. Let the children check with a partner
• If the volunteer points to his or her nose,
GETTING READY to make sure each of them is pointing to the
say: Good job!
Group Game (10 minutes) • Ask the children to trace the nose. Activity Book Page 9
• Divide the class into two groups, such as girls • Repeat for eyes, ears, mouth, and hair. Ask the children to draw their own features.
and boys. Let partners share their pictures and practise
• When the children finish tracing, let them
• Explain that Sammy will call out a word or colour in the rest of the picture. the target language by talking about them:
action for one of the groups and that the This is my face / nose / mouth / hair. These are
• Walk around the room while the children are my eyes / ears.
group will do the action, with the other
colouring, and let individual children say the
group staying still.
words as they point to the picture. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Demonstrate first with two volunteers.
Sammy says: (Child 1) bed. C1 does the action CONSOLIDATING CD-ROM
(rests head on folded hands) and says bed; Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
C2 should remain still. Sammy says: (Child Self-Portrait Collage (15 minutes) home to play the unit games and show their
2) make a circle. C2 makes a circle in the air • Invite the children to create self-portrait families what they’re learning in class.
and says circle; C1 doesn’t move. Repeat a collages.
few more times.
• Prepare and distribute cutouts (white,
• Then try it with the two groups. Say, for black, and coloured circles for eyes; triangles Use ActiveTeach to show the children how
example: Boys, clock. Tell the boys to do the for noses; crescents for mouths) and to trace the facial features. Demonstrate
action and say: clock, and tell the girls not to different coloured string for hair. Provide colouring the picture to match your own
move. glue and paper. features.
• To make it more challenging, call out a • When the children finish their collages, let
command for each group at the same them share their work with their classmates.
time. For example, say: Boys, teddy bear.
Girls, lamp. I Tricked You! (5 minutes)
Review the Parts of the Face (5 minutes) • Teach (or review) these actions from
Level 1: Open / Close your eyes. Open / Close
• Draw a face on the board.
your mouth. Point to your nose. Wiggle your
• Point and say: eye, ear, mouth, nose, ears. Shake your head.
hair, face.
• For each one, do the action and say the
• Point to your own face and repeat each word. words. Let the children do the action and
• Prompt the children to point to their faces repeat.
and say the words.

Welcome T10

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Objectives: to review food items and family • Continue with the other family members. Activity Book Page 10
members • Ask volunteers to come up and match. Ask the children to join the dots to draw
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book • Erase the lines and repeat the activity. outlines of different food items and then colour
Optional Materials: pictures (magazine or them. Encourage partners to take turns saying
other) of food items, Sammy the Squirrel WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 11 the word for each item.
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach
GETTING READY • Ask the children to open their books at page
11. Ask: Where’s Billy?
Talk About Family (5 minutes) Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM
• Help the children identify Billy and his family.
• On the board, draw a simple picture of a at home to play the games and show their
• Review the food items at the bottom of families what they’re learning in class.
family: Mum, Dad, brother, sister, baby. Ask
the page.
the children to name the different family ActiveTeach
members. • Play the audio. Pause after each item so the
children can match the food with its outline Take advantage of the large digital format
• Ask the class to repeat the words. of ActiveTeach to review family members and
in the family picture.
• Then invite the children to tell the class food items. Model matching each food item
• Check answers together as a class.
about their own families. to its outline, and then confirm the correct
• Make Sammy go first: I’ve got a mum, a Audio Script answers, using the big screen.
dad, and a sister.
Mum: Hi! I’m Mum. I like yogurt.
I Like Food (5 minutes) Dad: Hello! I’m Dad. I like cheese.
Billy: Hi! I’m Billy. I like cake.
• Display some pictures of food: milk, juice,
Sister: Hello! I like milk.
cheese, yogurt, and cake.
Brother: Hi! I like juice.
• Point and say: Mmmm, I like (milk).
• Then tell Sammy: Your turn. CONSOLIDATING
• Make Sammy point to each item and say
Take a Survey (10 minutes)
either: I like (milk) or I don’t like (juice).
• Tape the food pictures in a column on the
• Then invite the children to do the same.
Matching Game (5 minutes) • Tell the children to raise their hands if they
• Display, in a row on the board, pictures like the food.
of food: milk, juice, cheese, yogurt, and • Make a tick for each child who likes the food
cake. Underneath, draw a row of faces to and then count how many.
represent family members. • Which food is the most popular? Which is
• Point and say: Mum, Dad, sister, brother, the least popular?
• Explain that Sammy will listen and match a Make a Home Connection
family member with a food you name. Tell the children to ask someone at home
• Say: I’m the baby. I like milk. Make Sammy about the food he or she likes. Ask them to
match the baby with the milk. report to the class: My mum likes milk!

T11 Welcome

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Objectives: to review animals and colours • Encourage the children to take their time Charades (10 minutes)
Materials: Class Audio CD A and move for at least 20 seconds before • Play a game of charades. Model with
Optional Materials: pictures (magazine or allowing the class to guess. Sammy. Do the action for one of the
other) of animals, Sammy the Squirrel puppet, • Invite the class to guess the animal. animals.
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Repeat with other children and animals. • Make Sammy guess what you are: A bird!
• Then invite a volunteer to act out an animal.
GETTING READY WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 12 Help the class guess the animal.
Review Animals with TPR (5 minutes) A20 11. Listen and colour. • To extend the activity, include words from
• Hold up a picture of a fish. Ask: What’s this? • Tell the children to open their books at page other themes covered in Unit 1, making sure
Make Sammy say: It’s a fish. 12. Point to each animal at the bottom of the to review the words and actions first.
• Say: Show me a fish! Lead the class in page and ask them to say the word.
“swimming” in place like a fish. • Then hold up your book, point to the larger
• Hold up pictures for mouse, cat, bird, dog, pictures, and say: Find the (turtle). CD-ROM
and turtle. • Help the children find the turtle. Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM
• Each time, make Sammy ask: What’s this? • Explain that you will play the audio and that at home to play the games and show their
• To answer, do TPR and say: It’s a (mouse). they will listen and colour the pictures. families what they’re learning in class.
Add a noise if appropriate. • Play the audio. Pause after each item to let ActiveTeach
• Here are the TPR actions: the children colour.
Use the pointer on ActiveTeach to review
– Mouse (curl hands up on chest like mouse Audio Script animals, to model colouring them in, and to
paws and squeak) help the children check their answers.
The mouse is grey.
– Turtle (move arms out and away to swim The fish is red.
like a turtle) The cat is orange.
– Dog (pant and bark like a dog) The bird is blue.
– Cat (purr and meow like a cat) The dog is brown.
– Bird (chirp and flap arms as though flying) The turtle is green.
– Fish (place hands together and “swim” in • When the children finish colouring, ask
place) questions, such as: What colour is the
• Let the children copy the action and say the (mouse)?
word each time.
Move Like an Animal (10 minutes) CONSOLIDATING
• Teach the children a simple chant: Animal Treasure Hunt (10 minutes)
Move like an animal. • Give the children a few minutes to look
Move like an animal. through books in the classroom and find
Move like an animal. pictures of animals.
1, 2, 3! • Then invite volunteers to share: It’s a (cat).
• Lead the class in chanting. The cat is (white).
• After 1, 2, 3!, call out a child’s name and ask
that child to move like an animal.

Welcome T12

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Objectives: to review animals and • Go over the first sample item together, then • Hold up a container, such as a bowl or cup.
prepositions of location allow the children to work independently. Pass the container around the circle while
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book you play music. Pause the music to signal
Audio Script that the children should stop.
Optional Materials: props to pass out (toys,
crayons, rubbers), simple container (cup or Mouse: Squeak! Squeak! I’m a mouse. I’m • Say: In. The child holding the container
bowl), Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, under the flower! places his or her prop in it, and says: In.
ActiveTeach Dog: Woof! Woof! I’m a dog. I’m on my • Play again. This time, say: On. The child
bed! holding the container turns it upside down
Cat: Meow! Meow! I’m a cat. I’m under
GETTING READY and places the prop on it and says: On.
the tree!
Animal March (5 minutes) Bird: Peep! Peep! I’m a bird. I’m in the • Continue, using in, on, and under.
• Review the animal actions and noises from nest!
Hide-and-Seek with Sammy
the “Review Animals with TPR” activity on Fish: I’m a fish. I’m in the water!
page T12. Turtle: I’m a turtle. I’m on the grass! (5 minutes)
• Play a hiding game with Sammy (or another
• Ask the children to line up to march around.
• When the children finish, ask questions such stuffed animal).
• Tell the child at the front of the line to move as: Where’s the (fish)? • Place Sammy under a chair. Pretend to look
like an animal, and the others to follow. Give
• Encourage the children to answer in around and ask: Where’s Sammy? Elicit: He’s
each child a turn at the front of the line.
complete sentences, using the prepositions. under the chair.
Review Prepositions (5 minutes) • Play the audio and encourage children to • Repeat a few times. Then ask the children to
• On the board, draw three pictures to sing “In, On, Under” close their eyes or put their heads down so
illustrate in, on, and under: they can’t see.
– a circle in a square Audio Script • Place Sammy in, on, or under something.
– a circle on a square “In, On, Under” • Ask the children to open their eyes and find
Where is Sammy? (look action) Sammy. Invite a volunteer to tell you: He’s
– a circle under a square Where is Sammy? (on the book).
• For each picture, say: The circle is (in) the Is he IN the tree?
square. (In.) Let the children repeat. Is he IN the tree? Activity Book Page 11
• Walk around the room. Using items that the Where is Sammy? (look action) Ask the children to match each animal to a
children can name, review the prepositions. Where is Sammy? place and then colour the pictures. Ask the
Is he UNDER the bed? partners talk to about their work, using the
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 13 Is he UNDER the bed? words bird, dog, fish, nest, dog bed, and water.
Where is Sammy? (look action)
A21 A22 12. Listen and match. Sing. Where is Sammy? OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Tell the children to turn to page 13. Point to Is he ON my head?!
the pictures of places for animals: dog bed, Is he ON my head?! CD-ROM
tree, grass, pond, flower, nest. No, he’s not! Phew! Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM to
• Point to the animals and ask the children to review Unit 1.
• Explain that the children will listen to the Pass and Place (10 minutes) Use ActiveTeach to focus on the details. Use it
audio and then match the animal to the • Tell the children to sit in a circle. Give each to model making simple drawings of animals in
correct place. child a prop, such as a toy, crayon, or rubber. the different places.

T13 Welcome

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2 My School Materials
Pupil’s Book pages 14–21; Activity Book
pages 12–17; Flashcards 1–6; Class
Audio CD A: Tracks 20–31; Course
Vocabulary Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
Objectives New: backpack, computer, markers, and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
notebook, pen, scissors; rectangle stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
✓ To learn classroom vocabulary
shown on page T106)
Review: pencil, tree, turtle; black, blue,
✓ To sing songs and chant brown, grey, green, orange, pink, red, Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
✓ To do new TPR movements white, yellow; numbers 1–5; circle, Sammy the Squirrel puppet
square, triangle; school vocabulary; toys
✓ To practise fine and gross motor

✓ To understand and role-play a

To learn and practise the new
language structures Is it a (pen)? /
Unit Songs and Chants
✓ At My School (Class Audio CD A:
Tracks 24 and 25)

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

✓ To learn how to produce the ✓ P Sounds Like Puh Chant and

sounds that p and t stand for at T Sounds Like Tuh Chant (Class
the beginning of words Audio CD B: Tracks 34 and 35)

✓ To review colours, numbers, and ✓ It’s a Rectangle Chant (Class

shapes Audio CD A: Tracks 29 and 30)

✓ To learn a new shape (rectangle) ✓ Put Things Away Chant (Class

Home-School Connections Audio CD A: Tracks 31 and 32)
✓ To learn the value of putting
Copy the Letter Home for children to
things away
bring home to share what they’ll be
✓ To practise new language by learning in Unit 2 of My Little Island.
listening and speaking The Letters are available online at: Story
✓ To learn and review unit
vocabulary and language “What Is It?”: Billy draws a picture of
structures Sammy the Squirrel on his computer.
After a few tries, Lilly guesses what
Billy is drawing.
Language Structures: This is my
Values (computer). / Is it a (pen)? / Yes, it is. /
Put things away. No, it isn’t.

T2A My School

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Our Classroom
review shapes, trace and find ✓ carry, clap, cut, draw, stamp, stretch ✓ Make a notice board showing
rectangles, count to 5 arms, trace a rectangle in the air, type, classroom supplies.
wiggle hands, write, write a letter in
learn the value of putting things away the air Materials
draw, trace, colour, decorate notebook • drawings of classroom items
directionality and letter recognition (p, t) • magazine cutouts of classroom items
Phonics • photographs of classroom items
sing chant, and move to music
✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol • real classroom items
correspondences: initial p /p/ and t /t/. • sticky tape
Preschool Learning Outcomes ✓ Recognize the letters p and t.
✓ Listen and respond to intonations. ✓ Complete Phonics page 86. 1. Ask the children to draw classroom
✓ Use short, simple answers to questions. ✓ Listen to the audio.
2. Invite the children to bring in photos of
✓ Understand new language structures. ✓ Sing songs and say chants.
classroom items.
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds 3. Gather magazine cutouts of classroom
that initial p and t stand for.
Prereading and Prewriting items.
✓ Follow a picture story.
✓ Follow an eight-frame story. 4. Hand-write labels for the items.
✓ Make predictions using pictures.
✓ Talk about the story characters. 5. Let the children tape the pictures and
realia to the notice board.
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR.
✓ Act out the story to show
comprehension. 6. Ask the children to tape the labels near
✓ Join in games and interact.
the images or items.
✓ Share information about themselves. ✓ Practise fine motor skills.

✓ Develop a positive attitude towards ✓ Draw, colour, and trace.

the English language.
Encourage families to
arrange play dates with new children
Digital Practice at school. Socializing outside of school
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM helps create a happy classroom
for vocabulary practice or for review. environment!
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s Book
pages together as a class.

My School T2B

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Presentation Warm Up with TPR (5 minutes) Audio Script
• Play a quick game to get the children At My School
Objectives: to identify classroom vocabulary moving and to review TPR from Unit 1: clap, With my pen
in a scene, to learn a song and some new climb, look around, make a circle, point, run. I write, write, write. (pretend to write)
actions • Say the word or phrase and do the action In my notebook
New Vocabulary: backpack, computer, and let the children repeat it. I write, write, write. (pretend to write)
markers, notebook, pen, scissors • Call on small groups to do specific actions. With my computer
TPR: carry, cut, draw, type, write For example, say: (Raul, Martina, Lee), clap! I type, type, type. (pretend to type)
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Flashcards Let the group clap and say the word: Clap. I click and play
Optional Materials: My Little Island Map • Continue in this way. And type, type, type. (pretend to type)
poster, Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, With my markers
ActiveTeach WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 14 I draw, draw, draw. (pretend to draw)
Introduce Vocabulary, Using TPR With each colour
GETTING READY • Tell the children to open their books at
I draw some more. (pretend to draw)
Look at the Poster (5 minutes) page 14. With my scissors
• Display the My Little Island Map poster. • Explain that Lilly and Billy are in their I cut, cut, cut. (pretend to use scissors)
classroom. With my scissors
• Ask the children to name the places they
I cut things up. (pretend to use scissors)
know. • Invite the children to talk about the picture
• Invite them to guess where they will go next. using words they know, such as colours, With my backpack
shapes, numbers, and school vocabulary. I carry, carry, carry. (pretend to put on
• Explain that in this unit they will visit the
• Point out and demonstrate the different backpack)
actions to clarify meaning: The teacher is On my back
Share What You Know (5 minutes) carrying a book. Lilly is writing. Another girl It’s easy to carry. (pretend to put on
• Use the Sammy the Squirrel puppet or a is drawing. Billy is typing at the computer. backpack)
volunteer to engage children and get them Another boy is cutting.
laughing. Begin by making Sammy ask • Hold up the Unit 2 Flashcards, one at a time, CONSOLIDATING
different children if they go to school. to introduce the vocabulary. A14 TPR March (5 minutes)
– As they answer, make Sammy pretend not • Say: Backpack. Let the children repeat. • Ask the children to line up behind you.
to understand that children are in a school. • Say: Find the backpack. Ask the children to • Play “At My School.”
– Finally, make Sammy say: Oh, this is a find a picture of a backpack in the scene. • March around the room in a line.
school? as he gestures to the classroom.
1. Listen and sing. Move. • For each verse of the song, lead the class in
• Invite the children to talk about school: A24
doing the action: (write in verse 1, and so on).
What do they do? What do they like? • Display Flashcards 1–6 and say the words.
• Review familiar school vocabulary, such as Explain that you will play a song. Tell the
book, chair, crayon, pencil, table, teacher, children to listen for the words.
using Level 1 Flashcards 1–6. • Play the audio. Do the actions to clarify CD-ROM
– For each card, make Sammy point and ask: meaning. When the key vocabulary words Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM home
What’s this? are mentioned, point to the Flashcard. to show their families what they’re learning.
– Prompt the class to answer if they know • Play the song again and ask the children to
do the actions with you.
the word. If not, say it yourself: It’s a
(book). Reinforce vocabulary using the Flashcard
• Invite the children to sing along when they
images on ActiveTeach.
– Let the class repeat. are ready.
– Gesture to yourself and say: I’m the teacher.
My School T14

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Vocabulary WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 15 What’s Missing? (10 minutes)
A26 2. Listen. Find and tick ✓. Say. • Use the objects from the Mystery Bag
Objective: to practise new words activity.
• Tell the children to open their books at
New Vocabulary: backpack, computer, page 15. • Display four items and hide the others.
markers, notebook, pen, scissors • Tell the children to look closely while you
• Explain that the children will listen and tick
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book the pictures as they hear the words. count to five. Then say: Close your eyes!
Optional Materials: Flashcards; backpack, • Play the audio, pausing after each word. Tell • Remove one of the items.
pen, marker, children’s safety scissors, the children to tick the picture and say • Say: Open your eyes! What’s missing?
notebook, book, crayon, pencil, blindfold; the word.
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; • Play again, but this time, use five items.
ActiveTeach Audio Script • Continue in this way until all eight items
are used.
GETTING READY pen Make a Home Connection
A24 Review the Song (5 minutes) markers
Encourage the children to use the English
• Say: Let’s sing the song. words they’ve learned to talk about school
• Sing and act out “At My School” with items they have at home.
children. Activity Book Page 12
• Divide the class into six groups, one for each • For additional practice, say each vocabulary Ask the children to draw, say, and colour the
classroom object. Give each group a real word aloud and ask the children to clap missing item in each row. Invite partners to talk
classroom object or a Flashcard of one. twice, pause, clap twice again, and repeat about the items they have drawn, using the
• Tell each group to stand up when they hear the word. school and colour words they know.
their word in the song. Play the song again
and encourage the children to sing along. CONSOLIDATING OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Prompt groups to stand up. Mystery Bag (10 minutes) CD-ROM
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) • Have available: a backpack, pen, marker, Ask the children to take the CD-ROM home
• On the board, create a grid that looks like child’s safety scissors (taped shut), notebook, and use it with their families to show them the
the one on Pupil’s Book page 15: Make six book, crayon, and an unsharpened pencil. school vocabulary they are learning.
frames and draw a shape or write a number • Show the items. Let the children say the
words. ActiveTeach
in each one.
Use the large digital format to model ticking
• Draw a small tick box under each frame. • Blindfold a volunteer. Then show the class
the boxes on the page. Then after the children
• Explain that Sammy will say a word and a one item and put it in the backpack.
have completed the activity, show them the
volunteer will draw a tick in the box under • Hide the other items out of sight. correct responses on the big screen.
the appropriate frame. • Ask the volunteer to reach into the backpack
• Model the first one. Make Sammy say: Circle. and try to guess the item by feeling it.
Then put a tick in the box under the picture • Let the class confirm the guesses by saying:
of the circle. Yes, it’s a (notebook) or No, it isn’t.
• Invite volunteers to continue. • Repeat with other items and volunteers.

T15 My School

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures, to
listen to and recognize the intonation in a
sentence, to role-play
New Structures: Is it a (pen)? / Yes, it is. /
No, it isn’t.
Review: animal; This is my (computer). /
It’s (Sammy).
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach

Story Concepts (5 minutes)
• Explain that the children are going to listen
to a story.
• Reinforce literacy concepts using either the
Pupil’s Book or another book.
• Encourage the children to share what they
know about reading stories in books. Make
it fun by using Sammy the Squirrel.
– Make Sammy pretend to read a book
upside down; shake your head and
say: No, no, Sammy. Turn the book • Talk about computers. Ask the children if • Play the audio for the story again, pausing
the right way up. they like to play games on computers and if and pointing to each frame as children listen
– Make him read the last page first; shake they’ve ever drawn a picture on a computer. to the words.
your head and say: No, no, Sammy. Show (Use TPR and gestures as needed in the • Encourage the children to speak along with
children how to start from the beginning. discussion.) the characters.
– Make him flip through the pages randomly; • Invite volunteers to act out the story with
shake your head and say: No, no, Sammy. WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 16–17 the audio.
Model turning the pages in order. A27 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
Audio Script
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) • Tell the children to turn to page 16.
What Is It?
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 16. • Play the audio, pausing after each frame to Frame 1: Billy: This is my computer.
make sure children are looking at the correct
• Focus on the first page of “What Is It?”. Ask Frame 2: Lilly: Is it a pen?
one and understand what is going on.
the children to talk about the picture. Billy: No, it isn’t.
• Help children understand that Billy is Frame 3: Lilly: Is it a marker?
• Explain that Billy and Lilly are in Billy’s room drawing a picture on his computer and Lilly Billy: Yes, it is.
and that Billy is showing Lilly his computer. is trying to guess what it is. Frame 4: Billy: I can draw. Look!
Lilly: Wow!

T16 My School

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• Pause after each question and repeat it,
emphasizing how Lilly’s voice goes up at the
end of the questions: Is it a (pen)?
• Ask the children to repeat each question,
copying the intonation.

Role-Play (10 minutes)
• Let pairs of children act out the story.
• First, play the audio and let pairs of children
act out the story.
• Then invite volunteers to act it out without
the audio.
• For a challenge, ask the child playing Billy
to draw a picture of a classroom object on a
piece of paper and ask the child playing Lilly
to guess what it is.

Make a Home Connection

Encourage the children to draw something on
a computer or a piece of paper and ask their
families to guess what it is.
Activity Book Page 13
Ask the children to draw and colour Sammy
the Squirrel on the computer screen. Then let
partners role-play Lilly (who asks the question)
and Billy (who answers it) and ask and answer:
Is it Sammy? / Yes, it is.
• Focus on Billy’s answers: No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Frame 5: Lilly: Is it a backpack?
Billy: No, it isn’t. • Provide practice using Sammy. Show him a
pen and ask: Is it a notebook? CD-ROM
Frame 6: Lilly: Is it scissors?
• Make Sammy answer: No, it isn’t. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
Billy: No, it isn’t.
home to share the story with their families.
Frame 7: Lilly: Is it an animal? • Ask: Is it a pen?
Billy: Yes, it is. • Make Sammy answer: Yes, it is. ActiveTeach
Frame 8: Billy: Look!
• Invite the children to practise the exchanges Use the large digital format to focus on the
Lilly: Wow! It’s Sammy.
with Sammy, and then in pairs. frames as the story audio plays. Point to the
story character who is speaking.
Look at New Language A27 Listen to the Intonation
• Point out the language Lilly uses to ask • Ask the children to close their eyes and listen
about Billy’s drawing: Is it a (pen)? as you play the story audio.

My School T17

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Listening • Repeat with the Flashcards for notebook and
• Make Sammy choose an item from the
display and not tell which one it is.
Objectives: to practise listening • Say: Is it a notebook? No, it isn’t. It’s a • Ask Sammy questions to try to guess what it
comprehension, to practise new unit backpack. is: Is it red? Is it a notebook?
vocabulary and structures • Draw a circle around the backpack. • Make Sammy answer: No, it isn’t until you
Review: colours guess correctly.
Materials: Class Audio CD A WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 18 • Play a few more times. Invite volunteers to
Optional Materials: photocopies of story A28 4. Listen and circle. choose the item.
pages, classroom objects, Flashcards, Sammy
the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Tell the children to open their books at Play “Sammy Says” (10 minutes)
page 18.
• Play “Sammy Says” (a version of “Simon
GETTING READY • Point to and say the names of the classroom Says”) to practise listening and to review TPR
objects on the page and ask the children to actions.
A27 Revisit the Story (5 minutes) repeat them.
• Begin by reviewing the TPR from “At My
• Photocopy and enlarge the story pages, • Talk about the colours of the items. School” on page T14: carry, cut, draw, type,
cutting them into two-frame pairs. Display • Focus on the objects in item 1. write.
the pairs, in order, where the children can
see them. Then mix up the order. • Play the audio for item 1. • You may also review TPR from Unit 1: clap,
• Show the children how to trace the sample climb, look around, make a circle, point, run.
• Explain that Sammy is going to try to put
them back in order. red circle around the notebook. • To play, Sammy gives instructions to the
• Play the audio for items 2 and 3. players. Players should follow the instructions
• Sammy says: One, two, three, four as he
ONLY if Sammy says: Sammy says.
rearranges the pages. • Pause after each item is named, so the
children can circle the correct picture. – Sammy says: Sammy says CARRY. The
• At first, make Sammy arrange them out of
players should pretend to carry a book.
story order.
Audio Script – Sammy says: DRAW. Players should NOT
• Say: No, no, Sammy. Try again.
1. Is it a notebook? do anything because Sammy didn’t say
• Make Sammy try again, but still not get the Yes, it is. Sammy says.
correct order. 2. Is it a backpack? • If you don’t have a Sammy puppet, play
• Say: No, no, Sammy. No, it isn’t. It’s a computer. “Simon Says” and lead the game.
• Gesture to the class. Say: Let’s help Sammy. 3. Is it a marker? • Allow the children to join in once they
Yes, it is. understand how to play.
• Point to each page and ask: Is this one? until
the class identifies the first page of the story.
• Point to Sammy at the bottom of the page
• Repeat with the other pages. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
and read out the speech bubble.
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) CD-ROM
CONSOLIDATING Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM at
• Tape or display the Flashcards for scissors
and computer on the board, one directly Guessing Game (5 minutes) home to review vocabulary.
above the other so they are arranged like • Gather and display as many classroom objects ActiveTeach
the items on Pupil’s Book page 18. of one colour as you can: (review) book, chair, Use the large digital format to model circling
• Say: Is it a computer? Yes, it is. crayon, pencil, table; (new) pen, backpack, the correct pictures.
• Draw a circle around the Flashcard for the marker, notebook, computer, scissors.
computer. • Use Sammy (or a volunteer) to help you
model how to play the game.
My School T18

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Speaking • Tell the children to open their books at
page 19, and ask them to talk about the Make a Home Connection
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise picture.
Encourage the children to take home their
new unit vocabulary and structures • Point to the computer, notebook, marker, drawings to share with their families. Help the
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book and backpack. Invite the children to colour children practise pointing and saying It’s a
these items. (computer).
Optional Materials: Flashcards; markers,
crayons, paper; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Ask questions as you point to details on the Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 86 and T86
page: Is it a marker? Is it green?
For work on the /p/ and /t/ sounds and letters,
GETTING READY • Then focus on the children and speech ask the children to turn to page 86 in the back
bubbles on the page. Explain that the girl is of their books. For teacher support, turn to
Pass the Card (10 minutes) pointing to the computer. page T86 in this book.
• Ask the children to sit in a circle. Play some • Point to each speech bubble as you read the
music. Let the children pass a Flashcard
Extra Practice: Student Book page 87
around while the music plays. and T87
• Invite partners to practise the dialogue for
• Stop the music and prompt the child the items they coloured. Ask the child who For extra practice speaking, ask the children to
holding the card to ask the next child: Is it a asks the question to point to the item on the turn to page 87 in the back of their books. For
(notebook)? The second child answers. page. teacher support, turn to page T87 in this book.
• Continue with different cards. • Help the children to recall the different Activity Book Page 14
intonation patterns for the questions and Ask the children to circle and talk about or
A27 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) answers. point to the differences. (In B: the children
• Prepare for the speaking practice by will circle the cap on the marker; the fifth leg
focusing on intonation. CONSOLIDATING on the table; the keyboard on the computer;
• Play the audio for “What Is It?” on the pocket on the backpack). Tell the children
Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes)
pages 16–17. Tell the children to listen to colour the classroom objects. Then invite
• Focus on the sound /p/ in words like pen, partners to ask and answer: Is it a (marker)?
carefully to the speakers’ voices.
pencil, and pink. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
• Point out that the speakers’ voices go up at
• Let the children practise isolating the sound Activity Book Page 15
the end of the questions and down at the
by popping their lips apart and making a
end of the answers. Ask the children to trace the lines to the
pop sound /p/.
• Let the children practise repeating after objects, colour them, and say the name. Then
• Say: Pencil. Ask individuals to repeat it. invite them to practise with a partner: Is it a
the audio, copying the rise and fall of the
speakers’ voices. • Repeat with pen and pink. (pencil)? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

• Gather art supplies: markers, paper, crayons.
5. Colour. Ask and answer. CD-ROM
• Invite the children to draw the classroom,
• Preteach the concept of speech bubbles. Encourage the children to play the audio on
including items they can name in English.
– On the board draw a picture of a simple the CD-ROM at home. Tell them to mimic the
• Ask partners to practise asking and audio to practise their speaking skills.
face and make a speech bubble with the
answering about their pictures.
tail pointing to the face: I’m Sammy. ActiveTeach
• Ask one partner to point to a detail in his
– Point to the tail of the speech bubble and Use the large digital format to model colouring
or her partner’s drawing and ask: Is it a
explain that it shows the character who’s and identify the objects on the page.
(computer)? Ask their partner to answer.
talking. Explain that the words in the
bubble tell what the character is saying. • Then invite the pair to swap roles and continue.

T19 My School

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CLIL • Help the children compare the square and
the rectangle.
Musical Shapes (10 minutes)
Objectives: to learn a new shape (rectangle), • Invite the children to talk about how they
to say a chant are the same and how they are different. • This game is based on Musical Chairs. It
encourages the children to co-operate and
New Vocabulary: rectangles • Use gestures and other visual clues to point help each other.
Review: shapes and colours, counting 1–5 out that:
• Use tape to create four giant shapes on the
TPR: trace a rectangle in the air – A square has four equal sides. A rectangle floor (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book has two short equal sides and two long
equal sides. • Play some music and tell the children to
Optional Materials: coloured cutouts of dance around the room until the music stops.
shapes, tape, Flashcards, Sammy the Squirrel – Both squares and rectangles have straight Then call out a shape: Circle!
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach edges. (A circle has a curved edge.)
• Everyone has to squeeze together to stand
– Both shapes have four equal corners. in the circle. The goal is for everyone to be
GETTING READY inside the circle with nobody outside.
Secret Actions (10 minutes) • Continue in this way.
• Do a quick TPR activity to get the children A29 6. Listen and say. Trace and count.
moving and engaged. • Tell the children to open their books at Pass the Shape (5 minutes)
• Invite a few volunteers to stand in the front page 20. • Tell the children to sit in a circle.
of the room, facing the class. • Let the class look at the border and point • Give out shape cutouts.
• Hold up a Flashcard for the class to see. Make to and name the shapes: Blue circle, yellow • Play some music.
sure the volunteers do not see the card. triangle, green square… .
• While the music plays, let the children pass
• Let the class use TPR and other gestures to • Point to one of the rectangles. the shapes around the circle.
elicit the word from the volunteers. • Trace the outline and say: It’s a rectangle. • Stop the music. Say: Stand up, squares!
Shape Treasure Hunt (10 minutes) • Explain that the children are going to listen • Prompt the children holding squares to
to and say a chant and then trace and count stand up. Ask those children to draw a
• Hide different coloured cutouts of squares, the rectangles on the page.
triangles, and circles around the classroom square in the air and say: It’s a square.
beforehand. • Play the audio. Do the actions. • Continue in this way.
• Tell the children that they are going to go on • Play it again and let the children do the
actions and chant when they’re ready. Activity Book Page 17
a treasure hunt to find shapes.
Ask the children to count the shapes, trace the
• Ask pairs to walk around the room and Audio Script numbers, and draw lines to match the numbers
gather as many shapes as they can. with the shapes. Let pairs point and say: It’s a
It’s a Rectangle Chant
• At the end of the activity, ask the pairs to Trace the shape. rectangle. (1, 2, 3, 4). (4) rectangles.
count how many shapes they found. Trace the shape.
It’s a rectangle. (trace a rectangle in the air)
Introduce the Shape (5 minutes)
How many do you see? CD-ROM
• Hold up a circle cutout from the Shape Count the rectangles with me.
Treasure Hunt. Encourage the children to play the games on
the CD-ROM at home to practise shapes, colours,
• Ask: What’s this? and encourage the • Now ask the children to trace the rectangles and numbers.
children to answer: It’s a circle. on the page and count them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
• Repeat with a square and a triangle. ActiveTeach
• Hold up a rectangle cutout. Say: It’s a Model tracing and counting the rectangles.
rectangle. Ask the children to repeat it.
My School T20

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A31 7. Listen and say. Look and draw. Act It Out (10 minutes)
Objective: to learn about the value of putting • Tell the children to open their books at
things away • Let the children role-play different scenarios
page 21. where they put things away.
New Values Language: Put (things) away.
• Play the dialogue on the first part of the • Include Sammy in the role-plays so he can
Review: school vocabulary, toys audio and ask the children to look at the model language: Put the markers away. Put
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book photos as they listen. the paper away. Put the scissors away.
Optional Materials: cutouts of shapes, • Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you. – The class has just finished an art project.
classroom objects, coloured paper, teacher- It’s time to put the art supplies away.
made labels and signs for classroom objects, Audio Script
child-made drawings for classroom object – A brother and sister are doing a puzzle at
Teacher: Put your things away, please. home. It’s time to put the puzzle away.
labels, Flashcards, Sammy the Squirrel Children: Yes, let’s put them away.
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach – Some friends are playing in the garden. It’s
Teacher: Thank you.
time to put their toys away.
GETTING READY • Then play the chant on the second part of Classroom Clean-Up (10 minutes)
Introduce Putting Things Away the audio. Let the children listen once or
twice and then chant along with the audio • Place labels and signs around the room to
(15 minutes) show where classroom objects belong.
when they are ready.
• Prepare piles of classroom objects for groups • Let the children help decorate the signs.
of children. Audio Script • Write the word in English, then ask the
• Use Sammy (or a prepared volunteer) in a Put Things Away Chant children to draw a picture or glue a cutout
role play. Put away your markers. from a magazine on the sign.
• Make Sammy “sit” with one of the groups Put away your notebooks. • Ask the children to help you place the signs
and say: Let’s go and play! Put away your scissors. around the room.
• Gesture to the objects in Sammy’s group. Please, please, put things away!
Look at the rest of the children with a That’s all for today! Activity Book Page 17
questioning expression. If possible, elicit that Ask the children to draw lines to match the
Sammy needs to help put things away first. • Talk about each photo with the class and let classroom object with its place. Let partners
the children discuss whether the children in practise saying: Put (the scissors) away. Then
• Say: No, no, Sammy. Put things away.
each photo are putting things away or not. let them colour.
• Make Sammy say: Okay, put things away.
• Now point to the faces below each photo.
• Then make him put markers in the marker Tell the children to draw a smile on the face OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
pot, books in the book area, and so on. below the photo where children are putting
As he cleans up, make him say: Put things CD-ROM
things away. (The photo on the left.) Then
away. Hooray! let them draw a frown on the face under the Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
• Ask the children to put their things away. To photo where someone is not putting things home to show their families that they are
keep the activity orderly, let one group at a away. learning to put their things away.
time do this. • Play this chant at the end of activities in other ActiveTeach
• Ask the children to say: Put things away. units when you want the children to tidy up. Focus on the two photos. Use the pointer to
Hooray! as they work. • Once they know the words and rhythm, they highlight who is cleaning up and who isn’t.
• Praise the class at the end: Very good! can chant with you without the audio. Confirm answers.

T21 My School

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3 Family Materials
Pupil’s Book pages 22–31; Activity Book
pages 18–25; Flashcards 7–12; Class
Objectives Vocabulary Audio CD A: Tracks 32–42; Course
✓ To learn family vocabulary New: aunt, cousin, grandma, grandpa, Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
pet, uncle; star and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
✓ To sing songs and chant
Review: baby, mum; sun; black, stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
shown on page T106)
✓ To do new TPR movements blue, brown, grey, green, orange,
red, yellow; circle, rectangle, square, Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
✓ To practise fine and gross motor triangle; numbers 1–5 Sammy the Squirrel puppet

✓ To understand and role-play a

Songs and Chants

✓ To learn and practise the new
language structures Who’s (she / ✓ The Family Dance (Class Audio
he)? (She’s / He’s) my (grandma / CD A: Tracks 32 and 33)
grandpa). / Who’s (the baby)? /
✓ M Sounds Like Muh Chant and

It’s (me).
S Sounds Like Suh Chant (Class
✓ To recognize and produce the Audio CD B: Tracks 35 and 36)
sounds that m and s stand for at
the beginning of words ✓ It’s a Star Chant (Class Audio
CD A: Tracks 37 and 38)
✓ To review colours, numbers, and
shapes ✓ Helping Chant (Class Audio CD A:
Tracks 39 and 40)
✓ To learn a new shape (star)

✓ To learn the value of helping your Home-School Connections

family Copy the Letter Home for the children
to take home to share what they’ll be
✓ To practise new language by
learning in Unit 3 of My Little Island.
listening and speaking
The Letters are available online at
✓ To learn and review unit www.pearsonelt/ “Who Is It?”: Lilly shows Billy photos in
vocabulary and language her album. Billy wants to know who’s
structures in the pictures. The baby in the last
picture is Lilly.
Language Structures: Who’s (she)? /
Values (She’s) my (grandma). / Who’s (the
Help your family. baby)? / It’s (me).

T3A Family

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Our Families
make a pet graph, trace and look for ✓ clap, giggle, hop, stamp, stop, stretch ✓ Make a notice board celebrating
stars, count to 5 arms, tap, trace a star in the air, children’s families.
wiggle hands, write (letters) in the air
learn the value of helping your family Materials
draw a family, make a star badge • family photos from home
directionality and letter-writing (m, s)
Phonics • glue or sticky tape

sing, chant, and move to music

✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol • markers and paper for labels
correspondences: initial m /m/ and s /s/
✓ Recognize the letters m and s. 1. Ask the children to bring in a family
Preschool Learning Outcomes ✓ Complete Phonics page 88. photo from home.
✓ Listen to intonation.
✓ Listen to the audio. 2. Put the photos on a notice board.
✓ Use short, simple answers to questions.
✓ Sing songs and say chants. 3. Help the children write their names (or
write them yourself) and use them to
✓ Understand new language structures. label the pictures.
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds
Prereading and Prewriting 4. During the unit, the children can
that initial m and s stand for. refer to these photos as needed for
✓ Recognize the letters m and s.
✓ Follow an eight-frame story. activities.

✓ Follow a picture story.

✓ Talk about the story characters.

✓ Make predictions using pictures.

✓ Act out the story to show
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR.
✓ Practise fine motor skills.
✓ Join in games and interact.
✓ Draw, colour, and trace.
✓ Share information about themselves.

✓ Develop a positive attitude towards

Encourage shy children
the English language.
to practise speaking and singing
with the audio at home – this will
help them be more comfortable
Digital Practice and confident in class!
Let the children use the CD-ROM for
vocabulary practice or for review.
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s Book
pages together as a class.
Family T3B

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Presentation • Explain that Billy and his family are having
a party. Billy is introducing his family to Lilly.
Guess Who I Am (10 minutes)
Objectives: to identify family vocabulary in a Everyone is dancing and having fun.
• Invite a volunteer to the front of the class.
scene, to learn a song and new TPR actions • Ask the children to find the different family
members in the scene. • Show him or her a Flashcard of a family
New Vocabulary: aunt, cousin, grandma, member, but don’t show anyone else.
grandpa, pet, uncle • Teach the actions that go with the song. Say:
Aunt – giggle giggle (pretend to giggle). • Ask the volunteer to do the action which
TPR: clap, giggle, hop, stop, tap, wiggle
that family member does in the song.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Flashcards • Ask the children to repeat after you.
• Let the class guess who the family
Optional Materials: circle cutout, tape, • Do the same for the other family members.
member is.
blindfold; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; • Play the song. Ask the children to point to
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Continue, using the other Flashcards.
the family members as they are named in
the song. Stick the Circle on the Family
GETTING READY • Play the song again and encourage the (10 minutes)
Talk About Billy’s Family (5 minutes) children to do the actions with you.
• Have the family Flashcards ready.
• Review the family members on page 11. • Invite them to sing along when they’re
• Cut out a circle and attach tape to it.
• Tell the children that they are going to meet • Attach the Flashcards to the board.
some more people in Billy’s family. Audio Script • Place a blindfold on a volunteer.
• Ask the children to guess which family The Family Dance • Spin the child in a circle. Stop spinning when
members they might meet today. Here’s my family. he or she is facing the board.
Share What You Know (5 minutes) See them dance. (dance) • Say: Stick the circle on the (aunt).
See them do the family dance.
• Invite the children to talk about their • Let the child stick the circle on the card.
families. He’s my grandpa. • Allow him or her to take off the blindfold
• Explain that you are going to help the Tap, tap, tap. (tap foot) and move the circle to the correct card, if
children say one thing about their family. She’s my grandma. necessary.
Clap, clap, clap. (clap)
• Model some sentences to encourage the • Continue with other children.
children to use English they know, such as: He’s my uncle.
I’ve got a brother or My mum is Rita. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. (wiggle) OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
She’s my aunt.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 22 Giggle, giggle, giggle. (cover mouth, pretend CD-ROM
to giggle) Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
Present Vocabulary
She’s my cousin. home to play the games and show their
• Use the unit Flashcards to teach the families the family words they’re learning in
vocabulary. Hop, hop, hop. (hop)
This is my pet. English.
• Hold up the picture of the aunt. Say: Aunt
Stop, stop, STOP! (put hand up to indicate ActiveTeach
and let the children repeat it.
• Do the same for the other new words. When you play the audio, point to the people
and actions in the scene as they are mentioned
A32 1. Listen and sing. Move. in the song.
• Ask questions about the scene on page 22.
Where is Billy? Who is in the picture? What
are they doing?

Family T22

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Vocabulary • Then tell the children to listen to the audio
and find and tick the photo of each family
• Invite the children to talk about their pets.
What kind of pet do they have? What are
Objective: to practise new words member when they hear it. their pets’ names?
New Vocabulary: aunt, cousin, grandma, • Play the audio. Pause after each item to • Make a simple bar graph of the children’s
grandpa, pet, uncle make sure children are ticking the correct pets.
photo. • Write the names of the different animals in a
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
column. Draw a simple picture next to each
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the Audio Script word for reference.
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach
grandma • Ask how many children have a cat. Ask each
aunt child with a cat to come to the board and
GETTING READY grandpa make a tick next to the picture and word cat.
A32 Review the Song (10 minutes) cousin • Repeat with any other pets.
• Play “The Family Dance.” Invite children to pet • Count the pets at the end.
sing the song and do the actions. This is my family.
• Then divide the class into six groups: Billy’s Make a Home Connection
aunt, his uncle, his grandma, his grandpa, • When they finish, let the children share their Copy Billy’s family tree on paper and
his pet, his cousin. work. Let them take turns pointing to the photocopy it. Send it home with the children.
• Play the song again. photos and saying the words. Invite children to work with adults and older
• For additional practice, say each vocabulary siblings to make their own family trees.
• Let everyone sing Billy’s lines in the song, but
for the action lines, ask only the correct group word aloud and ask the children to clap Activity Book Page 18
to sing and do the actions for their character. twice, pause, clap twice again, and repeat Ask the children to circle the differences. (In
the word. B: The sister is holding a doll; the mother has
Billy’s Family Tree (5 minutes)
a hat on; the father has glasses; Billy has
• On the board, draw Billy’s family tree. (Use CONSOLIDATING a hat on; the cousin has a toy; the pet is a
only the family members in the book. Extend cat.) Let partners point to and talk about the
the family members from either Billy’s Who’s Missing? (10 minutes)
mother or father. Explain that we do not • Display the unit Flashcards on the board in a
know about the other side of his family.) straight line. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Point to and identify each family member. • Lead the class in saying the words in order.
• Write labels and place them on the family tree. • Ask the children to cover their eyes so they
can’t see. Encourage the children to play the games on
• Invite the children to look at Billy’s family the CD-ROM at home to practise what they are
tree and compare it with their own families. • Take away a card. learning in class.
• Let the children look. Challenge them to
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 23 name the missing card. ActiveTeach
A34 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say. • Repeat several times. Use the large digital format to confirm which
picture to tick for each family member.
• Tell the children to open their books at • For a challenge, mix up the order first, and
page 23. then take away a card.
• Explain that these are photos of different
members of a family. Let the children look at Pet Graph (10 minutes)
the photos briefly before you play the audio • Remind the children that Billy has a pet dog.
and talk about how the people are related. • Ask if anyone in the class has a pet.

T23 Family

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in
sentences, to role-play
New Structures: Who’s (she)? / (She)’s my
(grandma). / Who’s (the baby)? / It’s (me).
Review: baby
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: photographs from home,
books, drawing supplies; Flashcards; Sammy
the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach

Introduce he and she (5 minutes)
• Walk around the room with Sammy.
• Make Sammy gesture to different children
and say: (Ana) is a girl. She’s a girl. (Paolo)
is a boy. He’s a boy.
• After you have named a few children in
this way, write the words he and she on
the board.
• Reinforce that we use he to talk about a boy
and she to talk about a girl.
• Walk around the class and gesture to
different children. Introduce the Story (5 minutes) WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 24–25
• Each time, elicit he or she from the class. • Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 24. A35 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
Talk About Family Pictures (5 minutes) • Focus on the first frame of “Who Is It?” Ask • Tell the children to open their books at
the children to use language they know to page 25.
• If possible, bring in a few pictures of your
family. talk about it. • Play the audio, pausing after each frame to
• Ask the children what they think the friends make sure children are looking at the correct
• Show these to Sammy and the class.
are talking about. Revisit their predictions picture and understand what is happening.
• Have Sammy point to each one and ask: later. • Play the story audio again, pausing and
Who’s (she)? Then answer: She’s my (aunt).
• Use TPR and other gestures to explain that pointing to each frame as the children listen
• To make this activity silly, bring in some Billy and Lilly are looking at pictures of Lilly’s to the words.
pictures of different squirrels. family. • Encourage the children to speak along with
• Show the pictures to Sammy and ask: Who’s • Go through the pictures with the class. the characters.
(he)? Make Sammy answer: He’s my (cousin).
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
the audio.

T24 Family

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• Ask the children to repeat each question,
copying the intonation.

Act It Out (10 minutes)
• Let pairs take turns acting out the story.
• Play the audio and invite the children to
speak along with the characters.
• Give them books to use as props. Let them
pretend they are looking at photos in a
photo album.
• Ask volunteers who are ready to act out the
story without the audio.

Family Drawing (5 minutes)

• Invite the children to draw a picture of a
family member or two.
• Save these for activities later in this unit.

Make a Home Connection

If possible, ask the children to bring in a family
photo or a copy of one from home.
Activity Book Page 19
Ask the children to colour the family photos.
Encourage them to practise asking and
Audio Script Look at New Language answering with a partner: Who’s (she)? /
Who Is It? (She’s) my (grandma).
• Point out the language Billy uses to ask
Frame 1: Billy: Who’s she? about Lilly’s family: Who’s (she)?
Frame 2: Billy: Who’s he? • Focus on Lilly’s answers: (She’s) my
(grandma). CD-ROM
Lilly: He’s my uncle.
Frame 3: Billy: Who’s he? • Tell the children that they will use this Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
Lilly: He’s my grandpa. language to talk about their own families. home and play the games to reinforce what
Frame 4: Aunt: Bye. they’re learning in class.
Billy: Who’s she? A35 Listen to the Intonation
Lilly: She’s my aunt. • Ask the children to close their eyes and listen
Frame 5: Billy: Who’s he? as you play the story audio. Use the large digital format to focus on the
Lilly: He’s my cousin. frames. Point to the person who is speaking.
• Pause after each question. Point out how
Frame 6: Billy: Who’s she? Billy’s voice goes up at the end of the
Lilly: She’s my friend. questions: Who’s (she)?
Frame 7: Billy: Who’s the baby?
Frame 8: Lilly: It’s me!

Family T25

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Listening • Do the first one together and then let the Clap, Clap, Hop (10 minutes)
children work on their own, or work through • Play a version of the popular game “Duck,
Objectives: to practise listening the page as a class. Duck, Goose”.
comprehension, to practise new unit
vocabulary and structures • Confirm answers with the class. • Review the TPR actions the children know,
Materials: Class Audio CD A such as: climb, run, make a shape, look
Audio Script around, point, clap, cut, carry, tap, wiggle,
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the 1. Who’s he? giggle, hop.
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach He’s my uncle. • For each action, make sure the children can
2. Who’s she? use the action as they also move around. For
GETTING READY She’s my aunt. example, make sure that children can walk
3. Who’s he?
A35 Revisit the Story (10 minutes) and point at the same time.
He’s my cousin.
• Revisit “Who Is It?” together. 4. Who’s she? • Ask the children to sit in a circle. Walk around
• Play the audio and ask the children to follow She’s my grandma. the circle, gently tap each child on the
along in their books. (See pages T24–T25). shoulder and say: Clap, clap, clap, clap …
CONSOLIDATING • After a few “claps,” say: hop. The child
Share Drawings and Photos (5 minutes) whose head you tapped for hop stands and
• Invite the children to share their photos from Noughts and Crosses (10 minutes) hops around the circle.
home or the drawings they made in Family • Divide the class into two teams: X and O. • That child then walks around the circle,
Drawing on page T25. • Each team chooses one volunteer to go to gently tapping each child on the shoulder
• Ask volunteers to hold up their pictures for the board and write. and saying: Hop, hop, hop …
the class to see. • Make a nine-box grid on the board. • He or she switches to a new action and
• Invite volunteers to point to someone in a • Explain that in “Noughts and Crosses”, another child takes a turn.
picture and ask: Who’s (she)? players try to get three in a row.
• Let the child answer: She’s my (grandma). OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Show the grandma Flashcard to Team X.
• Use Sammy to model the activity until the Ask: Who’s she? CD-ROM
children are ready to work on their own. • Team X discusses it together and then Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
answers: Grandma. home and play the games to reinforce what
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 26 they’re learning in class. Encourage the
• Then the player from Team X writes an X on
A36 4. Listen and match. the grid. (If Team X gets it wrong, then their children to invite family members to play
• Tell the children to open their books at player doesn’t write anything.) with them.
page 26. • Then show Team O a different Unit 3 ActiveTeach
• Point to the photos along the right-hand Flashcard.
Use the large digital format to model matching
side. • Continue this way until one team gets three the items. Invite volunteers to use the pointer
• Ask the children to name each family (right answers) in a row. to point to the silhouette and then draw a line
member: cousin, aunt, grandma, uncle. • You can also point to characters on Pupil’s to the matching photo.
• Then point to the silhouettes on the left- Book page 11 to extend the activity.
hand side. Explain that the children will
listen and match the silhouettes to the
photos by drawing a line from one to the

Family T26

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Speaking they will role-play Billy and Lilly and ask and
answer questions about the pictures.
A33 Who Is It? TPR (5 minutes)
• Play the song to review the actions that
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise • Model the activity by colouring the frame Billy’s family members do in “The Family
new unit vocabulary and structures around the grandpa. Then with Sammy (or a Dance.”
Review: colours prepared volunteer) ask and answer: Who’s • Display the Flashcards on the board.
he? He’s my grandpa.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book • Explain to the class that they will role-play
• Explain that you are pretending to be Lilly Billy and answer questions about his family.
Optional Materials: children’s family drawings
and your partner is pretending to be Billy.
or photos from home, crayons, photocopies • Then giggle and make Sammy ask:
of Flashcards; Flashcards; Sammy the Squirrel • Let partners continue colouring, pointing, Who’s (she)?
puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach asking, and answering.
• Prompt the class to answer: (She)’s my (aunt).
• Then let the children review colours by
pointing to the coloured frames and saying: • Invite volunteers to do actions from the
GETTING READY song. Then let a volunteer or Sammy name
It’s (green).
A35 Revisit the Story (5 minutes) the family member.
• Revisit the story “Who Is It?” CONSOLIDATING Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 88 and T88
• Play the audio while children follow along in For work on the /s/ and /m/ sounds and letters,
their books.
Flashcard Concentration
(10 minutes) ask the children to turn to page 88 in the back
• Encourage the children to copy Billy’s of their books. For teacher support, turn to page
intonation as they practise asking Who’s (she)? • Photocopy the Flashcards twice, so you have T88 in this book.
two copies of each card.
Pass the Crayons (10 minutes) Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 89 and
• Tape the photocopies to the board face-down
• Ask the children to form a circle. in a grid pattern. T89
• Give various children in the circle different • Divide the class into teams. For extra practice speaking, tell students to
coloured crayons. turn to page 89 in the back of their books. For
• Explain that the goal is to turn over two teacher support, turn to page T89 in this book.
• Make Sammy say: Pass the crayons. matching cards.
• Ask the children to pass the crayons in the Activity Book Page 20
• Model a few turns with Sammy.
same direction until you say: Stop! Ask the children to colour the family members.
• Make Sammy turn over a card and say: (Aunt).
• Make Sammy ask: Where’s the (orange) Let partners practise asking and answering:
• Next, make Sammy try to find the other Who’s (she)? (She’s) my (grandma).
crayon? and tell the child with that crayon aunt card. He turns over a second card and
to hold it up. names it. If the card matches, he keeps the Activity Book Page 21
two cards and his team gets a point. If they Ask the children to find and colour the hiding
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 27 don’t match, he turns them back over. family members. Let partners point, ask, and
5. Colour. Ask and answer. • You can invite a new volunteer from each answer: Who’s (he)? (He’s) my (brother).
• Say: Hello, I’m Billy. team to come up and play each turn.
• Hold up the family picture on Pupil’s Book Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes)
page 27. Point and say: I’m Billy. She’s my CD-ROM
(mum). • Focus on the sound that s stands for in
Encourage the children to play the games and
words like yes, sister, and it’s.
• Tell the children to turn to page 27. activities on the CD-ROM at home.
• Draw out ssssss and let the children join in.
• Put the children in pairs. Tell the pairs they ActiveTeach
are going to take turns colouring the frames • Say: Sister. Ask individuals to repeat it.
• Repeat with yes and it’s. Use Flashcard images to reinforce the target
around the pictures, one at a time. Then
language with the class.

T27 Family

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CLIL Audio Script • Make Sammy carry the string from one
corner to the next to make the sides of the
It’s a Star Chant
Objectives: to learn and practise a new shape Trace the shape. square.
(star), to say a chant Trace the shape. • Ask the class: What shape is it? (A square.)
Review: shapes, colours, counting 1–5 It’s a star. (trace a star in the air) • Invite different volunteers to stand for each
TPR: trace a star in the air How many do you see? shape. Repeat for a rectangle, triangle, and
Count all the stars with me. star.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: string, Flashcards, • Then invite the entire class to stand. Ask
• Let the children trace the stars on the page.
Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, them to hold hands and stretch into a big
ActiveTeach • Invite the children to share their work. circle.
Prompt them to point to the finished page
• Encourage everyone to call out: Circle!
and say: One, two, three, four, five. Five
GETTING READY stars. Activity Book Page 22
Introduce the Star Shape Ask the children to trace and colour the stars.
• Draw a star on the board. CONSOLIDATING Let partners talk about the shape and colour
• Point and say: It’s a star. Draw a Shape (5 minutes) of their lollipops.
• Prompt the children to repeat. • Start drawing a shape on the board.
• Ask the children where they might see this • Let the first child who guesses what the
shape. shape is come up to the board and draw CD-ROM
• Draw five stars in a row. another shape. Encourage the children to play the games
• Continue until several children have had a on the CD-ROM at home to practise shapes,
• Circle one and ask: How many stars?
turn and all the shapes learned have been colours, and numbers.
(One star.)
• Erase the circle. Repeat for two, three, four, ActiveTeach
and five stars. Group Shapes (5 minutes) Use ActiveTeach to point to the shapes around
• Review the shapes that the children have the border. As you point, ask the children to
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 28 already learned: triangle, circle, square, say the colour or shape. Then demonstrate
rectangle. tracing the stars and counting them.
A37 6. Listen and say. Trace and count.
• Tell the children to open their books at • Draw the shapes on the board.
page 28. • Point to each and ask: What shape is it?
• Ask them to look at the shapes around the • Prompt the children to answer: It’s a
border of the page. (triangle).
• Invite volunteers to point to and name the • Tell the children they are going to work in
shapes and colours. groups to make big shapes.
• Play the audio. Do the actions. • Invite four volunteers to stand.
• Play the chant again and encourage the • Direct them to the four corners of the room.
children to do the actions with you. Make sure they are evenly spaced so they
• Invite them to chant along when they are form the four equal corners of a square.
ready. • Give each child a long piece of string. Each
piece should be long enough to reach from
one corner to its neighbor.

Family T28

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A39 7. Listen and say. Look and draw. Act It Out (10 minutes)
Objective: to learn about the value of helping • Tell the children to open their books at • Revisit the ways the children can help their
your family page 29. families.
New Values Language: Help your family. • Act out one of the activities.
• Play the dialogue on the first part of the
Review: family vocabulary audio and ask the children to look at the • Invite the children to guess what you are
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book photos as they listen. doing.
Optional Materials: shape cutouts, books, • Ask a pair of volunteers to repeat the • Then ask volunteers to act out other helping
Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, dialogue with you. activities.
• Each time, talk about what the child is doing
Audio Script
and whom he or she is helping.
GETTING READY Girl: I like to help you, Grandma.
Grandma: Thank you. You’re a good helper. Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down Review
Pop-up Shapes (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
• Distribute shape cutouts so everyone has one. • Talk with the children about the people in • Review the value of putting things away, as
• Ask the children to sit in a circle holding their each photo and lead them in a discussion well as other key values from Level 1, such as
shapes. about who is helping and who is not. asking nicely, saying sorry, and sharing.
• Say: 1, 2, 3 – Pop-up circles! • Ask: Who is helping? Prompt the children to • Role-play a scenario with Sammy or a
• All the children with the circle cutouts jump up. answer: The girl is helping. volunteer.
• Call out a TPR cue: Stamp your feet! All the • Then play the chant on the second part of • If you or Sammy practise good values and
children standing stamp their feet. the audio. Let the children listen once or use good manners, tell the class to give you
• Say: Sit down. twice. Then invite them to chant along with a thumbs-up, and to give you a thumbs-
the audio when they are ready. down if you don’t.
• Repeat with the other shapes.
Introduce Helping Your Family Audio Script Activity Book Page 23
(10 minutes) Helping Chant Ask the children to colour the picture. Let
Help your grandma partners practise saying: I help (my family).
• Role-play with a volunteer. Pretend to be
Every day.
grandma or grandpa. Carry a heavy pile of OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Help your grandpa
books, and struggle as you do so.
That’s the way.
• Prepare the volunteer to say: Let me help, CD-ROM
(Grandma). Help your mum Encourage the children to play the games and
Every day. do the activities on the CD-ROM at home and
• Let the volunteer carry a few books for you.
Help your dad help their family members learn English with
• Praise the volunteer for helping. Say: You’re That’s the way. them.
a good helper. Thank you.
• Brainstorm ways the children can help • Now point to the faces below each photo ActiveTeach
people in their families. For example: and tell the children to draw a smile on the Focus on the two photos. Use the pointer to
– Help set the table for a meal. face below the photo in which someone is highlight who is helping and who isn’t. Confirm
helping (the girl is helping her grandma in which face should be smiling and which face
– Help clear the table after a meal.
the garden) and a frown where someone is should be frowning.
– Help clean up toys / art supplies. not helping (the boy is having a nap).
• Note these ideas on the board to revisit later.

T29 Family

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Unit 2: Review/Assessment • Tell the children to open their books at
page 30.

Objectives: to review and assess new unit

Steal the Backpack! (10 minutes)
• Point to the placeholder for the pen. Ask:
vocabulary and structures Is it a (marker)? Continue until the children • Divide the class into groups of five.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book; answer correctly. • Ask the two groups to stand facing
stickers (in the back of the Pupil’s Book and • Say: Stick the sticker. Let the children stick each other.
shown on page T106) the sticker and say: It’s a pen. • Place classroom objects on the floor
Optional Materials: decorations, such as • Repeat with the other stickers (marker, between the two groups: backpack,
stickers, cutouts, glue, tape, markers, ribbons, scissors). computer, marker, notebook, pen, scissors.
and glitter; classroom objects; Flashcards; • Assign each child a number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 7
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; A41 2. Listen and circle. so there are two “1”s, two “2”s, and so on.
• Play the audio and ask the children to • Say a number and a classroom object: One.
listen and circle a picture based on what Get the backpack!
GETTING READY they hear.
• The two “1”s race to grab the backpack. The
A Sing and Move (10 minutes) • Do the first item together, if necessary. first to get it earns a point for his or her team.
Ask the children to sing and move to their • Let the children do items 2 and 3 on their • Continue until each number has had a turn.
favourite songs and chants from Unit 2. own. Confirm answers.
• Then invite other groups to play.
Flashcard Memory Game Audio Script
Art Project: Decorated Notebooks
(10 minutes) 1. Is it a pen?
• Prepare decorations, such as stickers, cutouts,
• Display the Unit 2 Flashcards on the board Yes, it is.
glue, tape, markers, ribbons, and glitter.
to remind children of the Unit 2 vocabulary. 2. Is it a backpack?
No, it isn’t. It’s a marker. • Let the children decorate their English
• Point to each and ask: What’s this? Let the 3. Is it a computer? notebooks. Write their names on the
class answer together. Yes, it is. notebooks or prepare cut-out name labels
• Then ask the children to put their heads that they can glue on.
down so they can’t see as you turn over one Use the Reward Sticker • When the children finish decorating, let them
of the Flashcards. Tell the children to look up share their work.
• Help the children talk about what they
and say which card was turned over.
learned in Unit 2, using positive language: Activity Book Page 24
• Point to the turned-over card and ask: Is it a
– I can point to and say: backpack, Ask the children to draw five classroom objects
pen? Is it a notebook? and so on.
computer, marker, notebook, pen, and colour them. Let pairs share their drawings
• Prompt the children to answer: No, it isn’t or scissors …! and ask and answer: Is it a (notebook)? / Yes, it
Yes, it is.
– I can ask and answer: Is it a (pen)? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
• Play again, but let volunteers take turns is. / No, it isn’t.
as your helper. Let the volunteers ask: Is it
• Show the children where to stick the stickers
a (pen)?
(on the Unit 2 Good Job! placeholder). CD-ROM
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 30 • Use this opportunity to congratulate children Encourage the children to show their families
on their progress. what they learned in Unit 2.
1. Stick and say.
• Ask the children what they liked best.
• Distribute the stickers (but not the reward ActiveTeach
sticker). Use ActiveTeach to check answers as a class.

Review T30

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Unit 3: Review/Assessment • Point to the placeholder for the cousin. Ask:
Who’s he? and let the children answer.
• Stop the music suddenly and tell the children
to freeze.
Objectives: to review and assess new unit • When everyone agrees that it’s Billy’s cousin, • Call out a TPR or other action cue: Wiggle!
vocabulary and structures say: Find the cousin sticker. • The children wiggle their whole bodies.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book, • Ask the children to hold up the sticker. • Play the music again.
stickers (in the back of the Pupil’s Book and
• Say: Stick the sticker. • Continue in this way. Make this activity a
shown on page T106)
• Let the children stick the sticker and say: cumulative review: Use the TPR actions and
Optional Materials: star cutouts, teacher-
made labels, decorations (glitter, markers, Cousin. other action cues from Units 1–3.
stickers), glue, hole-punch, string; Flashcards; • Repeat with the other stickers (aunt, uncle).
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; Art Project: Make a Star Badge
ActiveTeach A42 4. Listen and circle. • Prepare a star cutout for each child.
• Play the audio. Direct the children to listen • Create labels that say “BEST (GRANDMA)”.
GETTING READY and circle a family member based on what Photocopy them so the children can
they hear. choose which family member they want to
A Sing and Move (10 minutes) • Confirm answers with the class. celebrate.
• Ask the children to sing and move to the • Distribute decorations, such as glitter,
various songs and chants from Unit 3. Audio Script markers, and stickers.
• Invite the children to tell you which song or 1. Who’s he? • Children glue the label to the star and
chant they like best. He’s my cousin. decorate it.
2. Who’s she?
Flashcard Practice (5 minutes) • Punch a hole in each corner of the star.
She’s my grandma.
• Display the Unit 3 Flashcards on the board 3. Who’s he? • Tie string through each hole.
to remind children of the Unit 3 vocabulary. He’s my uncle. Activity Book Page 25
• Pretend to be Billy. Say: Hello, I’m Billy. Ask the children to draw a picture of a family
• Point to the uncle card. Make Sammy ask: Use the Reward Sticker
member and colour it. Let them present the
Who’s he? • Help the children talk about what they have picture and tell a partner: (She)’s my (aunt).
• Say: He’s my aunt. learned in this unit, using positive language:
– I can ask and answer: Who’s he? / He’s my OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Make Sammy look at the class and ask:
Aunt? (uncle). / Who’s she? / She’s my (aunt).
• Prompt the class to correct Billy: Uncle! – I know star. I can point to a star, and make
Encourage the children to play the games
one, too!
• Say: Oh, sorry! He’s my uncle. at home.
• Distribute the reward stickers.
• Continue this way for other family members. ActiveTeach
• Show the children where to stick the stickers
(on the Unit 3 Good Job! placeholder). Use ActiveTeach to check answers as a class.
3. Stick and say. CONSOLIDATING
• Distribute the stickers (but not the reward
sticker). Freeze Dance (10 minutes)
• Tell the children to open their books at • Play each song from the unit at least once.
page 31. Ask the children to dance with the music.

T31 Review

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4 Play Time! Materials
Pupil’s Book pages 32–39; Activity
Book pages 26–31; Flashcards 13–18;
Objectives Vocabulary Class Audio CD A: Tracks 43–51; Course
✓ To learn play time vocabulary New: bike, boat, car, paints, puppet, Posters: Meet Your New Friends!, My
train; number 6 Little Island Map, Shapes and Colours;
✓ To sing songs and chant
Review: backpack, book; rain; black, stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
✓ To do new TPR movements blue, brown, grey, green, red, yellow; shown on page T106)
rectangle; numbers 1–5; toys Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
✓ To practise fine and gross motor
Sammy the Squirrel puppet

✓ To understand and role-play a story

✓ To learn and practise the new

language structures Is it (yellow)? /
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Unit Songs and Chants
✓ It’s Play Time! (Class Audio CD A:

✓ To review the language structures
Tracks 43 and 44)
What is it? / It’s a (car).

✓ To practise sound-symbol ✓ R Sounds Like Ruh Chant and

B Sounds Like Buh Chant (Class
correspondences: r /r/, b /b/
Audio CD B: Tracks 38 and 39)
✓ To recognize and produce the
✓ Count to 6 Chant (Class Audio
sounds that r and b stand for at
CD A: Tracks 48 and 49)
the beginning of words

✓ To write the letters r and b Home-School Connections ✓ Please Share Chant (Class Audio
CD A: Tracks 50 and 51)
✓ To review colours, numbers, and Copy the Letter Home for the children
shapes to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 4 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn how to count to 6 The Letters are available online at
✓ To learn the value of sharing Story
✓ To practise new language by “Where’s My Toy?”: Billy can’t find his
listening and speaking toy car. Lilly helps him find it.
Language Structures: Is it (yellow)? /
✓ To learn and review unit vocabulary
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
and language structures Values
Please share.

T4A Play Time!

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Hooray for Toys!
practise patterns, count to 6 ✓ clap, kick, painting action, show ✓ Make a notice board all about toys.
fingers, stamp, stretch arms, talk with
make a boat that floats hands, touch a knee, wave, write Materials
learn the value of sharing (letters) in the air • photocopies of unit Flashcards
trace, draw, colour, draw a toy • drawings of toys
• magazine cutouts of toys
sing, chant and move to music Phonics
• markers
✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol • tape
correspondences: initial r /r/ and b /b/.
Preschool Learning Outcomes Directions
✓ Recognize the letters r and b.
1. Gather magazine cutouts of toys: bike,
✓ Recognize intonation in questions.
✓ Complete Phonics page 90. boat, car, paints, puppet, and train.
✓ Give short, simple answers to questions.
✓ Listen to the audio. 2. Invite the children to draw pictures of
✓ Understand new language structures.
✓ Sing songs and say chants. them.
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds 3. Make photocopies of Flashcards (bike,
that initial r and b stand for in words. boat, car, paints, puppet, and train),
Prereading and Prewriting enough for one for each child, and
✓ Recognize the letters r and b.
distribute. Let the children colour
✓ Follow a picture story. ✓ Follow an eight-frame story. them in.

✓ Make predictions using pictures. ✓ Talk about the characters. 4. Display the children’s Flashcards,
✓ Act out the story to show grouping by the kind of toy.
✓ Join in games and interact.
comprehension. 5. Beneath the children’s Flashcards, tape
✓ Share information about themselves.
✓ Practise fine motor skills. the other pictures of that toy. (Under
the bike, tape pictures of different
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards
✓ Draw, colour, and trace. bikes, and so on.)
the English language.

Digital Practice
Create a co-operative
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM classroom environment. Encourage the
for vocabulary practice or for review. children to take turns and help them
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s learn how to share!
Book pages together as a class.

Play Time! T4B

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Presentation A43 1. Listen and sing. Move. CONSOLIDATING
• Help children focus on the scene and find Karaoke (10 minutes)
Objectives: to identify toy vocabulary in a A47
the different toys they’ll hear in the song.
scene, to learn a song and new TPR actions • Play the karaoke version of the song.
New Vocabulary: bike, boat, car, paints, • Teach the actions for the song. Say: Puppet.
Move your hands to show a puppet talking. • Let everyone sing together.
puppet, train
• Follow this procedure for the other actions. • Hold up Flashcards to cue the lines: I’ve got
TPR: painting action, talk with hands, wave a (bike).
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Flashcards • Say: Let’s listen to a song about playing.
Optional Materials: My Little Island Map • Play the song. Let the children listen and look My Favourite Toy (10 minutes)
poster; real toys or pictures, crayons, paper; at the scene, and point to each toy they hear. • Ask the children to think about what their
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; • Play the song again and encourage the favourite toy is.
ActiveTeach children to do the actions with you. • Distribute crayons and paper to the children.
• Invite them to sing along. • Ask them to draw a picture of their favourite
Look at the Poster (5 minutes) Audio Script
• Let the children present their artwork: This is
• Display the My Little Island Map poster. It’s Play Time! my (doll).This is (Bella).
Come, come, (wave)
• Ask the children to guess where they will Come, let’s play.
I’ve got a bike.
• Explain that they will visit a playground, and Let’s ride today. CD-ROM
point to it on the map.
Come, come, (wave) Encourage the children to play and listen to
Share What You Know (5 minutes) Come, let’s play. the activities and games from the CD-ROM at
I’ve got a boat. home. Encourage them to share what they are
• Review toy vocabulary from Level 1: ball,
Let’s play today. learning with their families.
blocks, doll, kite, puzzle, teddy bear. Show
the children each toy or a picture of one. Come, come, (wave) ActiveTeach
• Ask the children what toys they think they’ll Come let’s play. Show the unit’s opening scene for the whole
learn about in this unit. I’ve got a car. class to look at together. Use it to draw
Let’s play today. attention to unit vocabulary to help the
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 32 Come, come, (wave) children follow the song.
Present Vocabulary Come, let’s play.
• Tell the children to open their books at I’ve got paints.
page 32. Let’s paint all day. (painting action)
• Point out and talk about what Billy and Lilly Come, come, (wave)
are doing in the scene: playing with toys. Come, let’s play.
• Ask the children to point to familiar colours, I’ve got a puppet.
shapes, and toys. Let’s play today. (talk with hands)
• Use the Flashcards to teach the new vocabulary. Come, come, (wave)
• Hold up the picture of the bike. Say: Bike. Come, let’s play.
I’ve got a train.
• Let the children repeat it. Repeat with the
Let’s play all day.
other words.

Play Time! T32

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Audio Script Peek-a-Boo Flashcards (5 minutes)
Vocabulary train • Hide a Unit 4 Flashcard in a bag.
Objective: to practise new unit vocabulary car • Ask: Guess what it is?
New Vocabulary: bike, boat, car, paints, bike
• Show the picture a little at a time.
puppet, train paints
Encourage the children to guess what toy
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book it is.
Optional Materials: cardboard box with We love toys! • Repeat with the other Flashcards.
hole cut in it, toys from Unit 4 and Level 1,
Flashcards, bag, Sammy the Squirrel puppet, • When they have finished, ask the children to Make a Home Connection
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Create and make copies of a toy checklist,
share their work.
• Invite the children to take turns pointing to using pictures of familiar toys.
GETTING READY the pictures and saying the words. • Let the children practise identifying the
A43 Review the Song (10 minutes) • For additional practice, say each vocabulary toys and saying the words so they can
word aloud and ask the children to clap comfortably talk about the toys.
• Play “It’s Play Time!” (See page T32).
twice, pause, clap twice again, and repeat • Ask the children to take the checklists home
• Invite the children to sing the song and do and work with their families to see which
the word.
the actions. toys they have there.
• Then divide the class into six groups, one for CONSOLIDATING
each toy in the song. Give each group the Activity Book Page 26
corresponding Flashcard. Secret Box (10 minutes) Ask the children to draw lines to match and
• Play the song again and let everyone sing • Gather toys taught in this unit and ones make toys. Ask them to identify the toys with
along. Explain that when a group hears their recycled from Level 1. partners: It’s a (train).
toy, they should hold up that card. • Show each toy and let the children OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
identify it.
Pass the Cards (5 minutes)
• Explain that you are going to put one toy in CD-ROM
• Ask the children to sit in a circle and pass the
a secret box and that a volunteer will guess Encourage the children to play the games on
unit Flashcards around.
what it is by feeling it. the CD-ROM at home to practise what they are
• Say: Stop! Show me the train! learning in class. Because the CD-ROMs are
• Put one toy in a cardboard box with a hole
• Tell the child with the train card to hold it up cut in it, but don’t let anyone see which user-friendly and fun, families can get involved,
and then run around the circle. toy it is. too!
• Follow a similar procedure with the other toys. • Invite a volunteer to the front of the room. ActiveTeach
Show the class the toy that’s in the box, but
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 33 Use ActiveTeach to help confirm as a class
don’t let the volunteer see it. Put it back into
which picture the children should tick.
A45 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say. the box.
• Tell the children to open their books at • Let the volunteer reach in and feel the toy,
page 33. and try to guess what it is.
• Explain that the children will listen and tick • Let the class confirm.
the pictures as they hear the words. • Invite other volunteers to play.
• Play the audio, pausing after each word.
Let the children tick the picture and say the
word. Make sure they tick the correct picture.

T33 Play Time!

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in a
sentence, to role-play
New Structures: Is it (yellow)? / Yes, it is. / No,
it isn’t.
New Vocabulary: car
Review: colours
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: small pieces of coloured
paper (or coloured blocks, crayons, or other
items that children can manipulate), paper,
pencils, toys for role-playing, Flashcards,
Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM,

Colour Patterns (5 minutes)
• Review all the colours the children have
learned: red, blue, green, yellow, orange,
purple, pink, brown, black, white, and grey.
• Ask the children to sit in groups.
• Distribute small pieces of coloured paper
in a variety of colours, with many pieces
• Focus on the first page of “Where’s My Toy?” • Reread the title and ask the children if
of the same colour (or coloured blocks,
Ask the children to use language they know they’ve ever lost a toy.
crayons, or other items that the children can
to talk about the picture. • Play the audio, pausing to make sure the
• Use TPR and other gestures to help the children are looking at the correct story
• Call out a pattern, such as: Black, black,
children understand that Billy and Lilly are frame and understand what’s happening.
white, yellow, yellow.
playing outside. • Play the audio for the story again, pausing
• Ask the children to chant the pattern.
• Ask the children what they think the friends and pointing to each frame as children hear
• Then let the groups work together, chant, are talking about. Revisit their predictions the words.
and create the pattern using their coloured later on. • Encourage the children to speak along with
• Go through the story with the class. the characters.
• Repeat with other colours and patterns.
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 34–35 the audio.
Introduce the Story (5 minutes)
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, showing page 34. A46 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 34.

T34 Play Time!

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Act It Out (10 minutes)
• Let pairs take turns acting out the story.
• Play the audio and invite them to speak
along with the characters.
• Give them toys to use as props.
• Let pairs who are ready act it out without
the audio.
Activity Book Page 27
Ask the children to find the car and colour it red
and then colour the other toys different colours.
Let them work with a partner to ask and answer
about the toys: Is it (red)? / Yes, it is. / No, it


Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
home and play the games with their family
members to reinforce what they’re learning
about in class.
Use the large digital format to focus on the
frames. Play the audio and point to the story
character who is speaking.

Audio Script
Where’s My Toy? Look at New Language
Frame 1: Billy: Where’s my car? • Point out the language Lilly uses to ask
Frame 2: Lilly: Is it yellow? about Billy’s car: Is it (yellow)?
Frame 3: Billy: No, it isn’t.
• Focus on Billy’s answers: No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
Frame 4: Lilly: Is it blue?
Frame 5: Billy: No, it isn’t! • Practise with a few items in the classroom.
Frame 6: Lilly: Is it red? • Hold something up and ask: Is it (yellow)?
Billy: Yes, it is! Invite the children to answer.
Frame 7: Lilly: Where’s my bike? • Then invite the children to point and ask.
Frame 8: Billy: Is it pink?
Lilly: Yes, it is. Thank you.

Play Time! T35

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Listening • Make Sammy ask: Is it (pink)? (Answer: Yes,
it is!)
used for guessing (Is it a (car)? / Yes, it is. /
No, it isn’t.) by using classroom objects.
Objectives: to practise listening • Make Sammy pick up the toy. • Model the game with Sammy.
comprehension, to practise new vocabulary • Say: Good job! • Point to your eye and gesture to clarify
and structures meaning as you say: I spy with my little eye
• Invite volunteers to play. Let them ask and
Review: colours, What is it? / It’s (yellow). something blue. Sammy, look around.
then you answer.
Materials: Class Audio CD A • Make Sammy look around and guess: Is it a
Optional Materials: crayon and cup (or WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 36 train? (No, it isn’t.) Is it a puppet? (Yes, it is.)
similar props), toys, classroom objects, • Repeat the game. Make Sammy lead the
Flashcards, Sammy the Squirrel puppet, A47 4. Listen and circle.
game and children guess.
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Tell the children to open their books at
page 36. • To let volunteers lead the game, ask a
volunteer leader whisper the item to you
GETTING READY • Ask the children to name each toy: car / beforehand so you can help as needed.
train; bike / boat; train / puppet.
A46 Review Prepositions
• Make sure the children notice that there are Let’s Move! (10 minutes)
• Revisit the story “Where’s My Toy?”. three sets of two toys. Explain that they will • Ask the children to stand up.
• Play the audio and invite the children to listen and circle the picture of the one they
listen. hear. • Say: 1, 2, 3 – move with me! Let’s all hop!
• Remind the children of the question Billy • Demonstrate how to do the activity by • Ask the children to hop in place. Say: Hop,
asks: Where’s my toy? Then remind children working through the first item together and hop, hop and encourage the children to say
that they know three words to describe then let the children finish the other items it with you.
location: in, on, and under. on their own. • Say: Stop!
• Demonstrate each using a crayon and cup. • Confirm answers together. • Repeat with other actions that the children
Place the crayon in, on, and under the cup. know from Levels 1 and 2: wave, clap, dance,
• Each time, ask: Where’s the crayon? Audio Script jump, walk, sit down, stand up, hands up,
1. What is it? hands down, tap, point, make a (circle),
• Say: (In) the cup.
A train. close / open eyes, close / open mouth,
• Focus on pages 34 and 35. Point to the wiggle, climb, run, type, write, draw, cut,
Is it green?
leaves and ask: Where’s the car? carry, giggle, paint.
Yes, it is.
• Help the children answer: Under the leaves. 2. What is it?
Which One? (5 minutes)
Is it blue?
• Gather several of the same toys in different CD-ROM
No, it isn’t. It’s yellow.
colours (or pictures of them). Include toys 3. What is it? Encourage the children to play the games on
from Level 1 (ball, blocks, doll, kite, puzzle, A puppet. the CD-ROM at home. Ask the children to tell
teddy bear) and from this unit (bike, boat, Is it orange? you which are family favourites!
car, paints, puppet, train). Yes, it is. ActiveTeach
• Preview the activity by modelling with
Sammy. Use the large digital format to model circling
the correct pictures.
• Display two different toys of different I Spy (10 minutes)
• Play “I Spy” with different toys of the same
• Tell Sammy you are thinking of one of them. colour (a blue train, car, and puppet, and so
• Make Sammy ask: What is it? (Answer: A on). Then continue a review of the structures
Play Time! T36

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Speaking • Point out the toys that are already coloured
in, like the blue boat. Let volunteers point to
Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes)
• Focus on the r sound in words like rectangle,
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise the pictures, say the colours, and name the rain, and red.
new unit vocabulary and structures toys.
• Make a drawn-out rrrrr sound and invite the
Review: colours, toys • Point out that some toys aren’t coloured children to join in. Demonstrate how the
in. Explain that children will colour in these sound is made (it comes from deep in the
Materials: Activity Book
toys and help them notice the colour of throat and the tongue doesn’t move).
Optional Materials: toys, Flashcards, Sammy the shape outlines. Tell them that they will
the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach colour the toy this colour (the car is red, the • Say: Rrrrrrrr red rectangle. Let individuals
kite is green, the train is yellow, the ball is repeat it.
GETTING READY blue). Use the red car as a model. Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 90 and T90
• Say: Colour the toys. For work on the /r/ and /b/ sounds and letters,
Hide-and-Seek Toys (5 minutes)
• Next, help the children notice and focus on ask the children to turn to page 90 in the back
• Before class, hide some of the same kind of
the dialogue. of their books. For teacher support, turn to
toys in different colours around the room.
• Arrange the children in pairs. Ask one child page T90 in this book.
• Ask Sammy: Where’s my (ball)?
in each pair to think of a toy and the other Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 91 and
• Make Sammy look around for the toy and to ask questions to try to guess which one T91
ask: Is it (red)? until he guesses which one it is.
it is. For extra practice speaking, tell the children to
• Let pairs practise together first, and then turn to page 91 in the back of their books. For
• When he guesses the right colour, make perform for the class. teacher support, turn to page T91 in this book.
Sammy hold the toy up and let the
class clap. CONSOLIDATING Activity Book Page 28
• Continue to play with volunteers taking Ask the children to colour the toys. Then let
Sammy’s role. Race Together (10 minutes) pairs ask and answer questions to guess the
• Position the Flashcards on the board with toy: Is it (green)? Is it a (train)? / Yes, it is. No,
Guessing Game (10 minutes) space between them. it isn’t.
• Play a guessing game to prepare for the • Divide the class into three groups. Activity Book Page 29
activity. • Tell each group to line up facing the board Ask the children to colour the car red and the
• Display some toys of different colours. and some distance away from it. train and kite other colours. Let partners ask
• Tell Sammy to try to guess which toy you are • Call out a word: Car! and answer: Is it red? / Yes, it is. / It’s the car.
thinking of. Then ask them to use this model to talk about
• Tell the children that the first child on each
• Make Sammy ask: Is it (blue)? until you say: the train and kite.
team will race to the board and find the
Yes, it is. It’s the (train)! picture of the car. Explain that all three OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Invite volunteers to play. children have to wait and tap the picture at
the same time. Tell them that if they all tap CD-ROM
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 37 it together, each team gets a point but that Encourage the children to play the audio from
if one child taps it ahead of the others, his or the CD-ROM at home.
5. Colour. Ask and answer. her team does not get a point.
• Tell the children to open their books at • For a quieter game, ask the children to walk ActiveTeach
page 37. slowly to the board instead of running. Show the children how to colour the toys
by pointing out the different colours of the
outlines around them.

T37 Play Time!

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M04_MLIS_TB_6708_U04.indd 38 25/04/2012 14:30
CLIL • Make Sammy count the triangles: One, two,
three triangles.
• Invite a volunteer to reach into the bag and
guess how many crayons are in it by feeling.
Objectives: to count items from 1 to 6, to • Make Sammy find the number 3 and draw a • Confirm the guess by removing the crayons
practise new unit vocabulary line matching the 3 to the group of triangles. and counting them for the class.
Review: numbers 1–5, colours • Invite volunteers to come to the board and • Repeat with different quantities of crayons
TPR: kick, show (3) fingers, touch a knee match 2 and 4 to the right number of items. and other volunteers.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 38 “How Many?” Bag Part 2 (5 minutes)
Optional Materials: groups of classroom
items, crayons, bag; Sammy the Squirrel A48 6. Listen and say. • Place two crayons in the bag and count for
puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach the class as you do: 1, 2.
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 38. • Add another and invite the class to guess
GETTING READY how many are in the bag now.
• Point to Sammy’s sign. Ask: How many?
• Take the three crayons out to confirm and
Introduce the Number 6 (10 minutes) • Ask the children to count the acorns and count as you do: 1, 2, 3.
• Review numbers 1–5 by counting real point to the number 6 in the speech bubble.
Say: 6! • Continue in this way.
• Play the audio and do the actions. • Once the children are comfortable with
• Hold up or point to one item. Say: One. One adding one crayon at a time, try adding two
(book). Ask the children to repeat. • Play it again and let the children do the or three (up to a total of six).
• Write the number on the board. Draw one actions with you.
circle beneath it to illustrate the amount. • Encourage the children to chant along with Activity Book Page 30
• Repeat with 2–5 and other items. the audio when they are ready. Ask the children to trace the numbers, count
the carriages on the train with a partner, and
• Point to the numbers on the board and Audio Script colour the picture.
count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …
Count to 6 Chant
• Then draw six circles and write the Are you ready? OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
number 6. Say: 6. Count with me: CD-ROM
• Walk around the room and count groups of 1, 2, 3, (show 3 fingers)
items or children. Encourage the children to play the counting
Touch your knee. (touch a knee)
games on the CD-ROM to practise numbers.
• Count and invite the children to repeat after 4, 5, 6, (show 6 fingers)
you. Try some kicks. (kick in the air) ActiveTeach
• Then identify groups of items or children and 7. Count and match. Model drawing a line to join a number with
ask: How many? that number of items. Then help the children
• Ask the children to count the items on the
check their work together using the large
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) page: five cars, four trains, six pots of paint.
digital format.
• On the board, draw groups of shapes in • Tell the children to draw lines matching the
a line, in this order: three triangles, four numbers to the items.
squares, two circles. • Go over the activity together.
• Beneath the groups of shapes, write the
numbers 2, 3, 4 in order. (Set these up in a CONSOLIDATING
similar way to Pupil’s Book page 38.)
“How Many?” Bag Part 1 (5 minutes)
• Make Sammy model the activity.
• Gather six crayons and put them in a bag.

Play Time! T38

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A50 8. Listen and say. Look and draw. Act It Out (10 minutes)
Objective: to learn about the value of sharing • Tell the children to open their books at • Help the children role-play sharing. Use
New Values Language: Please share. page 39. the list of situations they brainstormed in
Review: toys • Play the dialogue on the first part of the Getting Ready. Say: Good job! Nice sharing!
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book audio and ask the children to look at the • Then let the children role-play not sharing.
Optional Materials: paper; crayons; teacher- pictures as they listen. Remind them to still be respectful of others.
made behaviour chart; Flashcards; CD-ROM; • Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you. Say: Oh no. Please share.
ActiveTeach Classroom Values Chart (ongoing)
Audio Script
• Create a simple chart to keep track of
GETTING READY Teacher: Please share your toys. children’s good behaviour.
Children: Yes. We like to share.
Draw and Count … and Share! • Award the class a star every time they
(10 minutes) • Play the chant on the second part of the demonstrate a positive value, for example:
• Distribute paper and crayons to small audio. Let the children listen once or twice – sharing classroom objects nicely
groups. Make sure each child has one and then chant along with the audio when – asking nicely for something while sharing,
crayon. they are ready. using please and thank you
• Tell the children to draw a group of items – putting away all their toys
and write the number to tell how many. Audio Script
• Reward the class when they get twenty stars.
• Take some crayons away from each group so Please Share Chant
that, for example, a group of four children Girls and boys, Make a Home Connection
now has only two crayons. Please share your toys.
Show you care Prepare a good behaviour chart and stars for
• Ask the children to repeat the activity: Draw And share, share, share. the children to take home. Explain that if a
a group of items and write the number. child gets 20 stars at home, you’ll award the
• Help the children see that they need to take • Let the children talk about what the girls in class a few stars in his or her honour!
turns with the crayons. the picture are doing (fighting over a teddy Activity Book Page 31
bear) and then about the boys (playing Ask the children to colour the pictures. Let
Introduce Sharing (10 minutes) nicely together with a toy). Ask: Are they partners talk about how the children are
• Explain that sometimes it’s hard to share. sharing? sharing.
• Ask the children to talk about how they feel • Now point to the faces below each picture.
when other children share something with Tell the children to draw a smile on the OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
them. face below the picture where children are
• Let the children talk about times they share: sharing. Then tell them to draw a frown
where they are not. Encourage the children to play the activities
– Groups share art supplies in school. and games from the CD-ROM at home to show
– Brothers and sisters share toys. • Play the chant at times when the children
their families what they are learning.
need to share in the classroom.
– Families share the TV.
• Once the children know the words and ActiveTeach
– A child shares a snack. rhythm, let them chant with you without the Focus on the two photos. Highlight who is
– Someone shares a new toy. audio. sharing and who isn’t. Confirm the children’s
• Write their ideas on the board to revisit later. answers.

T39 Play Time!

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5 My House Materials
Vocabulary Pupil’s Book pages 40–49; Activity
Objectives Book pages 32–39; Flashcards 19–24;
New: bathroom, bedroom, dining
Class Audio CD A: Tracks 52–62; Course
✓ To learn house / home vocabulary room, house, kitchen, living room; with;
Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
number 7
✓ To sing songs and chants
Review: numbers 1–6; book; in, under;
and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
✓ To do new TPR movements family members; pets; colours; room shown on page T106)
words; toys; food words
✓ To practise fine and gross motor Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
skills Sammy the Squirrel puppet
✓ To understand and role-play a


✓ To learn and practise the new

Songs and Chants
structures Where’s (Mum)? and
(She’s) in the (kitchen). ✓ In My House (Class Audio CD A:

Tracks 52 and 53)
✓ To recognize and produce the
sounds that l and k stand for at ✓ L Sounds Like Luh Chant and
the beginning of words K Sounds Like Kuh Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 41 and 42)
✓ To recognize the letters l and k

✓ To review the preposition under ✓ Count to 7 Chant (Class Audio

CD A: Tracks 57 and 58)
✓ To review colours and numbers
✓ Be Careful Chant (Class Audio
Home-School Connections CD A: Tracks 59 and 60)
✓ To learn how to count to 7
Copy the Letter Home for the children
✓ To learn the value of being careful to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 5 of My Little Island.
✓ To practise new language by
The Letters are available online at
listening and speaking Story
✓ To learn and review unit “In the Bedroom”: Billy is looking
vocabulary and structures for his mum. He asks his brother,
grandpa, and dad. They all point him
in different directions. Finally, he finds
Mum – and she has a surprise!
Values Language Structures: Where’s (Mum)?
Be careful. (She’s) in the (kitchen).

T5A My House

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR In Our House
count to 7, estimate ✓ clap, kick in the air, point, pretend to ✓ Make a notice board to use
play piano, show fingers, stamp, touch throughout the unit.
learn to be careful, identify houses knee, write (letters) in the air
draw and make a poster about houses Materials
• markers
sing, chant and move to music
Phonics • photographs of children or portraits
drawn by children
✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol
correspondences: initial l /l/ and k /k/. • sticky tape
Preschool Learning Outcomes
✓ Listen to and use intonation. ✓ Recognize the letters l and k. Instructions
1. Draw a simple outline of a big house
✓ Use short answers to questions. ✓ Complete Phonics page 92.
with six rooms.
✓ Understand new language structures. ✓ Listen to the audio.
2. Label the rooms: bedroom (2),
✓ Understand the preposition with. ✓ Sing songs and say chants. bathroom, dining room, kitchen, living
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds
3. Ask the children to bring in photos
that initial l and k stand for.
Prereading and Prewriting from home or draw their own, and
✓ Follow a picture story.
✓ Follow an eight-frame picture story. tape these pictures in the appropriate
✓ Make predictions using pictures.
✓ Talk about the characters.
4. Ask the children to point to their rooms
✓ Join in games and interact.
✓ Act out the story to show and sing verses from “In My House.”
✓ Share information about themselves. comprehension.

✓ Develop a positive attitude towards ✓ Practise fine motor skills.

the English language.
✓ Draw, colour, and trace.

Digital Practice Not all homes are houses –

many are flats. Flats don’t usually
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM have as many rooms
for vocabulary practice or for review. as houses.
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s
Book pages together as a class.

My House T5B

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Presentation • Play the audio for the song. When the key
vocabulary words are mentioned, point to
Charades (10 minutes)
Objectives: to identify house / home the appropriate Flashcard.
• Brainstorm some activities people do in each
vocabulary in an illustration, to learn a song • Invite the children to sing along when
room in a house.
and new TPR actions they’re ready.
• Mime chopping vegetables. Ask Sammy:
New Vocabulary: bathroom, bedroom, dining Where am I?
room, house, kitchen, living room; with Audio Script
In My House • Make Sammy guess: kitchen.
TPR: point, pretend to play piano
I’m in the kitchen with Grandma. (point to self) • Say: Very good, Sammy! I’m in the kitchen.
Review: family members
I’m in the kitchen with Grandma. • Continue in this way, letting a volunteer
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Flashcards I’m in the kitchen with Grandma. mime and the class guess the room.
Optional Materials: Sammy the Squirrel
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach fee fie fiddly I oh
fee fie fiddly I oh
A53 Karaoke (5 minutes)
fee fie fiddly I oh • Play the karaoke version of the song.
GETTING READY Playing my piano. (pretend to play piano) • Use Flashcards to show the children which
Share What You Know (10 minutes) I’m in the dining room with Lilly. (point
room to name in each verse.
• Show a picture of a house. to self) • Point to a classmate for children to name
• Invite the children to talk about houses. Ask: I’m in the dining room with Lilly. in each verse. For example, hold up the
Who lives in a house? a flat? Which room do I’m in the dining room with Lilly. kitchen card and point to (Juan) and ask
you spend the most time in? Why? the children to sing: I’m in the (kitchen)
fee fie fiddly I oh with (Juan).
fee fie fiddly I oh
Introduce the Vocabulary Playing my piano. (pretend to play piano)
• Tell the children to turn to page 40. CD-ROM
I’m in the living room with Aunt Ann. (point
• Say: Billy, his family, and Lilly are in Billy’s to self) Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
house. I’m in the living room with Aunt Ann. home to practise the new vocabulary.
• Use the Flashcards to teach the vocabulary. I’m in the living room with Aunt Ann. ActiveTeach
Hold up the pictures one at a time. fee fie fiddly I oh Use the Flashcards on ActiveTeach to help
– Say: (Bathroom). Find the (bathroom). fee fie fiddly I oh reinforce vocabulary acquisition.
Let the children find it in the house. fee fie fiddly I oh
• Repeat with the other words. Playing my piano. (pretend to play piano)
• Use Sammy to preteach the word with. I’m in the bathroom with baby. (point to self)
• Hold up the kitchen card and say: I’m in the I’m in the bathroom with baby.
kitchen. I’m in the bathroom with baby.
• Hold Sammy close. Say: I’m in the kitchen fee fie fiddly I oh
with Sammy. fee fie fiddly I oh
• Repeat with other cards. fee fie fiddly I oh
Playing my piano. (pretend to play piano)
A52 1. Listen and sing. Move. I’m in the bedroom with Grandpa. (point
• Display the Flashcards. to self)
I’m in the bedroom with Grandpa.
I’m in the bedroom with Grandpa.
My House T40

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A54 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say. TPR March (10 minutes)
Objective: to practise new words • Tell the children to turn to page 41. • Review words and gestures for actions and
New Vocabulary: bathroom, bedroom, dining other TPR that children know: clap, climb,
• Explain that the children will listen and tick
room, house, kitchen, living room cut, draw, giggle, hop, look around, make
the pictures as they hear the words.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book a shape, paint, point, run, talk with hands,
• Play the audio. Pause after each word to tap, type, wiggle, write.
Optional Materials: Flashcards, paper, make sure the children are ticking the right
drawing supplies, Sammy the Squirrel puppet, • Play some music.
picture. Then ask them to say the word.
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • While the music is playing, the children
Audio Script march in a circle.
GETTING READY bedroom • Stop the music and tell the children to stop
kitchen marching.
A52 Review the Song (5 minutes)
living room • Call out an action, such as: Climb!
• Say: Let’s sing the song.
bathroom • Encourage everyone to do the action and
• Sing “In My House” with the children. dining room say the word.
• Divide the class into six groups, one for house
I like my house! • Repeat with other TPR commands that the
each vocabulary word. Give each group a
children know.
• Tell each group to stand up when they hear • Next, let the children take turns pointing to
Make a Home Connection
their word in the song. Play the song again the pictures and saying the words.
Encourage the children to tell their families the
and let the children sing along. Prompt • For additional practice, say each vocabulary
English words they learned for the rooms in
groups to stand up. word aloud and ask the children to clap
their home.
twice, pause, clap twice again, and repeat
Clapping Hints (5 minutes) the word. Activity Book Page 32
• Display the Flashcards for reference. Ask the children to trace the items and match
• Point to the card for kitchen. Say the word CONSOLIDATING them to the rooms. Let partners practise saying
while you clap the syllables: kit (clap) chen the words bathroom, bedroom, house, and
Draw Your Home (10 minutes) kitchen with a partner. Then let the children
• Distribute paper and drawing supplies. colour the pictures.
• Let the children clap and say the syllables
with you. • Invite the children to draw their homes.
• Repeat with the other words. • Tell the children who live in flats to draw a
• Tell Sammy the Squirrel that you’re thinking
block of flats instead of a house. CD-ROM
of a room. Clap the number of syllables, but • You could help the children label their Encourage the children to practise the new
don’t say the word. pictures by giving out paper with My Home vocabulary using the games on the CD-ROM.
written on it, for them to stick.
• Sammy guesses: Is it the (kitchen)? ActiveTeach
• If Sammy guesses the wrong room, say: Use ActiveTeach to model ticking the boxes on
Good guess, but no. the Pupil’s Book page.
• If Sammy guesses the right room, say: Very
good! That’s it!
• Continue in this way.

T41 My House

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in
sentences, to role-play
New Structures: Where’s (Mum)? / (She)’s in
the (kitchen). / (She)’s in (your bedroom).
Review: Mum; in
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach

Where’s the Circle? (10 minutes)
• Tape the house Flashcards to the board.
• Ask the children to close their eyes.
• Lift up each card and draw a picture on the
board underneath the card. Draw shapes,
animals, people, toys, or classroom objects.
• Ask Sammy: Where’s the (circle)?
• Make Sammy guess: It’s in the bathroom.
• Lift up the bathroom card to show the
picture. If it isn’t the (circle), say: Sorry,
Sammy. Try again!
• If it is the (circle), say: Good job. The (circle)
is in the bathroom.
• Continue in this way, but invite the children WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 42–43 Audio Script
to guess. A55 3. Look and listen. Act it out. In the Bedroom
Frame 1: Billy: Where’s Mum?
• The game will get easier as the children play • Tell the children to turn to page 42.
Grandma: She’s in the living
because they will see the pictures under the • Play the audio. Pause at each story frame room.
cards when they make incorrect guesses. to make sure the children are on the correct Frame 2: Billy: Where’s Mum?
frame and understand what’s happening. Billy’s brother: She’s in the
• Play the story again. Point to each frame as kitchen.
the words are played. Frame 3: Billy: Where’s Mum?
• Encourage the children to speak along with Grandpa: She’s in the dining
the characters. room.
Frame 4: Billy: Where’s Mum?
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
Billy’s dad: She’s in your
the audio.

T42 My House

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Act It Out (10 minutes)
• Let pairs of children take turns acting out
the story.
• Play the audio and invite the pairs to speak
along with the characters.
• Let children who are ready act it out without
the audio.

Where’s Sammy? (10 minutes)

• Extend the activity by letting children look
for Sammy.
• Place the house Flashcards around the
• Hide Sammy near one of the cards.
• Let children look for Sammy one at time.
Let individuals guess by asking: Where’s
Sammy? Reply: He’s in the (kitchen).
• Tell the child to look near the Flashcard for
kitchen to find Sammy.
• Continue in this way until each child has a
Activity Book Page 33
Ask the children to practise pointing, asking,
and answering with a partner: Where’s the
car? (It’s) in the (living room). Then let them
colour the pictures.


Frame 5: Billy: She’s in my
bedroom! Oh no! Look at New Language CD-ROM
Frame 6: Billy: Where’s Mum? • Point out the language Billy uses to ask Encourage the children to use the Story Time
Grandma: She’s there. about his mum: Where’s Mum? feature on the CD-ROM to practise following
Frame 7: Billy’s mum: Surprise! A new • Focus on the answers: She’s in the bedroom. the story and speaking at home.
bed! • Remind children of the prepositions in, on,
Frame 8: Billy: Thank you Mum! ActiveTeach
under and revise their meanings through a
And thank you Focus on the frames as the story audio plays.
simple game with classroom objects. Put a
Grandma! Point to the story character who is speaking.
pen on a book, in a bag, and under a chair,
and ask for the correct preposition each

My House T43

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Listening WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 44 • Let the children work in pairs to ask and
answer: Where’s the (car)? The (car) is in the
A56 4. Listen, find, and circle. (bedroom).
Objectives: to practise listening
comprehension, to practise new unit • Tell the children to turn to page 44.
vocabulary and structures • Invite them to talk about the picture. Common Colour (10 minutes)
Review: boat, book, car, puppet • Ask them to name the rooms, furniture, toys, • Explain that Sammy will tap certain children
Materials: Class Audio CD A animals, and colours they recognize. on the shoulder and that whoever Sammy
• Encourage them to use complete sentences, taps should stand up.
Optional Materials: Flashcards; pictures of a
boat, book, car, doll, and puppet; Sammy the such as: This is a lamp, The bed is in the • Explain that the class has to work out what
Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach bedroom, or The fish is orange. colour the children who are standing have in
• Explain that the children will listen to common.
GETTING READY questions and answers and circle pictures • Begin by tapping children who are wearing
based on what they hear. red.
A55 Revisit the Story (10 minutes) • Do the first one together. Search for the • If the class has trouble identifying which
• Revisit “In the Bedroom” together. living room, then the bird. Draw a circle colour the standing children have in
• Play the audio and let the children follow it around the bird. common, give them a hint.
in their books. (See pages 42–43.) • Let the children do the rest on their own. • Repeat with other colours.
Telephone (5 minutes) Audio Script OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Play a game to review unit vocabulary and
Where’s the car? CD-ROM
words for toys and animals.
It’s in the living room.
• Ask the children to sit in three lines. Encourage the children to play the games on
Where’s the doll? the CD-ROM at home to reinforce what they’re
• Gather Flashcards or other pictures of the
It’s in the bedroom. doing in class. Tell them to encourage family
following: rooms in a house, boat, book, car,
doll and puppet. Where’s the book? members to play along.
• Display the pictures on the board so It’s in the kitchen. ActiveTeach
everyone can see them. Where’s the boat? Use ActiveTeach to model scanning the
• Whisper a word into the ear of the first child It’s in the bathroom. pictures for the items and circling them. Extend
in each line. the activity by naming other items not on the
Where’s the puppet?
• Ask the children to whisper the word to each audio: Where’s the (teddy bear)? It’s in the
It’s in the dining room.
other down the line. (bedroom).
• Ask the last child to run to touch the correct CONSOLIDATING
picture. (If the child heard bird, he or she
Draw and Ask Review (10 minutes)
touches the picture of a bird.)
• Review vocabulary from Units 2–4.
• Let that child sit at the front of the line for
the next round. • Draw a large house outline on the board.
Use the house on page 44 as a model.
• Explain that the child who gets to the picture
first earns a point for his or her team. • Label each room.
• Continue in this way. • Tape a Flashcard to the board in each room
of the house you’ve drawn.

My House T44

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Speaking • Here are some examples: Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 92 and T92
– Where’s the teddy bear? It’s in the living For work on the /l/ and /k/ sounds and letters,
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise room. tell the children to turn to page 92 in the back
new unit vocabulary and structures – Where’s the lamp? It’s in the dining room. of their books. For teacher support, turn to
Review: cake, lamp, teddy bear, window page T92 in this book.
– Where’s the window? It’s in the kitchen.
Materials: Activity Book Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 93 and
Optional Materials: pictures illustrating Explore Question Marks (5 minutes) T93
words from Level 1, Flashcards, Sammy the • Point out the question mark on the page. For extra practice speaking, tell the children to
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Explain that these symbols signal that turn to page 93 in the back of their books. For
someone is asking a question. teacher support, turn to page T93 in this book.
GETTING READY • Provide the children with paper and invite Activity Book Page 34
Silly Card Game (5 minutes) them to draw their own question marks. Demonstrate with the duck how to do the
• Make two piles of Flashcards: Pile A includes • Ask everyone to sit in a circle. activity. Then let the children draw the lamp,
words for review. Pile B is made up of the • Ask a few questions and give a few answers chair, and toy box. Ask the children to colour
Unit 5 Flashcards. as examples. Help the children hear the the page. Let them practise asking and
different intonation for questions and answering with a partner: Where’s the (duck)?
• For a more thorough preparation for
answers. It’s in the (bathroom).
Exercise 5, include in Pile A pictures
illustrating vocabulary from Level 1. • Explain that you will either ask a question or Activity Book Page 35
• Ask a volunteer to pick a card from Pile A give an answer. Ask the children to find the three bikes. Let
and ask: Where’s the (lamp)? • Tell the children to hold up their question them practise asking and answering with a
• Then let another volunteer pick a card from marks when they hear you ask a question. partner: Where’s the bike? It’s (in / on / under)
Pile B and answer: It’s in the (living room). the house. Then let the children colour the
• If the answer is silly (for example, a kite
in the bathroom), then the child can say: Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes) OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
That’s silly! • Focus on the sound that l stands for in the
words lamp, living room, and like. CD-ROM
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 45 • Draw out the sound that l stands for and Encourage the children to play the audio
5. Colour. Ask and answer. invite children to join in. from the CD-ROM at home and practise
pronunciation and intonation skills.
• Tell the children to turn to page 45. • Demonstrate that the tongue touches the
• Invite them to talk about the pictures using back of the top front teeth to make the l ActiveTeach
known vocabulary and language structures. sound. Use ActiveTeach to focus the children’s
• Ask the children to colour in the uncoloured • Say: Lamp. Ask individuals to repeat it. attention on one picture at a time. Reinforce
items on the page. • Repeat with living room and like. the target language with the entire class
before and/or after the lesson.
• Focus on the two children at the bottom of
the page. Read the speech bubbles aloud for Make a Home Connection
the class. Encourage the children to have a treasure
• Explain that the children will use this model hunt with their families at home. Explain that
to ask and answer questions about the children can hide items around the house and
page. family members can ask about the locations.
• Invite volunteers to point, ask, and answer.

T45 My House

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M05_MLIS_TB_6708_U05.indd 46 25/04/2012 14:31
CLIL • He points to the number 5 and says: 5
squares? Yes! Sammy circles the number 5.
• Show the children one item from each group
and let them name it.
Objective: to count from 1 to 7 • Invite volunteers to repeat the activity with • Ask the children to close their eyes.
Review: 1–6, chair, food items the other shapes. • Put three crayons into one bag and four
TPR: kick in the air, show fingers, touch knee crayons into the other.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 46 • Let the children take turns holding each bag
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: groups of classroom A57 6. Listen and say. and guessing which one has more crayons.
items, crayons, bag, Sammy the Squirrel • Play the “Count to 7 Chant.” • Encourage the children to guess by noticing
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Invite the children to join in when they are how heavy the bag is, instead of feeling it.
ready. • Confirm the answer by taking the crayons
GETTING READY out, one at a time, and counting them.
Audio Script
Introduce the Number 7 (10 minutes) Compare the Bags 2 (10 minutes)
Count to 7 Chant
• Review 1–6 by counting classroom items. Are you ready? • Gather together two bags and various
• Hold up or point to one item. Say: One. One Count with me: groups of items.
(pen). Ask the children to repeat it. 1, 2, 3, (show 3 fingers) • Ask the children to close their eyes.
• Write the number 1 on the board. Draw one Touch your knee. (touch a knee)
• Put three crayons in one bag and three
circle beneath it to illustrate the amount. 4, 5, 6, (show 6 fingers)
puzzle pieces in another.
Try some kicks. (kick in the air)
• Repeat with 2–6 and other items. • Let the children take turns holding each bag,
7 cats (show 7 fingers)
• Point to the numbers on the board and On some mats. not feeling it, and guessing how many of
count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. each item is in the bag.
• Then draw seven circles and write the • Tell the children to turn to page 46. • Confirm the answer by taking the items out
number 7. Say: 7. • Point to Sammy and his speech bubble: 7. of the bags and counting them.
• Identify a group of seven items in the room. Activity Book Page 36
7. Count and circle.
• Count and invite the children to repeat after Ask the children to find the items, count them,
you. • Focus the children on the first item.
and circle the number. Then let them colour the
• Point to groups of 2–7 items. Ask: How many? • Point to the chair at the bottom of the page. page. Finally, let partners point to and count
• Point to the 4 and ask: Four chairs? the items together (1, 2, 3. Three lamps).
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) Let’s count.
• On the board, draw groups of shapes, • Focus on the illustration. Count the chairs: OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
such as: 4 triangles, 5 squares, 6 circles, 1, 2, 3, 4. Yes, four chairs!
7 rectangles. CD-ROM
• Repeat with the six bottles. Encourage the children to play the maths
• Beneath that, copy the design of Pupil’s
• Let children complete the page on their own. games on the CD-ROM to practise counting
Book page 46: draw a square with the
numbers 4, 5, 6, 7 beneath it; draw a circle and saying numbers.
with 4, 5, 6, 7 beneath it, and so on. CONSOLIDATING
• Make Sammy count the squares and say: 1, 2, Compare the Bags 1 (10 minutes) Use ActiveTeach to model finding and counting
3, 4, 5. Five squares. • Gather together two bags and groups of the items and circling the correct number.
• Then make Sammy point to the square with items that children can name (crayons,
the numbers. He points to the number 4 pencils, pens, balls, puzzle pieces, markers,
and says: 4 squares? No. or toy animals).

My House T46

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A59 8. Listen and say. Look and draw. Act It Out (10 minutes)
Objective: to learn about the value of being • Tell the children to turn to page 47. • Talk about other situations in which children
careful should be careful at home.
• Play the dialogue in the first part of the
New Values Language: Be careful. • Invite volunteers to act out being careful.
audio track and tell the children to look at
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book the photos as they listen. • Here are some examples:
Optional Materials: Flashcard for kitchen, • Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you. – Be careful in the bath. You might slip and
props (pan, soup), Sammy the Squirrel
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach Audio Script
– Be careful when you set the table – knives
Grandma: Be careful. It’s hot! are sharp and glasses can break.
GETTING READY Girl: I’m careful, Grandma.
– Be careful in the bedroom. Don’t jump on
1, 2, 3, Jump! (5 minutes) the bed – you might fall off.
• Then play the chant in the second part of
• Tell the children to stand in a circle. the audio track. Let the children listen once What Do I Say? (10 minutes)
• Practise counting to 7 around the circle. Each or twice and then chant along with the • Explain that you will describe a situation.
child counts in turn: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. audio when they’re ready. Let the children listen carefully to decide
• Then explain that instead of saying 7, the what you should say: Help your family or Be
seventh child should jump and say: Jump! Audio Script
• Children count in turn: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Jump! Be Careful Chant
• Describe the first situation. Prompt a
Be careful in the kitchen.
• Repeat the activity, but substitute a different volunteer to tell what you should say.
The pan is hot.
action for a different number. • Here are some examples:
Be careful in the kitchen.
Introduce Being Careful (10 minutes) The pan is hot, hot, hot! – You want an apple cut up in slices. (Be
careful … Ask a grown-up to cut it for you.)
• Hold up the Flashcard for the word kitchen.
• Talk about each photo with the class and let – Your grandma drops her fork at the table.
• Use gestures and props to help the children the children discuss whether the people in (Help your family … pick it up for her and
understand a role play about being careful the photo are being careful or not. get her a new fork.)
in the kitchen. For example:
• Now point to the faces below each photo. Tell
– You put some soup on the stove to heat the children to draw a smile on the face below Activity Book Page 37
it up. the photo that shows people being careful. Ask the children to colour the picture. Let
– You answer a phone call and forget about • Then tell the children to draw a frown partners point and say: Be careful.
the soup. on the face under the photo that shows OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
– The soup starts boiling over, so you rush to someone not being careful.
take it off the stove. • Point out that the girl in the photo on the CD-ROM
– You accidentally burn yourself: Ouch! left is being careful because she is with an Encourage the children to play the games on
– Make Sammy say: Be careful! adult, and she is using oven gloves. the CD-ROM at home.
• Model other situations that call for being • Explain that the girl in the photo on the right
careful, such as trying to find your way in isn’t being careful: she shouldn’t go near the
stove except with a grown-up. The hot pan Use the pointer to highlight which photo
the dark, avoiding slipping on a wet floor,
could fall on her and she could get burned. shows people being careful and which doesn’t.
and so on.
Confirm which face should be smiling and
• Play the chant a few times.
which should be frowning.
• Encourage the children to join in when they
are ready.
T47 My House

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M05_MLIS_TB_6708_U05.indd 48 25/04/2012 14:32
Unit 4: Review/Assessment • Tell the children to hold up the sticker. • Tell the children they will go on a treasure
hunt for toys hidden around the room.
• Say: Stick the sticker.
Objectives: to review and assess new unit Tell them to hold onto toys they find with
• Let the children stick the sticker and say: Car.
vocabulary and structures ribbons around them.
• Repeat with the other stickers (train, paints).
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book, • When the treasure hunt is over, let the
stickers (in the back of the Pupil’s Book and A61 2. Listen and circle. children talk about their toy “treasures.”
shown on page T106)
• Explain that the children will listen and circle Science Project: Make a Boat
Optional Materials: coloured paper, craft the picture of the correct answer.
sticks, wooden dowels, paper, glue, tape, That Floats
decorations, modelling clay, a toy boat, toys, • Confirm answers with the class.
• Explain that the children will make toy
ribbon, pipe cleaners; Flashcards; Sammy the boats.
Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach Audio Script
1. Is it a car? • To make the rafts: connect the craft sticks by
Yes, it is. gluing two craft sticks across four.
GETTING READY • Create the sail frame by crossing two dowels
2. Is it a puppet?
A Sing and Move (10 minutes) No, it isn’t. It’s a train. in a +. Secure it with pipe cleaners.
• Invite the children to sing and do the actions 3. Is it a bike? • Tape a triangular paper sail to the frame.
for the Unit 4 songs and chants. Yes, it is. • Let the children decorate the sail using
• Let the children vote for which one they like cutouts and stickers.
Use the Reward Sticker • Attach the sail to the raft with modelling
• Help the children talk about what they clay.
Play a Review Game (5 minutes) learned in Unit 4, using positive language:
• Let the children float their boat and a real
• Divide the class into teams. – I can say: bike, boat, car, paints, puppet, toy boat. What happens? Do they both sink
• Display the Unit 4 Flashcards and the and train. I can point to them, too! or float? Does the sail work?
numbers 1–6. – I can ask and answer: Is it a (boat)? Yes, it
is. / No, it isn’t. Activity Book Page 38
• Explain that a volunteer from one team says
– I can count to six. Ask the children to draw and colour their
a word and another child on that team has
favourite toy. Let them share their drawings
to point to the picture that shows the word. – I can do actions and say them: stretch my with a partner: Is it a (puppet)? Yes, it is. / No,
• Let the teams take turns. arms high, write an (r) in the air, show (3) it isn’t.
• Give one point for every correct answer. fingers, touch my knee, kick, clap, stamp.
• Announce the team with the most points as – I know r for ruh and b for buh. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
the winner. – I can share. I know Please share.
• Distribute the reward stickers.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 48 Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
• Show the children where to stick the stickers home to show their families everything they
1. Stick and say. (on the Unit 4 Good Job! placeholder). learned in Unit 4.
• Distribute the Unit 4 stickers.
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 48. Toy Treasure Hunt (10 minutes) Use the big screen to check answers as a class
and to display the boat project for the children
• Point to the placeholder for the car. Ask: • Tie ribbons around selected toys and hide
to view as they make their own boats.
What is it? Let the children answer together. them.
• Say: Find the car sticker.

Review T48

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Unit 5: Review/Assessment • Say: Find the sticker with Sammy. • As you pass places the children have visited,
invite them to recall the language they
• Ask the children to hold up the sticker.
Objectives: to review and assess new unit know. For example, when you pass the
• Say: Stick the sticker.
vocabulary and structures school, they can name classroom objects.
• Let the children stick the sticker. Then ask:
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book, Where’s Sammy? and prompt children to
stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and shown on Social Studies Project: Houses
answer: Sammy’s in the bathroom. Poster
page T106)
• Repeat with the other stickers (Sue in the • Explain to the children that they will make a
Optional Materials: magazine and
newspaper photos of different kinds of living room, Grandma in the house). poster with different kinds of houses on it.
houses, photos of different houses from A62 4. Listen and circle. • Gather magazine and newspaper pictures
home; glue; poster board; drawing supplies; and photos of different houses.
Flashcards; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; • Explain that the children should listen and
circle the picture that answers the question. • Invite the children to draw pictures of
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach
houses, as well.
• Confirm answers with the class.
• Distribute poster board to groups of
Audio Script
A Sing and Move (10 minutes) 1. Where’s Sammy? • Let the children glue the pictures to the
• Let the children sing and move to favourite He’s in the kitchen. poster board to create a collage.
songs and chants from Unit 5. 2. Where’s Lilly?
Activity Book Page 39
She’s in the living room.
Picture Card Memory Game 3. Where’s Grandma? Ask the children to draw their bedroom,
(10 minutes) She’s in the house. including the items shown on the page. Let
them colour and talk with a partner about
• Display the Unit 5 Flashcards on the board. their bedrooms, using words like: bedroom,
Use the Reward Sticker
• Point to each one and ask: What’s this? bed, table, chair, lamp, books, toys, toy box,
• Help the children talk about what they door, and window.
• Let the class answer together.
learned in Unit 5. Encourage them to use
• Then ask the children to close their eyes. positive language: OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Turn over one of the Flashcards and let the – I can ask and answer: Where’s (Sammy)?
children open their eyes. (He’s) in the (bathroom). CD-ROM
• Point to the turned-over card and ask: Encourage the children to play unit games and
– I know the sounds that l and k stand for.
Is it the (kitchen)? do unit activities from the CD-ROM at home
• Distribute the reward stickers. with their families.
• Let the children answer: No, it isn’t or Yes,
• Show the children where to stick the stickers
it is. ActiveTeach
(on the Unit 5 Good Job! placeholder).
• Play again, but let volunteers take turns as Use ActiveTeach to check answers as a class.
your helper to ask: Is it the (kitchen)? CONSOLIDATING
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 49 Imaginary Walk (5 minutes)
• Display the My Little Island Map poster.
3. Stick and say.
• Lead the class on an imaginary walk around
• Distribute the stickers (but not the reward
the island.
• Tell the children to turn to page 49.
• Point to the placeholder beside Sammy.

T49 Review

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6 My Body Materials
Pupil’s Book pages 50–57 Activity Book
pages 40–45; Flashcards 25–30; Class
Audio CD A: Tracks 63–70; Course
Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
Objectives Vocabulary shown on page T106)
✓ To learn new body vocabulary New: arms, body, feet, hands, head, Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
legs; number 8 Sammy the Squirrel puppet
✓ To sing songs and chants
Review: ears, eyes, face, hair, mouth,
✓ To do new TPR movements nose; flower, nest; blue, grey, green,
orange, red, yellow; numbers 1–7
✓ To practise fine and gross motor

✓ To understand and role-play a Songs and Chants


✓ Watch Me Dance (Class Audio
✓ To learn and practise the CD A: Tracks 63 and 64)
language structures Where’s
your (head)? / This is my (head). / ✓ N Sounds Like Nuh and
F Sounds Like Fuh Chant (Class

Where are your (legs)? / These are
Audio CD B: Tracks 44 and 45)
my (legs). / How many (legs)?

✓ To practise sound-symbol ✓ Count to 8 Chant (Class Audio

CD A: Tracks 68 and 69)
correspondences: n /n/, f /f/

✓ To recognize and produce the ✓ Wash Your Hands Chant (Class

Audio CD A: Tracks 70 and 71)
sounds that n and f stand for at
the beginning of words

✓ To recognize the letters n and f Home-School Connections

Copy the Letter Home for the children
✓ To review names of parts of the
to take home to share what they’ll be
body, colours, and numbers 1–7 learning in Unit 6 of My Little Island. Story
✓ To learn to count to 8 The Letters are available online at
“Billy the Robot”: Billy dresses up as a robot. He has a robot body, head,
✓ To learn the value of washing
and arms. Lilly helps Billy make his
your hands
robot legs and feet.
✓ To practise new language by Language Structures: Where’s your
listening and speaking (head)? / This is my (head). / Where
✓ To learn and review unit vocabulary Values are your (arms)? / These are my (arms).
and language structures Wash your hands. / Here are your (legs).

T6A My Body

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Trace Your Body
count to 8, How many (legs)? ✓ clap, dance, kick, nod, pretend to ✓ Make a notice board with traced and
wash hands, pull strings, shake arms, decorated outlines of children’s bodies.
make a fi tness poster show (3) fingers, stamp, straighten
learn the value of washing your hands leg, stretch, tap, touch a knee, wiggle Materials
hands, write (letters) in the air • large banner paper
make a fi tness poster and a silly creature
• markers
sing, chant and move to music • decorations
✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol
Preschool Learning Outcomes correspondences: initial n /n/ and f /f/. 1. Ask each child to lie flat on large
paper and trace an outline of each
✓ Recognize intonation. ✓ Recognize the letters n and f. child’s body.
✓ Use short, simple answers to questions. ✓ Complete Phonics page 94. 2. Invite the children to decorate their
✓ Understand new language structures. outlines with markers, crayons, cloth,
✓ Listen to the audio.
ribbons, or any other decorations
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds ✓ Sing songs and say chants. they like.
that initial n and f stand for.
3. Create labels (photocopy them) for
✓ Follow a picture story. all the parts of the body the children
Prereading and Prewriting know.
✓ Make predictions using pictures.
✓ Follow an eight-frame story. 4. Help the children attach the labels to
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR.
the correct parts of the body on their
✓ Talk about the characters.
✓ Join in games and interact. outlines.
✓ Act out the story to show
✓ Share information about themselves. comprehension. 5. Display the outlines around the room
and feature them on a notice board.
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards ✓ Practise fine motor skills.
the English language.
✓ Draw, colour, and trace.

Digital Practice
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM
for vocabulary practice or for review. Help children respect
one another’s bodies. They should
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s ALWAYS be gentle!
Book pages together as a class.

My Body T6B

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Introduce the Vocabulary Play Sammy Says (10 minutes)
Objectives: to identify body vocabulary in a • Tell the children to open their books at
scene, to learn a song and new TPR actions • Play “Sammy Says” (a version of “Simon
page 50. Says”) to practice TPR: clap, dance, nod
New Vocabulary: arms, body, feet, hands, • Explain that Billy and Lilly are having a (your head), shake (your hands), stretch,
head, legs puppet show. tap, wiggle (your arms).
TPR: clap, dance, nod, pull strings, shake
• Use the Flashcards to teach the vocabulary. • Say each word or phrase and do the action.
arms, straighten leg, tap, wiggle
Hold up the pictures one at a time. Ask the children to repeat them.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Flashcards
• Say: Arms. Let children repeat it. • To play the game, make Sammy give
Optional Materials: Sammy the Squirrel instructions to the players. Tell players to
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • Say: Show me arms and ask the children to
point to both of their arms. follow the instructions ONLY if Sammy says:
Sammy says. For example:
• Repeat with the other words.
GETTING READY – Sammy says: Sammy says CLAP. The
Share What You Know (5 minutes) A63 1. Listen and sing. Move. players should clap.
• Point to your eye and ask Sammy: What’s • Teach the actions that go with the song. – Sammy says: Nod your head. Players
this? • Say: Let’s sing a song. Play the song. should NOT do anything because Sammy
• Make Sammy answer: It’s an eye! didn’t say Sammy says. Anyone who nods
• Ask the children to point to the parts of the is out.
• Repeat with the other parts of the face puppet’s body as they are named in the song.
(review from Level 1). Encourage the children • Allow children to join in once they
• Play the song again and encourage the understand how to play.
to answer along with Sammy. children to do the actions with you.
• Remind the children that they have already • Invite them to sing along when they are ready. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
learned the names for parts of the face.
• Explain that today they will learn new words Audio Script CD-ROM
for different parts of the body. Watch Me Dance Encourage the children to play the games from
• Ask the children if they know the names for I’m a happy puppet. the CD-ROM at home to show their families the
any parts of the body. My name is Lance. English words they are learning for parts of the
Pull the strings (pretend to pull strings) body.
Talk About Puppets (5 minutes) And watch me dance. (dance)
• Talk about puppets with the children: Has ActiveTeach
anyone got a puppet? Has anyone seen a Wiggle my body. (wiggle) Use the highlighter to point to the different
puppet show? Clap my hands. (clap) parts of the puppet’s body as they are named
Stretch my legs and tap my feet. (straighten in the song.
• Show different kinds of puppets or leg and tap foot)
illustrations of them if possible. (For Tap, tap, tap,
example: sock puppets, hand puppets, To the beat, beat, beat. (tap foot to the beat)
shadow puppets, and marionettes).
• Briefly describe how marionette puppets Shake my arms. (shake arms)
work. (The puppeteer pulls strings that move Nod my head. (nod head)
the puppet’s arms and legs.) Stretch my legs and tap my feet. (straighten
leg and tap foot)
• Use gestures to clarify as needed. Tap, tap, tap,
To the beat, beat, beat. (tap foot to the beat)

My Body T50

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Vocabulary WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 51 Pin the Feet on the Puppet (10 minutes)
A65 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say. • For this version of “Pin the Tail on the
Objective: to practise new words Donkey”, draw a marionette-like puppet on
• Tell the children to open their books at
New Vocabulary: arms, body, feet, hands, a large piece of paper. Do not include feet.
page 51.
head, legs • Draw the marionette’s feet on a separate
• Direct the children to look at the six photos
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book piece of paper and cut the feet out.
and help them notice the arrows and
Optional Materials: large piece of paper, symbols pointing to the various parts of the • Put sticky tack on the back of the feet cutout
markers, scissors, sticky tack, blindfold; children’s bodies. so that it can be stuck to the larger drawing.
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; • Play the audio. • Attach the drawing to the board or a wall.
• Pause after each word, checking that • Model the game with a volunteer.
children put a tick under the photo that • Place a blindfold on the volunteer and spin
GETTING READY shows the part of the body they hear. the child around until he or she is facing the
A63 Review the Song (10 minutes) puppet drawing.
Audio Script • Say: Stick the feet on the puppet.
• Play “Watch Me Dance.”
body • As the volunteer tries to stick the feet in the
• Encourage the children to do the actions feet
while they listen. correct place, tell the class to cheer as the
arms volunteer gets closer or boo if farther away.
• Ask them to sing along, especially with the head
chorus. hands • Continue with other children.
One or Two? (10 minutes) Make a Home Connection
• Remind the children that some body parts • When they finish, let the children take turns Make a T-chart listing parts of the body and
come in “twos,” such as eyes. pointing to the pictures and saying give the children stars. Tell them to stick a star
the words. by each word for every time they use the word
• Point to your eyes and say: 1, 2. Two eyes.
at home.
I’ve got two eyes. • For additional practice, say each vocabulary
• Ask the children to name other body parts word aloud and ask the children to clap twice, Activity Book Page 40
that come in “twos” (ears, hands, arms, legs, pause, clap twice again, and repeat the word. Tell the children to trace the parts of the
feet). puppet’s body and colour them. Let them
CONSOLIDATING practise pointing and saying with a partner:
• Encourage them to use a full sentence: I’ve
got two (legs). Hokey-Cokey (10 minutes) body, arms, feet, hands, legs.
• Explain that you will call out a part of • Ask the children to stand in a circle. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
the body. • Sing the Hokey-Cokey song and model
• Ask the children to say One or Two to say the actions. CD-ROM
whether they have one or two. • Invite the children to do the actions with you. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
home to show their families the English words
• Say: Nose. You put your (arms) in. (reach (arms) in) they’ve learned.
• The children say: One! You put your (arms) out. (pull (arms) out)
• Say: Arms. You put your (arms) in and you shake them all ActiveTeach
around. (reach (arms) in and shake them) Show each Flashcard image to reinforce visual
• The children say: Two! You do the Hokey-Cokey and you turn vocabulary.
• Continue this way, but talk faster and faster yourself around. (turn around in place,
to make the activity more challenging and doing a silly dance)
more fun. That’s what it’s all about. (clap, clap)

T51 My Body

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in a
sentence, to role-play
New Structures: Where’s your (head)? /
Where are your (arms, legs)? / These are my
Review: This is my (head). / Thank you.
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Optional Materials: costumes (handmade
or shop-bought), cardboard boxes, paper
towel rolls, toys, classroom items; Flashcards;
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM;

Talk About Costumes (5 minutes)
• If possible, put on a costume before class
(a simple hand-made mask, or a more
elaborate shop-bought costume).
• Invite the children to talk about costumes: Do
they play dressing-up? When do they wear
costumes? Has anyone ever made a costume?
• Use gestures and pictures to clarify the
discussion as needed. WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 52–53 Audio Script
3. Look and listen. Act it out. Billy the Robot
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) A66
Frame 1: Billy: Look. I’m a robot.
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 52. • Tell the children to open their books at
Lilly: Where’s your head?
page 52.
• Focus on the first frame of “Billy the Robot.” Frame 2: Billy: This is my head.
• Play the audio. Lilly: Where are your arms?
• Explain that Billy is dressing up in a robot
costume, made of cardboard. Point to the • Pause at each frame to make sure the Frame 3: Billy: These are my arms.
cardboard box covering Billy’s body. children are on the correct frame and Lilly: Where are your legs?
understand what’s happening in the Frame 4: Billy: These are my legs.
• Ask the children what they think the friends pictures. Lilly: Oh, no!
are talking about. Point out the picture clue: Frame 5: Lilly: Don’t worry. I’ve got
Lilly is pointing to her head. • Encourage the children to speak along with
the characters. scissors.
• Revisit their predictions later on. Billy: Thank you.
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the pictures with the class. Frame 6: Lilly: Where are your feet?
the audio.
Billy: Oh no!
Frame 7: Lilly: These are your feet.
Billy: Great! Thank you.
Frame 8: Billy: I am a robot now!
T52 My Body

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• Give the children simple props, such as
cardboard boxes and paper towel rolls.
• Let children who are ready act out the story
without the audio.
Focus on Language Structures (5 minutes)
• Practise singular and plural structures:
Where is / are and This is / These are.
• Gather Flashcards of the parts of the body
and toys or classroom items to review.
• Use Sammy to model the question structures.
• Hold up the card for legs. Make Sammy ask:
Where are the legs?
• Then hold up the card for head.
• Make Sammy ask: Where’s the head?
• Continue this way, but elicit the questions
from the children.
• Repeat with This is / These are.
• Hand Sammy a crayon.
• Make Sammy say: This is my crayon.
• Hand Sammy two crayons.
• Sammy says: These are my crayons.
• Continue this way, but hand the items to

Look at New Language A66 Listen to the Intonation Activity Book Page 41
• Point out the language Lilly uses to ask • Play the story audio. Ask the children to complete and colour the
about the costume: Where’s your (head)? drawing of the robot. Let partners ask and
• Ask the children to close their eyes and listen answer: Where’s the (head)? This is the (head).
Where are your (arms)? carefully. These are the (arms).
• Focus on the difference between the singular • Pause after each question. Ask the children
and plural structures in the questions. to listen for the different intonation in the OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Hold up one finger to indicate singular as questions and the answers.
you say: One head. Where’s your head? CD-ROM
• Let the children repeat the dialogues,
• Hold up two fingers to indicate plural as you copying the intonation. Encourage the children to use the Story Time
say: Two arms. Where are your arms? feature on the CD-ROM to practise at home.
• Then focus on the difference between CONSOLIDATING
the singular and plural structures in the
Act It Out (10 minutes) Invite volunteers to use the marker tool to
sentences: This is my head. These are my
• Let pairs take turns acting out the story. circle the body parts you call out.
• Play the audio and invite them to speak
along with the characters.
My Body T53

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Listening • Explain that the children will listen to the
doll talking about herself.
• Make sure the children can use the action
while moving around the circle. For example,
Objectives: to practise listening • Explain that they should colour in the picture be sure that children can walk and point at
comprehension, to practise new unit based on what they hear. the same time for point.
vocabulary and structures • Play the audio for the class. • Ask the children to sit in a circle. Walk
Review: parts of the face, colours around the circle, gently tapping each child
• Pause after each statement for the children
Materials: Class Audio CD A on the shoulder and saying: Clap, clap, clap,
to colour.
clap …
Optional Materials: large piece of paper; • When the children have finished colouring,
markers; photocopies of simple teacher- • After a few “claps,” say: Hop. The child
invite them to pretend to be the doll and
made drawing of a doll or robot; Sammy the whose shoulder you tapped for hop stands
say: This is my (hair). It’s (brown). These are
Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach and hops around the circle.
my (eyes). They’re (grey). Continue this way.
• That child then walks around the circle,
GETTING READY Audio Script gently tapping each child on the shoulder
and saying: Hop, hop, hop …
A66 Revisit the Story (10 minutes) This is my hair. It’s brown.
These are my eyes. They’re grey. • He or she switches to a new action and
• Revisit “Billy the Robot” together. These are my arms. They’re green. another child takes a turn.
• Play the audio and let the children follow These are my legs. They’re yellow.
along in their books. (See pages 52–53.) These are my feet. They’re red. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Invite volunteers to act out the story. CD-ROM
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) Encourage the children to play the games on
Listen and Colour in Pairs (10 minutes) the CD-ROM at home to reinforce the listening
• On a large piece of paper, draw a doll.
• Draw and photocopy a simple doll or robot. skills they are practising in class.
• Make the following parts of the doll’s body
large enough for the children to colour: • Give each child a copy and let the children
arms, body, eyes, feet, hair, hands, legs. work with partners to do the activity.
Use the large digital format to model colouring
• Gather coloured markers. • C1 says: This is the (hair). It’s (blue).
the pictures before the children do the activity
• First model the activity for the children. • C2 colours the hair blue. or to check it afterwards. Let volunteers colour
• Say: This is the body. (Point to the doll’s • C1 continues to describe the colours until C2 in the pictures on the screen.
body.) It’s green. (Colour the body green.) has coloured in the entire drawing.
• Invite a volunteer to do the next body part. • Then they swap roles. C2 describes and C1
• Say: These are the arms. (Prompt the child to
point to the arms.) They’re grey. (Prompt the Clap, Clap, Hop (10 minutes)
child to colour them grey.)
• Play a version of the popular game “Duck,
• Continue this way. Duck, Goose.”
• Review the TPR and other actions the
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 54 children have learned: climb, run, make a
A67 4. Listen and colour. Point and say. circle /rectangle, look around, point, clap,
• Tell the children to open their books at type, write, draw, cut, carry, tap, wiggle,
page 54. giggle, hop, paint, dance, stretch, shake, and
• Ask the children to point to and say the
different body parts.

My Body T54

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Speaking WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 55 • Repeat with other volunteers and actions.
Use this opportunity to review language
5. Colour. Point and say.
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise from Units 1–6.
• Tell the children to open their books at
new unit vocabulary and structures page 55. Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 94 and T94
Review: colours, numbers 1–5 • Remind them how to colour by numbers. For work on the sounds /n/ and /f/ and the
Materials: Activity Book • Call attention to the children with speech letters, tell the children to turn to page 94 in
Optional Materials: large paper, markers, or bubbles and read the dialogue. Then help the back of their books. For teacher support,
crayons; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach the children find and look at the key. Elicit turn to page T94 in this book.
the numbers and the colours: 1 … blue. Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 95 and
GETTING READY • Help the children find the labels. Elicit the T95
Review Colours and Numbers (5 colour and body part: 1 … legs. For extra practice speaking, tell the children to
minutes) • Ask the children to colour in the picture, turn to page 95 in the back of their books. For
• Hold up a crayon and ask: What colour is it? either on their own or as a class. teacher support, turn to page T95 in this book.
• Ask for a volunteer to answer: (Red). • Invite the children to talk about the finished Activity Book Page 42
picture: These are the (arms). They’re Ask the children to trace and circle the body
• Write the number 3 on the board and ask: (orange).
How many? part in each row of dolls that is different from
the other two. Let partners point to and name
• Hold up three fingers. Prompt a volunteer to CONSOLIDATING what is different: The (hands).
answer: Three!
Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes) Activity Book Page 43
• Continue in this way for numbers up to 5.
• Focus on the f sound in words like face, feet, Ask the children to colour the picture and tick
Prepare for the Activity (10 minutes) and five. the box after they colour the part of the body.
• On a large piece of paper, draw a simple • Draw out the ffffff and invite the children to Let them share their work with a partner,
picture of a puppet. join in. pointing and saying: This is the (head). These
• Label each body part with a number (1–5) as • Say: Face. Ask individuals to repeat it. are the (legs).
on Pupil’s Book page 55. • Repeat with feet and five. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Create a colour key. Write the numbers 1–5
and make a small colour spot next to each Six Times TPR A (10 minutes) CD-ROM
number (the colour (red) is next to (1)). • Choose two volunteers. Encourage the children to play the games
• Point to the number 1 label for the body • Whisper a number into the first volunteer’s on the CD-ROM at home. Encourage them to
part. Say: (1) … (head). Let’s look. ear: (3). mimic the audio to practise speaking skills.
• Direct the children to the colour key. • Call out an action: (Tap your arms!) ActiveTeach
• Point and say: (1) … (red). Okay, colour the • Prompt the volunteer to do the action the Use the large digital format to focus the
(head) (red). number of times you whispered (three children’s attention on the picture. Invite a
• Invite a volunteer to colour the first one. times). volunteer to colour in each body part following
• Repeat with the other body parts. • Ask the second volunteer to watch, count, the colour key.
and call out the number: (3).
• If the first volunteer agrees, ask him or her
to give a thumbs-up.
• Then let everyone do the action the same
number of times (three times).

T55 My Body

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CLIL • Model sharing with Sammy first: • Hold up Sammy. Ask: How many Sammys?
– Hold up your own picture, point, and say:
Objective: to count 1–8 These are the (legs). How many (legs)? • Point and ask: How many noses? (One.)
Review: numbers 1–7, How many (legs)? – Make Sammy answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Five) • Point and ask: How many eyes? (1, 2. Two
TPR: kick, show (3) fingers, touch a knee (legs). eyes.)
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book • Then invite two children to stand.
Optional Materials: drawing paper, crayons
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 56 • Point and ask: How many children? (Two.)
or markers; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; A68 6. Listen and say. • Point and ask: How many faces? (Two.)
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Tell the children to open their books at • Point and ask: How many ears? (1, 2, 3, 4.
page 56. Four ears.)
GETTING READY • Play the audio. • Repeat with up to four volunteers at a time.
Introduce the Number 8 (10 minutes) • Let the children listen while you do the
actions. TPR Game by Number (10 minutes)
• Review numbers 1–7 by counting real objects
• Play it again. Encourage the children to chant • Whisper a number 1–8 in every child’s ear to
in the class.
and move with the audio when they are ready. divide the class into eight groups.
• Hold up or point to one item. Say: One. One
• Explain that you will call out a number and
(book). Ask the children to repeat it.
Audio Script an action and that only children in that
• Write the number on the board. Draw one numbered group will do the action.
circle beneath it to illustrate the amount.
Count to 8 Chant
Are you ready? • For example, say: Fives, hop.
• Repeat with 2–7 and other items. Count with me: • Only the children in the “5” group should hop.
• Point to the numerals on the board and 1, 2, 3, (show 3 fingers)
• Once the children understand what to do,
count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 … . Touch your knee. (touch a knee)
you can make the game more challenging.
• Then draw eight circles and write the 4, 5, 6, (show 6 fingers)
Try some kicks. (kick in the air) • Call out two groups at a time (Fives and
number 8. Say: 8.
7 cats (show 7 fingers) sixes, hop), or call out different actions for
• Identify groups of items in the room. different groups (Fives, hop. Sixes, dance.)
On some mats.
• Count and invite the children to repeat after Now it’s 8. (show 8 fingers)
you. Activity Book Page 44
Shout out “GREAT!”
• Then identify groups of items or children and Ask the children to count the body parts, circle
ask the children: How many? the numbers to show how many, and then
7. Count and colour.
colour the picture. Let partners practise using
• Focus on the animals on the page. the target language: How many (eyes)? (Five)
Silly Creature (10 minutes)
• Point to Lilly’s speech bubble: How many legs? (eyes).
• Gesture to different children and ask: How
many (arms)? • Lead the class in counting the legs on the
starfish (5), cat (4), octopus (8), and Lilly (2).
• Explain that the children will draw and
colour pictures of silly creatures with up to • Ask the children to colour in all the legs. CD-ROM
eight arms, legs, eyes, and so on. Encourage the children to play the maths
• Give this example: a silly creature with 1 eye, CONSOLIDATING games on the CD-ROM at home for practice
3 ears, 5 legs, and 8 arms. with numbers.
How Many Eyes? (5 minutes)
• Invite the children to share their work in • Remind the children that some body parts ActiveTeach
pairs. come in “twos.” (See “One or Two?” on page Invite volunteers to use the marker tool to
T51.) colour and count the legs on the page.

My Body T56

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A70 8. Listen and say. Look and draw. Act It Out (10 minutes)
Objective: to learn about the value of • Tell the children to open their books at • Help the children role-play different situations
washing your hands page 57. where they should wash their hands.
New Values Language: Wash your hands. • Refer to the list of situations they
• Play the dialogue on the first part of the
Review: body parts audio and ask the children to look at the brainstormed in Getting Ready.
TPR: pretend to wash your hands photos as they listen. • When the children role-play not washing
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book • Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you. hands, say: Oh, no. Please wash your hands.
Optional Materials: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach • When the children demonstrate washing
Audio Script their hands, say: Good job! You are washing
GETTING READY Girl: I wash my hands. I keep them clean. your hands!
Mum: Very good!
Six Times TPR (5 minutes) Hand Washing Song (5 minutes)
• Explain that you will call out an action and a • Then play the chant on the second part of • Teach the children another song about
number. the audio. Let the children listen once or washing hands (to the tune of Frere
• Direct the children to do the action the twice and then chant along with the audio Jacques).
number of times you say. when they are ready. Tops and bottoms, (rub the tops and
• For example, say: Tap your nose! 5! (Ask the bottoms of your hands)
Audio Script
children to tap their noses five times.) Tops and bottoms.
Wash Your Hands Chant In between, (clean in between fingers)
Introduce Washing Your Hands Wash, wash, wash your hands. (pretend to In between.
(10 minutes) wash hands) Rub them all together. (rub hands together)
• Pretend to wash your hands. Ask the Wash before you eat. Rub them all together.
children to guess what you are doing. Wash, wash, wash your hands. They’re all clean.
• Invite the children to name times when they Wash, wash, wash your hands. (pretend to Super clean. (pretend to rinse thoroughly)
wash their hands. For example: wash hands) Activity Book Page 45
– after using the bathroom Wash after you eat. Ask the children to circle the picture that shows
Wash, wash, wash your hands. the child washing his or her hands. Let partners
– after playing outside
take turns pointing and saying: Oh, no! Please
– after playing with pets and farm animals • Talk about each photo and ask the children wash your hands or Good job! Then let them
– after blowing their nose or sneezing to say whether the child in each one is colour the picture.
– before eating or drinking washing their hands or not.
– before going to bed • Now point to the round faces below each OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
photo. Tell the children to draw a smile on
– before playing with a baby CD-ROM
the face below the photo where a child is
• Do a few role plays with a volunteer. For washing their hands (the girl on the left). Encourage the children to do the activities and
example: play the games on the CD-ROM at home with
• Then tell them to draw a frown on the face
their families.
Teacher: (Suzie), it’s time to (eat). Wash under the photo of the boy with dirty hands.
your hands, please. Say: He is not washing his hands. ActiveTeach
(Suzie) pretends to wash her hands. Focus on the two photos. Use the pointer to
highlight who is washing hands and who isn’t.
Teacher: Thank you. Confirm the smiley face and the one with a frown.

T57 My Body

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7 Time to Eat!
Objectives Pupil’s Book pages 58–67; Activity
Vocabulary Book pages 46–53; Flashcards 31–36;
✓ To learn food vocabulary New: apples, bread, chicken, cookies, Class Audio CD B: Tracks 1–11; Course
pasta, salad; number 9 Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
✓ To sing songs and chants
Review: colours; food; numbers 1–8 and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
✓ To practise fine and gross motor stickers (back of the Pupil’s Book and
skills also shown on page T106)
✓ To understand and role-play a Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
story Sammy the Squirrel puppet

To learn and practise the new
language structures Do you like
(pasta)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Songs and Chants

✓ To review the language structure I
like / don’t like (cookies). ✓ I Love Pasta (Class Audio CD B:
Tracks 1 and 2)
✓ To recognize sound-symbol
correspondences: w /w/, y /y/ ✓ W Sounds Like Wuh Chant and
Y Sounds Like Yuh Chant (Class
✓ To recognize and produce the Audio CD B: Tracks 47 and 48)
sounds that w and y stand for at
the beginning of words ✓ Count to 9 Chant (Class Audio
CD B: Tracks 6 and 7)
✓ To recognize the letters w and y
Home-School Connections ✓ Time to Eat Chant (Class Audio
✓ To review colours and numbers
Copy the Letter Home for the children CD B: Tracks 8 and 9)
✓ To learn how to count to 9 to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 7 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn the value of eating The Letters are available online at
properly Story
✓ To practise new language by
“Aunt Ann’s Kitchen”: Billy is in his
listening and speaking Aunt Ann’s kitchen. She is giving him
✓ To learn and review unit dinner. She asks him if he likes pasta,
vocabulary and language salad, and cookies.
structures Values Language Structures: Do you like
Eat properly. (pasta)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T7A Time to Eat!

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR I Love Dinner!
count to 9 ✓ clap, hold hands high, kick, place ✓ Make a notice board of children’s
hand on heart, point to tummy, rub favourite dinners.
make a healthy foods poster tummy, show (3) fingers, stamp,
learn the value of eating properly stretch arms, thumbs-up, touch a Materials
knee, wiggle hands, write (letters) in • photos from home of favourite dinners
sing, chant and move to music the air • drawings of favourite dinners
• sticky tape or glue
Preschool Learning Outcomes • markers
• teacher-made labels
✓ Recognize intonation. ✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol
✓ Use short, simple answers to correspondences: initial w /w/ and Instructions
questions. y /y/. 1. Ask the children to bring in photos or
✓ Recognize the letters w and y. draw pictures of their favourite dinners.
✓ Understand new language structures.
2. Then let the children show their
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds ✓ Complete Phonics page 96.
favourite dinners and talk about them.
that initial w and y stand for. ✓ Listen to the audio.
3. Hand-write labels for the food.
✓ Follow a picture story. ✓ Sing songs and say chants.
4. Attach the photos and pictures, with
✓ Make predictions using pictures. labels, to the notice board.
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR. Prereading and Prewriting
✓ Join in games and interact. ✓ Follow an eight-frame story.
✓ Share information about themselves. ✓ Talk about the characters.
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards ✓ Act out the story to show
the English language. comprehension.

✓ Practise fine motor skills.

Digital Practice ✓ Draw, colour, and trace. Pair advanced learners
with beginners. The advanced
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM
learners can help the
for vocabulary practice or for review.
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s
Book pages together as a class.

Time to Eat! T7B

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Presentation • Let the children talk about the scene with
Lilly in the kitchen, eating her dinner.
Like, Don’t Like, or Love? (10 minutes)
Objectives: to identify food vocabulary in a • Hold up the Flashcards, one at a time, to
• Prepare cutouts: 12 hearts and 6 Xs.
scene, to learn a song and new TPR actions teach unit vocabulary.
• Display the Flashcards on the board.
New Vocabulary: apple, bread, chicken, – Say: (Apple). Ask the children to repeat it.
cookies, pasta, salad • Explain that one heart means “like,” two
– Say: Show me an (apple). Ask the children
mean “love,” and X is “don’t like.”
TPR: hand on heart, point to tummy, rub to point to an (apple) on the page.
tummy • Model with Sammy. Make him point to the
• Repeat with the other words.
apple card and say: I don’t like apples.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Flashcards
Stick an X by the apple card.
Optional Materials: pictures of cake, cheese, B1 1. Listen and sing. Move.
juice, milk, water, yogurt; 12 teacher-made • Make him point to the bread card and say:
• Teach the actions that go with the song.
heart cutouts, 6 teacher-made X cutouts; I like bread. Stick one heart up.
• Use gestures and vocal cues to clarify the
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; • Make him point to the chicken card and say:
difference between like and love.
ActiveTeach I love chicken. Stick two hearts up.
• Play the song and do the actions.
• Continue this way. Then let pairs of
GETTING READY • Play the song again and encourage the volunteers do the same.
children to do the actions with you.
Share What You Know (10 minutes) Karaoke (5 minutes)
• Invite them to sing along when they are ready. B2
• Display pictures of food from Level 1: cake,
• Play the karaoke version of the song.
cheese, juice, milk, water, yogurt. Audio Script
• Show Flashcards to prompt the children
• Point and ask: What’s this? I Love Pasta which food item to sing.
• Make Sammy answer: It’s cake. An apple a day,
• Let the children repeat. Bread and chicken, OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Then point to different food and say: I like But I LOVE pasta! (place hand on heart) CD-ROM
(yogurt). / I don’t like (juice). Pasta, pasta – yum, yum, yummy. (rub tummy) Encourage the children to play the games with
• Use facial expressions to help clarify Pasta, pasta in my tummy. (point to tummy) their families at home.
meanings of like and don’t like. I LOVE pasta! (place hand on heart)
Pass the Ball (10 minutes) An apple a day,
Milk and cookies, Use the large digital format to help the
• Ask the class to sit in a circle. children focus on the different foods in the
• Hold up a ball and say: I like (yogurt). But I LOVE pasta! (place hand on heart) scene.
• Give the ball to the child to your right. Pasta, pasta – yum, yum, yummy. (rub tummy)
• Prompt him or her to say: I like (milk). Pasta, pasta in my tummy. (point to tummy)
I LOVE pasta! (place hand on heart)
• Continue around the circle.
• Ask the children to alternate saying which An apple a day,
foods they like and don’t like. Bread and salad,
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 58 But I LOVE pasta! (place hand on heart)
Pasta, pasta – yum, yum, yummy. (rub tummy)
Introduce the Vocabulary Pasta, pasta in my tummy. (point to tummy)
• Tell the children to open their books at I LOVE pasta! (place hand on heart)
page 58.

Time to Eat! T58

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Vocabulary Audio Script • Continue but don’t point to the pictures.
cookies • Slow down and stop: Apple, pasta … Prompt
Objective: to practise new words bread the children to say what comes next.
New Vocabulary: apples, bread, chicken, salad • Repeat this way with other patterns.
cookies, pasta, salad pasta
• For a challenge, make the patterns more
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book complex, or don’t use the cards.
Optional Materials: Flashcards, photocopies Activity Book Page 46
of Flashcards; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD- • When they finish, let the children take turns
ROM; ActiveTeach Ask the children to colour the pictures. Let
pointing to the pictures and saying the partners point to and say: salad, chicken,
words. pasta, cookies, bread.
GETTING READY • For additional practice, say each vocabulary
B1 Review the Song (5 minutes) word aloud, and ask the children to clap OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
twice, pause, clap twice again, and repeat
• Say: Let’s sing the song. (See page T58). the word. CD-ROM
• Sing “I Love Pasta” with the children. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
• Divide the class into six groups and give CONSOLIDATING home to show their families the English words
each group a unit Flashcard. they’ve learned for food.
Flashcard Concentration (10 minutes)
• Play and sing the song again with the • Make two copies of each Flashcard. ActiveTeach
children. For practice, play the audio for the unit
• Tape the copies face-down in a grid on the
• Ask each group to stand up when they hear board. vocabulary and show the unit Flashcards on
their word. ActiveTeach. Ask the children to repeat the
• Divide the class into teams.
Pass the Flashcards (5 minutes) • Explain that the goal is to turn over two
• Ask the children to sit in a circle and pass the matching cards. Model with Sammy.
cards around. • Make Sammy turn over a card and say:
• Say: Stop! Show me the bread! (Pasta). Then make him try to find the other
• Ask the child with that card to hold it up. (pasta) card. Next, let volunteers from each
team take a few turns.
• Tell that child to run around the circle.
• Let teams play. Tell the children that if two
• Repeat with the other foods.
cards match, their team keeps them and gets
a point; if they don’t, players put the cards
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 59 back in place.
B3 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say.
• Tell the children to open their books at
Patterns (10 minutes)
page 59. • Prepare copies of the Flashcards.
• Explain that they will listen and tick the • On the board, display a row of cards in a
pictures as they hear the words. repeating pattern, such as: apple, pasta,
bread; apple, pasta, bread.
• Play the audio, pausing after each word for
children to tick the picture and say the word. • Point to the cards as you chant and clap at
Make sure that the children are ticking the the end: Apple, pasta, bread (clap). Ask the
right picture. children to chant and clap with you.

T59 Time to Eat!

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in a
sentence, to role-play
New Structures: Do you like (pasta / cookies)?
/ Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Review: I don’t like (cookies). Thank you.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book
Optional Materials: play food, play cutlery;
Flashcards; Sammy the Squirrel puppet;
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach

Guess What I’ve got (10 minutes)
• Give out the Flashcards to volunteers. Tell
them to look, but not tell anyone what food
is on their card.
• Let the volunteers take turns to act out
eating their food item.
• Let the class guess and ask the volunteers to
confirm by saying: I’ve got (salad).
Introduce the Story (5 minutes)
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 60, • Play the audio, pausing for each frame to Audio Script
and focus on the first frame of “Aunt Ann’s make sure the children are on the correct
Kitchen.” Aunt Ann’s Kitchen
one and understand what’s happening. Frame 1: Billy: I’m hungry.
• Explain that Billy is visiting his Aunt Ann’s • Play the story audio again, pausing and Frame 2: Aunt Ann: Do you like pasta?
house and eating dinner there. pointing to each character as they speak. Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
• Ask the children what they think the • Encourage the children to speak along with Frame 3: Aunt Ann: Do you like salad?
characters are talking about. Revisit their the characters. Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
predictions later on. Frame 4: Aunt Ann: Do you like chicken?
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the story with the class. Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
the audio.
Frame 5: Aunt Ann: Do you like bread?
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 60–61 Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
Frame 6: Aunt Ann: Do you like cookies?
B4 3. Look and listen. Act it out. Billy: No, I don’t.
• Tell the children to open their books at Aunt Ann: Huh?!
page 60. Frame 7: Billy: I don’t like cookies… .
I LOVE cookies!
Frame 8: Aunt Ann: Well then, have two!

T60 Time to Eat!

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• Model how to draw pictures of food items
down the side of the page, using food from
this unit and Level 1.
• Ask Sammy: Do you like (bread)?
• Make Sammy answer: Yes, I do. Draw a tick
next to the picture.
• Then draw an X for: No, I don’t.
• Ask the children to do surveys with their
classmates and share their surveys with
the class.
• Help the children count how many of their
classmates like and don’t like each food.

Make a Home Connection

Ask the children to take their surveys home
and add their family members’ opinions about
the food. What food do they like?
Activity Book Page 47
Ask the children to circle the food that Billy
likes. Let partners take turns and practise
role-playing Billy and his aunt asking and
answering questions about what food Billy
likes: Do you like (apples)? Yes, I do. / No, I


Look at New Language CONSOLIDATING
• Point out the language Aunt Ann uses to ask Act It Out (10 minutes) Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
about food: Do you like (pasta)? • Let pairs take turns acting out the story. home to play and talk about the story.
• Then focus on Billy’s answer: Yes, I do. Help • Play the audio and invite them to speak
the children understand that it is a short ActiveTeach
along with the characters.
answer for: Yes, I do like (pasta). Use the pen feature to cover characters. Play
• Give the children simple props, such as play the audio and ask the children to identify the
B4 Listen to the Intonation food and cutlery. covered characters based on what they hear.
• Ask the children to close their eyes and listen • Let children who are ready act it out without
while you play the story audio. the audio.
• Pause after each question. Point out the Do a Survey (15 minutes)
different intonation in the questions and the
• Help the children prepare and carry out
• Ask the children to repeat the dialogues,
copying the intonation.

Time to Eat! T61

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Listening Audio Script • At the end, pretend to clear the table and
give them a bill.
1. Do you like apples?
Objectives: to practise listening Yes, I do. • Let the children pretend to pay.
comprehension, to practise new unit 2. Do you like bread?
vocabulary and structures No, I don’t. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Materials: Class Audio CD B 3. Do you like chicken?
No, I don’t. CD-ROM
Optional Materials: play place settings, play
food; Flashcards; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; 4. Do you like cookies? Encourage the children to play the games on
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach Yes, I do. the CD-ROM to reinforce the listening skills they
5. Do you like salad? are practising in class.
Yes, I do.
6. Do you like pasta?
B4 Revisit the Story (10 minutes) No, I don’t. Use the large digital format to model how to
do the activity or use it to check the children’s
• Revisit “Aunt Ann’s Kitchen” together.
CONSOLIDATING work at the end. Let volunteers circle the faces
• Play the audio and let the children follow on the big screen.
along. (See pages T60–61). Visual Cues (5 minutes)
• Invite volunteers to act it out. • Draw a large happy face and a large sad
face on the board.
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) • Gather the unit Flashcards.
• Display the Flashcards on the board. • Divide the class into two groups: A and B.
• Beneath each card, draw a happy face and • Explain that Group A will ask the questions
a sad face. and Group B will answer.
• Invite a volunteer to stand. • Hold up the salad Flashcard and prompt
• Ask the volunteer: Do you like apples? Group A to ask chorally: Do you like salad?
• Circle the happy face for yes or the sad face • Point to the happy face to prompt Group B’s
for no. response: Yes, I do.
• Repeat with other volunteers and cards. • Continue and then swap roles.

WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 62 Play Restaurant (10 minutes)

B5 4. Listen and circle. • Engage the children in a restaurant role
play. Let small groups play-act while the rest
• Tell the children to look at the pictures on
of the class watches.
page 62.
• Set the table with play place settings, if
• Explain that they will listen to Billy asking
Lilly if she likes each food.
• Pretend to be the waiter.
• Tell the children to circle the happy face if
Lilly likes the food and the sad face if she • Ask each child in a group: Do you like
doesn’t. (pasta)? Do you like (milk)?
• Show the children the sample answer. • Pretend to serve the items they like, using
play food or props.
• Play the audio, pausing after each item to
let the children circle. • Tell the children to say: Thank you, and
pretend to eat and drink.

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Speaking • Afterwards, ask how many children liked
and didn’t like each kind of food.
Activity Book Page 49
Ask the children to complete the page in pairs,
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise with one asking and the other answering and
new unit vocabulary and structures CONSOLIDATING drawing a smile or a frown. For each item, tell
Review: cake, cheese Silly Pick and Ask (5 minutes) them to ask and answer: Do you like (bread)?
• Place all the food Flashcards face-down For yes, they should draw a smile on the face.
Materials: Activity Book
in a pile. For no, they should draw a frown. Then let the
Optional Materials: Flashcards, photocopies children colour the page.
of Flashcards; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; • Mix in a few cards from other units.
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Ask two volunteers to come to the front. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Let one volunteer pick a card and ask: CD-ROM
GETTING READY Do you like (salad)?
Encourage the children to play the games and
Hop to Food (10 minutes) • Let the other volunteer answer. do the activities on the CD-ROM at home. Tell
• Warm up with an active activity. • If someone gets a non-food card, have them to listen and copy the audio to practise
• Display unit Flashcards and copies of them everyone do a silly dance for a count of 5. their speaking skills.
around the room.
Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes) ActiveTeach
• Tell the children that you will call out an
• Focus on the sound that y stands for in Use the large digital format to model
action and a food and they should do the
words like yes, yellow, and you. completing the page with ticks and Xs with
action to get to the closest card with that
• Draw out the beginning sound as you say: Sammy, before the children complete it on
food. If you call out: hop and bread, the
yyyyyes, yyyyyellow, yyyyyou. their own.
children should hop to the closest bread card.
• Ask individuals to repeat each word.
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes)
• Hold up a Flashcard and ask a volunteer: Do Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 96 and T96
you like (chicken)? For work on the /w/ and /y/ sounds and letters,
• For yes, draw a tick on the board. For no, tell the children to turn to page 96 in the back
write an X. of their books. For teacher support, turn to
page T96.
• Continue a few times.
Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 97 and
5. Ask and answer: yes ✓ or no ✗. For extra practice speaking, tell the children to
turn to page 97 in the back of their books. For
• Invite the children to look at the food on the
teacher support, turn to page T97 in this book.
table on page 63.
• Point to each food and ask children to say Activity Book Page 48
the word. Ask the children to play in pairs and follow
• Then call their attention to the children and the path. Let partners take turns asking: Do
the speech bubbles. you like (apples)? Tell the children to circle the
item for yes; and for no, to cross it out. Let the
• Tell the children that they will ask their children colour the page.
partners what they like and don’t like.
Explain that they will put a tick if their
partner likes a food, and an X if not.

T63 Time to Eat!

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M07_MLIS_TB_6708_U07.indd 64 25/04/2012 14:34
CLIL • Mix up the cards and the groups, and play
• Provide items, such as crayons, markers,
blocks, and toy cookies.
Objectives: to count items 1–9, to practise • Write up a shopping list on the board:
new unit vocabulary WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 64 2 cookies, 9 crayons, 5 markers.
New Vocabulary: 9 B6 6. Listen and say. • Invite a volunteer to go shopping and count
Review: numbers 1–8, cakes • Tell the children to open their books at the items out loud for the class.
TPR: kick, show (3) fingers, thumbs-up, touch page 64. • Play again with a new volunteer.
a knee • Play the audio and let the children listen Activity Book Page 50
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book while you model the actions.
Ask the children to trace the numbers. Then
Optional Materials: groups of items, such • Play it again. Encourage the children to ask them to count the apples and match. Let
as crayons, markers, blocks, or toy cookies; chant and do the actions.
slips of paper with teacher-written numerals; partners take turns pointing and counting. Ask
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; the children to colour the apple trees.
Audio Script
Are you ready?
1, 2, 3, (show 3 fingers) Encourage the children to play the maths
Introduce the Number 9 (10 minutes) games from the CD-ROM at home to practise
Touch your knee. (touch a knee)
• Review numbers 1–8 by counting classroom 4, 5, 6, (show 6 fingers) what they are learning in class.
objects. Try some kicks. (kick in the air)
• Point to one object and say: One. One 7 cats (show 7 fingers) ActiveTeach
(book). Let the children repeat it. On some mats. Invite volunteers to use the marker tool to
Now it’s 8. (show 8 fingers) count the items on each plate.
• Write the number on the board. Draw one
circle by it to show the amount. Shout out “GREAT!”
9! 9! 9! (show 9 fingers)
• Repeat for 2–8, using other objects.
Looking fine! (thumbs up)
• Point to the numbers on the board and
count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 … . 7. Count and match.
• Draw nine circles, write the number 9, and • Draw the children’s attention to the plate of
say: 9. cookies.
• Walk around the room and count different • Lead the class in pointing and counting: 1, 2,
amounts of items, and let the children repeat. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Eight cookies.
• Then point to a group of items and ask the • Ask: Where’s 8?
children: How many?
• Point to the number and model drawing a
Get in Order (5 minutes) line to the plate.
• Divide the class into groups of eight. • Let the children complete the rest of the
page on their own.
• Give each group member a slip of paper
with a number from 1 to 8 on it.
• The children line up in order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8) at your signal, and race to see which Let’s Go Shopping (10 minutes)
group lines up first. • Set up a shop for a shopping role play.

Time to Eat! T64

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Values • Play the dialogue on the first part of the
audio and ask the children to look at the
• When children eat properly, say: Good job!
Now you’re eating properly!
Objective: to learn about the value of eating pictures as they listen.
What Am I Going to Eat Next?
properly • Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you.
(10 minutes)
New Values Language: Eat properly.
Audio Script • Teach a game that will keep the children
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book engaged with eating at the dinner table.
Teacher: Don’t play with your food. Eat
Optional Materials: Sammy the Squirrel properly. • Explain that one person (the “guesser”)
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach looks at someone eating and guesses what
Child: I’m sitting at the table and eating
properly. he or she will eat next.
GETTING READY • Tell them that the “guesser” whispers the
Values Review (10 minutes) • Then play the chant on the second part of food to someone else and then watches
the audio. Let the children listen once or what the person eats next.
• Review the values that the children have
twice and chant with the audio when they’re • Explain that if the “guesser” was right, he or
learned so far in Level 2 by revisiting pages
ready. she gets a point.
21, 29, 39, 47, and 57.
• Show the page and encourage the children Audio Script • Role-play the game in the classroom.
to name the value. Let a volunteer point to Time to Eat Chant • Encourage the children to play it with their
the picture that shows the value correctly. Yum, yum, yum, yum! families at home.
Introduce Eating Properly (10 minutes) It’s time to eat. Activity Book Page 51
So please be neat
• Pretend to eat, but don’t use good manners: Ask the children to colour the picture and
and don’t be rude
stuff food into your mouth; don’t use any practise saying to a partner: Eat properly,
with your food.
cutlery; grab and spill; and talk while (Billy)!
Yum, yum, yum, yum!
• Make Sammy say: That isn’t nice! Eat OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Ask the children to talk about the pictures
properly, Teacher! and what the children are doing. CD-ROM
• Pretend to eat neatly and carefully. • Ask: Are they eating properly? Invite the children to do the activities and play
• Make Sammy say: Very nice! You’re eating • Ask the children to draw a smile if the child the games at home to show their families what
properly. is eating properly (the girl on the right), and they are learning in class.
• Brainstorm ways to eat properly, such as a frown if not (the girl on the left). ActiveTeach
chewing with your mouth closed, saying
please and thank you, and sitting nicely at CONSOLIDATING Use the pointer to highlight who is eating
the table. properly and who isn’t. Confirm the children’s
Act It Out (10 minutes) answers.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 65 • Help the children role-play eating properly
and not eating properly.
B8 8. Listen and say. Look and draw. • Brainstorm times when the children use
• Tell the children to open their books at good table manners, such as at the dinner
page 65. table, in a restaurant, or at a friend’s house.
• When the children do not eat properly, say:
Oh, no. Please eat properly.

T65 Time to Eat!

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M07_MLIS_TB_6708_U07.indd 66 25/04/2012 14:34
Unit 6: Review/Assessment B10 2. Listen and circle. • Distribute one piece of poster board to each
child or group of children.
• Explain that you will play the audio. Ask the
Objectives: to review and assess new unit children to listen and circle each body part • Show the children how to attach their
vocabulary and structures as it is named. photos or drawings to the centre of the
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book, • Confirm answers with the class. poster.
stickers (in the back of the Pupil’s Book and • Let them tape or glue the shape cutouts to
shown on page T106) Audio Script make a frame.
Optional Materials: coloured cutouts of This is my head. • Prepare labels with the word Exercise for
shapes, poster board, glue or tape, photos These are my legs. children to use on their posters.
from home; Sammy the Squirrel puppet; These are my hands.
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach These are my feet. Activity Book Page 52
Ask the children to draw and colour pictures
GETTING READY Use the Reward Sticker of themselves. Let them point and share with
a partner: This is my (head). These are my
Sing and Move (10 minutes) • Help the children talk about what they
B (hands).
learned in this unit. Encourage them to use
• Let the children sing and move to the
positive language such as: OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
various songs and chants in Unit 6.
– I can say: arms, body, feet, hands, head,
• Ask the children to tell the class which song CD-ROM
legs. I can point to these things, too!
or chant they like best.
• Use Sammy the Squirrel to help distribute Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM
Language Structure Review (5 minutes) the reward stickers. at home to show families the words and
language they have learned in the unit.
• Ask the children to stand in a circle. • Show the children where to stick the stickers
• Point to your arms and say: These are my (on the Unit 6 Good Job! placeholder). ActiveTeach
arms. Invite a volunteer to use the big screen to circle
• Prompt a child to point and say: These are CONSOLIDATING the parts of the doll’s body as a model for the
my (hands) or This is my (body). Freeze Dance (10 minutes) class.
• Continue around the circle. • Play some music and invite the children to
dance along until you stop the music. Then
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 66 say: Freeze! Touch your legs! Prompt the
1. Stick and say. children to freeze and touch their legs.
• Distribute the stickers (but not the reward • Explain that anyone who does not freeze is
sticker) and tell the children to open their out.
books at page 66.
Science Project: A Fitness Poster
• Explain that the children will stick the stickers
on the doll and identify the part of the doll’s • Explain to the children that they will make a
body. poster about exercise.
• Say: Find the head sticker and ask the • Ask the children to bring in photos showing
children to hold up the sticker. them exercising, or give them time to draw
pictures instead.
• Say: Stick the sticker. Let the children stick
the sticker and say: This is the head. • Gather lots of paper cutouts in different
colours and shapes.
• Repeat with the other sticker (body).

Review T66

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Unit 7: Review/Assessment B11 4. Listen and circle. Science Project: Healthy Foods
• Explain that you will play the audio and Poster
Objectives: to review and assess new unit
that the children should listen and circle the • Gather pictures of healthy foods and let the
language and vocabulary
picture of the food the person likes. children draw pictures too.
Materials: ribbon; toy food or real food
(apples); photocopies, pictures from • Confirm answers with the class. • Distribute the pictures, glue or tape, and
magazines, and photographs from home poster board to small groups.
showing healthy foods; glue or tape; poster Audio Script
• Ask the children to arrange them to make
board; Class Audio CD B; Activity Book; 1. Do you like pasta? healthy foods posters.
stickers (in the back of the Pupil’s Book and No, I don’t. I like bread.
shown on page T106) 2. Do you like apples? Activity Book Page 53
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the Yes, I do. Ask the children to draw and colour their
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach 3. Do you like yogurt? favourite foods and tell a partner about them.
No, I don’t. I like cake.
Use the Reward Sticker CD-ROM
B Choose the Winning Song or • Help the children talk about what they
Chant (10 minutes) Invite the children to use the CD-ROM to show
learned in this unit, using positive language: their families the new language they learned in
• Review the Unit 7 songs and chants by – I can say: apples, bread, cookies, chicken, the unit.
playing the audio for the children. salad, pasta, and point to them.
• Ask the children which one they like best. – I can ask and answer: Do you like ActiveTeach
(apples)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Demonstrate circling the food that the person
Play a Review Game (5 minutes) likes. Invite a volunteer to come to the screen
– I can count to nine.
• Divide the class into teams. and circle for the class.
– I can clap, kick, show (3) fingers, stretch
• Display Flashcards and pictures for 1–9. my arms high, touch my knee, write a (w)
• Ask a volunteer from one team to say a in the air.
word, and ask one of their teammates to – I know w for wuh and y for yuh.
point to the picture.
– I can eat properly.
• Let the teams take turns and award one
• Distribute the reward stickers.
point for each correct answer.
• Show the children where to stick the stickers
• Announce the winning team.
(on the Unit 7 Good Job! placeholder).
3. Stick and say.
Food Treasure Hunt (10 minutes)
• Distribute the unit stickers.
• Hide food or toy food, with ribbons around
• Tell the children to turn to page 67. each item, in the classroom.
• Say: Find the bread sticker. • Let the children go on a treasure hunt to
• Ask the children to hold up the bread sticker. find the food.
• Say: Stick the sticker. • At the end, invite the children to talk about
• Let them stick and say: This is bread. the food they found.
• Repeat with the other stickers (chicken, cake).

T67 Review

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8 On the Farm Materials
Pupil’s Book pages 68–75; Activity
Objectives Vocabulary Book pages 54–59; Flashcards 37–42;
✓ To learn farm animal vocabulary New: cow, duck, goat, hen, horse, Class Audio CD B: Tracks 12–20; Course
sheep; number 10 Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
✓ To sing songs and chants
Review: cat, dog, doll, grass, turtle;
and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
✓ To do new TPR movements numbers 1–9
shown on page T106)
✓ To practise fine and gross motor Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
skills Sammy the Squirrel puppet
✓ To understand and role-play a


✓ To learn and practise the new Songs and Chants

language structures Can you see ✓ A Cow says Moo (Class Audio
the (horse)? / Yes, I can. / No, I CD B: Tracks 12 and 13)

✓ D Sounds Like Duh Chant and
✓ To recognize sound-symbol G Sounds Like Guh Chant (Class
correspondences: d /d/, g /g/ Audio CD B: Tracks 50 and 51)
✓ To recognize and produce the
✓ Count to 10 Chant (Class Audio
sounds that d and g stand for at CD B: Tracks 17 and 18)
the beginning of words

✓ To recognize the letters d and g

✓ Do Your Chores Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 19 and 20)
Home-School Connections
✓ To review colours and numbers
Copy the Letter Home for the children
✓ To learn how to count to 10 to take home to share what they’ll be Story
learning in Unit 8 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn the value of doing chores
The Letters are available online at “The Farm”: Billy and Lilly are on a
farm. They see a horse and a sheep.
✓ To practise new language by
Billy sees a duck, but Lilly doesn’t see
listening and speaking
it until it lifts its head out of the water.
✓ To learn and review unit Lilly sees a hen, but Billy doesn’t see it
vocabulary and language until it comes out from behind a bush.
structures Language Structures: Can you see the
Values (horse)? / Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Can
Do your chores. you see a (goat)?

T8A On the Farm

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Farm-Animal Riddles
count legs, count to 10, guess how many ✓ clap, flap arms, kick, leap, make ✓ Make a notice board of peek-a-boo
horns, prance, question actions, show riddles.
make a chart about what animals eat (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, talk
learn the value of working hard with hands, thumbs up, touch a knee, Materials
wiggle hands, write (letters) in the air • photocopied, teacher-made fill-in riddles
draw animal scenes
• white paper
sing, chant and move to music • crayons or markers
• pencils
✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol • sticky tape
Preschool Learning Outcomes correspondences: initial d /d/ and
✓ Recognize intonation. g /g/. Instructions
✓ Recognize the letters d and g. 1. Fold a piece of paper in half. Create
✓ Use short, simple answers to questions.
a riddle about a farm animal for the
✓ Understand new language structures. ✓ Complete Phonics page 98. children to complete. For example:

✓ Recognize and produce the sounds ✓ Listen to the audio. This animal says moo.
that initial d and g stand for. This animal has 4 legs.
✓ Sing songs and say chants.
This animal is brown and white.
✓ Follow a picture story. This animal lives on a farm.
✓ Make predictions using pictures. Prereading and Prewriting 2. Ask the children to draw the animal on
the inside and label it: (COW).
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR. ✓ Follow an eight-frame story.
3. Display the riddles and let the class
✓ Join in games and interact. ✓ Talk about the characters. guess.
✓ Share information about themselves. ✓ Act out the story to show
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards
the English language. ✓ Practise fine motor skills.

✓ Draw, colour, and trace.

Make sure the children
Digital Practice know it’s okay to make
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM mistakes in English. Everyone
for vocabulary practice or for review. learns from mistakes!
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s
Book pages together as a class.

On the Farm T8B

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B12 1. Listen and sing. Move. Guessing Game (5 minutes)
Objectives: to identify farm animal • Hold up the Flashcards. Ask the children to • Ask a few volunteers to come to the front of
vocabulary in a scene, to learn a song and listen carefully to find out what each animal the room and show them a Flashcard, but
new TPR actions “says” in English. don’t show the class.
New Vocabulary: cow, duck, goat, hen, horse, • Play the song again and model the actions for • Let them make the animal sound and ask
sheep the children. Invite the children to sing along the the class to guess the animal.
TPR: flap arms, leap, make horns, prance, and do the actions when they are ready.
question action, talk with hands B28 Karaoke
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Flashcards Audio Script • Play the karaoke version of the song.
Optional Materials: My Little Island Map A Cow Says Moo • Use Flashcards to prompt the children for
poster, Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, A duck says quack, each line, one verse at a time.
ActiveTeach Quack, quack, quack. (talk with hands)
GETTING READY How about you? (question action)
Look at the Poster (5 minutes) A horse says neigh, (prance in place)
Neigh, neigh, neigh. Encourage the children to play the games and
• Display the My Little Island Map poster. do the activities at home to show their families
A duck says quack. (talk with hands)
• Ask the children to name places they know. But a cow says Moooooooo, what they’re learning in class.
• Ask them where they might go next. How about you? (question action) ActiveTeach
• Tell them that they will visit the farm. A goat says naaah, (make little horns on Use the large digital format to help the
head) children focus on the different animals in the
Share What You Know (10 minutes)
Naaah, naaah, naaah. scene.
• Pretend to be a bird. Flap your wings, fly A horse says neigh. (prance in place)
around the room, and tweet. A duck says quack. (talk with hands)
• Ask the children to guess what you are. But a cow says Moooooooo,
• Invite them to name animals and review the How about you? (question action)
ones on pages 12 and 13. A sheep says baaah, (leap like sheep)
• Tell the children they will learn about farm Baaah, baaah, baaah.
animals, and let them share what they know A goat says naaah. (make little horns on
about them and about farms. head)
A horse says neigh. (prance in place)
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 68 A duck says quack. (talk with hands)
But a cow says Moooooooo,
Introduce the Vocabulary
How about you? (question action)
• Tell the children to turn to page 68.
A hen says cluck, (flap arms like wings)
• Explain that Billy and Lilly are at a farm.
Cluck, cluck, cluck.
Help the children talk about the animals.
A sheep says baaah. (leap like sheep)
• Hold up the unit Flashcards, one at a time: A goat says naaah. (make little horns on head)
– Say: Cow. Let the children repeat. A horse says neigh. (prance in place)
– Say: Show me a cow. Ask the children to A duck says quack. (talk with hands)
point to the cow. But a cow says Moooooooo,
How about you? (question action)
• Repeat for the other cards and words.
On the Farm T68

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Vocabulary • Play the audio, pausing after each word. Ask Chain Game (10 minutes)
the children to tick the correct picture and • Use the Flashcards of farm animals and
Objective: to practise new words say the word. Make sure the children tick include pictures of animals from Level 1, too.
New Vocabulary: cow, duck, goat, hen, horse, and say the correct animal. Call groups of three children up to the front
sheep of the room.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book Audio Script
• Hold up the card for cow and prompt the
Optional Materials: blindfold, Flashcards, cow first child to say: Cow.
Sammy the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM; hen
goat • Hold up the card for horse and ask the next
horse child to say: Cow, horse.
sheep • Hold up the card for hen and ask the third
GETTING READY child to say: Cow, horse, hen.
B12 Review the Song (5 minutes) • Continue by letting individual children add
• Say: Let’s sing the song. (See page T68). • When they finish, let pairs take turns animals to the chain until someone gets one
pointing to the pictures and saying the wrong.
• Sing “A Cow Says Moo” with the children.
• Divide the class into six groups and give Activity Book Page 54
• For additional practice, say each vocabulary
each a farm animal Flashcard. Ask the children to circle the animal that
word aloud and ask the children to clap
• Play the song again; encourage everyone to twice, pause, clap twice again, and repeat doesn’t belong in each row. Let them work
sing and do the actions. the word. with partners to point to and name the
• Tell each group to stand up when they hear animals.
How Many Legs? (5 minutes) Find the Duck (5 minutes) CD-ROM
• Show the Flashcards for the hen and • Ask the children to stand in a circle with a
Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
the cow. volunteer standing in the middle.
home to show their families the English words
• Ask: How many legs? • Blindfold the volunteer and spin him or her they’ve learned for farm animals.
around a few times.
• Model counting the total number of legs: ActiveTeach
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Six legs. • Point to another child in the circle, but don’t
say anything. For additional practice, refer to the Flashcards
• Repeat with other combinations of animals. on ActiveTeach. Play the audio as you show
• Prompt that child to quack like a duck.
• For a challenge, name the animals but don’t each card and encourage the children to
show the cards. • Tell the volunteer to guess who is making repeat it.
the sound.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 69 • Blindfold other volunteers and let them take
turns guessing.
B14 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say.
• Extend the game by asking the children
• Tell the children to turn to page 69. to make other animal sounds and let the
• Explain that the children will listen and tick volunteers guess the animal, too.
the pictures of words they hear.

T69 On the Farm

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in a
sentence, to role-play
New Structures: Can you see the (horse /
duck)? / Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book
Optional Materials: stuffed animals, ribbons,
Flashcards, Sammy the Squirrel puppet,
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach

I See You! (5 minutes)
• Hold your hand up to your brow and
pretend to look for something in the
• Stop and excitedly say: Oh, I see it! I see
it! I see the (window). Can you see the
• Prompt the children to point to the
• Repeat a few times with other classroom
• Follow a similar procedure for children in the
class: Can you see (Paola)?
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 70–71 Audio Script
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) The Farm
B15 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 70. Frame 1: Billy: Look at the animals.
• Tell the children to turn to page 70.
• Focus on the first page of “The Farm.” Frame 2: Billy: Can you see the horse?
• Play the audio, pausing at each story frame Lilly: Yes, I can.
• Explain that Billy and Lilly are walking to make sure children are on the correct one
around a farm. Frame 3: Billy: Can you see the sheep?
and understand what’s happening. Lilly: Yes, I can.
• Ask the children what they think the • Encourage the children to speak along with Frame 4: Billy: Can you see the cow?
characters are talking and asking about. the characters. Lilly: Yes, I can.
Revisit their predictions later on. Frame 5: Billy: Can you see the duck?
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the story with the class. the audio. Lilly: No, I can’t.
Frame 6: Lilly: I can see the duck now!
Frame 7: Lilly: Can you see the hen?
Billy: No, I can’t.
Frame 8: Billy: I can see the hen now!

T70 On the Farm

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• Play the audio again, and let the volunteers
speak along with it.

Extension Role-Play (10 minutes)

• Ask pairs to take turns extending the role
• Gather stuffed animals and tie ribbons
around them to distinguish them from other
toys in the room.
• Ask one child in each pair to hide the stuffed
animals around the classroom.
• Let partners walk around together.
• Ask the child who hid a stuffed animal to
ask: Can you see the (horse)?
• Tell the other child to search for the (horse)
and say: Yes, I can or No, I can’t.
• If the child cannot find it, let the partner
give a hint: It’s (under) the (table).
Activity Book Page 55
Ask the children to circle the differences. (In
Picture B, instead of a sleeping duck there’s a
sleeping dog; instead of a duck in the pond,
there’s a fish; instead of a duck in the air,
there’s a bird; instead of a duck on the fence,
there’s a goat.) Ask the children to work with
Do the same for the answers. Point out the their partners to point to each picture and ask:
different intonation in the questions and the Can you see the duck? Let the children colour
Look at New Language
answers. the picture.
• Point out the language the characters use
to ask about the animals: Can you see the • Let the children repeat the dialogues, OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
(horse / duck)? copying the intonation.
• Then focus on the answers: Yes, I can. / No,
I can’t. CONSOLIDATING Encourage the children to use the Story Time
feature on the CD-ROM to practise at home
• Help the children understand that these are Act It Out (10 minutes) and then share “The Farm” with their families,
short answers for: Yes, I can see the (horse) • Let pairs of children act out the story. using the word-by-word feature.
and No, I can’t see the (duck).
• First, play the audio and ask the pairs
to mime. ActiveTeach
B15 Listen to the Intonation Invite volunteers to use the marker feature to
• Ask the children to close their eyes and listen • Then invite volunteers to act it out without
the audio. circle the animals you call out.
as you play the story.
• Pause after each question and repeat it. • Provide props, such as a toy duck or hen.

On the Farm T71

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Listening WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 72 Let’s Move! (10 minutes)
4. Listen. Answer yes ✓ or no ✗. • Ask the children to stand up.
Objectives: to practise listening B16
comprehension, to practise new unit • Tell the children to look at page 72. • Say: 1, 2, 3 Move with me! Let’s all hop!
vocabulary and structures • Explain that Billy and Lilly are at the farm • Prompt the children to hop in place and say:
Review: dog and are looking for farm animals. Hop, hop, hop! Then say: Stop!
Materials: Class Audio CD B • Read the speech bubbles for the class. • Repeat with other actions the children know:
Optional Materials: Flashcards; photocopies wave, clap, dance, jump, walk, sit down,
• Say: Lilly can’t see a goat. Put an X. Show
of Flashcards or toy farm animals; paper; stand up, hands up, hands down, tap, point,
children that the first one has been done for
markers or crayons; Sammy the Squirrel make a (circle), close/open eyes, close/open
them and help them find the X under the
puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach mouth, wiggle, climb, run, type, write, draw,
cut, carry, giggle, paint, stretch, shake,
• Explain that the children will listen and tick and nod.
GETTING READY the animals Lilly can see. Help them put a
B15 Revisit the Story (10 minutes) tick for the cow. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Revisit “The Farm” together. • Let the children do items 3–6 on their own.
• Play the audio and let the children follow • Check answers together.
Encourage the children to play the games on
along in their books. (See pages 70–71.) the CD-ROM to reinforce their listening skills at
Audio Script
• Invite volunteers to act it out. home.
1. Can you see a goat?
Prepare for the Activity (5 minutes) No, I can’t. ActiveTeach
• Hide four toy farm animals or pictures of 2. Can you see a cow?
Use the large digital format to model searching
them around the room. Yes, I can.
for the animals and marking the boxes; or use
3. Can you see a hen?
• Place all six unit Flashcards on the board in it to help children check their work.
Yes, I can.
a row. 4. Can you see a sheep?
• Beneath each card, draw a small tick box to Yes, I can.
resemble the layout of page 72. 5. Can you see a dog?
• Ask Sammy: Can you see a (goat)? No, I can’t.
6. Can you see a horse?
• Make Sammy look around the room.
Yes, I can.
• Make him point and say: Yes, I can, if he
finds it. Then put a tick in the box under CONSOLIDATING
the Flashcard.
• If there is no (goat), make Sammy say: No, Draw and ask. (10 minutes)
I can’t. Then put an X in the box under the • Ask the children to draw a picture of farm
Flashcard. animals and pet animals from Level 1.
• Ask for volunteers to look as you follow a • Then let partners take turns asking and
similar procedure for the other animals. answering questions about their pictures:
Can you see a (goat)?

On the Farm T72

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Speaking WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 73 Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 98 and T98
5. Ask and answer. Circle or cross out. For work on the sounds /d/ and /g/ and the
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise • Tell the children to turn to page 73. letters, tell the children to turn to page 98 in
new unit vocabulary and structures the back of their books. For teacher support,
• Point to and say the names of the toy turn to page T98 in this book.
Review: cat, dog, turtle animals behind the balls on the page and
Materials: Activity Book let the children repeat them. Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 99 and
Optional Materials: pieces of paper that say • Ask the children to listen as you read the T99
On the farm, a bag, a ball, Flashcards, Sammy directions aloud. For extra practice speaking, tell the children to
the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach turn to page 99 in the back of their books. For
• Read the model speech bubbles for the
children: Can you see a horse? / No, I can’t. teacher support, turn to page T99 in this book.
GETTING READY • Model searching the page for a horse. Say: Activity Book Page 56
Silly Card Game (5 minutes) No horse and trace over the sample answer Ask the children to work with their partners,
• On paper the same size as the Flashcards X on the horse. asking: Can you see the (duck)? and then
(about four pieces), write On the farm. Place • Do the next item together, making a circle answering and ticking the boxes for the
in a Where stack with Unit 5 Flashcards. around the duck. animals they can see in the scene. Then let the
Make another stack for What with children colour the page.
• Let partners complete the activity together.
Flashcards for Units 1–4 and 7–8. Activity Book Page 57
• Ask a volunteer to pick a card from the What CONSOLIDATING Let the children ask and answer with a partner:
stack and ask where the pictured item is: Can you see a (cow)? Then let the children
Where’s the (duck)?
Pass the Ball (5 minutes)
colour the pictures.
• Sit in a circle with the children.
• Let another volunteer pick a card from the
Where stack and answer, using the place • Hand the ball to the child on your right, and OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
on the card: It’s (on / in) the (farm / living ask: Can you see a (table)?
room). • Ask the child to take the ball, point to a
table in the room, and answer: Yes, I can. Encourage the children to play the games and
• If the answer is silly (e.g. a duck in the living do the activities on the CD-ROM at home. Tell
room), say: That’s silly! • Then ask the child to hand the ball to the them to listen and repeat what they hear to
child on his/her right and ask: Can you see a practise their speaking skills.
Peek-a-Boo Cards (5 minutes) (book)? Let that child answer and pass
• Place the unit Flashcards in a bag. the ball. ActiveTeach
• Ask: Can you see a hen?, and slowly pull out • Continue in this way. Use the large digital format to model searching
a Flashcard. the page for an animal, and either circling the
• Prompt the children to answer: Yes, I can, if
Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes) animal or making an X. Invite volunteers to use
it’s the hen or No, I can’t, if it isn’t. • Focus on the sound that the letter g stands the stylus to model for the class.
for at the beginning of words like goat,
• Continue until all the cards are out.
good, and game.
• Ask individuals to repeat each word.
• Help the children notice that the sound is
softer than the sounds that c and k stand for
in cat and kite.

T73 On the Farm

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CLIL WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 74 • Confirm the guess by removing the crayons
and counting them.
B17 6. Listen and say.
Objectives: to count items 1–10, to practise • Repeat with different quantities of crayons
new unit vocabulary • Tell the children to turn to page 74.
and other volunteers.
New Vocabulary: 10 • Play the audio and let the children listen
while you do the actions. How Many? Bag Part 2 (5 minutes)
Review: numbers 1–9
• Play it again. Ask the children to chant and • Put five crayons in the bag, and count as you
TPR: kick, show (3) fingers, thumbs-up, touch
a knee do the actions when they are ready. do: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book • Add another and invite the class to guess
Audio Script
how many are in the bag now.
Optional Materials: crayons, bag, CD-ROM, Count to 10 Chant
ActiveTeach • Take the six crayons out to confirm. Count as
Are you ready?
you do: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Count with me:
GETTING READY 1, 2, 3, (show 3 fingers) • Continue in this way.
Touch your knee. (touch a knee) • For a challenge, try adding two or three at a
Introduce the Number 10 4, 5, 6, (show 6 fingers) time (up to a total of 10).
(10 minutes) Try some kicks. (kick in the air)
• Review numbers 1–9 by counting classroom 7 cats (show 7 fingers) Activity Book Page 58
objects. On some mats. Ask the children to count the animals and circle
• Point to one object and say: One. One Now it’s 8. (show 8 fingers) the numbers to show how many. Let them
(book). Ask the children to repeat it. Shout out “GREAT!” check with a partner. Then let the children
9! 9! 9! (show 9 fingers) colour the page.
• Write the number on the board. Draw one
Looking fine! (thumbs up)
circle by it to show the amount. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Up to 10. (show 10 fingers)
• Repeat with 2–9, using other objects. Let’s count again! CD-ROM
• Point to the numbers on the board and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Encourage the children to play the maths
count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … .
games at home to practise numbers.
• Draw ten circles, write the number 10, and 7. Count and match.
say: 10. • Point out the animals in the pens and help ActiveTeach
• Walk around the room and count different the class point to the baby ducks and count Extend the page by drawing more animals (up
amounts of items, and let the children to nine: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Nine ducks. to 10 only) or covering some for the children to
repeat. • Ask: Where’s 9? Point to 9 and model count again.
• Then point to a group of items and ask the drawing a line from the pen to the 9.
children: How many? • Let the children do the rest on their own
(8 kittens, 10 chicks).
1, 2, 3, … 9, Hop! (5 minutes)
• Ask the children to stand in a circle to CONSOLIDATING
practise counting. Ask each child to count in
turn: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. How Many? Bag Part 1 (5 minutes)
• The next time, tell the tenth child to say: • Put ten crayons in a bag.
Hop! instead of ten and to hop. • Invite a volunteer to reach into the bag and
• Repeat, but assign a different action for a guess how many crayons are in it by feeling.
different number.

On the Farm T74

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Values • Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you. – Please share.
– Be careful.
Audio Script
Objective: to learn about the value of doing – Wash your hands.
chores Parent: It’s time to do your chores.
Child: OK. I like to help. – Eat properly.
New Values Language: Do your chores.
– Do your chores.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book • Then play the chant on the second part of • Then describe a situation for each, such as
Optional Materials: Sammy the Squirrel the audio. Let the children listen once or leaving toys out after playing all afternoon,
puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach twice and then chant along with the audio dinner time, and one new bike and two
when they are ready. friends who want to ride it.
Audio Script Activity Book Page 59
B17 B18 Review the Chant (5 minutes) Ask the children to colour the pictures and talk
Do Your Chores Chant
• Play the audio for the “Count to 10 Chant.” Do your chores. about them with a partner.
• Invite the children to do the actions and Do your chores.
• Then play the karaoke version. Hold up To do your chores. CD-ROM
fingers for the number to sing. Encourage the children to play the CD-ROM at
• Talk about each photo with the class and
Introduce Doing Chores (10 minutes) home to show their families what they have
discuss whether each child is doing his/her
been learning.
• Ask the children if anyone has a pet. chores or not.
• Let the children explain how they take care • Ask the children to draw a smile if the child ActiveTeach
of pets: feed them, give them water, walk is doing chores (the child on the right) and a Focus on the two pictures. Use the pointer to
them, clean up, and so on. frown if the child isn’t (the child on the left). highlight who is doing chores and who isn’t.
• Explain that these are all chores. Confirm the children’s answers.
• Brainstorm chores the children can do to
help at home: do the dishes, take out the Act It Out (10 minutes)
rubbish, fold laundry, and water plants. • Help the children role-play doing their
• Do a few role plays about doing and not chores and not doing them.
doing chores with Sammy. • Brainstorm chores that children could do
• For doing chores, make Sammy say: Good connected to the farm topic: look after
job! You’re doing your chores! animals, milk cows, collect eggs.
• For not doing them, make him say: Oh, no! • When the children don’t do their chores, say:
Teacher, please do your chores! Oh, no! Please do your chores!
• When the children do their chores, say: Good
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 75 job! You’re doing your chores!
B19 8. Listen and say. Look and draw. What Do I Say? (10 minutes)
• Tell the children to turn to page 75. • Explain that you will describe a situation and
• Play the dialogue on the first part of the that children will decide what to say:
audio and ask the children to look at the – Put things away.
photos as they listen.
– Help your family.

T75 On the Farm

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9 The Weather
Vocabulary Pupil’s Book pages 76–85; Activity
Objectives New: cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, Book pages 60–67; Flashcards 43–48;
✓ To learn weather vocabulary windy Class Audio CD B: Tracks 21–31; Course
Review: bike, kite, lamp, tree; numbers Posters: My Little Island Map, Shapes
✓ To sing songs and chants
1–10; colours; shapes and Colours, Meet Your New Friends!;
✓ To do new TPR movements stickers (back of Pupil’s Book and
shown on page T106)
✓ To practise fine and gross motor
Optional: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach,
Sammy the Squirrel puppet
✓ To understand and role-play a

To learn and practise the new
language structures How’s the
Unit Songs and Chants

weather? / It’s (windy).
✓ How’s the Weather Today? (Class
✓ To review the sounds that the Audio CD B: Tracks 21 and 22)
letters b, d, g, l, k, p, and t stand
for in words ✓ Letter and Sounds Review Chant
(Class Audio CD B: Tracks 53 and 54)
✓ To review colours, numbers, and
shapes ✓ Numbers Review Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 26 and 27)
✓ To learn the value of dressing for
the weather Home-School Connections ✓ It’s Cold Outside Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 28 and 29)
✓ To practise new language by Copy the Letter Home for the children
listening and speaking to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 9 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn and review unit The Letters are available online at
vocabulary and language Story
“A Funny Day”: Lilly’s mum is helping
her get ready to go outside to play.
The weather tricks them. It begins to
rain, so Lilly puts on her raincoat. Then
the sun comes out.
Values Language Structures: How’s the
Dress for the weather. weather? / It’s (windy).

T9A The Weather

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Cross-Curricular Connections TPR Weather Wheel
review numbers and shapes, count to ✓ clap, fan yourself, flap arms, pretend ✓ Make a notice board of a weather
ten, make snowflakes with shapes to fly kite, pretend to hold an wheel.
umbrella, shiver and hug self, trace
make a class weather chart shapes (rectangle) in the air Materials
learn the value of dressing properly • paper plate, or large cardboard circle
draw your favourite kind of weather
Phonics • drawing pin
sing, chant and move to music
✓ Practise recognizing sound-symbol • markers
correspondences: initial b /b/, d /d/, • cardboard arrow cutout
g /g/, l /l/, k /k/, p /p/, and t /t/. • drawings or photos of different weather
Preschool Learning Outcomes
✓ Recognize the letters b, d, g, l, k, p,
✓ Recognize intonation. and t.
1. Use a paper plate or a large circle cut
✓ Use short, simple answers to questions. ✓ Complete Phonics page 100. out of cardboard for the wheel.
✓ Understand new language structures. ✓ Listen to the audio. 2. Divide the circle into six equal sections.
✓ Recognize the sounds that the letters ✓ Sing songs and say chants. 3. Use drawings or photos of different
b, d, g, l, k, p, and t stand for. types of weather (cold, hot, rainy,
✓ Follow a picture story. snowy, sunny, windy) to decorate each
Prereading and Prewriting section and label each.
✓ Make predictions using pictures.
✓ Follow an eight-frame picture story. 4. Attach the wheel to the notice board
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR. by placing a drawing pin in the middle.
✓ Talk about the characters.
✓ Join in games and interact. 5. Attach an arrow-shaped cardboard
✓ Act out the story to show cutout to the top of the board.
✓ Share information about themselves. comprehension.
6. Write out the title: How’s the weather
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards ✓ Practise fine motor skills. today?
the English language.
✓ Draw, colour, and trace. 7. Spin the weather wheel so the arrow
points to today’s weather.
Digital Practice
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM The children can use the
for vocabulary practice or for review. CD-ROM during holidays so they
don’t forget all the English
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s they’ve learned!
Book pages together as a class.

The Weather T9B

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Presentation • In future lessons, ask: How’s the weather
• Play the song and do the actions.
• Play it again and invite the children to do
Objectives: to identify weather vocabulary in • Draw the weather symbol next to the date. the actions with you.
pictures, to learn a song and new TPR actions • Encourage the children to sing along when
New Vocabulary: cold, hot, rainy, snowy, WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 76 they are ready.
sunny, windy Introduce the Vocabulary
TPR: fan yourself, shiver and hug self, pretend • Tell the children to open their books at CONSOLIDATING
to fly kite, pretend to hold umbrella page 76. Respond with TPR (5 minutes)
Materials: Class Audio CD B • Let the children use language they know to • Teach the children a TPR action for each
Optional Materials: sunglasses, winter scarf, talk about the four scenes. weather word (sunny: shade your eyes; hot:
umbrella; Sammy puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Use the Flashcards to teach the vocabulary. fan yourself; cold: shiver; snowy: flutter your
Hold up the pictures one at a time: fingers downward like snowflakes; windy: fly
GETTING READY – Say: (Cold). Let the children repeat it. a kite; rainy: open up and hold an umbrella).
Introduce the Weather (10 minutes) – Say: Show me (cold). Ask the children to • Model with the Sammy puppet.
• Put on a pair of sunglasses. Say: Oh, it’s point to the scene that shows (cold) weather. • Make Sammy name a kind of weather, and
sunny! • Repeat with the other words. respond with the appropriate TPR action.
• Pretend to fan yourself. Say: And HOT. It’s • Let the children respond on their own when
sunny and hot! B21 1. Listen and sing. Move. they are ready.
• Put your hand out as if you’re feeling • Preteach the actions that go with the song.
raindrops. Say: Uh oh, it’s rainy. Make a Home Connection
• For example, say: It’s sunny and hot, and
• Take off the sunglasses and open your fan yourself. Encourage the children to make daily weather
umbrella. charts at home with their families!
Audio Script
• Mime having the wind blow your umbrella. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Say: It’s windy. How’s the Weather Today?
• Start shivering as if you were cold. Close the
How’s the weather today? CD-ROM
It’s not rainy and grey. Encourage the children to play the games and
umbrella and put on your winter scarf. Hug
It’s sunny and hot. (fan yourself with hand) do the activities at home to show their families
yourself and rub your upper arms.
And I like it a lot! what they’re learning.
• Say: Now it’s cold. Brrrr, it’s cold!
How’s the weather today?
• Look at the window excitedly and say: Wow, ActiveTeach
It’s windy, but we can play.
it’s snowy! Use the large digital format to help children
The sky is bright.
• Ask the children what they think they might We can go fly a kite. (pretend to fly kite) focus on the different weather scenes on the
learn about in this unit. page.
How’s the weather today?
Class Weather Chart (Ongoing) Snowy and cold, but we can play. (shiver
• Create a weather chart on a poster board. and hug self)
Let’s make a snowman now.
• Chart the weather in regular intervals (daily We both know how!
or weekly).
• Brainstorm symbols for the weather (a How’s the weather today?
sun for sunny; a snowflake for snowy; an It’s rainy, but we can play.
umbrella for rainy). Umbrellas held high
Keep us happy and dry! (pretend to hold
The Weather T76

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Vocabulary • Continue in this way, but invite children to
give you a thumbs-up or -down each time.
• Ask the children to follow you and do the
action with you.
Objective: to practise new words • Continue in this way to review any vocabulary
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 77 words or TPR actions from Level 2.
New Vocabulary: cold, hot, rainy, snowy,
sunny, windy B23 2. Listen and tick ✓. Say.
Favourite Weather Artwork
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book • Tell the children to turn to page 77.
(10 minutes)
Optional Materials: magazine pictures of • Explain that the children will listen and tick
different kinds of weather; paper, glue, • Brainstorm with the children to name
the pictures as they hear the words.
crayons, markers; Flashcards; Sammy the different activities the children like to do in
• Play the audio. each kind of weather.
Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach
• Pause after each word to let the children tick • Gather magazine pictures that show
GETTING READY the picture and say the word. different kinds of weather.
• Distribute these pictures along with paper,
B21 Review the Song (5 minutes) Audio Script
glue, crayons, and markers.
• Say: Let’s sing the song. sunny
• Ask the children to create mixed-media
• Sing “How’s the Weather Today?” with the rainy
artwork about their favourite kind of
children. (See page T76.) windy
weather. Encourage the children to add
• Divide the class into six groups. drawings of their own to their artwork.
• Give each group a Flashcard from the unit. cold • Let them present their work to the class,
• Play and sing the song again. using sentences such as: It’s (rainy). I like
• When the children finish, let them share (rainy) weather.
• Ask each group to stand up when they hear
their work.
the word on their Flashcard. Activity Book Page 60
• Ask them to take turns pointing to the Ask the children to draw lines to match the
Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down pictures and saying the words. weather symbols at the bottom of the page
(10 minutes) • For additional practice, say each vocabulary with the scenes. Then let them colour the
• First, prompt a volunteer to help you word and ask the children to clap twice, pictures. Let partners point to the pictures and
demonstrate. pause, clap twice again, and repeat the symbols and use the target language to talk
• Display the Flashcards in the front of the word. about them: How’s the weather? It’s (sunny).
room for reference.
• Explain to the class that your helper will say
a word and you will do the TPR action that TPR March (10 minutes) CD-ROM
goes with that word. • Play some music and lead the children in Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
• If you do the correct action, the helper gives marching around the classroom. home to show their families what they’ve
you a thumbs-up. If not, he or she gives you • Call out a weather word and do the TPR learned in class. Encourage them to practise
a thumbs-down. action that goes with the word. (For talking about the weather with their family
• The helper says: Rainy. You pretend to open example, say: sunny and shade your eyes members.
and hold up an umbrella. The helper gives with your hand.) ActiveTeach
you a thumbs-up. • Ask the children to follow you and do the To reinforce comprehension and pronunciation,
• The helper says: Sunny. You pretend to action with you. use the ActiveTeach Flashcard visuals feature.
shiver. The helper gives you a thumbs-down. • Then call out another word and do the TPR Play the audio as you zoom in on each
action that goes with that word. Flashcard. Ask the children to repeat each word.

T77 The Weather

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Objectives: to listen to and understand a
story, to learn new language structures,
to listen to and identify the intonation in
sentences, to role-play
New Structures: How’s the weather? / It’s
(windy / sunny).
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book
Optional Materials: ball, Flashcards, Sammy
the Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach

Hot Potato (10 minutes)
• Ask the the class to sit in a circle. Review
the TPR actions that go with each weather
• Give one child a ball (the “hot potato”)
which is easy to pass around.
• Play some music and while the music is
playing, ask the children to pass the potato
around the circle.
• Stop the music.
• Explain that the child holding the potato is
out, but before leaving the circle, he or she
should call out a vocabulary word: (Windy)! WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 78–79
Audio Script
• Prompt everyone to do the TPR action for B24 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
(windy) and say the word. Frame 1: Lilly: How’s the weather?
• Tell the children to open their books at Lilly’s mum: It’s windy.
• Play the music and continue passing the page 78. Frame 2: Lilly: Great! It’s windy. I’ve
potato. Continue until there is one child left:
• Play the audio. got a kite.
the winner.
• Pause at each story frame to make sure Frame 3: Lilly: It’s cold.
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) the children are on the correct one and Lilly’s mum: I’ve got your jacket.
understand what’s happening. Frame 4: Lilly’s mum: Wait! Now it’s rainy.
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 78.
Frame 5: Lilly: Here’s my raincoat!
• Focus on the first page of “A Funny Day.” • Play the story again. Point to each frame as Frame 6: Lilly: Now it’s sunny.
Explain that Lilly and her mum are talking. the children hear the words. Frame 7: Lilly: It’s hot.
• Ask the children what they think the • Encourage the children to speak along with Frame 8: Lilly’s mum: How’s the weather?
characters are talking about. Revisit their the characters. Lilly: It’s a funny day!
predictions later on. • Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the story with the class. the audio.

T78 The Weather

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• Here are some examples of similar
– The class is going to break and the teacher
is checking the weather.
– A brother and sister are going to the
playground, and a grandparent is
checking the weather.
– Two friends are going to school and a
father is checking the weather.
Activity Book Page 61
Ask the children to number the pictures in
order (1–4). Then let them retell a story about
them with a partner.


Encourage the children to use the Story Time
feature on the CD-ROM to practise reading and
speaking at home.
Play the audio and ask the children to repeat
the words they hear.

Look at New Language Act It Out (10 minutes)
• Point out the language that Lilly uses to ask
• Ask pairs to take turns acting out the story.
about the weather: How’s the weather?
• Play the audio and invite them to speak
• Then focus on the answers: It’s (windy).
along with the characters.
• Divide the class into two groups.
• Provide a raincoat as a prop.
• Hold up a Flashcard.
• Let children who are ready act it out without
• Group A asks: How’s the weather? the audio.
• Group B answers, using the card as a cue:
It’s (rainy). Extension Role-Play (10 minutes)
• Repeat a few times and then let the groups • Help the children extend the role play to
swap roles. other situations, with different kinds of

The Weather T79

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Listening • Explain that the children will listen and circle
the picture that shows what the weather is
• Tell children who are tapped to do that
action (clap).
Objectives: to practise listening like. • After a few claps, say: Hop and ask the child
comprehension, to practice new unit • Point out the sample answer. whose shoulder you tapped to stand up and
vocabulary and structures • Play the audio and let the children trace the hop around the circle.
Materials: Class Audio CD B sample circle for item 1. • Then ask that child to walk around the circle,
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the • Let them complete the rest of the page on gently tapping each child on the shoulder
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach their own. and saying: Hop, hop, hop …
• Then let the child switch to a new TPR action
GETTING READY Audio Script and the child he or she taps next does that
1. How’s the weather? action while everyone else sits back down or
B24 Revisit the Story (10 minutes) It’s rainy. remains seated.
• Revisit “A Funny Day” together. 2. How’s the weather? • Continue in this way.
• Play the audio and let the children follow It’s sunny.
along in their books. (See pages T78–79). 3. How’s the weather? OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Invite volunteers to act it out. It’s windy.
Noughts and Crosses (10 minutes) CONSOLIDATING Encourage the children to play the games
• Put the class into two teams: X and O. on the CD-ROM at home to reinforce their
Hot and Cold (10 minutes) listening skills.
• Each team chooses one volunteer to come to
• Teach the children a Hot and Cold game.
the board and write. ActiveTeach
• Hide an item for a child to try to find.
• Draw a Noughts and Crosses grid on the Check answers at the end of the activity by
board. • As the child gets closer, say: hot, hot, HOT
asking volunteers to circle them on the screen.
and as the child gets farther away, say: cold,
• Explain that the goal is to get three Os or
cold, COLD.
Xs in a row – up-and-down, sideways, or
diagonally. • Involve the class by revealing where the item
is hidden and letting them join you in saying
• Show the Flashcard for hot to Team X. Ask:
hot and cold.
How’s the weather?
• Hide more items and let the children play a
• Let the children on Team X discuss it and
few rounds of the game.
answer: It’s hot. Tell the volunteer to write
an X on the grid if their answer is correct Clap, Clap, Hop (10 minutes)
and nothing if it isn’t.
• Review with children some TPR actions from
• Then show Team O a different card and tell Level 2: clap, fan yourself, flap arms like
that team to use Os on the grid. wings, fly a kite, hold an umbrella, hop, kick,
• Continue until a team gets three in a row. leap like a sheep, nod head, place hand on
heart, point, rub tummy, shake arms, stamp,
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 80 stretch arms up, talk with hands, tap foot,
touch your knee, trace a shape in the air,
B25 4. Listen and circle. wave, wiggle hands.
• Tell the children to turn to page 80. • Ask the children to sit in a circle. Walk around
• Invite volunteers to name the kind of the circle, gently tapping each child on the
weather shown in each picture. shoulder and saying: clap, clap, clap, clap . . .

The Weather T80

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Speaking WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 81 Activity Book Page 62
5. Colour. Ask and answer. Let partners spin a pencil and ask and answer:
Objectives: to practise speaking, to practise • Tell the children to open their books at How’s the weather? / It’s (rainy). They can use
new unit vocabulary and structures page 81. Lilly’s clothing as clues to the kind of weather.
Materials: Activity Book • Tell the children to colour the frames around Activity Book Page 63
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the the pictures different colours. Ask the children to colour the pictures. Let
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach
• After they finish colouring, focus on the red them point, ask, and answer with a partner:
frame and the speech bubbles: What’s the How’s the weather? / It’s (rainy).
GETTING READY weather? / It’s rainy.
Common Colour (10 minutes) • Let partners ask and answer questions
• Tell the children to sit in a circle. Tell them about the other two pictures, using the CD-ROM
that they will play a game about colours speech bubbles as a model.
Encourage the children to use the games and
with Sammy the Squirrel. activities from the CD-ROM at home to practise
• Explain that the children should stand up if
CONSOLIDATING their speaking skills.
Sammy taps them on the shoulder and that Colour Review (5 minutes)
the rest of the class has to work out what ActiveTeach
• For more practice with colours, let partners
colour they have in common. use frame colours as prompts: (Blue). What’s Use the large digital format to model the
• Make Sammy tap children wearing red. the weather? activity. Invite volunteers to use the marker tool
to colour in the frames.
• If necessary, give the class a hint. • Let partners answer by telling about the
• Continue the game with other colours. weather in the (blue) frame.
Focus on Pronunciation (5 minutes)
Race Together (10 minutes)
• Focus on the sound that th stands for in the
• Position the unit Flashcards on the board word weather.
with space between them.
• Help children who try to use /d/ so the word
• Divide the class into three groups. sounds like wedder to pronounce the word
• Tell each group to line up facing the board correctly.
and some distance away from it. • Show the children how to place their
• Call out a word: (Snowy)! tongues against their front teeth to say /th/
• Tell the children that the first child on each in the word weather.
team will race to the board and find the
picture of (snowy) weather. Explain that
Phonics: Pupil’s Book page 100 and T100
all three children have to wait and tap the For a review of the sounds and symbols, turn to
picture at the same time. Tell them that if Pupil’s Book page 100 and page T100.
they all tap it together, each team gets a
Extra Practice: Pupil’s Book page 101 and
point but that if one child taps it ahead of
the others, his or her team does not get a T101
point. For extra practice speaking, ask the children to
• To have a quieter game, ask the children to turn to page 101 in the back of their books. For
teacher support, turn to page T101 in this book.
walk slowly instead of running.

T81 The Weather

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B26 6. Listen and say. Shapes and Numbers Review
Objective: to count items 1–10
• Play the “Numbers Review Chant.” • Draw these shapes on the board: star,
Review: numbers 1–10, shapes circle, triangle, square, rectangle and ask
• Invite the children to do the actions and
TPR: clap, flap arms, trace shapes (rectangle) volunteers to name them.
chant with the audio.
in the air • Display the Shapes and Colours poster.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book Audio Script • Invite the children, in turn, to come up to the
Optional Materials: sticky tape; two sets of Numbers Review Chant poster, point to, and name a shape. Then
large, teacher-made number cards (1–10); 1, 2, 3, 4, ask them to find that shape in the house. Let
Sammy the Squirrel puppet; CD-ROM; Make a rectangle. (trace a rectangle in the volunteers point to objects in the classroom
ActiveTeach air) with that shape.
It’s a door! • Help the class count objects they can see for
GETTING READY 5, 6, 7, 8, each shape.
Stars in the sky – (trace a star in the air)
Musical Shapes (10 minutes) It’s very late! Activity Book Page 64
• Use sticky tape to make giant shapes on the Clap for 9. Ask the children to trace the numbers. Tell
floor: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. (clap 9 times) them to draw lines to match the squares to the
• Review the shapes the children know. Clap for 10. 8, the circles to the 9, and the triangles to the
• Tell the children that they will dance around 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. (clap 10 times) 10. Then let partners point to, count, and use:
the room to some music until it stops and Flap your wings 8, 9, 10; squares, circles, triangles to talk about
you call out a shape. Like a big red hen! (flap arms like wings) the number of shapes in each cloud.
• Play music, stop it, and call out: (Circle)! • Point to and say the numbers and model OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Prompt everyone to squeeze together into writing them on the board.
the (circle). Explain that the goal is for CD-ROM
everyone to be in, with nobody out. 7. Trace. Count and match. Encourage the children to play the maths
• Continue in this way. • Tell the children to open their books at page games on the CD-ROM at home to practise the
82 and trace the numbers on the page. numbers they’ve learned.
Race to Order (10 minutes) • Call their attention to the shapes in the ActiveTeach
• Prepare two sets of large number cards (1–10) clouds. Then ask the children to name and
count them. Extend the page by drawing additional shapes
and display them on the board, wide apart,
(up to 10) or covering over some and asking the
in the same order: 2, 4, 8, 5, 6, 3, 10, 9, 7, 1. • Ask the children to draw lines to match how children to count them.
• Ask two volunteers to race to put them in many shapes are in each cloud with the
the correct order on the signal: Go! correct number.
• Announce the winner. • Confirm their answers.
• To simplify, use a few cards at a time.

The Weather T82

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Values Audio Script – Please share.
Parent: It’s cold outside. Dress warmly. – Be careful.
Objectives: to learn about the value of Child: I’m not cold. I’m wearing warm – Wash your hands.
dressing for the weather, to practise new unit clothes.
– Eat properly.
vocabulary and structures
• Then play the chant on the second part of – Do your chores.
New Values Structure: Dress for the weather.
the audio. Let the children listen once or – Dress for the weather.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book
twice and then chant along with the audio • Let the children talk about each one and say
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the when they are ready.
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach why it’s important.
Audio Script Activity Book Page 65
GETTING READY It’s Cold Outside Chant Ask the children to circle the clothes Billy
B21 Review the Song (5 minutes) It’s snowy. should wear. Let them colour the clothes
It’s blowy. and talk about them and the weather with a
• Play “How’s the Weather Today?” (See
It’s cold outside. partner.
page T76).
• Encourage the children to sing along and do Put on your coat. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
the actions. Put on your hat.
You won’t be cold CD-ROM
Introduce Dressing for the Weather Dressed like that. Encourage the children to play the games and
(10 minutes) do the activities on the CD-ROM at home. Ask
• Display the Flashcards on the board. • Discuss the pictures and who is/isn’t cold them to talk with their family members about
because he/she’s dressed correctly. how they dress for the weather.
• Point to the cards, one at a time, asking
what clothing people usually wear in that • Ask: Is he/she dressed for the weather?
kind of weather. • Tell children to draw a smile on the face for
Use the pointer to highlight who is and who
• Draw simple pictures of clothes for the the child who’s dressed correctly (the child
isn’t dressed for the weather.
children to name. on the right) and a frown for the one who
isn’t (the child on the left).
• Do a few role plays for the children to
reinforce the value.
• If the clothing is not appropriate for the
weather, make Sammy the Squirrel tell you: Act it Out (10 minutes)
No, no. Please dress for the weather! or Good • Help the children role-play dressing and not
job! You’re dressed for the weather, if it is. dressing for the weather.
• Say: Oh, no. Please dress for the weather,
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 83 when they don’t dress for the weather, or
B28 8. Listen and say. Look and draw. Good job! You’re dressing for the weather!,
when they do.
• Tell the children to look at page 83.
• Play the dialogue on the first part of the Values Review (10 minutes)
audio and ask the children to look at the • Revisit values the children have learned:
pictures as they listen. – Put things away.
• Let volunteers repeat the dialogue with you. – Help your family.

T83 The Weather

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Unit 8: Review/Assessment B30 2. Listen. Answer yes ✓ or no ✗. Science Project: Poster About
• Explain that you will play the audio and that What Animals Eat
Objectives: to review and assess new unit
the children should listen and tick the box • Copy the duck, cow, and horse Flashcards.
vocabulary and structures
if they can see the animal and make an X if • Ask the children to work in groups of three
Materials: Class Audio CD B, My Little Island they can’t.
Map poster, Activity Book, stickers (in the back and colour or draw one of the animals.
of the Pupil’s Book and shown on page T106) • Do the first one together. • Discuss what the animals eat.
Optional Materials: Flashcards, CD-ROM, Audio Script • Ask the children to draw pictures of corn
ActiveTeach (ducks), grass (cows), hay (horses).
1. Can you see a cow?
Yes, I can. • Let the children use their pictures to make
GETTING READY 2. Can you see a goat? posters that show what each animal eats.
B Sing and Move (10 minutes) Yes, I can. Activity Book Page 66
3. Can you see a dog?
• Review the Unit 8 songs and chants by No, I can’t. Let the children draw their favourite animal
playing them and asking the children to and tell a partner about it. Ask the children to
sing along. colour the picture.
Use the Reward Sticker
• Invite the children to tell the class which
song or chant they like best.
• Help the children talk about what they’ve OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
learned, using positive language:
Flashcard Memory Game – I can say: cow, duck, goat, hen, horse, and
sheep and point to them. Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM to
(10 minutes) show their families what they learned about in
• Display the Flashcards on the board. – I can ask and answer: Can you see a the unit.
(cow)? / Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
• Ask the children to close their eyes.
– I can count to ten. ActiveTeach
• Turn over one of the Flashcards.
– I can clap, kick, show (3) fingers, stretch Model marking the boxes or invite a volunteer
• Let the children look at it and ask: Is it a to mark them for the class.
my arms and wiggle my hands, touch my
(cow)? Prompt them to answer: No, it isn’t or
knee, and write a (d) in the air.
Yes, it is.
– I know duh for d and guh for g.
• Play again, but let volunteers ask: Is it a
(cow)? – I can do my chores.
• Distribute the reward stickers.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 84 • Show the children where to stick the stickers
1. Stick and say. (on the Unit 8 Good Job! placeholder).
• Distribute the Unit 8 stickers.
• Tell the children to turn to page 84.
Imaginary Walk (5 minutes)
• Say: Find the sticker with the (cow).
• Display the My Little Island Map poster.
• Ask the children to hold up the (cow) sticker.
• Pretend to walk around the island and ask:
• Say: Stick the sticker.
Can you see the (farm)?
• Ask them to stick and say: It’s a (cow).
• Encourage the children to answer: Yes, I can.
• Repeat with the other stickers (goat, hen). I can see (a goat, a cow, …).

Review T84

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Unit 9: Review/Assessment B31 4. Listen and circle. Maths Project: Make a
• Explain that you will play the audio and that Snowflake
Objectives: to review and assess new unit
the children will listen and circle the picture • Display the snowflakes on page 85.
vocabulary and structures
that answers the question. • Distribute paper plates, along with blue,
Materials: Class Audio CD B; Activity Book;
stickers (in the back of the Pupil’s Book and • Play the audio and let the children complete white, and grey paper cut into triangles and
shown on page T106); paper plates; blue, the page on their own. circles.
white, and grey paper cut into triangles and • Let the children design their own snowflakes
circles; glue Audio Script
using the shapes.
Optional Materials: Flashcards, Sammy the 1. How’s the weather?
• Help them glue the shapes down.
Squirrel puppet, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach It’s cold.
2. How’s the weather? Activity Book Page 67
It’s rainy. Ask the children to draw and colour their
GETTING READY 3. How’s the weather? favourite kind of weather and describe it to a
B Sing and Move (10 minutes) It’s hot. partner: It’s (sunny).
• Review the Unit 9 songs and chants by
playing them and letting children sing Use the Reward Sticker OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
along. • Help the children talk about what they’ve CD-ROM
• Invite children to tell the class which song or learned, using positive language:
Encourage the children to use the CD-ROM at
chant they like best. – I can say: cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, home to practise what they learned in the unit.
windy, and point to each kind of weather.
Revisit the Weather Chart – I can ask and answer: How’s the weather? ActiveTeach
• Revisit the class weather chart you made on It’s (cold). Model circling the pictures or invite a volunteer
page T76. – I can count to ten. to circle them for the class.
• Let the children talk about the weather for – I can dress for the weather.
each day and how they dressed.
• Distribute the reward stickers.
• Help them count how many days it was
• Show the children where to stick the stickers
rainy, windy, and so on.
(on the Unit 9 Good Job! placeholder).
3. Stick and say.
Freeze Dance (10 minutes)
• Distribute the Unit 9 stickers.
• Tell the children they will dance to some
• Tell the children to turn to page 85.
music and stop when it does, then do an
• Say: Find the sticker for cold, and ask the action you call out.
children to hold up the sticker with the
• Play songs and chants from Level 2.
penguin on ice for cold.
• Play and stop music, and call out: (Wiggle)!
• Say: Stick the sticker.
• Ask the children to wiggle their whole
• Let them stick and say: It’s cold.
• Repeat with the other stickers (snowy,
• Continue in this way.

