My Little Island 2 TB
My Little Island 2 TB
My Little Island 2 TB
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise
without the prior written permission of the Publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-4082-8670-8
1 Welcome ...........................................................................................................................................................................................T1A
2 My School ........................................................................................................................................................................................ T2A
3 Family ................................................................................................................................................................................................T3A
4 Play Time! .........................................................................................................................................................................................T4A
5 My House ..........................................................................................................................................................................................T5A
6 My Body ............................................................................................................................................................................................T6A
7 Time to Eat!......................................................................................................................................................................................T7A
8 On the Farm .................................................................................................................................................................................... T8A
9 The Weather ....................................................................................................................................................................................T9A
Phonics and Extra Practice: Units 2–9 .............................................................................................................................................. T86
Festivals .................................................................................................................................................................................................. T102
Cutouts and Stickers ............................................................................................................................................................................ T105
Resources................................................................................................................................................................................................ T107
Activity Book Pages with Answers ................................................................................................................................................ T108
Letters Home: General Letter Home ..............................................................................................................................................T127
Flashcard Index ................................................................................................................................................................................T128
Video Scripts .....................................................................................................................................................................................T129
Graphic Organizer: T-Chart ........................................................................................................................................................... T138
vi Components
Components vii
viii Components
Student Book pages can be
projected onto the big screen, using
FLASHCARDS this interactive whiteboard program
Forty-eight colourful photographs of the target vocabulary with tools. Audio for songs, chants,
appear on Flashcards for presentation, review, and games. instructions, listening activities,
These also appear in ActiveTeach. An index of the cards is videos, and Flashcards is included.
available on page T128 of this book.
Components ix
New New Language Phonics Lesson
Unit TPR Actions Values Curricular Maths
Vocabulary Structures (vocabulary and & Prewriting
Billy, Lilly; black, What’s your clap (“Goodbye Hello. Hi. I’m (Billy).
grey, white name? Song”), climb, 1–5; animals,
1 My name is colour, jump, look classroom objects,
(Billy). around, look up, colours, family
make a circle, members, food items,
Welcome point, run, show (3) parts of the face,
fingers, touch knee, prepositions (in, on,
wave (“Hello Song”) under), room objects,
shapes, toys
backpack, This is my carry, clap, cut, classroom objects, Put things Art: Decorated Phonics: initial p Counting 1–5
computer, (computer). draw, stamp, colours, shapes, toys; away. notebook and t sounds (rectangles)
2 markers, Is it (a) (pen)? stretch arms, trace a circle, pencil, tree,
notebook, pen, Is it (an) animal? rectangle in the air, turtle Prewriting:
scissors No, it isn’t. type, wiggle hands, directionality
My School Yes, it is. write, write letters
It’s (Sammy). in the air
aunt, cousin, Who’s (she)? clap, dance, giggle, colours, shapes; Help your Art: Star badge Phonics: initial m Counting 1–5
grandma, (She)’s my hop, stamp, stop, mum, sun family. to honour a and s sounds (stars)
3 grandpa, pet, (grandma). stretch arms, tap, family member
uncle Who’s (the trace a star in the Prewriting:
baby)? air, wiggle, wiggle directionality
Family It’s (me). hands, write letters
in the air
bike, boat, car, Is it (yellow)? clap, kick, painting What is it? Please share. Science: A boat Phonics: initial r and Counting 1–6
paints, puppet, Yes, it is. action, show (3) It’s (yellow). that floats b sounds
4 train No, it isn’t. fingers, stamp, colours, toys; book,
stretch arms, talk rain Prewriting:
with hands, touch a directionality
Play Time! knee, wave, wiggle
hands, write letters
in the air
arms, body, feet, Where’s your clap, dance, kick, This is my (head). Wash your Science: Fitness Phonics: initial n Counting 1–8
hands, head, (head)? nod, pull strings, Thank you. hands. poster and f sounds
6 legs Where are your shake arms, show They’re (blue).
(arms)? (3) fingers, stamp, colours, parts of the Prewriting:
Where are your straighten leg, face; cat, flower, nest, directionality
My Body (legs)? stretch arms, tap, nose
These are my touch a knee,
(arms). wiggle, wiggle
hands, write letters
in the air
apples, bread, Do you like clap, hand on Thank you. Eat properly. Science: Phonics: initial w Counting 1–9
chicken, cookies, (pasta)? heart, kick, point to I don’t like (cookies). Healthy foods and y sounds
7 pasta, salad Do you like tummy, rub tummy, cake, cheese, water, poster
(cookies)? show (3) fingers, yellow, yogurt Prewriting:
Yes, I do. stamp, stretch arms, directionality
Time to No, I don’t. thumbs up, touch a
Eat! knee, wiggle hands,
write letters in the
cow, duck, goat, Can you see the animal actions, ball, cat, dog, doll, Do your Science: Poster Phonics: initial d Counting 1–10
hen, horse, (horse)? clap, kick, show grass, turtle chores. about what and g sounds
8 sheep Can you see the (3) fingers, stamp, animals eat
(duck)? stretch arms, Prewriting:
Yes, I can. thumbs up, touch a directionality
On the No, I can’t. knee, wiggle hands,
Farm write letters in the
cold, hot, rainy, How’s the clap, fan yourself, kite, lamp, tree Dress for the Maths: Phonics: initial Counting 1–10
snowy, sunny, weather? flap arms, fly kite, weather. Snowflakes sounds b, d, g, k,
9 windy It’s (windy). hold umbrella, made out l, p, t
It’s (sunny). shiver, trace shapes of circle and
in the air, write triangle shapes Prewriting:
The letters in the air directionality
Other Components:
Week Day Pupil’s Book Activity Book
add 15–30 minutes
Day 1 Song and vocabulary presentation Activity practising vocabulary* Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
1 Days 2–3 Story (two pages) with new Activity supporting story* Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
structure presentation ActiveTeach
Day 4 Listening/speaking practice Two activities supporting Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
2 speaking* ActiveTeach
Day 5 Phonics Activity supporting phonics Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
3 Day 6 Shapes or maths introduced with Activity supporting shapes or Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
chant maths ActiveTeach
Day 7 Values activity and chant Activity supporting values Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
4 Day 8 Review/Assessment, project and Activity for review/personalization Class Audio CD, CD-ROM, Flashcards,
sticker activity ActiveTeach
Anytime Optional lessons for extra practice Class Audio CD, Flashcards, ActiveTeach
with phonics, speaking and for
festivals in back section
*Note that there are eight Activity Book pages for each ten-page Pupil’s Book unit. While generally there is one Activity Book page for each Pupil’s Book page,
there are a few exceptions: The vocabulary practice page in the Activity Book is designed to be used with the second vocabulary lesson in the Pupil’s Book. There is
one practice page in the Activity Book for the two-page story in the Pupil’s Book. And for the listening/speaking lessons, there are two practice pages in the Activity
Book for the speaking lesson in the Pupil’s Book instead of one for listening and one for speaking.
Map xvii
language structures What’s your
name? / My name is (Billy).
and white
✓ What’s Your Name? (Class Audio
✓ To review colours, numbers, and CD A: Tracks 7 and 8)
✓ In The Playground Chant (Class
✓ To review the prepositions of Audio CD A: Tracks 9 and 10)
location in, on, and under
✓ The Duck Is White Chant (Class
✓ To practise new language by Audio CD A: Tracks 11 and 12)
listening and speaking
Home-School Connections ✓ Count to 5 Chant (Class Audio
✓ To review vocabulary from Level 1 CD A: Tracks 13 and 14)
Copy the General Letter Home on
✓ To learn and review unit page T127 for children to bring ✓ Look at the Colours (Class Audio
vocabulary and structures home to introduce the second level CD A: Tracks 17 and 18
of My Little Island. The Unit 1 Letter
Home is available online at
T1A Welcome
Welcome T1B
T7 Welcome
Welcome T8
T9 Welcome
Welcome T10
T11 Welcome
Welcome T12
T13 Welcome
To learn and practise the new
language structures Is it a (pen)? /
Unit Songs and Chants
✓ At My School (Class Audio CD A:
Tracks 24 and 25)
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
T2A My School
My School T2B
T15 My School
Story Concepts (5 minutes)
• Explain that the children are going to listen
to a story.
• Reinforce literacy concepts using either the
Pupil’s Book or another book.
• Encourage the children to share what they
know about reading stories in books. Make
it fun by using Sammy the Squirrel.
– Make Sammy pretend to read a book
upside down; shake your head and
say: No, no, Sammy. Turn the book • Talk about computers. Ask the children if • Play the audio for the story again, pausing
the right way up. they like to play games on computers and if and pointing to each frame as children listen
– Make him read the last page first; shake they’ve ever drawn a picture on a computer. to the words.
your head and say: No, no, Sammy. Show (Use TPR and gestures as needed in the • Encourage the children to speak along with
children how to start from the beginning. discussion.) the characters.
– Make him flip through the pages randomly; • Invite volunteers to act out the story with
shake your head and say: No, no, Sammy. WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 16–17 the audio.
Model turning the pages in order. A27 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
Audio Script
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) • Tell the children to turn to page 16.
What Is It?
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 16. • Play the audio, pausing after each frame to Frame 1: Billy: This is my computer.
make sure children are looking at the correct
• Focus on the first page of “What Is It?”. Ask Frame 2: Lilly: Is it a pen?
one and understand what is going on.
the children to talk about the picture. Billy: No, it isn’t.
• Help children understand that Billy is Frame 3: Lilly: Is it a marker?
• Explain that Billy and Lilly are in Billy’s room drawing a picture on his computer and Lilly Billy: Yes, it is.
and that Billy is showing Lilly his computer. is trying to guess what it is. Frame 4: Billy: I can draw. Look!
Lilly: Wow!
T16 My School
Role-Play (10 minutes)
• Let pairs of children act out the story.
• First, play the audio and let pairs of children
act out the story.
• Then invite volunteers to act it out without
the audio.
• For a challenge, ask the child playing Billy
to draw a picture of a classroom object on a
piece of paper and ask the child playing Lilly
to guess what it is.
My School T17
• Gather art supplies: markers, paper, crayons.
5. Colour. Ask and answer. CD-ROM
• Invite the children to draw the classroom,
• Preteach the concept of speech bubbles. Encourage the children to play the audio on
including items they can name in English.
– On the board draw a picture of a simple the CD-ROM at home. Tell them to mimic the
• Ask partners to practise asking and audio to practise their speaking skills.
face and make a speech bubble with the
answering about their pictures.
tail pointing to the face: I’m Sammy. ActiveTeach
• Ask one partner to point to a detail in his
– Point to the tail of the speech bubble and Use the large digital format to model colouring
or her partner’s drawing and ask: Is it a
explain that it shows the character who’s and identify the objects on the page.
(computer)? Ask their partner to answer.
talking. Explain that the words in the
bubble tell what the character is saying. • Then invite the pair to swap roles and continue.
T19 My School
T21 My School
✓ To learn and practise the new
language structures Who’s (she / ✓ The Family Dance (Class Audio
he)? (She’s / He’s) my (grandma / CD A: Tracks 32 and 33)
grandpa). / Who’s (the baby)? /
✓ M Sounds Like Muh Chant and
It’s (me).
S Sounds Like Suh Chant (Class
✓ To recognize and produce the Audio CD B: Tracks 35 and 36)
sounds that m and s stand for at
the beginning of words ✓ It’s a Star Chant (Class Audio
CD A: Tracks 37 and 38)
✓ To review colours, numbers, and
shapes ✓ Helping Chant (Class Audio CD A:
Tracks 39 and 40)
✓ To learn a new shape (star)
T3A Family
Family T22
T23 Family
Introduce he and she (5 minutes)
• Walk around the room with Sammy.
• Make Sammy gesture to different children
and say: (Ana) is a girl. She’s a girl. (Paolo)
is a boy. He’s a boy.
• After you have named a few children in
this way, write the words he and she on
the board.
• Reinforce that we use he to talk about a boy
and she to talk about a girl.
• Walk around the class and gesture to
different children. Introduce the Story (5 minutes) WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 24–25
• Each time, elicit he or she from the class. • Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 24. A35 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
Talk About Family Pictures (5 minutes) • Focus on the first frame of “Who Is It?” Ask • Tell the children to open their books at
the children to use language they know to page 25.
• If possible, bring in a few pictures of your
family. talk about it. • Play the audio, pausing after each frame to
• Ask the children what they think the friends make sure children are looking at the correct
• Show these to Sammy and the class.
are talking about. Revisit their predictions picture and understand what is happening.
• Have Sammy point to each one and ask: later. • Play the story audio again, pausing and
Who’s (she)? Then answer: She’s my (aunt).
• Use TPR and other gestures to explain that pointing to each frame as the children listen
• To make this activity silly, bring in some Billy and Lilly are looking at pictures of Lilly’s to the words.
pictures of different squirrels. family. • Encourage the children to speak along with
• Show the pictures to Sammy and ask: Who’s • Go through the pictures with the class. the characters.
(he)? Make Sammy answer: He’s my (cousin).
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
the audio.
T24 Family
Act It Out (10 minutes)
• Let pairs take turns acting out the story.
• Play the audio and invite the children to
speak along with the characters.
• Give them books to use as props. Let them
pretend they are looking at photos in a
photo album.
• Ask volunteers who are ready to act out the
story without the audio.
Family T25
Family T26
T27 Family
Family T28
T29 Family
Review T30
T31 Review
✓ To review the language structures
Tracks 43 and 44)
What is it? / It’s a (car).
✓ To write the letters r and b Home-School Connections ✓ Please Share Chant (Class Audio
CD A: Tracks 50 and 51)
✓ To review colours, numbers, and Copy the Letter Home for the children
shapes to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 4 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn how to count to 6 The Letters are available online at
✓ To learn the value of sharing Story
✓ To practise new language by “Where’s My Toy?”: Billy can’t find his
listening and speaking toy car. Lilly helps him find it.
Language Structures: Is it (yellow)? /
✓ To learn and review unit vocabulary
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
and language structures Values
Please share.
✓ Make predictions using pictures. ✓ Talk about the characters. 4. Display the children’s Flashcards,
✓ Act out the story to show grouping by the kind of toy.
✓ Join in games and interact.
comprehension. 5. Beneath the children’s Flashcards, tape
✓ Share information about themselves.
✓ Practise fine motor skills. the other pictures of that toy. (Under
the bike, tape pictures of different
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards
✓ Draw, colour, and trace. bikes, and so on.)
the English language.
Digital Practice
Create a co-operative
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM classroom environment. Encourage the
for vocabulary practice or for review. children to take turns and help them
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s learn how to share!
Book pages together as a class.
Colour Patterns (5 minutes)
• Review all the colours the children have
learned: red, blue, green, yellow, orange,
purple, pink, brown, black, white, and grey.
• Ask the children to sit in groups.
• Distribute small pieces of coloured paper
in a variety of colours, with many pieces
• Focus on the first page of “Where’s My Toy?” • Reread the title and ask the children if
of the same colour (or coloured blocks,
Ask the children to use language they know they’ve ever lost a toy.
crayons, or other items that the children can
to talk about the picture. • Play the audio, pausing to make sure the
• Use TPR and other gestures to help the children are looking at the correct story
• Call out a pattern, such as: Black, black,
children understand that Billy and Lilly are frame and understand what’s happening.
white, yellow, yellow.
playing outside. • Play the audio for the story again, pausing
• Ask the children to chant the pattern.
• Ask the children what they think the friends and pointing to each frame as children hear
• Then let the groups work together, chant, are talking about. Revisit their predictions the words.
and create the pattern using their coloured later on. • Encourage the children to speak along with
• Go through the story with the class. the characters.
