Chords in Each Key Signature PDF

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Chords in Each Key Signature

Chords in the Key of "C"

C F G7 Am Dm E7

Chords in the Key of "G"

G C D7 Em Am B7

Chords in the Key of "F"

F B C7 Dm Gm A7


Chords in the Key of "D"
F 7
D G A7 Bm Em

Chords in the Key of "A"
F m C 7
A D E7 Bm

Chords in the Key of "E"
C m F m G 7
E A B7
4fr. 4fr.

Chords in the key of "B"
F 7 G m C m D 7

4fr. 4fr.

Chords in the Key of "B flat"
E F7 Gm Cm D7

3fr. 3fr.

The following chords are in Key signatures that are NOT played as often as the previous chords that were listed.
However, they are chords that should be practiced.

Chords in the Key of "E flat"

E A B7 Fm G7

4fr. 3fr.

Chords in the Key of "A flat"
A D E7 Bm
Fm C7

2015 Abdiel Aparicio Betanzos. Todos los derechos reservados

Chords in the Key of "D flat"
D G A7 Bm Em

Chords in the Key of "F sharp"
F C 7 D m G m A 7


2015 Abdiel Aparicio Betanzos. Todos los derechos reservados

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