Study of Electromagnetic Interference: Research Papers

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* Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudem, India.
** Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, V. R. Siddhardha Engineering College, Vijayawada, India.

The life on Earth has been adapted to survive in an environment of natural low-frequency Electromagnetic (EM) fields in
addition to the Earth's Static Geo-Magnetic field. Natural EM fields of low frequency come from two main sources, the
sun and thunderstorm activity. However, fields produced by various Electrical and Electronic Systems such as Radio and
Television broadcast stations, Communication Transmitters etc., and Automobile Ignition systems, Industrial Control
Equipment radiate Electromagnetic Energy at much higher intensities during their normal operation. The
electromagnetic environment created by these Intentional and Unintentional sources with a very different Spectral
Distribution has altered this natural EM background. The electromagnetic environment created by these Intentional and
Unintentional sources, when sufficiently strong, Interferes with the operation of many electrical and electronics
equipment and systems which degrades the performance of the system. So the study of Electromagnetic Fields which
becomes an interference to the Systems’ operation is needed. For analysis of EM fields, simulation of Co-Axial cable
using CST is considered [4].
Keywords: Geo-Magnetic field, Thunderstorm, Spectral Distribution, Ignition Systems.

INTRODUCTION operated at one time resulting in the loss of the ship.

1. Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) Intentional jamming of the radio receivers by the security
and police forces is the utilization of this effect to make the
EMI is defined as the undesirable signal which causes
enemies receivers inoperative. However, it can also
unsatisfactory operation of a circuit or device and it is the
happen due to unwanted and unintentional radiation of
energy level introduced by electrical, electronic or
Electromagnetic fields. There are of two types of EMI:
communication systems that have a detrimental effect
on other systems. Any electronic system is capable of 1.1 Intra EMI
receiving Electromagnetic radiations, if the size of the EMI is said to be Intra-EMI, if the functional characteristics
components or connecting wires approach one-tenth of of one module within an electronic equipment or system
frequencies that may be present in the surrounding is disturbed due to EMI from another module.
environment due to any intentional or unintentional 1.2 Inter EMI
transmitter. Depending on the intensity of this unwanted
EMI is said to be Inter EMI, If the functional characteristics
received radiation, there could be instances of
of one equipment is disturbed by the functional
malfunctioning of the device receiving this energy. There
characteristics of other equipment.
have been a number of instances where such a condition
2. Electromagnetic Susceptibility and Vulnerability
had resulted in failure of the equipments. The most
EMS is the capability of a device to respond to EMI without
famous example is the failure of the Electronic
showing tolerance, which is termed as Electromagnetic
surveillance system installed at one of the ships of United
Kingdom Naval forces during Falkland war due to
operation of its own Radar system installed on the same The ease with which a component, circuit, device, piece
warship. Because of this, only one system could be of equipment or system may suffer a degradation in

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No. 1 ·
September - November 2015 41

performance, a malfunction, or a failure due to the effects at energy levels too low to cause body heating.
influence of Electromagnetic energy is called as The proposition that these thermal effects may produce
Electromagnetic Vulnerability. harmful health consequences has produced a great
3. Electromagnetic Compatibility deal of research.

EMC is defined as the ability of electronic and The study of EM fields in the Co-axial cable which may be
communication equipment to operate satisfactorily in the one of the source for the EMI because of Impedance
the presence of interference and not to be a source of Mismatch is shown in Figure 1[4].
interference to nearby equipment [6]. 4. Potential Sources of EMI
3.1 Main Objectives of the EMC The list could be endless starting with seemingly harmless
The main objectives of the Electromagnetic Compatibility operating devices to all the intentional and non-
Regulations are to regulate the compatibility of intentional transmitters. Appreciable radiation occurs as
equipment regarding EMC: the size of the components and connecting wires
approaches one-tenth of the wavelength of the
·Equipment (apparatus and fixed installations) needs
operating frequency. The intensity of the field so radiated
to comply with EMC requirements when it is placed on
also depends on the power handled by the device. To
the market and/or taken into service.
name a few, tube lights, spark plugs, washing machines,
·The application of good engineering practice is
music systems, power amplifiers, computers, lifts, air
required for fixed installations, with the possibility for
conditioners, cable TV, computer screen etc., all fall in the
the competent authorities of Member States to
category of non-intentional transmitters but can be a
impose measures if non-compliance is established.
potential source of Electromagnetic radiations. All Radio
It has been known since the early days of Radio that, RF
and TV broadcasting systems, telecommunication
energy can cause interference in most of the wireless
systems and equipments, Radars, Mobile Phones etc., are
operated systems and in devices, which process
Intentional transmitters of Electromagnetic radiations and
extremely low power signals associated, with control
may result in typical effects on various systems in addition
systems and in medical equipments. Very high densities
to caus serious Interference problems and affecting
of Electromagnetic Fields have been known to result in
human body. With ever-increasing use of modern digital
injuries by heating body tissues. These heat-related health
technology in almost all the modern processing and
hazards are called thermal effects. In addition, there is
Communication equipments, the threat of unintentional
evidence that magnetic fields may produce biological
Electromagnetic radiation is further enhanced. As all
digital signals positively have a very large bandwidth, its
increasing use will result in Electromagnetic Radiations in
almost all the frequency ranges there by leaving a
possibility of affecting most of electronic devices and
human beings. The study of E-field in the cable is shown in
Figure 2.
Body tissues that are subjected to very high levels of RF
energy may suffer serious heat damage. These effects
depend upon the frequency of the energy, the power
density of the RF field that strikes the body, and even on
factors such as the polarization of the wave.
At frequencies near the body's natural resonant
Figure 1. Study of E.M.Fields in the Co-Axial Cable

