Virtual Learning: A Paradigm Shift - ONGC Experience: Debashis Das and M. Rajagopala Rao

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Virtual Learning: A Paradigm Shift – ONGC Experience

Debashis Das* and M. Rajagopala Rao

KDMIPE, DehraDun

Virtual Learning System (VLS) is an effective tool for management of knowledge in a knowledge organisation. It
requires a very efficient change management to ensure acceptance and utilisation of the system. This paper presents the
valuable experiences gained in this regard by ONGC during implementation of the Pilot and company wide roll-out of a
VLS. It also brings out the issues regarding VLS and it’s potential application in competency development of the employees
and creating a company-wide best practices database.
Key word: Virtual learning, Knowledge

Introduction • Geophysical technology experienced the steady and

sometimes explosive expansion typical of
Virtual learning or e-learning is a knowledge technologically driven growth industries (Harry Mayne,
transfer framework that blends multiple electronic channels 1982). These technology growths have enormously
and interaction models to improve user skills, performance, mitigated the high exploration risk especially in the high
and awareness in the context of life, work, and learning styles. risk areas like deep-waters.
According to an estimate e-learning provides 30% more
learning content, in 40% less time and at 30% less cost than Growth in geophysical technology
traditional classroom learning (Doane, 2003) . This is all
about building a culture in which learning is an ongoing For example, over the last forty years the
process and employees take responsibility for their own technology growth has been striking in Seismic data
knowledge up- gradation and development. acquisition, processing and interpretation. The global seismic
acquisition has evolved from seismic reflection profiling,
Better knowledge management is a key determinant CDP, Vibroseis through 3-D seismic, VSP, Multi-component
for the success of any organization in general and a seismic to crosswell seismic, 4D seismic, Marine 4-C, Q-
knowledge intensive industry like oil exploration in Land, Q-Marine, Vector seis etc.
The seismic processing evolves from Digital
• There is knowledge explosion in the present century. seismic processing, digital migration, 2-D PSDM, Residual
More knowledge has been developed in this one century statics, through 3-D migration velocity analysis, slant stack,
than what was developed in the last five centuries put 2D reflection Tomography, DMO to 3-D PSDM, Neural
together. networks, Turning wave migration, Wavelet transform
• Explosion in the Information Technology has changed processing etc.
the rules of business. Small companies with strong
Knowledge Management through I.T. have proved to The global seismic interpretation technology has
be more successful than the larger traditionally managed evolved from seismic stratigraphy, 1-D attributes, 1-D
companies. impedance inversion, bright spot technology, to IIWS, AVO,
• ‘Easy oil’ is over and it is now ‘era of difficult oil’ 2-D attributes etc.
from the deepwater and other frontier areas, where the
exploration is much more technology intensive and the The growth of geophysical technologies continues
economics operates at a different level of risk and gain. with contemporary and future technologies such as:
Companies are working for better risk mitigation - 3-D Electromagnetic Imaging
through new technologies. - Cross-well Seismic Imaging
• The technology development in oil exploration - Geosynthetic Membrane Monitoring System
especially in the global geophysical technology has - Magnetostrictive Borehole Seismic Source
been tremendous. - Subsurface Imaging Using Cross borehole

6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics “Kolkata 2006”

Electromagnetics etc. • Training to learning – In training the organization

decides what, how and when the learners will learn.
These developments are helping the oil companies Whereas in learning, these are a matter of choice of the
reduce risk substantially and guiding them to venture into learner. Here the individual decides what, how and when
hitherto unexplored territories like thrust belts and deep one wants to learn to prepare oneself for meeting the
offshore.To ensure the exploration experts take full organization goals and objectives.
advantage of these developments, oil companies need to • Teaching to facilitating – In teaching chunks of
ensure quick upgradation of knowledge of these experts as knowledge are handed down on a platter by the teacher
well as free exchange of experiences among them. Virtual to the taught. What the learners consume and utilize is
learning provides the most effective tools in this context. beyond the control of the teacher. Organisations only
facilitate learning and learners tune their learning to
Science of learning match the tasks and challenges at hand.
• Assigned to voluntary - In current paradigm, trainees
Learning spectrum spans the entire gamut of are assigned to certain training module while in VLS it
teaching, training, coaching, and mentoring. While as is voluntarily decided by the learners depending on the
teaching end of the spectrum represents knowledge vending, perception of the competencies expected of him/her by
the mentoring end signifies voluntary acquisition of the organization.
knowledge by an individual assisted and supported by an • Framed to evolving – Traditional training modules are
organisation. Teaching may be considered as the transfer of rigid and fixed while the virtual learning modules evolve
knowledge from teacher to the taught and like any process with the emerging learning needs of the individual.
of energy transfer the efficiencies are low and substantial • Broad based to tailored – Traditional learning is broad
losses exist. Training is teaching through action the skills to based to address the need of a group of trainees whereas
accomplish a task. Learning efficiency is better compared Virtual Learning is individually tailored.
to mere teaching. Coaching is to let learner do the task and
provide guidance and mid course correction as necessary. It is really astonishing that how Virtual Learning
The process encourages innovation and personalization of happen when there is
knowledge. Mentoring is the culmination of knowledge
transfer system in many ways; it could be providing the • No physical interaction with Guru
learner knowledge, ambiance, motivation and • No separate environment – ambience
encouragement for learning. • No schedule!!!!
• No target!!!!
Learning happens through reading, listening, • No Monitoring!!!!!
playing, experimenting, and modeling. Different stages of • No Checking!!!!!
learning involve observing, doing, experiencing, thinking,
meditating. Observation involves acquiring knowledge In fact some of these could become the weaknesses
through sensual faculties. Experiencing is the way of in a virtual learning environment unless adequate system
internalizing the results of learning within oneself. Thinking support is provided by the organization.
proceeds through analyzing and helps the learner evaluate
what is learnt. Meditating is going beyond mere experience. Virtual Learning System (VLS) provides,
Vedic Learning (Upanishad) is the ultimate way of learning. - Access to extensive knowledge on the desktop
‘Upa’ means ‘by the side of Guru’ and ‘Nishad’ means ‘sit - Learning at your own pace and in your own style
and learn’. Extreme meditative experience gained under the - Learning what you need and when you need it
tutelage of a compassionate guru can elevate the cognitive - Learning and application of knowledge in real time
experience of the disciple to a level of enlightenment. - Access to cross disciplinary knowledge
- Access to basics and fundamentals without
Virtual learning embarrassment of exposure
- Self assessment of your knowledge and post learning
Virtual learning has its own advantages and effectiveness in privacy
limitations in addressing these objects of the science of - Learning by doing real data simulated assignments
learning. Virtual Learning system (VLS) is a radical paradigm (Action learning) without the risk of causing damage/
shift from the traditional classroom training. loss to the organisation

Evolution of e-learning effective tool for proper evaluation (integrated within the
With the market growth, the VLS also grew through
the evolution of e-learning. E-learning involves the use of Learner’s time online may be a measure of
technology to enhance learning including digital evaluation. This evaluation may be made a part of key
collaboration, satellite broadcasting, CD-ROMS, video and performance indicator (KPI). Some validations may be made
audio conferencing, mobile technology, interactive TV and by the supervisors regarding the usefulness of learning.
web based technologies. Many successful implementations - Real commitments from learners and mentors
have used combination of learning with face to face delivery - Learner’s motivation
(blended learning). - Learner’s Feedback
- Reasons for failure to complete the course
The technology evolution related to e-learning can
be divided into following four phases in the last twenty years: Time for learners and mentors
Stand alone software: 1985 - 90 Learners and mentors are to be given dedicated time
Client server network: 1990 - 95 slot for accessing VLS by: Cubicle’s with engage sign on
Internet – Intranet: 1995 - 2000 while learning is in progress, so that learners do not get
Wireless connectivity: 2000 -2005 disturbed easily. Stand alone Computer room for providing
proper learning environment


Learners are motivated to learn when they perceive

that the knowledge gained will help them perform jobs more
effectively. To ensure relevancy, all learning should be linked
to job expectation. Managers should provide each worker
with Key Results Areas (KRA). A KRA is made up of tasks
that work collectively towards achievement of a goal. A
learning plan includes the main headings like timeline,
activity, resources status follow-up etc.

