NammaKPSC GP2018 Compulsory English Part1

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Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 15O


1. There are SEVENTEEN questions in eCA Booklet.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it.
4. Keep the word limit indicated in the question in mind.
5. candidates shall write the answers only in the space provided for that
question in QCA Booklet. Any *ritten outside ti. allotted
for that question shall not be"rr"*..
considered. "pu.".
6. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the euestion-cum-Answer
Booklet must be clearly struck off.
7. While writing answers, Candidate should not write any Name,
Signature, Register No., Mobile No., address, eCA Booklet No., etc.
(except as required on the OMR cover page) and do not put any
mark of Identification or sSrmbol or write any other thing in ecA Booklet
that may influence the evaluator or evaluation process in any form.
Any such entries found will be treated as 'Malpractice case'and the
candidature of the candidate will be canceiled and the candidate has
to abide by the disciplinary action taken by the Commission.
8. Precis writing shall be written in the space provided and it should not
exceed the word limit as per instruction.

417lEnglish (1)

1. Fill in the blaaks wlth the correct form of words uslag the words given ln
brackets: [1x5=5]

(a) The singers stopped when there was a slight from the audience.
( disturb )

(b) Students learnt the correct of the words. ( pronounce )

(c) The king was too hasty in his ( judge )

(d.) Doctors suggest, is injurious to hea-lth". ( smoke )

(e) The faces of the animals were capable of no other except a

perpetual smile after the verdict. ( express )

2. FiU ln the blanks wtth the apptopriate word from the palr of words given lu
brackets' [1x5=51

(a) ?he pharmacist will which medicines are safe to take.

( advise / advice )

(b) The baby weighed three kilos at ( berth / birth )

(c) The doctor told me to eat less red meat and Products

( diary / dairy ) I
(d) This shop sells . ( stationary / stationery ) I
(e) The police cremated an unidentifred . (corpse / corps ) I

417lEnglish {2)
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate idlom from the options given below in the
bracket: [1x5=51
( incentive bonus, cock crow, free fight, cock of the walk, red handed )

(a) One should develop the habit to get up at

(b) The bridegroom was during the wedding procession.

(c) The inspector was caught

(d) In olden days tJre soldiers engaged in a on the battlefield.

(e) Each employee of the company was paid an for the frrst time
in the history of the company.

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate collective noun from the options given
below in the bracket : [1x5=51

( Galaxy, Library, Regiment, Quiver, Basket )

(a) of soldiers

(b) of fruit
(c) of books

(d) of stars

(e) of arrows

S. Make the right collocation by matching the adjectives in List-A with the
appropriate nouns in List-B : [1x5=51

List-A List-B

0 Ancient (a) response

(iil Casual (b) belongings

(iit) Great (c) culture

(iu) Immediate (d) admiration

(u) Personal (e) relationship

417lEnglish (3)





6. Write the opposite of the following words using the appropriate prefixes given
in bracket : [1x5=5]
( Dis-, Mis-, Non-, De-, In- )

(a) active

(b) honest

(c) sane

(d) print

(e) cooperation

7. Substitute the underlined phrases by selecttng a slngle word from the options
glven below in the bracket :
( polyandry, colleague, pessimist, encyclopedia, dormitory )

(a) A person who always looks at the darker side of everything.

(b) A sleeping room for a number of people.

(c) A book containing summarised information on all branches of knowledge.

(d) A woman having several husbands at the same time.

(e) He was not only my friend but also a stalf member for more than 2O years.

