AP GO 171 Allowance
AP GO 171 Allowance
AP GO 171 Allowance
The Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Andhra Pradesh and Telangana,
Hyderabad (By name).
The Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Hyderabad (20
The Accountant General (E&RSA), Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Hyderabad (20
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
The Special Chief Secretary to Governor, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
All Special Chief Secretaries / Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Government.
The Private Secretary to the Chief Minister and Private Secretaries to all
All the Departments of Secretariat (10 copies each).
All the Heads of Departments (including Collectors and District Judges).
The Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of
Andhra Pradesh and for the State of Telangana (with covering letter).
The Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, Hyderabad (with
covering letter).
The Managing Director, Andhra Pradesh TRANSCO/GENCO, Hyderabad (with
covering letter).
The Managing Director, Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation,
Hyderabad (with covering letter).
All District Treasury Officers (with copies for sub-treasury offices).
All District Educational Officers/All Principals of Junior Colleges.
All the Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Praja Parishads.
All District Panchayat Officers.
All Mandal Development Officers.
All Secretaries of Zilla Grandhalaya Samsthas through Director of Public
Libraries, Hyderabad.
All Secretaries of Agricultural Market Committees through Director of Marketing,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
All Commissioners / Special Officers of the Municipal Corporations /
All Recognized Service Associations.
The Commissioner, Government Printing Press, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad for
publication in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
Copy to
The General Administration (Cabinet/Spl.A/Spl.B/SW) Department.
dated: 11-12-2015
1. Special Pays to the staff working in the Peshies of Chief Minister,
Ministers, Chief Secretary and Secretaries to Govt. etc.:
3. Intelligence Department
Existing Revised
Category amount Amount Remarks
Rs. Rs.
A. General Intelligence
i. Superintendent of Police 500/- p.m. 750/- p.m.
ii. Addl. S.P. 475/- p.m. 700/- p.m.
iii. Administrative Officer 325/- p.m. 475/- p.m.
iv. Dy. S.P./A.C.P. 400/- p.m. 600/- p.m.
Existing Revised
Category amount Amount Remarks
Rs. Rs.
v. Inspector of Police 325/- p.m. 475/- p.m.
vi. Reserve Inspector 300/- p.m. 450/- p.m.
vii. Sub-Inspector of Police 280/- p.m. 400/- p.m.
viii. Reserve Sub-Inspector 275/- p.m. 400/- p.m.
ix. Asst. Sub-Inspector 250/- p.m. 350/- p.m.
x. Asst. Reserve Sub-Inspector 250/- p.m. 350/- p.m.
xi. Head Constable 150/- p.m. 225/- p.m.
xii. Police Constable 100/- p.m. 150/- p.m.
xiii. Asst. Admn. Officer (Int.) 300/- p.m. 450/-p.m.
xiv. Manager 300/- p.m. 450/- p.m.
xv. Asst. Manager 250/- p.m. 350/- p.m.
xvi. I.B. Assistant 200/- p.m. 300/- p.m.
xvii Asst. Photographer 100/- p.m. 150/- p.m.
B. Security Wing
i. Addl.S.P. 475/- p.m. 700/- p.m.
ii. Dy.S.P. 400/-p.m. 600/- p.m.
iii. Inspector of Police 325/-p.m. 475/- p.m.
iv. Sub-Inspector of Police 280/-p.m 400/- p.m.
v. Head Constable 150/-p.m 225/- p.m.
vi. Police Constable 100/-p.m 150/- p.m.
Existing Revised
Sl. Department
Amount Amount Remarks
No. & Category
(Rs.) (Rs.)
This special pay is also payable to
all the Drivers belonging to work
charged Establishment working in all
Engineering Departments of
Drivers of all
Irrigation / Projects / Roads &
Government Rs.350/-
Rs.500/- Buildings / Panchayat Raj / Public
vehicles p.m
p.m Health Municipal Engineering, and
also to the Drivers of Tractors and
other moving vehicles and to the
regular operators of Road Rollers.
Existing Revised
Sl. Department
Amount Amount Remarks
No. & Category
(Rs.) (Rs.)
If the period is less than a month,
the amount of Special pay shall be
Rs.225/- Rs.325/- proportionate. The certificate
p.m p.m prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.278,
Fin.(TA) Department, dt.15-10-2005
may be continued to be prescribed.
8. Special Pay to the Section Officers, Assistant Section Officers and
Sl. Department Existing
Amount Remarks
No & Category Amount (Rs.)
Section officer working in
Secretariat, Legislature Secretariat,
1. Raj Bhavan Secretariat, A.P. State
Election Commission and A.P. Public
Service Commission.
