UPS 320 Depl SCN
UPS 320 Depl SCN
UPS 320 Depl SCN
Process Studio
Release 320.1
Software Change Notice
July 2014
Version 1.3
Copyright, Notices, and Trademarks
© Honeywell Inc. 1998 – 2014. All Rights Reserved.
US Patent #8261202.
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no
express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customers.
In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The
information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.
Honeywell, TotalPlant, Uniformance PHD, Experion, PlantScape and Business.FLEX are U.S.
registered trademarks of Honeywell Inc.
Release Information
Uniformance Process Studio
Document Revision: 1.3
Document Revision Date: July 2014
Document Number: UPSMEDX-SCN-320
1.1 Introduction
Uniformance Process Studio R320
Uniformance Process Studio R320 includes new functionality for the product. Customers
are strongly encouraged to review the R320 Software Change Notice (this document)
prior to proceeding.
Document Purpose
This document contains information a customer needs for this Uniformance Process Studio
release, including last minute changes not included in the product documentation. The
document includes information the customer must read before installing the software. The
Known Issues section may include information on known defects and related information such
as risks, workarounds, and how to avoid the issue.
Note: Updates to this document may be available from the HPS Support Online site.
If the UPS R320 media is copied onto a network share, the UPS R320 installer will
fail to run from a UNC path, but will run from a mapped network drive.
HMIWeb graphics builder is not installed by default (i.e. not included in the
“Typical” installation. To install HMIWeb Graphics Builder, use the “Custom”
installation option.
The UPS installer cannot install NET 3.5 SP1 on Windows 8 or Windows Server
2012. This must be done manually by adding this feature to Windows. You may need
the Operating System installation media to do this. Refer to the Microsoft website for
more information.
Excel Companion
The installation of legacy Excel Companion versions – from PHD Desktop or older
versions of UPS) is not recommended. The BF240 or BF241 Excel companion
provides support for LIMs and Event data and should be used instead to complement
the UPS Excel Companion.
If you have installed a pre-release copy of UPS R320, you should manually
un-install it (Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs) before installing the
release version.
Network requirements
100 Mbps network speed or better is recommended.
Operating system requirements
The supported operating systems for Uniformance Process Studio include the United
States English language versions of the following:
Windows 8 x86
Uniformance Process Studio Release 320 Software Change Notice 7
2. Uniformance Process Studio R320 Users, Supported Platforms and Software
2.3. Internet Explorer Compatibility
Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 are not supported
Users need to ensure the minimum hardware requirements are provided as per the
Operating System Recommendations.
Refer to Section 0, Localization, Language, and Locale Support for more information
on support for non-US English Microsoft Office versions.
Virtual Environments
UPS has not been tested in a Citrix environment, although there are no known
compatibility issues.
UPS can be used in VMWare server or Workstation virtual environments.
Specify the path where the display and shape files to update are located (use the browse
button to find the location if required)
Click start to migrate displays in the nominated folder and subfolders.
UPS R320 without the graphics runtime option installed can call up
Workcenter graphics but not UPS graphics.
UPS R320 must be installed after Workcenter if the two products are being
installed on the same computer.
Safeview Compatibility
UPS can be installed on a supported Experion PKS Station version running Safeview.
However, UPS cannot be managed by Safeview.
UPS cannot be managed by Safeview. Errors may occur in Safeview,
potentially causing Safeview to crash. Therefore Safeview should not be
used to manage UPS instances.
GUS Compatibility
UPS has been qualified with GUS R680 (TPS R421).
R300 300.1.3
Uniformance Process Studio must not be installed directly on a PHD Server
machine version 215 or earlier. The UPS installation package will attempt to
detect and prevent this situation.
Product Version
OSI PI 3.4.364.70
Note: UPS does not support connections to OPC Data Access (DA) servers.
Excel Companion
Can be deployed and configured silently
Now shares UPS configuration. For example, data sources configured in UPS can be used
in Excel Companion
Consistent behavior with UPS data retrieval
Best fit support
No dependence on Excel Addin paths – makes UPS and office upgrades easier
Tag Explorer has been replaced with the UPS-style Tag Browser and can now share UPS
configuration and aggregate types (including BestFit)
Automated deployment is now supported for all UPS components including Tag Browser
and Excel Companion
Trending and Tabulating Data
Event Trend
Event Table
Accessing Data Sources
Standard features are available in all UPS R320 installations and do not require
additional licensing.
Advanced and Developer features require a license which is obtained from a License
Server. If a license is available, the relevant features will be enabled in UPS. If no license
is available, the user will be notified and the licensed feature(s) will remain unavailable.
See the UPS Installation Guide for more information on UPS licensing.
Example: SW-12-12345_mypcname.hostid
7. Email the .hostid file generated in step 6 to the Order Administrator
([email protected]). You must quote the Order Reference
(SW- number) from the Software License Certificate in the subject line or
body of your email. If you do not have the Order Reference number you must
quote the System Name (Mnnnnn), which is also provided on the Software
License Certificate.
8. The Order Administrator will reply with a .ulmlicense file. Install the.ulmlicense
file on your License Server to activate your UPS licenses.
9. Run the ULM configuration wizard on any UPS clients which will obtain their
license from the License Server and configure the name of the License Server to
connect to. This step is not necessary if you specified the name of the license
server when you installed UPS.
Licenses are locked to the computer on which the .hostid file was
generated. The .hostid file contains a unique identifier for the computer
and this information is embedded in the .ulmlicense file.
To move a license from one license server to another you will need to
generate a new .hostid file and request a new license from the Order
The Network license server uses TCP port 5712. You may need to open
this port on your network to permit access to the license server.
