009 Newsletter May-June 2016-17

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2016-17 (+855) 98 878 782

The High School

Issue 9 http://issrcambodia.com/

May/June 2017 NEWSLETTER [email protected]

Year 9 and 10 expedition to Kampot

On Saturday 27th May 2017, Year 9 and 10 students embarked on an exciting school trip to Kampot. The
trip was for 4 days and 3 nights. We travelled down on a bus which took the best part of 9 hours and ate
a well-deserved BBQ upon our arrival. Our location was called Salty River Resort which looked out onto
the river and had a beautiful sunrise (for those crazy enough to wake up at 5am and watch it!)
On day 2, students took part in a half day bicycle tour through the stunning countryside and lotus fields.
Students stopped at various points along the way and were even able to watch Cambodian families
make traditional rolled cakes and see how Khmer noodles are made. We also visited a pagoda where
students found out all about Buddhism and the role of a monk.
On day 3, it was another early start for the students as we took a trip to Bokor Mountain. The bus journey
there was like something from a Jurassic Park movie with the forest covered mountains combined with
the cool breeze and the eerie fog. Students enjoyed exploring the abandoned collection of French
colonial buildings which were constructed during the early 1920s.
After a long day exploring, we then headed to Sothy’s Organic Pepper Farm where we found out about
the history of pepper in Cambodia and drank some delicious lemongrass and pepper tea! Our day
finished with us returning to our accommodation where an award ceremony took place followed by an
evening meal in Kampot centre. (HH/MEJ)
CIE Examinations Update
All Year 11 and Year 13 students have now complete their grueling set of public examinations. Feedback
from the students at the end of each session has been positive, but we must now wait until mid to late
August for the results. We are also pleased to announce that CIE has advised us that ISSR attained a
completely satisfactory rating for the administration of the examinations following their recent inspection

Year 10 options 2017-18

All full-time students who will be entering Y10 in August 2017 are now required to complete the IGCSE
options form. Although this has been discussed in earlier communications, below is an outline of the
curriculum structure for Year 10 next academic year. The following subjects and activities
are compulsory for all students:
[1] English Language [5] Physical Education
[2] Mathematics [6] PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education)
[3] ICT [7] Sport
[4] Science Double Award [8] Extra-Curricular Activities
This curriculum ensures that, while academic courses remain the priority, the need for a holistic
approach to education is also addressed.
Full-time students choose a further five subjects. On the form they tick one box (from A or B) in rows 1-5
(for example History or Art)
History Art
Geography Design Technology
English Literature Additional Mathematics*
French / Mandarin Chinese Physical Education IGCSE Course
Business Studies Drama
*Before selecting Additional Mathematics, students must consult with their Mathematics teacher.
Acceptance onto the Additional Mathematics course will be dependent not only upon their performance
in Mathematics throughout the academic year but also upon their Checkpoint Mathematics result.

Year 12 Options 2017-18

We are delighted to report that there has been a very healthy interest in the Year 12 AS Level courses,
not only from the current Year 11 students but also new entrants from other schools. We believe that the
emphasis placed this academic year on the need prudently to consider future pathways has been
reflected in students making informed decisions and engaging in in-depth conversations regarding
careers choices. They understand that, in order to maintain the opportunity of accessing quality tertiary
education beyond Cambodia, they must continue with an international curriculum.
ISSR is a small school despite which we are pleased to be able to offer the following AS Level courses
for 2017-18:
English Physics Psychology
Mathematics Chemistry Art
ICT Biology Design Technology
In addition to the academic courses, all Y12 students will play a full part in the life of the School,
attending courses in Thinking Skills and Work Related Learning, participating in Extra-Curricular
Activities and joining with Y11 in team sports. Next academic year we also plan to organise work
experience with companies that reflect the careers aspirations of the students, and there will be more
information on this development in subsequent newsletters.
Year 7 and 8 Plastic Free Fair

In May Years 7 and 8 held a Plastic Free Fair during which they
were put into pairs and then given an organisation to represent
concerning reducing the consumption of plastic in Cambodia. The
students made posters and leaflets – some even brought in cake
and chocolate! Each student was given some fake money to put
towards the best “stall” and then notified the class of the winning
pair. (MEJ)
The High School Yearbook
There have been many remarkable achievements
this year, and the production of the Yearbook ranks
as one of the greatest. That the students, entirely
by themselves, have planned, collated, designed,
edited and published a High School yearbook of
excellent quality and in excess of 120 pages which
covers every aspect of the School – both academic
and extra-curricular – is truly praiseworthy. The
students should be rightly proud of their work, and
we hope that all members of our community will
support the editorial team in purchasing a copy of
the publication – which serves not only as a
souvenir for years to come but also as an
important historical record of what has been
quantum change in one year.

We thank the entire team but, in particular, Pei

Shan Taing and Rosita Wijnberg who have
displayed such professionalism, dedication and
attention to detail through the long and, at times,
laborious process.
Samples of the yearbook are on display in the
School office.

The High School Prospectus

The High School Prospectus for

2017-18 is completed and about to
be sent for publication. The
Prospectus outlines the curriculum
structure and subject content at Key
Stages 3, 4 and 5 in addition to
providing important information
concerning the daily management of
the School. Students will be issued
with the Prospectus at the beginning
of next academic year.

