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Spelling Correction

A 2. a) Credential b) Credancial
1. a) Apropriate b) Appropriate c) Credantial d) Credencial
c) Appropriet d) Apropriet e) None of these
e) None of these 3. a) Colleteal b) Colateral
2. a) Auxialery b) Auxiliary c) Collataral d) Collateral
c) ausiliery d) Auxiliery e) None of these
e) None of these 4. a) Colloquail b) Colloquial
3. a) Attantive b) Atentive c) Coloquiall d) Colloqueil
c) Atentive d) Attentive e) Colloquiaill
4. a) Acommodation b) Accommodation 5. a) Certainty b) Certainity
c) Accomodation d) Acomodation c) Certeinty d) Sertainty
5. a) Analytical b) Anaelitical 6. a) Comemoratte b) Commemmorate
c) Anylitical d) Analytecal c) Comemmorate d) Commemorate
e) None of these e) Comemorate
6. a. apprihend b. apprihand 7. a) Constelation b) Constelletion
c. apprehend d. apprehand c) Consteelation d) Consteellation
7. a. authoratative b. authoritative e) Constellation
c. autheritative d. athoratative 8. a) condescention b) condescension
8. a. Aruement b.Argeument c) condesccnsion d) condescesion
c. Augment d. Aurgument e) None of these
9. a. Ausrance b. Assurance 9. a. Chanvelary b. Chancellary
c. Assurence d. Asurence c. Chancelery d. Chancellery
10. a) Afficted b) Aflicted 10. a. coruption b. corupsion
c) Affected d) Aphlicted c. coraption d. corruption
11. a) Awerenes b) Awareness 11. a. Committee b. Commity
c) Awarness d) Awarenes c. Comitte d. Committe
12. a) auxillary b) auxeliary 12. a. Critisize b. Criticize
c) auxiliary d) auxilary c. Critiscise d. Critisise
e) auxillary 13. a. Category b. Catagory
13. a. Audience b. Odience c. Catgoaree d. Categori
c. Adiance d. Adianse 14. a. Conspicuous b.Conspecious
e. Audiance c .Conscpicious d.Conspeqous
14. a. Asignment b. Asignement e. Conspecuous
c. Assignment d. Assignement 15. a. colleages b. Coleagues
15. a. Aggression b. Agression c. collegues d. colleagues
c. Aggresion d. Aggrasion 16. a) censure b) cinture
16. a. Acquaintance b. Aquaintance c) cencuse d) cencure
c. Aquantance d. Aquaintence e) None of these
17. a. Assessment b. Asessment 17. a) concensus b) consencus
c. Assesment d. Assissment c) Consensus d) concencus
e) None of these
B 18. a) caskede b) caskede
1. a) Bludgion b) Bludigeon c) casade d) cascade
c) Bludgeon d) Bludgeaon e) None of these
e) Bludegon 19. a) custic b) castic
2. a) Bellicousity b) Belicocity c) kostic d) caustic
c) Bellisocity d) Bellicosity e) caskate
e) Belicousity 20. a) Carier b) Career
c) Cereer d) Cariir
C e) None of these
1. a) Corporat b) Corporate
c) Corporete d) Corporata