If you know the host name or IP address of the license server at the time
Commuting Licenses
Commuting a license reserves it exclusively for your UPS client computer for a
nominated period of time. A commuted license is unavailable to other UPS client
computers until the license has been returned or the commute period expires.
Commuting a license is useful in circumstances such as the following:
Obtaining a license for “offline” use – for example to allow a user to build UPS
graphics at home when not connected to the company network/servers. However, this
scenario has limited practical value because a connection to a server is needed for
some aspects of display building, including testing.
Once you are finished with the commuted license you should return it so that it is
available to other users. When returning a license, your UPS client must be able to
communicate with the License Server over your network.
To commute a license:
1. Launch UPS and obtain the type of license that you want to commute.
2. Launch the ULM Commute Wizard from All Programs > Honeywell
3. On the Current Licenses tab, select the license you obtained in Step 1.
4. Next to the Commute Selected Licenses button , enter the number of days that you
want to commute the license for.
5. Click Commute Selected Licenses. The license has now been reserved for exclusive
use for the nominated number of days, or until you return it.
5. Known Issues
Issue On Win8 & Win2012,Red-Cross is seen for Ribbon Bar & UPS flickers when there
is RDP session change.
Description Logging back into a Win8 remote session, with UPS open causes flickering
Function Excel Companion
Issue In Excel 2013, copy and pasting formula in a new sheet not supported.
Description A formula query cannot be copied and pasted into a new Excel 2013 sheet.
Workaround Copy the text of the formula rather than the cell containing the formula itself
Function Excel Companion
Issue Editing a formula in Excel 2013, does not refresh the data automatically
Description After editing a cell and pressing the ENTER key, data gets refreshed
automatically. Data gets removed from the sheet in Excel 2013
Function Excel Companion
Issue Quick Chart shows floating point values as zero on German Win7 & Excel 2013.
Description Quick Chart does not currently handle culture specific floating point values in
Windows 7 and Excel 2013.
Function Excel Companion
Issue Export to Excel Companion doesn't work when Polish date and number formats
are selected
Workaround Install the Multilingual User Interface Pack for the relevant Office version.
Issue Event Trend ignores the Event Table filter when GroupBy option is changed.
Description The combination of changing the group by option and having filtering already on
results in event trend not filtering items from the view.
Issue Inconcistency in the number of events dispayed after zoming the event trend.
Description After zooming, the number of events in the trend and table don’t match up.
Workaround None
Issue Events cant be seen for Event Table/Event Trend under relative time from NOW-
1M to NOW.
Description Changing the time period, pops up a “No events returned” warning.
Function Graphics
Description The opacity property that is created by the display builder is not supported in IE9
and later. Graphics with this opacity levels below 99, will not appear in IE9,
regardless of the document mode the page is loaded in.
Workaround Use the provided migration tool for bulk migration of existing graphics to replace
the opacity property in existing display files.
Function Graphics
Workaround None
Function Installation
Issue Uninstalling UPS, breaks the Workcenter HMI Web Display Builder Functionality.
Description After loading the display builder, a server communication error message appears
Further interaction with the display builder crashes.
Function Installation
Description Every time UPS 320.1 is launched, Installer will prompt a message to ' Configure
EPKS 430 '.
Function Navigation
Description After creating a new navigation item, the keyboard focus can’t be escaped by
hitting the Enter key.
Workaround Once in this state, select any other item in the workspace, hit F2 twice (once to
enter edit mode, once to exit edit mode).
Issue In Trend Migration,Raw Values are not getting migrated.Agreegate will be Bestfit
after migration.
Function Table
Description Attempting to retrieve data for a CHAR tag on a data table fails with “tag not
enabled for specified function.
Workaround “BestFit” aggregate is not supported for non-numeric tags. Change the aggregate
to allow for retrieval
Issue Timestamps returned by Excel Companion are always returned as floating point
numbers, instead of dates in Excel 2010
Description This is due to an anomaly in Excel 2010. Users have reported that this issue is
fixed in Service Pack 2 for Excel 2010.
Workaround Install Service Pack 2 of Excel 2010 or manually specify timestamp format for the
Function Trend
Description When displaying values with large numbers of significant figures in the hairline
legend, the value is truncated
Workaround None
Function Trend
Description When an enumerated tag is added to the trend, display enumerated value option
is enabled by default and user cannot uncheck the option (to display the ordinal
values instead)
Workaround None
Function Trend
Issue When the datasource is changed for a trend, the datasource name in the trend
legend is not updated
Description If you change the datasource for a trend – for example by dragging and dropping a
datasource from the workspace – the datasource names in the legend are not
Workaround Save and reopen the trend to display the correct datasource.
Function Trend
Description When you add an enumerated tag to Trend application, it enables (checks) the
enumeration by default and user can not uncheck the enumeration.
Workaround None
Function Trend
Issue Time control and legend data entry issues when undocked.
Function Trend
Issue By right clicking on a chart, selecting Items Edit -> Aggregate, does not update
the legend.
Description Legend does not refresh after changing aggregate from right click menu
Workaround Save the trend application to the workspace after changing the aggregate.
Re-opening the trend from workspace will reflect the correct aggregates in the
Framework 1-2NDVR87 UPS Crashes, if.dvw file from workspace clicked multiple times
Migration 1-2IXCPU After migration, the file location for excel companion is changed.
Trend 1-3AWUNVP Step” view in Legend is not persistent when a data refresh
Trend 1-38L9JE7 Modifying visibility, does not update the chart dynamically.
Function ID Description
Events n/a Event selection
Event Table 162737 Event Table should have option to Freeze Column
Process Solutions
1860 W Rose Garden Ln
Phoenix, AZ 85027-2708