2. A.P. High Court:
P.Ss. to the Hon’ble Judges, Court
Masters, Section Officers, Court
Officers, Scrutiny Officers,
Accounts Officers and P.Ss. to
3. A.P. Administrative Tribunal:
Court Masters, Section Officers,
Rs.750/-p.m Rs.475/- p.m
Court Officers, Scrutiny Officers and
Personal Assistants to the Hon’ble
Chairman and members
Institution of Lok Ayukta & Upa
Section Officers, Accounts Officer
and Personal Assistants.
Special Court under A.P. Land
Grabbing (Prohibition) Act:
Section Officers, Court Masters,
Court Officers, P.S. to Chairman,
P.A. to Chairman and Assistant
Accounts Officer.
6. Special Pay to Assistant Section Officer Working in:
a. A.P. Secretariat
b. Legislature Secretariat
c. Raj Bhavan Secretariat
d. High Court
e. A.P. Administrative Tribunal
Rs.500/-p.m Rs.300/-p.m
f. A.P. Public Service Commission
g. A.P. State Election Commission
Institution of Lok-ayukta and Upa
Special Court for Land Grabbing
Prohibition Act
9. Special Pays to the various categories of posts in several
Sl. Existing amount
Department & Category amount Remarks
No. Rs.
1. Advocate General Office
P.S. to Advocate
200/- p.m.
General 300/- p.m.
2 Agriculture Department
i. P.A. to 150/- p.m. 225/- p.m.
Commissioner (For Officer (For Officer
posted from posted from
Revenue Dept. Revenue Dept.
on tenure basis. on tenure basis.
The The
Departmental Departmental
officers are not officers are not
eligible for this). eligible for
ii. Compositor 100/- p.m. 150/- p.m.
iii. Agri. Extension
Officer (Sub-
Assistants working 185/- p.m.
in Soil 125/- p.m.
5. School Education
Headmasters of 75/- p.m. 110/-p.m.
i. Primary Schools
Headmasters of 100/- p.m. 150/-p.m.
ii. Upper Primary
Language Pandits 100/- p.m. 150/- p.m.
iii. Gr.II/S.G.B.T.
Teachers (for
handling High
School Classes)
iv. Headmasters in 50/- p.m. 75/-p.m.
Teacher Schools
6. Endowments Department
i Goldsmith 125/- p.m. 185/-p.m.
7. Forest Department
i. Asst. Conservator 300/- p.m. 450/-p.m.
of (for those (for those
Forest and Dy. working in working in
Conservator of D.F.O. flying D.F.O. flying
Forest Squad division). Squad division).
ii. Head Animal 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
iii. Animal Keeper 100/- p.m. 150/-p.m.
iv. Mahavat 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
v. Keeper (Lion) 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
8. Government Pleaders’ Office
i Administrator 400/- p.m. 600/-p.m.
9. Institution of Lok-Ayukta & Upa Lok-Ayukta
Department & Existing amount
Sl. No. amount Remarks
Category Rs.
i. Roneo Operator 75/- p.m. 110/-p.m.
ii. Jamedar 175/- p.m. 250/-p.m.
10. Legislature Secretariat
i. Secretary 750/- p.m. 1125/-p.m.
ii. Special Secretary 750/- p.m. 1125/-p.m. On Par with
iii. Estate Officer 300/-p.m. 450/-p.m.
iv Watchman 100/-p.m. 150/-p.m.
On par with
11. Ayush (formerly Indian Medicine & Homeopathy) Department
i. Principals of Ayur, 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
Unani & Homeo
Medical Colleges
ii. Superintendent of 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
Teaching Hospitals
(Ayur, Unani &
iii. Lecturer P.G. 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
(Ayur, Unani)
iv. Medical Officers 250/- p.m. 350/-p.m.
posted as Lecturers
in Ayurveda, Unani
and Homeo Medical
colleges with Post
Graduate Degree
v. Under Graduation
(a)Asst. Professor 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
with P.G.
(b)Professor with 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
vi. Post Graduation
(a)Technical Asst. 250/- p.m. 350/-p.m.
with P.G
(b) Reader with 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
(c) Professor with 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
vii. Compounders 75/- p.m. 110/-p.m.
(Ayurveda, Unani &
Sweeper-cum-Post 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
viii. Mortem
Mortem Attendant
ix. Compounder 125/- p.m. 185/-p.m.
Unani posted in
12 Insurance Medical Services:
1. Special Grade Civil
a) 250/- 350/-p.m.
Surgeon p.m.(Supdt. ESI (Supdt. ESI
Hospital, Sanath Hospital,
Nagar) Sanath Nagar)
b) 175/- p.m. 250/-p.m.
