Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
“ A fertilized ovum implants in
an area other than the endo-
metrial lining of the uterus “
Sites of ectopic pregnancy
• Tubal (98-99%)
• Ovarian pregnancy (0,5%)
• Adominal (~1/15.000 pregnancies)
• Cervical implantation
• Intraligamentous
• Heterotropic pregnancy
• Bilateral ectopic
Tubal pregnancy
• Ampullary (55%)
• Isthmic (25%)
• Fimbrial (17%)
• Interstitial (angular,cornual) (2%)
Risk factors
a.Pelvic inflammatory disease
b.Previous tubal surgery
c.Use of intrauterine contraceptive
d.Previous ectopic pregnancy
e.In vitro fertilization
g.Previous abdominal surgery
Symptoms & Signs
• 1.Pain (pelvic or abdominal pain) (100%)
• 2.Bleeding (abnormal uterine bleeding)
• 3.Amenorrhea (50%)
• 4.Syncope (1/3 – 1/2 case)
• 5.Decidual case (5 – 10%)
B.Signs :
• Tenderness
- Diffuse or localized abdominal
tenderness (> 80%)
- Adnexal and/or cervical motion
tenderness (75%)
• Adnexal mass
• Uterine changes
Special Examination
3.D & C
5. Culdosentesis
Differential Diagnosis
* Appendicitis
* Salpingitis
* Ruptured corpus luteum cyst
* Ruptured ovarian follicle
* Abortion
* Ovarian torsion
* Urinary tract infection
Divided into two catagories:
• a.Salpingectomy
• b.Partial salpingectomy
• c.Salpingostomy
• d.Fimbrial expresssion
Medical treatment
• Medical therapy is increasingly utilized for
unruptured ectopic gestations with minimal
• Medical therapy is most safe and effica-cious in
ectopic gestations with following:
* beta hCG < 5000 IU
* hematosalpinx < 3 cm
* peritoneal fluid < 300 CC
* patient is capable of complying with the
necessary follow -up
Medical therapy
• Mehotrexate
• Given intramuscularly, 50 mg/m2 on day 1
• Repeat hCG is performed on day 4 and 7
1) if hCG level declines < 15% between day
4 and 7, a second dose methotrexate is
2) if hCG level declines > 15% between day 4
and 7,the hCG titers arefollowed weekly until
titer is < 15 ml IU/ml
• Mean time to resolution is 35 day