Ebook The Lilas or Divine Sports of Kalki Avatar
Ebook The Lilas or Divine Sports of Kalki Avatar
Ebook The Lilas or Divine Sports of Kalki Avatar
In Naimisharanya (UP, INDIA) a dialogue was going on between Suta and Shaunak Rishi. After hearing
the stories of divine sports of all Avatars Shaunak Muni yearning to know more about Jnana or Divine
Wisdom asked a question to Maharshi Lomharshak’s son Shri Sutaji: O Lord! You have so far discourse
on Dwaparyuga and Buddha’s Avatar. Now please do tell me that when Kaliyuga or the Dark Age shall
reach its peak in what form will Almighty God manifest in this world. At that time which demonic souls
shall exist that will later be killed by God in his Avatar form? Please tell us this episode in detail.
Shri Sutaji answered: O great Munis! Brahmaji created dire sin from his back whose name was
unrighteousness. When unrighteousness grew it was married to Mithya or illusion. As a result of their
union a wrathful son called hypocrisy and a daughter called Maya were born. Due to the union of
hypocrisy and Maya a son called greed and a daughter called distortion were born. Both gave birth to
anger. Anger resulted in violence and the union of both gave birth to the terrible Kali possessing a dark
body. The sister of Kali residing in this fickle, fearful and smelly body and also dwelling in gambling, flesh
eating, gold and prostitutes and children in the form of foul speech, fear, death, defeat and hardships
were born whose thousands of sons and daughters by dwelling in disease, mental strife, old age, grief,
downfall and sense titillation destroyed Yajnas, penance, donation, self study, meditation etc. (Kalki
Purana verses 1-22).
The above discrimination is not given for entertaining respected readers. Shrutis go beyond time and
space hence it describes all that which could take place in future times. Kaliyuga or Dark Age which we
are all living in at the time of ripening is waiting for such an Avatar that shall destroy irrationality, vile
intellect, hard heartedness and unrighteousness and reinstate righteousness and great activities the
world over.
While throwing light on the sensitive emotions of Lord Kalki, Sutaji writes: Demigods with earth as its
leader approached Brahmaji and earth described the atrocities and hardships of this world. Brahmaji
took all of them to the world of Lord Vishnu. After hearing what they said Vishnuji promised them that
in order to uproot all hardships he will incarnate as an Avatar in this world. Then he told the demigods:
In order to help me you all must incarnate as awakened souls and Prajna members.
The gist of the above description is that when ignorance, lack of ethics and unrighteousness
encompassed earth Brahmaji manifested an authority that oozed with all round human prowess that by
taking help of organization power challenged tainted intellects the world over and re established
Satyuga or Golden Era in the world.
In the Kalki Purana it is written: Lord Kalki shall take birth in the house of Vishnuyash Sharma residing in
Sambhal Gram or village. He will be a Savitri worshiper. Lord Parshuram of Mountain Mahendra shall be
his Guru and after giving the kingdom of Mathura to Suryaketu will dwell in Haridwar (Uttarakhand,
India) with his wife. By challenging intellectuals, he shall overpower them and will fulfill the mission of
establishing righteousness in this world. He will establish true Brahmin hood and will be called
Nishkalank or Taintless Avatar.
This energy that uproots all vile thoughts shall first take birth as an institution predominating in faith
based thinking and it shall usher in a thought revolution the world over.
From the above symbolic analysis and proclamations it is clear that in order to fulfill the promise of
‘Yada yada hi dharmasya…..’ this is the hour (present times) of God full of a powerful resolve (Sankalpa)
to manifest as an Avatar. In reality by manifesting as an avatar he has fulfilled all those tasks via his gross
body which an Avatar must execute. Now by making himself widespread in his subtle form post death
he is inspiring divine men to head towards the desired goal.
In the epic Mahabharat Bhishmapitamaha says: I have already told you the nature and goal of Krishna’s
Avatar and now I shall give details about Kaliyuga. When righteousness shall falter at the end of
Kaliyuga, vanity and hypocrisy shall raise its hoods at that time for augmenting righteousness and
establishment of true Brahmin qualities God will re incarnate. He will be ‘Vishnuyasha’ or one having
glory akin to Almighty God. Indian mythology or Puranas proclaim that along with an Avatar many
demigods along with their divine energies manifest on earth as his aides.
