HRZ Operation Manual Applicable Model: Series HRZ (Thermo-Chiller
HRZ Operation Manual Applicable Model: Series HRZ (Thermo-Chiller
HRZ Operation Manual Applicable Model: Series HRZ (Thermo-Chiller
When shipped
Circulating fluid RETURN Indication Set range from factory Description
DI PV - - DI level at the circulating fluid DISCHARGE, measured yb the DI sensor
Ferrule DI SP 0 to 2.0Mohm 0.0Mohm Setting for DI level
Nut DI ACC Yes/No No Accumulated ON time of the solenoid valve (accumulated fluid-running time through the DI filter)
DI SV ON/OFF - Status of the solenoid valve (ON=open, OFF=closed)
DI circuit DISCHARGE DI HYS 0 to 0.9Mohm 0.0Mohm Refer to "DI HYS" below.
(DI tube connecting port for IN) When the DI level gets lower than thesetting, an indication "DI LOW
HRZ※※※-※ 2 -Y DI circuit RETURN
(DI tube connecting port for OUT)
LOW DI 0 to 2.0Mohm 0.0Mohm LEVEL WRN" will be shown, anda buzzer will be given off.
If the setting has "0.0",no alarm will be given off.
DI control kit (optional) insulator DI HYS
Operation Manual
Applicable model: Series HRZ DI SP DI HYS
(Thermo-chiller) DI LEVEL
Introduction DI sensor/ solenoid Operation
Circulating fluid Operation
T h a n k y o u v e r y m u c h fo r p u r c h a si n g D I c o n t r o l k i t f o r o u r T h e r m o - c h i l l e r , S e r i e s valve assembly condition Stop
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ON(open)
T h i s m a n u a l i s fo r o p e r a t o r s wh o h a v e e n o u g h k n o w l e d g e f o r g e n e r a l i n d u s t r i a l Solenoid
e q u i p m e n t a n d d e v i c e s, a n d a l so t h o r o u g h l y u n d e r s t a n d a s s e m b l i n g , h a n d l i n g , a n d Introduction
valve OFF(closed)
m a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e m . B e fo r e a s s e m b l i n g , h a n d l i n g , a n d m a i n t e n a n c e , r e a d a n d Refer to the accessory list on the back, and confirm the number of the accessory. In addition, confirm
u n d e r st a n d t h i s m a n u a l a n d t h e o n e fo r T h e r m o - c h i l l e r , S e r i e s H R Z c a r e f u l l y . the model no. plate on the body has "-Y" indication, which is symbol for this option.
Operation with operation display panel
I n st a l l i n g o f a c c e sso r i e s h a s t o b e p e r f o r m e d b y a c u s t o m e r a c c o r d i n g t o t h i s m a n u a l .
Procedure 1
R e fe r t o t h e o p e r a t i o n m a n u a l fo r T h e r m o - c h i l l e r f o r w a r r a n t y . (1) Setting of DI SP
Apply the sealing material to the both sides of a barr
el nipple. Screw DI sensor/ solenoid valve assembly into
T h i s m a n u a l i s su b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e . Plate a cursor on "DI SP" on the screen "Setting", and pr
ess [ENT] key. Set the value to the one you desire
the circulating fluid DISCHARGE so that DI sensor can face downward (spanner width across flat: 36mm,
Summary of option recommended torque: 28 to 30Nm). It will take about 8 hours for the sealing material to dry up in ambient with [ ], [ ], and [ ] keys. After setting thevalue, press [ENT] key.
temperature. Do not operate Thermo-chiller while drying is in progress. (2) Setting of DI HYS
- I t i s p o ssi b l e t o c o n t r o l t h e e l e c t r i c r e si s t a n c e o f c i r c u l a t i n g f l u i d a s y o u l i k e b y u s i n g
a n i o n e x c h a n g e r e si n fi l t e r ( h e r e a ft e r D I fi l t e r ) a n d e l e c t r i c r e s i s t a n c e m e t e r ( h e r e a f t e r Set a cursor on "DI HYS" on the screen "Initial setting 3",and press [ENT] key. Set the value to the one you
Apply the sealing material around a ridge of the screw, which is apart from the end
D I se n so r ) . desire with [ ], [ ], and [ ] keys. Aftersetting the value, press [ENT] key.
of the screw by 1 ridge (the bold part).
