Morphology of Flowering Plants Mind Map

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Morphology of flowering plants

External visible structures of any organism. Which can be either

vegetative or sexual in case of plants. Angiosperms are
characterised by presence of root,stem,leaf,flower,fruit,modification

The root system

In dicots,direct elongate of radical leads to form
primary root which bears lateral roots(sec. & tert.)


Types of root Functions of root Regions of root Modifications of root

systems Absorb Root cap-protect,root Storage-tap roots of carrot
water&minerals,prov apex(meristematic & turnip,adven. Roots of
Tap root system- ides proper sweet potato
primary root + it’s cells),helps in deep
anchorage,storing enchoring Support-prop
branches Eg- reserve roots(vertically
mustard(dicot) Region for meristematic
food,synthesis of activity-cells divide downwards) of banayan
Fibrous root system-in plant growth tree,stilt roots(oblique
monocots(wheat,rice) without attaining
regulators(auxin) maturity,reponsible for downwards from lower
primary root is nodes of stem) of
shortlived hence growth of root
Region of elongation- sugarcane & maize
replaced by many Respiration-in some
several roots(arise cells enlarge & increase
length marshy plants develops
from base of stem) vertically upward roots
Adventitious root Region of maturation-
cells called pneumatophores.
system-in banyan Eg-rhizophora
tree,grass,monstera differentiate,epidermal
root arises from other cells convert into root
than radicle. hair that absorbs water
& minerals

' The stem (shoot system)
Ascending part of plant,bears node & intenode,bears bud(axillary or
terminal),green in early stage & tough later

Storage-eg- Support-slendour & spirally coiled

potato,ginger,turmeric,zaminkand,colocasia. from axillary bud. Eg-
Underground stems act as organs of &
> {watermelon,pumpkin,cucumber}
perennation to tide over unfavourable cond. (gourds),grapevines

Modification of stem

Defense(against plant eating Photosynthesis-stem turns into

animals)-axillary bud develops e flattened structure(opuntia) or
into thorns/spines in citrus & fleshy cylindrical(euphorbia)
bougainvillea which contain chlorophyll.

Vegetative propagation- RUNNER-underground stems of grass & strawberry spread to

new niches & when older parts die new plants are formed. STOLON-slender lateral branch
arises from the base of the main axis & after growing aerially for some time arch
downwards to touch the ground. OFFSET-a lateral branch with short internodes & each
node bearing a rosette of leaves & tuft of roots. Eg-pistia & eicchornia(water hyacinth/
terror of bengal). SUCKER-lateral branches originate from the basal and underground
portion of the main stem,grow horizontally beneath the soil and then come out obliquely
upward giving rise to leafy shoots. Eg-banana,pineapple,crysanthemum.
The leaf
V v Ar v v

Introduction Parts of leaf Types of leaf Phyllotaxy Modification

It is lateral,flattened 1)leaf base-leaf is Patter of leaves on Support-tendrils
structure which attached to stem by branch/stem of peas
lamina is entire
develops leaf base & it may ALTERNATE-one Defense-spines of
or when
exogenously at bear 2 stipules. In leaf at one node. cacti
node & bears a bud monocot leaf base Eg-china Storage-fleshy
do not touch
in axil(axillary bud) expands into rose,mustard,sunfl leaves of onion &
midrib. Eg-
which later sheathing leaf ower garlic
develops into base(cover stem OPPOSITE-a pair Photosynthesis-
branch. Leaves partially or wholly) COMPOUND of leaf at one node. (phyllode) petioles
originate from while in some LEAF- Eg- expand & become
shoot apical legumes it may When incisions calotropis,guava green cause
meristem & become swollen reaches midrib WHORLED-more leaves are short
arranged in pulvinus leaf base. breaking it into than 2 leaves from lived. Eg-
acropetal order 2)petiole-holds leaf leaflets. Bud is not one node. Eg- Australian acacia
to stem,allow leaf to found in axil or alstonia Insectivory-pitcher
flutter in wind hence leaflet plant,venus fly
cooling leaf. trap
3)lamina/leaf blade-
expanded green part
are present at
with veins & veinlets
with a midrib. Veins
midrib). Eg-neem
provide rigidity to
blade & transport Palmately
water,minerals & compound-leaflets
food material. are attached at
common point i.e.
t tip of petiole. Eg-
VENATION silk cotton
arrangement of veins & veinlets.
Reticulate venation-veinlets form a
network. Eg-dicots
Parallel venation-when the veins runs
parallel to each other within a lamina. Eg-

The inflorescence
The arrangement of flowers on the floral axis
A flower is a modified shoot(shoot apical meristem changes to floral meristem, internode do not elongate & the
axis get condensed.
The apex produces different kinds of floral appendages laterally at successive nodes instead of leaf. When
shoot tip transforms into flower it is always solitary.
v v

Racemose inflorescence Cymose inflorescence

1) the main axis continues to 1) the main axis terminate
grow and does not terminate. in a flower.
2) flowers are arranged in 2) flowers are arranged in
acropetal order. basipetal order.
3) main axis is monopodial. 3) main axis is sympodial.
4) Eg- fabeaceae family 4) Eg-potato,liliaceae

The Flower

Introduction Parts of flower

1)calyx-green,protect flower in bud 4)gynoecium/carpel/
stage,photosynthetic,outermost whorl. pistil(stigma+style+ ovary)-
It is reproductive unit. A typical ovary us enlarged basal
flower has 4 whorls on swollen united),polysepalous(sepals free) part,stigma is receptive
end of the stalk/pedicel called 2)corolla-to attract insects,may be surface.each ovary bears
thalamus which are tubular,bell shaped,funnel-shaped,wheel one or more ovules attached
calyx,corolla,androecium,gyno shaped. Gamopetalous(fused to flattened cushion like
ecium. Calyx & corolla are corolla),polypetalous(free petals) placenta & One ovule have
3)Androecium/stamen(stalk+filament+anther)-anther- one embryo sac.
accessory while other too are >bilobed,each lobe having 2 pollen sacs. Sterile Monocarpellary-one carpel
reproductive. stamen is staminode. Stamens attached to petals- in flower. Multicarpellary-
PERIANTH-in lily the calyx & >epipetalous eg-brinjal. Stamens attached to sepals- more than 1 carpel in a
corolla are not distinct or >epiphyllous eg-lily flower. Apocarpous-free
differentiated and are termed Polyandrous-free stamen. Monoadelphous-stamens in carpel(lotus,
as perianth 1 bundle(china rose). Diadelphous-in 2 bundles (pea). rose). Syncarpous-fused
Polyadelphous-in more than 2 bundles(citrus) carpel(mustard, tomato)
There may be variation in length of filaments
Types of flowers

On basis of On basis of On basis of On basis of

symmetry floral position of ovary presence of
Actinomorphic(radial)- appendages Hypogynous(superior ovary)-mustard,china bract
rose,brinjal,mango,coconut Bracteate-
mustard,datura,chilli Trimerous-floral
Perigynous(half inferior)-ovary in centre & flowers with
Zygomorphic(bilateral)- appendages in
other at rim of thalamus. Eg- bract
pea,Gulmohar,bean,cassia multiple of 3
plum,peach,rose ebracteate-
Asymmetric-canna Tetramerous-
Epigynous(inferior)-ovary enclosed in flowers without
multiple of 4
thalamus. Eg-guava,cucumber,ray florets of bract
multiple of 5 sunflower

The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with
respect to the other members of the same whorl


Valvate Twisted Imbricate Vaxillary

Sepals/petals in a One margin of Margins of Largest
whorl just touch appendage overlaps appendage overlap petal(standard)
one another at that of next one. Eg- one another in any overlaps 2
margin without china rose,lady direction. Eg- lateral(wings) which in
overlapping. Eg- finger,cotton cassia,gulmohur turn overlaps 2
calotropis smallest(keels). Eg-
pea,bean. It is also
called papilonaecious

Arrangement of ovules within ovary
V v v v
Marginal Axile Parietal Free central Basal
Placenta Placenta is Ovules are born on
Ovules develop on Placenta develops
forms ridge axial, ovules central axis &
inner wall of ovary or from base of ovary
along ventral attached to septum are absent.
periphery. Ovary & single ovule is
suture of multilocular Eg-
becomes 2 attached. Eg-
ovary & ovule ovary Eg- dianthus,primrose
chambered cause of sunflower,marigold
are formed china
false septum. Eg-
on it forming rose,tomato,
Mustard, argemone

