Chapter One - Two PDF
Chapter One - Two PDF
Chapter One - Two PDF
Name ID
1. Samuel Asamnew…...…………………………………………….01160/12
2. Henok Bikes…….…………………………………………………01145/12
3. Mulusew Melaku………………………………………………….01248/12
4. Edenberg Getachew…….…………………………………………02176/12
5. Fetlework Mohammedzein ……………………………………. 02042/12
6. Yeshiwork Chaklu……………………………………………….. 00750/12
25/08/2015 E.C
An Industrial project On Web based T-Lounge Service
System for University of Gondar
Name signature
This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully
adequate, in scope and quality, as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Information
…………………………… ……………………………………….
Name of Advisor Signature
First of all we would like to praise God for giving us full health and helping us to
prepare this project. Secondly we would like to thank our Advisors Mr. Melaku for
his restless support on the preparations of documentation for T-Lounge Service
System for UOG.
Next to them we have great thanks for UOG T-lounge Workers for their supportive
and giving usable resources to prepare our documentations.
Lastly we would like to thanks our class mate students whom share idea and help us
in any way for accomplishment of our project.
The principal objective of this project is to demonstrate and automate the capability in
UOG T-Lounge Service to conduct effective, automated, accurately, and
inexpensively services. In this system we would develop a Web based Lounge Service
System that solves the challenges of UOG T-Lounge. The system handles customers’
online order, view order histories, customer registration, receive customer order
request, display payment information and many other functions. For the success of
this project, we used many methods of data collection like interviewing the staffs of
the UOG T-lounge workers. System also includes the use of hardware and software’s
like operating system, DBMS, application software and the likes. DBMS for the
purpose of database implementation, Application software has to develop user and
administrative interface. From this project, we build automatically effective and
efficient system for UOG T-Lounge.
Table of content
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................ II
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ III
List of Tables ...............................................................................................................VI
List of Figures ............................................................................................................ VII
Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................... VIII
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
1.1. Background Information of the Organization ................................................. 1
1.2. Motivation ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Statement of the Problem ................................................................................ 2
1.4. Objectives ....................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1. General Objective ................................................................................ 3
1.4. 2.Specific Objectives .............................................................................. 3
1.5. Methodologies................................................................................................. 3
1.5.1. Data/Requirement Collection Method ................................................. 3
1.5.2. System development Approach ........................................................... 4
1.6 Development Tools .......................................................................................... 5
1.7. Scope of the Project ........................................................................................ 6
1.8 Constraints ....................................................................................................... 6
1.9. Alternative Solution ........................................................................................ 6
1.10. Feasibility Study of the Project ..................................................................... 7
1.10.1 Operational feasibility......................................................................... 7
1.10.2 Economic feasibility ........................................................................... 7
1.10.3 Technical feasibility ............................................................................ 8
1.11. Proposed solution .......................................................................................... 8
1.12. Significance of the Project ............................................................................ 8
1.13. Beneficiary of the project.............................................................................. 9
1.14 Hardware and Software Tools ....................................................................... 9
1.15 Cost/Budget Estimation ............................................................................... 10
1.16. Work Breakdown Structure ........................................................................ 10
1.17 Time Schedule ............................................................................................. 12
2.1. Introduction of Existing System ................................................................... 14
2.2. Description of Existing System .................................................................. 14
2.2.1. Drawbacks of the Existing System .................................................... 15
2.3 Overview of activities of the existing system ................................................ 15
2.4. Users of Existing System .............................................................................. 15
2.5 Requirement analysis of the new system ....................................................... 16
2.5.1 Functional Requirements .................................................................... 16
2.5.2 Non-Functional Requirements ............................................................ 17
