Hearing - Poor Work Performance
Hearing - Poor Work Performance
Hearing - Poor Work Performance
Employee: .............................................
Employee number:………………………………………
Job title................................................................
Business unit: ..............................................................................................................
Division: ..............................................................................................................
Immediate line manager: ........................................
Date appointed in current position:__________________________________
Role Name Capacity
1. Welcome all present and determine the role and function of each person present.
2. Ensure that witnesses are only present when they have to give evidence.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
The Chairperson makes an arrangement regarding taking down of detailed minutes of the hearing.
3. Full details of the alleged poor work performance (date and brief description of the incident(s)
presented by the initiator)
10. Analyse the situation, identify the problem/problems and the cause/causes
Problem Cause
13. Determine whether the objectives and standards were reasonable/achievable and whether
the employee was aware thereof:
16. Determine whether previous consultation interviews were conducted with the employee at
which feedback was given.
17. Determine whether the employee has a health, personal or domestic problem (e.g. financial,
marriage, alcohol, drugs etc.) Has assistance been offered/declined?
18. Determine how long the poor work performance and non-compliance has been going on.
19. Was the employee aware of the consequences of his/her continued non-compliance to set
requirements and work performance? Was the employee given reasonable time to improve
his/her work performance? Did he/she know that the company would have to consider
alternatives if no improvement was observed in his/her work performance?
20. Determine whether an investigation has been done into alternative utilisation of the employee.
21. Conclude the hearing by requesting the initiator and the employee respectively to place their
closing arguments on record. (the line manager must request the chairperson to institute a
particular sanction (dismissal/alternative post /final evaluation period). The line manager must
place the employee's years of service on record. The line manager must also make a
recommendation regarding appropriate action and motivate his/her recommendation. He/she
must also mention the results of previous similar investigations. The employee must share
extenuating circumstances and factors that should be taken into consideration on record.
22. Adjourn the investigation. Inform the parties when the investigation will be continued (if
applicable). Consider the facts of the case, weigh up the consultations placed on record, and
determine procedural and substantive fairness.
24. Inform the employee of his/her right of appeal or to refer the decision. The employee has the
right to refer the decision/dismissal to the CCMA within 30 days if he/she is of the opinion that
the decision was unfair.
Line manager's signature
______________________________ ______________________________________
Employee's signature Signature of witness
(If employee refuses to sign)