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TEST CODE 01218010
Paper 01 - General profciency
90 minutes

;22 r 2_
I This test corsists of60 iteros- You will have 90 minutes to answer tlem-
2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an a-nswer sheeL

3. Each item il this te# has four suggested answers, Iettered (A), (B), (C), @). Read each item
you are about to alswer arrd decide which alswer is best

4 Ou your answer shee! f-nd the number which corresponds to your- item and. shade the space
Ihwingtie saoe .letter as the answer you have chosea- Look at ttre sanple item belolv.
Sample Itern

Choose the word or set ofrvords that best completes each seDtetrce-

Someone who is su-ffering from influenza needs to be isolated as tle disease is

Sample Answer
. (A) iasting
(B) .serious
(c) ' contagious @ @
(D) destructive

The best a:::;wer to this item is "contagious',, so arswer space (C) has been shr.ted-

J If )'ou want to chaage yo,r ans'we4 be sxre to erase it completely before you fiIl in your new

6 When you are told to begin, hrn the page a.nd work as quickly and as carefully as you can,
If you calrrot aaswer au iteD, go on to the next one. you may retur! to ttrat item later- your
score will be t-he total number of correct aDswers-

Items 1-5

Instructioirs: Each seutetce rl this seciion has eitter one or hrc vords missiag. Cboose from the
four opdons the word or pair of words which BEST completes the meaning of the seD.teEce.

I Thejouraalists were impressed by the _ 4 for_

Justice mustbe seen to be done,
of the statesroan whose speeches had keahelt catr cause great
-._- .

profound _ on all who heud them-

uafair .......... resentment

aPpeararce .......... reaction pronouced .......... arger
presence ......,... result unlawfil .......... surprise
emotiou ......... sensation uffewarded ........... bittemess

@ eloquence..........effect

5 There are maly who rvould ty to

2. Because she had worked all day. the maid your efforts because of their jealousy
was the task ofpreparing supper.

@ deprived of affed
relieved of
barred from eDcourage

hindered from

3 Parenh shoulti h-y t0 .......... their chjldren

so that they may eveatualiy become ......:...

discipline ........ timid
Eaia ............. intelligible
rev 'ilampgr ..-......- acceptable

@ educate ........... seiJ-suffcieut


Ir.rn s 6-10

ilord 0r phrase that is alqost OPPOSITE

Ins tr 0ns : Ch6ose the in mearing to tbe underiined
lvord or phrase.

6 The headgear u'oT tI the factory worker 9. Ilaviug rhought about iq I tnd rhe idea guite
is made from artificial material. repuoanl

(.4) natural (A) suriling

(B) syntbetic (B) attactive
(c) [0an-Eade (c) interesting
(D) prefabricated (D) Iaudable

His Character wa such that he was always iC. The candidate was obfivious ofour plans
daunted by a chailenge.
(A) aware of
(A) relieved (B) opposed to
(B) satisfied (c) auused by
(c) surprised (D) offended by
(D) encouraged

s The tourist brochue gave verbose accounts

of the Carnival festivities of Iast year.

(A) 'colclse
(B) pleasing
(c) colourful
(D) accurate

ltems 11-15

this section are unacceptable because of inappropriate

Instructions: some of the sentences in
some sentences zre acceptable as they stand'
No sentence contai-us
aruilrj iaio* or vocabulary.
ilore than one inappropriate elemenl

choose the oNE underlined part A, B

or c thlrt is inappropriate' If the sentence is acceptable as

it stands, choose D.

L4. Too much students entered dre competition;

He divided the sweets amons Sasha aad
only one of ttrem was good euough to
B (.
me No enor.
(. D No error
reach the quarterfi nals.

L2 Peter now have fufluenza and
is unable to pu=ticDate in the Inter
School 15. The biased reporter is concemed
Games. No enor- not so trluch with the tuth of whathe
writes, as with its credibiliry. No error

mood to
13 The rest of tbeteamwas not in no

continue the game ald went offthe fi.eld"


No enor
-f -

heln! 1 6-20

ruLd.q.!l: Each sentence i.-'t this settion is followed bv four alternative sentences. Choosetheone
r,< i
to the original seltepce-
n--_faf..Esf L\ ivfE-A-NiNG

i6. Wben lr4r. Peets was transferred on 18. The budget speech was undoubtedly one
promotion from South Point to Maraval, of the briefest in years.
Itrfrs. Adams succeeded hiro
(A) The budget speech was r*,ithout
(A) Mrs. Adams rvorked at Maraval doubt a very brief one.
after Mr. Peets left on promotior- (B) This budget speech wd auong the
(B) Mr. Peets was succeeded by trrfrs. briefest we have hird for a long
Adams when he was pronooted to +;'--
a post at Mar3val. (c) For a long time thebudget speeches
(c) Bottr Mr. Peets and Mrs. Adams have beeE too loag.
were bansfened on promotion: '(D) This year the budget speech was
Mr- Peets to Maraval aod lvfrs, better ttran all otlers.
Adams to South Poinr
(D) In order to getpromotioq lvk Peets
had to be tansferred to Maraval 19. It took the coostuction firm nearly tbree
to allow lvt15. fidams to work at years to complete the new highwgy
South Point because of the uneven terrail and in-
clement weather.

17 The result was some finan-

of tle flesding (A) Because ofttre uneven ground a.ud
aia.l.loss to those farmers whose uops were very bad weather, the firrn took
destroyed over tfuee years to complete the
rew bjghway.
(A) Tbe flood destroyed crops and (B) The constuction frm took tbree
caused some farmers to lose years to finish the new highway
money. ' because ofthe uneven gror:nd a:rd
(B) A-fter ttre flood, all the farmers very bad weather.
suffered financially because of (C) The new highway was finished in
the destuctioE of their crops. just under three years beaause the
(c) \lfh en the floodi-ug was over, conskuction frm was faced with
the fi''ancial destruction of ttre . rmeverI. goutrd and regllar bad
farmers and their crops was weather.
evidetrL (D) For nearly three years the
(D) The financial loss which the construction firm encountered
farmers su'ffered was not helped rmeven grounds and consistently
by the flood which subsequently bad werther wheu they tried to
destroyed their crops. 66mFlete ttre new high. wai,.

20 The tvliqlster saici that the members of the

Opposition- had acted very irresponsibly
because they were oot in firll possession
ofthe facts and'\ ,erg constaatly misleading
the people

(A) Not onJy did the Minister say that

the Opposition was irresponsible
but that tJ:ey were aiso ignorant
and misleading the people.
(B) The fuIinister was accused by irre-
spousible members of tll.e Oppo-
sition of not having firIl knowl-
edge of the facts and misleadiag
the peopl'e
(c) The Minister accused the OPPo-
sition of irresPonsible action.
becaus e of their iack
and theirpersisteut misleading of
the people.
(D) It rvas tte r:ninformed oPinion of
the Opposition that caused the
Minister to accusethem of acting
irresponsibly and of constantlY
m.isleadhg the peopie.

1p1ns 2118
and then answer itenls 21-13 on the basis o ilf ilat
follot'ing poem carefrllly
I]1sjl]q!ti ms: Read the
is stated or inPlie d'

24 " fuII of stars, Iike skies at night-"

(line 6), is an example of
ii' flrll of cart'
What is this hfe
ti." to sta-nd and stare? (A) rhyme
No time to staad beneatl
the bough (B) simile
(c) repetiiion
AnC s+Jre as ]ong as sheep or
in daYlight, (D) onomatopoeia
5 No tifle to see, broad
Su.e,.ns fi:ll ofst rs, like skies at
No tiEe to turn at BeautY's glance,
And watch her feel how tley can dance'
?5. "No time to tuIn ..: her'eyes began'"
(lines 7-10), is an examPle'of
No time to wait tili her moutl caa
t0 Enrich that smile her eYes began' (A) pun
A poor life this if, fuIl of ca:e, (B) simile
.We have no time to staad and stare'
(c) perso',itr cation
H. Davies, "Leisure"'
(D) onomatoPoela

In Ten Twet'ttierh-Centurv Poets'1957, p'j5'

The poet believes we will have a "poor life"

27 When the Poet says "fi:il of care" Qine 1) Qine I 1) if we do not have
he means a Afe fi:Il of
(A) ri'.'e to apPreciate liFe
(A) aa.ger (B) things to enjoY
(B) duties (C) motrey to sPend
(c) boredom (D) friends to socialize with
(D) happhess

a1 flcgslrling to the poet we have 'No time

)', The poet uses the idea "stare as long as to see, iabroad daylighq Streams firll of
sheef or cows" (line 4) becarse he thiaks stars ..." (lines 5-6) because w-e
we shou-ld
(A) are too busY
(A) relax beneath the boughs (B) . are too aL:iious
(B) stop being busY a.nd relax (C) have no resPdct
(c) Eaze atthe bealrtY of tle skies (D) have no time for iuagiiation
CD) stand aad observe our surrormdings

23. The poet implies that we need leisr:re in 78 In which of the foilowing liaes does the
oul life for it to be poet answer the question asked in lines
I ar,d 2?