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No. 1 ·
September - November 2015

equipment, a problem in the healthcare environment?

Although electrical interference in hospitals is often
regarded as no more than a minor nuisance, there are
documented cases in which equipment failures due to
electromagnetic Interference (EMI) have lead to injury or
death. Some examples as follows:
·Failure of medical devices can lead to injury or death.
·Some equipment found in hospitals is intentionally
designed to emit electromagnetic energy, often for

Figure 2. Study of E-Field in Co-Axial Cable

therapy. Other equipment, which may be located
nearby, is designed to detect very small physiological
frequency, RF energy is absorbed more efficiently, and signals. This combination has the potential to create
maximum heating occurs. In adults, this frequency usually EMC problems.
is about 30 MHz if the person is grounded and about 60
·Also in hospitals, there is a question of whether to ban
MHz if the person's body is insulated from the ground. In
or restrict the use of mobile phones. They improve
addition, body parts may be resonant. The adult head for
communications but can interfere with critical
example is resonant around 400 MHz, while a baby's
equipment [3][5].
smaller head resonates near 750 MHZ Body size thus
·Many medical devices are connected directly to
determines the frequency at which most RF energy is
patients. For main-powered devices, the designer
absorbed. As the frequency is increased above
must prevent electric shock as well as ensure
resonance, less RF heating generally occurs. The study of
EMC [1] [2].
H-field in the cable is shown in Figure 3.
As in medical field, the establishment of Bio-Medical
5. EMI in Bio-Medical Instruments
Electronic Instrument in Multi-Specialty Hospitals and other
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) becoming a problem
medical environments is increasing day-to-day. Despite
in the healthcare environment also. Although electrical
this, the number of reported incidents of EMC
interference in hospitals is often regarded as no more
(Electromagnetic Compatibility) problems fortunately
than a minor problem, there are documented cases in
does appear to be growing. This is probably because
which equipment failures due to Electromagnetic
most designers of medical electronic products did not
Interference (EMI) have lead to injury or death.
follow EMI-EMC standards. Pacemaker is one of the typical
Is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of medical examples, where the design with respect to compactness
and immunity to Electromagnetic Interference has
greatly improved over the years. Nowadays, pacemakers
are very reliable, but can still fail under extreme
conditions. Pacemakers have failed in patients
undergoing Electrotherapy and in other cases where
patients kept mobiles near their chest pocket, a few
centimeters from the pacemaker lead. The powered
Wheelchair is another typical example. Police
'walkietalkies' causing the wheelchair to drive itself and its
occupant into traffic. These are facts based on real
occurrences. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Figure 3. Study of H-Field in Co-Axial Cable

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No. 1 ·
September - November 2015 43

investigates the problem and recommend that the

manufacturer needs to change the design to give an
immunity of at least the EMI standards. The use of many
items of electronic equipment in close proximity in the
hospital environment means that the same sort of EMC
problem is encountered as with other types of electronic
products. However, there are some special features of the
hospital EM environment [3][5]. Co-Axial Surface Currents
in the cable are shown in Figure 4.
Electronic equipment is constantly evolving, so there is
always the possibility of new problems arising, e.g.,
interference from new types of mobile communications
devices. The study of TDR timing signals in the cable is
shown in Figure 5.
The study of 3D view of E.M.fields in the cable is shown in Figure 5.TDR Timing Signals
Figure 6.
6. Real Time Results Problem).

