Sd. Compartimental y AR A CL 2022
Sd. Compartimental y AR A CL 2022
Sd. Compartimental y AR A CL 2022
C o m p a r t m e n t S y n d ro m e a n d
Anesthesia: The Monster Under the Bed
Acute compartment syndrome Regional anesthesia Extremity Complication
Tissue pressure
Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is a devastating posttrauma/surgery complication,
which can lead to permanent disability of upper and lower extremities
The clinical signs/symptoms for ACS are unreliable. The use of intracompartmental pres-
sure measurement is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of ACS.
Continuous peripheral regional anesthesia is an effective technique for postoperative
analgesia of upper and lower extremities.
The main factors for adverse outcome after ACS are delays in definitive diagnosis
(compartment pressure measurement) and surgical management (fasciotomy).
A review of the literature emphasizes breakthrough pain, present in most described cases,
as the most important clinical sign.
Continuous neuraxial anesthesia might produce dense motor and sensory blocks and has
the potential to delay the diagnosis of ACS. Caution is warranted.
The application of local anesthetics at low concentrations through peripheral regional
catheter, intra-articular analgesia, (continuous) fascial plane blocks, and sensory blocks
is considered effective and safe means to provide analgesia for trauma/postsurgical pa-
tients at risk for ACS.
Institute of Anaesthesiology, Triemli City Hospital Zurich, Birmensdorferstrasse 497, 8063
Zürich, Switzerland; b Department of Anesthesia, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS
Trust, Regional Anesthesia UK (RA-UK), Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY, UK; c Balgrist Campus,
Lengghalde 5, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland; d Department of Surgery, University of Illinois at
Chicago, 402 CSB MC 958840 South Wood Street, Chicago, IL 60612, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
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492 Aguirre et al
CEDA continuous epidural anesthesia
EDA epidural anesthesia
ESP erector spinae block
PCEA patient controlled epidural analgesia
PECS pectoral nerve block
QLB quadratus lumborum block
TCI target controlled anesthesia
TAP transversus abdominis block
Data from the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh show an average annual incidence of 3.1
per 100,000 people (7.3 per 100,000 men and 0.7 per 100,000 women).12 ACS is more
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Acute Extremity Compartment Syndrome is approved 493
Box 1
Causes of compartment syndrome
External compression
Constriction by casts, splint, pneumatic antishock garments
Excessive traction to fractures
Early surgical closure of fascial defects
Third-degree burns (thermal, electric)
Secondary increased compartment pressure
Iatrogenic injection
Infiltrated intravenous catheters/inadvertent intra-arterial drug injection
Intracompartmental hemorrhage
Bleeding after injury
Spontaneous bleeding due to hereditary bleeding disorders
Anticoagulant therapy
Trauma from fractures (open or closed), osteotomies, vessel laceration
Intramedullary nailing
Soft tissue trauma
Prolonged positioning during surgery (lithotomy position)
Crush injuries
Ergotamine ingestion
Drug overdose
Prolonged tetany
Intraosseous fluid administration in children
Use of pumps during arthroscopy
Ischemia reperfusion (after embolectomy, clamping of arteries, and so on)
Arterial injury/arterial spasm
Tissue edema after snakebite
Limb reimplantation
common in males and in patients younger than 35 years.13 Forty percent of all cases of
ACS derive from tibial shaft fracture, 23% from soft tissue tibial trauma, and 18% from
forearm fractures.14 The Scottish series report that 36% of all tibial fractures and
23.2% of all blunt soft tissue injuries are associated with ACS.12
Children have a higher preexisting compartment pressure, but the ACS incidence
in children is lower.15 In the case of soft tissue damage, ACS can also occur in the
absence of fractures. Factors associated with an increased risk of ACS after trauma
are medical comorbidities associated with abnormal bleeding diatheses (clotting
disorders, the use of anticoagulants), volume resuscitation, altered mental status,
or neurologic compromise diminishing sensitivity and sensibility of the limbs12
(Box 1).
