A. The Backgroud of Study
A. The Backgroud of Study
A. The Backgroud of Study
A. The Backgroud of Study
Indonesian students in a school have to learn English as one of the
target languages. They need to learn both language skills and also
language components. Language skills as stated by Brown (2001:232) are
listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Language components contain
vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Furthermore, students are
expected to be able to apply those skills and components in their daily
activities. Related to the information above, one of the important skills
that should be learned by the students is speaking skill. Lado in Flutcher
(2003:18) state ”The ability to speak a foreign language is without doubt
the most highly prize language skills and rightly so.” In other words, he
wants to say that speaking is the most credited ability that should be learnt
by the learner. Whereas, students who are not accustome themselves to
speak in English will find many difficulties when they learn to speak in
In a vocational school, the English material tends to be English
practice, like a communicative English, that will be useful for the students
when they participate in some vocations . Students in the tenth grade of
vocational schools are expected to get to the novice level. Based on
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language, ACTFL
Guidelines 1986, “Novice level is characterized by an ability to
communicate minimally with learned material” (Flucher, 2003:230). It
means the students in grade ten of vocational school at least could
understand and answer the question in target language in the simple
utterances (Sudira, 2006:51).
In reality, although English has been taught since in elementary
school, most of the students in vocational schools rarely use English when
they communicate with their teacher or their partner in the classroom. This
condition can be caused at least by two main factors. First, the students do
not have enough English ability such as vocabulary or pronunciation
mastery. The lack of students’ mastery in vocabulary and also
pronunciation make students do not feel confident when they want to share
their idea in English orally. They are afraid of making mistakes and being
mocked by their friends. Those conditions are not supported with enough
motivation given by the teacher.
Second, the teacher does not create the appropriate conditions in
class where the students can actively communicate with others in English.
It can be caused by the situation that there is no adequate resources
including teaching materials and also teaching media. The lack of
resources also impacts the teacher’s knowledge about teaching and
learning method in which the students have more opportunities to explore
themselves. The teacher still uses the traditional method where he or she
becomes the center of the class.
In relation to the statements in the previous, the researcher intends
to help the English teacher improves the students’ speaking skill by
introducing one of cooperative learning techniques. Brown (2001:47)
states “in cooperative classroom the students and the teachers work
together to pursue goals and objectives.” It means in a cooperative
classroom the interaction between students and teachers in teaching and
learning process will be created. The researcher will offer a cooperative
learning technique named Three Steps Interview that may become the most
appropriate alternative solution to solve the problem. Kagan stated that by
using Three Steps Interview Technique, Each person much produce and
receive language during the process of learning. The students have their
own roles and turns to practice speaking in English (Jacob, et all :1997).
Regarding to the explanation above, there should be a technique
which is effective to improve student's mastery of English language,
especially speaking ability. According this assume, the writer want to
investigate The Effectiveness Using Three Steps Interview to Improve
Students’ Speaking Ability.
B. Research Problems
In relation with the importance of speaking in learning new
language and also because of speaking can be one of the factors that
determine someone success in learning the language, this study is intended
to find out the improvement of cooperative learning : three-step interview
towards student's speaking ability. The research questions will be as
1. To what extent do three steps interview strategies interest students in
their learning processes?
2. To what extent do three steps interview strategies improve the
students’ speaking skill?
C. Research Purpose
Particularly, the study has some aims as follows:
1. To know that three steps interview strategies interest students in their
learning processes
2. To know that three steps interview strategies improve the students’
speaking skill
D. The Significance of Study
The writer hopes that this reseach is expected to give information
and benefit for writer, teacher, students, school and other reseachers.
1. For the writer The finding of the reseacrh can be used a starting point
in improving the students’s speaking ability now and in the future.
2. For the students
The finding of the reseacher is to improve students’s speaking ability.
So the students will be not only good at writing but also at speaking.
3. For the teacher
They will have an alternative technique to help them improve their
students’ speaking skill. They can manage their students effectively in
class by doing Three Steps Interview Technique.
4. For Other researcher
They can have an alternative source when they intend to do another
research about the same technique or skill. They can develop other ideas
based on this research.
E. Scope of Research
Scope of this research, the writer focus in speaking tests orally for each
student by three steps interview,
1. Research Variable
a. Dependent
Speaking is to deliver a speech or to suggestive of
something (Webster, 2006). Ability is the power to do or the telent
and skill to do something, (Webster, 2006). According to C.J.
Orwig;1991, speaking ability is a productive skill in oral mode. It
can also be defined as student's competence in producing oral
b. Independent
According to Kagan (1994) Three step interview is a learning
model which consists of three members of students signed A,
B,and C. Each member chooses another member to be a partner.
During the first step individuals interview their partners by asking
clarifying questions. During the second step partners reverse the
roles. For the final step, members share their partner's response
with the team. But it can also modify to the four of members.
F. Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a temporary explanation and prediction of a
research. Singh (2006: 54), “A hypothesis is tentative solution of a
problem”. Singh (2006: 61) stated that also explained thus, a null
hypothesis (Ho) represents the hypothesis that the researcher is trying to
reject, while alternative hypothesis (Ha) represents all possibilities. The
hypothesis of this research can be stated as follow:
1. Null hypothesis (Ho): Three steps interview is not effective to
improve students speaking ability
2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Three steps interview effective to
improve students speaking ability
G. Research Design
Pre-experiments are the simplest form of research design. In a pre-
experiment either a single group or multiple groups are observed
subsequent to some agent or treatment presumed to cause change. In this
research, the researcher conducted quantitative method to know the
effectiveness using three steps intervie to improve students’ speaking
ability. According to Cresswell (2009) quantitative method is a method
that used for measuring the data using statistical procedures.
H. Population and Sample
1. Population
Weiss (2012:4), “The collection of all individuals or items under
consideration in statistical study”. It is concluded that population is a
set or collection of the subject in the research. In this research, the
population is the students of SMA Negeri 8 Pontianak at Tenth grade
in academic year 2018/2019.
2. Sample
Sample is where the data of research can be taken. “Part of the
population from which information is obtained” (Weiss, 2012:4). It
said that sample is the representatives from the population which is
giving expected information. To help researcher in collecting data,
the researcher decided to use simple random sampling. Simple
random sampling is The researcher concluded that this sampling
would taked the same number as a sample from each unit in a
Based on the population, there are seven classes in tenth grade
where the number of students is up to 240 students. By using random
sampling the researcher will take students from one class there are 35
students as the sample in this research.
I. Data Instrument
In this research the writer used observation and oral test in order
the answer well organized and systematically to get the data based on the
research problem. Questionnare refers to a set of questions that is written
in the place of paper in order to get some information. There are two types
of questionnare, those are structure or close from questionnare and
unstructured or open form questionnare (Subahana and Rahadi, 2000).
The intelligence test was an oral test that systematically done by guidance
rubric of speaking.