Blue Ocean Strategy: Why This Book?
Blue Ocean Strategy: Why This Book?
Blue Ocean Strategy: Why This Book?
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Price Cost
Service Market
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
The Profit and Growth Consequences of Red Ocean versus Blue Ocean Strategy
Creating Blue Oceans
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Value Innovation
Common sense
Uncommon sense
• Strategic move that allows a company to
create blue ocean.
• Offers buyers a huge leap in VALUE & that
will give rise to NEW MARKET.
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Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Value Innovation
• Value without Innovation
- Tends to focus on value creation
High Profit Growth
- Improve value but is not sufficient to make your
standout in the market place Value High Demand
Value Up
• Innovation without value Innovation Cost Down
- Tends to be technology driven, market
- Always shooting beyond what buyers are ready
to accept & pay for it.
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Value Improvement vs
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Fans Friends Customers Prospect Suspect 2nd tier 3rd tier
Fans Friends Customers Prospect Suspect 2nd tier 3rd tier (1st tier non- non-
(1st tier non- non- non- customer customer
non- customer customer customer)
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Value Innovation
Third Tier
“Unexplored” non-customers who are
in markets distant from yours
Second Tier
“Refusing” non-customers
who consciously choose
against your market
First Tier
“Soon-to-be” non-
customers who are on the
edge of your market
waiting to jump ship
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Reach beyond existing demand is a
Value Innovation another key component of achieving
value innovation
Hindered” non-
be” Tier The three tiers of
non-customers Second
Tier non customers
Your First
Market Tier
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Investigate unsatisfaction
causes (“Why?”)
Meet with disgruntled
customers and listen to their • Business : British Fast Food Chain
concerns • Customer : Professionals in European City Centers principally
Your Tier frequented restaurants for lunch (sit down restaurants offered a
Market Find key commonalities across
nice meal and setting)
needs and desires
• 1st Tier Non-Customer :
Explore other competitors’ - Professionals did not have time for sit-down meal.
“soon-to-be” customers - Professionals looking for healthy food.
- Professionals looking for reasonable price
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Path 1 : Look Across Path 1 : Look Across Alternative
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Path 3 : Look Across the Path 3 : Look Across the Chain
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
• Case Study : Novo Nordisk (Danish Insulin
• Products :
Novo Pen
Novo Let
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
• Think about what happens before, during and after your product is Malaysian Case
• Case Study : NABI (Hungarian Bus Company)
• Bus Industry
- Offer the lowest purchase price
- Design Outdated
- Late delivery times
- Low quality
- Life cycle of bus : 12 years
• Issues
- Maintenance of running the bus over 12 years life cycle
- Repairs after traffic accidents, fuel usage, wear & tear
- Parts frequently needed to be replaced due to bus heavy weight
- Steels – heavy, corrosive and hard to repair after accidents
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Steel Fiberglass
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Message to Heaven
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Reconstruct Market Boundaries Where Learning Never Stops
Analytical Tools & Framework
Path 1
Look across alternative The Four Actions Framework
Path 6 Path 2
Look across
Participates In shaping
Strategic group Which factors should be
External trends reduced well below the
Over time In your industry
Focusing on industry’s standard?
Rivals within
Focusing on Focus on
your industry
Adapting to Better serving
External trends your strategic
As they occur group Eliminate Create
Which of the factors that A New Which factors should be
Focusing on Focusing on the industry takes for Value created that the industry
Positioning within granted should be has never offered?
Focusing on Better serving Curve
Functional-emotional eliminated?
Orientation of Maximizing Industry’s Buyer
industry Value of product Group
Or service Path 3
Path 5 Redefining the
Look across the Industry buyer
Functional-emotional Path 4 Group Raise
Appeal to buyers Look across Complementary Which factors should be
Product or service raised well above the
offerings industry’s standard?
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Clip 2
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
The Four Steps of Visualizing
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
Where Learning Never Stops Where Learning Never Stops
Nine Key Points of Blue Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Malaysian Version
1. BOS is the result of a decade long study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30
industries over 100 years (1880-2000).
2. BOS is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost.
3. The aim of BOS is not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to
create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the competition irrelevant.
4. BOS offers a total set of methodologies and tools to create new market space.
5. While innovation has been seen as a random/experimental process where entrepreneurs
and spin-offs are the primary drivers – as argued by Schumpeter and his followers – BOS
offers systematic and reproducible methodologies and processes in pursuit of innovation
by both new and existing firms.
6. BOS frameworks and tools include: strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework,
six paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean idea index.
7. These frameworks and tools are designed to be visual in order to not only effectively
build the collective wisdom of the company but also to effectively execute through easy
communication. For Enquiries:Tel: 03-79552633(Laura)
8. BOS covers both strategy formulation and strategy execution.
9. The three key conceptual building blocks of BOS are: value innovation, tipping point Also available at Popular Bookstore 大众书局, Mentor 大将书局
leadership, and fair process.
NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise NUS Extension a business unit of NUS Enterprise
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