Ear Related Issues
Ear Related Issues
Ear Related Issues
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1. Introduction
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the sixth most common cancer in Singapore amongst
males. Each year, there are 300-400 new cases diagnosed (Singapore cancer registry 2005-
2009). NPC is endemic in Southeast Asia, North Africa, and parts of the Mediterranean
basin, with the highest prevalence in Southern China where an average of 80 cases per
100,000 populations is reported each year (Loong et al., 2008).
The nasopharynx is at a point where the ear, nose and upper pharynx converge. NPC is
relevant to the Otologist although the nasopharynx is located outside the precincts of the
anatomical confines of the ear, since it frequently manifests itself in the form of ear-related
symptoms. The ear deserves special attention not only during diagnosis, but also in
treatment and follow-up of patients with NPC. NPC is extremely radiosensitive and
potentially curable provided the diagnosis is made early. As ear structures are often
included in the radiation fields, ear-related complications of radiotherapy are common as
Early diagnosis is important as it has better treatment outcomes. Patients with early stages
of the disease may present with ear-related complaints. In advanced disease, adjuvant
chemotherapy may become necessary. Chemotherapy usually involves using Cisplatin
(CDDP), which is potentially ototoxic. It is of concern that only 10% of patients are
diagnosed early at stage I (van Hasselt and Woo, 2008). According to Leong et al.(1999),
patient factors identified which contributed to delayed diagnosis included deferment in
seeking medical help, defaulting follow up visits and refusing investigations. Other factors
contributing to further delay in diagnosis were Clinicians not considering a diagnosis of
NPC and Clinicians suspecting NPC but misled by the results of investigations. These
factors contributed to nearly a fifth of patients with NPC having delayed diagnosis. Many of
the factors responsible for the delays appear to be preventable by better patient education
and counseling, doctors having sharper clinical acumen and skills in NPC diagnosis and the
hospital administration having a system of tracking down high risk patients who default.
Therefore, Clinicians should be familiar with the ear-related manifestations of NPC, which
may help in its early diagnosis
This review aims to highlight ear-related issues in NPC patients from 2 perspectives: 1) as a
manifestation of the disease itself and 2) ear-related complications arising from treatment of
156 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
NPC namely, radiotherapy with and without chemotherapy. There is a relative paucity of
world literature focusing on the impact of NPC on the Otologist. A major part of this review
is from the principal author’s previous work spanning 2 decades and review of other
relevant literature.
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158 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
the middle ear, prevent the formation of excessively high negative middle-ear pressure from
gaseous absorption through the middle-ear mucosa (Grontved et al., 1990). This had been
supported by animal studies where the prevention of middle ear ventilation by ligating the
Eustachian tube led to maximum middle-ear pressures of only 116 mm water (Proud et al.,
1971). In humans, it had been observed that inadequate middle ear ventilation from organic
obstruction by antro-choanal polyps and some other nasopharyngeal tumors seldom led to
MEE formation (Sadé, 1994).
However, for many years, the compliance of the Eustachian tube had been thought to be a
factor causing MEE in children (Bluestone, 1985). More recently, the MEE’s associated with
cleft palate and Down's syndrome was believed to be the result of poorly developed
Eustachian cartilages with abnormal compliances (Shibahara and Sando, 1989).
It is therefore reasonable to postulate that abnormal compliance of the Eustachian tube
could also result from tumor erosion of the cartilaginous part of the tube and this may also
play a role in the pathogenesis of NPC-associated MEE. Low et al. (1997) suggested that
when tumour has affected the lamina and the hinge portion of the cartilage, it could lead to
a change of tubal compliance, resulting in MEE formation.
2.1.3 Barotrauma
Sub-clinical Eustachian tube dysfunction caused by NPC might present clinically as
barotrauma. Low & Goh (1999) illustrated this in a case report of a 40-year-old Chinese
female complaining of right earache and blockage after descending from an air-flight. She
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 159
did not have history of rhinitis prior to nor during the flight. She was diagnosed by her
general practitioner to have sustained barotrauma and was treated medically with partial
improvement of symptoms. The blockage in her right ear however, deteriorated a month
later and was diagnosed by an Otolaryngologist as due to middle-ear effusion. Post-nasal
space examination revealed a tumor on the right side, which was histologically proven to be
160 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Fig. 1. Axial CT Scan of the right temporal bone ear showing tumor recurrence of the middle
ear and mastoid.