417lEnglish (4)
8. Complete the proverbs by matching Ltst-A with List-B : [1x5=51

List-A List-B
(t) A journey of thousand miles (a) keeps the doctor away

(ii) Among the blind (b) the devils workshop

(iii) An apple a day (c) so you shall reap

(iu) An idle brain is (d) begins with single step

(u) As you sow (e) the one eyed man is king



9. Rewrite the following sentences as directed : [1x5=51

(a) Hanuman found sanjeevini on the crest of the mountain.
( Frame a 'Wh'word question to get underlined word as the answer )

(b) Religion / man's I 1rrue I is / education.
( Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence )

Ans :
(c) It was quite a big city.
(Add a question tag )
(d) To make a hot compress pour hot water into a bowl and then add the essential
oil. (Use a comma in the correct place and rewrite the sentence )

(e) Manjula thanked her friend.
( Change into a question beginning with the right form of 'do')

a17lEng1ish (s)
10. RGsdte the followlng aenterce! la parslve volce : [1x5=5]
(a) They have completed the assignment.

(b) He told an impossible cock and bull story.

(c) She can find a decent fellow.

(d.) Now children are writing stories.

(e) Every child likes ice cream.

11. Correct the followlng seD.teaces and rewrlte them : [1x 10=1O]

(a) Once upon a time a elephant made friendship with a man.

Ans :

(b) The huts are already occupied from jungle lords.

Ans :

(ci Children is fond of ice cream.

Ans :

1d'1 Why you are laughing?

Ans :

(e) l,f,ter the world cup Indian cricket team returned back to India.

// A shepherd took his sheeps to graze.

Ans :

(g) The lady is resembling her mother.

Ans :

/h/ My friend is sitting on driving seat of my car.

Ans :

(i) Neighbours came to see what was the matter.

0 A mother shared a piece of bread equally among her two children.
Ans :

417lEnglish (6)
12. Ftll h the blaaks wlth correct form of the verbs using the words
glven ia brackets : [1x5=5]

(a) Vandana Shiva is an ecologist. She nature.

( love )

(b) A dancer prayers asking forgiveness to the earth goddess before

she began the dance.

( offer )

(c) Don't make noise. You me

(be + disturb )

(d) She tennis everyday.

( plav )

(e) He has his homework.

( complete )

13. Ftll in the blanks with the correct linkers from the options glvea
below ln thc bracket : [1x5=5]

(but, so, thus, in order to, as a result )

The rain had failed. all the wells and tanks had run dry.
overcome the problem, the municipal authorities sunk a number of
borewells. they were able to supply drinking water to the villagers.
tlle situation was brought under control. the farmers'
crops were destroyed.

417lEnglish (71
L4. Match the enpression with its corresponding language function : [1x5=51

Expressions Functions

(i) Could you please pass (a) Disagreeing

me the book

(it Meet my friend Ajay (b) Expressing gratitude

(iii) You look stunning in (c) Requesting

these new clothes

(iu) What you say may be (d) Introducing

right, but ....

(u) I am grateful to you (e) Complimenting






a17lEnglish (8)

15. Read the follouring pasaagc and aaswer the quesfions aet or it : [2s]
Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall was born in 1934 in Hampstead, London to
businessman Mortimer Herbert Morris-Goodall and Margaret M5rfanwe Joseph, a
novelist from Milford Haven. The family later moved to Bournemouth, and Goodall
attended Uplands School, an independent School in nearby poole.

As a child, as an alternative to a teddy bear, Goodall's father gave her a stuffed

chimpanzee named Jubilee. Her fondness for animals started very early in life. She
had dozens of books about animals. The walls of her bedroom were Jovered with
pictures of animals, just as other girls of her age had posters of pop stars.

She used to keep animals in garden and, if she courd, brought them into the
house too. usually, however, her mother caught her. "Get those animals out of
here" she used to shout. "If you must keep tJrem, use trre shed end of the gardenr',
Most of Jane's animals were quite small : rabbits, mice, birds that sort of thtg. But
one day sometJring quite big came her way.

Jane's mother noticed that she was spending quite a lot of time in the shed.
She also noticed that food was disappeared from the house, especially bread and
fruit. One evening she decided to go down to the shed to see foi hersef.
As she stood outside the door of the shed, she could hear Jane talking to
someone inside, "She's got a friend in there with her", she thought. She opened the
door and looked in. At first she could only see Ja,,e sitting on thi ground. T?ren she
made out ttre shape of an animal sitting beside Jane. Two huge eyes started up
her. She nearly screamed. It was a gorilla!