Recognition system for the Learners, Mentors and

System Administrators are the most effective way of
motivation. What’s in it for the learners should be made clear
to them and they should be clearly advised about the benefit
of training.

Fig 1. The technology evolution of e-learning from PC based training,

through CD-ROM media (server based) through synchronous
In the mentoring system sometimes the learners may
platform with learning management system (Internet / Intranet) to also be allowed to rate the mentors.
wireless delivery and management system. (Source: SRI consulting
business intelegence (SRIC-BI),
Feed back
Salient features of VLS Feed back system from the learners and mentors
are the most effective part of learning. Feedback from users
Evaluations as well as from their supervisor should be obtained regarding
the effectiveness and usefulness of the learning. Successful
The evaluation of the learners can be made through completion should be celebrated by giving token award to
dialogue with the learner and informing the management the learners. Newsletter from organiser to all users: About
about the same. Learning management system is a very the latest or new contents developed in the site.

6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics “Kolkata 2006”

ONGC’s initiatives

The importance of Knowledge Management (KM)

was recognized and actions were initiated in ONGC in 1990s.
Virtual Learning system (VLS) was identified as one of the
KM initiatives to be introduced in ONGC. ONGC decided
that the International Petroleum Industry Multimedia System
(IPIMS) developed by IHRDC, USA would be a suitable
vehicle to implement Virtual Learning system (VLS) within
the Company.

International Petroleum Industry Multimedia

System – Exploration and Production (IPIMS.ep) is a
knowledge learning and communication virtual learning
system (VLS) developed by M/S IHRDC, USA, devoted to
the upstream petroleum (exploration and production) sector
for the international energy business. The IPIMS.ep provides
a structured, self-paced learning facility through online text,
animated graphics and videos for all aspects of exploration
and production from geology, geophysics to reservoir
engineering, drilling, production engineering and formation
evaluation. The whole system is divided into two major parts
viz., Background learning and Action learning. The
Fig.3: Video clippings from Virtual learning system: Prof. N.A.Anste
background learning is an e-encyclopedia of basic knowledge delivering a field lecture on seismic data acquisition
in all facets of exploration and production. The Action
Learning is learning by doing and it relies on the use of period of one year from Feb. 2002 to March 2003 with 10
realistic scenarios that reflect the actual work assignments, Background Learning license and 100 seats of Action
challenges and supports individuals as they build Learning.
competencies that the international companies have identified
as critical for superior job performance. The feedback from learners in the pilot indicated
that the system is very useful for:

(a) Getting back to the basics

(b) Cross disciplinary learning

The action learning system was well received and

there was good enthusiasm to take up the simulated
assignments among the learners.

Based on the pilot experience the Executive

Committee of ONGC decided to roll out the VLS across the
organization. 500 licenses of background learning distributed
over 66 sites in ONGC were established for a period of one
year from February, 2004 to March, 2005. Thousand action
learning plan licenses were also acquired for the same period.
Fig. 2: A still picture captured from animation graphics explaining
location of back arc basin with respect to the plate movement – Though the cultural change required for acceptance
in the Virtual learning system
of a new paradigm was taking time, the Virtual Learning
ONGC Experience System got established reasonably well in the very first year
of its roll out due to the strong support from the top. ONGC
A pilot was undertaken at ten sites of ONGC for a usage figures for the nationwide licenses were 7172 hours

during the period from March 2004 to November 2004 A process of knowledge capturing and organization
compared to the usage of 1134 hours and 2614 hours by M/ for ONGC is being developed as follows:
s British Petroleum and M/s Schlumberger (usage figures
provided by IHRDC) for their global licenses during the Domain experts or subject matter experts (SME)
same period respectively. The total usage for the entire - to be identified and nominated for each subject / discipline
license period (from March 2004 to May 2005) was 13300 / area. They will create the material for the best practice
hours in ONGC. database

During the pilot phase ONGC accessed the IPIMS Data Base Builder (DBB) - A young team to be
system through internet connection from IHRDC server at identified for collecting compiling matters from SMEs and
Boston. Though the video files were loaded on the ONGC loading it into the template
servers for better access speed, the arrangement was not very
effective and users experienced difficulties in the learning Approving authority or Clearance Coordinators
process due to slow access and frequent breakdown of (CC) - An empowered team (clearance coordinators) of
internet connection. To eliminate the problem during the roll experts who scrutinize and approve / reject the submitted
out phase, licenses were installed on individual LAN servers knowledge items for inclusion in knowledge base (also to
at different sites. The experience in the roll-out phase has take care of the confidentiality / IPR etc.).
been a mixed bag with some of the sites making excellent
use of the system and some sites reporting poor access. This best practice data base is much more effective
than any other database as the basic knowledge needed to
The feed back from a sample group of learners understand any of the advanced process in the best practice
indicated that the learners would like: is in built in the system and the best practice resides with the
• Continuation of VLS in ONGC. concerned categories of the basic knowledge available in
• Self-evaluation through Action Learning Program. the learning system. Through intranet this best practice can
• Formalized programs of specified time period for be made available for viewing form any installation of
accessing VLS. ONGC.
• More coverage of topics in VLS, including advanced
topics. Template development for competency model
• Since most of the contents are of basic/fundamental in
nature, the learners want some advanced content to be Competency model is a collection of selected
developed Background and Action learning modules assembled /
• Contents on related technical and engineering (E&T, developed by IHRDC for any Company based on job areas
IT, Mechanical) discipline may be incorporated in it. and various knowledge levels (e.g., Awareness level, Basic
• Contents on deep water exploration and Coal bed application, Skillful application, Mastery). The minimum
methane exploration may also be developed. level of competency, a learner should attain, may be fixed
by the Company itself.
Potential application
ONGC requested IHRDC to develop a template to
Practical knowledge capturing facilitate preparation of its own competency models for
different job areas and various levels of learners.
Templates have been provided by IHRDC for
capturing practical knowledge developed by experts through Skill gap analysis
long experience and best practices within an organization.
These knowledge items are stored along with the background After designing the competency model for any job
knowledge already stored by IHRDC in the knowledge base area and defining a target competency level a Skill gap
and become available to the learners during the structured analysis could be done for the learners as per the formats
access of knowledge in IPIMS.ep system. This will be a developed by IHRDC (Fig. 3). Skill map, as desired for
step forward for knowledge distribution and knowledge different levels of employees, may be prepared by the
sharing within the Company. This best practice database is organization combining the learning modules based on job
unique as it is hosted in a learning system with all the basic areas. The levels may be divided into four categories viz.,
knowledge just a mouse click away. awareness, basic application, skilled application and mastery.

6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics “Kolkata 2006”

The skilled application and mastery may include an on job a unit. An e-learning or Virtual Learning ecosystem can be
training also. As the learning progresses for any learner, the defined as the learning community, together with the
gap between required level and present competency level enterprise, united by learning management system (Chris
may be seen at a glance by the colour difference. The Pirie, 2004).
employees may also voluntarily upgrade his / her level of
skill according to this map and bridge the skill gap. This ecosystem is used to build a culture in which
learning is viewed as an ongoing process and employees
take responsibility for their own learning and development.

Learning management system enables the launching

and tracking of any e-learning complaints and monitoring
and guiding the progress of the learners.

Effective programmes also use feedback to develop

the learners ability to self diagnose their problems and
eventually correct errors without prompts.

Knowledge management and VLS

Knowledge management and e-learning are

converging and organisations are looking for ways to
integrate the two, particularly as a customised, individual
solution (Norris 2003; Rosenberg 2003). An example is in
the use of mobile technologies, currently being explored
and utilised in industries that either have a mobilised
Fig.4: Skill gap map of learners for a competency model for drilling workforce or where the workforce is unlikely to have access
engineer. Pink is the required competency level and green is the to a personal computer at work (Del Grosso 2003).
achieved competency level.
Blended learning
Structured utilization
A clear favourite of many organisations was to use
Based on experience so far it is suggested that the online learning as a precursor to face to face workshops.
utilization of VLS may be improved by introducing: Staff accesses the online environment to learn theoretical
• Structured learning modules, specific time schedules knowledge and practice skill development in a safe, self-
and strong mentoring support paced, learning environment.
• Knowledge centers combining the facilities of
conventional library, e-library, global database access Spitzer’s study (1939) and its implication illustrates
video conferencing and VLS with online mentoring (Fig. 4) the need to develop new training strategies to
• Using VLS (Action Learning) as an assessment centre improve short term, long term retention of information. The
• Introducing motivational scheme through recognition e-learning can be tuned as a key component of the blended
and reward learning approach to improve retention results and lower
• Making VLS an integral part of the annual assessment training cost.
• Integrating the traditional training system with VLS Obvious benefits to the organisation include a
significant cost reduction in training and staff replacement.
Future of VLS For the individual staff member the reported benefits
e-learning ecosystem through Learning • Less stressful learning overall
Management System - An ecosystem is an ecological • Ability to learn at own pace
community that together with its environment, functions as • Flexibility in being able to choose own learning time
and place

It is a strong paradigm shift and it requires a very
efficient change management.

Future scope of Virtual Learning System appears

to be very broad and it has many new trends and high


The authors are indebted to ONGC not only for

taking initiatives to introduce state of the art Virtual Learning
System (VLS) but also for giving them an opportunity to be
involved in this change management process. Further, authors
express their gratitude to ONGC for giving necessary
permission to publish this paper. The authors remember with
a heavy heart the guidance and support given by Late Dr. D.
Ray, ED, KDMIPE, ONGC. The role of Mr. B.M.Khar,
former ED, ONGC in pioneering VLS in ONGC has been
Fig.5: Spitzer (1939) study for retention rates vs. time for typical learning. very significant and his guidance in the early stages is
After 63 days of typical learning only 17% of the material
acknowledged. The authors are grateful to Head, KDMIPE
for providing a very conducive environment for management
• Time off in lieu of time spent on the online component. of VLS across the organization. The valuable feedbacks
provided by the Regional Coordinators have been very
Cost benefit analysis (CBA) helpful in preparation of this paper and the same are
acknowledged. The large community of learners across
The cost benefit analysis should be one of the initial ONGC, who enthusiastically participated in the Virtual
steps taken for any virtual learning venture. This is of course Learning process, is gratefully acknowledged.
a front loaded project. Most organizations are shocked at
the initial cost of implementing e- learning, particularly if Views expressed in this paper are of the authors
the basic technical infrastructure is lacking (dedicated server, and not necessarily be of ONGC.
high speed bandwidth etc.). However, for a company like
ONGC where most of the basic infrastructure like excellent References
I.T. back up, high speed and high band width connectivity
to all company installation throughout the country, easy Bloom, B.S., (Ed) 1956, Categories in the taxonomy of educational
accessibility to the computer system, with reasonable level objectives; The classification of educational goals,
of computer literacy for most of the employees of the Handbook I, Cognitive domain, New York, Toronto,
Longmans, Green.
company, virtual learning will show a positive RIO. It should
Del Grosso, C., 2003, Flexible Learning leaders progress
also be kept in mind that once Virtual Learning System is report;http:// /leaders
implemented, the course can be taken anywhere, anytime fl_leaders/ fl103/ interim /
and as many times as desired. del_grosso_cinthia_progreport.pdf.
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Conclusions Geophysics: The Leading Edge of Exploration
(June), 1(1):75-76
Doane,M., Vollmen, J., 2003, Gaining continuous value from ERP
E-learning or Virtual Learning is an important and
through a comprehensive continuous education
valuable tool to achieve the overall business goal of any strategy, A metagroup white paper,
company. Organisational knowledge can be managed without
disrupting the flow of business, while yielding powerful and Norris, D., 1995, Transforming E-knowledge and knowledge reuse:
documented improvements. case studies on the convergence of e-learning and
knowledge management presentation; Unpublished
Virtual Learning System is a very effective tool for presentation at ASTD International Conference
transfer of knowledge. 2003, San Diego.

6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics “Kolkata 2006”

Pirie, C., 2004, E-learning ecosystems: the future of learning Thompson, C., 2004, Successfully implementing an e-learning
technology, solution, The side road ;
Rosenberg, M.J.2003, Building successful e-learning strategy ; e-learning
Unpublished presentation at ASTD International Valiathan, P., 2002, ‘Blended Learning Models’ http://
Conference 2003, San Diego. www.learningcircuits.org2002/valiathan.html
Spitzer, H. F. 1939, Studies in retention. Journal of Educational
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