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Spelling Correction
1. a) Disciplin b) Dicipline 1. a) Guarantee b) Gaurantee
c) Discipline d) Descipline c) Garauntee d) Garantee
2. a. Dilapedated b. Dellapidated 2. a. Gragarlous b. Gragerious
c. Dilapidated d. Delapidated c. Gregarious d. Grigareous
e. Dillalpidated 3. a. Garbage b. Gurbage
3. a. Dilema b. Dillema c. Gurbez d. Garbej
c. Dilemma d. Dillemma 4. a) Genius b) Genious
e. Dillma c) Jinius d) Jinious
4. a) disatified b) disatisfyed e) Zinious
c) dissatisfyed d) dissatisfied
e) None of these H
5. a. Deplouy d. Depploy 1. a) Hiererchy b) Hirearchy
c. Deplauy d. Deploy e. None c) Heirarchy d) Hierarchy
6. a) dissipat b) dissepate 2. a) Heinous b) Henious
c) dissipate d) dissipeted c) Heinious d) Hinious
e) dissipat e) None of these
7. a) decsending b) desending 3. a) Headach b) Headeke
c) descending d) decending c) Headdeche d) Headache
e) None of these
8. a) Digonosis b) Diagnosis I
c) Digonocis d) Dignocease 1. a. Intrensic b. Entrensic
9. disonance b) dissonance c. Intrinsic d. Entrinsec
c) disconaence d) dissonence 2. a) Irresistible b) Irresistibl
e) None of these c) Irregistible d) Irregistable
3. a. Indispensable b. Indispansible
E c. Indespensable d. Indispenseble
1. a) Extantion b) Exlansion 4. a. Irrilevant b. Irrilebent
c) Extension d) Extention c. Irrelevent d. Irrelevant
2. a) Exegerate b) Exaggerate 5. a. Invinsible b. Invincible
c) Exeggarate d) Exagerate c. Inbencible d. Invincibel e. None
e) Exagzarate 6. a) Implementetion b) Inplemantation
3. a. Embarras b. Embarass c) Inplimentation d) Implementation
c. Embarrass d. Emberrass e) None of these
4. a) Enthusiastic b) Enthousiastic
c) Enthosuastic d) Enthausiastic 7. a) Intolarance b) Intolerence
5. Eflorescence b) Efllorescence c) Intolerance d) Intolarence
c) Efflorescence d) Efflorascence
e) Efflorascence J
6. a)Ecstacy b)Extasy 1. a) Juveinile b) Juvenile
c)Ecstasy d)Ecstesy c) Juvilnile d) Juivenile
e)Ecstassy e) Juveleine
7. a) Equilebrium b) Equalibrium 2. a. Joveal b. Jovial
c) Equilibrium d) Equalbrium c. Joviel d. Joivel
e) Equelibrium 3. a) Jurisdiction b) Jaurisdiction
c) Jurizdiction d) Jurecsdiction
F e) None of these
1. a. Facinate b. Fascinate 4. a. Jadgement b. Judgment
c. Fasinate @ d. Fasinet c. Jugement d. Judzement
2. a) fallasious b) falascious
c) falasious d) fallacious
e) None of these

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Spelling Correction
K 3. a. Occured b. Occurad
1. a. Kindargarten b. Kindergerten c. Ocurred d. Occurred
c. Kindergarden d. Kintergarden 4. a. Obliviuos b. Oblivious
e. Kindergarten c. Oblevious d. Obliveous e. None

1. a) Licance b) Licents 1. a) Personale b) Parsonnel
c) Lisence d) License c) Personel d) Personnel
2. a) Lieutenant b) Leutenant 2. a) Pedestrians b) pedistrains
c) Leftenant d) Lieutanante c) pedestreians d) pedestrieans
e) Lieutanent e) None of these
3. a) Liesure b) Leisure 3. a) Pungtual b) Puntual
c) Leasure d) Lesiure c) Punctual d) Puncttual
4. a) Lckadaisicle b) Lackadaisical 4. a) Precedence b) Presedence
c) Lackadisical d) Lackdaisical c) presidence d) Prescedence
e) Lackaeisical 5. a) Palentology b) Paleontalogy
c) Paleontology d) Paliontology
M 6. a) Psycology b) Psychology
1. a) Miscellaneous b) Miscelaneous c) sychology d) tsychology
c) Miscelleneous d) Miscellanous 7. a. palete b. palet
e) Misellaneous c. palate d. pelate
2. a) Malevolent b) Maleviolent 8. a. Passanger b. Pasenger
c) Malevolant d) Malevolant c. Pasenger d. Passenger
3. a) Meticuluos b) Meticolous 9. a. Profesional b.Proffessionl
c) Meticulous d) metecutous c. Professional d. Proffesional
e) None of these 10. a) precedence b) precidence
4. a) Milennium b) Millenium c) presidence d) prescedence
c) Millennium d) Milenium e) None of these
5. a. Miscreant b. Miscrient 11. a) Perliament b) Parliament
c. Miscriant d. Miskrient c) Perlament d) Perliamant
6. a. Monki b. Monke e) Perliament
c. Monkiy d. Monkye 12. a. profesion b. profession
e. Monkey c. proffesion d. profission
7. a. Malnatrition b. Mulnutrition
c. Malnutrition d. Malnautrision Q
e .None of these 1. a. Questionere b. Questionaire
8. a) Magnificent b) Magnificient c. Questionnaire d. Questionare
c) Magneficient d) Magnifecent 2. a. Quarral b. Quarel
e) Magnyficent c. Quarrel d. Quarrele
9. a) Messmerising b) Mesmarising
c) Masmerising d) Mesmerising R
e) Messmarising 1. a) Restaurent b) Restaurant
c) Resturent d) Resturant
N 2. a) Referance b) Referense
1. a) Nomini b) Nominee c) Referanc d) Reference
c) Nominy d) Nomeeni e) None of these
e) Nomeenee 3. Receive b. Receive
c. Receve d. Ricieve e. None
O 4. a) Remmittence b) remmitance
1. a) Occurrence b) Occurrance c) Remitance d) Remittance
c) Occrunce d) Ocurrance e) None of these
2. a) Odience b) Adiance
c) Audience d) Audiance