Today’s world situations are very much similar to the time when an Avatar manifests in this world.
When wholesome behavior is totally ignored, all religious arrangements of the world are in disarray
know that Kaliyuga has reached its nadir and at such times like a lotus blooming in muck there is a high
possibility of an Avatar’s manifestation. Avatars have manifested previously, they shall appear now and
will do so in future too. Even if the world does not recognize him the Avatar via his terrific activities and
responsibilities exhibits his Avatar identity. Leaving behind many directions and world management
methods he leaves it to various awakened souls to fulfill his mission. Majority of the time it is only after
an Avatar departs from the world that his true divine identity is recognized.
Although the style of scriptural scholars and those authoring the Shrutis is symbolic yet if we make that
extra bit intellectual effort, we can understand its deep import. The Kalki Purana says that the divine
existence despite entering the human body is totally beyond lineage, clan, Gotra, action, thought based
sentiments, profession, character etc. Sins, greed and deluded attachment can never even touch their
psyche. Falsehood and unrighteousness can never dare approach them. An Avatar is always a man of
total divine wisdom, a total true saint and as pure and innocent as a child. All these qualities can be
found in the life of our revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya despite the fact that he always
disagreed when he was called an Avatar by his followers the world over.
In the holy text it is written that his father will be famous (Vishnuyasha) and his mother will possess a
lovely intellect (Sumati). By purifying his psyche via the Ganges of divine wisdom he will master Savitri
based spiritual practices and this too has been mentioned. After donning the Yajnopaveet or sacred
thread there are incidences of initiation into divinity, Gayatri Meditation/Worship and studies of Vedas.
From verses 35 to 40 in the Kalki Purana a description has been given regarding of studying Vedas from
his father, Savitri, Brahmin hood, Yajnopaveet, Gayatri Science of Divinity etc. What is true Brahmin
hood and how can it be worshiped? All this has been elucidated. At the time when the Brahmin boy is
ready to go to Gurukul for studies he gets Darshan of Lord Parshuram (meaning a subtly embodied
preceptor). Not only does this preceptor give Darshan but that he takes the boy with him to the
Himalayas for performing austerities so as to attain Self Realization. After imbibing full wisdom of the
Vedas he sets off to uplift the world by taking with him Lord Shiva’s ashes representing Divine Wisdom
and the Parshu weapon or axe symbolizing sharpness full of true thinking.
Kalki on his return exhibits his divine grandeur and thus all Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras
executing Yajnas, charity, penance and religious vows become his instruments of grace. All these aides
come from every region of India, from every religion and community and from every nook and corner of
the globe. Due to the influence of the process of Era Neo Creation everyone’s intellect is rendered
sacred and divine. Lord Kalki after performing the Rajsuya and ashwamedha Yajnas renders widespread
a positive mental attitude and saying that pure hearted people are a part of his very own soul after
death Lord Kalki promises his aides that they will become one with his cosmic divine soul. Not mundane
but a society that desires only spiritual matters is set up via his subtle thinking. He gives inspiration of a
neo awakening to world women and renders them world leaders. Intellectuals full of
argumentativeness, arrogance, literate but selfish dwelling in Kikatpur or narrow minded thinking are
fought against by Lord Kalki. While opposing lack of theism cuts off their heads via the Parshu weapon or
pick axe representing Divine Wisdom. It means via a thought revolution Lord Kalki positively transforms
their very seedy thinking so as to perforce make them undergo self surrender and by renouncing a lowly
intellect work for world being tasks.
Regarding Spiritual philosophy he puts forth such a scientific description that every atheist intellectual
who reads it gets transformed for the better. By cutting thoughts with thoughts he is devising a sort of
Jnana or Divine Wisdom Yajna. By opposing rank materialism reeking in every household the religious
institute gets sanctified via his divine existence. Respect readers must please note that our revered
Gurudeva all his lifetime set rolling all that is mentioned above. He lived a revolutionary life attacked
blind undesirable traditions and in order to reinstate spiritual philosophy successfully correlated
spirituality to modern science. By writing loads of literature via the medium of Jnana or Divine Wisdom
Yajna he positively changed the thinking of thousands of people. By helping people veer away from a
narrow minded selfish lifestyle encouraged them to life oozing with generosity, joy and laughter.
Gurudeva’s stream of Jnana and Vajpeya Yajna lasted for a fairly long time span. Via the 1000 Kundi or
pyre Yajna first he executed Ashwamedha Yajna in Mathura (UP, India) and later he did the same in 5
places stretching across India in the year 1971. By handing over Mathura’s management to Suryaketu
(members of Gayatri Family of hidh stature character) he along with his wife landed in Haridwar’s (India)
Ganges shores called Saptasarovar region so as to perform intense penance (Ganga teeray haridwarey
nivasam samakalpayat).
In Himalayas after having the sacred Darshan of his Guru and performing penance met those souls in
Haridwar that were created from portions of great Rishis and by encouraging them to perform spiritual
practice for sanctifying their inner personalities took the vow of furthering his mission via the medium of
his aides. He after building a gigantic family like organization which had made the powerful resolve of
only rendering widespread great activities handed over its management to his respected wife. Later he
himself by rendering his psyche potent and very divinely subtle accepts the call of death of his mortal
The nature of Avatars is akin to a thought flow. Those having Darshan of Avatars in their human form
must see that after being imbued with thought based consciousness of a great saint have they in
actuality seen large groups of great people work for rendering others character great and helping render
widespread great tasks the world over? If something of this is witnessed it must be said to be the
inspiration of an Avatar. Revered Gurudeva used to say that if we start looking out for an Avatar,
innumerable people will come forward labeling themselves as Avatars. He used to say that whenever
saints, reformers and patriots augmented in society know for sure that invisibly and subtly they are
being directed by an Avatar’s divine existence. Saints are those who ooze with gentlemanly sentiments
and by living like true Brahmins live like beacon lights in society. They imbue life force in those who live
in despair. A saint smilingly opposing all obstacles in life establishes great ideals the world over.
Reformers are higher in stature than saints. A reformer not only has to render brilliant his own soul but
that but has to generate potent Prana or vital force in order to reform others. Their character is great,
possess a lot of valor, personality is powerful and hard work is intense. They carry scriptures in one hand
and weapons in the other to fulfill their mission. They light the torch of worldwide thought revolution.
After saints and reformers is the class of patriots. Patriots are those who give up their very self for
welfare of others. This indeed is self or soul surrender. Instead of listening to their kith and kin they
carry out tasks inspired in their souls by an Avatar’s divine consciousness. True patriotism emerges from
the psyche and soul wherein predominates, sentiments of world welfare and that selfishness is
renounced from its very roots.
As per the terminology of revered Gurudeva’s Avatar consciousness we can experience all round us in a
widespread manner these days the flow of formless Prajna Avatar. That Yugapurusha who executed
such gigantic tasks is no more in our midst and instead is active in the subtle world through the medium
of his subtle psyche (Sookshmikaran). We embodied beings as his followers can measure his true
stature. “This era’s Kalki Avatar shall be a lord of a powerful organization, one who will author code of
conduct, a man of ethics, scientist, thinker and a great saint who by warding off atheism will awaken
sacred sentiments in world human psyche”. This conclusion was made in 1939 in a meeting held by
Uttarakhand’s saints and was published in a book called ‘Kalganana va Kalki Avatar’. In it is written: At
the point between his eyebrows shall be a moon. He will wear clothing of Indian style he will be child
like he will be valiant like daring soldiers and a great scholar of Vedas. 24 alphabets will play a
predominant role in his life. By chanting a Mantra of 24 alphabets he will perform austerities for 24
years and shall be the 24th Avatar. He will positively influence the entire world.
Generally an avatar is never recognized as one during his lifetime. Ram was censured and Krishna too
had to face allegations. We must all be proud that a divine messenger appeared in our midst and left
after enacting his divine sports or Lilas. Everyone will now walk the path of ethics laid down by him. Let
us not be labeled listless and we must not give people the chance to say that we who lived under the
guidance of this great divine personage did not recognize his true divine identity. His great mission and
glorious fame is in front of us all. What only remains to be done is that we who are his disciples and
those who shall join his mission in future must spread his deep profound thoughts in every nook and
corner of the world.
AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and
incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world
welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit http://www.shriramsharma.com/books.htm
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