Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10 (First Demo)

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Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10

Labangal National High School

Labangal, General Santos City

November 29, 2018

Third Quarter

SPA 10

Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of contemporary music.

Performance Standards: Sings contemporary songs.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. listens perceptively to excerpts of major Contemporary works (MU10CM-IIIah-1 )
2. Describes the characteristics of traditional and new music (MU10CM-IIIah-2)

II. Subject Matter:

 Topic: Contemporary Philippine Music
 Materials: Laptop, Smart TV,
 Reference: You tube (internet) Horizons Grade 10 Learner’s Material

III. Procedures:

A. Preliminaries
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Motivation (listen to the excerpt of major contemporary works)
 Review

B. Lesson Proper

A. Activity
Let the students listen to the traditional and new music and describes the
characteristics of traditional and new music.

B. Analysis
 Let the students identify the difference of traditional and new music

C. Abstraction

 TRADITIONAL MUSIC refers to the compositions that have adopted ideas

elements from 20th century art in music in the West, as well as the latest
trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry.

 New music incorporated the traditional forms as well as indigenous rhythms and
d. Application

Listen and identify whether the music play is traditional or new music.

Guide Questions:

1. What kind of music do you like most? Why?

2. How well did the composers express the message of the musical?
In ¼ sheet of paper, give at least 5 examples of traditional music and new music.

V. Assignment
In ½ sheet of paper, give at least 4 composers of traditional music and new music and their

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Checked by:


MAPEH Teacher

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