Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson plan

Name of the faculty:

Subject Nursing research
Unit Unit
Topic Variables
Group M Sc Nursing
Place I Yr class room
Method of teaching Lecture cum discussion
A V aids Blackboard, LCD

General objectives:
At the end of the class the students will gain knowledge about the quantitative study in research.

Specific objectives: the student will be able to,

1. Define variables.
2. Explain the meaning of concept.
3. Enumerate the types of variables.
4. Explain in detail about the various types of variables.
Sl.no Time Specific Content Teacher’s Learner’s A V Aids Evaluation
objectives activity activity
1. 1 The student will A variable is a concept or abstract Lecture and Listen and Black What is a
min be able to define idea that can be described in explain understands board. variable?
variables measurable terms

2. 3 Explain the A concept is an abstract idea Lecture and Listen and Black What is the
min meaning of conjuring a mental image of a discussion understands board meaning of
concept phenomenon. The concept is not the concept?
phenomenon itself, "only the image
thought of when the word is

3. 2 Enumerate the 1. Independent variable Lecture and Understands LCD Mention the
min types of 2. Dependent variable explain and asks types of
variables 3. Extraneous variable questions variables.
4. Intervening variable
5. Attribute variable
6. Confounding variable.

4. 10 Explain in detail Independent variable Lecture and Understands LCD Differentiate

min about the It is the intervention or treatment that discussion and asks between the
different types the researcher performs to see the questions various
of variables. resulting change in the dependent types of
variable. The independent variable is variables.
manipulated by the researcher.
Dependent variable
A dependent variable is the
response, behavior, or outcome that
the researcher wants to predict or
explain. Changes in the dependent
variables are presumed to be caused
by the independent variable.

Extraneous variable
Extraneous variables are
uncontrolled variables that influence
the findings of the research study.

Intervening variable
Intervening variables
(sometimes called confounding
variables) are a type of extraneous
variable that cannot be controlled but
are innate to the participant in the
study and whose effect on the study
cannot be measured.

Attribute variable
Attribute variables are
variables that cannot be manipulated
(Kerlinger, 1986) or influenced by
the researcher, yet they may be
present or vary in the population
under study.

Confounding variable
The extraneous variables that
are not recognized until the study is
in process, or are recognized before
the study is initiated but cannot be
controlled, are referred to as
confounding variables

Others are
Environmental variables
These are a type of extraneous
variable composing the setting in
which the study is conducted

Demographic variable
These are the characteristics of
subjects that are collected to describe
the sample

Research variable
These are the qualities, properties, or
characteristics identified in the
research purpose and objectives or
questions that are observed or
measured in a study.
4. 1 Conclusion Summary/ recapitalization: Discussion Understands
min Examining variables helpful and asks
approach to understanding the questions
research process. Variables are the
building blocks of all studies, and
they are critical to research
outcomes. Understanding the
different types of variables and their
use in research can help you interpret
research and its applicability to your
practice setting.
5. 1 Assignment Assignment :
min Select 2 quantitative and qualitative
research articles and find out the
various types of variables used in it
and submit.

1 Laura A Talbort. principles and practice of nursing research.2nd edition. Missouri. Mosby Publications;1995.
2 Polit and Beck. Nursing research.8th edition.New Delhi. Wolters Kluwer PVT LTD;2008.
3 B T Basawanthappa. Nursing research.2nd edition. New Delhi. Jaypee brothers;2007.
Lesson plan
Name of the faculty:
Subject Nursing research
Unit Unit
Topic Assumptions
Group M Sc Nursing
Place I Yr class room
Method of teaching Lecture cum discussion
A V aids Blackboard, LCD

General objectives:
At the end of the class the students will gain knowledge about the steps in qualitative research process.

Specific objectives: the student will be able to,

1. Define assumptions.
2. Enumerate the phases of quantitative study.
3. Explain in detail about the phases of quantitative study.
Sl.no Time Specific Content Teacher’s Learner’s AV Evaluation
objectives activity activity Aids
1. 1 The student will Assumptions are overt or innate Lecture and Listen and LCD What is an
min be able to define beliefs held by the researcher about explain understands assumption?
assumptions. phenomena that are accepted as truths
without proof or empirical evidence

2. 2 List the types of Types of Assumptions Lecture and Listen and LCD What are the
min assumptions.  Universal discussion understands types of
 Theoretically based assumptions?
 Empirically based
 Research based.

3. 5 Describe in  Universal Assumptions. Lecture and Understands LCD Explain the

min detail about the These are beliefs accepted as discussion and asks various types
types of universal truths by a majority of questions. of
assumptions. the population. assumptions
Eg: Man is a bio psychosocial, in research.
cultural, and spiritual being.

 Theoretically based
These are beliefs associated
with a specific theory. To accept
the theory one must accept the
underlying assumptions associated
with that theory.
 Empirically based
These are derived from previous
research studies. Therefore these
are considered the most reliable.

 Research Assumptions
These are beliefs about the
research design itself. For research
studies, assumptions are
embedded in the theoretical frame
work, the research methodology,
the statistical analysis, and the
interpretation of the findings.

4. 2 Conclusion An assumption is a realistic Lecture and Understands

min expectation. It is something that discussion and asks
we believe to be true. However, questions
no adequate evidence exists to
support this belief. An assumption
is an act of faith. It will not be
tested in the research.

5. 1 Assignment Assignment :
min Select 2 different studies of different
speciality and analyze the assumptions
made by the different researchers.
1. Polit D F, Hungler B. Essentials of nursing care research. 8th ed. India. Lippincott publications. 2008.
2. Talbot L A. Principles and Practice of Nursing Research.1st ed. Mosby.
3. http://web.utk.edu/~wrobinso/540_lec_assume.html
Lesson plan
Name of the faculty:
Subject Nursing research
Unit Unit
Topic Ethics in nursing research
Group M Sc Nursing
Place I Yr class room
Method of teaching Lecture cum discussion
A V aids Blackboard, LCD

General objectives:
At the end of the class the students will gain knowledge about the steps in qualitative research process.

Specific objectives: the student will be able to,

4. Define assumptions.
5. Enumerate the phases of quantitative study.
6. Explain in detail about the phases of quantitative study.
Sl.no Time Specific Content Teacher’s Learner’s AV Evaluation
objectives activity activity Aids
1. 1 The student will Ethics is a form of philosophic Lecture and Listen and LCD What is
min be able to enquiry used to investigate morality. It explain understands ethics?
explain the is based on scientific ethical principles
meaning of that are used to justify actions and
ethics. assists in the resolution of moral

2. 2 Explain about  One of the first internationally Lecture and Listen and LCD Describe the
min the evolution of recognized set of standards is referred discussion understands evolution of
ethics in nursing to as Nuremburg code, developed after ethical
research. the Nazi atrocities were made public in principles.
the Nuremberg trials.
 Several other international
standards have followed, the most
notable of which is the declaration of
Helsinki, which was adopted in 1964
by the world medical assembly and
then later revised in 1975.
 Most disciplines have
established their own code of ethics. In
the United States, an especially
important code of ethics was adopted
by the National Commission for the
protection of human subjects of
biomedical and behavioral research.
 The Commission, established
by the National Research Act, issued a
report in 1978 that served as the basis
for regulations affecting research
sponsored by the federal government.
 This report sometimes called
Belmont Report, served as a model for
many of the guidelines adopted by
specific disciplines.
 The Belmont Report
articulated tree primary ethical
principles on which standards of
ethical conduct in research are based:
beneficence, respect for human dignity,
and justice.

3. 5 Describe the  Principle of beneficence Lecture and Understands LCD Explain the
min ethical  Free from harm discussion and asks ethical
principles  Freedom from exploitation questions. principles
 risk/ benefit ratio
 Potential benefits and costs of
 Principle of respect for human
 Right to full disclosure
 Informed consent
 Principle of justice
 Right to fair treatment
 Right to privacy
4. 2 Conclusion Summary/ recapitalization Lecture and Understands
min Ethical principles take care of the discussion and asks
clients or participants in the questions
research process it helps to
prevent the harm and to keep the
5. 1 Assignment
1. Polit D F, Hungler B. Essentials of nursing care research. 8th ed. India. Lippincott publications. 2008.
2. Talbot L A. Principles and Practice of Nursing Research.1st ed. Mosby.

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