Hisaka PDF
Hisaka PDF
Hisaka PDF
e Heat Excha
2 Operration and Mainten
M nance
e Manu
ank you for p
purchasing a Hisaka Plate Heat Exch
Manuals for the HISAKA
A Plate Heat Exchanger cconsist of the
e following six related doccuments.
1. Installatio
on Manual, 2. nance Manual, 3. Gaske
2 Operation and Mainten etting Manuaal (Total 10 Models),
M 4. Plate
anual, 5. "Slit-In" Type Ga
Cleaning Ma asketting Ma
anual, and 6. Mixed Gask
ket Materialss Manual.
These documents are avvailable at ou
ur website (h
Drawings (P
Plate Arrangement Draw
wing and Asssembly Draw
wing) of supp
plied model are to be su
upplied with the
Use as direccted in these
e Manuals forr safe and prroper operatiion and main
Keep these Manuals in hand.
<Use of Equipment>
z To prevent injury to persons, do not use the equipment for anything other than its intended purpose and specification. Also,
installation and maintenance shall be carried out according to these Manuals.
<Trained Operators>
z Operation, maintenance/inspection, or installation of the equipment shall be performed by personnel/operators who have
undergone training regarding safety and danger prevention drills.
z Work in high places shall be performed by personnel/operators who have undergone training regarding safety and danger
prevention drills.
z HISAKA accepts no liability for any failures in the function or performance of the equipment caused by use of any other than
genuine parts.
z HISAKA accepts no liability for any injuries or damage borne by the user, caused by use of any other than genuine parts..
HISAKA Plate Heat Exchanger
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents
1 Safety Precautions P1, 2
2 Names of Components P3
3 Components Details P4
4 Nameplate P5
5 Accessories P5
6 Consumables P5
7 Model Description P5
9 Operation P7
10 Shutdown P7
11 Long-term Storage/Preservation P8
12 Maintenance P8 ~
13 Troubleshooting P15, 16
17 Inquiries P25
1 Safety Precautions
Read through this manual carefully before use, and use PHE properly.
If you have any questions, please inquire with our company.
WARNING This symbol indicates content where mishandling could result in death or severe injury.
CAUTION This symbol indicates content where mishandling could result in injury or property damage.
z Meanings of Symbols
Indicates items that are "prohibited (something that you must Indicates items that are "mandatory (something that you must
NOT do)". do)".
Do NOT use a piping gasket to the rubber covering nozzle of PHE. Keep fire-fighting equipment when handling flammable media.
Sealing performance could be decreased and it could be a cause of If the flammable media ignites during operation or maintenance, it can
leaking. In case of metal covering nozzle, piping gasket is required. lead to a major accident.
In general, do NOT perform pneumatic test for medium and large Install a protective cover on PHE when handling dangerous media,
size PHE. For small size PHE, do not perform pneumatic test at which is high temperature, high pressure, strong acid, or a strong
the same pressure as hydrostatic test pressure. alkaline.
When compressed air or nitrogen for pneumatic test is leaked, it is very If a dangerous media leaks and is splashed, it may lead to a serious
dangerous since there would be an impact caused by volume expansion accident.
in addition to such test pressure.
In general, do NOT perform pneumatic test in excess of 0.75 MPaG.
Do NOT loosen the thermometer, pressure gauge, tightening bolts Make sure that the operation is stopped, the internal pressure is
and nuts, and/or any other accessories during operation and/or "0", and the fluid temperature has sufficiently dropped before
PHE pressurized. disassembling the PHE
It may cause burns or injury if fluid is blown out from PHE/pipes. If fluid splashes from the PHE during disassembly, it may cause burns or
Do NOT use damaged tightening bolts, such as improper rust or When removing gasket, carry out in proper location with good
cracks. ventilation.