• Repeat with other colours and patterns.
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 34–35 the audio.
Introduce the Story (5 minutes)
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, showing page 34. A46 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
• Tell the children to open their books at
page 34.
Audio Script
Where’s My Toy? Look at New Language
Frame 1: Billy: Where’s my car? • Point out the language Lilly uses to ask
Frame 2: Lilly: Is it yellow? about Billy’s car: Is it (yellow)?
Frame 3: Billy: No, it isn’t.
• Focus on Billy’s answers: No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
Frame 4: Lilly: Is it blue?
Frame 5: Billy: No, it isn’t! • Practise with a few items in the classroom.
Frame 6: Lilly: Is it red? • Hold something up and ask: Is it (yellow)?
Billy: Yes, it is! Invite the children to answer.
Frame 7: Lilly: Where’s my bike? • Then invite the children to point and ask.
Frame 8: Billy: Is it pink?
Lilly: Yes, it is. Thank you.
Tracks 52 and 53)
✓ To recognize and produce the
sounds that l and k stand for at ✓ L Sounds Like Luh Chant and
the beginning of words K Sounds Like Kuh Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 41 and 42)
✓ To recognize the letters l and k
T5A My House
My House T5B
T41 My House
Where’s the Circle? (10 minutes)
• Tape the house Flashcards to the board.
• Ask the children to close their eyes.
• Lift up each card and draw a picture on the
board underneath the card. Draw shapes,
animals, people, toys, or classroom objects.
• Ask Sammy: Where’s the (circle)?
• Make Sammy guess: It’s in the bathroom.
• Lift up the bathroom card to show the
picture. If it isn’t the (circle), say: Sorry,
Sammy. Try again!
• If it is the (circle), say: Good job. The (circle)
is in the bathroom.
• Continue in this way, but invite the children WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 42–43 Audio Script
to guess. A55 3. Look and listen. Act it out. In the Bedroom
Frame 1: Billy: Where’s Mum?
• The game will get easier as the children play • Tell the children to turn to page 42.
Grandma: She’s in the living
because they will see the pictures under the • Play the audio. Pause at each story frame room.
cards when they make incorrect guesses. to make sure the children are on the correct Frame 2: Billy: Where’s Mum?
frame and understand what’s happening. Billy’s brother: She’s in the
• Play the story again. Point to each frame as kitchen.
the words are played. Frame 3: Billy: Where’s Mum?
• Encourage the children to speak along with Grandpa: She’s in the dining
the characters. room.
Frame 4: Billy: Where’s Mum?
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
Billy’s dad: She’s in your
the audio.
T42 My House
My House T43
My House T44
T45 My House
My House T46
Review T48
T49 Review
✓ Watch Me Dance (Class Audio
✓ To learn and practise the CD A: Tracks 63 and 64)
language structures Where’s
your (head)? / This is my (head). / ✓ N Sounds Like Nuh and
F Sounds Like Fuh Chant (Class
Where are your (legs)? / These are
Audio CD B: Tracks 44 and 45)
my (legs). / How many (legs)?
T6A My Body
Digital Practice
Ask the children to use the CD-ROM
for vocabulary practice or for review. Help children respect
one another’s bodies. They should
Use ActiveTeach to go over Pupil’s ALWAYS be gentle!
Book pages together as a class.
My Body T6B
My Body T50
T51 My Body
Talk About Costumes (5 minutes)
• If possible, put on a costume before class
(a simple hand-made mask, or a more
elaborate shop-bought costume).
• Invite the children to talk about costumes: Do
they play dressing-up? When do they wear
costumes? Has anyone ever made a costume?
• Use gestures and pictures to clarify the
discussion as needed. WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 52–53 Audio Script
3. Look and listen. Act it out. Billy the Robot
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) A66
Frame 1: Billy: Look. I’m a robot.
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 52. • Tell the children to open their books at
Lilly: Where’s your head?
page 52.
• Focus on the first frame of “Billy the Robot.” Frame 2: Billy: This is my head.
• Play the audio. Lilly: Where are your arms?
• Explain that Billy is dressing up in a robot
costume, made of cardboard. Point to the • Pause at each frame to make sure the Frame 3: Billy: These are my arms.
cardboard box covering Billy’s body. children are on the correct frame and Lilly: Where are your legs?
understand what’s happening in the Frame 4: Billy: These are my legs.
• Ask the children what they think the friends pictures. Lilly: Oh, no!
are talking about. Point out the picture clue: Frame 5: Lilly: Don’t worry. I’ve got
Lilly is pointing to her head. • Encourage the children to speak along with
the characters. scissors.
• Revisit their predictions later on. Billy: Thank you.
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the pictures with the class. Frame 6: Lilly: Where are your feet?
the audio.
Billy: Oh no!
Frame 7: Lilly: These are your feet.
Billy: Great! Thank you.
Frame 8: Billy: I am a robot now!
T52 My Body
Look at New Language A66 Listen to the Intonation Activity Book Page 41
• Point out the language Lilly uses to ask • Play the story audio. Ask the children to complete and colour the
about the costume: Where’s your (head)? drawing of the robot. Let partners ask and
• Ask the children to close their eyes and listen answer: Where’s the (head)? This is the (head).
Where are your (arms)? carefully. These are the (arms).
