A Mini Project Thesis
A Mini Project Thesis
A Mini Project Thesis
Student Id. 882032019101
A. Background
feelings, and opinions to others. While according to Teuku Mahadi Sapora T. &
with each other, the growth and development of their talents, causing creativity,
innovation, and novelty, exchanging and transferring their experiences, and on the
whole, for the formation of society. Learning the language is very important,
the world. We have learned English from elementary school, middle school, high
school, even we are in college, we still learn it because English language is the one of
As we all know, English have four skills: speaking, reading, listening, and
writing. Apart from that, there are three very important basic components in English,
component that have an important role in the development of language skills because
for large majority of learners, the ultimate goal of studying is able to communicate.
supporting components that will help a lot in learning and developing these 4 skills.
progress is the lack of vocabulary. This will also limit students in their development
in speaking English because vocabulary is a basic to mastery all English skills. For
example if we give a short story to students to read, some of them may not be able to
read it well due to lack of mastered vocabulary. Moreover for their understanding of
the text they read, of course it is also lacking due to lack of vocabulary.
There are many media that can help improve students' vocabulary skills, songs
are one of them. Songs as learning media can be a good alternative in improving
various aspects of students' vocabulary learning, both from their learning motivation
because it’s hoped that with this research students are able to enrich their vocabulary
B. Problem Identification
follows :
C. Research Question
teaching technique?”
D. Research Objectives
Based on the research questions above, the objectives of the research are to
describe how students’ motivation and interest in learning vocabulary with sing-along
teaching technique?
E. Research Significance
1. Theoritical
Based on the research statement, this research was to see how students’
2. Practically
F. Researh Scope
The researcher feels the need to first confirm the scope of the research
so that it will make it easier for readers to understand the title in order to
in this study specifically mentioned VII grade at one of the Junior High
The researcher took some previous studies or findings that probably support
this research. There are some studies about Exploring Students’ Motivation in
The first research was written by Aisah Ekarani, 2022, with the title
at 11th Grade of MA Mu’min Cendekia Babelan”. This research aims to prove that
English songs can be used as interesting tools to teach English, especially for
enhancing the teaching vocabulary. In her research, she uses Classroom Action
Research (CAR) design with 4 stages in each cycle, namely planning, action,
observation and reflection. The research was done with two cycles, each cycle
consisted of two meetings. The result of this research showed that there are
comparison of the pretest, cycle 1 test and cycle 2 test. The researcher also noticed
that the students motivation during the learning-teaching process increased. Then one
of the difference with this research is the method. The research was done with CAR
method while this research will use qualitative case study method.
The second research was written by Eva Faliyanti, 2017, with the title “The
Motivation”. The objectives of this research were to know whether English song can
improve the students’ vocabulary, increase students’ motivation and to potray how
much English song influence the students’ vocabulary mastery and students’
experimental group and control group. The subject of this research is the second
2015/2016. The result shows that there is a significant difference between students
who taught by using song (experimental group) and without song (control group).
The mean scores of experimental group is higher than control group. The researcher
also found that the students enjoyed and they were fun while learning vocabulary
with English Song. Beside the method, the difference with this research is the subject.
The research subject is the second semester of college students while this research
The third research was written by Rizky Gushendra, 2017, with the title “An
Songs”. This research aimed to find out the use of English songs to improve students’
are two variables of this research, English songs as variable X and vocabulary
which were finally selected into 40 students as the sample. Just like the usual
experimental research, there are two groups namely experimental group (with
treatment) and control group (without treatment). The result of the research showed
that the students’ vocabulary mastery in the experimental group is better than the
control group. Based on the post-test showed that there is a significance improvement
of experimental group students’ before and after treatment. Then one the difference
with this research is the variable. The research variables are English songs and
vocabulary mastery while this research variables are sing-along teaching technique
The fourth research was written by Dwi Ma’rifat, 2017, with the title “A Case
research was conducted to investigate the song-based activities and stages in teaching
English vocabulary through song. This is a qualitative research with three research
twenty students of grade one in one private elementary school as the sample of this
research. There were four stages implemented by the researcher, namely opening,
main, follow up and closing stage. The result showed that the students had positive
response towards the used of song in learning English vocabulary. The students felt
happy and enjoyed during the teaching learning process. Also, by using song, it
helped them in understanding English vocabulary even better. Even though both use
the same method, but the difference with this research is the subject. The research
subject is 20 students of grade one in elementary school while this research subject is
The fifth research was written by Belinda Gereuw. Meity Muntuuntu, Maikel
Sanger, 2022, with the title “The Use of Song To Increase Students’ Vocabulary at
Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Siau Timur Selatan”. This research objective was to
increase students’ vocabulary by using songs techniques of SMP Negeri 1 Siau Timur
Selatan. This is a pre-experimental study with 21 students of the seventh grade as the
subject. The research used two instruments for this study namely pre-test and post-
test. The pre-test score is 4,47 while the post-test score is 7,57. It means song is the
right method to use in increasing students’ vocabulary. Both researchs actually chose
the same level of students as the subject but the difference is the method. The
research used pre-experimental method while this research will use qualitative
B. Theoritical Review
1. Concept of Vocabulary
a. Definition of Vocabulary
about it. Vocabulary is a set of words that are combined, so that they have
Linse (2006, p.121), also stated that ‘Vocabulary is the collection of words
can be conveyed.