When the tightening bolts breaks during operation or disassembly, it is The gasket should be adhered with Hisaka’s “S-1", "F-2" contains an
dangerous not only broken pieces are scattered, but also fluid may organic solvent. Breathing the volatile ingredients for a long time may
splash from PHE. cause symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and nausea. If these
Do NOT use tightening bolts with loosed bolt head. symptoms occur, remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms develop,
If the swaged bolt head loosens and comes off the bolt, it could burst at get medical attention.
high speed. It may cause a serious accident for any person or property. Wear protective equipment such as protective goggles, a mask, rubber
gloves, and protective clothing if handling a dangerous fluid such as a
Do NOT incinerate the gasket.
strong acid or strong alkaline.
Incinerating gaskets releases a toxic gas and is very dangerous.
Eye Contact: Flush eyes with large amounts of water. If signs/symptoms
Any unnecessary gaskets should be disposed as industrial waste in
persist, get medical attention.
accordance with international, national, prefectural, and municipal
Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Immediately
flush skin with large amounts of water. Get medical
Also, gaskets should be disposed under the local jurisdiction.
attention. Wash contaminated clothing and clean shoes before reuse.
Do NOT handle the heat transfer plates in any place with strong
Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms develop, get
medical attention.
Under strong wind, the heat transfer plates it could fly, cut, injury, and
If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by
medical personnel. Give victim two glasses of water. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical
Do NOT tou
uch the side of plate pack and hea
at transfer plate eedge. If using a pum
mp with specificaations in excess
s of the PHE's de
The edge of a heat transfer plate is very sharp and
a may cut you. pressure, insttall a safety devicce on the pump's delivery side or
o the
Be sure to w er touching heat ttransfer
wear cut-resistantt gloves wheneve PHE's inlet orr outlet.
plate. Even if not required by applicablle code and regula
ation, a safety devvice is
necessary to protect
p the equipm
Do NOT place objects on pla
ate pack. Secure workin
ng space around
d PHE.
It may cause
e deformation of heat transfer plate.. Adequate piping design is reqquired, taking into
o account the wo
Falling objecct may cause injurry during operation
n. space for disas
ssembly and tighteening device.
Do NOT ma
ake heat transferr plate edge defo
orm by contactin
ng with Perform maintenance of PHE tthat handle dang
gerous fluids, suc
ch as
g object. a strong acid or strong alkaliine, in an environment that has drain
Deformation of the heat tran
nsfer plate may cause
c damage oon plate water treatme
ent equipment.
gasket and rresult in leakage. n accordance withh laws, codes and regulations. Be ca
Waste media in areful
Do NOT sho
orten guide bar by
b cutting. uid into a river or oocean area.
not to drain liqu
assembling of the PHE impossible.
It makes disa If untreated liquid leaks, take meeasures in accordance with the "Ma
Safety Data Sh
heet (MSDS)" for tthe treatment liquid you used.
In general, d
do NOT remove stud
s bolt of conn
It may cause
e damage on the threads.
Stud bolt is to
o be removed verry carefully not to make
m any damagee on the
threads of b
both stud bolt and
d its hole at your own risk, only whhen it is
absolutely ne
Do NOT we
eld or attach any
y piping supportt onto the framee, guide
bar, and/or g
guide bar support.
Welding cau
uses thermal dam
mage on plate gas
skets and attacheed parts
may interrup
pt handling when disassembling.
Do NOT entter debris or foreign materials into PHE.
Install a straiiner on upstream to prevent cloggin
ng in PHE.
When flushin
ng pipes for com
mmissioning opera
ation, install a tem
n order to preventt debris
strainer or provide bypass on upstream PHE in
or foreign ma
aterials into PHE.
Do NOT start and stop the pump
p frequently (in
( a short time)..
During comm
missioning, pay atttention to time duration of pump staart/stop,
uld be leakage due to difficulty of gasket restoration caused
or there wou
ure and pressure variation. After sto
by temperatu opping, min. 3 minnutes is
ed to restart.
Open and close the valve slow
wly so as not to create
c a sudden ppressure
Do NOT ope
erate in excess of the design co
onditions (tempeerature,
flow rate, prressure, etc.).
It may cause
e deformation of the heat transfer plates or leakagee. Also,
the required performance mayy not be achieved..