'uane! where on earth....?" She started to say. But trren she remembered.
few days before, a young gorilla escaped from the zoo arrd, in spite of every effort
find it, the animal simply vanished.

"I found it wandering through the park, Jane exprained. It seemed so ronely! I
talked to it and we became friend at once. And trren it fonowed me back here....,,

"Well, you know you can,t keep it, youd better phone the police and explain,,,
her mother said.

Not long after, the police came and also a van from the zoo. Nobody was even
angry with Jane when she told her story. The police lorew ar1 about Jane and her
l"Tul". And the zoo keeper said : "I can see that Gor [kes you. But we need him
back at zoo! But you can come and see him as often as you rike. welr send you a
free pass".

These days Jane has almost given up collecting small animals, but you can
often find her talking to her friend Gor at the zoo.

417lEnglish (e)
A. Arswer the followlng questlons ln a word, a phrase or a scrrtence each :

1il When was Jane Goodall bom?

Ans :

/i, What did Jane's father give her instead of a teddy bear?
Ans :

/iirl When did Jane's fondness for animals start?

Ans :

(iu) lVho was sitting with Jane in the shed?


(u/ Name one of the small animals mentioned in tlte passage'

Ans :

(ui) wlnerc had the gorilla come from?


1u,ri,,l Where had Jane found the gorilla?


luiiil Whom did the mother want Jane to inform about tJ:e gorilla?

(iy' Wtry weren't the police angry with Jane?


(x/ What did the zoo keeper offer Jane?

Ans :

4UlEnglish (10)
B Answer the followlng quesHons itr
1 or 2 senterrce(sl :

(i) What were Jane,s parents?


(t) Why did Jane's mother decide to go down

to the shed?
Ans :

(iii) What did zoo keeper say when he took back

the gorilla?
Ans :

C. &rplatn the sltuatlon when Jaae,s mother wert to the shed.

Ans :

D. Match the action irr Ltst-A wtth the reason in Llst-B : [1x5=51

List-A List-B
(, Jane took food from the (a) It was in Jane's shed

(ii) Jane began to spend a lot (b) She tried to bring animals
of time in the shed into the house

(ii, Jane's mother use to shout (c) She needed it for the gorilla
at her

(iu) The gorilla vanished (d) She had to tell them about
the gorilla

(u) Jane phoned the police (e) She had a gorilla there

417lEnglish (11)
glvcT below : [25]
16. Wrlte alr essay in about 35O words o[ the toPic
" Caste System: Effect on Indlan Ecooomy"

ln your owa words' Use the sPace

17. Wrlte a pr6cls of the followirg Passage
provided :

Notes O T?re Pr6cis should not exceed 100 words'

Ttre number of words of your pr6cis should be clearly

fitn Suggest a suitable title and write it in the space given'

The world is bound to call itself 'Modern' and all the credit goes to our
advanced technolory and science. Advanced technolory basically could be
the .Invention of computer'. computer is a wondrous machine. It is also
called the artificial 'Human Brain'. The computer has become an integrai
part of our lives. It plays a major role in our education, work and
Computer in schools and colleges have made learning more concrete,
accurate and flexible. School children are able to access more and more
information from innumerable websites. They are making use of computers
al]d internet for their project work, seminars and presentation, thus making
their work more interesting and impressive.
Computer at work, have also made great advancement. At the work
place, computers are more relied upon for their accuracy and speed. Working
time have become flexible. Due to wireless technolory of computers, it gives
the privilege to work online and work from home; online meetings and
discussions are held at the international level, thus keeping the office staff
in touch even during their holidays.
Computer, as entertainment media, is widely accepted by the young
generation. It has got choices of entertainment. Video games, watching
movies, listening to music, chatting, creating or re-editing the movies, sound
tracks and cartoon etc. It is obvious that young folk have become gadget I

maniacs with the wide possibilities in the realm of computers.

417lEnglish (12\ TTIT.)1

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