students learn to memorize word for word so as to allow the increase in the
component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how
well learners speak, listen, read and write. Penny Ur (1996) also put forward
(foreign) taught by the teacher with the aim that students can use these words
words that are owned by a person or other entity, or are part of a particular
by that person or all words that are likely to be used by that person to
construct new sentences. this is what they will use in their daily life.
students, teachers, and others. Because that's what we need and we use.
vocabulary born or appear every day and our job is to keep exploring and
finding out about it so that we can still communicate with the others and our
discusses words. Words are different from other linguistic units such as
phrases. One of the differences is words can stand alone and still have
meaning. But of course, when discussing vocabulary, the scope will be wider
than just meaning. According to Nation (2001) there are two types of
vocabulary means the words that usually understand and recognize by the
native speakers but hardly ever use. Passively, it will be used in either
1) Active Vocabulary
filled with words that we can understand and use in writing or speaking.
2) Passive Vocabulary
know the meaning of the word. Sometimes, if these passive words appear
Usually from reading and listening, we will know more about this types
of vocabulary.
1) Basic Vocabulary
This is the first tier in vocabulary. Vocabulary in this tier usually have
2) High-frequency Vocabulary
This second tier of vocabulary is filled with words that usually used in
3) Low-frequency Vocabulary
This third tier of vocabulary is filled with special words that are
can be used as a basic so we can read, write, speak and understand the
language when we listen to it. In addition, Harmon, Wood & Keser (2009) as
master the four skills in language namely reading, writing, listening and
speaking. So learning and develop our vocabulary is a must for the learners
Mardianawati (2012) state that these are five things that can be considered as
1) Meaning
vocabulary along with the meaning. Teacher also should teach the
2) Spelling
for the teacher to pay attention to students’ spelling so they can spell
words correctly
3) Pronounciation
pronounciation. It’s because there are several words that have multiple
4) Word Classes
Well known as part of speech, this aspect also must be considered for
5) Word Use
well as meaning.
e. Teaching Vocabulary
vocabulary is just a few words and a small part of what needed to know a
word can be handled at one time. In addition, he also said that vocabulary
at that time the teacher must think of appropriate and interesting ways so that
very important because it will greatly affect the increase in student interest
the class and their students to also pay attention to teaching strategies in
Learning vocabulary with alternative methods that do not match with the
students’ interest could conduct some stress or progressively lose their interest
method is the method that could creates the interest and abilities of the student.
researchers have found that most students like to sing and have a high interest
in songs. Most of them spend their free time to enjoy listening and singing to
their favourite song. Some students even think singing songs while studying or
doing assignments help them more focus and relax. This has become a habit
among students which indirectly makes them memorize their favorite songs if
they sing it frequently (Faliyanti, 2017). They will remember the lyrics of the
Siregar (2018) that learning with music and songs as alternative media is
results. Some components of songs such as lyrics, music, melodies, etc. can
students can develop their creativity by trying to make their own songs with the
vocabulary they have mastered before. Maemunah (2022) also stated that the
tension that often occur in the middle of learning can be minimized by using
songs that are familiar among students and the lyrics should relevant to the
learning material. Then, students can enjoy the learning process well and
researchers can apply the learning concepts with this technique effectively.
3. Motivation
behavior with the aim of achieving a certain goal. In essence, the thing that
act. So, you could say motivation is the main key for us to do something. The
existence of motivation itself is influenced by two things, our needs and desires.
motivation to learn. Learning will feel in vain, and students will not be able to
first know how the class and the students we will teach. By knowing their
their style. teachers must continue to see the progress and complaints of
students. From there, we must continue to improve our learning model so that it
able to deal with things like this. teachers also play an important role in
C. Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework
several cycles. However, CAR that the researcher applied in this research only
consisted of one cycle. In one cycle, there is one pre-cycle and 4 stage of
1. Pre-cycle
school that is the subject of research, namely MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah Bajoe.
