Ia Ideas
Ia Ideas
Ia Ideas
Be careful not to plagiarize
Choose a topic for which a substantial number of academic references are available.
What is an academic reference? Published books and journals. You need to be prepared to
read primary source, full-text journals.
Find your resources before you finalize your question.
Write a focused research question that is explicitly formulated and well expressed.
Include analysis and evaluation.
Consider more than one side of an argument – make sure that there is a debate relevant to
your question.
Mention the need for further research and unresolved questions within your conclusion.
Cite your sources accurately – and do not list sources that you have not cited in your
Be prepared to address your research topic using the BIG FOUR…is there research out
there addressing culture and gender
Choose a topic without looking for resources first!
Choose a topic that is too broad for an essay of 4000 words.
Conduct your own experiment, interviews, surveys, or observations.
Write a descriptive essays. These begin with words like “What” or “Which”.
Write a short conclusion of only 3 – 5 sentences.
Exceed the word limit.
Do consider the dangers of plagiarism Don’t choose a topic where the subject matter has
Do choose a topic for which a substantial number very little, or nothing, to do with psychology
of academic references are available Don’t choose a topic that is too broad for an essay
of up to 4000 words length
Do write a focused research question that is Don’t conduct your own survey or experiment
explicitly formulated and well expressed
Do include analysis and evaluation Don’t write an essay that is entirely descriptive
Do consider both sides of an argument Don’t write an essay that is simply a series of
Do write the abstract with clear indication of the Don’t get considerably more help than the
specific research question, the scope (dict.: the recommended 3 to 4 hours from your supervisor
area covered by a given activity or subject) of
investigation and its findings
Do mention the need for further research and Don’t write a conclusion that is too brief (2 or 3
unresolved questions within your conclusion lines) or too lengthy (2 or 3 sides)
Do present web sites citations correctly (EE Guide: Don’t include new materials not previously
p.13) mentioned into the conclusion
Do carefully screen web information for Don’t write an essay considerably under the
authenticity and reliability maximum word limit
Do distinguish between primary and secondary
reference sources