- D I fi l t e r i s n o t a t t a c h e d . P u r c h a se o u r H R Z -D F 0 0 1 s e p a r a t e l y i f y o u n e e d . I f t h e D I * If the sealing material is applied toomuch, it may also cause fluid leakage. (3) Setting of DI level lowering alarm (LOW DI)
fi l t e r i s u se d a t t e m p e r a t u r e o u t o f t h e r a n g e , 2 0 t o 4 0 d e g C , a l s o p u r c h a s e a t h e r m a l Set a cursor on "LOW DI" on the screen "Initial setting 4", nad press [ENT] key. Set the value to the one you
i n su l a t o r , H R Z -D F 0 0 2 , t o p r e v e n t f r o s t b i t e a n d a b u r n . desire with [ ], [ ], and [ ] keys. After setting the value, press [ENT] key.
Procedure 2
Safety instruction Confirm that a nut, a ferrule, and an insert are installed at theend of the DI tube for IN (Fig. 2). Insert the DI (4) Reset of DI ACC
- Understand the meaning of the following sign
s before reading the body of this manual, and keep the instruction. tube for IN to the end of the DI circuit DISCHARGE, and tighten the nut by hand. At that time, use two Press [ ] and [ ] keys while the screen "DI ACC reset" is show
n, and select [YES]. Then, press [ENT] key.
spanners, (2) and (3), not to rotate the self-alignfitting. Turn the hand-tightened nut by 1 rotation.
Indication Meaning (5) Status of DI circuit
You can confirm it on the picture "Status 3".
Procedure 3
! Warning Operator error could result in serious injury or loss of life.
Confirm that a nut, a ferrule, and a insert are installed atthe end of the DI tube (with a check valve) for OUT External communincation
(Fig. 2). Insert the DI tube for OUT to the end of the DI icrcuit RETURN, and tighten the nut by hand. At that
Operator error could result in injury or equipment damage.
! Caution time, use two spanners, (4) and (5), not to rotate the self-align fitting. Turn the hand-tightened nut by 1 rotation. Only DI PV can be output by external communication (serial RS-485). Refer to the separate manual,
DI sensor harness "Communication Specification/ HRX-PS-I039", for detail. If analogue communication (option) is used, refer to
! DI tube for OUT DI tube for IN "HRX-PS-I079".
Connector for DI sensor
Check valve Operation panel sequence
- Before using, understand the specification range thoroughly.
This product is designed as an option for Thermo-chiller, Series HRZ. Do not use this product for the SEL SEL
other purpose, or outside of the specification range.
Thermo Chiller <MENU> <SETTING>
- Understand the contents of this manual and the working procedure thoroughly. HRZ□□□-□□-Y 1.SETTING TEMP SP 23.0℃
Understand this manual and the one for Thermo-chiller (Document no: HRX-OM-1028) thoroughly. 3.INITIAL SET
Keep this operation manual so that you can refer whenever necessary.
▲ Model indication ▲ Menu 1 Setting
- Do not perform installation work while power is on. ▼ ▼
Perform lock-out and tug-out of the power securely. Otherwise, Thermo-chiller may operate TEMP PV 23.6℃ <MENU> <INTIAL SET>
unexpectedly. FLOW PV 20.1LPM 4.MAINTENANCE OFFSET 0.5℃
Fig. 5 Connector for solenoid valve PRESS 0.95MPa 5.OPTION OFFSET : MODE1
- Perform installation work without any circulatingfluid in Thermo-chiller. DI SV 1.2MΩ HIGH TEMP 60℃
Extended harness Status 1
Perform the work before supplying circulating fluidni or after exhausting all the circulating fluid from ▲ Menu 2 ▲ Initial setting 1
Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 6
Thermo-chiller. When the circulating fluid isexhausted, be sure that the fluid gets to be ambient Solenoid valve harness ▼ SEL ENT ▼
temperature. Otherwise, an operator may get a burn or frostbite.