This 50 year old Chinese man who had radiotherapy for NPC 2 years ago presented with
chronic right ear discharge. Examination of the right ear showed narrowed edematous
external ear canal. The eardrum could not be seen from auroscopy. The CT scan showed
bony involvement. The list of differential diagnoses included tumour recurrence, osteo-
radionecrosis and malignant otitis externa. He underwent surgical exploration and biopsy,
which confirmed tumour recurrence. He was treated with palliative chemotherapy.
patients who have previously been treated for advanced NPC. In these patients, recurrent or
persistent NPC involving the CPA, temporal bone, or parotid should be excluded (Low
2002). A factor that makes the diagnosis even more elusive is that postnasal space was often
free of disease (Gouliamos et al, 1996).
Low et al (2000) reported the following case report, which illustrated the typical features of
CPA involvement by NPC. A 53-year-old man was found to have NPC (stage T4N2, UICC
1997) when he experienced left vocal cord palsy (CN 10) and left CN 12 palsy. He was
treated with radical radiotherapy. Two years later, he experienced left facial palsy (CN 7),
giddiness, and left sensorineural hearing loss (CN 8). The giddiness was described as a
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 161
sense of imbalance and light-headedness but not vertigo. The postnasal space was clinically
free of tumor, and biopsy did not show malignancy. A CT scan showed a deep submucosal
recurrent NPC with bony erosion of the left jugular foramen and extending to the left
posterior cranial fossa. He was subsequently treated with gamma knife radio-surgery.
There are a few possible mechanisms by which NPC can involve the CPA. Isolated lesions in
the CPA that did not have tumor involvement of the skull base can involve the CPA,
suggesting spread from the hematogenous route (Gouliamos et al. 1996). Yuh et al. (1993)
suggested that metastatic cancers to the CPA could also arise from direct leptomeningeal
spread or from dissemination through cerebrospinal fluid. The jugular foramen also offers a
route of communication between the region of the para-nasopharynx and the posterior
cranial fossa (Low et al 2000). Goh and Lim et al. (2009) suggested it could be as a result of
perineural tumor spread.
According to Low et al. (2000), CPA manifestations of NPC can be as a result of
inadequacies of standard radiotherapy techniques in the treatment of advanced NPC. The
design of radiotherapy fields is based on the principle of maximal dose delivery to tumor-
bearing tissues and maximal sparing of normal structures. A normal tissue or organ is
considered to be “dose limiting” if its tolerance to radiation is so poor that it affects the
maximum dose deliverable to the adjacent tumor-bearing tissues. Such structures around
the postnasal space include the contents of the orbits, the optic nerves and chiasm, the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis, the inner ear, the spinal cord, the temporal lobes of the brain,
and the brainstem. Encephalomyelopathy is a feared complication in NPC treatment. To
minimize the dose to the brainstem, standard radiotherapy techniques to the postnasal
space mandate a brainstem shield. Thus, even microscopic disease in this area is under-
treated. Geographic under treatment of an initially advanced cancer may result in a patient's
returning for treatment at a later stage with clinical manifestations of tumor involving the
CPA. Low et al (2000) concluded that this might represent progression of persistent tumor
than a true relapse.
Treatment of NPC in the CPA is clinically challenging because when the standard
radiotherapy techniques for NPC are applied to this region, the brainstem is at great risk.
Gross disease extension into the CPA evident on CT scan is probably not radio-curable for
this reason. In our center, such patients would be treated with initial chemotherapy in the
hope that the tumor would shrink sufficiently to be encompassed by standard radiotherapy
fields. Unfortunately, as illustrated by Low et al. (2000), NPC in the CPA may not respond
well to chemotherapy.