Do NOT app
ply impact pressu
Do not applyy impact pressure to PHE, such as from
f starting-up oof pump,
sudden closse of valve, or byy steam hammerr occurred. Deforrmation,
cracks, or le
eaks in the heat transfer plates are
a possible if lonng time
repeated pre
essure pulsation within
w few seconds
Do NOT app
ply instantaneous
s negative press
Drawdown m
may occur if insta
antaneous negativ
ve pressure is appplied to
the PHE byy pump stop orr valve closing, or heat transferr plates
deformation may also.
Do NOT free
If freezing o
occurs in PHE, th
he heat transfer plates
p may be daamaged.
Drain out co
ompletely to avoid e of preservation in cold
d freezing in case
arm areas, if storing the equipmentt for a long time, store it
areas. In wa
with liquid att full capacity.
2 Names of Components
z Refer to the "Plate Arrangement Drawing" for equipment specifications.
Name plate
Name plate
Lower guide bar
Frame support
Heat transfer plates
Guide bar support
Fig. 2-1 J Type Heat Exchanger Fig. 2-2 P Type Heat Exchanger
<SectionⅠ> ● ●
<SectionⅡ> ●
A are tturned upside down to be us
sed as B-Plate
T opposite is the same.
(Excluding some models)
W have a lineup of the following materia
als for heat tra
ansfer plates.
z These a
are not mounte
ed on some types dependin
ng on the heat transfer plate
model and whether th
he plate is with
h or without pa
assage holes.
In the same w
way as the heat
h transfer plates,
p "A-Pla
ate channel ga
askets" are tu
upside down tto be used as "B-Plate chan
nnel gaskets". The opposite
e is the same.
W have a lineup of the following materia
als for gasketss.
PDM, Silicon, FPM, PTFE encapsulated,
e and so on
"A-", "AG-", orr "AN-" in frontt of the gasket material indiccates "Slit-In" type.
3-3 Connection
Following figu
ures are standard products for
f connection
Other types off connections are available as you want.
4 Nameplate
5 Accessories
Any accessories, like a ratchet spanner, anchor bolt, thermometer, pressure gauge, etc., for HISAKA PHE are to be supplied as
option upon request.
6 Consumables
z Not all heat transfer plates are durable parts. Heat transfer plates to be used under corrosive and/or erosive environment
shall be considered as consumables. (Refer to: "12-3-1. Heat Transfer Plate Replacement")
z Plate gaskets are consumables. Replace them periodically. (Refer to: "12-3-2. Replacement of Plate Gasket")
7 Model Description
The model description for HISAKA PHE indicates the following details.
RX - 1 4 6 A - TN H J R - 24
8 Tests Before Commissioning Operation
After installation, commissioning operation of the PHE is to follow the conditions below.
PHE has been performed pressure-leak test before delivery. In case of retest at site, follow below instructions.
Also, in case of pressure /leak test for whole system including up/down stream equipment, follow below instructions.
z In case of hydrostatic test
Pressurize hot and cold side independently and/or both sides at the same time. Actual test pressure shall not exceed the
specified test pressure. Over test pressure could result in heat transfer plate/frame deformation and/or leaking. The test
pressure is referred to Plate Arrangement Drawing.
z In case of pneumatic test
Pressurize hot and cold side independently and/or both sides at the same time. Keep distance from PHE during the test.
When compressed air or nitrogen for pneumatic test is leaked, it is very dangerous since there would be an impact caused
by volume expansion in addition to such test pressure. The test pressure is referred to Plate Arrangement Drawing.
9 Operation
The procedure for start-up depends on your use. Reconfirm your use and follow its procedure.
10 Shutdown
The procedure for shutdown depends on your use. Reconfirm your use and follow its procedure.
11 Long-term Storage/Preservation
If the unit has been used and long-term storage is required, PHE is to be placed in storage as below table. The storage
conditions are depending on your application and the environment.
Environment/Application Storage Procedure
General use It must be completely drained and storage with empty condition to avoid failures such as
alteration of any remaining liquid, corrosion in heat transfer plates, and damage to
components from freezing.
It must be completely fulfilled and storage.
It is recommended to replace the seawater with clean water to prevent decay.