• Focus on the difference between the singular • Pause after each question. Ask the children
and plural structures in the questions. to listen for the different intonation in the OPTIONAL: USING DIGITAL COMPONENTS
• Hold up one finger to indicate singular as questions and the answers.
you say: One head. Where’s your head? CD-ROM
• Let the children repeat the dialogues,
• Hold up two fingers to indicate plural as you copying the intonation. Encourage the children to use the Story Time
say: Two arms. Where are your arms? feature on the CD-ROM to practise at home.
• Then focus on the difference between CONSOLIDATING
the singular and plural structures in the
Act It Out (10 minutes) Invite volunteers to use the marker tool to
sentences: This is my head. These are my
• Let pairs take turns acting out the story. circle the body parts you call out.
• Play the audio and invite them to speak
along with the characters.
My Body T53
My Body T54
T55 My Body
My Body T56
T57 My Body
To learn and practise the new
language structures Do you like
(pasta)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Songs and Chants
✓ To review the language structure I
like / don’t like (cookies). ✓ I Love Pasta (Class Audio CD B:
Tracks 1 and 2)
✓ To recognize sound-symbol
correspondences: w /w/, y /y/ ✓ W Sounds Like Wuh Chant and
Y Sounds Like Yuh Chant (Class
✓ To recognize and produce the Audio CD B: Tracks 47 and 48)
sounds that w and y stand for at
the beginning of words ✓ Count to 9 Chant (Class Audio
CD B: Tracks 6 and 7)
✓ To recognize the letters w and y
Home-School Connections ✓ Time to Eat Chant (Class Audio
✓ To review colours and numbers
Copy the Letter Home for the children CD B: Tracks 8 and 9)
✓ To learn how to count to 9 to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 7 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn the value of eating The Letters are available online at
properly Story
✓ To practise new language by
“Aunt Ann’s Kitchen”: Billy is in his
listening and speaking Aunt Ann’s kitchen. She is giving him
✓ To learn and review unit dinner. She asks him if he likes pasta,
vocabulary and language salad, and cookies.
structures Values Language Structures: Do you like
Eat properly. (pasta)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Guess What I’ve got (10 minutes)
• Give out the Flashcards to volunteers. Tell
them to look, but not tell anyone what food
is on their card.
• Let the volunteers take turns to act out
eating their food item.
• Let the class guess and ask the volunteers to
confirm by saying: I’ve got (salad).
Introduce the Story (5 minutes)
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 60, • Play the audio, pausing for each frame to Audio Script
and focus on the first frame of “Aunt Ann’s make sure the children are on the correct
Kitchen.” Aunt Ann’s Kitchen
one and understand what’s happening. Frame 1: Billy: I’m hungry.
• Explain that Billy is visiting his Aunt Ann’s • Play the story audio again, pausing and Frame 2: Aunt Ann: Do you like pasta?
house and eating dinner there. pointing to each character as they speak. Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
• Ask the children what they think the • Encourage the children to speak along with Frame 3: Aunt Ann: Do you like salad?
characters are talking about. Revisit their the characters. Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
predictions later on. Frame 4: Aunt Ann: Do you like chicken?
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the story with the class. Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
the audio.
Frame 5: Aunt Ann: Do you like bread?
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 60–61 Billy: Yes, I do. Thank you.
Frame 6: Aunt Ann: Do you like cookies?
B4 3. Look and listen. Act it out. Billy: No, I don’t.
• Tell the children to open their books at Aunt Ann: Huh?!
page 60. Frame 7: Billy: I don’t like cookies… .
I LOVE cookies!
Frame 8: Aunt Ann: Well then, have two!
Review T66
T67 Review
✓ D Sounds Like Duh Chant and
✓ To recognize sound-symbol G Sounds Like Guh Chant (Class
correspondences: d /d/, g /g/ Audio CD B: Tracks 50 and 51)
✓ To recognize and produce the
✓ Count to 10 Chant (Class Audio
sounds that d and g stand for at CD B: Tracks 17 and 18)
the beginning of words
✓ Recognize and produce the sounds ✓ Listen to the audio. This animal says moo.
that initial d and g stand for. This animal has 4 legs.
✓ Sing songs and say chants.
This animal is brown and white.
✓ Follow a picture story. This animal lives on a farm.
✓ Make predictions using pictures. Prereading and Prewriting 2. Ask the children to draw the animal on
the inside and label it: (COW).
✓ Sing songs and say chants with TPR. ✓ Follow an eight-frame story.
3. Display the riddles and let the class
✓ Join in games and interact. ✓ Talk about the characters. guess.
✓ Share information about themselves. ✓ Act out the story to show
✓ Develop a positive attitude towards
the English language. ✓ Practise fine motor skills.
I See You! (5 minutes)
• Hold your hand up to your brow and
pretend to look for something in the
• Stop and excitedly say: Oh, I see it! I see
it! I see the (window). Can you see the
• Prompt the children to point to the
• Repeat a few times with other classroom
• Follow a similar procedure for children in the
class: Can you see (Paola)?
WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGE 70–71 Audio Script
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) The Farm
B15 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 70. Frame 1: Billy: Look at the animals.
• Tell the children to turn to page 70.
• Focus on the first page of “The Farm.” Frame 2: Billy: Can you see the horse?
• Play the audio, pausing at each story frame Lilly: Yes, I can.
• Explain that Billy and Lilly are walking to make sure children are on the correct one
around a farm. Frame 3: Billy: Can you see the sheep?
and understand what’s happening. Lilly: Yes, I can.
• Ask the children what they think the • Encourage the children to speak along with Frame 4: Billy: Can you see the cow?
characters are talking and asking about. the characters. Lilly: Yes, I can.
Revisit their predictions later on. Frame 5: Billy: Can you see the duck?
• Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the story with the class. the audio. Lilly: No, I can’t.
Frame 6: Lilly: I can see the duck now!
Frame 7: Lilly: Can you see the hen?
Billy: No, I can’t.
Frame 8: Billy: I can see the hen now!
To learn and practise the new
language structures How’s the
Unit Songs and Chants
weather? / It’s (windy).
✓ How’s the Weather Today? (Class
✓ To review the sounds that the Audio CD B: Tracks 21 and 22)
letters b, d, g, l, k, p, and t stand
for in words ✓ Letter and Sounds Review Chant
(Class Audio CD B: Tracks 53 and 54)
✓ To review colours, numbers, and
shapes ✓ Numbers Review Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 26 and 27)
✓ To learn the value of dressing for
the weather Home-School Connections ✓ It’s Cold Outside Chant (Class
Audio CD B: Tracks 28 and 29)
✓ To practise new language by Copy the Letter Home for the children
listening and speaking to take home to share what they’ll be
learning in Unit 9 of My Little Island.
✓ To learn and review unit The Letters are available online at
vocabulary and language Story
“A Funny Day”: Lilly’s mum is helping
her get ready to go outside to play.
The weather tricks them. It begins to
rain, so Lilly puts on her raincoat. Then
the sun comes out.
Values Language Structures: How’s the
Dress for the weather. weather? / It’s (windy).
Hot Potato (10 minutes)
• Ask the the class to sit in a circle. Review
the TPR actions that go with each weather
• Give one child a ball (the “hot potato”)
which is easy to pass around.
• Play some music and while the music is
playing, ask the children to pass the potato
around the circle.
• Stop the music.
• Explain that the child holding the potato is
out, but before leaving the circle, he or she
should call out a vocabulary word: (Windy)! WORKING IN THE BOOK: PAGES 78–79
Audio Script
• Prompt everyone to do the TPR action for B24 3. Look and listen. Act it out.
(windy) and say the word. Frame 1: Lilly: How’s the weather?
• Tell the children to open their books at Lilly’s mum: It’s windy.
• Play the music and continue passing the page 78. Frame 2: Lilly: Great! It’s windy. I’ve
potato. Continue until there is one child left:
• Play the audio. got a kite.
the winner.
• Pause at each story frame to make sure Frame 3: Lilly: It’s cold.
Introduce the Story (5 minutes) the children are on the correct one and Lilly’s mum: I’ve got your jacket.
understand what’s happening. Frame 4: Lilly’s mum: Wait! Now it’s rainy.
• Hold up the Pupil’s Book, open at page 78.
Frame 5: Lilly: Here’s my raincoat!
• Focus on the first page of “A Funny Day.” • Play the story again. Point to each frame as Frame 6: Lilly: Now it’s sunny.
Explain that Lilly and her mum are talking. the children hear the words. Frame 7: Lilly: It’s hot.
• Ask the children what they think the • Encourage the children to speak along with Frame 8: Lilly’s mum: How’s the weather?
characters are talking about. Revisit their the characters. Lilly: It’s a funny day!
predictions later on. • Invite volunteers to act out the story with
• Go through the story with the class. the audio.
Look at New Language Act It Out (10 minutes)
• Point out the language that Lilly uses to ask
• Ask pairs to take turns acting out the story.
about the weather: How’s the weather?
• Play the audio and invite them to speak
• Then focus on the answers: It’s (windy).
along with the characters.
• Divide the class into two groups.
• Provide a raincoat as a prop.
• Hold up a Flashcard.
• Let children who are ready act it out without
• Group A asks: How’s the weather? the audio.
• Group B answers, using the card as a cue:
It’s (rainy). Extension Role-Play (10 minutes)
• Repeat a few times and then let the groups • Help the children extend the role play to
swap roles. other situations, with different kinds of
Review T84
T85 Review
Phonics T86
Phonics T88
Phonics T90
Speak a Little Louder (5 minutes) • Prepare volunteers to read the speech ActiveTeach
bubble text aloud:
• Help children develop confidence when Use the pointer to focus on the speech bubbles.
speaking by improving their ability to project Boy: Look at number one. Cover the words one and green. Write in two
their voices. Girl: Is it green? and blue. Read the new question and answer
Boy: No, it isn’t. aloud to model substituting other vocabulary.
• Ask partners to stand facing each other.
• Explain that partners will follow this model
• C1 holds up a piece of coloured paper and to complete the page, substituting other
asks: Is it (red)? numbers and other colours.
• C2 answers: Yes, it is or No, it isn’t. • Point out that the children should NOT
• Let them swap roles. substitute the correct colour of the toys.
• Then ask them to stand as far away from • Then let partners ask and answer about the
each other in the classroom as they can. other toys and confirm their answers with
• Ask the pairs to ask and answer again. the class.
Because they are farther away from each
other, they will need to speak more loudly. CONSOLIDATING
A47 Practise Intonation (5 minutes) Extension (5 minutes)
• Play the audio for Exercise 4 on page 36. • Extend the speaking practice by modelling a
longer dialogue with Sammy or a prepared
• Focus on the different intonation for the volunteer.
questions and the answers.
Teacher: Look at number one. What is it?
• Let the children repeat each question and Sammy: It’s a ball.
answer after listening to the audio. Teacher: Is it green?
• Alternate between letting children repeat Sammy: No, it isn’t.
chorally and letting pairs speak individually. Teacher: What colour is it?
Sammy: It’s red.
• Let volunteer pairs repeat this dialogue for
the other items, correctly identifying the
colour of each item.
Phonics T92
Phonics T94
Phonics T96
Phonics T98
Phonics T100
Festivals T102
T103 Festivals
Festivals T104
105 Cutouts
Cutouts Stickers
Cutout Find on: Holiday Use on: Sticker Unit Use on: Page
Page Lesson Page
pen 2 30
flowers 105 Mother’s Day 102 marker 2 30
chocolates 105 Mother’s Day 102 scissors 2 30
plant 105 Mother’s Day 103 cousin 3 31
Lilly and father eating ice cream 107 Father’s Day 103 aunt 3 31
Lilly and father at the cinema 107 Father’s Day 103 uncle 3 31
Lilly and father on a bike ride 107 Father’s Day 103 car 4 48
blue flower 107 Earth Day 104 train 4 48
pink flower 107 Earth Day 104 paints 4 48
red flower 107 Earth Day 104 bathroom 5 49
Billy 109 (Make stick puppets and living room 5 49
Lilly 109 use for role play.) house 5 49
Sammy the Squirrel 111 body 6 66
head 6 66
bread 7 67
chicken 7 67
cake 7 67
cow 8 84
goat 8 84
hen 8 84
cold 9 85
snowy 9 85
windy 9 85
Good job! 2–9 30, 31, 48, 49,
66, 67, 84, 85
T106 Stickers
Resources T107
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to the second level of My Little Island. We hope that your child will continue to enjoy learning English
with this engaging and exciting course.
The course’s carefully developed lessons offer a wide range of activities that will give your child a solid
foundation for learning English. The focus on using and associating natural gestures and actions with
vocabulary helps children bring meaning to the words they are learning.
In the second book of the course, your child will explore the island with two new characters – Billy and Lilly –
and will learn vocabulary and language structures related to these unit themes:
✓ My School ✓ My House ✓ On the Farm
✓ Family ✓ My Body ✓ The Weather
✓ Play Time! ✓ Time to Eat!
At this level, children will be reviewing some basic consonant sounds, as well as learning new ones as they
begin to associate sounds with letters – an important step in learning to read.
Two new lessons, along with a practice lesson for each thematic unit, will help your child develop listening and
speaking skills. You’ll probably notice that your child enjoys engaging in conversations! You can help your child
by asking and answering questions about each unit’s vocabulary and content. You can also listen to the course’s
CD-ROM and Songs and Chants CD with your child.
Your child learns a lot in the classroom, but support at home is essential to success. Here are few things you
can do:
✓ talk with your child about what he/she is doing and learning about in English class
✓ encourage your child to “teach” you new words, as well as songs and chants
✓ be enthusiastic about your child’s achievements and progress
✓ use the CD-ROM to do the activities together
✓ be supportive of small steps as these will lead to bigger ones
We wish your child great success and a wonderful time learning English with My Little Island.
Yours sincerely,
*Note to teachers: Letters for Units 1–9 can be found on the website,
Letters Home T127
Games T133
Games T135
Phonics Race
Divide the class in several groups. Copy familiar Flashcards and
provide each group with a set. Call out a consonant sound that
the children know. For a given amount of time, let the children
put Flashcards that begin with that sound into a pile. Award
groups one point for each correct word.
T136 Games
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to the first unit of My Little Island. This unit introduces your child to the second book in the course.
In this first Welcome unit, children meet the book’s main characters, Billy and Lilly. Children also become
re-acquainted with the course mascot, Sammy the Squirrel. Unit 1 revisits language children learned earlier in
the course, which helps them build confidence as they recall the English words for familiar groups of words like
colours, classroom objects, and food. Your child will also develop several new skills and abilities in this unit,
✓ vocabulary: black, grey, white
✓ language structures: What’s your name? / My name is (Billy).
✓ actions: clap, climb, colour, jump, look around, look up, make a circle, point, run, show (3) fingers, touch
knee, wave
You can support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the new characters, Lilly and Billy
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
As your child progresses through this second book, encourage him/her to enjoy learning and speaking English
and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 2 of My Little Island.
In this unit, My School, children will learn more words to use to talk about school. In the unit’s story, Billy shows
Lilly pictures he’s drawn on the computer, one of which is Sammy the Squirrel! Your child will also develop skills
and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: backpack, computer, markers, notebook, pen, scissors; rectangle
✓ language structures: This is my (computer). / Is it a (pen)? / Is it an (animal)? / No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
/ It’s (Sammy).
✓ actions: carry, clap, cut, draw, stamp, stretch arms, trace a rectangle in the air, type, wiggle hands, write,
write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial p as in pencil and t as in turtle
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–5
✓ values: Put things away.
