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A 2. a) Credential b) Credancial
1. a) Apropriate b) Appropriate c) Credantial d) Credencial
c) Appropriet d) Apropriet e) None of these
e) None of these 3. a) Colleteal b) Colateral
2. a) Auxialery b) Auxiliary c) Collataral d) Collateral
c) ausiliery d) Auxiliery e) None of these
e) None of these 4. a) Colloquail b) Colloquial
3. a) Attantive b) Atentive c) Coloquiall d) Colloqueil
c) Atentive d) Attentive e) Colloquiaill
4. a) Acommodation b) Accommodation 5. a) Certainty b) Certainity
c) Accomodation d) Acomodation c) Certeinty d) Sertainty
5. a) Analytical b) Anaelitical 6. a) Comemoratte b) Commemmorate
c) Anylitical d) Analytecal c) Comemmorate d) Commemorate
e) None of these e) Comemorate
6. a. apprihend b. apprihand 7. a) Constelation b) Constelletion
c. apprehend d. apprehand c) Consteelation d) Consteellation
7. a. authoratative b. authoritative e) Constellation
c. autheritative d. athoratative 8. a) condescention b) condescension
8. a. Aruement b.Argeument c) condesccnsion d) condescesion
c. Augment d. Aurgument e) None of these
9. a. Ausrance b. Assurance 9. a. Chanvelary b. Chancellary
c. Assurence d. Asurence c. Chancelery d. Chancellery
10. a) Afficted b) Aflicted 10. a. coruption b. corupsion
c) Affected d) Aphlicted c. coraption d. corruption
11. a) Awerenes b) Awareness 11. a. Committee b. Commity
c) Awarness d) Awarenes c. Comitte d. Committe
12. a) auxillary b) auxeliary 12. a. Critisize b. Criticize
c) auxiliary d) auxilary c. Critiscise d. Critisise
e) auxillary 13. a. Category b. Catagory
13. a. Audience b. Odience c. Catgoaree d. Categori
c. Adiance d. Adianse 14. a. Conspicuous b.Conspecious
e. Audiance c .Conscpicious d.Conspeqous
14. a. Asignment b. Asignement e. Conspecuous
c. Assignment d. Assignement 15. a. colleages b. Coleagues
15. a. Aggression b. Agression c. collegues d. colleagues
c. Aggresion d. Aggrasion 16. a) censure b) cinture
16. a. Acquaintance b. Aquaintance c) cencuse d) cencure
c. Aquantance d. Aquaintence e) None of these
17. a. Assessment b. Asessment 17. a) concensus b) consencus
c. Assesment d. Assissment c) Consensus d) concencus
e) None of these
B 18. a) caskede b) caskede
1. a) Bludgion b) Bludigeon c) casade d) cascade
c) Bludgeon d) Bludgeaon e) None of these
e) Bludegon 19. a) custic b) castic
2. a) Bellicousity b) Belicocity c) kostic d) caustic
c) Bellisocity d) Bellicosity e) caskate
e) Belicousity 20. a) Carier b) Career
c) Cereer d) Cariir
C e) None of these
1. a) Corporat b) Corporate
c) Corporete d) Corporata
1. a) Licance b) Licents 1. a) Personale b) Parsonnel
c) Lisence d) License c) Personel d) Personnel
2. a) Lieutenant b) Leutenant 2. a) Pedestrians b) pedistrains
c) Leftenant d) Lieutanante c) pedestreians d) pedestrieans
e) Lieutanent e) None of these
3. a) Liesure b) Leisure 3. a) Pungtual b) Puntual
c) Leasure d) Lesiure c) Punctual d) Puncttual
4. a) Lckadaisicle b) Lackadaisical 4. a) Precedence b) Presedence
c) Lackadisical d) Lackdaisical c) presidence d) Prescedence
e) Lackaeisical 5. a) Palentology b) Paleontalogy
c) Paleontology d) Paliontology
M 6. a) Psycology b) Psychology
1. a) Miscellaneous b) Miscelaneous c) sychology d) tsychology
c) Miscelleneous d) Miscellanous 7. a. palete b. palet
e) Misellaneous c. palate d. pelate
2. a) Malevolent b) Maleviolent 8. a. Passanger b. Pasenger
c) Malevolant d) Malevolant c. Pasenger d. Passenger
3. a) Meticuluos b) Meticolous 9. a. Profesional b.Proffessionl
c) Meticulous d) metecutous c. Professional d. Proffesional
e) None of these 10. a) precedence b) precidence
4. a) Milennium b) Millenium c) presidence d) prescedence
c) Millennium d) Milenium e) None of these
5. a. Miscreant b. Miscrient 11. a) Perliament b) Parliament
c. Miscriant d. Miskrient c) Perlament d) Perliamant
6. a. Monki b. Monke e) Perliament
c. Monkiy d. Monkye 12. a. profesion b. profession
e. Monkey c. proffesion d. profission
7. a. Malnatrition b. Mulnutrition
c. Malnutrition d. Malnautrision Q
e .None of these 1. a. Questionere b. Questionaire
8. a) Magnificent b) Magnificient c. Questionnaire d. Questionare
c) Magneficient d) Magnifecent 2. a. Quarral b. Quarel
e) Magnyficent c. Quarrel d. Quarrele
9. a) Messmerising b) Mesmarising
c) Masmerising d) Mesmerising R
e) Messmarising 1. a) Restaurent b) Restaurant
c) Resturent d) Resturant
N 2. a) Referance b) Referense
1. a) Nomini b) Nominee c) Referanc d) Reference
c) Nominy d) Nomeeni e) None of these
e) Nomeenee 3. Receive b. Receive
c. Receve d. Ricieve e. None
O 4. a) Remmittence b) remmitance
1. a) Occurrence b) Occurrance c) Remitance d) Remittance
c) Occrunce d) Ocurrance e) None of these
2. a) Odience b) Adiance
c) Audience d) Audiance