Where a tumor is localized in the CPA, focal means of delivering radiotherapy in the form of
radiosurgery as delivered by the gamma knife or fractionated stereotactic Linac
radiotherapy, may be considered. Such focal means of delivering radiotherapy have the
advantage of depositing a high dose to a well-defined volume of tumor-bearing tissues,
with rapid dose fall off to the surrounding structures. The disadvantage is that there is a 4-
cm upper limit in diameter of tumor size beyond which the dose-sparing feature of this
modality is rapidly lost. Where the tumor is larger than is feasible for stereotactic
radiotherapy, a standard wedge pair technique may be feasible. The caveat, which cannot be
overemphasized, is that the larger the tumor volume, the higher the likelihood of incurring
critical damage to surrounding structures (Low et. al., 2000)
162 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
2.4 Tinnitus
It is common for patients to consult the Otologist for the complaint of tinnitus in the absence
of other ear symptoms or signs. If unilateral, the Otologist often considers the possibility of
an early acoustic neuroma and investigates as such. It is however, highly unlikely that NPC
presents as tinnitus as an isolated symptom in the absence of other features relating to the
ear, a view shared by van Hasselt & Gibb (1991). If present, it is normally a result of
Eustachian tube, middle ear or auditory nerve involvement with the resulting associated
aural manifestations as well.
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 163
Parotid metastasis is most commonly due to lymphatic spread (Wanamaker et al., 1994). The
parotid is made up of a rich network of lymphatic vessels and interconnecting intra-
glandular and peri-glandular lymph nodes. NPC can affect the retropharyngeal lymph
nodes, which can drain into the parotid nodes. From the parotid nodes, the tumor has access
to the lymphatic plexus, parotid parenchyma, facial nerve, and even the parapharyngeal
space (Batsakis & Bautina 1990).
164 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 165
Fig. 3. Axial CT scan of the nasopharynx showing a computer generated isodose plan. This
shows the distribution of radiation dose as determined by the specific beam arrangement.
The dose to the target volume and various structures of interest can be assessed.
166 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
reported post-radiation therapy hearing loss rates based on audiometric evaluation varied
between 0% and 54% (Ho et al., 1999; Kwong et al., 1996; Raajmakers et al., 2002). This is
attributed to radiation-induced damage to the sensorineural auditory pathways.
It is important to know whether the auditory nerve, the central nervous pathways or both,
are damaged by radiotherapy. This is important in the context of treating profound hearing
loss in post-irradiated ears using the cochlear implant. The cochlear implant works by
stimulating the auditory nerve fibres directly, without the need for functioning cochlear hair
cells. Its success therefore, depends largely on a functional auditory nerve and its central
nervous pathways.
If the auditory nerve and central nervous structures are indeed spared and that damage
occurs primarily in the cochlea, it will then be useful to understand the cellular and
molecular processes involved in radiation-induced cochlear hair-cell damage. This is
because it has relevance in preventive measures where medications are used to target the
cellular and molecular pathways involved. Pathogenesis
It was demonstrated in chinchillas that cochlear nerve fiber degeneration occurred after
exposure to high radiation doses. In ears exposed to 40 to 50Gy and 60 to 90Gy of radiation,
the incidence rates were 31% and 62% respectively, (Bohne et al., 1985) confirming that
radiation induced damage is dose dependent.
To find out if radiation damages retro-cochlear auditory pathways, we prospectively
studied newly diagnosed NPC patients treated by radiotherapy alone (Low et al., 2005).
Audiograms including evoked response audiometry which could assess the integrity of
retro-cochlear auditory pathways, were carried out prior to and after radiotherapy (at 3, 18
and 48 months). There was no statistically significant difference in inter-waves latencies
recorded before and after RT (p >0.05, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test), suggesting that the
retro-cochlear auditory pathways were functionally intact. Analysis of dose-volume
histograms confirmed that the cochlea and internal auditory meatus received significant
doses of radiation, ranging from 24.1-62.2 and 14.4 – 43.4 Gy respectively.