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Spelling Correction
5. a. Religian b. Relegion 11. a. Serenity b. Serinity
c. Religen d. Religion c. syemity d. sirenty e. None
6. a. Registance b. Resistence
c. Registence d. Resistance T
7. a. Rigerous b. Rigourous
c. Regerous d. Rigorous 1. a) Sunami b) Shunami
8. a. Redy b. Rady c) Tsunami d) Tsuname d) None
c. Radi d. Readi 2. Temporery b) Temporare
e. Ready c) Temporary d) Temporari
9. Recission b. Recision e) None of these
c. Recession d. Ricession 3. a. Terrer b. Teror
10. a) rambling b) ramblling c. Teeror d. Terror
c) ramblying d) rammbling 4. a) Temperament b) Temperment
e) None of these c) Temparament d) Temparment
11. a) Reciepent b) Recepent 5. a) Truely b) Truly
c) Rieciepent d) Recipient c) Truily d) Trully
e) None of these 6. a) Taxidarmist b) Taxydarmist
12. a) Repitation b) Repetation c) Taxidermiest d) Taxidermist
c) Repetition d) Repitition 7. a Teacher b. Techer
e) None of these c. Techar d. Techear
13. a) Recognition b) Ricognition e. teachar
c) Racognition d) Recognetion 8. a. Tolerate b. Tolarate
e) None of these c. Tolaret d. Tolerete
9. a) Treacharous b) Trcchcrous
c) Trcchearous d) Treacherous
S e) Trccharous
1. a) Suggestion b) Suggession 10. a) Terminate b) Tarminate
c) Suggeson d) Suggesson c) Terminat d) Tarminat
2. a. subtract b. substract e) Terminet
c. substruct d. subtruct 11. a. Triumph b. Triamph
3. Sepulcharal b) Seplichrle c. Tramph d. Trumph
c) Sepalchrul d) Sepealchari
e) Sepulchral U
4. a) Samary b)Summary 1. a) Infathomable b) Infathommable
c)Sumery d)Sammary c) Unfathomable d) Unfathoumable
e)summury e) Unfathomabel
5. a. Susptable b. Susceptible 2. a) Unfare b) Unfear
c. Suciptable d. Suscepteble c) Unfaire d) Unfair
6. a. Suvenir b. souvenir
c. souvenioree d. sunvenir V
e. suvenuir
7. a) suplimentary b) Supplementary 1. a. Volaptuous b. Volaptious
c) supplimantery d) Suplimentary c. Volaptuouse d. Voluptuous
e) None of these e. Volaptuous
8. a) Salient b) Selient 2. a) Varsatile b) Versatile
c) Saliant d) Saliant c) Versetile d) Versalite
e) None of these e) None of these
9. a. sterilization b) starilization 3. a. Voracous b. Voraiciouos
c) sterilizetion d) sterrilation c. Voracious d. Vorecious e. None
e) None of these
10. a) Soverness b) Soberness
c) Sobernes d) Soabarness

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