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494 Aguirre et al
Fig. 1. Pathophysiology and the vicious circle of the acute compartment syndrome. (Modi-
fied from Janzing HM.98)
local tissue hypoxia occurs with secondary shunting to areas with less vascular resis-
tance. Dahn and colleagues17 showed that local tissue perfusion stopped when the
interstitial tissue pressure equals the diastolic blood pressure. Cell hypoxia is thus
related to diminished arteriolar flow, venous obstruction, and a decreased arteriove-
nous gradient (Fig. 1).
There are 2 generally well-accepted pathophysiology theories:
The arteriovenous gradient theory18 and
The ischemia-reperfusion syndrome18,19
Both theories advocate the increasing tissue pressure, the resulting decreasing
capillary blood flow, and the decrease of tissue PO2 with the end result of a metabolic
However, the latter hypothesis focuses on free radicals, calcium, and vasoactive
substrates released under ischemic conditions resulting in the increased vessel
permeability and subsequent increase in extravascular fluid and pressure. Both the-
ories agree that the excess compartment pressure can only be rectified by creating
the ability for the tissues to expand by fasciotomy.
The most important tool for diagnosis of an ACS is to keep a high index of clinical sus-
picion, especially in high-risk cases. However, signs and symptoms can be ambig-
uous leading to a late diagnosis of ACS.18 Diagnosis becomes even more difficult in
obtunded patients after a polytrauma, in the presence of equivocal clinical findings,
after head injury with unconsciousness, and under perioperative narcotics or regional
anesthesia (RA), where the clinical picture can be obscured.
Clinical Diagnosis of Acute Compartment Syndrome
The main clinical symptom of a developing ACS is considered to be pain. Palpable
tension, paresthesia, paresis, and pulselessness might also be associated with ACS
(Box 2). However, none of the commonly used signs in clinical practice is neither
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Acute Extremity Compartment Syndrome is approved 495
Box 2
Symptoms and signs of acute compartment pressure
Pain is greater than expected or increasing
Increase in pain and analgesic demand
No relief after splinting or removal of casts
Paresthesia in affected extremity
Pain on palpation/passive stretching of the affected compartment
Tense and swollen compartment
Sensory deficit of the nerves enclosed in the compartment
Muscle weakness
Usually pulses are present in the early stage of compartment and absent in late stage.
Caution: Acute compartment syndrome can occur with palpable pulses.
Normal capillary refill present during early development of acute compartment syndrome.
Open fractures do not protect from acute compartment syndrome.
Clinical signs are of unclear value due to their low specificity and sensitivity
Suggested clinical signs (in the case of RA or opioid PCA):
Breakthrough pain despite well-working RA
Increase demand of analgesics
Table 1
Accuracy of clinical signs for the diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome20
Sensitivity 13%–19%
Specificity 97%–98%
Positive predictive value 11%–15%
Negative predictive value 97%–98%
Probability of ACS if 1 clinical syndrome present 25%
Probability of ACS if 3 clinical syndromes present 93%
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Acute Extremity Compartment Syndrome is approved 497
with an amputation rate of 3.2% and mortality rate of 2%, whereas fasciotomy after
12 hours showed satisfactory outcome in only 15% of cases, with 14% amputations
and 4.3% deaths. There is sparse data about the time frame of greater than 6 hours
but less than 12 hours, because residual deficits also occur if fasciotomy time is
only 2 hours after ACS diagnosis.41
Considering medicolegal aspects, Bhattacharyya and Vrahas42 reported 19 claims be-
tween 1980 and 2003. Ten claims were resolved in favor of the physician. Increasing time
from the onset of symptoms to the fasciotomy was linearly associated with an increased
indemnity payment (P < .05). A fasciotomy performed within 8 hours after the first presen-
tation of symptoms was uniformly associated with a successful defense.42
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498 Aguirre et al
technique and cite ischemia-reperfusion injury with hyperemia, swelling, and the
administration of high volumes of local anesthetics and adjuvants into a “newly
created compartment.”55 The latter theory could not be confirmed in a volunteer study
that showed no compartment pressure increase after IVRA with 1.5 mL/kg saline.58
However, this study was not performed on fractured extremities, which limits its rele-
vance to trauma care. Moreover, inflation pressure and duration have also been impli-
cated as tourniquet-related factors of compartment syndrome.