It is believed that etiologies of SNHL such as ageing and drug toxicity, share similar cell
death mechanisms leading to a final common apoptotic pathway (Atar et al., 2005).
Radiation-induced apoptosis has been well demonstrated in non-cochlear cell systems and
is generally accepted as an important mechanism of radiation-induced cell death in vivo
(Shinomiya 2001; Verheij & Bartelink 2000) Therefore, by relating our findings to what is
already known, it is not unreasonable to expect radiation-induced apoptosis occurring in
cochlear hair-cells in vivo.
It is well accepted that radiation-induced SNHL is progressive in nature. The integrity of
normal tissues or organs depends on the maintenance of a certain number of normally
functioning mature cells. When the depletion of functioning cells reaches a critical level, a
clinically detectable effect becomes apparent (Awwad 1990). In the case of radiation-
induced SNHL the cochlea consists of a finite number of post-mitotic non-regenerating hair
cells. A patient may experience hearing loss when a critical mass of hair cells is lost and it
may take several months or years after radiation exposure before this stage is reached.
Radiation-induced SNHL has been described to have either early or late-onset. Early-onset
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 167
SNHL occur within hours or days after completion of RT, whereas late-onset radiation-
induced SNHL may manifest months or years after exposure. Hence, “late”-onset radiation-
induced SNHL may possibly represent the later stages of the progression in hair cell
degeneration initiated by direct cellular injury during irradiation. Alternatively, the initial
radiation-induced injury could have rendered the cells more susceptible to apoptosis
following subsequent exposure to insults such as noise and ototoxic medications (Low et al.,
There has been compelling evidence in animal models, implicating reactive oxygen species
(ROS) in the damage associated with non-radiation causes such as cochlear ischemia, noise
trauma, presbycusis, meningitis-associated hearing loss and aminoglycoside and cisplatin
ototoxicity (Seidman and Vivek, 2004).
In radiation-induced apoptosis in the OC-k3 inner ear cell line, Low et al., (2006a),
demonstrated dose-dependant intracellular generation of ROS at 1 hour post-irradiation and
was believed to be an important triggering factor in the apoptotic process. ROS could
explain the observation that high frequency hearing is preferentially damaged by radiation
(Rybak & Whitworth 2005). In an animal study on aminoglycoside ototoxicity, outer hair-
cell death in the Organ of Corti was observed to follow a base-to-apex gradient, which was
eliminated by the addition of antioxidants (Sha et al., 2001). This was attributed to the outer
hair cells in the basal coil (respond to higher frequency sounds) having much lower levels of
glutathione than those in the apical region (respond to lower frequency sounds) and
therefore, a lower antioxidant capacity (Rybak & Whitworth 2005).
In the OC-k3 inner ear cell line, Low et al., (2006a) found up- regulation of p53 related genes
from micro-array studies. Western blotting confirmed up-regulation of p53 at 72 hours and
phosphorylation at 3, 24, 48 and 72 hours after irradiation. It is well known that p53 can
induce apoptosis.
Nevertheless, a number of different mechanisms leading to cell deaths may also be involved
in radiation-induced ototoxicity. These include necrotic cell death, p53-independent
mechanisms and caspase-independent programmed cell death. Multiple cellular organelles
may trigger several pathways that may act independently or in concert (Leist & Jaattela
3.2 Prevention
For NPC and other tumours that are treated mainly by radiation, improved radiotherapy
techniques such as intensity modulated RT help to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure
to the ear. This may be facilitated by early detection when the tumours are still small and
situated away from ear structures.
Accurate delineation of the middle and inner ear is a prerequisite to achieve dose constraint
to those structures. The size and proximity of the middle and inner ear to the tumor, renders
it susceptible to damage. As deviation during contouring can have a profound impact on
post treatment sequelae (Wang et al., 2011), Pacholke et al. (2005) established guidelines for
contouring the middle ear and the two major components of the inner ear. These guidelines
have been of practical help to radiation oncologists.