(Superintendents (Superintendent
of other Hospitals s of other
of less than 100 Hospitals of less
Beds) than 100 Beds)
13 Medical Education Department
i. Lady Medical 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
Officer / Health
ii. Sweeper-cum- 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
attendant / Post
Mortem Attendant
** Payment of this special pay will be restricted to the cadre strength of Head
Constable / Police Constable Drivers in all the wings of the Police Department
sanctioned by the Government. Any Other Allowance/ Spl. Pay now being
allowed for driving vehicles stands discontinued.
B. City Police
i. Addl. S.P. 300/- p.m. 450/-p.m.
ii. Commandant, 300/- p.m. 450/-p.m.
C. C.I.D.
i. Addl.S.P. 425/- p.m. 625/-p.m.
ii. Dy.S.P./A.C.P. 375/- p.m. 550/-p.m.
iii. Inspector of Police 300/- p.m. 450/-p.m.
iv. Sub-Inspector 275/- p.m. 400/-p.m.
v. Head Constable 125/- p.m. 185/-p.m.
vi. Police Constable 75/- p.m. 110/-p.m.
D. Police Transport Organization:
i. Inspector of Police 200/- p.m. 300/-p.m.
ii. Sub-Inspector 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
iii. Head Constable 60/- p.m. 90/-p.m.
iv. Police Constable 60/- p.m. 90/-p.m.
v. Police Constable 350/- p.m. ** 500/-p.m.
vi. Head Constable 350/- p.m. ** 500/-p.m.
** who are actually discharging the duties of Driver of Police
E. Police Communications
i. Inspector of Police 250/- p.m. 350/-p.m.
ii. Sub-Inspector 250/- p.m. 350/-p.m.
iii. Asst. Sub-Inspector 175/- p.m. 250/-p.m.
iv. Head Constable 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
v. Police Constable 100/- p.m. 150/-p.m.
F. Finger Print Bureau
i. Inspector of Police 160/- p.m. 240/-p.m.
ii. Sub-Inspector 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
iii. Asst. Sub-Inspector 75/- p.m. 110/-p.m.
16 Ports Department
i. Director 300/- p.m. 450/-p.m.
ii. Port Officer 275/- p.m. 400/-p.m.
iii. Port Conservator 125/- p.m. 185/-p.m.
Asst. Port
iv. Conservator/ Wharf 125/- p.m. 185/-p.m.
v. Sarang 200/- p.m. 300/-p.m.
vi. Operator – Grade II 325/- p.m. 475/-p.m.
vii. Oilman (Fireman) 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
viii. Lascar 150/- p.m. 225/p.m.
ix. Mazdoor 150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
Revised Remarks
Department & Existing amount
Sl. No. amount
Category Rs.
i. Manager (works)
(formerly Asst.
250/- p.m. 350/-p.m.
Director (Tech.)
ii. (formerly Tracer-
150/- p.m. 225/-p.m.
Dy. Director, Kurnool 275/- p.m. 400/-p.m.
iv. Compositor 100/- p.m. 150/-p.m.
Additional Director of
i. Protocol (formerly 350/- p.m. 500/-p.m.
Addl. Comptroller)
Deputy Director of
ii. Protocol (formerly 250/- p.m. 350/-p.m.
Deputy Comptroller)
Asst. Director of
iii. Protocol (formerly 200/- p.m. 300/-p.m.
Asst. Comptroller)
iv. 350/- p.m. 500/-p.m.
Protocol Officers
v. Butlers 100/- p.m. 150/-p.m.
19 A.P. Engineering Research Labs
i. Director 500/- p.m. 750/- p.m.
ii. Joint Director 425/- p.m. 630/- p.m.
iii. Dy. Director 325/- p.m. 485/- p.m.
iv. Research Officer 325/- p.m. 485/- p.m.
v. Asst. Research 250/- p.m. 375/- p.m.
Officer/ Standard
vi. Research Assistant/
Observer/ 200/- p.m. 300/- p.m.
vii. Work Supervisor 200/- p.m. 300/- p.m.
Viii Supervisor 200/- p.m. 300/- p.m.
ix. Computer 200/- p.m. 300/- p.m.
x. Assistant Computer 100/- p.m. 150/- p.m.
xi. Draughtsman 125/- p.m. 185/- p.m.
xii. Draughtsman 125/- p.m. 185/- p.m.
21 Raj Bhavan
i. Jamedar 175/-p.m. 250/-p.m.
ii. Daffedar 175/-p.m. 250/- p.m. on par with
iii. Office Sub-ordinate 150/-p.m. 225/-p.m.
on par with
Garage Supervisor 100/-p.m. 150/-p.m. Head Driver
iv. of
G.A. Dept.