2.6. System Architecture Diagram ....................................................................... 18
2.7. System Use Case Diagram ............................................................................ 20
2.7.1 Use case diagram ................................................................................ 20
2.7.2. Use case Identification ....................................................................... 23
2.7.3 Actor Identification ............................................................................. 24
2.8. Use Case Narrative ....................................................................................... 25
2.9. Activity Diagram .......................................................................................... 31
2.10. Sequence Diagram ...................................................................................... 34
2.11. Class Diagram ............................................................................................. 38
CHAPTER THREE: DESIGN .................................................................................... 40
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 40
3.2 Process modeling ........................................................................................... 40
3.2.2 Persistence Modeling .......................................................................... 41
3.2.3 Deployment Diagram .......................................................................... 43
References .................................................................................................................... 44
List of Tables
List of Figures
Acronyms and Abbreviations
▪ IT : Information Technology
▪ SW: software
▪ UC : Use case
▪ CSS: Cascading style sheet
▪ DB : Database
▪ HW: Hardware
▪ HTML: Hypertext markup language
▪ ID No : Identification number
▪ Admin : Administrator
▪ PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
▪ UML : Unified modeling language
▪ UOG :University of Gondar
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
The University of Gondar (UOG) was officially established with its current status and
autonomy in 2004. In 1954, the University was initially established as a Public Health
College and Training Centre (PHC & TC), now known as the College of Medicine
and Health Sciences. University of Gondar has five campuses but there are also
community schools and staff residences. This are College of Medicine and Health
Sciences and Referral Teaching Hospital Campus In this campus, Medicine and
Health Science programs and the referral teaching hospital are found Atse Tewodros
Atse Tewodros campus is the main campus of the University. College of Natural and
Computational Science, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of
Informatics and Institute of Biotechnology are found here. Maraki Campus College
of Social Science and Humanity, College of Business and Economics, School of Law
and Faculty of Education are found this campus. Atse Fasil Campus Institute of
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
1.2. Motivation
The motivation that initiates us to do this project is the employee works manually, has
work overload, and the customer takes a lot of time to order the food. We have
viewed this problem then we were initiated to change this manual system into a web-
based service system.
UOG T-Lounge gives services for students manually. It is highly error-prone and too
dull work for employees to handle data and goings-on processes. The manual system
takes a long period to find the data of the employee, foods, and customers. They could
be a misunderstanding due to carelessness in documentation and unclear handwriting.
The report is generated manually takes much time and can’t b always full. Also there
is a security problem because the existing system is a manual system in which the
manager stores the supplied product and customers information in packed paper files
so that the file is highly exposed to damage and can be stolen by any other
unauthorized person and difficult in conducting consistent reports because the record
is documented manually and require much time and human power to search and get
wanted information. So this project is intended on the development of a web-based
lounge service system for UOG T-lounge to solve this problem.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
1.4. Objectives
The general objective of the project is to develop a web-based lounge service system
for UOG T-lounge.
To achieve the general objective of this project, the following specific objectives were
➢ Gathering required information for the proposed system by using interviews,
observation, and document analysis.
➢ Design a new proposed system to solve the existing problem.
➢ Identify functional and non-functional requirements of the proposed system.
➢ Model the new system using a UML diagram.
➢ Design a user interface for the new system.
➢ Design a database for the proposed system.
➢ Finally, implement and test the new system
1.5. Methodologies
We used different methods of data collection methods to gather information from both
primary and secondary sources those are: -
➢ Interview –we asked the general managers, users, and employees (waiters) of
UOG T-lounge about the overall activities of the lounge.
➢ Observation –Assessing and analyzing the overall system that has been carried
out by observing the current working system, we have observed the current
working of UOG T-Lounge and how their system (manual system) works and
we have observed how data are handled and information is kept in the
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
➢ Generally, the above data collection tools describe mainly focused on manual-
based activities. Due to this reason, we decide to change manual-based
activities to a computerized system.
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
To develop the proposed system the following tools will be used during the various
stage of the project life cycle.
Software: - This project uses the following system development tools for different
Tools Activities
Notepad++ For editing code
CSS For attractive layout
PHP for coding
MYSQL data base
Xamp Server Server
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Browsers
➢ Hard Disk
➢ Flash Disk
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Since the UOG T-lounge performs its basic tasks manually, there are many problems
existed on the system. So to tackle the problems we suggest the following scope
boundaries. Our system only gives service for students, teachers and academic stuff
workers. Those are:
✓ Users order foods online.
✓ Create user account for employees and customers.
✓ Search and Retrieve file from database.
✓ Update records.
✓ Registration of customers and employees.
✓ Allow feedback from any user.
✓ Generate report.
1.8 Constraints
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Operationally the system we have to develop is feasible. Mean that the proposed
system will solve the problem and how to ensure success. It is reliable, maintainable
and suitable for user. In addition to that it follow each step how the existing system is
working and our technical skill transform the existing system into a web based and
automated one. The new/proposed system is also compatible to any web browser.
Economic feasibility is the process of identifying the financial benefits and costs
associated with the project being developed.
o Intangible benefits
It refers to items that cannot be measurable in terms of money. The following
Intangible benefits are as follows: Minimizing the workload of the employee
(kitchen), Giving moral satisfaction to the user of the system, Reduce Resource
Consumption increasing security, and Increase Management flexibility.
o Tangible benefit
It is a benefit that can be easily measured. Our system will provide tangible benefits
such as:
➢ Cost reduction: The system requires a small number of materials
compared to the existing system.
➢ Improvement in management: The system generates daily reports. So
the manager manages easily.
➢ Increase sales: Because of the system availability many customers
order the food.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
We have to find out whether the necessary technology and proposed equipment have
the capacity to hold the data used in the project. We have learned different types of
courses such as advanced database system and PHP programming language to fill the
gap of technical operation of the lounge service system.
The new proposed system is aimed to have a login interface for all customers (non-
cafe students and other students who are not non-cafe), manager, system admin,
cashier, waiter, and kitchen, by inserting valid user name and password will log in to
the system. The proposed system works over a networked environment. After login
users view daily food menus and based on daily menus order the food, view order
history, give comments, and logout. The proposed system will enable to retrieve,
insert, delete and modify needed information simply for the admin. It includes an
attractive user interface that facilitates fast access to the database and generates
reports easily. Generally, the new system will eliminate/reduce problems related to
time accuracy, speed, security, and complexity in information searching, accessing,
and retrieving.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
▪ It makes the lounge efficient and more profitable in a short period of time, as it
follows fully automated system and has many customers.
▪ It saves the customer’s time when they want to access service from the lounge.
▪ The Customers uses the system safely and gives comfort for them.
▪ It increases performance of the lounge.
▪ Generates more secured information for each customer.
The first beneficiaries of these proposed systems are customers, employees and our
group member. We have knowledge on how to access information from the lounge. In
addition, solve the problems of customers to get full access from the lounge.
➢ for managers
➢ for students
➢ for teachers
➢ academic employees
➢ for Gebi mamenchiya and mastebaberiya
The proposed system can let our users to order online right where they are they don't
need to travel and not supposed to wait so its time saving and interesting
➢ XAMPP Server: To create, store and retrieve files to/from the database.
Hardware Requirements:
➢ Desktop and Laptop computer: To work documentation, implementation, and
access the internet.
➢ RAM Size 4GB
➢ Hard disk size- 465.75GB
➢ Flash disk size-32GB
The work breakdown structure of the UOG T-lounge system is expressed below in the
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
The scheduling feasibility involves how much time is available to build the new
system when it can be built interference with normal business operations etc. The time
set to develop the system is enough to complete the project on time.
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
The Current system is a manual system that needs intensive human labor and
consumes time. Customers order by using tickets that contain thicket number and
food type and the registration of non-cafe students is recorded manually. If they want
to update these files and records, the searching activity is tedious. Here there is no
legacy system in this lounge so we cannot show some demos or scenarios on the old
system. So, we are trying to show how the manual system is working in this lounge.
