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Alismatales Dioscoreales Pandanales Liliales

Alismataceae Araceae Dioscoreaceae Pandanaceae

Sagitarria sp. Colocasia esculenta Dioscorea hispida Pandanus sp. Lilium sp.

Plant Habit herb herb vine herb herb

Plant Habitat aquatic Terrestrial terrestrial terrestrial terrestrial

Root type Fibrous Fibrous fibrous fibrous fibrous

Stem/Shoot type stolon Tuber Tuber woody corm

Stem Habit acaulescent acaulescent Tuberous cespitose acaulescent

Leaf Structural type euphylls euphylls euphylls unifacial unifacial

Leaf Attachment petiolated petiolated petiolated sessile sheathing

Leaf Venation netted netted parallel parallel

Leaf Arrangement Sheathing Basal Opposite Sessile basal or cauline

Leaf shape, base, apex, margin, Cordate/Cordate/ Broadly Acute/ Cordate/ Sagitate/ Linear/ Cuneate/ Narrowly Linear/ Cuneate/
Sagitate/Auricate/ Narrowly Acute
surface, texture Entire/ Striate/ Smooth Caudate/Entire/Smooth Acute/ Entire/ smooth Narrowly Acute/ Entire

Flower position type inferior inferior epigynous Hypogynous superior

Floral symmetry Asymmetrical Actinomorphic Actinomorphic NA zygomorphic

Flower sex Unisexual Unisexual Bisexual Unisexual Bisexual

Types of sepal N/A Synsepalous Antisepalous Synsepalous NA

Types of petal N/A Apopetalous Apopetalous Apopetalous NA

Whorled, distinct or
Type of stamen Antitepalous Staminodia Filamentous monothecal

Type of pistil Syncarpous Apocarpous Apocarpous Pistilloid syncarpous


Alliaceae Amarylliaceae Asphodelaceae Iridaceae Orchidaceae Agavaceae

Allium cepa Eucharis grandiflora Aloe vera Iris sp. Dendrobium sp. Agave sp.

Plant Habit herb herb herb herb herb herb

Plant Habitat terrestrial terrestrial terrestrial terrestrial terrestrial terrestrial

Root type fibrous fibrous herbaceous fibrous photosynthetic root rhizome

Stem/Shoot type bulb corm caulescent corm herbaceous herbaceous

Stem Habit acaulescent acaulescent cespitose caulescent caulescent caudex

Leaf Structural type unifacial phyllode phyllode unifacial unifacial succulent

Leaf Attachment sessile sessile sessile sheathing sheathing parallel

Leaf Venation parallel parallel none parallel parallel parallel

Leaf Arrangement Basal basal whorled whorled Basal whorled

Leaf shape, base, apex, Linear/Cuneate/Obtuse/ Elliptic/Attenuate/Broad Entire to toothed Linear/ Cuneate/ Linear/Clasping/
Linear/ Cuneate/ Narrowy Acute/ Entire
margin, surface, texture Entire ly Acuminate/ Enitre or spinose Narrowy Acute/ Entire Narrowly Acute

Flower position type inferior superior superior superior inferior inferior

Floral symmetry Actinomorphic actinomorphic Actinomorphic Zygomorphic zygomorphic Actinomorphic

Flower sex bisexual Bisexual bisexual Bisexual bisexual Bisexual

Types of sepal Aposepalous Aposepalous aposepalous Synsepalous apopetalous Aposepalous

Types of petal Apopetalous Apotepalous apopetalous Apopetalous apopetalous Apopetalous

Type of stamen monothecal Filamentous Filamentous Laminar laminar Filamentous

Type of pistil syncarpous apocarpous syncarpous apocarpous unicarpelous apocarpous

Fruit type capsule locucidal capsule capsule locucidal capsule locucidal capsule capsule

Other features alliaceaous odor perrenial perianth is absent stickytipped stalk dimorphic chromosomes

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