6.1 Before EMC ·Input and output lines of the filters were coupled.

Equipment Under Test (EUT) is ‘Servo Electronics’. The ·Poor ground between 4 PCBs, back plane and

Conducted Emission tests (CE of MIL-STD-461) and the enclosure was reported (bonding problem) .

response before EMC is shown in Figure 7. 6.2 After EMC

Status: ·Replacement of EMI Filter. Filters were installed with

EUT failed to comply with the test requirements as adequate grounding.

conducted emission from the EUT exceeds the limit line. ·A new PCB layout for the PS board was suggested with

EMI Analysis: sufficient ground plane.

·Insertion loss of the EMI filter is insufficient. ·PS and Signal lines are separated in D-sub connector.

·EMI filters were not properly grounded. (Engineering ·Re-routing and elimination of PS lines through
·Auxiliary PS drawn through MB was eliminated and
restored from PS card directly (Figure 8).

Figure 4. Co-Axial Surface Currents Figure 6. 3D View of E.M.Fields in Co-Axial Cable

44 i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, Vol. 6 ·

No. 1 ·
September - November 2015

7. Remedial Measures
Ensuring EMC of the devices or components:
Electromagnetic compatibility describes a state in which
the electromagnetic environments produced by natural
phenomena and by other electrical and electronic
devices do not cause interference in electronic
equipment and the systems of interest. In order to reach
this state, it is necessary to reduce the emissions from
sources that are controllable, to increase the immunity of
equipment that may be affected, or to do both. To try
eliminating all possibilities of interference by decreasing
emissions and increasing the immunity further could incur
a high cost to the industry and could prevent new
technologies from emerging. For example, a restriction
Figure 8. Conducted Emissions Plot of
lowering the transmitting power of cellular telephones so “Servo Electronics” after “EMC”
that consumers could place their cell phones on top of
standards, Medical EMC standards etc.
any electronic equipment might be a viability of such
• SMPS are big source of radiated and conducted EMI.
communication systems. On the other hand, a
• EMI comes from high power switching action.
requirement that all commercial electronic equipment
perform without malfunction at ambient levels of 50 V/m • EMI problems can be mitigated by identifying high
would place a financial burden on manufacturers of a di / dt loop and reducing loop area by careful board
large range of equipment. layout.

Conclusion • Sensitive circuits should be protected with careful

layout and shielding.
·To control EMI, there are many EMC standards, based
on regions and Applications for example: • Filters can be designed to attenuate conducted EMI
to protect supply / Load.
Military, Aircraft EMC standards, Automotive EMC
• Filters also help reduce radiated EMI.
We thank the management and faculty of Sri Vasavi
Engineering College for their support provided for us and
our sincere thanks to the Principal and Head of the
Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering for their assistance in finishing this work.
[1]. D Bozec, (1998). “Banana Skins”, UK EMC Journal, Vol.
15, pp. 8.
[2]. Jeffrey L Silberberg, (1993). “Performance
Degradation of Electronic Medical Devices Due to
Electromagnetic Interference”, Compliance Engineering
, Vol. 10,pp. 25.
Figure 7. Conducted Emissions Plot of
“Servo Electronics” before “EMC” [3]. Medical Devices Agency, (1997). “Electromagnetic

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No. 1 ·
September - November 2015 45

Compatibility of Medical Devices with Mobile Compatibility of Medical Devices with Mobile
Communications”, MDA DB 9702. Communications”, MDA DB 9702.
[4]. C st Studio Suite., Retired from [6] V.P.Kodali, (1996). “Engineering EMC Principles,
[5]. Medical Devices Agency, (1997). “Electromagnetic Measurements and Technologies”, IEEE Press, New york.


M.SatishKumar is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
and Student counseling in charge at the Department Level at Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudem, India. He
obtained his M.Tech. Degree from Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India and B.E. Degree in
Electronics and Communications Engineering from S.R.K.R Engineering College, Bhimavaram, India. He has more than 8- years
of teaching experience. He has attended about 10 Technical Workshops and has published 4 technical papers in International
and National Journals and Conferences. His fields of Interest Include EM Waves and Transmission Lines, EMI/EMC in System Design,
Analysis of Microwave Components, Analysis of PCB Design and Medical Image Processing Techniques.

A. Jhansi Rani is presently working as a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and PG -
Programme Coordinator at V. R. Siddhartha Engineering College, India. She obtained her M.Tech. Degree in Microwave
Engineering from Institute of Technology, Banaras, Hindu University, Varanasi and B.Tech. Degree in Electronics and
Communications Engineering from Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada. She has more than
20 years of teaching experience, and has about 50 technical publications in various International and National Journals and
Conferences. Her fields of interest include Electromagnetics, Smart Antennas, Analysis of Microwave Components, EM Waves
and Transmission Lines, Numerical Methods and Applications.

46 i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, Vol. 6 ·

No. 1 ·
September - November 2015

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