Presentation and Communication Skills: certificate holders

The following students who participated in the Communication and Presentation Skills ECA were
recently awarded certificates by the Principal:
Elliott Barrett (Y7) Peace Todd (Y8)
Hyeon Jeong Kang (Y8) Pierre Alain Hely (Y7)
Leaksmy Luy (Y8) Rida Soung (Y8)
Lysa Nou (Y8) Sanya Yang (Y8)
Melissa You (Y8) So Theary Seng (Y8)
Year 6 Visit
On Wednesday, June 7th, students from Year 6 of
our Primary School spent half a day with us in what
will be their new home from August. They were
welcomed by the Principal and were given a tour of
the school by our current Year 7, who also gave
presentations on life in the High School and led a
question and answer session. Y6 attended English
and Science classes, and took part in the school’s
ECA programme. We look forward to welcoming
them officially in August.

The final inter-House competition

There is only one point between the top two Houses in this year’s competition…and the deciding events
take place on June 22nd, the final result to be announced on speech day on June 23rd. Students have
planned inter-House basketball, games and…a mystery activity which, since this newsletter is to be
published before the day itself, I cannot reveal!
End of Year Excursions

Some end of year excursions for the High School will take place after the publication of this newsletter
and so we hope that they will go well and we thank the teachers for taking the time to organize them.
Below is Mr Max’s report for the recent Year 7 excursion to ACCB:

Year 7s took part in an exciting and educational

visit to the Angkor Centre for Conservation of
Biodiversity - the wildlife sanctuary situated near
Kulen Mountain. We saw rescued gibbons,
porcupines, tortoises, fish eagles and other exotic
animals. We also learned about the incredibly
intricate adaptations that these animals have.
ISSR Mock Election
In response to UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s shock announcement of
a general election, ISSR decided to hold its own – and did it more
successfully! Y9 representatives of three parties – the Social Party, the
Bright Party and the Cambodian Justice and Youth Party – campaigned
vigorously before the whole school, all the candidates speaking
convincingly and giving well-reasoned arguments on a range of topics
such as education, agriculture and health. After the secret ballot, the
Cambodian Justice and Youth Party led by Sokcheathong Yem had (unlike
PM Theresa May) secured a strong working majority!
Announcement of promotion
ISSR is delighted to announce the promotion of Ms Hannah Hopkins as the
new Coordinator for English.
The teaching of English has flourished under Ms Hannah’s guidance this
academic year, not least with the introduction of Drama both as a subject
within the KS3 curriculum but also as an enormously popular extra-curricular
activity; students, particularly those in the part-time programme, have
experienced such creative work possibly for the first time, and they have
discernibly grown in confidence and articulation as a result. English as a
Second Language has been extended to an English Language Support
programme for those who, while not being in the ESL group, still require
some additional help.
Next academic year the diversity of English will continue with the inclusion of
IGCSE Drama at KS4 and AS Level English, the latter to be a compulsory
area of study for all Year 12 students. In addition, with the arrival of a second
member of the Department, the School now requires an enthusiastic and
experienced individual to lead all strands of the teaching of English and
Drama, and Ms Hannah is unquestionably the most appropriate for that role.
Apart from her tremendous contribution to the academic work of the School, Ms Hannah has been quite
remarkable in the contribution she has made in other fields such as music, assemblies and debating; the
Kampot expedition, which she jointly organised with Mr Max, was an unqualified success and ranks as
one of the highlights of the school year.
The hallmark of great teachers is the extent to which they go that extra mile for the benefit of the young
people in their charge, and it is teachers of such dedication that rightly receive accolade and professional
Congratulations, Hannah, you deserve every success.
Alan Crombie
Principal of the High School
Cooking competition
Tuesday, June 20th sees the return of our annual
cooking club competition. This year, we'll be
whipping up a storm at Bambu Stage (formerly
Tangram) behind the High School. The cooking
club participants will be kicking off from around
1pm with the hope that we'll have plenty of
spectators after 3pm when school is out. Judging
will start at 4:15pm to give any High School
students an opportunity to come and watch
too. Parents: please support this event if you can
since a number of High School students will be
taking part and have been preparing intensively for
the competition.
Farewells and welcomes

As the school year draws to a close we inevitably must say our goodbyes to some teachers, at the same
time thanking them for their service to the School: Mr Andrew Creasey (Science), Mrs Caroline Creasey
(Humanities), Mr Rob Knable (Business Studies), and Mr Raphael Plocque (ESL and, latterly, Business
The High School’s curriculum is expanding and we are very pleased to inform you that we will be
employing not only replacement teachers but also additional staff. With effect from August 2017 the
following experienced teachers will be joining us:
 Ms Danielle Crawford will be working with Ms Hannah in the English Department.
 Mr Peter Greener and Ms Christine Stacey will be teaching Humanities, Citizenship, PSHE and
Business Studies to IGCSE Level. Mr Greener will also be delivering Mathematics in Years 7 and 8.
 Dr Leonard Rogers PhD will be teaching the AS Level curriculum for all sciences as well as working
with Mr Max in the IGCSE Science programme.

More information on new appointments will be provided in the first newsletter of next academic year.

Contacting the Principal

The Principal will not be in Cambodia during the month of July. However, emails will be forwarded from
the School to his personal address. He will be back in school at the beginning of August to answer any
queries from prospective students or from current students in respect of the latter’s examination results
and subject choices for Y10 and Y12 respectively.
Have a good vacation; we look forward to seeing you all again in August. Our school term begins on
Wednesday, August 16th Students will be expected to be in school by 0750.
If you are moving on we wish you well.

The Spirit of a school

The International School of Siem Reap

Wat Damnak Village

Salakamreuk Commune
Krong Siem Reap
Kingdom of Cambodia

Tel: (+855) 98 878 782

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://issrcambodia.com/

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