Seawater use
In case of long term storage with empty and dry condition, dried scale on the heat transfer
plates might not be able to cleaned.
Cold area use It must be completely drained and storage with empty condition If freezing occurs in PHE,
Low temperature media use the heat transfer plates may be damaged.
Take care following four items when storing a spare gasket long term.
z Do not place any items on it to avoid gasket deformation.
z Store it in a black plastic bag or cardboard box to avoid ultraviolet exposure.
z Store in a cool place avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature, high humidity.
z Storage lifetime of new plate gasket is 3 years after the purchase. .
Take care following three items when storing a spare adhesive long term.
z Store in a cool place avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature, high humidity.
z Storage lifetime of new adhesive is 2 years after the purchase in case of general application “S-1” and food application
z Mix it well before use because the solvent and solids may separate due to long-term storage.
12 Maintenance
z The maintenance cycle is depending on your usage conditions. It is recommended to perform maintenance once per
year for brand-new PHE and estimate appropriate maintenance cycle based on the result thereof.
Do not hesitate to contact us for PHE total support, the "MARUGOTO PACK" maintenance.
Our excellent staffs, well-trained, carry out maintenance with their professional skills and techniques.
If the customer carries out maintenance by yourself, the below explanations: "12-1. Disassembly", "12-2. Cleaning", "12-3.
Maintenance", "12-4. Inspection", "12-5. Assembly", and "12-6. Leakage Detection" to be followed.
12-1 Disassembly
Disassembly preparation
(1) Record the tightening dimensions before disassembly in case of reusing plate gaskets.
Record of the tightening length is not required when using brand-new plate gaskets.
(2) Drain out media completely and make sure that no media and pressure is remaining from
the both chambers.
Maintenance space
(3) For PHE with E-Nozzle and/or C-Nozzle, remove the primary and secondary connection
and ensure to keep maintenance space and moving space for E-Frame, C-Frame, and
heat transfer plates.
Maintenance space
(4) Grease up the tightening bolts after cleaning all tightening bolt threads.
Disassembly work
Remove the tightening bolts and nuts as following steps by using a ratchet spanner or automatic tightening device.
The following procedures shows an example of PHE with 14 tightening bolts and nuts.
(6) Slowly loosen the tightening bolts in order from 1-2 to 13-14.
z If you have two sets of ratchet spanners and/or automatic tightening device,
slowly loosen two tightening bolts that are located diagonal, in order, 1 and
2, 3 and 4, to 11 and 12, 13 and 14,simultaneously
(7) After loosing tightening bolts/nuts, where the tightening bolt/nut can easily loose by using
bolts only 3,4,11 and 12, then remove all tightening bolts and nuts except for 3, 4, 11 and
z Generally leave four tightening bolts and nuts, below the upper nozzles and
above the lower nozzles.
(These four tightening bolts generally are longer than the other tightening
(8) Slowly loosen the tightening bolts in order from 3 - 4 - 11 - 12 - 3 and so on.
z If you have two sets of ratchet spanners and/or automatic tightening device,
slowly loosen two tightening bolts that are located diagonal, in order, 3 and
4, 11 and 12, simultaneously.
z If the E-Plate and E-Frame are sticking each other, move back the E-Frame
slightly to separate E-Plate and E-Frame, and then move E-Frame to the
back end.
12-2 Cleaning
12-2 Manu
ual Cleaning
C prepa
z Prepare a high-pressurre washer or a soft brush, ccleaning waterr, and dust cloths before clea
eaning the hea
at transfer plates.
Prepare a work/step platform for larg use heat transfer plate can clean
ge PHE becau c with susspending on th
he upper guide
e bar.
z Cover PH
HE with protecctive sheet to prevent
p the sccattering of cle
eaning water.
z Install a d
dust filter on th
he drain port to
o prevent clog
gging of the po
ort by scale orr dirt from heat
at transfer plate
C method
T method o
of cleaning the
e heat transferr plates are avvailable.