2 rows Eg- lemon

Fruit (matured ovary) = pericarp(wall) + seed

After fertilisation ovary—> fruit, ovule—>seed. If pericarp is

thick & fleshy it gets differentiated into epi,meso,endo -carps.
Mango and coconut are drupe fruits cause developed from
monocarpellary superior ovary. In mango mesocarp is edible
& in coconut mesocarp is fibrous but in both endocarp is
Seed = seed coat + embryo(radicle+axis+cotyledon)
← →
Dicot seed Monocot seed
Hilum is a scar on seed coat through which They are generally endospermous but orchid is not.
developing seed was attached to fruit. Seed coat is membranous & fuse with fruit wall.
Above hilum there is small pore (micropyle) Endosperm is bulky & its outer covering is
& cotyledons reserve food and are fleshy. proteinaceous called aleurone layer. Embryo is
Endospermic seeds- castor found in a groove at one end of endosperm. It’s
Non-endospermic seeds-bean,pea,gram, cotyledon is shield shaped & called scutellum.
groundnut Plumule & radical enclosed in sheaths called
coleoptile & coleorrhiza

Semitechnical descriptions of a typical flowering plant ← Mother axis

represented as dot

Br —> bractate G —> gynoecium -| —> actinomorphic

K —> calyx __ —> superior ovary
G % —> zygomorphic
C —> corolla
P —> perianth
G —> inferior ovary
♂—> male I
A —> androecium ♀ —> female
⚥ —> bisexual
Floral formula shows cohesion & adhesion b/w whorls

Description of some important families

f + 7
Earlier called papilionoideae, a sub Also called potato family,distributed in
family of leguminosae & is Also called lily
tropics,subtropics,& event temperate family,representative of
distributed all over world. zones. monocots,distributed world
Vegetative character- Vegetative characters-mostly wide.
trees,herbs,shrubs,roots with herbs,shrubs,rarely small trees. STEM- Vegetative characters-perennial
nodules. STEM-erect/climber. herbaceous,rarely herbs with underground bulb/
LEAVES-alternate,pinnately comp. or woody,aerial;erect,cylindrical corms/rhizomes. LEAVES-
simple,pulvinate branched,solid/hollow,hairy or mostly
base,stipulate,reticulate venation. glabrous,underground in solanum basal,alternate,linear,exstipulat
Floral character- tuberosum. LEAVES- e,parallel venation. Floral
racemose,bisexual,zygomorphic. alternate,simple,rarely pinnately
characters- INFLORESCENCE-
CALYX-5 gamosepalous(valvate/ comp.,exstipulate,reticulate.
solitary/cymose;often umbellate
imbricate aestivation). Floral characters- INFLORESCENCE-
clusters. FLOWER-
COROLLA-5,polypetalous;papilonaec solitary,axillary,cymose in solanum.
ious,keel enclosing. FLOWER-actinomorphic,bisexual.
PERIANTH-tepal six(3+3){often
ANDROECIUM-10,diadelphous(9+1), CALYX-5(united
united into tube},valvate.
dithecous anther. GYNOECIUM- sepals),valvate,persistant.
superior,monocarpellary,unilocular COROLLA-5(united & valvate).
ANDROECIUM-5(epipetalous). epitepalous. GYNOECIUM-
with many ovules,single style. FRUIT-
GYNOECIUM-bicarpellary,obligately tricarpellary,syncarpous,
legume;seed:one to many,non
placed,syncarpus,superior,bilocular,pla superior,trilocular with many
centa swollen with many ovules,axile ovules;axile placentation.
Economic importance-sources of
placentation. FRUIT-berry,capsule. FRUIT-capsule,rarely berry.
SEEDS-many,endospermous SEED-endospermous.
Economic importance- Economic importance-good
food(tomato,brinjal,potato),spice(chilli), ornamentals(tulip,gloriosa),
medicine(belladona,ashwagandha);fumi medicine(aloe),vegetables
gatory(tobacco);ornamentals(petunia) (asparagus),

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