168 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Improving tumor control rate is the aim, but another important goal is to reduce radiation-
induced complications and to improve the quality of life of survivors. The application of 3D
conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
signified a major improvement over conventional 2D radiation therapy. A randomized
controlled clinical study showed that at 12 months post-radiation therapy, quality of life
scores were significantly higher in the IMRT group than the conventional radiation therapy
group for patients with NPC (86.5 versus 58.3; P <0.001) (Pow et al., 2006). The incidence of
chronic otitis media and abnormal vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in NPC patients
treated by IMRT were significantly lower when compared with those treated by 2DRT,
demonstrating the superiority of IMRT in decreasing unwanted otologic complications.
However, occurrence of MEE, which was related with advanced T stage, cannot be reduced
by IMRT (Hsin et al., 2010).
Clinically effective preventive measures can potentially be applied based on the above
proposed ROS-linked p-53 dependent apoptotic model of radiation-induced ototoxicity. It
also provides a basis for the use of anti-oxidants and anti-apoptotic factors in its prevention.
Antioxidants look promising as effective agents to prevent radiation-induced ototoxicity;
they target upstream processes leading to different cell death mechanisms that may co-exist
in the population of damaged cells (Low et al., 2009). An anti-oxidant, L-N-Acetylcysteine
(L-NAC), was demonstrated in the same cell line to have a protective effect (Low et al.,
2008). With its track record of safety in humans and efficacy as an anti-oxidant, L-NAC
appears promising as an agent to prevent radiation-induced SNHL in the near future. High
doses can potentially be delivered trans-tympanically into the middle ear with minimal
systematic side effects, and entry to the inner ear is facilitated by its low molecular weight.
3.3 Treatment
Efforts to regenerate hair cells represent a large and important field of research and appear
promising in animal studies. However, integrating transplanted stem cells into damaged
epithelium and generating the correct number of cells in the correct parts of the Organ of
Corti will be a challenge. Given that much of cochlear function depends on the precise
mechanical properties of the Organ of Corti, excess or inappropriately placed cells are likely
to cause problems. Moreover, the possible effects of radiation on the supporting and
vascular structures of the Organ of Corti, may also complicate regenerative efforts.
For now, the best therapeutic strategy would be effective rehabilitation of SNHL after RT.
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 169
There are specific issues related to cochlear implantation in post-irradiated ears that one
should consider: Surgery
Adhesions in middle ear could complicate surgery, including posing difficulties during
identification of the round window niche. Post radiation obliteration of the cochlea lumen is
possible, which could compromise smooth insertion of electrode array during implantation
(Formanek et al., 1998).
In cochlear implantation of patients who had been irradiated for NPC, two aspects ought to
be highlighted. Firstly, these patients not infrequently have perforated eardrums and
middle ear infections, with the Eustachian tube openings in the nasopharynx completely
obliterated. For these patients, conventional techniques of cochlear implantation do not
apply and modified techniques such as subtotal petrosectomy, fat obliteration and blind sac
closure become necessary. Secondly, NPC has a racial predilection and is common in the
Chinese. Racial differences in mastoid morphology exist and such differences had even been
used in race identification during forensic and anthropology investigations. Indeed, a study
of Chinese temporal bones had revealed differences in the course of the facial nerve in the
mastoid and in the origin of the chorda tympani, as compared to those described in Western
textbooks (Low, 1999). Knowledge of such racial anatomical variations may reduce the risk
of facial nerve injury during mastoid surgery, especially in irradiated ears where the bone is
usually more friable than normal. Surveillance imaging
A part of the internal component of the cochlear implant is a small magnet, which is
required to secure the external component to the skin of the patient. In an NPC patient who
had been treated previously, magnetic resonance imaging is sometimes required to exclude
the possibility of tumor recurrence. Should magnetic resonance imaging be indicated in a
patient who is already a cochlear implant recipient, there may be a need to remove the
magnet from the internal device before the scan. Re-irradiation
In recurrent tumors, further radiotherapy may be indicated. Fortunately, the internal device
had been shown to be resistant to damage by radiation (Ralston et al., 1999). However,
cumulative radiation doses from further radiotherapy could inflict severe damage to the
auditory nerve, which could compromise the post-implant hearing outcome.