T85 Review

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Unit 2: Phonics • Say: Touch p and ask the children to touch
the p.
• Repeat for pencil.
• For additional practice, play Class Audio CD
Objectives: to learn the sounds that p and • Play the first part of the chant. Let the B: Track 34. Tell the children that if they hear
t stand for at the beginning of words, to children listen while you do the actions. a word that starts with p for puh, to clap; for
understand sound-symbol correspondences • Invite the children to do the actions with a word that starts with t for tuh, to stamp
(p /p/, t /t/), to practise recognizing letters their feet.
and left-to-right directionality, to practise
• Encourage the children to chant with the • Play the audio and model the actions.
new unit vocabulary, to practise new unit
vocabulary audio. Then have children do the actions.
New Sounds and Letters: p /p/, t /t/ Audio Script
Audio Script
Review: pencil, tree, turtle Now listen. Clap for puh. Stamp for tuh.
P Sounds Like Puh Chant
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wiggle hands Puh, puh, puh. pen, tree, pencil, turtle, table, point
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book Puh sounds like pen.
Optional Materials: Flashcards; toys, pictures, Puh sounds like pencil. CONSOLIDATING
or realia that begin with p or t; CD-ROM; Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up
ActiveTeach and wiggle hands) Body Letters (5 minutes)
Write a p in the sky. (write a p in the air) • Help the children to make body letters.
GETTING READY • To make a t, stand up straight with arms
• Write a t on the board. Say: This is t. extended out; to make a p, stand up straight
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) T stands for tuh. with arms curved up in front of face,
• Gather together Flashcards, toys, or realia • Invite the children to say other words with t. touching top of head.
that begin with p or t.
• Focus on Pupil’s Book page 86. Say: Touch t. • Say words that begin with t or p and ask the
• Use words the children know, such as: pencil, Ask the children to touch the t. children to make the body letter.
pen, puppy, pink, purple, table, teacher, toy
box, teddy bear, turtle. • Play the second part of the chant. Let the Activity Book Page 68
children listen while you do the actions.
• Point to one item or picture. Ask: What’s Ask the children to match the letters and
this? Invite volunteers to answer. • Invite the children to do the actions with you. colour the pictures. Invite partners to practise
• Repeat the word. Focus on the initial sound: • Encourage the children to chant with the pointing to and saying the letter names and
Pencil, puh, Pencil. Continue this way. audio. words.
• Invite the children to say other words or Audio Script OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
names they know that begin with p or t.
T Sounds Like Tuh Chant CD-ROM
Tuh, tuh, tuh.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 86 Tuh sounds like turtle. Encourage the children to do the activities on
B32 Listen. Trace and say. B34 Now listen. Tuh sounds like tree. the CD-ROM at home to reinforce what they’re
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up learning in class.
Clap for p. Stamp for t.
and wiggle hands) ActiveTeach
• Write a p on the board. Say: This is p. P
Write a t in the sky. (write a t in the air)
stands for puh. Demonstrate tracing the lines, using
• Invite the children to say other words or ActiveTeach.
• Direct the children to the Pupil’s Book page.
names they know that begin with p.
• Model tracing the line from the p to the pen.
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 86. • Let the children trace the line and say the

Phonics T86

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Unit 2: Extra Practice • Focus the children’s attention on the boy and
girl at the bottom of the page and the red, Make a Home Connection
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice blue, and orange bars at the top and the
Encourage the children to practise asking and
on page 19 numbers 1, 2, and 3 at the left of the grid.
answering questions about familiar items in
Vocabulary/Structures: Is it a (computer)? / • With a prepared volunteer, read the speech their homes with family members.
Yes, it is. bubble text aloud:
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD A; Boy: One. Red. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach; Flashcards; Sammy the Girl: Is it a computer?
Squirrel puppet; drawings, photos, or realia Boy: Yes, it is.
for Level 1 vocabulary Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
• Explain that partners will follow this
the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
question and answer model to complete the
reinforce their speaking skills.
GETTING READY page, substituting a colour and number of
their choice (red, blue, orange; one, two, ActiveTeach
Stand and Say (5 minutes) three) and another classroom object for Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
• Display the Unit 2 Flashcards on the board. computer. Cover the words One, Red, and computer. Write
• Let the children sit with their partners. • Read the speech bubble text again and let in One, Blue, and chair to model substituting
• Model with Sammy and a prepared the children repeat it. Let each child think other vocabulary.
volunteer. of one object for the second item, say the
• Prompt Sammy and his partner to stand. number, and say the colour.
• Point to a Flashcard. • Point to the sample tick (✓) next to the
computer. Explain that partners will tick
• Sammy asks: Is it a (marker)? The other (✓) one box for the object their partner
child answers: Yes, it is. described. Make sure children understand
• Sammy and his partner sit down. that for the colour, they should look at the
• Continue with the other pairs in the class. bar (red, blue, or orange). Note that the
children’s answers will vary according to the
A28 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) item (and related colour) they chose.
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 18. • Let pairs complete the page independently
• Focus on the different intonation for and then come together as a class to talk
questions and answers. about their responses.
• Ask the children repeat each question and
answer after listening to the audio. CONSOLIDATING
• Alternate between letting children repeat Extension (5 minutes)
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. • Extend the speaking practice to focus on
vocabulary from Level 1 (book, chair, crayon,
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 87 pencil, table) and the alternative response:
Ask and answer. Tick ✓. No, it isn’t.
• Tell the children to open their books at • Draw simple pictures, use photos from
page 87. magazines, or use realia.
• Point to an item. Prompt a volunteer to ask:
Is it a (pencil)? Prompt another to answer:
Yes, it is or No, it isn’t.

T87 Extra Practice

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Z01A_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 88 25/04/2012 14:48
Unit 3: Phonics • Say: Touch m. Tell the children to touch
the m.
• Play the audio and do the actions.
• Play it again. Let the children do the actions
Objectives: to learn the sounds that m and • Play the first part of the chant. Let the on their own.
s stand for at the beginning of words, to children listen while you do the actions.
understand sound-symbol correspondences • Play it again and invite the children to do Audio Script
(m /m/, s /s/), to practise recognizing letters Now listen. Clap for muh. Stamp for suh.
the actions with you.
and left-to-right directionality marker, mum, sun, mouse, sister, scissors
• Encourage the children to chant with the
New Sounds and Letters: m /m/, s /s/
audio when they’re ready.
Review: mum, sun
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wiggle hands Audio Script
Materials: Class Audio CD A, Activity Book
Cumulative Review (10 minutes)
M Sounds Like Muh Chant
Optional Materials: Flashcards, toys, pictures Muh, muh, muh. • Ask the children to stand in a circle.
or realia that begin with m or s, Muh sounds like mum. • First, review the sounds that p and t stand
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach Muh sounds like marker. for at the beginning of words from Unit 2.
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up • Divide the circle into four groups: p, t, m, s.
GETTING READY and wiggle hands)
• Let each group practise saying their letter
Write an m in the sky. (write an m in the air)
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) and the sound it stands for at the beginning
of words.
• Gather together Flashcards, toys, pictures, or • Direct the children to the Pupil’s Book page.
realia that begin with m or s, for example: • Let each group air-write their letter.
• Model tracing the line from the m to the mum.
milk, mum, mouse, mouth, scissors, sister, • Say a word with initial p, t, m, or s.
• Let the children trace the line and say the
square, sun. • Then direct the group with that initial letter
• Point to one item or picture. Ask: What’s to call out the letter and air-write it.
• Repeat with the marker.
this? Invite volunteers to answer.
• On the board, demonstrate writing an m. Activity Book Page 69
• Repeat the word. Focus on the initial sound:
Milk, muh, milk. • Repeat the same steps for s. Ask the children to match the letters and
colour the pictures. Let partners point and say
• Continue this way. Audio Script the letter names and words: m and s; mum,
• Invite the children to say other words or S Sounds Like Suh Chant marker, sun, square.
names they know that begin with m or s. Suh, suh, suh.
Suh sounds like sun.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 88 Suh sounds like scissors. CD-ROM
Listen. Trace and say.
B35 B37 Now listen. Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up Encourage the children to do the activities on
Clap for m. Stamp for s. and wiggle hands) the CD-ROM at home to reinforce what they’re
Write an s in the sky. (write an s in the air)
• Write an m on the board. Say: This is m. learning in class.
M stands for muh.
For additional practice, let the children listen to ActiveTeach
• Invite the children to say other words or
Class Audio CD B: Track 37. Model tracing the lines and use the pointer to
names they know that begin with m.
• Explain that if they hear a word that starts focus on the letters.
• Tell the children to open their books at
with m for muh, they should clap and if they
page 88.
hear a word that starts with s for suh, they
should stamp their feet.

Phonics T88

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Ask and answer. CD-ROM
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice • Tell the children to open their books at
on page 27 Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
page 89. the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
Vocabulary/Structures: Who’s he/she? • Focus on Billy and Lilly and their speech reinforce their speaking skills.
He’s/She’s my (uncle / aunt / cousin / grandpa bubbles at the bottom of the page. Explain
/ grandma). ActiveTeach
that the two friends are talking about the
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD A, people in the portrait of Billy’s family on the Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach wall over the fireplace. Cover the words one, he, He’s, and uncle.
• Focus on the family picture. Point out that Write in two, she, She’s, and aunt. Read the
GETTING READY the people in it are numbered. Help the new question and answer aloud to model
children to name each family member. substituting other vocabulary.
Make Eye Contact (5 minutes)
• Explain that in some cultures, children aren’t • Prepare volunteers to read the speech
supposed to make eye contact with (that bubble text aloud:
is, look directly at) their teachers or other Billy: Look at number one.
adults when speaking to them. In some Lilly: Who’s he?
cultures, such eye contact is expected. Billy: He’s my uncle.
• Focus on your classroom. Are children • Explain that partners will follow this model
expected to make eye contact with you to complete the page, substituting other
when they speak, or not? numbers and family vocabulary.
• Then explain that when children speak • Then let partners ask and answer for
with their peers, it is important to make eye numbers 2–5.
• Ask them to pretend to be Lilly and Billy CONSOLIDATING
having a conversation about the family Extension (5 minutes)
members shown on Pupil’s Book page 27:
• Extend the speaking practice to focus on
Who’s (she)? (She’s) my (aunt).
other family vocabulary that children know.
• Each time, encourage the children to make
• On the board, draw a simple family portrait
eye contact with each other while speaking.
showing the family members from Level 1:
A36 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) Mum, Dad, brother, sister, baby.
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 26. • Let the children take turns asking and
answering about these family members.
• Focus on the different intonation for the
questions and answers.
Make a Home Connection
• Let the children repeat the questions and
Ask the children to practise asking and
answers after listening to the audio.
answering questions about family photos or
• Alternate between letting children repeat portraits with family members.
chorally and letting pairs speak individually.

T89 Extra Practice

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Unit 4: Phonics • Ask the children to open their books at page
• Play it again. Let the children do the actions
on their own.
Objectives: to learn the sounds that r and • Say: Touch r. Ask the children to touch the r.
b stand for at the beginning of words, to Audio Script
• Play the first part of the chant. Let the
understand sound-symbol correspondences children listen while you do the actions. Now listen. Clap for ruh. Stamp for buh.
(r /r/, b /b/), to practise recognizing letters red, backpack, book, rain, rectangle, blue
and left-to-right directionality • Play it again and invite them to do the
actions with you.
New Sounds and Letters: r /r/, b /b/
Review: book, rain • Encourage the children to chant with the CONSOLIDATING
audio when they’re ready. “Hand” Writing (5 minutes)
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wiggle hands
• Repeat the process for the letter b. • Use a pencil rubber to write a number on a
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book
volunteer’s hand.
Optional Materials: Flashcards; toys, classroom Audio Script
objects, or realia that begin with r or b; pencil • Model proper pencil grip even though you’re
R Sounds Like Ruh Chant using the rubber side.
with rubber; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach
Ruh, ruh, ruh.
Ruh sounds like rain. • Ask the volunteer to guess the number.
GETTING READY Ruh sounds like rectangle. • Reinforce pencil grip with children. Then
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up have them practise “hand” writing with
and wiggle hands) partners.
• Gather together Flashcards, toys, classroom
Write an r in the sky. (write an r in the air)
objects, or other realia that begin with r Activity Book Page 70
or b. Use words from Units 1–3, as well as B Sounds Like Buh Chant
Buh, buh, buh. Ask the children to match the letters and
words recycled from Level 1: rain, rectangle, colour the pictures. Let partners point to and
red, book, baby, bed, ball, bird, backpack, Buh sounds like book.
Buh sounds like backpack. say the letter names and words: r and b; rain,
bike. rectangle, bike, backpack.
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up
• Point to one and ask: What’s this? Invite
volunteers to answer.
Write a b in the sky. (write a b in the air)
• Repeat the word. Focus on the initial sound CD-ROM
and say: Rain, ruh, rain. • Direct the children to the Pupil’s Book page. Encourage the children to play the games on
• Continue in the same way for the other • Model tracing the line from the r to the rain. the CD-ROM at home to reinforce what they’re
words. learning about the unit.
• Ask the children to trace the line and say the
• Invite the children to say other words or word.
names that begin with the sound that r or b ActiveTeach
• Repeat with the rectangle. Demonstrate tracing the lines and use the
stands for.
• On the board, demonstrate writing an r. pointer to focus on the letters.
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 90 • Repeat with the letter b.
B38 Listen. Trace and say. B40 Now listen. • For additional practice, let the children listen
Clap for r. Stamp for b. to Class Audio CD B: Track 40 and clap if
they hear a word that begins with ruh.
• Write an r on the board. Say: This is r. R
stands for ruh. • Explain that they should stamp their feet if
they hear a word that begins with buh.
• Invite the children to say words or names
they know that begin with r. • Play the audio and model the actions.

Phonics T90

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Unit 4: Extra Practice WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 91 Make a Home Connection
Ask and answer. Ask the children to practise asking and
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice
• Tell the children to open their books at answering questions about the colours of their
on page 37
page 91. toys with family members.
Vocabulary/Structures: Is it (green)? / No, it
isn’t. • For review, point to each numbered toy. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD A, Say: Look at number (one). What is it?
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach, Sammy the Squirrel It’s a (ball). CD-ROM
puppet, coloured paper • Then focus the class’s attention on the boy Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
and girl with speech bubbles at the bottom the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
GETTING READY of the page. reinforce their speaking skills.

Speak a Little Louder (5 minutes) • Prepare volunteers to read the speech ActiveTeach
bubble text aloud:
• Help children develop confidence when Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
speaking by improving their ability to project Boy: Look at number one. Cover the words one and green. Write in two
their voices. Girl: Is it green? and blue. Read the new question and answer
Boy: No, it isn’t. aloud to model substituting other vocabulary.
• Ask partners to stand facing each other.
• Explain that partners will follow this model
• C1 holds up a piece of coloured paper and to complete the page, substituting other
asks: Is it (red)? numbers and other colours.
• C2 answers: Yes, it is or No, it isn’t. • Point out that the children should NOT
• Let them swap roles. substitute the correct colour of the toys.
• Then ask them to stand as far away from • Then let partners ask and answer about the
each other in the classroom as they can. other toys and confirm their answers with
• Ask the pairs to ask and answer again. the class.
Because they are farther away from each
other, they will need to speak more loudly. CONSOLIDATING
A47 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) Extension (5 minutes)
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 36. • Extend the speaking practice by modelling a
longer dialogue with Sammy or a prepared
• Focus on the different intonation for the volunteer.
questions and the answers.
Teacher: Look at number one. What is it?
• Let the children repeat each question and Sammy: It’s a ball.
answer after listening to the audio. Teacher: Is it green?
• Alternate between letting children repeat Sammy: No, it isn’t.
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. Teacher: What colour is it?
Sammy: It’s red.
• Let volunteer pairs repeat this dialogue for
the other items, correctly identifying the
colour of each item.

T91 Extra Practice

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Unit 5: Phonics Audio Script • For additional practice, let the children listen
to Class Audio CDB: Track 43 and clap if they
L Sounds Like Luh Chant
Objectives: to learn the sounds that l and Luh, luh, luh. hear a word that begins with luh. Explain
k stand for, to understand sound-symbol Luh sounds like living room. that they should stamp their feet if they hear
correspondences (l /l/, k /k/), to practise Luh sounds like lamp. a word that begins with kuh.
recognizing letters and left-right directionality. Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up • Play the audio and model the actions.
New Sounds and Letters: l /l/, k /k/ and wiggle hands) • Play the audio again. Let the children do the
Review: kite, lamp Write an l in the sky. (write an l in the air) actions on their own.
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wriggle hands
• Write a k on the board. Say: This is the Audio Script
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book letter k. K stands for kuh. Invite children to
Optional Materials: Flashcards; toys, pictures,
Now listen. Clap for luh. Stamp for kuh.
name other words that begin with k. kitchen, like, kite, living room, lamp
or realia that begin with l or k; CD-ROM;
• Play the second part of the chant. Let the
children listen while you do the actions.
• Play the chant again and invite the children CONSOLIDATING
GETTING READY to do the actions with you. Name Game (10 minutes)
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) • Encourage the children to chant with the • On the board, write the letters the children
• Gather Flashcards, toys, or realia that begin audio when they’re ready. have learned so far: p, t, m, s, r, b, l, k.
with l or k, such as living room, lamp, Lilly,
leg, letter, kitchen, kite, kitty. Audio Script • Ask the children to think of names beginning
with any of these letters.
• Point to one item or picture. Ask: What’s K Sounds Like Kuh Chant
this? Invite volunteers to answer. Kuh, kuh, kuh. • Invite a volunteer to say a name: (Paulo).
• Repeat the word. Focus on the initial sound: Kuh sounds like kitchen. • Prompt the class to write the letter (p) in the
Lamp, luh, lamp. Kuh sounds like kite. air.
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up • Ask everyone to say: (P) for (Paulo)!
• Invite the children to name other words that
and wiggle hands) • Continue in this way.
begin with l or k. Continue in this way.
Write a k in the sky. (write a k in the air)
Activity Book Page 71
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 92 • Model tracing the line from the l on the Ask the children to match the letters and lines
Listen. Trace and say.
B41 B43 Now listen. house to the living room. and colour the pictures. Let partners practise
Clap for l. Stamp for k. • Encourage the children to trace the line and pointing and saying the letters and words: k
• Write an l on the board. Say: This is the letter say the word. and l; kitchen, kite, lamp, living room.
l. L stands for luh. Invite the children to • Repeat with lamp.
name other words that begin with l. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• On the board, demonstrate writing an l.
• Tell the children to turn to page 92. • Repeat the same steps for the letter k and CD-ROM
• Play the first part of the chant. Let the the words kitchen and kite. Encourage the children to do the activities on
children listen while you do the actions. the CD-ROM at home to reinforce what they’re
• Play the chant again and invite the children learning in class.
to do the actions with you. ActiveTeach
• Encourage the children to chant with the Use ActiveTeach to demonstrate tracing the
audio when they’re ready. lines and use the pointer to focus on the letters.

Phonics T92

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Unit 5: Extra Practice • Prepare volunteers to read the speech ActiveTeach
bubble text aloud: Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice
on page 45 Boy: Where’s the chair? Cover the words chair and dining room. Write
Girl: It’s in the dining room. in bed and bedroom. Read the new question
Vocabulary/Structures: Where’s the (chair)? / and answer aloud to model substituting other
It’s in the (dining room) • Point out that the chair in the dining room is
circled as a sample answer. vocabulary.
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD A,
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach, Flashcards, Sammy the • Explain that partners will follow this model
Squirrel puppet, realia to complete the page, substituting other
items and rooms in the dialogue and circling
each item in a room as they name it.
• Let partners complete the page together
Stand and Say (5 minutes) and confirm their answers with the class.
• Display the Unit 5 Flashcards on the board.
• Ask the children to sit with their partners. CONSOLIDATING
• Model with Sammy and a prepared Extension (5 minutes)
volunteer. • Extend the practice by reviewing vocabulary
• Prompt Sammy and his partner to stand. from other units or levels.
• Sammy asks: Where’s the (bed)? The other • Model asking and answering with Sammy.
child answers: It’s in the (bedroom). • Display Unit 5 Flashcards of rooms on the
• Sammy and his partner sit down. board.
• Continue with the other pairs in the class. • Hold a Picture Card of an item from another
unit or level (or the actual item) near one of
A56 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) the room cards.
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 44. • Ask: Where’s the (computer)?
• Focus on the different intonation for • Sammy answers: It’s in the (living room).
questions and answers.
• Then invite partners to continue asking and
• Let the children repeat each question and answering in this way.
answer after listening to the audio.
• Alternate between letting children repeat Make a Home Connection
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. Encourage the children to ask and answer with
family members about items and rooms in their
Ask and answer. Circle.
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 93. CD-ROM
• Then focus the class’s attention on the boy Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
and girl with speech bubbles at the bottom the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
of the page. reinforce their speaking skills.

T93 Extra Practice

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Unit 6: Phonics • Continue this way. • Ask the children to trace the loops and say
the word.
• Invite the children to name other words or
Objectives: to learn the sounds that n and names they know that begin with n and f. • Repeat for nose, feet, and flower.
f stand for at the beginning of words, to • On the board, demonstrate writing an n.
understand sound-symbol correspondences WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 94
(n /n/, f /f/), to practise recognizing letters and • Repeat the same steps for f.
left-to-right directionality, to practise new B44Listen. Trace and say. B46 Now listen. • For additional practice, let the children listen
unit vocabulary Clap for n. Stamp for f. to Class Audio CDB: Track 46 and clap if they
New Sounds and Letters: n /n/, f /f/ • Write an n on the board. Say: This is n. N hear a word that starts with n for nuh or
Review: flower, nest, nose stands for nuh. stamp their feet for a word that starts with f
• Invite the children to say other words or for fuh.
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wiggle hands
names they know that begin with n. • Play the audio and model the actions for the
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book
• Tell the children to open their books at first two words.
Optional Materials: Flashcards; toys,
page 94. • Play it again. Let the children do the actions.
classroom objects, or realia that begin with
n or f; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Say: Touch n and ask the children to touch
Audio Script
the n.
Now listen. Clap for nuh. Stamp for fuh.
GETTING READY • Play the first part of the chant. Let the children
flower, notebook, four, feet, nose, nest
listen and look while you do the actions.
Share What You Know (5 minutes)
• Play it again and invite them to do the
• Write out the alphabet on the board. CONSOLIDATING
actions with you.
• Ask volunteers which letters they know and Activity Book page 72
• Encourage the children to chant with the
then ask them to name words that begin
audio when they’re ready. Ask the children to match the letters, colour
with that letter.
• Repeat the process for f. the pictures and say the letters: n, f. Then let
• Let volunteers point and say, for example, partners point to the pictures they coloured and
(m) (mouth). name the items: nest, nose, feet, flower.
Audio Script
• Respond: Very good! The letter (m) stands
for (muh) in words like (mouth).
Nuh, nuh, nuh.
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) Nuh sounds like nest. CD-ROM
Nuh sounds like nose. Encourage the children to play the games on
• Tell the children that they will learn two new
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up the CD-ROM at home to reinforce what they
letters and sounds: n for nuh and f for fuh.
and wiggle hands) are learning.
• Point to the alphabet you wrote on the board Write an n in the sky. (write an n in the air)
from Share What You Know and point to n ActiveTeach
and f. F Sounds Like Fuh Chant
Fuh, fuh, fuh. Model tracing the loops and use the pointer to
• Gather Flashcards, toys, classroom objects, focus on the letters.
Fuh sounds like feet.
or realia for words with initial n or f. For
Fuh sounds like flower.
example: nest, nose, notebook, face, feet,
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up
fish, flower.
and wiggle hands)
• Point to one item or picture. Ask: What’s Write an f in the sky. (write an f in the air)
this? Invite volunteers to answer.
• Repeat the word. Focus on the initial sound: • Model tracing the loops from the n to the
Nest. Nuh, nest. nest.

Phonics T94

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Unit 6: Extra Practice WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 95 • If the children want to play monsters, they
can use coloured paper to indicate a colour
Trace the path and say. Tick ✓.
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice for their feet, legs, head, or arms: These are
• Tell the children to open their books at my (feet). They’re (green). This is my (head).
on page 55 page 95. It’s (orange).
Vocabulary/Structures: Look! These are my • Say: Look at the monsters!
(feet). They’re (purple). Make a Home Connection
• Show the children how to trace the path
Review: colours, parts of the body Ask the children to make coloured drawings of
from one monster to the next.
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD B, monsters and show them to family members,
• Let the children work in pairs and tell
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach, Sammy the Squirrel asking and answering about body parts and
puppet them that they will ask and answer as two
monsters as they move along the path. colours.
• Point to the monsters at the bottom of the OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
page, and with a prepared volunteer, read
Focus on Posture (5 minutes) the speech bubble text: CD-ROM
• Model with Sammy. Monster 1: Look! These are my feet. Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
• Slouch and look down while you say: Monster 2: They’re purple. the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
Hi, Sammy. • Explain that pairs will follow this model to reinforce their speaking skills.
• Have Sammy say: Teacher, please stand up complete the page, substituting other body ActiveTeach
straight. parts and colours as they move from one
Use the pointer to focus on the different
• Stand up straight, hold your head up, and monster to the next.
monsters and their body parts. Model the
say: Hi, Sammy. This time, make your voice a • Point to the sample tick under the first language: Look! These are my feet. They’re
little clearer and louder. monster. Tell pairs they will tick the box purple. Look! This is my head. It’s pink.
• Explain that it’s important to stand up under each monster as they move along the
straight and hold your head up when you path and say the dialogue.
are speaking. • When partners complete the page, let them
• Ask the children to practise proper posture confirm their answers with the class.
when speaking during this lesson.
A67 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) Extension (5 minutes)
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 54. • Extend the speaking practice to review
• Focus on the different speakers’ intonation vocabulary from other units or levels.
and pronunciation. • Ask each child to hold something that
• Ask the children to repeat each line, belongs to him or her, such as a backpack,
imitating the pronunciation and intonation book, piece of cheese, pen, or puppet.
on the audio. • Let the children show their item to the class:
• Alternate between letting children repeat This is my (backpack). It’s (yellow). Or the
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. children can hold more than one thing and
say: These are my (pens). They’re (blue).

T95 Extra Practice

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Unit 7: Phonics • Invite the children to name other words they
know that begin with w or y.
• For additional practice let the children listen
to Class Audio CD B: Track 49.
Objectives: to learn the sounds that initial • Ask them to clap if they hear a word that
w and y stand for in words, to understand WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 97 begins with wuh for w and stamp their feet
sound-symbol correspondences (w /w/, y for one that begins with yuh for y.
B47 Listen. Trace and say. B49 Now listen.
/y/), to recognize letters and left-to-right
Clap for w. Stamp for y. • Play the audio and model the actions.
• Tell the children to open their books at • Play it again. Let the children do the actions
New Sounds and Letters: w /w/, y /y/
page 97. on their own.
Review: water, yellow, yogurt
• Say: Touch w. Ask the children to touch the
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wiggle hands Audio Script
w on the page.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book Now listen. Clap for wuh. Stamp for yuh.
• Play the first part of the chant. Let the
Optional Materials: pictures or realia to yellow, water, yes, white, yogurt, window
children listen while you do the actions.
illustrate water, white, yogurt, and yellow;
CD-ROM; ActiveTeach • Play it again and invite them to do the
actions with you. CONSOLIDATING
GETTING READY • Encourage the children to chant with the Activity Book page 73
audio when they’re ready. Ask the children to match the letters and
Cumulative Review (5 minutes)
• Play the second part of the chant and follow colour the pictures. Let partners point to and
• Write the alphabet on the board. a similar procedure for y. say the letters w and y; and water, white,
• Circle the letters the children have learned yogurt.
this year: p, t, m, s, r, b, l, k, n, f. Audio Script
• Review each letter and sound. W Sounds Like Wuh Chant OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
Wuh, wuh, wuh.
• Ask the children to stand in a circle. CD-ROM
Wuh sounds like water.
• Assign each child one of the letters. Wuh sounds like white. Encourage the children to take the CD-ROM
• Let the children say their letters and sounds, Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up home and play the games for their families to
and air-write the letters. and wiggle hands) show what they are learning.
• Say a word with an initial target sound and Write a w in the sky. (write a w in the air) ActiveTeach
ask the children assigned that initial letter to Y Sounds Like Yuh Chant Model tracing the lines and use the pointer to
call out the letter and air-write it. Yuh, yuh, yuh. focus on the letters.
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) Yuh sounds like yogurt.
Yuh sounds like yellow.
• Tell the children that they will learn two new
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up
sounds: wuh for w and yuh for y.
and wiggle hands)
• Point to w and y on the board. Write a y in the sky. (write a y in the air)
• Display Flashcards, pictures, or realia to
illustrate water, white, yogurt, and yellow. • Draw attention to the Pupil’s Book page.
• Point and ask: What’s this? or What colour is • Model tracing the line from w to water.
it? and let volunteers answer. • Let the children trace it and say the word.
• Repeat the word. Emphasize the initial • On the board, demonstrate writing a w.
sound: Water. Wuh, water.
• Follow a similar procedure for the y and
• Continue this way. the yogurt.

Phonics T96

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Ask and answer. Draw food you like in CD-ROM
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice the trolley.
on page 63 Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
• Tell the children to open their books at the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
Vocabulary/Structures: Do you like (bread)? / page 97. reinforce their speaking skills.
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
• Ask the children to point to the different
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD B, ActiveTeach
foods and name them.
CD-ROM, ActiveTeach, Sammy the Squirrel Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
puppet, white paper, crayons • Call the children’s attention to the boy and
Cover the word bread. Write in cheese. Then
girl at the bottom of the page.
change Yes, I do to No, I don’t. Read the
GETTING READY • Ask prepared volunteers to read the speech new question and answer aloud to model
bubble text aloud: substituting other vocabulary.
Listen Carefully (5 minutes) Boy: Do you like bread?
• Let partners practise asking and answering: Girl: Yes, I do.
Do you like (cake)? / Yes, I do or No, I don’t.
• Explain that partners will follow this model
• Model the following game with Sammy and as they move along the path and ask and
a few volunteers. answer about the food items.
• Make Sammy and C1 practise the dialogue. • Tell the pairs that they have the option of
• Then make Sammy cover his eyes so he can’t answering No, I don’t if they don’t like a
see who he is talking to. food item.
• Sammy asks: Do you like (salad)? • When pairs have had a dialogue about
• C1, C2, and C3 each take turns answering. every food item on the page, let one of
them draw his or her favourite food item in
• Sammy has to identify who is speaking by the shopping trolley and say: I like (cheese).
the sound of his or her voice.
• Then invite other children to continue. CONSOLIDATING
B5 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) Extension (5 minutes)
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 62. • Extend the speaking practice to focus on
• Focus on the different intonation for the colours.
questions and answers. • Distribute white paper and different
• Let the children repeat the questions and coloured crayons.
answers after listening to the audio. • Ask the children to draw shapes of different
• Alternate between letting children repeat colours.
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. • Then let partners ask and answer: Do you
like (green)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Make a Home Connection

Encourage the children to practise asking and
answering family members about foods they
like and don’t like.

T97 Extra Practice

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Unit 8: Phonics • Invite the children to name other words they
know that begin with d or g.
• Follow a similar procedure for the g and the
goat and grass.
Objectives: to learn the sounds that d and • For additional practice, let the children listen
g stand for at the beginning of words, to WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 98 to Class Audio CD B: Track 34.
understand sound-symbol correspondences
B50 Listen. Trace and say. B52 Now listen. • Ask them to clap if they hear a word that
(d /d/, g /g/), to recognize left-to-right
Clap for d. Stamp for g. begins with duh for dog, and stamp their
directionality, to practise new unit vocabulary
feet for one that begins with guh for goat.
New Sounds and Letters: d /d/, g /g/ • Tell the children to turn to page 98.
• Play the audio and model the actions.
Review: dog, doll, grass • Say: Touch d, and tell the children to touch
the d on the page. • Play it again. Let the children do the actions
TPR: clap, stamp, stretch arms, wiggle hands on their own.
Materials: Class Audio CD B, Activity Book • Play the first part of the chant. Let the
children listen while you do the actions.
Optional Materials: Flashcards; toys and Audio Script
pictures to illustrate dog, doll, goat, and grass; • Play it again and invite them to do the
Now listen. Clap for duh. Stamp for guh.
large exercise ball; CD-ROM; ActiveTeach actions with you.
goat, dog, grandma, dad, grandpa, duck
• Encourage the children to chant with the
GETTING READY audio when they’re ready.
• Play the second part of the chant and follow CONSOLIDATING
Name Game (10 minutes)
a similar procedure for g. Activity Book page 74
• Write the alphabet on the board.
Ask the children to match the letters and
• Circle the letters the children have learned Audio Script
colour the pictures. Let them work with a
so far: p, t, m, s, r, b, l, k, n, f, w, y. D Sounds Like Duh Chant partner to practise saying the letter names and
• Ask the children to begin thinking of names Duh, duh, duh. words: d and g; doll, dog, goat, grass.
that begin with these letters and then invite Duh sounds like doll.
a volunteer to say one: (Yolanda). Duh sounds like dog. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Prompt the children to air-write the letter (y). Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up
and wiggle hands) CD-ROM
• Prompt them to say: (Y) for (Yolanda)! Write a d in the sky. (write a d in the air) Encourage the children to play the CD-ROM at
• Continue in this way. home to show what they are learning about.
G Sounds Like Guh Chant
Listen to the Sounds (5 minutes) Guh, guh, guh. ActiveTeach
• Tell the children they will learn two new Guh sounds like goat. Model tracing the lines and use the pointer to
sounds: duh for doll and guh for goat. Guh sounds like grass. focus on the letters.
Hold your hands up high. (stretch arms up
• Point to d and g on the board.
and wiggle hands)
• Display Flashcards, pictures, or realia to Write a g in the sky. (write a g in the air)
illustrate dog, doll, goat, and grass.
• Point to one and ask: What’s this? Invite • Draw attention to the Pupil’s Book page.
volunteers to answer. • Model tracing the line from d to doll.
• Repeat the word. Emphasize the initial • Let the children trace it and say the word.
sound: Dog. Duh, dog.
• Repeat with the dog.
• Continue this way.
• On the board, demonstrate writing a d.

Phonics T98

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Unit 8: Extra Practice WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 99 Make a Home Connection
Ask and answer: yes ✓ or no ✗. Invite the children to have dialogues with
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice
• Tell the children to open their books at family members about animals they can see on
on page 73
page 99. a farm or in a zoo.
Vocabulary/Structures: Can you see the
(horse / cat / goat / cow / sheep / mouse / hen • Focus their attention on Billy and Lilly at the OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
/ duck)? / Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. bottom of the page.
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD B, • Ask prepared volunteers to read the speech CD-ROM
Flashcards, CD-ROM, ActiveTeach, Sammy the bubble text aloud. Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
Squirrel puppet the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
Billy: Can you see the horse?
Lilly: No, I can’t. reinforce their speaking skills.
GETTING READY • Point to the small picture of the horse. Then ActiveTeach
Stand and Say (5 minutes) model searching the page for a big horse to Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
• Display some of the Unit 8 Flashcards on the help children understand why Lilly answered Cover the words horse and No, I can’t. Write
board. No, I can’t and why there is an X in the box in cat and Yes, I can. Read the new question
next to the small horse. and answer aloud to model substituting other
• Ask the children to sit with their partners.
• Model asking and answering about the cat vocabulary.
• Model with Sammy and a prepared
with Sammy.
Teacher: Can you see the cat?
• Prompt Sammy and his partner to stand.
Sammy: Yes, I can.
• Sammy asks: Can you see the (horse)?
• Make sure the children can see the big cat
• The other child looks for the card. next to the cow and that they make a tick in
• If it’s there, he or she answers: Yes, I can. the box next to the little cat.
• If it isn’t there, he or she answers: No, I can’t. • Let partners complete the page, asking
• Then let Sammy and his partner sit down. and answering about each of the animals
pictured next to the boxes.
• Continue with other pairs and other cards.
• Check answers as a class.
B16 Practise Intonation (5 minutes)
• Play the audio of Exercise 4 on page 72. CONSOLIDATING
• Focus on the different intonation for Extension (5 minutes)
questions and answers. • Extend the speaking practice to focus on
• Let the children repeat each question and other vocabulary.
answer after listening to the audio. • Display Flashcards for vocabulary from other
• Alternate between letting children repeat levels or units that you want the children to
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. practise.
• Invite volunteers to stand and ask: Can you
see the (toy box / kitchen / cookies)?
• Prompt the class to respond together, or
invite individuals to respond one at a time.

T99 Extra Practice

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Z01A_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 100 25/04/2012 14:49
Unit 9: Phonics • Tell the player to run up and tap the “base”
on the board and then run back to you and
• Encourage the children to say the letter
together and then allow time for them to
Objectives: to review initial sounds, to give you a high-five. match each letter with a balloon.
understand sound-symbol correspondences,
to practise new unit vocabulary WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 100 CONSOLIDATING
Review Sounds and Letters: b /b/, d /d/, g /g/, B53 Listen and match. Say. B Sound Discrimination (10 minutes)
k /k/, l /l/, p /p/, t /t/
• Tell the children to open their books at Review the additional practice activities in
Review: lamp, kite, tree page 100. Level 2: on pages T86, T88, T90, T92, T94, T96,
Materials: Class Audio CD A and B, Activity • Call their attention to the coloured balloons. and T98.
• Say: Point to the (green) balloon. Prompt Activity Book Page 75
Optional Materials: CD-ROM, ActiveTeach
the class to name the object in the (green) Ask the children to match the letters and draw
balloon: (Bike) and the letter the word begins lines to match them with the pictures. Let
GETTING READY with (b). partners point and say: b, d, g, k, l, p, and t;
Cumulative Review (5 minutes) • Explain that you are going to play a chant bike, duck, goat, kite, lamp, pen, tree.
• Write the alphabet on the board. and that the children should listen and draw
lines to match each picture with the letter it OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Explain that the children should listen to
begins with. CD-ROM
you say a word and then say the sound they
hear at the beginning of that word and • Point out the sample answer. Encourage the children to play the games on
name the letter. • Play the chant once, pausing for the children the CD-ROM at home to show their families the
• Use these words: d (dog), g (goat), p (pen), to draw lines. sounds and letters they have learned.
t (table), m (marker), s (sun), r (rainy), • Play it again and confirm answers.
b (ball), l (lamp), k (kite), n (nest), f (five),
w (water), y (yellow). Audio Script Demonstrate tracing and writing the letters,
using the pen tool.
• Circle each letter on the board as children Letter and Sounds Review Chant
say it. Bike, buh, b
Buh sounds like bike.
Phonics Baseball Finale (10 minutes) Duck, duh, d
• Create three “letter bases” on the board (as Duh sounds like duck.
far apart as possible) by drawing a large Goat, guh, g
diamond for each with these letters inside: Guh sounds like goat.
d, g, p, t for 1st; m, s, r, b, y for 2nd; l, k, n, f, Kite, kuh, k
w for 3rd. Kuh sounds like kite.
Lamp, luh, l
• Stand away from the board at “home.”
Luh sounds like lamp.
• Let one child play at a time. Pen, puh, p
• Call out three words (one for each base, in Puh sounds like pen.
any order). Tree, tuh, t
• Let the first player listen to decide in which Tuh sounds like tree.
order to “hit” the bases and run to them in
that order. For example, if you say: goat, • Point out the letters at the bottom of the
water, marker, the child runs in order to 1st, page.
3rd, and 2nd.

Phonics T100

Z01A_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 100 25/04/2012 14:49

Unit 9: Extra Practice WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 101 Make a Home Connection
Ask and answer. Match. Encourage the children to practise asking and
Objective: to reinforce the speaking practice
• Tell the children to open their books at answering family members about the weather.
on page 81
Vocabulary/Structures: What’s the weather? / page 101. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
It’s (sunny / windy / snowy / rainy). • Focus the class’s attention on the boy and
Optional Materials: Class Audio CD B, girl at the bottom of the page. CD-ROM
Flashcards • Prepare volunteers to read the speech Encourage the children to listen to and repeat
bubble text aloud: the audio activities on the CD-ROM at home to
GETTING READY Boy: What’s the weather? reinforce their speaking skills.

Spin and Point (5 minutes) Girl: It’s sunny. ActiveTeach

• Display the Unit 9 Flashcards on the board. • Explain that partners will follow this model Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
to complete the page, substituting other Cover the word sunny. Write in windy. Read
• Ask the children to stand in a circle and weather vocabulary.
invite a volunteer to the centre. the new question and answer aloud to model
• Point out that a red sample line has been substituting other vocabulary.
• Place a blindfold over the volunteer’s eyes drawn from the picture of the sunny scene to
and ask the volunteer to make a pointing the item that matches it – the sunglasses.
• Tell the children that after they look at
• Spin the volunteer in a circle and then stop. each picture and ask and answer about
• Let the volunteer ask the person he or she is the weather, they will draw a line from the
pointing to: What’s the weather? weather picture to the item that matches
• The child points to one of the Flashcards and windy, snowy, and rainy.
answers: It’s (windy). • Let partners complete the page together.
• Then the child who answers comes to the • Check answers as a class.
centre of the circle to get the blindfold and
the game continues. CONSOLIDATING
B25 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) Extension (5 minutes)
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 80. • Extend the speaking practice by playing a
• Focus on the different intonation for guessing game.
questions and answers. • Whisper a weather word to a volunteer.
• Let the children repeat each question and • Ask the volunteer: What’s the weather?
answer after listening to the audio. • Tell the child not to say anything but to
• Alternate between letting children repeat use gestures and movements to show the
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. weather. (For example, a child can shiver to
express snowy or cold and mop his or her
brow to express sunny or hot.)
• Then you guess: It’s (windy).
• The child says no if you are wrong. Yes, it’s
(windy) if you are correct.
• Continue letting volunteers ask and answer.

T101 Extra Practice

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Z01A_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 102 25/04/2012 14:49
Festivals: Mother’s Day • Play the song a few times.
• Encourage the children to sing along with
Objectives: to discuss Mother’s Day, to learn the audio when they’re ready.
Mother’s Day words and phrases, to sing a
song Audio Script
New Festivals Structure: Happy Mother’s Day Mother’s Day
Review: mum, thank you Clap, clap, clap two hands. (clap with each
Materials: Class Audio CD B
It’s time to say thank you.
Optional Materials: picture of a family, Happy Mother’s Day, oh yes!
paper, card decorations, ActiveTeach I love you.
Yes, I do!
Share What You Know (10 minutes) CONSOLIDATING
• Talk about festivals.
Make a Card (15 minutes)
• Ask the children to name festivals they know
• Tell the children that cards they make
and celebrate.
themselves are the best Mother’s Day
• Ask if anyone celebrates Mother’s Day. How presents.
do they celebrate?
• Let the children decorate cards using
• Tell the children that sometimes children stickers, ribbons, and any other decorations
give their mothers presents, such as flowers that you have available.
or chocolates.
• You could prepare pieces of paper with
words for them to stick to their cards. Discuss
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 102 what each one means, and let the children
B55 Cut and stick. Sing. practise saying the sentences:
• Tell the children to open their books at Happy Mother’s Day.
page 102. I love you.
• Point to the scene and ask the children what Thank you for (ask the children
they think is happening. to brainstorm things they want to thank
their mums for).
• Read aloud the speech bubbles and let pairs
Love, (name)
of children repeat the text and imitate Billy
and his mum’s hand gestures. OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Point to Billy’s hands and say: Let’s put a
present in Billy’s hands. ActiveTeach
• Ask the children to turn to page 105. Use ActiveTeach to focus on the speech
bubbles and to show the children where to
• Tell the children to choose a present for glue the present cutouts.
Billy to give his mother. Let them cut it out
and glue it to page 102. (Some children may
choose to glue more than one.)
• Say: Let’s learn a song.

Festivals T102

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Festivals: Father’s Day • Let them glue the cutout(s) into the thought
bubble to show how Dad and Lilly will spend

the day. ActiveTeach

Objectives: to discuss Father’s Day, to learn
Father’s Day words and phrases, to sing a • Say: Let’s learn a song. Use ActiveTeach to focus on the speech
song bubbles and show the children where to glue
• Play the song a few times.
the fun-ideas cutouts.
New Holidays Structures: Happy Father’s Day, • Encourage the children to sing along with
Let’s have fun. the audio when they’re ready.
Materials: Class Audio CD B
Optional Materials: white paper; crayons or Audio Script
markers; two pieces of cardboard per child Father’s Day
(old cereal boxes); stickers, glitter, and other Happy Father’s Day,
decorations; glue; scissors; ActiveTeach Happy Father’s Day,
I love you.
Share What You Know (10 minutes) Father’s day is once a year.
• Talk about festivals. Father’s day is once a year.
It’s today.
• Ask the children to name festivals they know It’s today.
and celebrate.
• Ask if anyone celebrates Father’s Day. How
do they celebrate? CONSOLIDATING
• Tell the children that sometimes children Make a Framed Drawing
spend Father’s Day with their fathers, doing (15 minutes)
fun activities that they both enjoy.
• Provide each child with: one piece of white
paper, crayons or markers, two pieces of
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 103 cardboard (both the same size as the paper).
B57 Cut and stick. Sing. • Ask the children to bring in old cereal boxes.
• Tell the children to open their books at Cut these up to provide cardboard for the
page 103. project.
• Point to the scene and ask the children what • Invite each child to draw a picture of
they think is happening. himself/herself doing something with his or
• Read aloud the speech bubbles and let pairs her father.
of children repeat the text. • Let the children glue the picture onto one
• Point to the thought bubble. Ask the children piece of cardboard.
what fun things Lilly may be thinking about • Help the children cut out a frame from the
doing with her dad on Father’s Day. other piece of cardboard.
• Tell the children to turn to page 107. • Let the children decorate the frame with
• Tell the children to choose one or more of stickers, glitter, and other decorations.
the fun activities. • Ask the children to glue the frame over the

T103 Festivals

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Z01A_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 104 25/04/2012 14:50
Festivals: Earth Day • Help the children identify the objects in the
park that are to be coloured green: grass,

tree leaves, and flower stems. ActiveTeach

Objectives: to discuss Earth Day, to learn
Earth Day words and phrases, to sing a song • Ask the children to colour the grass, leaves, Let volunteers come to the whiteboard to point
and stems green. to and name colours, as well as other items
New Holidays Vocabulary: Earth Day they know in the scene.
Review: flower, grass, green, tree • Point to the flower stems. Tell the children to
turn to page 107.
Materials: Class Audio CD B
• Let the children cut out the flowers and stick
the flower cutouts to the top of the stems.
• Say: Let’s sing a song about Earth Day.
Share What You Know (10 minutes)
• Play the song a few times. Invite the children
• Hold up a globe. to sing along with the audio when they are
• Point and say: This is the Earth, our planet, ready.
our home.
• Explain that Earth Day is the festival when Audio Script
we celebrate the Earth and think about Earth Day
things we can do that are good for the We care about the Earth today.
environment. Earth today.
• Ask the children to brainstorm things Earth today.
they can do to help the Earth and our We care about the Earth today.
environment. Today and tomorrow, too.
• Examples of ways to save energy and keep
the planet healthy include the following: CONSOLIDATING
turn off lights when leaving a room; don’t
run the water when you brush your teeth; Water Colour Earth (15 minutes)
don’t waste paper or other supplies; don’t • Cut circles out of white coffee filters.
drop litter; plant trees, bushes, and flowers; • Prepare some containers with coloured
give trees, bushes, and flowers water when water. (Mix blue or green food colouring
there isn’t enough rain. with water to make water colours.)
• Tell the children that the round white circles
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 104 are going to represent the round Earth.
B59 Colour green. Cut and stick. Sing. • Explain that the blue parts stand for water,
• Tell the children to open their books at and the green parts stand for the trees and
page 104. grass that cover parts of the Earth.
• Say: Billy and Lilly are at a park. It’s Earth • Help the children drip blue and green water
Day. colours onto the circle cutouts to create their
• Talk about the different ways Billy and Lilly own images of the Earth’s land and water.
are helping the environment on Earth Day.
• Point to the picture and use other gestures
to help clarify meaning: Lilly is watering
some flowers. Billy is picking up some litter.

Festivals T104

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Cut out one or more for page 102. Cut out one or more for pages 103 and 104.

Cut out Billy and Lilly. Cut out Sammy.

105 Cutouts

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Cutouts and Stickers
The cutouts for the Festivals lessons that begin on Pupil’s Book page 105 and are shown on page 105 of this book are available for use on
Pupil’s Book pages 102–104. The stickers at the back of the Pupil’s Book and shown on page T106 are available for use with the review lessons
in Units 2–9.

Cutouts Stickers
Cutout Find on: Holiday Use on: Sticker Unit Use on: Page
Page Lesson Page
pen 2 30
flowers 105 Mother’s Day 102 marker 2 30
chocolates 105 Mother’s Day 102 scissors 2 30
plant 105 Mother’s Day 103 cousin 3 31
Lilly and father eating ice cream 107 Father’s Day 103 aunt 3 31
Lilly and father at the cinema 107 Father’s Day 103 uncle 3 31
Lilly and father on a bike ride 107 Father’s Day 103 car 4 48
blue flower 107 Earth Day 104 train 4 48
pink flower 107 Earth Day 104 paints 4 48
red flower 107 Earth Day 104 bathroom 5 49
Billy 109 (Make stick puppets and living room 5 49
Lilly 109 use for role play.) house 5 49
Sammy the Squirrel 111 body 6 66
head 6 66
bread 7 67
chicken 7 67
cake 7 67
cow 8 84
goat 8 84
hen 8 84
cold 9 85
snowy 9 85
windy 9 85
Good job! 2–9 30, 31, 48, 49,
66, 67, 84, 85

Cutouts and Stickers T105

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T106 Stickers

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Activity Book Pages with Answers ...............................................................................................................T108
Letters Home
General Letter Home ..................................................................................................................................T127
Flashcard Index.................................................................................................................................................T128
Video Scripts ......................................................................................................................................................T129
Games ...............................................................................................................................................................T133
Graphic Organizer
T-Chart .........................................................................................................................................................T138

Resources T107

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Activity Book Pages

T108 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T109

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Activity Book Pages

T110 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T111

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Activity Book Pages

T112 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T113

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Activity Book Pages

T114 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T115

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Activity Book Pages

T116 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T117

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Activity Book Pages

T118 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T119

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Activity Book Pages

T120 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T121

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Activity Book Pages

T122 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T123

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Activity Book Pages

T124 Activity Book Pages

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Activity Book Pages T125

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Activity Book Pages

T126 Activity Book Pages

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Letters Home: General Letter Home

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to the second level of My Little Island. We hope that your child will continue to enjoy learning English
with this engaging and exciting course.
The course’s carefully developed lessons offer a wide range of activities that will give your child a solid
foundation for learning English. The focus on using and associating natural gestures and actions with
vocabulary helps children bring meaning to the words they are learning.
In the second book of the course, your child will explore the island with two new characters – Billy and Lilly –
and will learn vocabulary and language structures related to these unit themes:
✓ My School ✓ My House ✓ On the Farm
✓ Family ✓ My Body ✓ The Weather
✓ Play Time! ✓ Time to Eat!
At this level, children will be reviewing some basic consonant sounds, as well as learning new ones as they
begin to associate sounds with letters – an important step in learning to read.
Two new lessons, along with a practice lesson for each thematic unit, will help your child develop listening and
speaking skills. You’ll probably notice that your child enjoys engaging in conversations! You can help your child
by asking and answering questions about each unit’s vocabulary and content. You can also listen to the course’s
CD-ROM and Songs and Chants CD with your child.
Your child learns a lot in the classroom, but support at home is essential to success. Here are few things you
can do:
✓ talk with your child about what he/she is doing and learning about in English class
✓ encourage your child to “teach” you new words, as well as songs and chants
✓ be enthusiastic about your child’s achievements and progress
✓ use the CD-ROM to do the activities together
✓ be supportive of small steps as these will lead to bigger ones

We wish your child great success and a wonderful time learning English with My Little Island.
Yours sincerely,

*Note to teachers: Letters for Units 1–9 can be found on the website,
Letters Home T127

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Flashcard Index
1. backpack 13. bike 25. arms 37. cow
2. computer 14. boat 26. body 38. duck
3. markers 15. car 27. feet 39. goat
4. notebook 16. paints 28. hands 40. hen
5. pen 17. puppet 29. head 41. horse
6. scissors 18. train 30. legs 42. sheep
7. aunt 19. bathroom 31. apples 43. cold
8. cousin 20. bedroom 32. bread 44. hot
9. grandma 21. dining room 33. chicken 45. rainy
10. grandpa 22. house 34. cookies 46. snowy
11. pet 23. kitchen 35. pasta 47. sunny
12. uncle 24. living room 36. salad 48. windy

T128 Flashcard Index

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Video Scripts
Live-action videos appear on the program’s CD-ROM and ActiveTeach. The narrated scripts for them follow.

Unit 2 My School Unit 3 Family

It’s the teacher’s birthday today. John is in his blue room.
The children want to make a present for her. He packs his suitcase.
The teacher goes out. He is going to stay with his cousin, Robin.
It’s a surprise. Don’t forget the tiger puppet, John!
The children sit at the table. John puts the tiger puppet in his backpack.
They paint with paint and paintbrushes. Dad puts John’s suitcase in the car.
Don’t look, teacher! It’s a surprise! Bye John, says Mum. See you tomorrow!
They get a big box. John and Dad are in the car.
It’s a rectangle. They drive and drive and drive.
They put the paintings in the box. This is John’s aunt, uncle and cousin, Robin!
Then they close the box with some tape. Hello, John!
Oh no, look at his hand! Bye Dad! See you tomorrow!
That’s better! This is your bed, John.
Now they colour the box with markers. Cousin Robin is too big.
Red, grey, blue. That’s funny.
It’s ready! John and his aunt are reading.
Teacher, come here please! Uncle and Cousin Robin are reading too.
Look what we have for you! The living room is orange.
It’s a very big present. What time is it?
The teacher opens the box. It’s time to go to bed, John.
She sees beautiful paintings. Goodnight everyone.
What a surprise! Close your eyes, John.
The teacher is happy. Here’s Dad again.
Happy birthday, teacher! It’s time to go home.
Goodbye, everyone.
Stop! Where’s the tiger puppet?
Oh, thanks Robin.
Bye, bye.

Video Scripts T129

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Video Scripts

Unit 4 Play Time! Unit 5 My House

Alex and Kate play with their toys. Dad is painting the door today.
It’s snowy outside. Oliver is inside the house.
It’s very cold. He is playing with his toys.
The children look out of the window. What is it?
There’s a snowman in the garden. There is red paint everywhere!
He’s wearing a hat, [pause] It looks like footprints.
a scarf, [pause] They are not Oliver’s footprints.
and brown gloves. There are lots and lots of them.
Kate and Alex want to go outside. He looks in the bathroom. What a mess!
They put on their jackets. He looks in the kitchen. Where’s the cat?
They go outside. He looks under the table.
It’s snowy outside. He looks in the hall.
Where is the snowman? He looks in the living room.
Here is his hat. He looks in the hall again.
Kate and Alex look everywhere. What a mess!
They look and look. Here’s Dad and here’s the cat!
Where is the snowman? The cat is black.
Kate and Alex go inside. Oh, naughty cat, don’t play with red paint!
Take off your jackets. Play outside, please, cat!
Play with your toys.
What is it?
Is it a car?
No, it’s a snowball.
They look out of the window.
Is it the snowman?
No, it’s Dad!
Dad throws snowballs at Kate and Alex.
They throw snowballs at Dad.
They have fun!

T130 Video Scripts

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Unit 6 My body Unit 7 Time to eat!
We are going to draw today. It’s summer.
Teacher shows the children what to do. Mum, Dad, Sally and Leo are in the park.
Draw carefully. It’s time for a picnic.
Now, are you ready? The children play in the grass.
The children draw around each other. Dad goes to sleep.
This is a head The children look all around.
… arms What can they see?
…hands Lots of things live in the grass.
…body A spider, a beetle, a lady bird.
…legs Mum takes cups and sandwiches out of the basket.
and feet. What’s that on Dad’s nose?
Peter draws fingers. The bug flies away!
That tickles! Let’s eat.
Oh no! What can we do now? There are lots of sandwiches and apples.
The girls are ready. The sandwiches have bread and cheese.
Do you like this picture? Let’s drink.
What is Peter drawing? Here is some juice.
Martha is drawing a face. They like juice.
She draws two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Oh no, what is it Sally?
Peter is drawing some clothes. It’s a bee.
This is Milly’s hair. Bees like juice, too.
We’re ready teacher! The bees are chasing Sally!
Very good, girls! Run Sally!
Boys, what’s this? Sally runs to the beehive.
Yes, you need a big ruler! Look, there’s a bee on the basket.
It’s great! Go home, bee. Go back to the beehive.
Well done, everyone! We’re having a picnic today.

Video Scripts T131

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Video Scripts

Unit 8 On the Farm Unit 9 The Weather

The children are on a farm. Suzy and Ryan are playing with blocks.
The farmer is driving the tractor. They are building houses.
Paul and Julia are looking around. Emma is reading a book.
Can you see the horse? Emma looks out of the window.
Can you see the cow? It’s sunny.
Look! Can you see the sheep? Now the sky is grey.
What’s in here? There are lots of clouds.
There are lots and lots of hens. Emma turns on the lamp.
Paul and Julia look for eggs. Now it’s rainy.
They put them in a basket. I see lightning!
Julia and Paul can’t find any more eggs. I hear thunder!
Julia is hungry. Suzy’s house falls down.
The farmer has an idea. Emma jumps.
The farmer has got a very, very, very big egg. They all laugh.
It’s a balloon! Poor Mum! She is very wet.
Paul and Julia laugh. Mum has two apples.
Let’s eat some eggs! One for Suzy, and one for Ryan.
Julia likes eggs. What’s the weather like?
Thank you, hens, for your yummy eggs! It’s sunny!
Look at the beautiful rainbow!

T132 Video Scripts

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Games Tape four to six Flashcards in a row on the board. Encourage the
Throughout the lessons in My Little Island, there are many varied children to memorize the cards. Then place sheets of paper the
activities, including games. The following additional games are same size as the cards over them and invite the children to name
provided to use whenever they fit in with classroom needs. Let the items. For a more challenging game, ask the children to name
the games, language learning, and fun begin! the items in the order they appeared on the board. Remove the
sheets of paper to confirm.
Correct Order Write a word on the board or say one from a unit’s Flashcards.
Invite six children to the front of the classroom and give each a Show the Flashcard for the word along with several others, one
unit Flashcard. Then call out the names of the cards in a certain by one. Encourage the children to call out: Snap! when they see
order and ask the children, in turn, to arrange the cards on the the Flashcard you named. Continue with other Flashcards.
chalk tray (or other suitable place) in the order you called them.
Repeat with other groups of six children. Who’s the Fastest?
Arrange the class in two teams and tell them to line up in two
Guess the Card rows, facing the board. Put a group of familiar Flashcards on
Cut a small square hole in the middle of a sheet of paper the board. Call out the name of one Flashcard and let the first
about the same size as a Flashcard. Hold the paper in front of child in each line race to touch the right card. Give a point to the
a Flashcard, only allowing the children to see a little bit of the fastest child’s team. Continue in this way until all cards are used.
picture through the hole. Ask the children to guess what it is.
Repeat with other Flashcards. Name It
Arrange the class in two teams and tell them to line up in two
Echo rows. Ask the first child in each row to come up to the front and
Model for the children what an echo is with Sammy the Squirrel. turn their backs to you. Hold up a Flashcard, and count to three
Say a unit vocabulary word and then make Sammy repeat the and say: Turn around. Give a point to the team of the first child to
word, gradually fading out. Then tell the children you will say a turn around and correctly name the card. Continue with the rest
word and they will be your echo. Show them a Flashcard and say of the cards.
the word. Prompt the children to echo it by repeating it several
times, becoming quieter and quieter. Vary the game by letting Pass the Flashcards
volunteers choose a Flashcard and say the word for the class to Choose a group of six Flashcards and pass them facedown
echo. around the room. Ask the children to guess who has the card
when you say: Stop and ask: Who has the (cousin) card? Give
Collect the Cards a point to the child who correctly guesses who has the (cousin)
Hold up any Flashcard that the children know. Ask for a show of card. Continue with the rest of the cards.
hands for children to identify the card by naming the item. Let
the first child to correctly identify the card keep it. Announce the
winner as the child who has the most cards at the end.

Games T133

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Animal Farm
Games Call a child to the front of the class and secretly show him/her
“Basket Ball” a Flashcard of an animal (a duck). Blindfold the child. Give out
several Flashcards of animals, including the duck, to children
Arrange the class in two teams. Show a child from one team a
around the room. Tell the children to make the sound associated
Flashcard. If he/she can correctly identify the card, allow that
with the animal on their Flashcard. Ask the child to remove the
child to “shoot” a small, safe ball or other object at a target
blindfold and walk around the room and listen to find the animal
(a wastebasket or small box). If the “ball” goes into it, award the
he/she was shown (quack for a duck). Continue the game until
child two points. If the “ball” just hits the target without going in,
each child has had a turn. Be prepared for lots of noise!
give one point. Continue until each child has played.
Who Has It?
Invite several children to the board and give each one a different
Arrange the class in small groups. Mix Flashcards from different
Flashcard. Ask the children to show the class their cards. Ask:
units together and divide them into piles, one for each group.
Who has the (duck)? Let the children answer: (Kim) has the duck.
Ask the groups to arrange the cards into categories (colours,
– correctly identifying the child with the Flashcard of the duck.
classroom objects, family members). Announce the first group to
Continue until all the children have had a turn.
finish arranging the cards in correct categories as the winner.
Sponge Throw
What’s Missing?
Place the unit or other group of Flashcards on the floor
Place several Flashcards facing upwards on the floor or on a
facedown. Let the children take turns throwing a sponge or other
large table. Allow the children a few minutes to study them. Tell
soft object and identifying the card it lands on by turning it over
the children to close their eyes while you remove a Flashcard.
and naming it.
Ask the children to try to identify the missing card. Continue with
other cards. Easy or Difficult
Xs and O s Divide twenty Flashcards into two stacks: an easy stack (cards
from earlier units that have been reviewed and recycled) and a
Arrange the class in two teams: one is X and one is O. Draw
difficult stack (cards from more recent units). Divide the class into
a large grid on the board with nine spaces. Put one Flashcard
two teams. Award five points for each correctly named Flashcard
facing the board (so the children can’t see the picture) in each
from the difficult stack and one point for each correctly named
space. Ask a child from each team, in turn, to turn one over and
one from the easy stack.
identify it. If correct, remove the card and write an X or an O for
the team. Continue until all the children have had a turn. The Picture-Card Mime
first team to get three in a row wins.
Invite a child to the front of the class. Show him/her a Flashcard
Flashcard Fun (that can be acted out) while hiding it from the rest of the class.
Ask the child to mime the word. Let the child who correctly
Show the unit Flashcards (classroom objects) and ask the children
guesses the word mime the next card, and so on.
to draw a simple picture of one item each. As they draw, write
the words on small slips of paper and put them into a bag. Ask
all the children to stand up. Pull out the slips of paper and read
the words. Tell the children who drew the objects to sit down.
Continue until all children are seated.
T134 Games

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Spin the Spinner Bluff
Arrange the class in several teams and have a game spinner Invite several children to the board and ask them to stand in
available. Put the Flashcards on the board and number them a row. Give them each a Flashcard and tell them not to let the
from 1–5. Call out a word and have a designated team say the class know which it is. Ask the first child in the row to say a word
corresponding number. If it’s correct, have that team spin the that might or might not correspond with the Flashcard he/she is
spinner and award their team the number of points the spinner holding. Have the class guess whether or not the child is bluffing.
points to. Continue with the other teams in turn. Tell the children to say: Bluff. if they think the child is bluffing. Let
the class play the game in teams and award points when teams
Where Is It? guess correctly.
Display familiar Flashcards in different places around the
classroom. Call out the name of one and ask the children to find Parts of the Body Race
it and point to it. Or say a sentence with the word I’ve got a Give each child a number between 1 and 5. Display the parts of
(pen). and ask the children to point to or retrieve the card with a the body Flashcards on the board or draw a picture of a paper
picture of a (pen). Continue with the rest of the cards. doll’s body. Say: Number 2. Feet. Prompt all the children with the
number 2 to race to the board and touch the feet. Or play the
Hit the Card game with three or four teams. Assign each child on a team a
Display all of the Flashcards of one vocabulary category on the number. Call out: Number 3. Legs. Award the first child to touch
board. Ask two children to come up to the board and stand a few the legs a point for his/her team.
yards away. Call out a word. Announce the winner as the first
child to run to the board and “hit” the correct Flashcard. Play the Same Sounds
game in teams and award points for each correct “hit.” Choose a beginning consonant sound that the children know
(/p/, /m/, /t/, /k/, /s/, /d/, /l/, /b/ – depending on the unit). Display a
Tick or X Flashcard of a word that begins with that sound (puppet for /p/).
Gather Flashcards that begin with initial sounds children know. Now say: pen, bike, train, duck, salad, kitchen. Have children say
Then write a tick (✓) and an X on the board for the children. the word with the same sound as puppet (pen). Continue with
Hand out two large squares of paper to each child. Tell the other words and initial sounds that the children know.
children to draw an X on one card and a tick (✓) on the other.
Tell the children you will show them a Flashcard and then say a
beginning sound. If the Flashcard begins with the sound, they
should hold up the tick card. If it doesn’t, they should hold up the
X card. Make intentional mistakes. Stick the card on the board
when you and the children make a match and say: Yes, (pen)
starts with (/p/).

Games T135

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Pass the Ball
Games Ask the children to sit in a circle. Make a paper ball out of tissue
TPR AND OTHER KINESTHETIC GAMES paper. Choose a category and let the children pass the ball
Number Groups around. Explain that the children must say a word from that
category when they get the ball and that a child leaves the circle
Play some lively music and ask the children to perform a specific if he/she can’t. Alternatively, play music while the children pass
action (jump, dance, and hop) around the room to the music. the ball and say English words. Then stop the music and tell the
Stop the music and call out a number from 2–5. Tell the children child who is holding the ball to leave the game.
to quickly get together in groups of that number. Ask any children
left over to sit out until the next round. Drawing Game
Guess the Object Let the children take turns drawing pictures of target vocabulary
on the board. Tell them to draw slowly, line by line. Encourage
Put a familiar object into a bag for the children to guess what it the class to try to guess what the child is drawing before he/
is by feeling it and not looking at it. Continue with other objects she finishes the picture. Let the first child to guess draw the
until each child has had a turn. next picture.
Teacher Says Grab It
Give the children instructions but tell them to follow them only Ask the children to sit in a circle with their hands behind their
if you say “Teacher says” first. Give this example: if you say backs. Place some classroom objects (no sharp scissors) or
Pick up the pen, they should do nothing but if you say Teacher Flashcards in the middle of the circle. Call out an object and let
says pick up the pen, they should pick up a pen. Explain to the the children race to find and touch it. Arrange the children in
children that they lose a point for doing an action when they teams and award points to the winners.
shouldn’t. To make the game more interesting, vary the speed of
the instructions or have more proficient children take turns giving TEAM GAMES
the instructions.
Drawing Race
Arrange the class in two teams and invite a child from each team
to the front of the class. Whisper a vocabulary word to each child
and ask them to draw a picture of it. Explain that the first team
to correctly identify their team’s picture wins a point.

Phonics Race
Divide the class in several groups. Copy familiar Flashcards and
provide each group with a set. Call out a consonant sound that
the children know. For a given amount of time, let the children
put Flashcards that begin with that sound into a pile. Award
groups one point for each correct word.

T136 Games

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Chair Race card from the bag. Tell them to identify the picture by saying the
Arrange the class in two teams. Ask each team to line up behind word. Explain that if they correctly identify the picture, they keep
a chair with another one facing it across the room, a few yards the card and receive one point for their team and that if they
away. Ask one child from each team to sit in the chair at the incorrectly identify the picture, that you will keep the card. Tell
front of their team’s line. Call out an action (jump). Ask the first them that if they draw a card with the word Whoops! on it, they
child on each team to jump across to the other chair. Explain that sit down and don’t receive any points. Or to add some suspense,
the first child to reach his/her team’s chair after doing the right take away all points when a Whoops! card is drawn.
action should sit in it. Award a point to that team. Continue with
Name the Shape
other actions.
Cut out several familiar shapes from coloured paper (colours the
Board Game children know). Stick or carefully pin a shape to the back of a
Draw a large race track on the board (with “start” and “finish” child’s shirt without letting the child see which one. Ask the child
labelled). Arrange the class in two teams. Use small coloured to turn around to show the class the shape. Then let the child
circles as markers for each team (children on one team have red try to guess which shape and colour it is. Elicit a blue rectangle?
markers and children on the other team have blue ones). Show a red straw? For more proficient classes, suggest that, when the
Flashcards, other pictures, or real objects the children know and child guesses the right shape but the wrong colour, the class call
ask: What’s this? or show classroom objects in different numbers out: Shape! Ask the children to do the same for the correct colour
and ask: How many? Ask the children to move ahead one space if but incorrect shape by calling out: Colour! Continue with the
they guess correctly. Announce the winner (the team to reach the other shapes and other children until everyone has had a turn.
finish first).
Number Roll
Stop! Arrange the class in teams and have a number spinner available.
Arrange the class in two teams. Put sets of familiar Flashcards Invite a child from each team to the front of the classroom. Put
into a large bag along with a few others on which you have several Flashcards on the board. Ask him/her to choose one of
taped a sheet of paper with a Stop sign drawn on it. Ask the the Flashcards on the board. Then spin the spinner and ask the
children to reach in and take a card without looking and identify child to say the word that number of times. Explain that if the
it. Explain that if he/she correctly says the word, his/her team wins child does this correctly, he/she wins that number of points for
a point but that if he/she draws a card with a Stop sign, the team his/her team.
loses all of its points.
Yes or No?
Spinner Game Bring in several toys, classroom objects, or stuffed or toy animals
Arrange the class in two teams. Tell a child from each team to in different colours and sizes or use Flashcards
draw an item you name from the target vocabulary. Explain that of them. Put them on a table where the class
if the item is the one you named, he/she spins the spinner and can see them. Explain that you will think of
wins that number of points for his/her team. one of the items and the children must
guess which one you are thinking of,
Whoops! but you can only answer “yes” or “no”
Arrange the class in two teams. Put familiar Flashcards into to their guesses. For example, children
a large bag. Tape a sheet of paper onto several other cards might ask: Is it big? Is it brown? Is it a
with the word Whoops! written on each (write the word on the horse?
board). Add the cards to the bag. Ask children from each team,
one at a time, to come up to the front of the class and take a Games T137

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Graphic Organizer: T-Chart
Use this graphic organizer to help children list and relate items.

T138 Graphic Oranizer

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Letters Home: 1 Welcome

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to the first unit of My Little Island. This unit introduces your child to the second book in the course.
In this first Welcome unit, children meet the book’s main characters, Billy and Lilly. Children also become
re-acquainted with the course mascot, Sammy the Squirrel. Unit 1 revisits language children learned earlier in
the course, which helps them build confidence as they recall the English words for familiar groups of words like
colours, classroom objects, and food. Your child will also develop several new skills and abilities in this unit,
✓ vocabulary: black, grey, white
✓ language structures: What’s your name? / My name is (Billy).
✓ actions: clap, climb, colour, jump, look around, look up, make a circle, point, run, show (3) fingers, touch
knee, wave
You can support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the new characters, Lilly and Billy
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting

As your child progresses through this second book, encourage him/her to enjoy learning and speaking English
and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 139 03/07/2012 16:18

Letters Home: 2 My School

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 2 of My Little Island.
In this unit, My School, children will learn more words to use to talk about school. In the unit’s story, Billy shows
Lilly pictures he’s drawn on the computer, one of which is Sammy the Squirrel! Your child will also develop skills
and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: backpack, computer, markers, notebook, pen, scissors; rectangle
✓ language structures: This is my (computer). / Is it a (pen)? / Is it an (animal)? / No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
/ It’s (Sammy).
✓ actions: carry, clap, cut, draw, stamp, stretch arms, trace a rectangle in the air, type, wiggle hands, write,
write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial p as in pencil and t as in turtle
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–5
✓ values: Put things away.
Your child is learning vocabulary for classroom objects and new language structures to talk about them. You
can help reinforce both by encouraging your child to point to and say the English word for the object. You can
also help reinforce the actions that your child is learning.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the story and the characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit art project: a decorated notebook

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 140 03/07/2012 16:18

Letters Home: 3 Family

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 3 of My Little Island.
In this unit, Family, your child will enjoy a story about the people in Lilly’s family photo album. Billy asks who the
baby is and finds out that it’s Lilly! Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: aunt, cousin, grandma, grandpa, pet, uncle; star; 1–5
✓ language structures: Who’s (she)? / (She)’s my (grandma). / Who’s (the baby)? / It’s (me).
✓ actions: clap, dance, giggle, hop, stamp, stop, stretch arms, tap, trace a star in the air, wiggle, wiggle
hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial m as in mum and s as in sun
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–5
✓ values: Help your family.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit art project: a star badge to honour a family member

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 141 03/07/2012 16:18

Letters Home: 4 Play Time!

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 4 of My Little Island.
In this unit, Play Time!, your child will enjoy a story about how Lilly helps Billy find his red car. Your child will
also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: bike, boat, car, paints, puppet, train
✓ language structures: Is it (yellow)? / Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
✓ actions: clap, kick, painting action, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, talk with hands, touch a knee,
wave, wiggle hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial r as in rain and b as in book
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ math: counting 1–6
✓ values: Please share.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a boat that floats

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 142 03/07/2012 16:18

Letters Home: 5 My House

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 5 of My Little Island.
In this unit, My House, your child will enjoy a story about Billy who asks his family for help finding his mum. His
brother says she’s in the kitchen. His grandpa says she’s in the dining room. But Mum and Grandma are in Billy’s
bedroom – and they’ve got a surprise for Billy! Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, house, kitchen, living room; with
✓ language structures: Where’s (Mum)? / (She)’s in the (kitchen). / (She)’s in (your bedroom).
✓ actions: kick, play piano, point, pretend to clap, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, touch a knee, wiggle
hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial l as in lamp and k as in kite
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–7
✓ values: Be careful.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit social studies project: a poster with different kinds of homes

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 143 03/07/2012 16:18

Letters Home: 6 My Body

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 6 of My Little Island.
In this unit, My Body, your child will enjoy a story about Billy who dresses up like a robot. When he can’t find his
robot legs, Lilly helps him. Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: arms, body, feet, hands, head, legs; 1–8
✓ language structures: Where’s your (head)? / Where are your (arms)? / Where are your (legs)? / These are
my (arms).
✓ actions: clap, dance, kick, nod, pull strings, shake arms, show (3) fingers, stamp, straighten leg, stretch
arms, tap, touch a knee, wiggle, wiggle hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial n as in nose and f as in feet
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–8
✓ values: Wash your hands.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a fi tness poster

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 144 03/07/2012 16:19

Letters Home: 7 Time to Eat!

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 7 of My Little Island.
In this unit, Time to Eat!, your child will enjoy a story about a boy who doesn’t like cookies. In the story, Billy
explains to his aunt that he doesn’t like cookies – he loves them! Most children love food so they will especially
enjoy this unit, which is all about it!
Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: apples, bread, chicken, cookies, pasta, salad; 1–9
✓ language structures: Do you like (pasta)? / Do you like (cookies)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
✓ actions: clap, hand on heart, kick, point to tummy, rub tummy, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms,
thumbs up, touch a knee, wiggle hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial w as in water and y as in yogurt
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–9
✓ values: Eat properly.
You can support your child’s progress by encouraging him or her to use the English words and structures from the
unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a poster about healthy foods

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 145 03/07/2012 16:19

Letters Home: 8 On the Farm

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 8 of My Little Island.
In this unit, On the Farm, your child will enjoy a story about Billy and Lilly at the farm and the animals they see
there. Billy sees a duck, but Lilly can’t – until it lifts its head out of the water! Children love animals and should
enjoy learning the English words for some common farm animals in this unit. Your child will also develop skills
and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: cow, duck, goat, hen, horse, sheep
✓ language structures: Can you see the (horse)? / Can you see the (duck)? / Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
✓ actions: animal actions, clap, kick, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, thumbs up, touch a knee, wiggle
hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial d as in dog and g as in goat
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–10
✓ values: Do your chores.
You can support your child’s progress by encouraging him or her to use the English words and structures from
the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a poster about what animals eat

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 146 03/07/2012 16:19

Letters Home: 9 The Weather

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 9 of My Little Island.
In this unit, The Weather, your child will enjoy a story about why it isn’t easy for Lilly to dress for the weather one
day. Children will enjoy talking about this story, which shows how changeable the weather can be! Your child will
also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy
✓ language structures: How’s the weather? / It’s (windy). / It’s (sunny).
✓ actions: clap, fan yourself, flap arms, fly kite, hold umbrella, shiver, trace shapes in the air, write letters in
the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics review: initial b, d, g, k, l, p, and t
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–10
✓ values: Dress for the weather.
You can support your child’s progress by encouraging him or her to use the English words and structures from the
unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit maths project: snowflakes made out of circle and triangle shapes

Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,

Z02_MLIS_TB_6708_EM.indd 147 03/07/2012 16:19

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