Select a clean
ning method depending
d on the
t PHE's insttallation condition and the capacity
c of effluuent disposal.
z Cleaning
g by heat tran
nsfer plates Removed
Remove the heat transsfer plates from the PHE fra
ame to clean. Place or pile
the heat transfer platess and clean both
b and back surffaces using a
the front a
high presssure washer or
o a soft brush
h, such as nylo
z Cleaning
g by heat tran
nsfer plates Suspended
Clean the
e heat transfe
er plates while
e they are stil l suspended from
f the uppe
guide bar. Move the heat
h transfer plates one a
at a time to th
he S-Frame or
E-Frame direction and
d clean both the front and
d back surfac
ces of the hea
transfer p
plates using a high pressure
e washer or a soft brush, such as nylon.
[CAUT OT use the hea
at transfer pl ates with a steel brush orr steel wool.
z Iff heat transfer plates are damaged by usi ng a steel bru
ush or steel wo
ool, sealing peerformance co
ould be decrea
and it could ca
ause corrosion
n. Therefore, u
use a soft bru
ush, such as nylon,
n so as nnot to damage
e the heat tran
[CAUT OT have the no
ozzle of the h
high pressure
e washer clos
se to the PHE
E components.
z H
High pressure water may pe
eel the frame'ss coating or damage
d the he
eat transfer pllate and plate
e gasket surfa
Therefore, keep the nozzle of
o the high pre
essure washerr at least 100 mm
m away from
m the object be
eing cleaned.
TION] Precau
[CAUT ution for using a high pres
ssure washerr
z D 1 MPaG for the cleaning. Use water an
Discharge presssure is 1 to 15 nd a soft brussh, such as ny
ylon, for the scale
which is difficullt to remove.
2-2 CIP - Cleaning In Place
Cleaning in p
place is the prreferred clean
ning method w
when especia
ally cleaning liquid are proccessed in PHE
E unit. Appropriate
cleaning liquid
d could achievve a sufficient cleaning effecct.
z Please re
efer to "Plate Cleaning
C Manu
ual" to select ccleaning liquid
ds and agents for PHE.
12-3 Maintenance
12-3-1 Heat Transfer Plate Replacement
(1) Removing heat transfer plates
Replace any heat transfer plate with deformation, corrosion, or erosion to a brand-new one.
Please refer to “Plate Arrangement Drawing” and “Gasketting Manual” for heat transfer plate arrangement.
- Turn the heat transfer plate to removing direction with a pivot point of upper guide bar
and remove.
[NOTE] 1
z Following PHE models use round type guide bar and don’t have hangers.
Those models are held by upper and lower guide bars; UX-005, UX-01, RX-00,
and CX-10.
12-3-2 Replacement of Plate Gasket
Replace a plate gasket if it has any wearing, cracks, swelling, carbonization, adhesion, or foaming.
For types of plate gaskets, refer to each model's "Gasketting Manual".
3) Curing and pressing (Refer to P5 only if the plate gasket is type "B" or "None".)
z Pile up gasketted heat transfer plate, place a weight (approx. 5kg) and a board
for curing. Perform curing time is 15 minutes and over. 5kg
z Be careful not to fall over piled plates.
As recommendation, piled height is up to max. 1,000 mm.
(4) Gasketting....."Slit-In" type plate gasket
1) Gasketting
z Attach the plugging part of the gasket into the slit on the outside of plate gasket groove.
z Be careful not to run on to gasket groove wall.
2) Gasket Bonding
z Gaskets of D-Plate front side and E-Plate back side are not “slit-in” type. Apply adhesive to the gasket groove
and set D-Gasket(s) or E-Gasket(s).
Note: For only models which require gaskets of E-plate back side
z Plate gasket has two sides. It is correct when stamp and color marking can be seen. (Some models are
exception.) Before gasketting, fix any twisting of gasket and check the front and back surfaces.
12-4 Inspection
z Inspection of defects on the heat transfer plate two sides and plate gasket surface
– While moving the heat transfer plates toward the S-Frame side or E-Frame side one by one, visually check for foreign
material on the two sides of the heat transfer plate gasket groove and the plate gasket surface, and for defects such as
damage and/or corrosion.
If there is any foreign material on the two sides of the heat transfer plate gasket groove and/or the plate gasket surface,
remove it using a soft cloth such as a dust cloth.