The student goes to the lounge and stands in front of the cashier and orders the food
from the cashier then the cashier receives birr from the student and gives Bono if the
students order hot drinks then the student goes to the Barista and gives the Bono to
him then the Barista will give the hot drink to the student but if the student order food
the cashier gives thicket to student and kitchen then finally the waiter call the student
and the student receive the food. In the case of the non-cafe student first, the student
registers on the agenda and records the ordered food on the agenda and ticket by using
waiters then the waiters give the ticket to the kitchen finally the waiter call the student
by name and give the food. Generally, the existing system uses a manual way of
implementing tasks and information sharing. This is an inconvenience in terms of
providing integrated service.
The existing system at UOG T-lounge services uses a manual system. Those activities
of the existing system are:-
➢ Register non-cafe students on the agenda and record daily order food on the
agenda by a waiter then the waiter gives thicket to the kitchen after preparing
the food the waiter calls the student and gives the food.
➢ The existing system also uploads daily food menus and collects payments
from customers manually.
➢ In the existing system, the cashier also reports daily income to the manager.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
A. Information Problem
Due to the manual collecting of data, there are redundant records and inconsistencies.
The inaccuracy of data and information may be produced.
Lack of a well-organized database system
B. Registration related problem
The food registration is done manually. This, in turn, will result in poor techniques for
handling the data. The Data can be lost or redundantly registered.
Relying on a manual ordering process or a paper-based system will never improve the
business processes and can jeopardize your business growth.
C. Efficiency Problem
The efficiency of the existing system is not optimal, because the ordering takes much
more time
It is also a labor-intensive process.
The existing system at UOG T-Lounge services uses manual system. The first
activities of existing system, registration of non-cafe students in the form of paper to
give detail personal information, another activity of the existing system is generating
reports, uploading daily food menus and collecting payment from non-cafe students
and any user’s cash.
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
There might be many users accessing to the web server simultaneously. As an online
food order tool performance shouldn’t be affected much and the response time for
submitted page should be less than a minute. The performance of our system is also
measured in terms of load time and response time. The system performance will be
highly responsive because of by query optimizing, normalizing tables and making
client-side validation which is very important to check user’s data validation before
navigating to model or database and it support concurrent user at time.
Response Time: Upon request for user inquiry the system under normal condition
should display results as quickly as possible.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
The proposed system will minimize crash during its run time, since more than one
user could use the system simultaneously. The system should be reliable and matured
enough in giving its service. It should have a fault tolerance mechanism in which it
can recover fast from problems that may occur.
The system should have to be functional at any given time (the system is available in
24 hours a day and seven days a week). There is no delay in the availability of any
information, whatever needed, can be captured very quickly and easily using more
than one server. The server should be always on to be available. The system shall
support the use of multiple users at a time and understandable by all users.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
➢ Application tier
The middle tier will contain the core parts of the facility management system, i.e., the
web server. The web server will handle all requests coming from the client machines.
The requests are different in their type, for example; requests for data insertion,
requests for report generation, and others. It is also the web server that the responses
are forwarded to the client machines.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
A use-case Design is a model of how different types of users interact with the system
to solve a problem. As such, it describes the goals of the users, the interactions
between the users and the system, and the required behavior of the system in
satisfying these goals. A use case diagram is a way to summarize details of a system
and the users with in system [ ].
A use-case model consists of a number of model elements. The most important
model elements are: use cases, actors and the relationships between them System
boundary: indicates the scope of the system project. Anything within the box
represent functionalities in side inscape.
As use case is a list of steps, typically defining interaction between a role or actor and
the system to achieve a goal some of the use cases of our system are the following:-
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
UC-01 Login
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
➢ Receiver notification.
6. Barista: are persons who are preparing tea and coffee. The responsibilities of the
Barista are:
➢ View order histories.
➢ Receive notification.
➢ Update account.
7. Kitchen: are persons which are preparing foods. Responsibilities of the kitchens:
➢ Receive notification.
➢ View order.
➢ Update account.
Actor: is a person, or external system that plays a role in one or more interaction with
the system and represented with the system.
There are many actors in UOG T-Lounge Service System. Those are described as
1. Manager: - is a person who manages all activities of the lounge.
2. System administrator: System administrator is the person responsible at the top
management of the system.
3. Customers: - customers are the system users which can get service from the lounge.
4. Cashier: cashier is person responsible for check payments.
5. Waiter: persons which deliver the foods to the customer.
6. Kitchen: are persons which are preparing foods.
7. Barista: are persons who are preparing tea and coffee.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Description: Users are authenticated and taken to their own user interface based on the
given privilege
Post condition The user is authenticated and taken to his/her own user interface.
Alternative If 6 is not true. The System display Error Message and return back the
course of action user to step 4.
Table2. 2 login
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Alternative If admin misses the required field or entered wrong data, the system notifies
course of action “the missed field or wrong data” and the process continues from step 3
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
8.The customers choose quantity. 7 .The system displays quantity and cost.
9. The customer click on pay
button. 10. The system displays payment option.
If the customer pay in bank. He
click bank button. 11. The system checks payment.
12.If paid the system display “the food is
order successfully”
13. Use case end.
Alternative If 4 and 13 are not true order will fail and nothing changed return to step 1 of
action the flow of events.
Post condition Users must be pay before order the food.
Special Users must be registered correctly.
Table2. 4 Order food
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Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Alternative course If the food not appears the process continues from step 1 and display the food
of action doesn't exist.
Exit condition User may logout from the system
Table2. 6 View food menu
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Entry condition Cashier login to the system and open existing report on the
registration food menus.
Alternative action If 6 is no true the field is missed then will not update
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
flow from one activity to another activity. Some of the activity diagram for our
project is listed below.
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Sequence diagrams show the interaction between participating objects in a given use
case. They are helpful to identify the missing objects that are not identified in the
other analysis object models. A sequence diagram consists of a group of objects that
are represented by lifelines, and the messages that they exchange over time during the
interaction [ ].
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language is a type of static structure diagram
that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their
attributes, operations, and the relationships among objects. A class diagram is an
illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes in the
Unified Modeling Language (UML)[ ]. You can use class diagrams to model the
objects that make up the system, to display the relationships between the objects, and
to describe what those objects do and the services that they provide. Class diagrams
are useful in many stages of system design. You can use class diagrams to visualize,
specify, and document structural Features in our models.
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
3.1. Introduction
In the problem domain the System design is the first part to get into the solution
domain in software development. The main purpose of system design is to determine
how the system is going to build and to obtain the information needed to direct the
actual implementation of the system. It focuses on understanding the model of how
the software will be built. Generally, this chapter is describing how the project is
designed, and what tasks are done under this project.
3.2.1 Collaboration
A collaboration diagram is visual representation of the relationships and interactions
among objects in the unified modeling language. A collaboration diagram, also
known as a communication diagram, is an illustration of the relationships and
interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language (UML)[ ].
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
The purpose of physical design is to translate logical description of data into technical
specification for storing and retrieving data the goal is to create design for storing data
that will provide adequate performance and data integrity, security and recovery.
Physical data model represents how the model built in the database. A physical
database model shows all table structures, including column name, column data type,
column constraints, primary key, foreign key, and relationships between tables.
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology
Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
A deployment diagram is a UML diagram type that shows the execution architecture
of a system, including nodes such as hardware or software execution environments,
and the middleware connecting them. Deployment diagrams are typically used to
visualize the physical hardware and software of a system[ ].
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Web Based UOG T-Lounge Service System
Industrial Project Information Technology