(A) vitzl
(BJ reiaxing (ftj Lire 3

(c) imPortant (B) Line 5

(D) meaningf:1 (c) Li.::e 9

(D) Line 1i
- 8,-

lte.,j:ls 79-46

Instructions: Read following passage carefir-lly and then answer iter-ns 79-36 os tbe basis of
what is stated or impUed
t e Sisters

Over ttre years, Ma-ta trad sent many warm and frieadly messages to Elan4 iuf iting her to visit Ilora
and assuiLog her that she'd a-lways be welcome. But her prodigal sister ne'v'er replied- From time to time,
horyever, traders brought news tlat Elana's marriage to lyako had been blessed wlttr two sets of twins,
ttrat lyako had succeeded his father as ruJer of the Kingdom of Horses, ald that
their marriage was a
5 stormy one For a long time there u?s no fi:rther news uatil one ilay, a trai'dier told Q'ren 14311" 1rr1
Iyako LaiI bear thrown b,v a wild horse and had broken his bad<, that Elara had lost both. her beauty ar:d
hermind and, after shouting night ald day thai the Ki-ngdom of Wild Horses was an accursed onq she
;Thiy sear.hed high and low for her, but she had vanished without a uaci
ira .rop.a ao. keq,ers.
the traveller said, shaking his head sadly'

10 fte her to send search parties to all of the cor:-nkies

eueen immediately su-mmooed Leha a.u'd ordered
bordering on tle ICrgdom ofWild llorses.

-Go to the en& of ttre earth if 1ou have to, but bring my sister ba& to Ilora. whoever filds her wiII be
whom le-ha had recruited-
amply rewardedl Queen Marta said to the tm&ers, Eadels and interpreters
and reported that they had
fof #., y.*s of frttile searching, the searcb parties returned one by one
15 found no Eace ofElarla-
earth'" L&a said "I hear youi Queen Marta said
"it'sas if lour sister has va-nished from ttre face of the
"a-ud yet I feel ir my boaes that sbet stili alive-"

had mapped her rough-hewn face with lines as delicate as qrider webs'

20 de fust time tL,t Leha stepped intoAudieoce Room to report about her travet to distalt Places in
aged- Wben their eyes
search ofElal4 she was boE surprised and pleased to se-e how Queen Marta had
made four, ttre "-il.;,.,g Leha saidio herself, TCs as if her face had beaten ver-f geudy ao-ahst tLe yearsi
foi she could sec quiticlearlyhow time had &anged what was oncc al ugly coultena-nct into a beautif:I
on.. When a sh# of su.nlight touched the doud of white hair on the Queent hea4 irbes.ore luminous,
25 a_ud,4.welcomiag smile lighting up her dark face lifted fuha's spirits and made her heart
sing. And some-
U*, .l ,L prflips shJhad endr:red travelling acoss par&ed savanals, through delsely wooded
valleys, bver mountains and down turbuJent rivers, were forgotteo'

fan Carew, The Sister and Manco\ Stoies, Macmillan,2003' pp- 4647.

The sfyle of writing in this exkact catr 30. "Their nurriage was a stomy one" (lines
BEST be described as 4-5) implies that

(A) fach:a1 (A.) it was unpleasant

(B) descriptive (B) it was fiaught Y/iti difficulty
(c) narrative (c) they got married ou a stolTny day
.'-l'-.n+.t.-Jr aD) the, didn't alq,avs see eve f.r eve

"Go to the ends ofthe earth" 34 ]trtich of the followirg
l1 The is an example of
flpe 12) implis
that rhey should search contast?

(A) the Kragdomof WikiHorses (A) She'had lost both her beaury and
@) every accessible lald her niad" (lines G-7).
(C) over momtains ald dom rivers (B) "she had vauished wiihout a tace,'
p) throu$ densely wooded valleys (tine 8).
(C) 'her hair was sh-eaked with grey',
(Lne t8).
3?.. the literary device used in the pkase "u (D) "lighting up her dark face,' ([ine
delicate as spider vebs" (line 19) is a 25).

(A) putr
(B) metaphor 35. "The cloud ofwhite haii,
1[neiz+; is aa
(c) simile exa-ple of
(D) hyperbole
(A) litotes
(B) metaphor
33. Ttre uniter implies thatlcha was (c) 0xytr0r0n
(D) personification
(A) a traveller

@) Marta's sister
(c) a household seryant 36. The concluding sentence ofthe extract
(D) the leader of the queen's ar4y
(A) suggests they had forgotten all
about Elana
(B) indicates that they had given up the
. search
(C) coaveys the idea that the problems
thatlehahad encputered in the
search were forgotten
(D) means that lrha would be willhg
to continue the search

Items -17-{4

instudgus: Read the foiiorvin g ertract calefully and then amurer items 37-44 on the basis of lvltat
is stated or implied.

fttren ttre rad:tional faroily unit is discusseC. it is usually in terms of the erterna] social
changes that ue threatenhg i''s existence as al insritution. Little thou$t is given to the intennal

problems of nornal homes. The cental problem for most famiiy members is, of course, hol to

get aiong with each ottrer. This intemal uatter is not *'iilout its external implications: for oniy
J rvhere ttrere ue orderly and peaceful families can there be al orderly and peacef:l societv.

0f all ttre social chalges that have affe,;ted tle family ra recent yea$, by far rhe most

in tlrc number ofmorlers of school-age children who have taken

. significant has beenthe iacrease
outside enployment In Canada, some 75 per cent of women in this category no* have full-time
or part-tirne jobs. For the mosr pa4 economic inperatives have left women no choice but to
work for money. Al fauiiy sryle took one Caladian 48
iacome suffcient to mailtain an average
a week to eam that today.
hours a week to eam in the i 950s. It takes two people 65 to 75 hours

devote to children have

The conflicts beween work and fanily life and scucity of tiroe to
taken a personal toll on womeu in tle form of stass and depression. Obviously,
individuals under
.who are no! so the tensions of work are carried over
stess are harder to deal with than tltose
into tensiols in mottrer-chrild relationships. Meq too, report feeling "stessed
ouf' and squeezed
of mothers doing everything
between work and farniiy obligations. Males laise d in the Eaditon
in 6e home ue inclined to be lax fu doing housework and awkward in the unaccustomed role 0f
activelynutruingchildren Butifatwo-incomefamilyistorunsmoottriyairdfairly,thehousehold
workload must be shared-

20 Anothei profound change in fanily rela[onships lies in the relatively high incidence of
divorce and nuital sepamtions in westem society. The fact that so many
couples fee I they must

go their separate ways iliustates just how dificult it is for people to lir-e togettrer satisfactorily
at the be$ of times.
- 1i -

4L. Accordir\g to t}re writer in paragraph 3

(lines I-5)'
37 -4ccordin-g to Parasrapb oDe (tines i2-I9), tensions in mother-child"*-giesuJts from corflict
r,'J" relationships can occut because
benveen familY mernbers

L moitrers are under stress

(.A) I)isorder in sociebes II parents and children are under
(B) Lrious parens and cUldren sEess
ln bomes
Disruptive beha-nour [L moitrers are dePressed ald hard to
(D) Hjgh levels of tension bere"eeD deal with
(A) I only
(B) tr oriy
3a Accordin,e to the extract, all of the (c) I aad III onlY
following tfueaten the existence of the @) tr aad Itr onlY

(A) *re high divorce rate in v/estern 42. The writer's main PurPose'is to
s ociety
(A) focus on the Problems exPerienced
(B) problens faEily members exPeri-
bv men
ence in getting aloug
CB) rev-eal tle problerns experienced by
(c) conflicts betweea eoPloYers and rnerL worneD and childfen
w'orking parents highlight some ofthe internal proL
(D) the increase in the number of lems tlratening the existence of
Eothers of school age children tbe familY
rx,orking outside of tbe home
(D) show that single income families
fi:.nction better thal two-iDcome
39- , The word that is closest in Eeening to
"imperatives" (line 9) is
43 The writer's mai" inteltiotr in lines 15-19
(A) concerls is to show that
(B) matteIs
(c) demaads (A) Ee! io two-inco;ae househoids
(D) guidelines never helP in the home
(B) two-income households alwaYs
experieoce shess
40. In peragraph two (liles 6-11) the writer (C) chiidren in two-income households
compares iacome in the I950s to incdme . are neglected
today to show tlat (D) sharing ofthe household workload
caLe helP a two-incorrie familY to
(A) a single iacome cann ot adequately run smootllY
support an average farailY
(B) people eamed more io the 1950s
thal todaY 44 The tone of the Passage maY be best
(c) people today do not v/od( as hard described as
as people in tjre 1950s
(D) people todaY work longer bours for
(A) mocking
tie same paY as in the 1950s
(B) indignant
(C) comPlai ng
(D) analltical
- l?-

Ite6 s 45-54
on the basis of what
Instructions: Read the following eatraci careiulll' and thea aoswer items 45-54
is stated or iraPlied.

' The Press must be, in any democratic society' a dedicated Opposition-

Aly Govemment - to a good Press - is a suspect i.nstrumeEl A-ny oPPosition. to a good Press,
is opposing inePtlY.

last stong)rold of totally a::stocratic

Tbe good Press rePresents nobody but iself' It is -the
buy it because they iike iq
5 Ui,Lg"- i tp"rf." io. the p"ople because it depends the people, whowhowouid
on the people
'*i U.J^.a. it U* an unwritten cont-act betweeD it and otherwise lcno* about
Press to any commitment except telling the 11.uft'
;, ii ;;"*; *t4 tn" peopte do not bind the office orly by a legitimate revolution of the people
nrJlrt .i"". i""14 *d- t- b" t"-oved ftom elected estates of the Govemment
10 ,U"i t fq or by a! illegitinate coup oormted by ttre
every people, potentially, a victim. Every good
Ever.v Government is, potentially, a Tavz3er
that between ravager and victim
press is an indiviaurfiOc, opiniol?tea'f.oignt JUi: siopiy declares
by the ravageq and which will not be iafiueoced by
there is a force which will trot be frightened
tlose to whom it seiJs is oPinions
a Government out of porver "' But the day
15 A good Press speaks for the people who vote people for shouting "Hurra'h!"
u" ,eady to rebuke the
such a Governmeat tates power]ilprl., -*t
for a pateotly incoEPetent GoverDmeDl
years of techlological develoPnent beirveen
A good Press, il sho4 is ttre product of 500 knorvs when one
Qaxton and Baird aud we
m*" nistolry as *"U a"'""o'd it "' The oolitician uever
z0 e.itorial, one story oo" in" pictorial feature might not destroy him or create him.
us inthe &ee Press "' We do not seek o6ce'
Tbere is'nothing that the Politiqiaa cal do about
sim- ply resewe the right to be a
part of ttre
hfluence or advartage fi."- ah:;*t; po*"r. w"
elected GoverEment oi its elected opposi-
goveming procer., *ltn o. witnloG'" ;pfi;J of the you had
I d'isagree" with
tinn . flrrr constitu"o", do", oot llpend # those who say' "I agree or -w-hat
last night on rv! "
25 #lr:il*#;:J"in" ,,v;i '# voul I listened to voul I saw vou
(Source unknotvn)

45. The function of ttre second and ttrird 46 Why does the writer repeat tbe Phrase
seEteDces (Iines 2J) il the exh-act is to "good Press" at ttre beginniug of para-
giaphs tbree, five and six (Iines 4, 15, I8)?
(A) give specifc exauPles of "a dedi-
cated Opposition-' flin" 1)
(A) To empfiasize the ideal character-
(B) explain tJre statement made in the istics of the "good Press"
fust senteDce (B) To indicate contemPt for the Press
(c) show that the Press is onIY good which is not an oPPosition
when it acts as a.n oPPosition (c) To stimulate greater i denti-fication
- t3 -

According to the wriier, the IvIOST impor- 51. According to the wrirer, rhe good press
raot function of the good Press is to shouJd rega.d Government 11,i-,.h

(A) present Lhe tru& (A) fear

(.8') oppose the Goveroment (B) mistmst
(Ll r-epresent the views of the people (c) rcsetrtnent
(D) increase the number of its sub- (D) disrespect
s cribers

57 In paragraph 5 (ii:res 15-17) the writer

48 Accordiag to he writet a legifirn2lg 16ya1r- implies that a good Press
tion agaurst the Press ocauJs by
(A) may be deceptive
(A) . the govemEent closing it dowa (B) is sometimes ineonsisrcIlt
(B) ttre Press being deaied its Aeedom (c) should be open-minded
(C) someone establishilg a ri.r,al press (D) ca.nuot always be reliable
(D) people refusing to purchase its
f,J The examFles ofrlepossible effecLs oftle
press on the politician are given to
49. By describing the good Press as ,.an indi-
vidualistic, opinionated kdghr. (Iine t2) (A) drive fear into the politibians
the '.vriter is emphasising (B) show how the press records bistory
(q iusEate how powerf:l tle press
(A) strenglh really is
(B) wisdom . (D) deoonstrats how uocertaia the
(c) honesty career ofa politician is
(D) independence

54 Wtrich of the followiag BEST describes

s0. Ile writer the good Press .....
statEs that ffig rnenner in.$/hich the writerpresents his
depends on the peopie who buy jt because views iD rhis exbact?
they like it" (lhe , and that ir ,....
'rill not
be influenced by those to whom it sells its (A) ForcefirI
opinions" (linas ill4 ). Ttrese two state- (B) Objective
nrents takeE together (Q Detached
(D) Emotioual
(A) argue that the Press creates popular
(B) repeat that the gooh Press owes its
allegiauce onJy to ih subscribers
(c) appear contradictory but srpport
the argument that a good press
should be independent
(D). show that the power of ttre press
depends upou the number of its

hems 5HC

It-rstructions; Read ttre fo[oning adyertisemetrt

cxrefur]y atrd theE ansn er items 55-60 on the b:rsrs
of rvhat is stated or implied-

L Kcep futures aud bulbs clca!-

5- Puc[ase laops rviih diE-Eer sryiicies,
Din can absorb al nuch as 50%
as you c2-r lower the settitrgs rrhen Iess
of light
light is required.
2. Tur! offthe liglts whc! Ieavilg
5. Place flooror table laups in a coruer.
EFF'ICMNCY thr rooE eyen ifit's oD},Ior r
fetr EiEutes. Ifs jlst . roltt it.t Tb$ alloNr light to rcIlect from t}le
it tek s Eore eDerg to tqrD a light wzlls, uakirg thr mom bright.r tfithout
TIPS or tlal to leave it oD.
hll.Eilg or Eor.light!.

3. Usc rootiou selson for outdoor lights. 7. Use fluoresEent light inJrtad ofircrrdejceDt
Ttrey'rc a good security rocasurc ttat lights, CoEp2 ct IluoresclD t lig}15
us. uD to
doesr't waste .mrg),. 7570.l.ri c[.rgy tlar haudesrent lghis,
for tle sruc a.Erouot oflght aad last-uo
1. Us. lower wattage bulbs; your to
teu 5[e5 lotrg.r.
Iights rDiy bc bfighter ttran you nceil

55. The main purpose of this advertisement is 5g. The ad.vertisemetrt empbasizes tha motion
to sensors are impol.,ant because

(A) sell light bulbs (A) they are cheap

(B) promote lighting in the home (p) they waste energy ildoors
(c) encourage better energy use (C) they do not conserve energy
@) highflight energy use in the home (D) they are ef{icient and provide

50 Which of the follo*'ing is ttre meaoing of

the word "abso6" as used in Trp I ofthe 59. Which of fte folowitrg is NOT stated in
advertisement? the advertisement?

(A) Waste (A) Low wattage uses less energ,v.

(B) Store (B) I amFsplacedoo the floor are beter
(c) Contain for energy effcieucy.
(D) Swallow (C) Not all light bulbs are energy ef6-

57 How much energy rio fluorescent lights

@) Coupact fluorescenr- lights are
energy effcienl

(A) Thti same amount of light as other 60 The irforrnation in the advertisemerrt \vould
l; d},t"
be MOST usefirl to
(B) Fifty per cent o fwhat incaDdescent
lights use (A) eleckicians
(c) Seventy-five per cent more than (B) contacton
other )ights (C) housewives
(D) Seventl,-6yg per cent less ttran (D) the [ght conpany
incandescent Ights


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