If there is any visible damage, corrosion on the two sides of heat transfer plate or the plate gasket surface, replace it with
a brand-new one.
– At the same time, check that the plate gasket is free from peeling off the heat transfer plate.
If the gasket is peeling from plate groove, re-bonding only the peeling part.
– In case of “slit-in” type (plate gasket type "A"), only D-Plate front side and E-Plate back side are to be adhered. Use
Hisaka specified adhesive.
12-5 Assembly
Assembly preparation
(1) Prepare the ratchet spanner or the automatic tightening device.
(2) Grease up the tightening bolts after cleaning all tightening bolt threads.
Assembly work
(1) Move all heat transfer plates that have been checked/inspected plate arrangement to
the S-Frame side, and move the E-Frame to the S-Frame side.
(2) Place the tightening bolts for position 3, 4, 11, and 12.
z Place the tightening bolts and nuts in four positions, below the upper
nozzles and above the lower nozzles. (If there are long bolts and short bolts,
place the long bolts first.)
(3) Tighten the bolts to ensure the dimension in position 3, 4, 11 and 12 should be equal.
z If you have two sets of ratchet spanners and/or automatic tightening device,
slowly tighten two tightening bolts that are located diagonal, in order, 3 and
4, 11 and 12, simultaneously.
(5) Where 3, 4, 11, and 12 become hard to tight, place all tightening bolts and nuts in
position 1 to 14.
z If you have two sets of ratchet spanners and/or automatic tightening device,
slowly tighten two tightening bolts that are located diagonal, in order, 1 and 2
-> 13 and 14 -> 3 and 4 -> 11 and 12 -> … -> 5 and 6 -> 7 and 8,
The difference between each tightening length shall be within 10mm.
Further, the difference shall decrease to 5mm, 3mm and 1mm from 10mm length
when it gets harder to tighten up in order to prevent galling of the tightening Tightening
(8) Repeat step (7) until the tightening below-specified lengths. Tightening
z In case that plate gaskets are not to be replaced: Tightening lengths recorded Tightening
z In case that plate gaskets are to be replaced: Tightening Length Max. on the Tightening
z Tightening for the HISAKA PHE shall be managed by tightening lengths but not by torque counting by millimeters.
It is not a problem if there might be some different tightening torque between each tightening bolt position.
12-6 Leakage Detection
(1) Leakage detection shall be performed once assembly of PHE has been completed.
Check if any leakages appear at top, bottom and both sides of plate pack by carrying out hydrostatic test.
Testing pressure shall not exceed the design pressure.
(2) Maintain pressure for 10 minutes or longer. All works can be completed if no leakage.
In case of any leakage detected, mark on the leaking part and disassemble PHE again for visual check on the heat
transfer plate and gasket surface.
13 Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible cause(s) Remedy/ Solution
The heat transfer plate arrangement is Disassemble PHE and heat transfer plate
incorrect. arrangement shall be corrected.
Heat transfer plate has crack and/or Disassemble PHE and replace damaged
pin-hole due to corrosion etc. D-plate to brand-new one.
Symptom P
Possible caus
se(s) Remedy/ So
Fluid is leakin
ng to the outsid
de from E-plate gassket runs on to
o gasket groov
ve Disassem
mble PHE and
d reset the E-p
between E-Frrame and the E-Plate. wall. (If equiipment has E-Nozzle) gasket.
mble PHE and
d replace any
The mixture o
of hot side media and cold Heat transffer plate has crack
c and/or
damagedd heat transferr plate to
side media ha
as occurred. pin-hole du e to corrosion
n etc.
brand-neew one.
14 Plate Arrangement Drawing
- Equipment specification is
indicated. such as:
- Plate arrangement of
Operating conditions, design
heat transfer plates is
pressure, test pressure, design
- Customer information.
- Revision history.
- The hole symbols and names for heat transfer plates are indicated.
15 Assembly Drawing
This is one example of the Assembly Drawing of a Hisaka Plate Heat Exchanger. The following information is described in the Assembly Drawing.