Your child is learning vocabulary for classroom objects and new language structures to talk about them. You
can help reinforce both by encouraging your child to point to and say the English word for the object. You can
also help reinforce the actions that your child is learning.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the story and the characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit art project: a decorated notebook
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 3 of My Little Island.
In this unit, Family, your child will enjoy a story about the people in Lilly’s family photo album. Billy asks who the
baby is and finds out that it’s Lilly! Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: aunt, cousin, grandma, grandpa, pet, uncle; star; 1–5
✓ language structures: Who’s (she)? / (She)’s my (grandma). / Who’s (the baby)? / It’s (me).
✓ actions: clap, dance, giggle, hop, stamp, stop, stretch arms, tap, trace a star in the air, wiggle, wiggle
hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial m as in mum and s as in sun
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–5
✓ values: Help your family.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit art project: a star badge to honour a family member
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 4 of My Little Island.
In this unit, Play Time!, your child will enjoy a story about how Lilly helps Billy find his red car. Your child will
also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: bike, boat, car, paints, puppet, train
✓ language structures: Is it (yellow)? / Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
✓ actions: clap, kick, painting action, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, talk with hands, touch a knee,
wave, wiggle hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial r as in rain and b as in book
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ math: counting 1–6
✓ values: Please share.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a boat that floats
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 5 of My Little Island.
In this unit, My House, your child will enjoy a story about Billy who asks his family for help finding his mum. His
brother says she’s in the kitchen. His grandpa says she’s in the dining room. But Mum and Grandma are in Billy’s
bedroom – and they’ve got a surprise for Billy! Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, house, kitchen, living room; with
✓ language structures: Where’s (Mum)? / (She)’s in the (kitchen). / (She)’s in (your bedroom).
✓ actions: kick, play piano, point, pretend to clap, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, touch a knee, wiggle
hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial l as in lamp and k as in kite
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–7
✓ values: Be careful.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit social studies project: a poster with different kinds of homes
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 6 of My Little Island.
In this unit, My Body, your child will enjoy a story about Billy who dresses up like a robot. When he can’t find his
robot legs, Lilly helps him. Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: arms, body, feet, hands, head, legs; 1–8
✓ language structures: Where’s your (head)? / Where are your (arms)? / Where are your (legs)? / These are
my (arms).
✓ actions: clap, dance, kick, nod, pull strings, shake arms, show (3) fingers, stamp, straighten leg, stretch
arms, tap, touch a knee, wiggle, wiggle hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial n as in nose and f as in feet
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–8
✓ values: Wash your hands.
You can support your child’s progress learning English by encouraging him or her to use the English words
and structures from the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with
your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a fi tness poster
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 7 of My Little Island.
In this unit, Time to Eat!, your child will enjoy a story about a boy who doesn’t like cookies. In the story, Billy
explains to his aunt that he doesn’t like cookies – he loves them! Most children love food so they will especially
enjoy this unit, which is all about it!
Your child will also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: apples, bread, chicken, cookies, pasta, salad; 1–9
✓ language structures: Do you like (pasta)? / Do you like (cookies)? / Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
✓ actions: clap, hand on heart, kick, point to tummy, rub tummy, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms,
thumbs up, touch a knee, wiggle hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial w as in water and y as in yogurt
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–9
✓ values: Eat properly.
You can support your child’s progress by encouraging him or her to use the English words and structures from the
unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a poster about healthy foods
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 8 of My Little Island.
In this unit, On the Farm, your child will enjoy a story about Billy and Lilly at the farm and the animals they see
there. Billy sees a duck, but Lilly can’t – until it lifts its head out of the water! Children love animals and should
enjoy learning the English words for some common farm animals in this unit. Your child will also develop skills
and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: cow, duck, goat, hen, horse, sheep
✓ language structures: Can you see the (horse)? / Can you see the (duck)? / Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
✓ actions: animal actions, clap, kick, show (3) fingers, stamp, stretch arms, thumbs up, touch a knee, wiggle
hands, write letters in the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics: initial d as in dog and g as in goat
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–10
✓ values: Do your chores.
You can support your child’s progress by encouraging him or her to use the English words and structures from
the unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit science project: a poster about what animals eat
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to Unit 9 of My Little Island.
In this unit, The Weather, your child will enjoy a story about why it isn’t easy for Lilly to dress for the weather one
day. Children will enjoy talking about this story, which shows how changeable the weather can be! Your child will
also develop skills and abilities related to:
✓ vocabulary: cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy
✓ language structures: How’s the weather? / It’s (windy). / It’s (sunny).
✓ actions: clap, fan yourself, flap arms, fly kite, hold umbrella, shiver, trace shapes in the air, write letters in
the air
✓ listening and speaking
✓ phonics review: initial b, d, g, k, l, p, and t
✓ prewriting: directionality
✓ maths: counting 1–10
✓ values: Dress for the weather.
You can support your child’s progress by encouraging him or her to use the English words and structures from the
unit. You can also do the actions and gestures associated with the words, along with your child.
You can further support and help your child by:
✓ listening to new songs and chants on the course’s Songs and Chants CD
✓ asking about the unit’s story and characters
✓ observing your child do colouring and tracing activities
✓ encouraging your child to do prewriting activities, such as matching and tracing to develop handwriting
✓ praising your child’s unit maths project: snowflakes made out of circle and triangle shapes
Encourage your child to enjoy English and to be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Yours sincerely,