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Acute Extremity Compartment Syndrome is approved 499
24 hours and a fasciotomy was performed.75 In this case the signs of ACS were obvi-
ously present after the block had worn off.
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500 Aguirre et al
interesting alternative for patients at risk for ACS. Subsartorial block of the saphenous
nerve for medial tibia plateau fractures, supraumbilical fascia iliaca block for femur
neck fractures, and quadratus lumborum blocks for hip fractures could become alter-
natives to classic PNBs in these patients.92
There is no case report blaming fascial plane blocks of delaying diagnosis of ACS.
To the best of our knowledge, case reports blaming single-shot or continuous PNB for
the upper limb, single-shot or continuous PNB for the lower limb, single-shot EDA or
spinal anesthesia, or continuous spinal anesthesia were rather missed diagnosis than
masking symptoms of ACS. The remaining reports concentrate on continuous EDA for
the lower limb.15,22,52,53
If well documented, almost all published cases showed that patient complained
about increasing pain despite RA,70 loss of motor function despite reduction of local
anesthetic concentration,68 or increasing analgesic demand.22 Only in 4 cases in liter-
ature, a dense motor block after EDA at the time of diagnosis was observed.93,94
Nerve blocks have been blamed for masking ACS in a territory the block did not
even theoretically cover.69 Some case reports did not give any details about docu-
mentation and/or patient management before start of symptoms/clinical signs.22
Therefore, RA can only be considered to be associated, but not the cause in diagnosis
Despite these considerations, the use of RA for patients at risk for ACS remains a
topic of dispute between anesthetists and surgeons.44 As reported by Cascio and col-
leagues95 a good, standardized documentation improves the awareness of this com-
plex diagnosis. The investigators found in a retrospective study of preoperative
medical records of 30 consecutive patients who underwent fasciotomies for ACS
that documentation was inadequate in 21 (70%) patient records.41
Proper documentation and a high level of suspicion coupled with postoperative
repeated clinical and, if needed, invasive monitoring are of utmost importance.37,41
Data must be recorded at least at 2-hour interval; in the case of new or pathologic find-
ings, the frequency of assessment must be adapted. The classical 5 P’s (see Box 2,
Table 1) is of unreliable value20 particularly in the presence of RA, and should therefore
be complemented by the clinical signs breakthrough pain and increasing analgesic
demand.50 As described by Bae and colleagues96 an increase in analgesic need pre-
ceded neurovascular changes by an average of 7.3 hours (range 0–30). A compart-
ment syndrome must be excluded at this point.96
Based on the literature presented in this review and following the recommendations of
the latest guideline from the AAGBI,46 the use of RA is a safe option if surgeons, an-
esthesiologists, and nurses in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) and wards keep
a high index of suspicion and have the knowledge how to document, diagnose, and
treat ACS. Multidisciplinary protocols, objective scoring charts, patient consent, and
senior surgical colleague consensus should be documented to provide every patient
with a satisfactory analgesia plan.
As previously done per case scenario, the authors present an updated version of
possible concepts for anesthesia and analgesia management of patients at risk for
ACS72 (Table 2).