Procedure 4 TEMP PV 23.6℃ <INTIAL SET>
Mount a therml insulator for DI filter as shown at Fig. 3, and set it in the drain pan (only for the customers who
- Do not disassemble or modify. Procedure 5 ▲ Status 2 ▲ Initial setting 2
Otherwise it may cause leakage and operation failure. Supply circulating fluid from IN side of the DI filter to exh
a ust air. Continue to supply until OUT side is filled ▼ Maintenance ▼
with circulating fluid.
- Confirm there is no leakage or condensation after installation.
Procedure 6 DI SP 1.2MΩ SLAVE ADRS. 12CH
Confirm there is no leakage or condensation with Ther
mo-chiller operated. If leakage is found, stop Thermo- DI ACC 28h <DI ACC RESET> OUT: ALARM1
Connect the DI tube for OUT and DI tube for IN to OUT side and N I side of the DI filter respectively. As the DI DI OFF OFF DI HYS 0.2MΩ
chiller immediately. DI ACC 28h
tube has a strainer and a packing at the DI filter connection part, be careful not to drop them. Refer to Fig. 4.
- Use silicone sealant (our part no: HRZ-S0003) for the sealing material. The sealing material Status 3 ▲ Initial setting 3
Procedure 7 DATA RESET No
is not attached, so purchase it separately. ▼
Perform trial operation in accordance with Thermo-chiller ope ration manual, HRX-OM-I028. Initially, the DI DI ACC reset
It will take about 8 hours for HRZ-0003 to dry up completely. If the other sealing material is used, it may filter has water. If ethylene glycol solvent isused, the concentration may be decreased. Confirm the <INTIAL SET>
cause leakage. concentration after the trial operation. The proper conc entration of ethylene glycol is 60%. If no leakage is
found, install a insulator to a ball valve connected tothe DI tube, and fix it with a band.Refer to Fig. 5.
Things to prepare Procedure 8 Initial setting 4
Connect the solenoid valve harness to the xetended harness, and connect the extended harness and the DI sensor
Spanner (width across flats: (1) 36mm, (2) 9/16 inch,(3) 1/2 inch, (4) 5/8 inch, (5) 11/16 inch harness to the connectors at the Thermo-chiller respectively as shown at Fig. 6.
© 2006 SMC CORPORATION All Rights Reserved
1 2 3
HRZ***-* 12 -Y
Material for DI control kit (optional)
Applicable model
Applicable model HRZ001-H1-Y HRZ002-H1-Y
HRZ001-L1-Y HRZ002-W1-Y HRZ001-L2-Y
HRZ002-L1-Y HRZ008-W1-Y HRZ002-L2-Y SM C
HRZ004-L1-Y HRZ010-W1S-Y HRZ004-L2-Y
HRZ004-H1-Y HRZ010-W2S-Y HRZ008-L2-Y
(870) 156 270 (870) 156 270
Circulating fluid RETURN
(3/8 self-align fitting/with plug) (3/8 self-align fitting/with plug)
(Rc3/4) (Rc3/4)
Dimensional tolerance for each: 10mm Dimensional tolerance for each: 10mm
Available circulating fluid for DI circuit - 60% Ethylene glycol solvent DI water
DI level indication range Mohm*cm 0 to 2.0 *2
DI level setting range Mohm*cm 0 to 2.0 *1
DI level lowering alarm setting range Mohm*cm 0 to 2.0 (1080) 156 332
DI circuit rated flow rate L/min Approx. 1.5 (when circulating fluid's flow rate to the system of customer side is 20L/min)
*1: DI filter (our part no.: HRZ-DF001) is necessary to control DI level. This product does not have it, so purchase it separately.
If this product is used out of the range of 20 to 40degC, also purchase a thermal insulator for DI filter (our part no.: HRX-F002) LOS
Circulating fluid RETURN
(3/8 self-align fitting/with plug)
replaced DI filter and operating conditions.
Thermo-chiller DI circuit Return (Rc3/4)
: Option
Ball valve
Strainer Barrel nipple x 1pc Thermal insulator for DI filter
Our part No.:HRZ-DF002