Cac110-2019228121928-Commercial Law Course Outline
Cac110-2019228121928-Commercial Law Course Outline
Cac110-2019228121928-Commercial Law Course Outline
Lecturer : Mrs J Machaka. BA Gen (UZ), LLBS Hons (UZ), LLM (MSU).
( Legal Practitioner, Conveyancer and Notary Public)
Faculty : Faculty of Commerce
Venue : Faculty of commerce Lecture Theatre
Email : [email protected]
Cell : 0775223794
: 0712531554
The course aims; at imparting knowledge to students and help them to understand the
origins of the Zimbabwe Commercial Law;
• assisting students have an ability to answer problem type questions and write
essays in a logical, coherent and concise manner;
• at giving students the ability to solve elementary problems that integrate different
issues in Commercial Law;
Course Objectives
By the end of the course students should be able to; articulate the various legal
principles and have a thorough understanding of important concepts governing
commerce and business;
• to facilitate the development of understanding of how Commercial Law is applied in
specific situations, using legislation, case law and other relevant material;
• to apply legal principles to any set of given facts with specific reference to contracts
e.g contract of sale, lease;
• to critically analyse, review and apply the legal principles in any set of given facts.
Assessment Methods
• Reading and summarizing prescribed cases, legislation, articles and other material
within the context of the course;
• Studying prescribed material to the extent that candidates are able to solve specific
problem arears.
• The overall mark is made up of 30% course work and 70% from a 3 hour end of
semester examination.
• Course work consists of a group work, 1 individual assignment and/or 1 in-class test.
. Commercial Law has been assigned at least 3 hours per week, making a total of 36
Course content
Under this heading, law will be defined and its purpose in society will be discussed.
Five sources of law will be discussed, that is , legislation, common law, judicial
precedent and custom. A brief history of how Zimbabwe's common law is Roman Dutch
law as ammended will be given
A R Chizikani Commercial law in Zimbawbwe, Word & Image Publications Harare, 2010
Students will get to learn what a contract is, ie a lawful agreement between one or more
persons within the limits of their contractual capacities. They will get to understand
what constitute a valid offer and acceptance. They will get to appreciate the rights and
obligations that flow from different types of agreements and nature of remedies avilable
in the event of breach.
3.4 Formalities
-Green Acres Farm (pvt) Ltd v Haddon Motors (pvt) Ltd 1983 (1) ZLR 17(s)
• R Matsikidze, Mechantile law in Zimbabwe: The law of hire, contract, agency and
sale. DP Print media, 2017 p1-41
• CH Mucheche, Advanced Practical Guide to Business Law in Zimbabwe, Zimlaw
Net 2014 p34-58
• Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002.
• J Scott The law of commerce in South Africa Oxford University Press 2014
Students will get to know what constitute a contract of sale. They will be able to identify
features/ ingredients in that contract which distingishes it from any other contract.
Students will be able to note the legal effects of a contract of sale. They will be able to
identify duties/ obligations of parties to a contract of sale and remedies available to each
part in the event of breach.
• Agreement
• Price
• Merx
• The legal effects of contract of sale
• Passage of risk
• Passage of ownership
• To take delivery
-Westinghouse Btake and Equipment (Pty) Ltd Bilger Engineering (Pty) Ltd
1986(2) SA 555 (A)
-Machiva v Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe Ltd and Anor
• R Matsikidze, Mechantile law in Zimbabwe: The law of hire, contract, agency and
sale. DP Print media, 2017 p69-87
• Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002.
Law relating to special sales will be introduced and students will get to appreciate the
named special sales
Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002
The nature of the contract and law of agency will be defined and essential elements of
agency will be discussed. Students will get to know the various types of Agency. they
will also get to know how authority is acquired by agents. duties of the parties in a
contract of agency will be atticulated and remedies available to each part in the event of
breach. Under this topic, how agency is terminated will be discussed.
6.2.2 Factor
6.2.3 Auctioneer
6.6.1 Revocation
6.6.2 Renunciation
6.6.3 Death
Watson v Gilson Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd & Ors 1997 (2) ZLR 318 (H)
Seniors Service (Pvt) Ltd v Nyoni 1986 (2) ZLR 293 (s)
• R Matsikidze, Mechantile law in Zimbabwe: The law of hire, contract, agency and
sale. DP Print media, 2017 p47-67
Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002
Under this topic, abrief history of negotiable instruments will be given. Negotiable
instruments will be identified and discussed and their essential requirements identified.
Crossings will be discussed and the issue of liability will be discussed.
7.3 Negotiability
7.8 Crossings
Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002
The contract of lease will be discussed and students will get to distinguish it from any
other type of contract. Features of a contract of lease will be identified for both a long
and short term lease. Obligations of either part to the contract will be identified and
remedies available to each part in the event of breach will be discussed. Termination of
a lease agreement will be discussed.
8.1 Definition
8.2 Essential element under law of lease
-sofiantini v Mould
8.5.3 To make necessary repairs
8.8.2 Notice
8.8.4 Repudiation
8.8.6 Merger
8.8.8 Death
-Birria Investiments (Pvt) Ltd v Art Deal (Pvt) Ltd & Anor HH-1749-108
-H & J Investiments (pvt) Ltd v Space Age Products (Pvt) Ltd 1987(1) ZLR 242
-Film and Video Trust v Mahovo Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 1993 (2) ZLR (s)
• R Matsikidze, Mechantile law in Zimbabwe: The law of hire, contract, agency and
sale. DP Print media, 2017 p89-103
Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002
Assignment: With the aid of case law and other sources of law, discuss the seller's
duties. What remedies are available to the purchaser where latent defects are found in
a contract of sale? (30marks).
• R Matsikidze, Mechantile law in Zimbabwe: The law of hire, contract, agency and
sale. DP Print media, 2017
• Sharrock R., Business Transactions Law, 7th Ed, Juta & Co, Cape Town, 2002.
• J Scott The law of commerce in South Africa Oxford University Press 2014
• Kerr A.J., The Law of Agency, Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Durban, 1991.
• Kahn E., Contract & Mercantile Law through Cases, 2nd Ed, Juta & Co, Cape
Town, 1985.
• Norman’s Law of Purchase & Sale in South Africa, 5th Ed, Lexis Nexis, 2005
• Insurance Act