- Describes customer
16 Exploded View [e.g.: J-Type Heat Exchanger]
3-2-1 Back
3-2-2 7
1 3-3-2
12 Nameplate
11 S4-Nozzle
10 S3-Nozzle
9 S2-Nozzle
8 S1-Nozzle
10 7 Tightening bolt and nut
6 Frame support
5 Lower guide bar (Square pipe)
5 3-1-2 4 Upper guide bar (Rail)
16 Exploded View [e.g.: P-Type Heat Exchanger]
4 3-3-1
16 Nameplate
3-1-1 Back 7
13 15 E4-Nozzle
1 14 E3-Nozzle
15 13 E2-Nozzle
12 E1-Nozzle
11 S4-Nozzle
10 S3-Nozzle
9 S2-Nozzle
8 S1-Nozzle
7 Tightening bolt and nut
6 Guide bar support
5 Lower guide bar
4 Upper guide bar
3-1-2 5 3-3-2 E-Plate gasket *1
3-3-1 E-Plate
3-2-2 Channel gasket
3-2-1 Channel plate
3-1-2 D-Plate gasket *1
3-1-1 D-Plate
3 Heat transfer plates with plate gaskets
2 E-Frame
1-1 Stud bolt and nut
*1. Note: D/E plate gasket types with holes are different from the one without holes. 1 S-Frame
Part number Part name
16 Exploded View [e.g.: Welded P-Type Heat Exchanger]
3-2-2 7
3-1-1 16 Nameplate
Back 13
15 E4-Nozzle
14 E3-Nozzle
1 15
13 E2-Nozzle
12 E1-Nozzle
11 S4-Nozzle
1-1 3-3-2
10 S3-Nozzle
9 S2-Nozzle
8 S1-Nozzle
10 7 Tightening bolt and nut
6 Guide bar support
5 Lower guide bar
4 Upper guide bar
3-3-2 E-Plate gasket *1
9 3-3-1 E-Plate (Cassette) *2
3-2-2 Channel gasket
11 5
3-2-1 Channel plate (Cassette)
3-1-2 D-Plate gasket *1
3-1-1 D-Plate (Cassette)
3 Heat transfer plates with plate gaskets
*2. When number of plates is an odd, the end of the heat transfer plate is a single plate, not a cassette.
2 E-Frame
*1. Note: D/E plate gasket types with holes are different from the one without holes.
1-1 Stud bolt and nut
1 S-Frame
Part number Part name
16 Exploded View [e.g.: BP2CL Type Heat Exchanger]
7 6
12 2
27 Nameplate
26 C24-Nozzle *2
25 25 C23-Nozzle *2
24 C22-Nozzle *2
23 C21-Nozzle *2
22 C2-Frame
21 C14-Nozzle *2
20 20 C13-Nozzle *2
18 13
19 C12-Nozzle *2
17 15
18 C11-Nozzle *2
17 C1-Frame
16 L-Frame
15 E4-Nozzle *2
26 14 E3-Nozzle *2
13 E2-Nozzle *2
12 E1-Nozzle *2
11 S4-Nozzle *2
10 S3-Nozzle *2
9 S2-Nozzle *2
19 8 S1-Nozzle *2
3-3-1 E-Plate
3-2-2 Channel gasket
17 Inquiries
z Global Network
HisakaWorks S.E.A. Sdn. Bhd. (MALAYSIA)
No.2, Jalan TP2. Taman Perindustrian SIME UEP, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor Tel : +603-58804185
E-mail : [email protected] Fax : +603-80817185
Hisaka (China) Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch (CHINA)
Room 1705 Block B Lucky Tower, 3 DongSanHuan Beilu Chaoyang District, Tel : +86-10-6461-2411
Beijing 100027, China Fax : +86-10-6461-2571
z Please inform us the "MFG. Number" and "Model" described on the nameplate or Plate Arrangement Drawing
and Assembly Drawing.
z Customer's memo
Please fill in the table below with PHE information.
Company name
Contact personnel
Post code
MFG. Number
Date MFG.
z Inquiry Details
Please describe the symptoms of your PHE to lead the better solution.
Location(s) of failure
2015.02. A