In this step, researcher found out the problems faced by teachers in teaching
a. Planning
2) Making lesson plan, lesson plans are made tailored to the topic of
b. Action
planning that have been made previously. The activities in this step are:
3) Giving the chance to the students to ask question and giving respond
learning process.
4) Giving test
c. Observation
things during the action research such as the students’ enthusiasm during
the class, students’ response, and also student's ability to do the test
d. Reflection
versa. Beside that in this activity, the researcher also reviewed the entire
The site (location) of this research takes place in MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah
Bone District. Before choosing the school, the researcher also had several
other school options. The reason the researcher chose the school was because
the researcher identified the relationship between the problem that was the
(group A) of MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah Bajoe. As for the informants in this
research is the English teacher of seventh grade of MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah
This research uses data primary and secondary as the source of this
research. The data primaries from this research are test, documentation,
observation, and interview that taken in the classroom of the seventh grade
(group A) at MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah Bajoe. While the data secondary from
this research are some journal, thesis, book and other supporting sources that
C. Research Instruments
1. Test
Tests are used to find out the effects of the CAR actions that have been
applied. Students will be given test after the CAR action is applied in the
consist of 10 multiple choices question with picture. Each question have score
10. If students can answer all questions correctly, the students will get score
2. Observation
Observation is intended to see and know about the condition of teacher and
students in the class. For teacher, we observe the real problems that teachers
face in teaching in the classroom. While for students, we observe the students’
carried out during the action research in the classroom to see whether the
applied methods have a good impact on the existing learning process or vice
3. Documentation
This research use documentation as one of the instrument for this research.
The researcher will take some photos that related in the research and being as
data collecting.
4. Interview
the perceived effect of the application of the new method applied by the
Validity and reliability are two main factors that need to be considered in
developing and testing instruments that will later be used in research. Both are very
important considerations that will help the researcher ensure the quality of the
1. Validity
accurately measures what it wants to measure. Three types of validity that are
construct and criterion validity. Content validity is used to indicate the extent
research and produces observations that are different from those produced by
extent to which the instrument score is correlated with the external criteria of
following formula:
rpbi =
SDt √
M p −M t p
2. Reliability
interrater and internal consistency. The test-retest is used to prove whether the
results of using the instrument will be the same if it is repeated several times.
if it repeatedly gives the same results, then the instrument has a high test-retest
reliability. Interrater is used to test whether the instrument can produce the
consistency is used to test whether the instrument obtains the same results
from various sections of the test designed to measure the same thing.
following formula:
N xy x y
[ N x 2 x ][ N y 2 y ]
2 2
Some of the steps that researchers took in collecting data for this research are
as follows:
the condition of the class, students, teachers and also the school.
3. The researcher also chooses the class that will be used as the object of
5. The data collected from the interview include the names and number of
students from the class that is the object of research, as well as the
In analyzing the data of this research, the researcher used the techinque of data
analysis by Miles & Huberman (1992, p. 16). Based on their concept, data analysis
consists of three steps of activities that occur simultaneously, namely: data reduction,
1. Data Reduction
from written notes in the field. Data reduction takes place continuously during
2. Data Display
information that provides the possibility to conclude and taking action. They
believe that better display are a primary means of valid qualitative analysis.
neat and easy to understand. In this way an analyst can see what is going on,
3. Conclusions Drawing/Verification
of seventh grade of MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah Bajoe to learn vocabulary by using
Pictionary Game. In this research, the researcher uses the classroom action
research as method with one cycles. In this chapter, the researcher will describe the
results of the research based on the planning and other steps that have been passed
reflection and data analysis. Besides that, the object of this chapter was to present
the research finding and which provide evidence answering research question of
A. Findings
1. Pre-cycle Report
The first step that the researcher took in this study was pre-observation.
Observations were carried out for approximately one day to see the condition
of the school and class and to collect data from the English teacher through
about the class that will be the object of research, including the problems that
teachers face in teaching vocabulary for students of MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah
Bajoe especially in the seventh grade. In summary, the data obtained by the
researchers showed that the students' interest in learning English at MTS Al-
Amir Fil Jannah Bajoe could be categorized as still quite low. However, the
motivation of students there to learn English is still there even though it’s
subjective. Subjective meant here is the reason students are excited to learn
English is not purely because of the lesson, but they are happy with the
teacher and the learning methods applied. But in fact it is not enough to
So the main problem found in this stage is the low motivation to learn
Jannah Bajoe.
2. Cycle Report
a. Planning
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 08.30 – 09.00
WITA based on the student schedule in the school (for one meeting).
Before doing the teaching learning process, the researcher prepared the
following things:
4) Observation checklist
5) Test
vocabulary about fruits and vegetables using Pictionary Game. the meeting is
held face to face in class 7A of MTS Al-Amir Fil Jannah Bajoe. Beside that,
vegetables after applying the learning method using Pictionary Game. At the
same time the researcher planned to review the extent to which students'
using the material which prepared before. However, the researcher also
acted as an observer in the class. The researcher observed all of the activities
in the class including the teaching-learning process and also filled in the
In this step, the researcher taught the students based on the lesson plan
that has been prepared. Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the researcher did the
research. First, the researcher started the class by pray and checked student
attendant list. Second, the researcher introduced himself. In this meeting, the
explained about the learning objectives. Besides that, the researcher also
After that the researcher the researcher wrote, mentioned with correct
pronunciation and explained a little about some vocabulary about fruits and
vegetables. Then the researcher lead the students to pronunciate the names
of the fruits and vegetables with good and correct pronunciation. Next, the
Then the researcher guided students to try to memorize the name & the
that, the researcher applied the Pictionary Game as main act to increase
question from the students. For evaluation, the researcher gave test based on
the material that had been studied. Last, the researcher closed the class by
c. Observation
After the implementation of the action above, the researcher found all
student had got the material evenly. In this step, the researcher did an
4) The students don’t really understand the other things about the
6) Almost all of the students are brave enough to talk about things
own ideas.
10) Some of the student not really excited during the test
d. Reflection
After the class, the researcher conducted an analysis of the results. The
results of the analysis show that the application of the pictionary game is
this is shown from the results of the observation checklist described above.
successful by looking at the results of the test. The test results showed that 4
out of 10 students got perfect test results by answering all the questions
This really shows that the application of the action (Pictionary game)
with students after the class. The researcher chose a sample consisting of 3
out of 10 students who had attended the class. The topic of the interview was
knowledge of various name fruits and vegetables in English. The game was
also very exciting. I became more and more interested in learning other
vocabulary using pictionary game” (Syafa Az-Zahrani, she answered all the
“At first, I thought that only some easy vocabulary that we will learn, but
it turns out that there are many things I don't know. but sir fausan teached it
very fun and easy to understand. Because of that, I can find out more names
“Sir Fausan's English class added more knowledge and explore more
about the names of fruits and vegetables along with their English and the
correct pronounciation. The game was very fun, I like it” (Zaskia Amirah,
she answered all the questions on the test correctly, 100 points)
B. Discussion
Based on the findings, the result showed that the pictionary game are really
after using pictionary game as strategy, based on the interview, the students
This showed that the actions that the researcher applies have a positive impact on
Bajoe. The test results also show that they feel motivated and excited when
make it easier for students to recognize and memorize vocabulary and strengthen
students' memory of the vocabulary being taught which of course if taught with
boring methods such as ordinary memorization, students will be bored and not
This chapter presented the conclusion and suggestion based on the data
A. Conclusion
qualitative data collected during the study. The data showed an increase in
learning English in general. Based on the research findings, the researcher can
also conclude that the use of Pictionary Game as a vocabulary learning media
clearly showed that vocabulary learning becomes very interesting and entertaining
for students if it is used with the right method. In addition, the application of this
method successfuly made the classroom atmosphere more interesting and exciting.
that there is a significant increase from students' motivation which is higher than
before. This research as a whole really showed the use of Pictionary Game in
B. Suggestion
Second, for the students. The researcher really hope the students can more
try and study hard to solve their own problems. In this case, it is about self-
For the next researcher, the researcher hopes that the next researcher can
explore more about the use of Pictionary Game in increasing students' motivation
Researchers also hope that the results of this study can provide benefits and
In addition, this mini project thesis is really far from being perfect, because
of that constructive criticism and suggestions are highly expected to support this
Hornby, AS. (2005). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (7th edition), Oxford:
Iswandari, Rina Dyah. (2017). The Effectiveness of Pictionary Game in Improving
Nation. (1990). Teaching and Learning Language, New York : New Burry House, p.3
12th 2022.
Subject : English
Class/semester : VII/2
Time of meeting : 1
1. Standards of Competence
Know and understand about the names & the characteristic of Fruits & Vegetables.
2. Basic Competence
Respond by repeating words or sentences in various games out loud about Fruits &
3. Indicators
Students are able to say the name of Fruits & Vegetables with good and correct
4. Learning Objective
Students can communicate verbally well at a simple level regarding the mention of the
name of Fruits & Vegetables and more things about Fruits & Vegetables in everyday
6. Learning Activities
Activity Description
Student Id. 882032019101
Name :
Class :
Serial Num. :
Cycle/Meeting : 1/1