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Table 2
Recommendation for anesthesia and postoperative analgesia for patients at high risk for postoperative acute compartment syndrome
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Techniques Recommendation Drugs to Be Used Duration of Action Comments
GA Yes if not high-risk patient. Propofol/gas Remifentanil: 5 min
For analgesia combine Low-dose long-acting opioids after TCI is stopped Consider central blocks
preferably with Lc-CPNB (fentanyl); remifentanil additional to GA only
until Lc-CPNB postoperative pain is an
issue that cannot be controlled
with peripheral nerve blocks or
systemic drugs. If used, use
short- medium-acting local
anesthetics to allow motoric
Table 2
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Aguirre et al
(continued )
Techniques Recommendation Drugs to Be Used Duration of Action Comments
Single-shot No if GA possible. Consider Ropivacaine 0.75%–1% Ropivacaine: 3–6h No case report related
epidural combination with SSPA (CSE) Lidocaine 1.5% Lidocaine: 3.5 h to ACS. Avoid combination
(EDA) Yes if GA contraindicated and Chloroprocaine 3% Chloroprocaine: 2.5 h with continuous EDA
drugs can be adapted
to surgical time
Continuous No if GA possible Ropivacaine 0.1% ( 0.2%) During infusion and Avoid EDA whenever
epidural No if postoperative analgesia Levobupivacaine 0.125% 2-4 h after infusion stop possible. Many case
(CEDA) is possible with CPNB If needed add sufentanil Wash out with 30 mL reports, although
Yes in rare exceptions Lc-CEDA 1 m/mL, fentanyl 1–3 m/mL) saline leads to block only 4 with dense
resolution within 60 min motor block associated
with ACS. Close
documented monitoring
(every hour) during
infusion. Consider
wash out. No PCEA
SPNB Only if postoperative Lidocaine 1.5% Lidocaine: 2.5–3 h Case reports for the lower
pain is minimal Mepivacaine 1% Mepivacaine: 2–4 h extremity (but ACS
and only if local anesthetics Chloroprocaine 2%–3% Chloroprocaine: 1–2 h signs ignored)
can be adapted to Ropivacaine 0.2%
surgery time
Lc-CPNB is the better choice
CPNB Yes if catheter Ropivacaine: bolus with During infusion and Case reports for the lower
placement possible 10–20 mL of 0.1%–0.2% 30–60 min after infusion extremity (but ACS signs
without previous block or PCRA: ropivacaine stop. Motor function ignored). If possible
short-duration PNB 0.1%–0.2% (0.3%) typically not impaired avoid initial bolus,
4-6 mL/h, bolus with these dosages or perform it with
3-4 mL, lock out 20–30 min the lowest concentration.
PCRA or CPNB possible.
0.3% only if pain problem
after exclusion of ACS
Continuous Yes Ropivacaine 0.2%–0.3% Covers pain only during For lower extremity
wound/ Bupivacaine 0.25% infusion; for single-shot not inferior to PNB,
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Abbreviations: CPNB, continuous perineural block; CSPA, continuous spinal anesthesia; CSE, combined spinal and epidural anesthesia; GA, general anesthesia; LA,
local anesthetics; Lc, low concentration; LIA, local infiltration analgesia; max, maximum; PCRA, patient-controlled regional anesthesia; SPNB, single-shot PNB;
SSPA, single-shot spinal anesthesia.72
General anesthesia should be avoided if there are clear advantages for RA but
limitation of block duration relative to surgery time should be considered to
avoid a dense and long-lasting sensory and motor block.
IVRA should be avoided in cases at risk for ACS.
Spinal anesthesia for surgery is a good option to avoid general anesthesia.
Long-acting drugs (bupivacaine 0.5%) should be used only for surgeries
greater than 90 minutes; otherwise advantage of prilocaine 2% or chloropro-
caine 1% should be taken for shorter surgeries. The addition of spinal opioids
may also be considered. Continuous spinal anesthesia or combinations with
EDA (combined spinal and epidural anesthesia) are indicated only for cases
in which general anesthesia is contraindicated.
Intraoperative LIA or CWI are good analgesia regimens for upper and lower ex-
tremities and have no implication regarding motor function.
Fascial plane blocks using dilute local anesthetics offer good analgesia, and
their effect can be extended using catheters. Similarly, here, there is almost
no impact on motor function.
Continuous central nerve blocks are only indicated when no PNB can be per-
formed; they can produce a dense sensory and motor block and are the only
blocks that have been shown to mask the diagnosis of ACS. If used, lowest
possible concentrations (ropivacaine 0.1%–0.2%) should be applied.
PNBs are the preferred method for analgesia but need thorough postoperative
documentation and follow-up by the pain team. Again, the lowest possible
concentrations with higher flow rates should be used to avoid dense motor
blocks. Even top-ups over the catheter should be performed with low concen-
tration (ropivacaine 0.2%–0.3%) and higher volumes (20 mL). Caution: A top-
up need can be a sign of ACS!
In the clinical findings, paralysis and pulselessness are already late sings of an ACS
The only safe way to exclude or proof an ACS is the measurement of the compartment
Breakthrough pain described as a pain that suddenly overcharges the ongoing pain therapy
(peripheral regional anesthesia or intravenous opioids) is a serious sign for an ACS.
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