170 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
system for the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media-related hearing problems in
NPC patients.
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 171
significantly worse for patients in the chemo-RT arm at all the post-treatment time points
studied and were more severely affected than those at lower frequencies.
3.4 Osteo-radionecrosis
Osteo-radionecrosis (ORN) is an uncommon complication of radiation treatment. In post-
irradiated NPC patients, it may occur in the temporal bone and presents as chronic or
recurrent ear discharge. To the unwary Clinician, this can potentially be misdiagnosed as
the symptoms of chronic suppurative otitis media and otitis externa, both of which are
common in post-irradiated NPC patients.
Radiation may result in hypoxia, hypovascularity and hypocellularity of canal skin. These
impair normal collagen synthesis and cell production and lead to tissue breakdown and
eventual ORN (Hao et al., 2007). Obliterative vasculitis also causes a direct radiation-induced
avascular necrosis of the bone (Schuknecht & Karmody, 1966). This is more likely to occur in
the presence of tumor involvement (Lederman, 1965). There is a positive relationship between
the size of the radiation dose and the degree of necrosis (Thornley et al., 1979).
Fig. 4. Endoscopic view of the left external and middle ear showing osteo-radionecrosis.
This 60 year old woman had radiotherapy for NPC 15 years ago and had remained disease
free since. She presented with chronic left ear discharge 12 years after radiotherapy.
Examination showed necrotic in the external ear canal and middle ear. CT scan showed that
the bony lesions did not involve the rest of the temporal bone. She was closely followed up
with regular aural toilet and topical antibiotics. She was not keen for other treatment options
like hyperbaric oxygen and sequestrectomy.
172 Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Ear-Related Issues in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 173
specimens obtained under local anesthesia. It was only upon larger and deeper specimens
obtained under general anesthesia from the mastoid that revealed the true diagnosis.
RATs may be uncommon, but with refinement in radiotherapy techniques and the resultant
increase in patient survival, there may be more patients with radiation-associated tumours
in the future. It remains imperative for clinicians to be vigilant when patients previously
irradiated for NPC present with otological symptoms as the key to the successful
management of this condition lies in the early detection and expedient treatment of this
difficult disease.
4. Conclusion
Because of the close relation between the nasopharynx and ear structures, NPC frequently
has Otological manifestations. Attending Physicians must be mindful of these
manifestations as they may aid early diagnosis with consequently better treatment
Treatment of NPC with radiotherapy or chemo-radiation also has great impact on the
practice of Otology. Improved RT techniques have reduced unnecessary radiation exposure
to ear structures, with lesser chances of developing ear complications. Nevertheless, it is
inevitable in many instances. With greater emphasis in the use of chemo-RT in advanced
head and neck cancers, chemo-radiation-induced SNHL has also assumed greater
significance. Although recent technology such as cochlear implants have been highly
successful in rehabilitating profound hearing loss, prevention is still the best practice in the
management of radiation-induced SNHL. A proposed ROS-dependent apoptotic model of
hair-cell damage offers the prospect of prevention at a molecular level in the near future.
5. Acknowledgement
We thank Dr Fong Kam Weng, Senior Consultant of the Therapeutic Radiology Department,
Singapore National Cancer Centre, for the illustrations
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Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Edited by Dr. Shih-Shun Chen
ISBN 978-953-307-867-0
Hard cover, 246 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 15, February, 2012
Published in print edition February, 2012
This book is a comprehensive treatise of the potential risk factors associated with NPC development, the tools
employed in the diagnosis and detection of NPC, the concepts behind NPC patients who develop neuro-
endocrine abnormalities and ear-related complications after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the molecular
mechanisms leading to NPC carcinogenesis, and the potential therapeutic molecular targets for NPC.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Wong–Kein Christopher Low and Mahalakshmi Rangabashyam (2012). Ear-Related Issues in Patients with
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Carcinogenesis, Diagnosis, and Molecular Targeted Treatment for
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Dr. Shih-Shun Chen (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-867-0, InTech, Available from: