The external urtheral sphincter: Is voluntary skeletal muscle. It is used to
consciously control micturition. (Fig 1).
Afferent 1. Detect degree of 1. Sensation of From stretch
stretch in the bladder fullness receptors in
2. From the posterior 2. Pain sensation posterior urethra
urethra initiate the due to over transmits
reflexes of bladder stretch or sensation of
emptying. infection. urine flow to the
Efferent Contraction of the Contraction of urethra.
Control the
detrusor muscle in the the internal external urethral
bladder wall and urethral sphincter sphincter.
relaxation of the internal to prevent reflux
urethral sphincter. of semen into the
bladder during
Bladder filling:
Peristaltic contractions that spread along the ureter force the urine from the
renal pelvis towards the bladder. The ureters course obliquely for several
centimeters through the bladder wall and then pass another 1-2 cm beneath
the bladder mucosa before emptying into the bladder. The normal tone of the
detrusor muscle compresses the ureters and prevents backflow (reflux) of
urine from the urinary bladder into the ureters with rise of intravesical
Urine enters the bladder without producing much increase in intravesical
pressure until the bladder is well filled. This can be explained by Laplace law:
As the bladder fills with urine, the tension in the wall rises, but so does the
radius. Therefore, the pressure increase is slight until the organ is relatively
full. 2T
But at a certain volume, the T markedly increases and intravesical pressure
rises sharply.
A plot of the intravesical pressure against the volume of urine in the
From the cystometrogram in figure (2).
Micturition reflex:
In adults, the volume of urine in the bladder that initiates micturition reflex is
about 300 - 400 ml.
- Components of the micturition reflex:
1) Receptors: These are stretch receptors in the bladder wall and posterior
2) Afferent: Pelvic parasympathetic.
3) Center: S2 and S3.
4) Efferent: pelvic parasympathetic.
5) Effector and response: Detrusor muscle: contraction.
Internal uretheral sphincter: relaxation.
Micturition reflex is self-regenerative, i.e. once it begins; contraction of
the bladder further activates the stretch receptors further increase in
sensory impulses from the bladder and posterior urethera further increase in
reflex contraction of the bladder.
Once the micturition reflex becomes powerful enough, it causes
another reflex, which passes through the pudendal nerve to inhibit the external
urethral sphincter.
The Cortical Micturition Centre (CMC):
Is located in the superior frontal gyrus.
It may facilitate or inhibit the spinal micturition reflex.
These higher centres exert final control of micturition in the following way:
a) They keep micturition reflex partially inhibited except when micturition
is desired.
b) They can prevent micturition even if micturition does occur by
contraction of the external urethral sphincter.
c) When it is time to urinate, the cortical areas facilitate the sacral centres to
initiate micturition reflex and to inhibit the external uretheral sphincter.
Abnormalities of Micturition: