Ensayo 3
Ensayo 3
Ensayo 3
Actividad N° 3
Jorge Luis Ocanto Montero.
C.I 15.057.288
Profesor: Deisy Delgado
Programa: Maestría en planificación
de la educación
Educational Planning.
Paraphrasing both authors, the first approach establishes that the person
or persons who have planning among their functions must first know the reality
of the institution through a diagnosis, which allows to develop a schedule that
must be executed and of course evaluated.
All this around the objectives of the institution, where knowledge is given
by that diagnosis made and the whole process that comes after it, where you
can incorporate the vision that is currently flag in the Venezuelan education
system as is the incorporation more explicitly of the community in the
educational action that takes place in educational institutions.
This approach reveals the deterministic model with certainty, in which there is
no room for unforeseen events and surprises, where planners (such as the
popular power ministry for education, center directors and classroom teachers)
are the ones who act on the other subjects that are the recipients of the
execution of the approach considering the one of less hierarchy within the
organization chart, manipulable, not creative and without decision.
With regard to the strategic approach, this is carried out in four stages that
must be closely related and insurmountable. In the first place is to agree on
what has to be solved or where the institution wants to be oriented. Second is
the analysis of the environment, the school context, followed by the formulation
and declaration of the mission and vision of the institution that are those that
allow formulating the objectives and strategic actions that will be developed, of
course being present at all times the evaluation in order to make adaptations
that allow achieving the objectives set.
Regarding the third approach of planning called situational Macchiorala V.,
Martin E. (2007) point out that the situational approach "is the result of a
process of interaction between political, social, economic, cultural and
psychological forces." In other words it is an approach where it states that the
fulfillment and development of planning is due to the various situations and
factors that occur and influence it and does not depend on the planner or
manager of the educational center, to which Matus (2000) cited by the two
authors mentioned in this paragraph, calls as "uncertain and hard" planning.
Not only are the approaches that determine the type of management that
must be developed but the types and models of planning that are carried out
in the educational field. Framing the decisions, activities and attitudes of the
educational manager, the scope (pedagogical, as well as the time of
development), limitations, budget and solution of existing problems.
With regard to the types of educational planning these can be divided into
two large groups, those that respond for a specific time, such as annual
planning, by lapse and weekly or daily that is developed by the classroom
manager, who It is none other than the teacher. Which should reflect in it what
is planned both in the intermediate plans (the lapse) and the annual and the
institution where you work.
Among the pedagogical models is the type T, which is none other than the
one currently handled in schools where the three dimensions are evident:
attitudinal, procedural and conceptual. Where constructivism the cognitive
model of the theories the teaching learning play an important role.
Another of the planning models is the trajectory type, as the previous one
develops constructivism and cognitivism. Its main elements or activities are,
design the expected learning, the content to be worked, the activities to be
developed and the evaluation process. It is a model that goes to the concrete
and adapts to the didactic units, it is a short plan, but no less important than
the ones mentioned above.
The classic plan called savanna is the one that has been widely used and
although it is true that changes have been made at the level of secondary
education, it is the one that has been used up to now in that level of education.
Planificación Educativa.
Se confirma lo antes dicho con una cita de Ramos (2007) que define a la
planificación como la “acción para satisfacer necesidades, situaciones a través
de estrategias con el fin de lograr objetivos, metas y/o finalidades, para el
control y tomas de decisiones en función del tiempo y los recursos
No sólo son los enfoques los que determinan el tipo de gerencia que se
debe desarrollar sino los tipos y modelos de planificación que en el ámbito
educativo se llevan acabo. Enmarcando las decisiones, actividades y actitudes
del gerente educativo, el alcance (pedagógico, así como el tiempo de
desarrollo), limitaciones, presupuesto y solución de problemas existentes.
Ellos marcarán el punto de partida, indicando las rutas a seguir por los
docentes y los estudiantes. Al mismo tiempo, que señalarán el punto de
llegada, ya que las evaluaciones tienen como finalidad constatar que los
estudiantes, evidentemente alcanzaron los objetivos propuestos.
Es decir, los objetivos trazarán las pautas para los tipos de evaluación, los
procedimientos e instrumentos, y estos se seleccionan según su adecuación
al tipo de aprendizajes que se pretenden medir.